View Full Version : Blazers: MARG BAR ISRAEL- symphatizers explain your alliance with ISIS

09-08-2015, 12:31 PM
Zionist symphatizers on this site, please come and explain your shameless alliance with the recruited terrorists of DAESH. Please spin this one. Please say "Israel has a right to defend its security". Please talk about the nuclear threat from Iran that doesnt exist. Please try to spin that into aiding a group that takes pride in destruction and beheading people on Youtube. So Israel supports terrorism, this is not an opinion but a fact

09-08-2015, 12:51 PM
Yeah isnt it funny that Isis hasn't attacked nor even threatened Israel isn't it? Good ol Benny boy said they wouldn't even take any refugees because Israel "lacks geographical and ethnic depth." Multiculturalism is for the goyim I guess. Wonder when they'll attack another one of our ships and blame it on Iran? Tired of them thinking we are cattle.

09-08-2015, 12:53 PM
IsIs is causing all kinds of chaos, but Iran is the existential threat to humanity.Iran and Hezbollah are fighting against IsIs

09-08-2015, 02:56 PM
NBA forum tho

09-08-2015, 03:57 PM
I don't Israel is allied with ISIS..

They're just playing smart.

ISIS is a growing group and they look formidable..They've completely beaten two organized armies.

The last thing israel would want is war with ISIS...if ISIS reaches Jordan and lebanon, they're going to be a impossible to stop since insurgency is the toughest form of war..

In other words, they're thinking of getting on ISIS good side.

but they don't work together..

ISRael is just being smart.

Stop hating.

09-08-2015, 07:18 PM
lol at ISIS beating anyone other than academics, womens, and gays. If you meant the Iraq army that instantly laid down their weapons lol. ISIS stopped at Baghdad due to the superior IRanian militia. The kurds held them back. Assad loves isis for getting sunni land off his back. Al qaeda lost it's mojo. Turkey is too occupied by their internal issues.

ISIS exists bc no wants that part of the middle east and no army is going to do the hard lifting of shitty desert warfare.

09-08-2015, 07:30 PM
And just like that ISIS will now dominate the whole middle east...The go against K theory always works.

09-08-2015, 07:52 PM
ISIs has made strides because it has extremey powerful backers financially, equipment, training etc. USA Saudi Arabia and Israel.

DeRozan m8
09-08-2015, 08:02 PM
Lets hope Russia have a crack at Obamas (The Globalists) ISIS troops in Syria.

09-08-2015, 08:08 PM
It's funny how Isreal is using racial dilution as a defense against taking in migrants. Very nazi like. Hitler would definitely laugh at this.

09-08-2015, 08:10 PM
Lets hope Russia have a crack at Obamas (The Globalists) ISIS troops in Syria.

when has the russian army ever performed well outside of their home defense? Dirt poor russia. Russia will do just enough to back assad, no more. Russia will fight a war against Jihad every 20-50 years. They are in no hurry to commence the next round.

09-08-2015, 08:56 PM
Israel doesn't support ISIS :lol..It's just wary of a possible ISIS dominant levant..Israel should befriend Iran now before it goes bad to worse for them...and once this shit hits lebanon, it's going to be Hezzbollah or ISIS for Israel..They're trying their best to be on the good side while they still can..if they can ever fix all the murders and propaganda they've spread.

ISIS won't back down against ISRAEL and they know this. ISIS might be the best thing that could have happened to Palestine..

If you haven't noticed it yet, Israel is taking responsibility now in Palestine after murdering innocent lives..They know if they go on a full war either in gaza or west bank, ISIS isn't going to take any shit from them and would likely attack them once they capture lebanon or Jordan or both...ISIS just took over the biggest oilfield in syria and they're fighting an organized army and rebels.:lol

Saudi Arabia won't do anything because they benefit the most of all this...ISIS is a group with a few private donors but they largely make their money by selling oil..Saudi Arabia is probably part of ISIS target..Likely their last enemy..Saudi Arabia is no pushover...they have military power and it would only be smart to fight them once they've captured everything else..They have a legitimate flow of income and if they capture Syria they're going to have an airbase...

