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10-02-2015, 08:58 AM
Exposed: Pro-Israel Modern-Day McCarthyites Are Going to Extremes to Slime Human Rights Activists

As pro-Israel extremism reaches new depths with the notorious Canary Mission project, the FBI investigates growing threats against BDS activists.

The Israel lobby is redirecting resources to a new project after its failure to stop the Iran nuclear deal despite spending an estimated $30 million to halt it. Following the defeat, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered a campaign against the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement that is spreading on American college campuses.

The funding is flowing from donors closely linked to Netanyahu’s government. But the effort has almost instantly run into trouble. It is inspiring an atmosphere of incitement and intimidation, and the FBI is now investigating violent threats made against BDS activists.

Infused with new millions from the likes of billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, they are recruiting from a new generation of conservative activists gathered around right-wing organizations and social networks.

The sensibility of these activists is virulently Islamophobic, anti-Arab and conditioned by the cultural resentments of the far right.

Those attracted to this crusade are typically Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians enraptured by Israel’s settlement enterprise, the militarized occupation and the Republican Party.

They also feel that they are just as threatened by Black Lives Matter as they are by the BDS movement. With encouragement from veteran right-wing operatives, these heavily funded and promoted young zealots have turned to surveillance of their opponents, engaged in monitoring Palestine solidarity activists on social media and at public events and are compiling selective dossiers to smear activists as anti-Semites and even terrorist sympathizers.


Religion fucks up the planet.

10-02-2015, 09:01 AM
Are Pro-Israel Bullies on US Campuses Planning Dirtier Tactics?

A member of the University of California's (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/university-california) governing body has called (http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-Regents-blast-generic-intolerance-statement-as-6512293.php) for the expulsion or suspension of students for expressing their views about Israel, under the guise of combating anti-Jewish bigotry.
This comes as Israel lobby groups, flush with huge new injections of cash, are stepping up their efforts to silence the Palestine solidarity movement on campuses nationwide.

During a 17 September meeting of the University of California (UC) Regents to discuss a "statement of principles against intolerance (http://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/regmeet/sept15/e4.pdf),"

Richard Blum also threatened to have his wife, US Senator Dianne Feinstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/dianne-feinstein), publicly criticize the university if it did not enforce penalties against perceived bigotry.

Feinstein's criticism could put the university system under federal scrutiny.

Another regent, Hadi Makarechian, agreed, according (http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-Regents-blast-generic-intolerance-statement-as-6512293.php) to The San Francisco Chronicle, saying that without punishment, "we're just stating a lot of stuff on paper."

Blum and other regents, backed by Israel lobby (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-lobby) groups, are pushing the university to adopt policies that free speech advocates warn could violate the First Amendment (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/first-amendment).

The Board of Regents had been due to vote on whether to adopt the US State Department's (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/us-state-department) definition of anti-Semitism as university policy at its meeting in July.

That definition (http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/fs/2010/122352.htm) is based on a "working definition" of anti-Semitism once considered by a European Union (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/european-union) body but later dropped (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ben-white/israel-lobbyists-finally-concede-eu-has-ditched-anti-semitism-definition).

Palestine solidarity and free speech advocates point out that the government definition conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish bigotry.

A key strategy of Israel advocates, they say, has been to urge university administrators to treat criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism as one and the same.

Failing Free Speech test

Despite efforts to suppress it, Palestine solidarity activism is becoming more mainstream across US campuses (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/campus-activism). In California alone, 7 of 9 UC undergraduate campuses have passed resolutions in recent years calling on administrators to divest (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/divestment) from companies that profit from Israel's violations of Palestinians' rights.


10-02-2015, 09:28 AM
Netanyahu’s Dreary and Menacing UN Speech Provokes Internet Mockery

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mean-spirited and angry address (http://webtv.un.org/watch/israel-general-debate-70th-session/4524065777001) to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday was mostly as predictable as it was desperate and creepy.

But it did contain one surprise.

After scolding the international community for what he called its “deafening silence” over the Iran nuclear agreement (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/iran-nuclear-agreement), Netanyahu spent 45 awkward seconds (https://youtu.be/YllqrXMkDWo) silently scowling at the assembled world leaders and diplomats. :lol

Not since his famous cartoon bomb chart (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/09/in-front-of-global-audience-netanyahu-draws-his-red-line-on-his-ridiculous-looking-bomb-cartoon)


has a public appearance by the Israeli leader elicited so much mockery. Entertaining remixes of Netanyahu’s silent glare quickly appeared on YouTube:


10-07-2015, 10:57 AM
Georgia school pays up after teacher tells first-grader his mom is ‘bad’ because she doesn’t believe in God

A Georgia public school agreed to stop two teachers from praying in class and promoting their religious beliefs to children, but only after a secular group filed a lawsuit.

A kindergarten teacher and first-grade teacher at Swainsboro Primary School led students in prayer before lunch last year and then singled out students whose parents complained,

The teachers ordered those children to sit outside the classroom in a hallway while other students prayed, and one of the teachers told students their classmates couldn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance because it contained the phrase, “under God.”

Another teacher told one child that he should “make a good decision” and join his classmates in prayer, according to a complaint (http://ffrf.org/images/EmanuelCountySchoolsGA.pdf) filed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The group also complained that first-grade teacher Katherine Brights told that same boy that he shouldn’t listen to his mother because she was “a bad person for not believing in God.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/georgia-school-pays-up-after-teacher-tells-first-grader-his-mom-is-bad-because-she-doesnt-believe-in-god/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

10-07-2015, 11:52 AM
Dianne Feinstein is a horrible horrible horrible person.

The Greatest Threat to Campus Free Speech is Coming From Dianne Feinstein and her Military-Contractor Husband (https://theintercept.com/2015/09/25/dianne-feinstein-husband-threaten-univ-calif-demanding-ban-excessive-israel-criticism/)

Glenn Greenwald (https://theintercept.com/staff/glenn-greenwald/)
Sep. 25 2015, 3:47 p.m.

There is no shortage of American pundits who love to denounce “PC” speech codes (http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2015/01/28/jonathan_chait_s_anti_political_correctness_essay_ unpacked.html) that restrict and punish the expression of certain ideas on college campuses. What these self-styled campus-free-speech crusaders typically — and quite tellingly — fail to mention is that the most potent such campaigns are often devoted to outlawing or otherwise punishing criticisms of Israel. The firing by the University of Illinois (https://theintercept.com/2015/01/29/salatia/) of Professor Steven Salatia for his “uncivil” denunciations of the Israeli war on Gaza — a termination that was privately condoned (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/senator-emailed-illinois-chancellor-phyllis-wise-over-salaita-firing) by Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin — is merely illustrative of this long (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2007/jun/14/abattleforacademicfreedom)–growing (http://glenngreenwald.blogspot.com.br/2006/04/academic-freedom-now-for-right-wing.html) trend (http://forward.com/opinion/israel/194696/were-students-punished-for-protesting-israel/).

One of the most dangerous threats to campus free speech has been emerging at the highest levels of the University of California system, the sprawling collection of 10 campuses that includes UCLA and UC Berkeley. The university’s governing Board of Regents (http://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/about/members-and-advisors/index.html), with the support (http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2015/05/21/janet-napolitano-anti-semitism-definition) of University President Janet Napolitano and egged on by the state’s legislature (http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-ln-uc-antisemitism-20150713-story.html), has been attempting to adopt new speech codes that — in the name of combating “anti-Semitism” — would formally ban various forms of Israel criticism and anti-Israel activism.

Under the most stringent such regulations, students found to be in violation of these codes would face suspension or expulsion. In July, it appeared that the Regents were poised to enact the most extreme version, but decided instead (http://www.salon.com/2015/07/26/a_win_for_activists_in_university_of_californias_a nti_semitism_debate/) to push the decision off until September, when they instead would adopt non-binding guidelines to define “hate speech” and “intolerance.”

One of the Regents most vocally advocating for the most stringent version of the speech code is Richard Blum, the multi-millionaire defense contractor who is married to Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. At a Regents meeting last week, reported the Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-ln-uc-intolerance-20150917-story.html), Blum expressly threatened that Feinstein would publicly denounce the university if it failed to adopt far more stringent standards than the ones it appeared to be considering, and specifically demanded they be binding and contain punishments for students found to be in violation.

The San Francisco Chronicle put it (http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-Regents-blast-generic-intolerance-statement-as-6512293.php)this way: “Regent Dick Blum said his wife, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., ‘is prepared to be critical of this university’ unless UC not only tackles anti-Jewish bigotry but also makes clear that perpetrators will be punished.” The lawyer Ken White wrote (http://popehat.com/2015/09/21/the-war-for-free-speech-laws-hearts-and-minds-is-endless/) that “Blum threatened that his wife … would interfere and make trouble if the Regents didn’t commit to punish people for prohibited speech.” As campus First Amendment lawyer Ari Cohn put it the following day (https://twitter.com/AriCohn/status/644859122593202177), “Feinstein and her husband think college students should be expelled for protected free speech.”

Blum’s verbatim comments (https://www.thefire.org/students-and-regents-demand-university-of-california-adopt-unconstitutional-policy/) at the Regents meeting are even creepier than that reporting suggests:

I should add that over the weekend my wife, your senior Senator, and I talked about this issue at length. She wants to stay out of the conversation publicly but if we do not do the right thing she will engage publicly and is prepared to be critical of this university if we don’t have the kind of not only statement but penalties for those who commit what you can call them crimes, call them whatever you want. Students that do the things that have been cited here today probably ought to have a dismissal or a suspension from school. I don’t know how many of you feel strongly that way but my wife does and so do I.

Sarah McLaughlin of the campus free-speech group FIRE wrote (https://www.thefire.org/students-and-regents-demand-university-of-california-adopt-unconstitutional-policy/): “Yes, a UC Regent flatly threatened the university with political consequences if it failed to craft a ‘tolerance’ policy that would punish — and even expel — its violators.”

In response to inquiries from The Intercept, Feinstein refused to say whether her husband was authorized to make such threats on her behalf, but she refused to distance herself from them. “This is a matter before the University of California and Senator Feinstein has no comment at this time,” her Press Secretary said.

The specific UC controversy is two-fold: whether, in combating “anti-semitism,” the university should adoptthe State Department’s controversial 2010 definition (http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/fs/2010/122352.htm) of that term, and separately, whether students who express ideas that fall within that definition should be formally punished up to and including permanent expulsion. What makes the State Department definition so controversial — particularly for an academic setting — is that alongside uncontroversial and obvious examples of classic bigotry (e.g., expressing hateful or derogatory sentiments toward Jews generally), that definition includes a discussion of what it calls “Anti-Semitism Relative to Israel.”How does speech about Israel become “anti-Semitic”? According to the State Department, “anti-Semitism” includes those who (1) “Demonize Israel” by “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” or “blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions”; (2) espouse a “Double standard for Israel” by “requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation” or “multilateral organizations focusing on Israel only for peace or human rights investigations”; or (3) “Delegitimize Israel” by “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, and denying Israel the right to exist.” The State Department generously adds this caveat at the end: “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic.”

https://firstlook.org/wp-uploads/sites/1/2015/09/statedept-540x294.png (https://firstlook.org/wp-uploads/sites/1/2015/09/statedept.png)

The ironies of this definition are overwhelming. First, it warns against advocating a “double standard for Israel” — at exactly the same time that it promulgates a standard that applies only to Israel. Would the State Department ever formally condemn what it regards as excessive or one-sided criticism of any other government, such as Russia or Iran? Why isn’t the State Department also accusing people of bigotry who create “double standards” for Iran by obsessing over the anti-gay behavior of Iran while ignoring the same or worse abuses in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Uganda? The State Department is purporting to regulate the discourse surrounding just one country — Israel — while at the same time condemning “double standards.”

Worse, this State Department definition explicitly equates certain forms of criticism of Israel or activism against Israeli government policies with “anti-Semitism.” In other words, the State Department embraces the twisted premise that a defining attribute of “Jews” everywhere is the actions of the Israeli government, which is itself a longstanding anti-Semitic trope.

