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View Full Version : The new Late Show with Stephen Colbert is pretty bad

09-09-2015, 09:57 AM
I don't know what I was expecting. I was hoping he would come out of character and be himself. But, it's basically just the Colbert Report in talk show format.

Oh well, fans of his shtick will be happy.

09-09-2015, 10:07 AM
Yeah, I wasn't impressed but it'll find itself soon enough.

09-09-2015, 10:12 AM
first night, he's smart guy with a smart staff. They'll figure things out. The Coal Bear Rap Whore will be hard to shake off.

09-09-2015, 10:37 AM
It always takes these shows a few months to find their footing.

baseline bum
09-09-2015, 11:13 AM
I hated the Colbert Report. SMH if he's still the same sarcastic shithead.

09-09-2015, 12:06 PM
That Donald Trump/Oreos bit was fucking great.

09-09-2015, 12:27 PM
That Donald Trump/Oreos bit was fucking great.

Was it?

09-09-2015, 12:30 PM
i didn't watch, but i'm not surprised you've come to this conclusion

09-09-2015, 01:36 PM
The first Colbert Report wasn't that great but he refined it into a monster.

Colbert's sense of humor probably isn't for older people either... Fans of Letterman may not all transform into Colbert fans.

09-09-2015, 06:39 PM
Not impressed. He bores me.

09-09-2015, 08:18 PM
Was it?
Sure. What's not to love?


09-09-2015, 09:07 PM
Sure. What's not to love?


The clips of Trump are funny. The dude trying to be funny with a bag of Oreos isn't. Just my opinion.

Clipper Nation
09-09-2015, 11:58 PM
It's really hit or miss so far, which is to be expected from a new show in its first few nights. His monologues are funny and he does good interviews, but he's also doing way too many trying-too-hard segments. For example, the "furry hat" segment was the lethal combination of an overwrought setup and cliched hack writing.

09-15-2015, 09:50 AM
Fox News blasts Stephen Colbert for wearing Black Lives Matter bracelet (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/09/14/1421184/-Fox-News-blasts-Stephen-Colbert-for-wearing-Black-Lives-Matter-bracelet)

Yeah, that really happened (http://crooksandliars.com/2015/09/fox-news-outraged-colbert-wears-black). Just days after Late Show host Stephen Colbert wore a Black Lives Matter bracelet on air, Fox News devoted an entire segment to putting him on blast about it.

TUCKER CARLSON: So it's possible [Colbert] is so rich, famous, a celebrity guy, so totally out of touch he doesn't fully understand what that represents. But here is my concern, obviously Stephen Colbert is a talented character, but there is also a strain of self-righteousness in his comedy. I don't think it—I mean, do you really want to get into this your first week on air, diving face first into the most divisive social movement in America?

This is our America: Where wearing a bracelet stating that the lives of black people matter is a controversial talking point. We're learning that 2015 is not nearly as different from 1955 as we all thought.See the hand-wringing Fox News segment below.


09-15-2015, 10:11 AM
Fox white pricks criminalizing BLM as radical, extremist, dangerous, provoking cop-killers, "divisive social movement"

09-15-2015, 11:26 AM
Fox News blasts Stephen Colbert for wearing Black Lives Matter bracelet (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/09/14/1421184/-Fox-News-blasts-Stephen-Colbert-for-wearing-Black-Lives-Matter-bracelet)

Yeah, that really happened (http://crooksandliars.com/2015/09/fox-news-outraged-colbert-wears-black). Just days after Late Show host Stephen Colbert wore a Black Lives Matter bracelet on air, Fox News devoted an entire segment to putting him on blast about it.

TUCKER CARLSON: So it's possible [Colbert] is so rich, famous, a celebrity guy, so totally out of touch he doesn't fully understand what that represents. But here is my concern, obviously Stephen Colbert is a talented character, but there is also a strain of self-righteousness in his comedy. I don't think it—I mean, do you really want to get into this your first week on air, diving face first into the most divisive social movement in America?

This is our America: Where wearing a bracelet stating that the lives of black people matter is a controversial talking point. We're learning that 2015 is not nearly as different from 1955 as we all thought.See the hand-wringing Fox News segment below.