It's entirely possible for Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel to work together once ISIS captures Iraq, syria and the whole levant..Power is at stake here and the ayatollahs, the Kings and Israel are going to be the biggest losers if ISIS ends up winning..This isn't a traditional war. This is a war that ISIS has planned and know that would take years..possibly decades.

09-08-2015, 09:34 PM
haha, saudi military is so dominant in yemen lol

Israel fought a draw against hezobollah. ISIS is not hezbollah. ISis is Iraqi military generals, they don't know shit about palestine.

Saudi arabia street is probably an isis supporter but Saudi Gov hates ISIS for stealing their mojo.

Someone here has a real hard on for ISIS.

MArk my words, even as dysfunctional as it is, ISIS can't grow past syria. Their best hope is assad falling. That puts them against IRAN in a full war which they will lose. Right now ISIS and assad are competing for military power. Even the worse Syria outcome frees up substantial resources to kill isis. ISIS will either settle into it's current boarders in a stalemate or will be routed in a series of bloody battles.

LOL at ISIS getting an airport. Such an easy bombing target for one, and two, who is going to fly a plane into ISIS land? That makes you an terro supporter and you can't then leave isis land.

09-08-2015, 09:38 PM
K trying to talk middle eastern politics :lmao

No country can beat an insurgency..Just ask the US, Russia and now Saudi Arabia..

09-08-2015, 09:40 PM
ISIS is going to use all the confusion to their advantage..unrest favours them.

Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel might end up working together in the future to get rid of ISIS..it's the only way.

But Israel, Saudi and Iran still fighting like girls with hair pulling with all these proxy wars..

09-08-2015, 09:43 PM
no one is supporting ISIS here..

Those are just likely outcome..

If you think the middle east will be peacefull anytime soon, you are so wrong...

War benefits ISIS..It feeds them. So long as there is unrest, they have the opportunity to build groups.

Insurgencies are impossible to stop..ISIS is really tricky because they are both organized at the same time have insurgents all across the middle east..

09-08-2015, 09:45 PM
wtf would isis fight iran? iran has a neutral relationship no beef with them

Iran has every reason to fight ISIS..They're already fighting them with Proxy wars in Iraq by financing shias.

UNT Eagles 2016
09-08-2015, 10:02 PM
wtf would isis fight iran? iran has a neutral relationship no beef with them
Muhammad's blood (pbuh) vs. his wicked father-in-law's. One is the true Islam and the other is a fake cult which turned to jihadic terrorism in a radical attempt to pretend to be real. Unfortunately, 80% or so "Muslims" today follow the cult rather than the truth.

09-08-2015, 10:07 PM
Muhammad's blood (pbuh) vs. his wicked father-in-law's. One is the true Islam and the other is a fake cult which turned to jihadic terrorism in a radical attempt to pretend to be real. Unfortunately, 80% or so "Muslims" today follow the cult rather than the truth.

Are you shia? :lol

It would be interesting to see the middle east 30 years from now..ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel will all have to ally with one another..

Saudi Arabia and Israel are already allies...And they are both mouth shut with ISIS.

It wouldn't be good for Iran if ISIS, Israel and Saudi Arabia become closet allies.

09-08-2015, 10:24 PM
Muhammad's blood (pbuh) vs. his wicked father-in-law's. One is the true Islam and the other is a fake cult which turned to jihadic terrorism in a radical attempt to pretend to be real. Unfortunately, 80% or so "Muslims" today follow the cult rather than the truth.

How do you explain Shias inventing suicide bombing by using the martyr term? Martyrs play a bigger role in Shiaism than Sunnism due to what happened to Hussain. That's how they invented suicide bombing with Hezbollah in the 1980s by claiming martyrs.

09-08-2015, 11:07 PM
I'm curious about my friends apos sources here. Where is your news coming from?

Where does the insurgent strategy apply to isis? An insurgent strategy implies popular support. Isis is a fringe group. They are an army. They take over cities with conventional attacks. They aren't sending sleeper cells into Baghdad. The pkk are assasinating Turkish cops, not isis.

People in the ME hate isis. If they wanted to join they'd already have done so. There is no insurgency element to the battle. Guerrilla warfare? Sure, but not insurgent activity. Maybe that'll change in the future, but it's silly to say isis is an insurgency. It's just as silly to day they are guerrilla warfare experts.