But most important of all, whatever you think of this State Department definition, it has no place whatsoever regulating which ideas can and cannot be expressed in an academic institution, particularly one that is run by the state (such as the University of California). Adoption of this “anti-Semitism” definition clearly would function to prohibit the advocacy of, say, a one-state solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict, or even the questioning of a state’s right to exist as a non-secular entity. How can anyone think it’s appropriate to declare such ideas off limits in academic classrooms or outlaw them as part of campus activism?

To ban the expression of any political ideas in such a setting would not only be wildly anti-intellectual but also patently unconstitutional. As UC Irvine School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky put it today in an LA Times op-ed (http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0925-chemerinsky-uc-speech-regulation-20150925-story.html):“There unquestionably is a 1st Amendment right to argue against (or for) the existence of Israel or to contend that it should meet (or not have to meet) higher standards of human rights than other nations.” Even the now-retired Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman — while arguing that “the effort to support boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, is sinister and malicious and is having a negative effect on Jewish students on some campuses and on the wider Jewish community” — acknowledged in May (http://www.adl.org/press-center/c/comprehensive-approach-to-bds-needed.html?referrer=https://www.google.com.br/#.VgVosMtViko) that such bans would be clearly unconstitutional:

Legislation that bars BDS activity by private groups, whether corporations or universities, strikes at the heart of First Amendment-protected free speech, will be challenged in the courts and is likely to be struck down. A decision by a private body to boycott Israel, as despicable as it may be, is protected by our Constitution. Perhaps in Europe, where hate speech laws exist and are acceptable within their own legal frameworks, such bills could be sustained. But not here in America.

But none of that seems to matter to Dianne Feinstein and her war-profiteering husband (http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Army-contract-for-Feinstein-s-husband-Blum-is-a-2621196.php), Richard Blum. Not only is Blum demanding adoption of the State Department definition, despite the fact that (more accurately: because) it would encompass some forms of BDS activism and even criticisms of Israel. But, worse, he’s also insisting that it be binding and that students who express the ideas that fall within the State Department definition besuspended from school or expelled. And he’s overtly threatening that if he does not get his way, then his wife 0- “Your Senior Senator” — will get very upset and start publicly attacking the university, a threat that public school administrators who rely on the government for their budgets take very seriously.

This behavior is as adolescent as it is despotic. Does anyone believe that college and post-graduate students should be able to express only those ideas about Israel that Dianne Feinstein and her war-profiteering husband deem acceptable?

It’s no mystery what this is really about. The Israeli government and its most devoted advocates around the world are petrified at the growing strength of the movement to boycott Israeli goods in protest of the almost five-decade occupation. As Foxman conceded, the boycott idea “seems to be picking up steam, particularly on college campuses across the United States. While no universities have yet adopted or implemented BDS, there are a growing number of campuses — now up to 29 — where student organizations have held votes to determine whether they support BDS.” Just this week, the City Council of Reykjavik, the largest city in Iceland, voted to boycott (http://www.timesofisrael.com/iceland-capital-retracts-decision-to-boycott-israel/) all Israeli goods as long as the occupation persists (days later, the City quickly retracted (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/reykjavik-wasnt-ready-brutal-zionist-backlash-says-israel-boycott-author) the vote, citing the unexpectedly intense “backlash” from Israel).

After the horrific massacre they committed (http://www.newsweek.com/israel-did-massive-and-unprecedented-harm-civilians-gaza-war-report-says-328083) in Gaza last summer, followed by its devastating defeat on the Iran Deal, the Israeli government is rapidly losing the PR battle around the world, and they know it. The boycott movement scares them above all else because it is predicated on the truth that they are most eager to suppress: the similarities between what Israel is doing to the Palestinians (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/feb/03/barak-apartheid-palestine-peace) and the apartheid policies of South Africa (which were undermined by a global boycott movement and which the world now universally regards as evil).

Since they are losing the debate about this movement, the Israeli government and its loyalists are instead seeking to suppress it altogether, to literally outlaw it. Recall that in May, the right-wing Canadian governmentthreatened (https://theintercept.com/2015/05/11/canadian-covernment-exploiting-charlie-hebdo-attack-threatens-prosecute-advocates-israel-boycott/) hate speech charges against (https://theintercept.com/2015/05/11/email-exchange-cbc-public-safety-minister-blaneys-spokesman-bds-prosecutions/) those who advocate a boycott of Israel; the country’s Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau, decreed via Twitter (https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/576465632884981760)that “the BDS movement, like Israeli Apartheid Week, has no place on Canadian campuses.” Back in 2013, the ADL took out a full-page ad (http://forward.com/opinion/editorial/171165/is-bds-hate-speech/)in the New York Times announcing that “the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel — known as BDS — is anti-Semitic hate speech.”

The effort to formally re-define “anti-Semitism” to include certain criticisms of and activism against the Israeli government has been coordinated and deliberate. That history is laid out with ample evidence here (http://static1.squarespace.com/static/548748b1e4b083fc03ebf70e/t/556490f5e4b0658666cfe867/1432654069359/6.+FAQ-onDefinition-of-Anti-Semitism-3-9-15.pdf) by the non-profit group Palestine Legal; here (https://theintercept.com/2014/04/27/excerpt-battle-justice-palestine/) by Ali Abunimah’s book The Battle for Justice in Palestine, the relevant portion of which was published by The Intercept; and here (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ben-white/israel-lobbyists-finally-concede-eu-has-ditched-anti-semitism-definition) by the writer and activist Ben White. In essence, this re-definition was first promulgated by Israeli lobbyists and academics, imposed with varying degrees of success on the EU, and then successfully imported into the Clinton-led State Department.

It’s one thing to apply political pressure to induce governments to adopt speech-repressive definitions of “anti-Semitism” that are non-binding. It’s another thing entirely to try to import them onto state-run college campuses where they are used to outlaw the expression of certain forms of criticisms of the Israeli government. And it’s another thing entirely for a prominent public official like Dianne Feinstein to have her husband throw their ample financial and political weight around in order to threaten and bully school administrators to ban ideas that this power couple dislike and punish the students who express them.

The obvious goal with this UC battle is to institutionalize the notion on American college campuses that activism against the Israeli government is not merely wrong but is actually “hate speech” that should subject its student advocates (or professors) to severe punishment. If this menacing censorship is allowed to take hold in an academic system as large and influential as the University of California, then it’s much easier for the censors to point to it in the future as a model, in order to infect other academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world. That’s all the more reason to vehemently oppose it in this instance. If defenders of Israel are determined to defeat the boycott movement, they’ll have to find other ways to do it besides rendering its advocacy illegal and, in the process, destroying the long-cherished precept of free speech in academia.

10-07-2015, 11:57 AM
Why Are Dianne Feinstein and Janet Napolitano Backing a McCarthyite Push Against Palestine Activists?

Not only do they want to forbid demonstrations against Israeli policy on campus, they want to effectively ban the BDS movement, which advocates boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel to pressure the country into respecting the human rights of Palestinians.

Shockingly, the extreme demand that the UC system adopt a definition of anti-Semitism that would effectively (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-lobby-uses-discredited-anti-semitism-definition-muzzle-debate/11716)classify (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-lobby-uses-discredited-anti-semitism-definition-muzzle-debate/11716) most forms of Palestine solidarity activism as hate speech,

and punish them as such, has won support from some of California’s most influential Democrats.

They include Janet Napolitano, the President of the University of California and former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Also backing the campaign is Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband, the UC Regent andscandal-stained (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/12/dianne-feinstein-postal-service_n_4423045.html) arms profiteer (http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Army-contract-for-Feinstein-s-husband-Blum-is-a-2621196.php) Dick Blum.

According to lawyer Ken White, the Democratic power couple has threatened (https://theintercept.com/2015/09/25/dianne-feinstein-husband-threaten-univ-calif-demanding-ban-excessive-israel-criticism/) to “make trouble if the [university administration] didn’t commit to punish people for prohibited speech.” Blum has vowed that anyone who violated the new speech code be punished or expelled.


10-07-2015, 11:58 AM
University of Illinois censured after professor loses job over tweets critical of Israel


10-07-2015, 03:24 PM
Ten Commandments Removed From Oklahoma Capitol, Governor Would Kill To Get Them Back

The day after workers yanked the big ol’ Ten Commandments Monument from the Oklahoma Capitol grounds and moved it to a conservative think tank, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin called on the state legislature to pass an amendment to the state constitution (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/capitol_report/fallin-urges-lawmakers-to-act-swiftly-on-ten-commandments-amendment/article_9ae978f6-3269-5795-97d9-cb8bbb12430f.html)to bring it back.

Fallin made it clear that she would do anything for love the monument, and she’d even do that.

The state Supreme Court ordered in June that the monument violated the Oklahoma Constitution (http://wonkette.com/589955/oklahoma-supreme-court-murders-god)by expending state funds to support religion.

Fallin had initially pledged to ignore the court order, (http://wonkette.com/590625/oklahoma-gov-mary-fallin-to-state-supreme-court-you-are-not-the-boss-of-her) but apparently someone explained to her what “Supreme” means.


10-07-2015, 04:16 PM
God Tells Televangelist Felon To Wear Black Panties, Probably Means World IS Ending

I went to get dressed and got — I pray about what I wear. I really do. I know I look stupid sometimes, but the last time God told me to wear a color, it was red. And what happened that day? The stock market crashed.

Today, God said, “I want you to wear all black.”

Even my shoes are black.

My underwear is black.

My socks are black.

When God says, “Get the sin out,” He meant get the sin out.

When you took over your enemy, you were to destroy the every part of the enemy.

And I’m in a mourning because people aren’t ready.




10-07-2015, 04:18 PM

10-07-2015, 04:25 PM

... direct quotes from Bakker

Clipper Nation
10-07-2015, 04:25 PM
^ Fagette

10-09-2015, 10:19 PM
Co-workers call USAF dental technician a 'witch'; she's fired

An Air Force dental technician was fired after her co-workers accused her of being a witch, according to the Air Force Times. (http://www.airforcetimes.com/story/military/2015/10/05/air-force-dental-technician-accused-witch/73398304/)

Deborah Schoenfeld said her colleagues at the Epes Dental Clinic at Fort Meade, Md., harassed her because of her Hindu faith, claiming she was a spawn of Satan for practicing yoga and meditating.

They stopped short of claiming that she turned them into newts.

Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation — which took up the case on Schoenfeld's behalf — wrote Air Force officials (http://militaryreligiousfreedom.org/press-releases/2015/MRFF_DemandLetter-Client_DeborahSchoenfeld.pdf) this week, informing them that "an incredibly volatile, hostile and toxic evangelical Christian work environment under your direct command has resulted in the pernicious harassment, disenfranchisement, and firing of a once valued member of your team."

The alleged harassment violates Defense Department and Air Force directives as well as the U.S. Constitution, Weinstein stated.

He noted that "a particular offending party has effusively celebrated (Schoenfeld's) replacement by a Catholic woman by saying publicly that 'It's good to see we got an angel, since last time we had the devil.'"

Two of Schoenfeld's former co-workers, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed her account to the Air Force Times and said that

other employees at the dental clinic are devoutly Christian and deeply suspicious of Hinduism. One of the former co-workers said Schoenfeld was referred at the office to as a "Hindu witch."

Weinstein said in the letter to Air Force officials that Schoenfeld was advised by superiors to pray against the recent Supreme Court ruling against same sex marriage, as it is "an abomination to their religion."

She was "openly disparaged" for not having evangelical Christian views and told that doing yoga would cost her her soul.

We can only guess what harsh words they have for atheists who don't floss.


holy fucking shit, Christian Taliban are really fucking crazy fuckers.

It's well known that AF Academy is Christian Taliban shit hole, but a dental lab?

Sounds like the Hindu witch will be depositing a wonderful check from taxpayers.