Right, because Kimmel wearing an ISIS shirt would go smoothly. Both are violent and dim witted movements

09-15-2015, 12:54 PM
Right, because Kimmel wearing an ISIS shirt would go smoothly. Both are violent and dim witted movements

BLM = Isis. :lol

Man, they must be running BLM shit non-stop on Fox News for you guys to be this scared of it.

09-15-2015, 01:06 PM
BLM = Isis. :lol

Man, they must be running BLM shit non-stop on Fox News for you guys to be this scared of it.

Meh, they aren't anything like ISIS. More like a smaller, dumber version of OWS.

09-15-2015, 01:41 PM
BLM = Isis. :lol

Man, they must be running BLM shit non-stop on Fox News for you guys to be this scared of it.
I don't live in ghetto so don't run into black americans

09-15-2015, 02:11 PM
:lol these cuckservatives have so many beds in their house so that they can hide under a different one depending on the acronym. Bunch of fucking pussies.

Clipper Nation
09-15-2015, 02:24 PM
Last night's episode was trash. Mostly unfunny and nothing but filler.

09-15-2015, 03:25 PM
And libs think "american dream" is an offensive phrase in classrooms :lol

09-15-2015, 07:14 PM
Lol, bracelet activism. He'd get knockout game'd in Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc,

09-15-2015, 07:25 PM
Lol, bracelet activism. He'd get knockout game'd in Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc,

Damn sounds like you live a sad life.

09-15-2015, 07:26 PM
Damn sounds like you live a sad life.

Charmed life, tbh

09-22-2015, 01:56 PM
Stephen Colbert Dismantles Ted Cruz’s Anti-Gay Bigotry and Tax Cut Fanaticism

'The Late Show' host quizzed Cruz on the Constitution, while the audience booed the 2016er.

“Let me ask about Reagan for a second,” Colbert began before getting serious and noting the severe ideological divide between Ronald Reagan and today’s Republican Party. “Reagan raised taxes, okay. Reagan actually had an amnesty program for illegal immigrants. Neither of those things would allow Reagan to be nominated today. So to what level can you truly emulate Ronald Reagan?” Colbert asked Cruz, noting that Reagan worked with former Democratic Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill.

“Isn’t that what people want more than anything else,” Colbert questioned, “more than principals, is action?”

Cruz disagreed, claiming that he’s never heard from an American who has asked him to work more with President Obama, or “give in more to Barack Obama” as he put it.

“Could you agree with Reagan on those two things,” Colbert pressed as the crowd broke out in raucous applause, “raising taxes and amnesty for illegal immigrants?”

“No, of course not,” Cruz replied. “But Ronald Reagan also signed the largest tax cut in history,” Cruz pushed-back defiantly. “He reduced government regulations from Washington and economic growth exploded.”

“He did,” Colbert conceded as Cruz continued. Noting that from 1978-1982, economic growth averaged less than one percent a year, Cruz argued that the true legacy of Reagan was limited government.

“But when conditions changed in the country, he reversed his world’s largest tax cut and raised taxes when revenues did not match the expectations, so it’s a matter of compromising,” Colbert recalled.

“It’s entirely possible that your plan might be the right one,” Colbert offered before asking Cruz if he’d be willing to comprise with his opponents if it turns out he doesn’t have the best solution “and not feel like you capitulated with the devil?”

Cruz joked to Colbert that there is “nothing diabolical about you” and insisted he doesn’t “respond in kind” when his opponents “throw rocks and insults.”

“When others attack me, I make of point of keeping it on substance,” Cruz argued. Cruz said he is merely fighting for the U.S. to “live within our means, stop bankrupting our kids and grandkids, and follow the Constitution.”

“And no gay marriage,” Colbert quickly added, opening the door for a debate on the Supreme Court decision with the former SCOTUS clerk.

“Well actually, let’s be precise. Under the Constitution marriage is a question for the states,” Cruz retorted.

“It doesn’t mention marriage in the Constitution,” Colbert shot back to applause.

“The 10th Amendment states that if the Constitution doesn’t mention it, it’s a question for the states … I don’t think we should entrust governing our society to five unelected lawyers in Washington,” Cruz argued as Colbert’s audience began to boo the senator.

“Guys, however you feel, he’s my guest so please don’t boo him,” Colbert interjected.

“If you want to win an issue, go to the ballot box and win at the ballot box,” Cruz calmly concluded. “That’s the way the Constitution was designed.”