So to sum up, apo is living his jihadist fantasy game planning an isis takeover when isis has been effectively stalemated even with the best possible circumstance. Basically isis is the baath party. There is no natural expansion outsid Iraq and Syria. If I had to guess though, is say Jordan falls next. That would be a new ballgame for sure, but I don't see it happening.

09-08-2015, 11:10 PM
How do you explain Shias inventing suicide bombing by using the martyr term? Martyrs play a bigger role in Shiaism than Sunnism due to what happened to Hussain. That's how they invented suicide bombing with Hezbollah in the 1980s by claiming martyrs.

I don't understand your point. Suicide bombing was not invented by shia Iran. Nor do you need to invoke religion to explain it's effectiveness. Iran fought for its survival against superior forces. Suicide bombings are effective asymmetrical warfare. It was just a useful weapon available

09-08-2015, 11:11 PM
a few notes:; someone said daesh and iran have no beef. are you fucking kidding me? Iran and Hezbollah are actively fighting against Daesh. apalisoc: sorry but theres evidence of IsrAel supporting Daesh in Syria and even treating injured Jihadis in Israel hospitAls. The evidence is numerous. IsIs does not care at all about the well being of palestinians. ImO IsIs has no idealogy and is just hired terrorists for Britain UsA Israel and the Arabs to sow discord and destroy two states in the Middle East and try and challenge Irans influence in the region.

09-08-2015, 11:13 PM
in addition: the Sunni/Shiite aspect to this is heavily exaggerated. This is more or less Iran going up against Wahhabists like Saudis / DAESH / Al Quada and the damned zionists of Israel

09-08-2015, 11:21 PM
Lets not forget, Saudi Arabia is devoting its resourcez to killing civilians in Yemen to install their puppet government instead of doing something to stop the momentum of DAESH.

09-08-2015, 11:29 PM
Where is the evidence that israel and isis are allies :lol

I say Israel is just smart by not getting into any shit with ISIS..

09-08-2015, 11:31 PM
in addition: the Sunni/Shiite aspect to this is heavily exaggerated. This is more or less Iran going up against Wahhabists like Saudis / DAESH / Al Quada and the damned zionists of Israel

Sure the lay sunnis and shiities don't really hate each other...But you'd have to blind to not see the ongoing proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in IRAQ and it's all motivated by sextarian violence, mainly triggered by governments themselves..People have nothing to do with it.

Mark Celibate
09-09-2015, 06:17 AM
I agree with Apa. There ain't obvious belligerent between Israel and Isis but it doesn't suggest they're allied, by any means. Israel must be gloating that Isis and Arabs are fighting each other, but I don't think Israel would come anywhere close to a friendship with such a notorious terrorist organization that Isis is. Today's politics is complex and it goes far beyond the simple "enemy's enemy is friend" logic, imho.

Joseph Kony
09-09-2015, 06:30 AM
whole area of the world needs to be eradicated imo

09-09-2015, 09:10 AM
^ square take. been hearing it out of rednecks for 15 years. etc

09-09-2015, 09:35 AM
Theory of Darwin stands for countries as well. The weak ones will be demolished by the strong ones.

UNT Eagles 2016
09-09-2015, 09:46 AM
Are you shia? :lol

It would be interesting to see the middle east 30 years from now..ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel will all have to ally with one another..

Saudi Arabia and Israel are already allies...And they are both mouth shut with ISIS.

It wouldn't be good for Iran if ISIS, Israel and Saudi Arabia become closet allies.
This was posted on my account by my friend's investment club president's Persian wife :lol she's pretty secular but still... I agree with this, too. If anything, Iran is easily the lesser of the two evils. The Sunnis are much more likely (proportionately) to be suicide bombers, statistically. Notice which one out of Hamas (Sunni) and Hezbollah carries out suicide missions in Israel? Not the civilized Lebanese, tbh.

UNT Eagles 2016
09-09-2015, 09:51 AM
Also, Ghazi, for the record, it's DAISH (actually DAIISH, but DAISH is acceptable)... not DAESH...

... al Daulah Islamia fi Iraq wal Sham ... = "The State of Islam in Iraq and the Levant", loosely translated as "the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" ...

09-09-2015, 10:45 AM
Israel pls :cry