10-09-2015, 11:09 PM

10-10-2015, 10:07 AM
Co-workers call USAF dental technician a 'witch'; she's fired

An Air Force dental technician was fired after her co-workers accused her of being a witch, according to the Air Force Times. (http://www.airforcetimes.com/story/military/2015/10/05/air-force-dental-technician-accused-witch/73398304/)

Deborah Schoenfeld said her colleagues at the Epes Dental Clinic at Fort Meade, Md., harassed her because of her Hindu faith, claiming she was a spawn of Satan for practicing yoga and meditating.

They stopped short of claiming that she turned them into newts.

Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation — which took up the case on Schoenfeld's behalf — wrote Air Force officials (http://militaryreligiousfreedom.org/press-releases/2015/MRFF_DemandLetter-Client_DeborahSchoenfeld.pdf) this week, informing them that "an incredibly volatile, hostile and toxic evangelical Christian work environment under your direct command has resulted in the pernicious harassment, disenfranchisement, and firing of a once valued member of your team."

The alleged harassment violates Defense Department and Air Force directives as well as the U.S. Constitution, Weinstein stated.

He noted that "a particular offending party has effusively celebrated (Schoenfeld's) replacement by a Catholic woman by saying publicly that 'It's good to see we got an angel, since last time we had the devil.'"

Two of Schoenfeld's former co-workers, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed her account to the Air Force Times and said that

other employees at the dental clinic are devoutly Christian and deeply suspicious of Hinduism. One of the former co-workers said Schoenfeld was referred at the office to as a "Hindu witch."

Weinstein said in the letter to Air Force officials that Schoenfeld was advised by superiors to pray against the recent Supreme Court ruling against same sex marriage, as it is "an abomination to their religion."

She was "openly disparaged" for not having evangelical Christian views and told that doing yoga would cost her her soul.

We can only guess what harsh words they have for atheists who don't floss.


holy fucking shit, Christian Taliban are really fucking crazy fuckers.

It's well known that AF Academy is Christian Taliban shit hole, but a dental lab?

Sounds like the Hindu witch will be depositing a wonderful check from taxpayers.

This is another reason why we're a nation of cucks. People are so mentally weak. Can't help themselves when confronted with people of differing views. Cucks. Those people should have been fired.

10-13-2015, 05:55 AM
How Pro-Israel Fanatics Have Teamed up with Right-Wing Operatives to Crush Free Speech on Campus

A McCarthyite 'underground operation' to silence speech critical of Israel has a wider anti-progressive agenda.

At a Texas Retreat convened last June by long-time neoconservative agitator David Horowitz (http://www.alternet.org/investigations/flush-cash-right-wing-extremists-train-future-zealots-pro-israel-campus-activism), a baby-faced operative named Charlie Kirk outlined an “undercover, underground plan” to “control student funding,” “censor professors” and “get rid of free speech zones.” His plan focused on channeling right-wing money into a full-bore attack on the grassroots movement to boycott, sanction, and divest from Israel as a means to pressure the country into respecting Palestinian human rights, known as BDS. The BDS movement has spread across US campuses and European capitals since it was devised by Palestinian civil society groups in 2005.

Described (http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/this-21-year-old-is-trying-to-become-a-major-player-in-conservative-politics-so-far-it-seems-to-be-working-20150325) by the National Journal as “the future of the conservative movement,” the 21-year-old Kirk is rapidly emerging as one the most influential right-wing campus organizers. Speaking before an audience of hundreds of conservative activists in a hotel ballroom in Dallas,

Kirk laid out a strikingly authoritarian vision to systematically eradicate progressive political culture from American universities.

“What we’re doing in states like California, Massachusetts and New York, is we’re starting...a rather undercover, underground operation that is designed for one purpose only,” Kirk explained. “

And that is to run -- and win -- Student Government Association races the same way we look at Congressional campaigns.

If we can successfully retake the student governments...on these really, really far left campuses such as UC-Irvine, UCLA, and we run the student government association races with the same money, time, energy and resources [as] we do a Congressional campaign, then we can start to see...an effective, neutralizing factor on these campuses.

You can control student funding, you can censor professors, you can get rid of free speech zones, you can then balance the curriculum, you then can use your student government post as a bully pulpit.”


10-13-2015, 07:06 AM
How Pro-Israel Fanatics Have Teamed up with Right-Wing Operatives to Crush Free Speech on Campus

A McCarthyite 'underground operation' to silence speech critical of Israel has a wider anti-progressive agenda.

At a Texas Retreat convened last June by long-time neoconservative agitator David Horowitz (http://www.alternet.org/investigations/flush-cash-right-wing-extremists-train-future-zealots-pro-israel-campus-activism), a baby-faced operative named Charlie Kirk outlined an “undercover, underground plan” to “control student funding,” “censor professors” and “get rid of free speech zones.” His plan focused on channeling right-wing money into a full-bore attack on the grassroots movement to boycott, sanction, and divest from Israel as a means to pressure the country into respecting Palestinian human rights, known as BDS. The BDS movement has spread across US campuses and European capitals since it was devised by Palestinian civil society groups in 2005.

Described (http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/this-21-year-old-is-trying-to-become-a-major-player-in-conservative-politics-so-far-it-seems-to-be-working-20150325) by the National Journal as “the future of the conservative movement,” the 21-year-old Kirk is rapidly emerging as one the most influential right-wing campus organizers. Speaking before an audience of hundreds of conservative activists in a hotel ballroom in Dallas,

Kirk laid out a strikingly authoritarian vision to systematically eradicate progressive political culture from American universities.

“What we’re doing in states like California, Massachusetts and New York, is we’re starting...a rather undercover, underground operation that is designed for one purpose only,” Kirk explained. “

And that is to run -- and win -- Student Government Association races the same way we look at Congressional campaigns.

If we can successfully retake the student governments...on these really, really far left campuses such as UC-Irvine, UCLA, and we run the student government association races with the same money, time, energy and resources [as] we do a Congressional campaign, then we can start to see...an effective, neutralizing factor on these campuses.

You can control student funding, you can censor professors, you can get rid of free speech zones, you can then balance the curriculum, you then can use your student government post as a bully pulpit.”


"a baby faced operative"

A Chilling Image...
WhoTF writes this stuff? " A baby faced operative". Chucky appear before my eyes...
Seriously, this writing is hilarious boots.

10-13-2015, 08:05 AM
"a baby faced operative"

A Chilling Image...
WhoTF writes this stuff? " A baby faced operative". Chucky appear before my eyes...
Seriously, this writing is hilarious boots.

so you are distracted by one phrase, you superficial jerk.

10-13-2015, 08:06 AM

10-13-2015, 09:42 AM
Texas governor blasts ‘malicious’ atheist group for challenging ‘In God We Trust’ motto on cop cars

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/texas-governor-blasts-malicious-atheist-group-for-challenging-in-god-we-trust-motto-on-cop-cars/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

10-13-2015, 10:35 AM
New governor just as bat shit retarded as the last two

10-13-2015, 05:05 PM
so you are distracted by one phrase, you superficial jerk.


Did the baby-faced operative take out a college liberal by being all babyfaced and luring him into a vegan deli?
Im sorry to seem superficial with such a tale of horror and woe.

10-14-2015, 11:49 AM
Ted Cruz And Ben Carson Appear In Film Promoting A Radically Anti-Gay Pastor And Slavery Defender

Pastor Douglas Wilson is a radically right-wing pastor (https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2009/07/22/old-south-slavery-defender-speak-conference-hosted-major-christian-right-leader) from Idaho who

defends slavery,

calls for gays to be exiled and

adulterers to be put to death.

In 2012, he was invited to speak (https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2012/04/11/slavery-apologist-lecture-indiana-university-students-sex) at Indiana University, which led to protests (http://www.heraldtimesonline.com/news/local/protest-at-talk-by-evangelical-pastor-leads-to-arrest-at/article_53cc9b13-bda4-58df-80bf-60805dc28952.html) and confrontation and now, a right-wing documentary about the controversy called "The Free Speech Apocalypse (http://freespeechapocalypse.com/)."

Directed by Darren Doane, perhaps best known for directing Kirk Cameron's "Saving Christmas," which is literally one of the worst films ever made (http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Worst-Movie-All-Time-According-IMDB-Users-68527.html), the new movie presents Wilson's experience (http://christiannewswire.com/news/1726576868.html) of going up against the left-wing "tolerance buzzsaw" and, amazingly, features appearances by Ted Cruz and Ben Carson:

The Free Speech Apocalypse exposes the strategies of the anti-God, anti-traditional, hyper-liberal elite and offers perspective on the cultural decay that has accelerated across the country over the three years since Wilson's visit to Indiana University.

Worst yet, The Free Speech Apocalypse demonstrates clearly the erosion of free speech and religious liberty in America. The right to hold your own opinions if they differ from leftist agendas is vanishing at an alarming rate, and it's time for ordinary Americans to wake up and speak out.

This documentary features (among others) Sweet Cakes owners Aaron and Melissa Klein, as well as presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson outlining the concerns they have that unelected judges are ruling against the common citizen's Constitutional right to free speech.

A trailer posted on the film's website prominently features (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wowZHZuCuIw) both Cruz and Carson:


total BULLSHIT and LIES and PERVERSION of the Constitution, but, like the Repugs, that's all the Christian Taliban have to offer.

10-15-2015, 10:05 AM
High school football coach says ‘agreement with God’ authorizes him to lead team prayers

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/high-school-football-coach-says-agreement-with-god-authorizes-him-to-lead-team-prayers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

10-16-2015, 02:06 PM
Church opposes DC's proposed bike lane because ‘rights of religious freedom’ (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/15/1432888/-Church-opposes-DC-s-proposed-bike-lane-because-rights-of-religious-freedom)

The District government is going through the rather municipally boring process of determining where to build a bike lane on the east side of downtown.And one church has given a charged response to some proposals, saying that a bike lane near its property would infringe upon “its constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom and equal protection of the laws.”

Are they serious? Yes. Yes, they are.

The parking loss would place an unconstitutionally undue burden on people who want to pray, the church argues, noting that other churches already have had to flee to the suburbs because of similarly onerous parking restrictions. The church says that DDOT lets cars park diagonally on the street during busy times, which would be seemingly impossible if a protected bike lane were on the street.

The city says is it listening to all sides and hasn't made a decision yet. The debate is going to continue to heat up: (http://wjla.com/news/local/cyclists-vs-church-goers-in-recent-bike-lane-battle-in-northwest-dc)

Jimmy Russell, who attends Bethel Baptist nearby, says its not fair what the city is doing. The church was there first and should not have to lose its parking. But, Martin Moulton, resident and vice president of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, cites the need for hundreds of people to get to work and school by bike in the area of 6th St..Spokesman for DC's Transportation Department, DDOT, Sam Zimbabwe said, "Sixth street is interesting because it is one of the few streets that connects all the way north and south."


Freedom! To as stupid as ya wanna be!

Much abused, much perverted "freedom" of religion, speech, guns is being rammed down everybody's throats.


10-19-2015, 10:29 AM
Six GOP White House hopefuls pander to evangelicals at Texas megachurch

PlANO — Endeavoring to tighten the knot between evangelical Christianity and their presidential aspirations, six GOP White House hopefuls appeared before a gushing crowd of more than 6,000 Sunday, lamenting the receding role of Christianity in public life and expressing alarm about growing threats to religious freedom.One-by-one over four hours, the candidates paraded before the packed sanctuary of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, a 40,000-member mega-church that organized the event to seize on Texas’ expanded influence in the 2016 nominating process.

In prepared remarks and onstage interviews with Prestonwood pastor Jack Graham, the candidates sought to tap into deep anxiety about the state of Christianity in America, (fabricated bullshit alert!) an issue already front and center in the GOP race.

“We do have a Judeo-Christian foundation,” said Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon at the top of most polls on the GOP field. “It’s in our core founding documents, it’s in our courts, it’s in our pledge and it’s on our money, but we’re not supposed to talk about it?” (straw man alert!)