Thanks, Texians! :lol

09-22-2015, 01:59 PM
Why do people who hate this show keep watching it?

09-22-2015, 01:59 PM
Donald Trump is going to be on tonight! Hell Yes, I will be watching!!!

09-22-2015, 02:07 PM
Stephen Colbert Dismantles Ted Cruz’s Anti-Gay Bigotry and Tax Cut Fanaticism

So, basically, this is turning into exactly what I thought his show would be.

09-22-2015, 11:03 PM
Ugh. Super smarmy political talk show.

I'll stick to Kimmel and Fallon.

09-22-2015, 11:15 PM
I watched his interview with Trunp (who I can't stand), but I came way disliking Colbert even more. Seriously, fuck that douche.

09-22-2015, 11:25 PM
Dilbert tried to get him with that Manson quote, BTFO

you literally cannot stump the trump.

09-22-2015, 11:27 PM
Where are you watching the Colbert show in Eur:crype?


09-22-2015, 11:29 PM
Online stream you idiot

09-22-2015, 11:30 PM
I hated the Colbert Report. SMH if he's still the same sarcastic shithead.

i was fan of Colbert from Strangers with Candy so I liked a lot of the Colbert Report but I agree he pushed the sarcastic liberal shit too much. I was hoping he would show a new side but sounds like that is not the case so far. We'll see how it goes, though tbh I don't watch many talk shows outside of occasional Conan.

Clipper Nation
09-22-2015, 11:36 PM
i was fan of Colbert from Strangers with Candy

The last time he was actually funny.

09-22-2015, 11:38 PM
This guy creep anyone else out? He reminds me of David

09-23-2015, 12:38 AM
Online stream you idiotAt 7AM? After you've been up "all night" shitposting?


Give it up, dude.

09-23-2015, 07:35 AM
At 7AM? After you've been up "all night" shitposting?


Give it up, dude.
Grasping at straws. For one Europe has different time zones and you yourself are routinely up posting all night, I guess you don't really live in Austin give it up dude

09-23-2015, 07:50 AM
Grasping at straws. For one Europe has different time zones and you yourself are routinely up posting all night, I guess you don't really live in Austin give it up dude

All he needs to do is look at your IP address, tbh.

09-23-2015, 08:52 AM
Colbert Brilliantly Exposes Trump’s Duplicity On Birtherism

The last time Donald Trump ran for president, vocally questioning President Obama’s birthplace was a central component of his campaign. Trump even sent “investigators” to Hawaii as he rocketed up the polls (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/07/trump-sends-investigators-hawaii-gains-gop-presidential-primary-poll/). Chatter about the issue, mostly stirred by Trump, became so distracting thatObama eventually released his “long form” birth certificate (https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/04/27/president-obamas-long-form-birth-certificate) in 2011.

This year, Trump has garnered more support by expanding his base beyond the conspiratorial fringe. Even New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady wants to “Make America Great Again (http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/05/politics/donald-trump-tom-brady-hat-make-america-great-again/index.html).” But when asked about Obama’s birthplace, Trump demurs.

Last night on “The Late Show,” Colbert exposed the duplicity of this approach.

“I’m going to throw you up a big, fat meatball for you to hit out of the park right now… This is the last time you have to address this question if you hit the ball, OK?… Barack Obama — born in the United States?” Colbert asked.

Trump refused to hit the meatball.

“You know, I don’t talk about it anymore,” Trump said. “I talk about jobs, I talk about our veterans being horribly treated.”


Trump is trolling you rightwingnuts, and it's hilarious, proving you ignorant fuckers are gullible suckers, chumped by Trump.

09-23-2015, 09:08 AM
All he needs to do is look at your IP address, tbh.
True but I post behind 9 proxies

09-23-2015, 09:41 AM
Grasping at straws. For one Europe has different time zones and you yourself are routinely up posting all night, I guess you don't really live in Austin give it up dudeOh look, you're shitposting from your cubicle again after a good "day's" sleep.


09-23-2015, 09:54 AM
True but I post behind 9 proxies

And none of them lead back to a European IP address. You've probably never even been to Europe. Give it a rest.

Oh look, you're shitposting from your cubicle again after a good "day's" sleep.


A lovely 8 hour gap in between posts... perfectly consistent with sleep in the CST.

