View Full Version : Jury duty - how do you try to get out of it?

08-17-2015, 04:26 AM
So I have Jury Duty this coming Thursday.... I have my own way of getting out of it and was just wondering if anyone else had a way to get out...

So basically, I go and chill out until I get called... When I get called, I listen to the case and form an opinion that will make the defense completely reject me as a juror...... Say it is a traffic problem where the defendant says the light was still yellow and she/he hit someone... I will immediately say "yellow doesn't mean speed up, it means slow down and prepare to stop".... This will automatically make the defendants lawyer exclude me from the jury... Then I have the rest of the day off... luckily for me, I get paid full for jury duty from my employer so it is basically a free day off....

Any of you got some jury duty tricks like that?

this or that?
08-17-2015, 04:30 AM
I just go and get a paid day off from work. No big deal.

08-17-2015, 04:41 AM
I just go and get a paid day off from work. No big deal.

True, most of the time that is all it is.... but when you get called into a panel, do you do anything specific to get out of it so you are not stuck there for days on end until the trial is done?

I mean, One day I might be interested in a case enough that I might actually want to be a juror on but for the most part I think it is bullshit and not worth my time. I DGAF if some dude was caught with a dime bag of weed and dont want to waste my precious time as a "juror" on that bullshit.

this or that?
08-17-2015, 04:52 AM
True, most of the time that is all it is.... but when you get called into a panel, do you do anything specific to get out of it so you are not stuck there for days on end until the trial is done?

I mean, One day I might be interested in a case enough that I might actually want to be a juror on but for the most part I think it is bullshit and not worth my time. I DGAF if some dude was caught with a dime bag of weed and dont want to waste my precious time as a "juror" on that bullshit.

I actually try to get selected but never have. Yeah I'd rather be selected for a serious case rather than some BS case.

Wild Cobra
08-17-2015, 04:58 AM

Unless you cannot for obligations or finical reasons...

You are a loser!

You can write them as to why you can't.

Pranks like yours are what losers do.

This is a civic duty.

08-17-2015, 08:10 AM

Unless you cannot for obligations or finical reasons...

You are a loser!

It's your finical duty

08-17-2015, 08:40 AM
So I have Jury Duty this coming Thursday.... I have my own way of getting out of it and was just wondering if anyone else had a way to get out...

So basically, I go and chill out until I get called... When I get called, I listen to the case and form an opinion that will make the defense completely reject me as a juror...... Say it is a traffic problem where the defendant says the light was still yellow and she/he hit someone... I will immediately say "yellow doesn't mean speed up, it means slow down and prepare to stop".... This will automatically make the defendants lawyer exclude me from the jury... Then I have the rest of the day off... luckily for me, I get paid full for jury duty from my employer so it is basically a free day off....

Any of you got some jury duty tricks like that?

It's an interesting idea, but it's harder to pull off in a more complex case; at least, it's harder to pull of convincingly. I watched jury selection in a civil case in Harris County a few years ago and a guy in the jury pool tried to take a hard line stance on an issue as you suggest. But his position irked the judge because it was extremely obvious that the potential juror thought he could game the system. The judge responded by threatening him with contempt for being less than honest (I have my doubts about whether the judge could actually hold him in contempt) and encouraged the lawyers to bang away on him after admonishing him that honestly was his only salvation from a night in the clink. They tore the guy apart and instead of being excused as a biased juror, he ended up being selected.

Karmically, the best part of the whole thing was that he was selected, but as an alternate, which meant that he had to sit through a month-long trial but never got a chance to deliberate or vote on the verdict.

08-17-2015, 11:25 AM
Odds of even being selected are so slim. I've been a few times and never even got my name called.

Wild Cobra
08-17-2015, 03:49 PM
So I have Jury Duty this coming Thursday.... I have my own way of getting out of it and was just wondering if anyone else had a way to get out...

Just be honest. That should keep you out!

08-17-2015, 04:50 PM
Been using this forever.

As you know the judge (cops) will talk to behind the podium.

Living in central Cali it's always some Mexican who did something stupid, always!

Avante...I have seen that guy before, I'm pretty sure it was at the home of gang member named (whatever) it was a yardsale. I can't be impartial here knowing what I do about that gang. My son in law is a member.

Judge....you can go.

Yep, if ever a white guy, hmmmm?

08-17-2015, 04:58 PM
Been using this forever.

Judge : Mr...Avante...do you believe that you can render an unbiased judgment on the case at hand?
Avante: translation...how about a little blues Avante? Sure and let me tell you about my top 4 all black running back 4x100 teams.
Judge: I think that will be all...please step..
Avante: Hey, will there be any kids sequestered with us?
Judge: Away

Wild Cobra
08-17-2015, 05:19 PM
Been using this forever.

As you know the judge (cops) will talk to behind the podium.

Living in central Cali it's always some Mexican who did something stupid, always!