Among the hottest topics at the North Texas Presidential Forum was religious liberty, especially in light of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in June that legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (http://www.texastribune.org/directory/ted-cruz/) was the most vocal, recalling at length a rally he held earlier this year in Iowa spotlighting people who believe they were discriminated against for religious reasons.

“As these threats grow darker and darker and darker, (bullshit alert!) they are waking people up here in Texas and across this country,” said Cruz, who received a rock-star reception from the home-state crowd.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee cited a more recent example: the jailing of Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue licenses to same-sex couples. Huckabee traveled to Rowan County, Kentucky, last month to headline a rally with Davis upon her release from jail.

“If you can put a newly elected public official in jail for believing the biblical view of marriage, (Christian Sharia trumps the Constitution) you have criminalized Christianity,” Huckabee said at the forum.

Running through much of the discussion Sunday was what Graham and the speakers called “judicial tyranny,” alleged acts by the U.S. Supreme Court that violate religious values. (Christian Sharia trumps the Constitution)

Cruz was among the candidates stressing the importance of the next president appointing socially conservative judges to the high court, (Christian Sharia trumps the Constitution) a quality he said was lacking in recent administrations.

“Many of the most egregious judicial activists” were picked by GOP presidents, Cruz said, adding that the next commander in chief must be “willing to spend the capital” to put the right justices on the bench. (Christian Sharia trumps the Constitution)

Other candidates volunteered less political appeals to religious voters, including Carly Fiorina. The former Hewlett Packard CEO spoke in deeply personal terms about a number of experiences that she said drew her closer to God, (God LOVES LIARS!) including her breast cancer diagnosis, her child’s death and accompanying a friend to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion.

The women’s health organization — and abortion, more broadly — was in the crosshairs of multiple candidates. Following the release of undercover videos taken at its clinics, Planned Parenthood recently said it would stop taking reimbursements for offering fetal tissue for medical research, a decision Fiorina attributed to the anti-abortion outcry following the release of the videos.

“We are winning this fight,” she said to loud applause. “But it is a fight. It is a fight for the character of our nation.”

The candidates with elected experience pointed to their records as evidence they would stand up for Christian values in the White House, (Christian Sharia trumps the Constitution) particularly the sanctity of life.

Jeb Bush said he had the chance to “act on this core belief” as the governor of Florida, cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood and fighting to keep alive a brain-damaged woman.

“I got a lot of grief by standing on the side of life in the case of Terri Schiavo, but I’m proud of what I did,” Bush said. “You should always err on the side of life.” (stupid is as stupid does)

Bush was not the only hopeful to highlight withstanding blowback for decisions based on religious beliefs. Fiorina described the scene awaiting her at a campaign stop following her remarks on the Planned Parenthood videos during the last GOP debate — “Protesters pelted me with condoms. They dressed up like birth control dispensers.” — and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania lamented how his critics have paired his name with a sexual fluid in Google search results.

“They’ve taken my name and … turned it into something that is beyond filth” because I defended traditional marriage, he said.

Some candidates framed their own campaigns as journeys of faith. Carson recalled how he never expected to run for president until supporters convinced him to join the race after his speech criticizing President Barack Obama at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. Since then, Carson said, God “opened the doors, and he continued to open the doors.”

The candidate’s remarks were spread out over a four-hour forum that gave each one 10 minutes to deliver a speech then another 10 minutes to answer questions from Graham. Organizers had invited all Democratic and Republican hopefuls to participate.

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/six-gop-white-house-hopefuls-pander-to-evangelicals-at-texas-megachurch/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

10-19-2015, 10:38 AM
(bullshit alert)

10-19-2015, 03:04 PM
Biblical War on Women

TN Baptists would rather abolish church than have a female pastor

"Thou shalt not have a female pastor” may not be one of the Ten Commandments, but a small Tennessee church is being treated as if it were.

The Greater Tabernacle Church will lose membership with their local Baptist Association because the pastor of the church is female. The association voted overwhelmingly to show “no tolerance” for women church leaders, NewsChannel5 reports (http://www.newschannel5.com/news/local-news/church-faces-ultimatim-after-voting-in-female-pastor).

Female pastors at certain Christian denomination churches are not necessarily uncommon, and the Southern Baptist Convention leaves it up to each congregation to decide on whether or not to allow them, Channel5 reports. But the county association said that doesn’t mean they have to retain the church as a member.

“We encouraged them to reconsider,” Kemper told the station, “they decided they weren’t going to do that so we did what we had to do. They put us in this position.”

The association hasn’t removed Greater Tabernacle from their list of member churches (http://lawcobaptist.org/church-directory/greater-tabernacle-2)yet, but while they name the pastors of other churches, they do not name Reynolds-Christian as the leader of her church.

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/tn-baptists-would-rather-abolish-church-than-than-have-a-female-pastor/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

"we have no choice" is always good for a lot of :lol

10-26-2015, 10:16 AM
They Really Want a Theocracy: The GOP Candidates Who Want to Make You Bow to Their Lord


A new PPP survey (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/07/1428407/-Halfway-to-theocracy-44-percent-of-Republicans-want-to-make-Christianity-our-official-religion) reveals that Republicans are afflicted most, with 44 percent now favoring installing Christianity as the United States’ official religion. (Lest we forget, the GOP’s roster of potential 2016 candidates is stocked with rabid believers, and even faith-faker Donald Trump is courting evangelicals (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/donald-trumps-evangelicals-televangelists-214250).) A shocking 28 percent of Democrats are also theocratically inclined. Only 53 percent of Republican and Democratic voters combined oppose declaring Jesus jabberwocky our national faith.

The upshot: almost three out of four adult Americans would, in effect, junk the First Amendment, and with it, our gloriously godless system of governance.

These statistics should prompt all rationalists to sound the proverbial tocsin with unrelenting fury. The religious-secular divide among Americans is deepening, putting those who value reason, evidence and consensus-based decisions in direct opposition to putrid supernatural gobbledygook’s slackwitted votaries; in other words, to those who hear voices, see visions, and engage in kooky superstitious rituals – prayer, for instance – that would lead to their immediate institutionalization if such symptoms were not classified under the (scandalously) ennobling rubric of “religion.”

Remember, the PPP survey deals not with the simple spread of faith, but with the desire of one part of the population to force its antiquated way of life and counterfactual worldview on the other.

The stakes are high. The faith-deranged support a (largely successful) nationwide campaign to restrict women’s reproductive rights and introduce Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, of which there are now 21 in force, with others on the way. As a result of decades of Christian propaganda, performing abortions can be life-threatening (http://www.thinkprogress.org/health/2014/05/03/3443128/dr-tiller-five-year-anniversary/) for doctors. And in times of widespread fiscal austerity, the government loses about $83 billion a year to religious tax exemptions.


US has gone through a few "religious" periods in the past, but the Constitution and secular govt survived.

Now the Christian Taliban are extremely well organized, well financed, and vehemently relentless in their self-righteous aim to destroy America and install their fantasy bullshit.

Yet another way America is fucked and unfuckable.

10-27-2015, 08:14 PM
Christian marriage adviser: Use ‘fear and dread’ to your wife — as God intended

Responding to comments from a men’s rights activist on a posting about finding enjoyment in sex with a wife who grudgingly agrees (http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/christian-website-dont-look-at-your-wifes-face-during-sex-to-enjoy-it-even-when-she-resists/), the host of a website providing tips on proper Biblical “gender roles” agreed that keeping a woman in a constant state of fear is an appropriate way to control her actions.

Pointing to a column (http://therationalmale.com/2012/03/27/dread-games/) he wrote on “Female dread,” Rollo Tomassi explained that Christian men go about seeking sex with women all wrong by trying to “diffuse sexual anxiety and tension.” Instead, Tomassi said husbands should make their wives “unintentionally uncomfortable” in order to achieve “the rough, hard-core, make-up sex you never thought you’d have.”

Larry Solomon of Biblical Gender Roles agreed enthusiastically (http://biblicalgenderroles.com/2015/10/22/reverencing-ravishing-and-rollo/) — albeit from a biblical perspective — writing: “So should a wife Biblically speaking have a little healthy fear or dread of her husband? Absolutely!”

According to Solomon — who agreed with Tomassi’s distaste for feminism — the Bible says that women should submit to their husbands “’as unto the Lord’ (Ephesians 5:22)”

Solomon lamented the fact that he believes that most Christian husbands fear their wives.

“Men show their wives they are either afraid to lose them (be alone) or afraid of the prospect of divorce and the financial or child custody repercussions that it may bring, ” he wrote.

Solomon suggested that Christian husbands should use what he calls the “there’s the door” method.

“So when a woman acts out in rebellion toward her husband and tries to act as if she does not need her husband or that other men would treat her better the Christian husband should tell his wife “there’s the door”. Will some women be foolish enough to walk out that door? Yes, ” he wrote. ” But the moment a man allows his wife to put him in a position of fearing her, rather than her fearing him the relationship has just changed from the design God intended it to be.”

Solomon added that there is a limit to what a husband needs to provide for his wife and that the minimums should be withdrawn if she gets out of line.

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/christian-marriage-adviser-use-fear-and-dread-to-control-your-wife-as-god-intended/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

War on Wimmen: "it is written", "God will it" " :lol

10-27-2015, 08:18 PM
Church opposes DC's proposed bike lane because ‘rights of religious freedom’ (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/15/1432888/-Church-opposes-DC-s-proposed-bike-lane-because-rights-of-religious-freedom)

The District government is going through the rather municipally boring process of determining where to build a bike lane on the east side of downtown.And one church has given a charged response to some proposals, saying that a bike lane near its property would infringe upon “its constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom and equal protection of the laws.”

Are they serious? Yes. Yes, they are.

The parking loss would place an unconstitutionally undue burden on people who want to pray, the church argues, noting that other churches already have had to flee to the suburbs because of similarly onerous parking restrictions. The church says that DDOT lets cars park diagonally on the street during busy times, which would be seemingly impossible if a protected bike lane were on the street.

The city says is it listening to all sides and hasn't made a decision yet. The debate is going to continue to heat up: (http://wjla.com/news/local/cyclists-vs-church-goers-in-recent-bike-lane-battle-in-northwest-dc)

Jimmy Russell, who attends Bethel Baptist nearby, says its not fair what the city is doing. The church was there first and should not have to lose its parking. But, Martin Moulton, resident and vice president of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, cites the need for hundreds of people to get to work and school by bike in the area of 6th St..Spokesman for DC's Transportation Department, DDOT, Sam Zimbabwe said, "Sixth street is interesting because it is one of the few streets that connects all the way north and south."


Freedom! To as stupid as ya wanna be!

Much abused, much perverted "freedom" of religion, speech, guns is being rammed down everybody's throats.


Basically the church is afraid of losing business.

...on property they pay $0 taxes on...

10-30-2015, 10:38 PM
Virginia Repugs’ unconstitutional campaign ad: We are the party of ‘Christian heritage’

Republicans in Augusta County, Virginia flouted the separation of church and state after releasing an ad suggesting that only their candidates would defend “Christian heritage” if elected.“

God is a foundation of our nation,” county party commitee chair Larry Roller told the Staunton News-Leader. (http://www.newsleader.com/story/news/local/2015/10/29/gop-christian-ad-creator-explains/74816096/)

“If you read the histories of our founding fathers, [they say] you should not run for office if you are not a Christian.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/virginia-repubs-unconstitutional-campaign-ad-we-are-the-party-of-christian-heritage/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

11-03-2015, 09:32 PM
Tennessee man charged with raping wife in church parking lot: ‘I am your husband, I can get it anytime I want
http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/tennessee-man-charged-with-raping-wife-in-church-parking-lot-i-am-your-husband-i-can-get-it-anytime-i-want/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Where would he get such a strange idea? :lol

11-03-2015, 10:03 PM
Holy war: Louisiana students fight Christian indoctrination at public high school

A Baptist pastor and an evangelical Christian high school principal are fighting the ACLU and students over a pattern of intense Christian indoctrination at Airline High School, a public school in Bossier Parish, Louisiana.According to Slate (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2015/11/christianity_forced_on_public_school_students_in_l ouisiana.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top), Pastor Mike Welch of Bistineau Baptist Church and Airline principal Jason Rowland are angrily retrenching after the ACLU served them notice on Sep. 24, ordering the school to stop aggressively proselytizing students.