09-23-2015, 09:56 AM
I'll stick to Kimmel and Fallon.

Very next post...

I watched his interview with Trunp (who I can't stand), but I came way disliking Colbert even more. Seriously, fuck that douche.

09-23-2015, 10:12 AM
:lol between tracking Ahmed and watching Colbertt plus posting here. Do you mofos get to do anything else? :lmao

09-23-2015, 10:31 AM
And none of them lead back to a European IP address. You've probably never even been to Europe. Give it a rest.

A lovely 8 hour gap in between posts... perfectly consistent with sleep in the CST.

do you understand how proxies work? Obviously not. Lol at you thinking you have my IP that I'm posting from. Horrible attempt at calling a bluff when I'm not bluffing.

09-23-2015, 10:38 AM
do you understand how proxies work? Obviously not. Lol at you thinking you have my IP that I'm posting from. Horrible attempt at calling a bluff when I'm not bluffing.Of course you're lying. You're posting from your cubicle in the Metroplex like you do every weekday. Then you'll go to your home in the Metroplex and post from there, neglecting your "family" the entire time.


09-23-2015, 10:39 AM
His combat experience probably comes in handy on the mean streets of the Metroplex suburbs.

09-23-2015, 10:39 AM
His combat experience probably comes in handy on the mean streets of the Metroplex suburbs.He wilded constantly when he was black.

09-23-2015, 10:42 AM
Of course you're lying. You're posting from your cubicle in the Metroplex like you do every weekday. Then you'll go to your home in the Metroplex and post from there, neglecting your "family" the entire time.

So because I post here about 8-12 times a day therefore I can't be married, travel to Europe, or be working on a project? This is pretty funny, your logic and thought processes are hilarious. What does that say about you mr 100k?

09-23-2015, 10:45 AM
Oak cliff represent!!!

09-23-2015, 10:45 AM
So because I post here about 8-12 times a day therefore I can't be married, travel to Europe, or be working on a project? This is pretty funny, your logic and thought processes are hilarious. What does that say about you mr 100k?You posted eight times in the last three hours.

I live in and post from Austin and am currently burning off some use-or-lose vacation time.

09-23-2015, 10:45 AM
So because I post here about 8-12 times a day therefore I can't be married, travel to Europe, or be working on a project? This is pretty funny, your logic and thought processes are hilarious. What does that say about you mr 100k?

now your'e married!!?!?!?!? holy shit dude, i know ive said this like almost everytime you post, but fuck man you are one pathetic fuck. Get off the internet already

09-23-2015, 10:47 AM
now your'e married!!?!?!?!? holy shit dude, i know ive said this like almost everytime you post, but fuck man you are one pathetic fuck. Get off the internet alreadyHe has children too. He just forgot to mention them today.

09-23-2015, 10:47 AM
now your'e married!!?!?!?!? holy shit dude, i know ive said this like almost everytime you post, but fuck man you are one pathetic fuck. Get off the internet already
Get off my Dick already, projecting onto other anonymous online posters is what's pathetic. Does your wife help you raise your chickens? Faggot

09-23-2015, 10:48 AM
He has children too. He just forgot to mention them today.
Get my family out of your mouth or I swear to you it won't be optional

09-23-2015, 10:48 AM
So because I post here about 8-12 times a day therefore I can't be married, travel to Europe, or be working on a project? This is pretty funny, your logic and thought processes are hilarious. What does that say about you mr 100k?

You posted like 30 times yesterday.

now your'e married!!?!?!?!? holy shit dude, i know ive said this like almost everytime you post, but fuck man you are one pathetic fuck. Get off the internet already

WITH kids. :lol

09-23-2015, 10:49 AM
Get my family out of your mouth or I swear to you it won't be optionallol tough guy.

Did you just abandon them all to be :cryn the gr:cryund in Eur:crype to sleep all day and post all night there?

09-23-2015, 10:52 AM
And watch "live streams" of Colbert at dawn.


09-23-2015, 10:52 AM
Get off my Dick already, projecting onto other anonymous online posters is what's pathetic. Does your wife help you raise your chickens? Faggot

yeah she does actually. cause she's real tbh

how much longer are you gonna pretend about stuff on the internet. you should've graduated high school like 4 years ago

09-23-2015, 10:53 AM
uh oh Alex JOnes (totally not m>s!) is viewing!