Avante...I have seen that guy before, I'm pretty sure it was at the home of gang member named (whatever) it was a yardsale. I can't be impartial here knowing what I do about that gang. My son in law is a member.

Judge....you can go.

Yep, if ever a white guy, hmmmm?


08-17-2015, 07:03 PM
I just keep extending my date. I'm going on well over a year now pushing my date back. I keep expecting it to not let me do it anymore on the website but I just keep kicking the jury duty can down the road.

08-17-2015, 07:47 PM
Judge : Mr...Avante...do you believe that you can render an unbiased judgment on the case at hand?
Avante: translation...how about a little blues Avante? Sure and let me tell you about my top 4 all black running back 4x100 teams.
Judge: I think that will be all...please step..
Avante: Hey, will there be any kids sequestered with us?
Judge: Away

You do know that adults laugh at how ignorant you are, right?

08-17-2015, 07:48 PM

I have more $$$$ than you do, trust me!

08-17-2015, 07:50 PM
So I have Jury Duty this coming Thursday.... I have my own way of getting out of it and was just wondering if anyone else had a way to get out...

So basically, I go and chill out until I get called... When I get called, I listen to the case and form an opinion that will make the defense completely reject me as a juror...... Say it is a traffic problem where the defendant says the light was still yellow and she/he hit someone... I will immediately say "yellow doesn't mean speed up, it means slow down and prepare to stop".... This will automatically make the defendants lawyer exclude me from the jury... Then I have the rest of the day off... luckily for me, I get paid full for jury duty from my employer so it is basically a free day off....

Any of you got some jury duty tricks like that?

:lol worrying about jury duty

Bro, just don't go. The courts are not going to waste time and money prosecuting "jury jumpers". There is also no way they can prove you received the summons.

If you want to go a more official route, tell them you are a stay at home Dad with no one to care for your children. There is nothing else you need to say, send back the sheet and it's done.

08-17-2015, 08:50 PM
:lol worrying about jury duty

Bro, just don't go. The courts are not going to waste time and money prosecuting "jury jumpers". There is also no way they can prove you received the summons.

If you want to go a more official route, tell them you are a stay at home Dad with no one to care for your children. There is nothing else you need to say, send back the sheet and it's done.

That is probably true in a big city, but it isn't true in a smal town. You will be fined if you ignore jury duty, I know more than a few who have.

08-17-2015, 08:56 PM
You do know that adults laugh at how ignorant you are, right?

You mom doesn't laugh when I get ignorant all up in her butt.

08-17-2015, 09:00 PM
That is probably true in a big city, but it isn't true in a smal town. You will be fined if you ignore jury duty, I know more than a few who have.

Then go the second route.

Saved By Zero
08-17-2015, 09:31 PM
What is the big freakin' deal about showing up for jury duty!? How American of so many of you. Pathetic.

08-17-2015, 09:43 PM
What is the big freakin' deal about showing up for jury duty!? How American of so many of you. Pathetic.

It was nice if you to stop in. Look...it's not that you're not a cool guy. But this just isn't for you Wilson.

08-17-2015, 10:00 PM
It was nice if you to stop in. Look...it's not that you're not a cool guy. But this just isn't for you Wilson.


08-17-2015, 10:05 PM
Don't fuck with me. I just saw something about the Berenstein Bears that is making my head spin.

08-18-2015, 12:17 AM
It's not that I want to shirk on my civic duty, I just find the whole process tedious.... Do I REALLY have to sit there for 6 hours doing nothing and then get called into some bullshit case for a jay walker or some guy who had the smell of weed on him 6 months ago?

It is so much bullshit. Jury duty wouldn't be so bad if they summoned you for a specific case and a specific time for jury selection.... don't waste my time and make me sit there for hours on end waiting to be called upon for some obvious loser who shows up to court wearing baggy sagging jeans and a white t-shirt to defend himself. Honestly, how can I take them (the defendant) seriously if they don't even have the common sense to show up presentable in a court of law? He/she represents themselves as some lowlife thug and expects me to favor their point of view? fuck that. Even the most retarded criminal knows to at least make himself/herself presentable in a court of law.

If you show up thuggin with your threads, expect to be treated like the fucking thug you are being accused of being.

Honestly, EVERY SINGLE panel I have been called into has some guy tatted up with MS13 or Orejon gang tats and they always dress to their collective IQ.... it's like INVITING the jury to pass a guilty verdict immediately. What pisses me off the most is I have friends and family who are registered voters who haven't been called for jury duty in YEARS and yet I seem to get called every fucking year.... bullshit.

08-18-2015, 12:33 AM
You mom doesn't laugh when I get ignorant all up in her butt.

Read that back to yourself retard, ok?

08-18-2015, 12:36 AM
What is the big freakin' deal about showing up for jury duty!? How American of so many of you. Pathetic.

The problem is this...