At Airline High, students are regularly force-fed Christian ideology.

They’re taught Creationism as science and in health classes, teachers drill students in Bible verses.

Girls’ gym classes warn against the evils of contraception and a Christian speaker and self-proclaimed “born-again Virgin” was brought in from the local “crisis pregnancy center” (http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2015/06/crisis_pregnancy_centers_three_legal_strategies_fo r_bringing_them_down.html) to lecture female students about the dangers of sex out of wedlock.

Students and their families have complained that wall-to-wall Christian dogma should not be the cost they pay for receiving a public education.

The ACLU sent a letter to the Bossier Parish school board warning that the school’s religious indoctrination plan is in conflict with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which forbids the establishment of an official religion by government officials

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/holy-war-louisiana-students-fight-christian-indoctrination-at-public-high-school/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

11-03-2015, 10:31 PM
Creepy Christian principal says sexist school dress codes help preserve girls’ virginity for their ‘one and only’

A Christian high school principal is being criticized for an op-ed where he says dress codes imposed on young women help protect the “gift” of their virginity, which should be preserved for their “one and only.”

The piece, published in MLive (http://www.mlive.com/opinion/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/10/principal_dress_codes_keep_gir.html#comments) by Jim Bazen, principal of Plymouth Christian High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan, suggests women and girls can’t understand the “more visual” male mind so they need dress codes demanding modesty from them.

“The only way you can help young men not treat young ladies as sex objects is by telling the young ladies to cover up!

A young man will not think of a respectfully dressed young woman as a ‘sex object’ but is more likely to see her for who she is,” Brazen writes.

“A young man may have no intention to lust, yet when an immodestly dressed girl passes him in the hall, he will think sexual thoughts.”

The notion that women are responsible for the actions of men by dressing a certain way has been discredited as victim blaming (http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/06/opinion/costello-provocative-clothes-dont-cause-rape/).

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/creepy-christian-principal-says-sexist-school-dress-codes-help-preserve-girls-virginity-for-their-one-and-only/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

War on Women as both inducers of sex assault and as rape victims, and insulting men by claiming they can't control themselves.

Fuck Christians.

11-03-2015, 10:37 PM
Fuck jesus
Fuck the pope
Fuck christianity as a staff rekid label and as a mutha fuckin krew
And if you wanna be down with christ, Fuck You 2!

11-04-2015, 08:22 AM
Holy war: Louisiana students fight Christian indoctrination at public high school

A Baptist pastor and an evangelical Christian high school principal are fighting the ACLU and students over a pattern of intense Christian indoctrination at Airline High School, a public school in Bossier Parish, Louisiana.According to Slate (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2015/11/christianity_forced_on_public_school_students_in_l ouisiana.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top), Pastor Mike Welch of Bistineau Baptist Church and Airline principal Jason Rowland are angrily retrenching after the ACLU served them notice on Sep. 24, ordering the school to stop aggressively proselytizing students.

At Airline High, students are regularly force-fed Christian ideology.

They’re taught Creationism as science and in health classes, teachers drill students in Bible verses.

Girls’ gym classes warn against the evils of contraception and a Christian speaker and self-proclaimed “born-again Virgin” was brought in from the local “crisis pregnancy center” (http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2015/06/crisis_pregnancy_centers_three_legal_strategies_fo r_bringing_them_down.html) to lecture female students about the dangers of sex out of wedlock.

Students and their families have complained that wall-to-wall Christian dogma should not be the cost they pay for receiving a public education.

The ACLU sent a letter to the Bossier Parish school board warning that the school’s religious indoctrination plan is in conflict with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which forbids the establishment of an official religion by government officials

http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/holy-war-louisiana-students-fight-christian-indoctrination-at-public-high-school/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

BigReligion just doing what they do in the South

11-04-2015, 02:35 PM
Christian Sharia in action IN GOOD 'OL USA

In Religious Arbitration, Scripture Is the Rule of Law

A few months before he took a toxic mix of drugs and died on a stranger’s couch,

But when his family sued Teen Challenge in 2012 hoping to uncover what had happened, they quickly hit a wall. When he was admitted to the program, at age 20, Mr. Ellison signed a contract that prevented him and his family from taking the Christian group to court.

Instead, his claim had to be resolved through a mediation or arbitration process that would be bound not by state or federal law, but by the Bible. “The Holy Scripture shall be the supreme authority,” the rules of the proceedings state.

For generations, religious tribunals have been used in the United States to settle family disputes and spiritual debates. But through arbitration, religion is being used to sort out secular problems like claims of financial fraud and wrongful death.

Customers who buy bamboo floors from Higuera Hardwoods in Washington State must take any dispute before a Christian arbitrator, according to the company’s website.

Carolina Cabin Rentals, which rents high-end vacation properties in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, tells its customers that disputes may be resolved according to biblical principles.

The same goes for contestants in a fishing tournament in Hawaii.

Religious arbitration clauses, including the one used by Teen Challenge, have often proved impervious to legal challenges.

Scientology (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/church_of_scientology/index.html?inline=nyt-org) forbids its followers from associating with former members who have been declared “suppressive persons,” according to people who have left the church. But this year, a federal judge in Florida upheld a religious arbitration clause requiring Luis Garcia, a declared suppressive, to take his claim that the church had defrauded him of tens of thousands of dollars before a panel of Scientologists (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/church_of_scientology/index.html?inline=nyt-org), instead of going to court.

Pamela Prescott battled for years to prove that she had been unjustly fired from a private school in Louisiana. The crux of her case — which wound through arbitration, a federal appeals court and state court — was references in her employment contract to verses from the Bible.

In legal circles, those cases, along with the Ellison suit, are considered seminal examples of how judges have consistently upheld religious arbitrations over secular objections.

They also reflect a battle in the United States over religious freedom, a series of skirmishes that include a Kentucky clerk’s refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and a Muslim woman’s being passed over for a job at Abercrombie & Fitch because she wore a head scarf.


11-05-2015, 05:08 PM
Texas attorney general gives cops the OK to put ‘In God We Trust’ on police cars


http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/texas-attorney-general-gives-cops-the-ok-to-put-in-god-we-trust-on-police-cars/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

11-05-2015, 06:07 PM
Texas attorney general gives cops the OK to put ‘In God We Trust’ on police cars


http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/texas-attorney-general-gives-cops-the-ok-to-put-in-god-we-trust-on-police-cars/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

No surprise after the way he commended county clerks for standing their ground on marriage licenses for gays. He's an idiot.

11-06-2015, 12:21 PM
Teen humiliated after high school advisor forces her to swear on a Bible that she wasn't pregnant (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/11/05/1445294/-Teen-humiliated-after-high-school-advisor-forces-her-to-swear-on-a-Bible-that-she-wasn-t-pregnant)

By all measures, Chasity Norwood appears to an exemplary student at Jackson High School: (http://www.11alive.com/story/news/education/2015/11/04/butts-teen-chastity-williams-jackson-sga/75175696/)

She had good grades, would serve manager of both the football and volleyball teams, was staying active in church and working at a local grocery store.

She signed up for her fourth year in the Student Government Association and that is when things went sour. Chasity admitted she'd put on weight recently, but the school advisor in charge of the SGA completely and repeatedly embarrassed her, likely breaking a few laws in the process:

But when Chasity went to sign-up for SGA in late August, she said the SGA teacher and adviser asked her if she was pregnant.

Chasity brushed it off. A few days later, the advisor asked again.

"The coordinator saw her in the lunch room and said she wanted to talk with her," Williams said. "She asked her if she was a Christian, she [Chasity] said yes. She [the adviser] asked another teacher to get her a Bible. When she got the Bible, Chasity told me that she asked her to swear that she was not pregnant."Chasity swore on the Bible she wasn't pregnant and paid the $25 SGA dues.

End story? Nope. The advisor brought it up again a few weeks later, denying her membership in the SGA:

"She [the adviser] said, 'I think you're pregnant and you can't walk behind me pregnant,'" Williams said. "And, that really hurt her. She [the adviser] said, 'Your check will be refunded. I hope you graduate and have a nice life.'''

The school says she wasn't allowed in because her payment was late. Chasity and her mother say they know of other students who turned in payment even later and were not denied.


11-06-2015, 02:25 PM
Supreme Court Agrees To Hear The Next 'Hobby Lobby' Case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear appeals brought by Christian groups who are demanding full exemption from the requirement to provide insurance covering contraception under President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.

The nine justices will consider seven related cases on whether nonprofit groups that oppose the requirement on religious grounds can object under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act to a compromise measure offered by the Obama administration.


11-07-2015, 02:15 PM
Cruz: 'Any President Who Doesn't Begin Every Day On His Knees Isn't Fit To Be Commander-In-Chief Of This Nation'


aka, a Christian Taliban supremacist imposing a Christianity religious test for public office.

Thanks, Texians!

11-07-2015, 04:01 PM
Fuck the Kristian Taliban ! Fuck its entirety right in the MotherFucking Pussy!

11-09-2015, 06:09 AM
The Fallacy of the Latest Contraception Case

The plaintiff employers — including several religious schools and an order of Catholic nuns that provides services to the elderly poor — refuse to provide coverage for certain contraceptives, which they believe (contrary to scientific consensus) induce abortions. The government has already agreed that these employers are not required to provide such coverage.

The problem is, they refuse even to notify the government or their insurers of their refusal, which would mean using a simple two-page form designed especially for the purpose. They argue (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/opinion/greenhouse/RomanCatholicArchbishopappeal.pdf.pdf) that

signing the form would make them complicit in the eventual provision of contraception, and thus would violate their faith. :lol

But once the employer has opted out, it has no obligation to do anything. The government, or the insurer or plan administrator, takes over and provides the coverage.

The challengers know this. Their lawsuit, like several others before it (http://sblog.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/13-354-BRIEF-OF-AMICI-CURIAE-PHYSICIANS-FOR-REPRODUCTIVE-HEALTH-et-al....pdf), is a well orchestrated assault on the right of women (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/24/opinion/the-gops-obsession-with-planned-parenthood.html) to control their bodies, and thus the course of their own lives, by deciding if and when they will have a child.

The first seven federal appeals courts that considered the plaintiffs’ argument against signing the form threw it out, and for good reason: There is surely a compelling interest in ensuring that women have easy access to (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/06/science/colorados-push-against-teenage-pregnancies-is-a-startling-success.html)health care (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/06/science/colorados-push-against-teenage-pregnancies-is-a-startling-success.html), including contraception (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/13/opinion/better-contraception-for-young-women.html), and it is hard to imagine a less restrictive approach than requiring employers simply to sign a form.

Yet in September, the federal appeals court for the Eighth Circuit upheld the employers’ argument on the grounds that (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/opinion/greenhouse/EighthCircuitSharpeHoldings.pdf.pdf) they have a “sincere religious belief” that signing the form makes them “morally and spiritually complicit” in what they consider to be a sin.

This should not be a difficult case. In a secular society, religious freedom demands respect and accommodation, not a veto over government action that benefits others who believe differently.

As Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote (http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/13a1284_ap6c.pdf) after the Hobby Lobby decision, thinking that “one’s religious beliefs are substantially burdened — no matter how sincere or genuine that belief may be — doesn’t make it so.”

Even in the warped Hobby Lobby opinion (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/13/us/politics/courts-support-obamas-contraceptive-policy-but-challenges-remain.html) itself, the court seemed to suggest that the simple process of refusal “achieves all of the government’s aims while providing greater respect for religious liberty.”