09-23-2015, 10:58 AM
yeah she does actually. cause she's real tbh

how much longer are you gonna pretend about stuff on the internet. you should've graduated high school like 4 years ago
She's real alright, real fat

09-23-2015, 10:59 AM
You posted like 30 times yesterday.

WITH kids. :lol
With one more on the way. This is important with western birth rates being in the gutter like they are

09-23-2015, 10:59 AM
I encourage everyone to have at least 5

09-23-2015, 11:00 AM
With one more on the way.


09-23-2015, 11:00 AM
She's real alright, real fatlol meltdown

I must inform you that you have exceeded your stated posting range of 8-12 today.

Or is it already tomorrow where you are :cryn the gr:cryund in Eur:crype?

09-23-2015, 11:02 AM
She's real alright, real fat

You've been a 6'4" black guy from oak cliff for about a year or two. Then you were a half native american billy bad ass. Now you're mr german national on the ground in europe with a wife and kids who may or may not be with you depending on which lie you are trying to keep straight.

it's ok man, you don't have to keep trying to impress ST

09-23-2015, 11:03 AM
You've been a 6'4" black guy from oak cliff for about a year or two. Then you were a half native american billy bad ass. Now you're mr german national on the ground in europe with a wife and kids who may or may not be with you depending on which lie you are trying to keep straight.

it's ok man, you don't have to keep trying to impress STDon't forget his time as the Foreskin Avenger.

He's a white trash Walter Mitty.

09-23-2015, 11:10 AM
You've been a 6'4" black guy from oak cliff for about a year or two. Then you were a half native american billy bad ass. Now you're mr german national on the ground in europe with a wife and kids who may or may not be with you depending on which lie you are trying to keep straight.

it's ok man, you don't have to keep trying to impress ST
Never claimed to be black, was trolling but not that hard. It was always Native American. Couldn't bring myself to be black.

09-23-2015, 11:23 AM
projecting onto other anonymous online posters is what's pathetic.



09-23-2015, 11:25 AM
You've been a 6'4" black guy from oak cliff for about a year or two. Then you were a half native american billy bad ass. Now you're mr german national on the ground in europe with a wife and kids who may or may not be with you depending on which lie you are trying to keep straight.

it's ok man, you don't have to keep trying to impress ST

The only thing that's been consistent is his racism.

09-23-2015, 11:26 AM
Trump is trolling you rightwingnuts, and it's hilarious, proving you ignorant fuckers are gullible suckers, chumped by Trump.

Eyup. This is the troll to end all trolls.

The only reason he is running is to keep his brand name from decaying. I think even he is shocked at how well he is doing.

10-02-2015, 01:34 PM
Stephen Colbert ratings reveal how 'Late Show' host is shaking up TV

Break out your melodica and do some high kicks: Stephen Colbert's ratings prove that "The Late Show" host is already shaking up the late-night TV landscape.Of course it's still early yet, but numbers released Thursday for the first official week of the fall season show that Colbert — who took over the CBS late-night talk show on Sept. 8 — has so far helped CBS reach a larger, more youthful audience since David Letterman retired. Colbert, 51, has reenergized the show along with his new melodica-playing bandleader Jon Batiste; the pair open shows by dancing together, sometimes with high kicks.

Is this bad news for Colbert's main rivals, NBC's Jimmy Fallon and ABC's Jimmy Kimmel? Well, perhaps — but Fallon's "Tonight Show" is still No. 1 in the 11:35 p.m. time slot and that's not likely to change anytime soon.

Also, Fallon and Kimmel both produce numerous stunts and bits that generate huge traffic online. Kimmel's YouTube channel generated 27 million views during premiere week, more than double its total last year.

"Although Fallon's lead is pretty comfortable, Colbert's falloff after the typically strong first week isn't as great as it could have been, and the audience is younger than Letterman's," said Brad Adgate, an analyst for ad firm Horizon Media. "I think the battle will be between Colbert and Kimmel for second place."


10-15-2015, 01:13 PM
This guy sucks frog balls. He seemed to be trying so hard to get a laugh. It was embarrassing. It was so bad. I watch Fallon now and routinely laugh. Just my 2 cents.

01-20-2016, 10:49 AM
I wonder if Dave knew his show was going to turn into a poor man's Daily Show?