Why do I/you/we give a fuck about some low life? Which is all I've ever seen in my experiences. Why should my day be fucked up because of some punk breaking the law?

08-18-2015, 12:42 AM
What is the big freakin' deal about showing up for jury duty!? How American of so many of you. Pathetic.

You do realize, by not showing up, you are technically breaking the law, right? While HIGHLY unlikely, it is possible that a warrant can be placed on you for ignoring a jury summons if the judge has a stick up his ass that particular day and they didn't have a big enough juror pool to select from. More than likely, you will just be put back in the pool of jury summons again but it is NEVER a good idea to simply ignore a jury summons. You would be better off "calling in sick" to the summons and they will just put you back in the pool.... Simply ignoring it will just cause problems down the line.

Ignoring a jury summons can even affect your credit and you may be ineligible for a credit line if you are flagged as a repeat offender. Many years ago, back when Washington Mutual was still a bank, I had a customer who had millions of dollars in COD's (certificate of deposit) and wanted to finance a home in Cali based off of his equity.... He was denied because of his status as a juror absentee. It does happen.

08-18-2015, 01:14 AM
you should show up and and be a part of the selection process for a panel. If you really
don't want to serve, a almost sure bet I use is when they are interviewing for a panel, usually
the defense lawyer will ask if anyone has a problem with the defendant not taking the stand. Say
" why wouldn't the defendant not take the stand testify for himself ". The lawyers go crazy over
this and your chances of getting picked are slim. I don't want to be a juror again after I served
on a murder trial. Once is enough for me.......

08-18-2015, 01:25 AM
you should show up and and be a part of the selection process for a panel. If you really
don't want to serve, a almost sure bet I use is when they are interviewing for a panel, usually
the defense lawyer will ask if anyone has a problem with the defendant not taking the stand. Say
" why wouldn't the defendant not take the stand testify for himself ". The lawyers go crazy over
this and your chances of getting picked are slim. I don't want to be a juror again after I served
on a murder trial. Once is enough for me.......

Yeah.... usually, depending on the case, I come up with something like this. I make sure to have sound reasoning if questioned by the prosecution/defendant's lawyer in case they try to trip me up. For the most part IDGAF if the defendant is right there in front of me, I just tell it straight....

This one time I was in a jury selection panel the defendant showed up in a flannel shirt with just the top button, exposing his wife beater beneath all cholo and shit with his sagging jeans... I brought that shit up immediately and said I couldn't take someone seriously showing up in a court of law dressed like that and expect me to be impartial when they are portraying the very definition of a thug.... I was asked by the defense to leave immediately and suspect that fucking thug got screwed by what I said and did his time. :lol

Wild Cobra
08-18-2015, 04:03 PM
I have more $$$$ than you do, trust me!


This isn't a cock fight. I could care less how much money you make. To say that just reinforces the fact you are a loser.

You are a loser. No denying it, especially if you have money and can afford to be on a jury.

What about your civic duty? Do you think you're too good for it?

I'm OK with the qualified people getting out of jury duty who don't make much and can't afford losing time at work, the sole care of a dependent, or some other reasonable reason. That's about the extent of it.

If you don't wish to participate in jury duty, then please move to a different county.

Avante: "I have more money than you, so I'm too good to have a duty."

08-18-2015, 11:44 PM

This isn't a cock fight. I could care less how much money you make. To say that just reinforces the fact you are a loser.

You are a loser. No denying it, especially if you have money and can afford to be on a jury.

What about your civic duty? Do you think you're too good for it?

I'm OK with the qualified people getting out of jury duty who don't make much and can't afford losing time at work, the sole care of a dependent, or some other reasonable reason. That's about the extent of it.

If you don't wish to participate in jury duty, then please move to a different county.

Avante: "I have more money than you, so I'm too good to have a duty."

A little prick like you calling me a loser because I 'm not wasting my time on some drunk/theive/idiot....ha~~~~~

Who came up with...your civic duty....well? I disagree, I don't think it is.

I'll get out of every single time if it's simply..."I don't like Mexicans". And I;mnot moving anywhere, got it asshole?

08-18-2015, 11:47 PM

This isn't a cock fight. I could care less how much money you make. To say that just reinforces the fact you are a loser.

You are a loser. No denying it, especially if you have money and can afford to be on a jury.

What about your civic duty? Do you think you're too good for it?

I'm OK with the qualified people getting out of jury duty who don't make much and can't afford losing time at work, the sole care of a dependent, or some other reasonable reason. That's about the extent of it.

If you don't wish to participate in jury duty, then please move to a different county.

Avante: "I have more money than you, so I'm too good to have a duty."

What do drunks/theives/crooks, have to do with me? Why should I waste my time on them? Fuck civic service, there's the one in jail, not me.

Watch who you call a loser ya little prick ok? And I'd love to see you try that in persoin ya fucking coward.