8th circuit: 16 judges, 12 appointed by Repug Presidents.

The 2 decisions on ACA legality/contraception was written by a Repug judge and joined by two other Repug judges.

No doubt these Repug judges will get LUCRATIVE speaking jobs paid by the VRWC who put them on the bench.

11-10-2015, 10:30 AM
Christian Sharia prudery, enforced ignorance, misinformation work every time

Texas abstinence-only high school struggling to deal with chlamydia epidemic (http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2015/11/9/1447600/-Texas-abstinence-only-high-school-struggling-to-deal-with-chlamydia-epidemic)

Who could’ve seen this coming? When you don’t teach kids about safe sex, they tend to have sex anyway, minus the safe part: (http://www.krmg.com/news/news/local/chlamydia-rampant-texas-abstinence-only-high-schoo/npFNw/#cmComments)

The superintendent of schools in Crane, Texas is rethinking the districts sexual education curriculum, after learning that 20 of the high schools 300 students have tested positive for chlamydia.

Jim Rummage told television station KFOR, "We do have an abstinence curriculum, and that evidently ain’t working. We need to do all we can, although it’s the parents’ responsibility to educate their kids on sexual education.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention isn't mincing any words, calling the outbreak a health issue of epidemic proportions.

Abstinence-only programs have been an enormous failure, despite heavy funding from the George W. Bush administration and conservative legislatures: (http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/topics-issues/abstinenceonly/769-abstinence-only-until-marriage-programs)

Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs don't work.

To date, 11 states have evaluated the impact of their abstinence-only-until-marriage programs. None has been shown to reduce teen sexual activity.

Virginity pledgers have found "loopholes" to keep their pledges intact—engaging in risky oral or anal sex—and neglecting to use condoms when they do begin to have vaginal intercourse, according to research from Peter Bearman (http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/topics-issues/abstinenceonly/770?task=view) at Columbia University.

A 2007 federally-funded evaluation (http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publications/PDFs/impactabstinence) of these programs found that youth in the control group were no more likely to have abstained from sex and, among those who reported having sex, had a similar number of partners and had initiated sex at the same age.

It’s time for Texas schools to put their children first and restore sex ed classes to their public schools. After all, reducing STDs rates and teen pregnancy rates isn’t just the right thing to do for their overall health, it is the fiscally-conservative thing to do as well.


11-11-2015, 10:20 AM
Ted Cruz: Atheists Shouldn't Be President of the United States

Ted Cruz's evangelical pander-thon sinks to a new low.

"Any president," Cruz said, "who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander in chief of this nation."

The crowd applauded with glee; the irony that such a bigoted statement was said at a "religious liberties" conference was apparently lost on everyone.


Thanks, Texian Christian Taliban!

11-12-2015, 04:05 PM
A Utah judge is trying to split up a family because the parents are gay

11-12-2015, 05:14 PM
Tennessee School Can’t Hand Out Bibles Anymore Because Stupid Constitution


Another blow to the oppressed Christian majority across America, as some smart aleck in Tennessee (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/11/tennessee-school-bans-distribution-bibles-religious-material/) decided to look up this “Constitution” thing, and you’ll never believe the crazy talk hidden deep inside of it!

Bledsoe County Schools Superintendent Jennifer Terry recently told the media that due to a complaint, the school is now banning religious distributions, meaning that the Christian group Gideons International will be barred from the school going forward.

Apparently, Gideon Chaplain Charlie Queen has been dropping by the local schoolhouse, setting up a table of Bibles, and simply offering them to children strolling by. No one is forcing students to take them, for Christ’s sake! He’s been doing it for years, so he doesn’t understand why all of a sudden, just because someone filed a formal complaint, he can’t do that anymore. Oh, sure, Superintendent Terry claims it’s something to do with the Constitution:

The distribution of religious materials in a public school is in violation of constitutional provisions and well established federal and state laws and precedence.

Lee Station Baptist Church Pastor Bill Wolfe cried:

"We’re sliding further and further away from the principals [sic] our nation was founded on and it’s very sad because we used to be a Nation under God Now I really believe we are slipping further away and we’re not going to be able to say that much longer.


11-12-2015, 05:35 PM
A Utah judge is trying to split up a family because the parents are gay


11-12-2015, 09:02 PM
Kristians are fucking liars and assholes and can not even stand up for the REAL Jesus Christ whom is BLACK. Fuck all of them and the perfect world of yesteryear. All of you cocksucking kristian assholes, especially the non-whites, go fucking tell your shitty baby fucking pedophile padresitos, priests to yank those evil pictures of Sweet Baby blondie Jesus down and have a public burning of those fakes like they did to Beatles and Elvis records. None of you putos will do it because you will even lie to yourself. Instead of praying to Jesus the lamb of god, you have been on your knees for a white devil, king of all liars, deceiver, he resembles a long goateed horned GOAT like the DEVIL . And it was Catholic baby fuckers that brought it to the overly loyal Mexicans. Get off your knees Black Man, Brown Man!

11-18-2015, 06:43 AM
Kasich Proposes Govt Agency To Espouse Judeo-Christian Values Abroad

Ohio Gov. John Kasich is proposing a new federal agency to spread Judeo-Christian values throughout the world as a way to combat the Islamic State.

"We need to beam messages around the world about what it means to have a Western ethic, to be a part of a Christian-Judeo society," Kasich said in an interview Tuesday with NBC (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/kasich-proposes-new-government-agency-promote-judeo-christian-values-n465101). "It means freedom, it means opportunity, it means respect for women, it means so many things."

The GOP presidential contender laid out his proposal during a larger discussion of his plan to defeat the Islamic State. The agency would promote the Judeo-Christian beliefs to places such as China, Russia, and the Middle East, Kasich told NBC.


and Kasich is supposed to the adult, the Serious One, in the Repug Klown Kar? :lol

01-07-2016, 10:33 AM
Slave state Sharia

Alabama’s Roy Moore tries to block marriage equality

In his order, Roy Moore – the Republican chief justice who made headlines last year for similarly standing in the way of same-sex nuptials in Alabama – said that the U.S. Supreme Court’s June decision only struck down the four same-sex marriage bans that were specifically challenged in the landmark case of Obergefell v. Hodges. That lawsuit was a consolidated challenge to bans in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee – not Alabama.

Therefore, Moore wrote, Alabama probate judges still have a “ministerial duty” to comply with an order issued by the state Supreme Court last March to deny same-sex couples marriage licenses.

For those unfamiliar with Moore, it’s worth noting that his legal views tend to be … how do I put this gently … unique. Alabama’s chief justice, who’s already been thrown off the court once for defying court rulings he found objectionable, has argued (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/even-alabama-public-officials-arent-ministers-god) repeatedly, for example, that states can ignore federal court rulings whenever they choose.

He’s also sometimes known as the “Ten Commandments Judge,” willing to use his position as a judge to advance his religious agenda. Now the jurist wants Alabama to ignore a U.S. Supreme Court ruling he finds objectionable.

In other words, Moore, widely seen as a crackpot by America’s legal mainstream, is not to be taken seriously. The problem, of course, is that he’s still the chief justice of the state Supreme Court, who just issued an order to probate judges statewide.

As of this morning, they’re not entirely sure whether to follow the law or follow Roy Moore’s bonkers interpretation of the law.

Chris Stoll, senior attorney at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, told MSNBC, “I can’t speak to what probate judges are going to do. But if they fail to comply with Judge Granade’s injunction, they’re exposing themselves to risk of contempt sanctions.”


01-12-2016, 02:39 PM
Tennessee College Gets To Boot Pregnant Homos, Keep Its Precious Taxpayer Moneys

Carson-Newman University, a little Southern Baptist school in Jefferson City, Tennessee, ain’t ’bout ta cotton to none ‘a them queers and their pregnant slut friends. And yay, the federal government says it doesn’t have to, (http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/Carson-Newman-University-granted-exemption-from-discrimination-laws-360521761.html) even though it receives federal money!

The Federal Government just granted Carson-Newman University a waiver that allows the school to ban gay students, unwed mothers, women who’ve had an abortion and even students who may be pregnant. […][Dr. Randall O’Brien, the university’s president] says he sent a letter back in May asking to be exempt from Title 9, which says colleges are not allowed to discriminate against students. He said, “This is who we are our religious principles and in a changing world we want to reaffirm who we are and intend to be.”

The little federal law called Title IX says schools can’t discriminate based on gender if they receive federal funding, but FOR ACTUAL yes they can, if compliance would otherwise “not be consistent with the religious tenets” of their organizations. And then Obama gaygendered (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/transgender-students-protected-under-title-ix) Title IX up in 2014 when he said, “Yeah, ass-ram the transgenders into that law, would ya?” Oh, but it was so much gayer than that, what Tyrant Obama did:

“Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity and OCR accepts such complaints for investigation,” reads the 46-page document. “Similarly, the actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity of the parties does not change a school’s obligations.”

As for Dr. O’Brien, the very smart (we are sure) president of Carson-Newman, he didn’t mean to be usin’ the waiver to discriminate. Here’s what he told (http://www.rawstory.com/2015/12/tennessee-school-wins-right-to-ban-gays-and-women-whove-had-sex-this-is-who-we-are/) reporter Lauren Davis of WVLT Local News 8, about why he did it:

“I understood that our legal counsel said that this would further establish our identity as a religious school, a Christian school.”

But when Davis pointed out that the purpose of the waiver was to allow the school to discriminate, O’Brien disagreed.

“I don’t know how it would be,” the president insisted.

“Then why file the waiver?” Davis pressed.

He dunno. O’Brien says he pinky double-dog swears the school won’t discriminate against any homogays or pregnant Palins this year,


01-16-2016, 10:36 AM
Rep. Dave Brat (R) is perhaps best known for his 2014 upset of then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R) in a Virginia primary.

But now that the far-right freshman is in Congress, Brat is adding to his political profile with bizarre remarks. Right Wing Watch reported (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/goper-dave-brat-attacks-obama-citing-bible-says-right-owns-tradition-christian-love) this week:

President Obama can never seem to win with Republicans, who seem to attack him for not talking about the Bible enough and then attack him even harder when he does.

Take, for example, American Family Radio host Sandy Rios’ interview yesterday with Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., in which Brat expressed his anger that Obama cited Christian teachings when he criticized Republicans for their attempts to block the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S.

The president, Brat said, is “using the Christian tradition and he’s trying to bring about compassion by bonking Republicans over the head with the Bible.

It’s almost a comedy routine on what compassion and love is.”

The GOP lawmaker added that Obama is “mocking his enemies in order to compel a larger federal state using the tradition of love.”

The solution, Brat went on to argue, is for the conservative movement to claim moral authority over Scripture.

“Our side, the conservative side, needs to reeducate its people that we own the entire tradition,” he said, adding,

“If you lose the moral argument, you’ll lose the policy argument every time. We need to regain the moral argument where we’re so strong.”


Repugs, conservatives as the party, the God-like movement of Christ! :lol G M A F B

Repugs are as ignorant, stupid, as they are scary. Thanks, Christian Taliban!

01-16-2016, 12:05 PM
Tennessee College Gets To Boot Pregnant Homos, Keep Its Precious Taxpayer Moneys

Carson-Newman University, a little Southern Baptist school in Jefferson City, Tennessee, ain’t ’bout ta cotton to none ‘a them queers and their pregnant slut friends. And yay, the federal government says it doesn’t have to, (http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/Carson-Newman-University-granted-exemption-from-discrimination-laws-360521761.html) even though it receives federal money!

The Federal Government just granted Carson-Newman University a waiver that allows the school to ban gay students, unwed mothers, women who’ve had an abortion and even students who may be pregnant. […][Dr. Randall O’Brien, the university’s president] says he sent a letter back in May asking to be exempt from Title 9, which says colleges are not allowed to discriminate against students. He said, “This is who we are our religious principles and in a changing world we want to reaffirm who we are and intend to be.”

The little federal law called Title IX says schools can’t discriminate based on gender if they receive federal funding, but FOR ACTUAL yes they can, if compliance would otherwise “not be consistent with the religious tenets” of their organizations. And then Obama gaygendered (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/transgender-students-protected-under-title-ix) Title IX up in 2014 when he said, “Yeah, ass-ram the transgenders into that law, would ya?” Oh, but it was so much gayer than that, what Tyrant Obama did:

“Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity and OCR accepts such complaints for investigation,” reads the 46-page document. “Similarly, the actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity of the parties does not change a school’s obligations.”

As for Dr. O’Brien, the very smart (we are sure) president of Carson-Newman, he didn’t mean to be usin’ the waiver to discriminate. Here’s what he told (http://www.rawstory.com/2015/12/tennessee-school-wins-right-to-ban-gays-and-women-whove-had-sex-this-is-who-we-are/) reporter Lauren Davis of WVLT Local News 8, about why he did it:

“I understood that our legal counsel said that this would further establish our identity as a religious school, a Christian school.”

But when Davis pointed out that the purpose of the waiver was to allow the school to discriminate, O’Brien disagreed.

“I don’t know how it would be,” the president insisted.

“Then why file the waiver?” Davis pressed.

He dunno. O’Brien says he pinky double-dog swears the school won’t discriminate against any homogays or pregnant Palins this year,


I had trouble deciphering that piece

01-20-2016, 11:05 AM
Tennessee Lawmakers Will Throw Poor People Under The Bus To Oppose Marriage Equality

The Supreme Court ruled definitively last June that banning same-sex marriage is a violation of the U.S. Constitution, but some lawmakers in Tennessee don’t care.

This week, they will consider a bill that would attempt to nullify the Obergefell decision and void the marriages of same-sex couples, and its passage could cost the state billions of dollars in federal funding for programs that help the state’s neediest.

Rep. Mark Pody (R) and Sen. Mae Beavers (R) originally filed their “Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act” back in September (http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2015/09/17/lawmakers-file-tennessee-natural-marriage-defense-act/32570645/), introducing it at a “religious liberty” rally.

HB 1412 (http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1412)/SB 1437 (http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=SB1437)dictates that “natural marriage between one (1) man and (1) woman as recognized by the people of Tennessee” would “remain the law in Tennessee, regardless of any court decision to the contrary.

Any court decision purporting to strike down natural marriage, including Obergefell v. Hodges, is unauthoritative, void, and of no effect.”


A slave state still wanting to secede, so it can implement Bible-based "states rights" to punish, discriminate LGBT.

One these assholes are convinced their doing God's work, they'll stop at nothing.

01-22-2016, 03:43 PM
GOP lawmakers want exemptions for gay marriage opponents

ATLANTA (AP) — Months after the Supreme Court (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Supreme+Court%22) effectively legalized same-sex marriage, lawmakers across the U.S. are pushing bills that would give businesses and some public employees the right to refuse serving gay couples because of their religious beliefs.

The American Civil Liberties Union (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22American+Civil+Liberties+Union%22) opposes such bills and says variations have been proposed in 22 states — mostly by Republicans, though they aren't universally backed in the GOP. Top employers, including Delta Air Lines, Home Depot (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Home+Depot%22), Porsche and UPS in Georgia, warn the proposals are unwelcoming and bad for business.

Even so, Georgia lawmakers have pressed on with a bill to allow business owners to refuse products or services for same-sex couples planning a wedding, and another that protects state employees who have religious objections to the marriages.

Republican state Rep. Kevin Tanner (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Kevin+Tanner%22), sponsor of a bill allowing bakers or other business owners to deny wedding-related services for gay couples, said he's not sure the measure has enough support to pass this year but called for a "non-emotional argument."

"I don't think anyone really fundamentally wants to prohibit the free exercise of religion :lol

and the ability of people to raise their children :lol

and still be able to make a living :lol

just because they have a different belief system than someone who is their customer," he said. :lol

( typically DISHONEST bullshit to justify harassment, discrimination, hate by Bible humpers)

The odds of passage nationwide vary dramatically. Several bills are filed in states with legislatures dominated by Democrats (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Democrats%22) or with a Democratic governor's veto standing in the way, such as Virginia. In Tennessee, lawmakers swiftly rejected a measure barring the state from abiding by the Supreme Court's gay marriage decision after legislative analysts projected it could jeopardize $8.5 billion in federal funding.

Elsewhere, the measures have backing from top officials supported by conservative voters demanding a response to the Supreme Court ruling. In Kentucky — home toKim Davis (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Kim+Davis%22), the county clerk jailed when she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious beliefs — lawmakers have proposed a bill allowing clerks to remove their name from licenses. The bill matches an executive order issued by Republican Gov. Matt Bevin (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Matt+Bevin%22).

Legal experts said any bills that become law are bound to be challenged in court. But how judges may rule depends on the specific issue.

Alexander Volokh (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Alexander+Volokh%22), an Emory University (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Emory+University%22) law professor, said courts may rule against exemptions for public employees. But laws covering private businesses in states without specific civil rights protections for gay residents could stand, he said.

"Private individuals don't have any constitutional duty to participate in gay marriage," Volokh said.

Charles Haynes (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Charles+Haynes%22), founding director of the Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Religious+Freedom+Center+of+the+Newseum+I nstitute%22), said states should be looking for ways to protect gay rights and religious belief, citing Utah's 2015 anti-discrimination law backed by the Mormon church (http://m.sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Feducation&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Mormon+church%22) and LGBT activists.

The law protects LGBT residents from discrimination in housing and employment but makes exemptions for religious organizations and religious speech at work unless it harasses someone.


01-26-2016, 04:58 PM
Religious objections law cost Indiana as much as $60 million

Indiana may have lost as much as $60 million in hotel profits, tax revenue and other economic benefits when a dozen groups decided against hosting conventions in Indianapolis last year due at least in part to the controversy surrounding the state's religious objections law.

A document prepared by the tourism group Visit Indy shows that the 12 out-of-state groups were surveyed and all said that the state's controversial law played a role in their decision to hold their events elsewhere.

The findings by Visit Indy are among the first to quantify the law's financial effect, an impact that social conservatives have skeptically downplayed. Visit Indy also is among several prominent Indiana business voices advocating for statewide protections for anyone fired from a job, denied service or evicted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In the group's surveys, Indianapolis tourism officials asked the conventions why they chose to locate in other states, without specifically mentioning the controversial law. All 12 cited the law — and the backlash it provoked — as one reason for choosing another city, said Chris Gahl, vice president of marketing and communications for Visit Indy.

"We'd say, 'Why didn't you select Indy?' and they proactively cited (the law) as a reason they did not select Indianapolis," Gahl said when asked about the document. "That is not news you want to hear when you are in the business of marketing a city."


02-04-2016, 03:07 PM
The Scourge of Religious Freedom Bills Has Less to Do With Gay Marriage Than You Think

So why is this issue suddenly so important?

Working as a reporter covering state politics, I talk to legislators and lobbyists about these religious freedom bills everyday. And no none of their answers about why these bills are cropping up are adequate.

Gay marriage is the answer on many liberals' lips; they say conservatives want to be protected from recognizing the rights of married gay couples. Conservatives are asserting it’s merely a response to discrimination.

These answers are quite shallow. The deeper issue is that Christian hegemony is being substantially challenged in many social spheres, particularly for white, religiously conservative communities of Christians. What conservative voices are calling “discrimination against people of faith,” is really about loss of privilege, to these Christians in particular.

Here’s how Christian hegemony has worked, in my experience as a non-Christian in the South:

Christians can largely expect people to know what their major holidays are and when they are celebrated.Many facets of government and private business are attuned to Christian holidays, with special hours or time off expected by default. This is largely not true for other religious groups, like Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, etc., with some regional exceptions.

Christian ways of praying are normalized. Growing up, my public school had a moment of silence following the pledge of allegiance. As a non-Christian, it was clear to me that this was a thinly veiled opportunity for prayer: Christian prayer. No one pulled out a prayer mat or davened, but some students would adopt body language that mirrored praying in church. Christian church. The same thing would repeat itself at lunchtime, as I awkwardly did not pray along with fellow students before eating. This was in one of the largest school districts in the nation.

Christian ways of talking about god are normalized.Down at my state capitol, I get chances to pray a lot. Sometimes the Chaplain of the Day (the House and Senate both have one, every day) or the legislator leading prayer before a committee meeting try to use inclusive language like "god of all people." But the language is still rooted in a particular theology, often with explicit references to Jesus or our heavenly father. Just to be clear: not everyone who practices a religion prays; not everyone who prays prays to Jesus; and not everyone who prays to a single god uses English to articulate a male figurehead. Christians pray to Jesus, and to a single, personified male god that is perceived as taking an active role in their lives.

Judeo-Christian values.Judeo-Christian values are not a thing. Judaism and the Hebrew bible are often co-opted by Christians to assert the inclusiveness or globalness of their values. If any of the sponsors of these religious freedom bills can tell me anything about Judaism, other than a convenient talking point or two for their bill(s), I would be shocked. If they could tell me anything about Islam, another Abrahamic religion, or any other religion at all, I would also be shocked. Fun fact: The last day of the Georgia legislative session falls over Purim, and the legislative session conveniently ends the day before Good Friday.

In other, subtle ways, Christian values and culture—particularly as envisioned and lived in conservative, white communities—dominate in all spheres of American life. Or at least they have, historically. This is changing.

Part of this is because America’s demographics are changing (http://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape/), with more than a quarter of the population identifying their religion as unaffiliated or non-Christian. Christian communities are also increasingly made up of immigrants and people of color, who may practice Christianity in very different ways than conservative, white Christians (http://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/christians/christian/racial-and-ethnic-composition/).


02-07-2016, 01:23 PM
Professor who said Christians, Muslims worship same God to leave school

Larycia Hawkins, a tenured political science professor, was due to face a disciplinary hearing after posting on social media that she would don the hijab head scarf before Christmas as a sign of solidarity with Muslims.


Thanks, lady, for exposing Christian Taliban as hate-filled, Muslim-hating assholes. You were probably at a serious disadvantage in being black.

02-07-2016, 02:44 PM
She knew what the school stands for and probably (like the teachers at Baylor) signed something saying that she agreed with their beliefs. Why get a job at such a place if you really don't believe what they believe. Is this just for the publicity or the undisclosed agreement they came to?

02-07-2016, 02:49 PM
She knew what the school stands for and probably (like the teachers at Baylor) signed something saying that she agreed with their beliefs. Why get a job at such a place if you really don't believe what they believe. Is this just for the publicity or the undisclosed agreement they came to?

maybe when she started the job, the widespread Muslim hate, mostly by Christian Taliban, eg after San Bernardino, was present, but when hate arrived, she wanted to show solidarity.

Christian Taliban are by definition intolerant haters of other religions, since they are convinced they have The One And Only True God who loves them exclusively.

02-07-2016, 03:18 PM
maybe when she started the job, the widespread Muslim hate, mostly by Christian Taliban, eg after San Bernardino, was present, but when hate arrived, she wanted to show solidarity.

Christian Taliban are by definition intolerant haters of other religions, since they are convinced they have The One And Only True God who loves them exclusively.

You know that the fuss was not about solidarity or what she wore. It was about her statement that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Christians worship Christ - Muslims do not.

03-17-2016, 12:47 PM
:lol The ambassador that secretly setup the Kim Davis / Pope meeting getting the hammer

Vatican to Replace Diplomat Who Set Up Kim Davis Meeting

The Vatican is replacing its controversial ambassador to the U.S., who arranged the meeting between Pope Francis and antigay Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis (http://www.advocate.com/kim-davis) last fall.

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò will leave the position of apostolic nuncio, the equivalent of an ambassador, and will be replaced by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, a French-born clergyman who is currently the nuncio to Mexico, Catholic magazine America (http://americamagazine.org/content/dispatches/french-archbishop-christophe-pierre-expected-be-new-nuncio-united-states?utm_content=buffer118d8&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer) reports, citing Sandro Magister, a blogger who covers the Vatican.

The Vatican is not expected to confirm the news until the Obama administration has agreed to the new nuncio’s appointment, the magazine notes, but it adds that “reliable sources” expect an official announcement before Easter, which falls on March 27 this year. Because of his experience in Mexico, Pierre may well emphasize immigration issues, The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/03/10/pope-francis-is-reportedly-appointing-a-new-ambassador-to-the-united-states/)reports.

Viganò has had a different emphasis, being “often more outspoken in his antagonism to same-sex marriage than others in the church,” the Post reports. The Roman Catholic Church remains adamantly opposed to such unions, but Pope Francis has said clergy members needn’t discuss (http://www.advocate.com/politics/religion/2013/09/20/watch-lgbt-supportive-catholics-react-positively-popes-statements)the issue constantly.

During the pope’s visit to the U.S. last year, Viganò arranged for him to meet with Davis, the Rowan County clerk, who shut down all marriage operations in her office to avoid serving same-sex couples after the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling. After she was sued and disobeyed a federal judge's order to resume marriage operations, she went to jail (http://www.advocate.com/marriage-equality/2015/09/03/kim-davis-custody-contempt-court) for contempt of court before agreeing (http://www.advocate.com/marriage-equality/2015/09/08/kim-davis-be-released-jail) that her office would serve all eligible couples.

Davis and her attorneys at Liberty Counsel, an anti-LGBT legal group, said she and her husbandmet privately (http://www.advocate.com/religion/2015/9/29/pope-met-kim-davis-say-her-lawyers) with Pope Francis, who told her to “stay strong.” After news reports appeared about the meeting, held at the Vatican embassy in Washington, D.C., Vatican officials said (http://www.advocate.com/religion/2015/10/02/vatican-disputes-kim-daviss-version-papal-meeting) the session was not private — the Davises were among several dozen people in a papal reception— and that the pope did not discuss the details of her situation. “His meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects,” a Vatican spokesman said at the time. Davis is not Catholic but a member of the Apostolic Pentecostal Christian faith.

Vatican officials also said the pope’s only private meeting during his stay in the U.S. was with a former student from his time in Argentina. That student is a partnered gay man (http://www.advocate.com/religion/2015/10/05/pope-not-afraid-have-gay-friend-says-former-student) who now lives in Washington.

After the meeting with Davis, observers wondered if Viganò kept the pope “in the dark” about her situation or just didn’t realize “the off-message media storm that a meeting with Ms. Davis would provoke,” The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/03/world/europe/archbishop-at-center-of-mystery-of-papal-meeting-with-kim-davis.html?_r=0) reported last fall.

Viganò has been the nuncio to the U.S. since 2011, having assumed the position after having differences with other church officials when he served as secretary of the governorate of Vatican City State, “a position not unlike the mayor of Vatican City,” as the Times puts it, under Pope Francis’s predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. Viganò turned 75 in January; when bishops and archbishops reach that age, they are required to submit a letter of resignation to the Vatican. Not all such resignations are accepted, and some clergy members continue their work for many more years, but it appears that Viganò will not.

03-18-2016, 12:02 AM
htf does a commoner support 4 wives when theres not enough to go around?

03-22-2016, 01:15 PM
Christian parents freak out over yoga exercises at Georgia school: ‘This is very scary’

Some parents at a Georgia elementary school are balking at yoga exercises they believe violate their Christian beliefs.Administrators at Bullard Elementary School hosted a meeting with parents to address what they said were misconceptions circulating on social media about the yoga practice, reported the Atlanta Journal Constitution (http://www.myajc.com/news/news/local-education/classroom-yoga-exercises-prompt-parent-concerns-in/nqqBq/).

The school’s principal also sent out an email to explain the exercises and point out to parents that some elements — such as the “namaste” greeting and other Hindu customs associated with yoga — will not be used any longer.

But that has not calmed fearful parents, who warned against “mindfulness indoctrination.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/christian-parents-freak-out-over-yoga-exercises-at-georgia-school-this-is-very-scary/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

... says Christian Taliban suffering from Christian mindlessness indoctrination. :lol

goddam, American "Christianity" is a stinking shitpile, esp in red and slave states.

03-22-2016, 01:29 PM
Idaho Republican: Bibles in public schools ruled constitutional by ‘little Supreme Court in my head’

The Idaho House of Representatives has passed legislation allowing references to the Bible in public schools in direct contradiction to the state constitution,

The bill that says use of the Bible is “expressly permitted” passed the House on Monday, even though the Idaho attorney general said such a law is “specifically prohibited” by the state’s own governing document. The Idaho Constitution says, “No books, papers, tracts or documents of a political, sectarian or denominational character shall be used.”

According to the Review, the bill’s Republican sponsor, state Rep. Sage Dixon, referred to voices in his head for approval, saying, “The little Supreme Court in my head says this is OK.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/idaho-republican-bibles-in-public-schools-ruled-constitutional-by-little-supreme-court-in-my-head/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

... Repug red state Christian cretins.

03-22-2016, 01:37 PM
lol boutons deflecting

03-22-2016, 01:41 PM
lol boutons deflecting

... dickless spurraider hiding behind non-answers

03-22-2016, 01:44 PM
lol boutons deflecting
The victims of today's attacks aren't even buried yet and he's semen-shielding muslims with yoga articles:lmao

03-22-2016, 03:28 PM
Idaho Republican: Bibles in public schools ruled constitutional by ‘little Supreme Court in my head’

The Idaho House of Representatives has passed legislation allowing references to the Bible in public schools in direct contradiction to the state constitution,

The bill that says use of the Bible is “expressly permitted” passed the House on Monday, even though the Idaho attorney general said such a law is “specifically prohibited” by the state’s own governing document. The Idaho Constitution says, “No books, papers, tracts or documents of a political, sectarian or denominational character shall be used.”

According to the Review, the bill’s Republican sponsor, state Rep. Sage Dixon, referred to voices in his head for approval, saying, “The little Supreme Court in my head says this is OK.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/idaho-republican-bibles-in-public-schools-ruled-constitutional-by-little-supreme-court-in-my-head/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

... Repug red state Christian cretins.

Lol the little Supreme Court in my head

03-24-2016, 10:53 AM
Pro-Bible district changes mind about religion in school after being forced to hand out Satanic fliers

A Colorado school district that allowed Gideon Bibles to be distributed to students wants to remove religion from its schools after it was forced to also make atheist and Satanic literature available.The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) explained earlier this month (https://ffrf.org/news/news-releases/item/26013-ffrf-seeks-lit-distribution-in-colorado-public-schools) that it had asked the Delta County School District to begin handing out “freethought materials” after the district refused to stop distributing Bibles to students.

“The School District is not required to maintain this open forum and is free to close it rather than allow FFRF to distribute materials,” FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel wrote in a March 3 letter to the Delta County School District. “We do not think schools should be a battleground for religious ideas. But when schools allow the Gideons to prey on children, their message of eternal damnation for any who don’t believe in their God must be countered.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/pro-bible-district-changes-mind-about-religion-in-school-after-being-forced-to-hand-out-satanic-fliers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29


FFRF screwed the Christian supremacists good and hard. :lol

03-24-2016, 11:00 AM
FFRF doing the spaghetti monster lord's work :tu

03-24-2016, 11:24 AM
DC cop threatens woman with handcuffs when she refuses to take off hijab at public library

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/d-c-cop-threatens-woman-with-handcuffs-when-she-refuses-to-take-off-hijab-at-public-library/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

But I suppose he wouldn't cuff a Catholic nun in her "hijab".

03-24-2016, 11:29 AM
DC cop threatens woman with handcuffs when she refuses to take off hijab at public library

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/d-c-cop-threatens-woman-with-handcuffs-when-she-refuses-to-take-off-hijab-at-public-library/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

But I suppose he wouldn't cuff a Catholic nun in her "hijab".

:cry but the hijab means she might be a terrorist

03-24-2016, 12:38 PM
Catholics extremists were THE ORIGINAL TERRORIST in the w. hemisphere and dont none of you catholic cocksuckers forget it hoes. ok?

03-24-2016, 12:41 PM
Why the fuck you catholic beans think you are catholic in the first goddam motherfucking place. And god hates you very much .

03-24-2016, 12:41 PM
Catholics extremists were THE ORIGINAL TERRORIST in the w. hemisphere and dont none of you catholic cocksuckers forget it hoes. ok?

Don't forget the Vikings.

Not really relevant in 2016 tho.

03-24-2016, 12:42 PM
Don't forget the Vikings.

Not really relevant in 2016 tho.

Tell me more about it

03-24-2016, 12:48 PM
Who did the vikings terrorize by order of their god in the w hemisphere and with what religion?

03-25-2016, 05:28 AM
Catholics extremists were THE ORIGINAL TERRORIST in the w. hemisphere and dont none of you catholic cocksuckers forget it hoes. ok?

.... also conducted the first War on Drugs.

03-25-2016, 10:29 PM
Ted Cruz’s Terrifying Approach to ‘Religious Liberty’

Mr. Cruz is a hard-core member of the group of Americans whose politics are driven primarily, or even entirely, by their personal religious beliefs. They think these beliefs should be the law of the land, although they always take care to act as though they are simply trying to honor the Constitution’s mandate to protect religious freedom.

And so Mr. Cruz created a “Religious Liberty Advisory Council” to offer suggestions of things he can do as president to protect religious freedom — in other words, to make sure that evangelical Christianity is embedded in government and the law, and that gay Americans and other godless non-believers are dealt with properly.

As Zack Ford pointed out at ThinkProgress (http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2016/03/25/3763293/ted-cruz-religious-liberty/), the council includes only members of “the most conservative iterations of Christianity.” It is led by Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, a group that makes the Tea Party look like a gang of socialist agitators. So the results were predictable, and predictably disturbing.

They include

making sure that gay Americans don’t have any special protection against discrimination in the public arena or the workplace;

repealing the mandate that employers’ health insurance plans include contraception coverage;

allowing religious groups to go on claiming tax deductions for blatantly political activity;

and on and on.

Mr. Cruz is currently losing the nominating contest, so why worry about this? Because anti-Trump forces in the Republican Party actually point to Mr. Cruz sometimes as an alternative, because Mr. Cruz is going to go on being a senator, and because these ideas form the bedrock of the agenda of the right wing.

However the nomination fight turns out, the intolerant Christian right is not planning on folding up its tent and leaving the field of battle any time soon.


04-01-2016, 01:51 PM
Public school teacher busted after forcing kids to watch Mel Gibson’s gruesome Jesus flick


Arkansas history teacher has been suspended after students complained that he forced them to watch Mel Gibson’s graphic and violent 2004 film, The Passion of the Christ.

In a recording taken by a student, the teacher also complained about Democrats and liberals, bemoaning “political correctness.”

“It was weird. He shouldn’t have done it because there are a lot of students that have different religions. It just didn’t feel right,” Kristina Coffman said before adding that five students — including herself — walked out of the classroom as the film started

“They were like this doesn’t feel right. They just didn’t want to be in there,” she said.

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/public-school-teacher-busted-after-forcing-kids-to-watch-mel-gibsons-gruesome-jesus-flick/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

04-01-2016, 02:04 PM
:lmao at least you got the state right this time

04-01-2016, 02:05 PM
:lmao at least you got the state right this time

... and you have nothing to say.

04-04-2016, 09:10 AM
Christian homeschoolers cry discrimination after trade schools ask for proof they learned something


HJo\\0meschoolers says it’s unfair that they must prove they’ve obtained high school-level academic skills to become a police officer or enter trade school.The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is challenging requirements (http://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2016/2016032801.asp) by cosmetology and vocational schools that incoming students show a high school diploma or pass a GED exam to gain admittance.

“A homeschool graduate is accepted into a cosmetology or vocational school — but then, like a bolt from above, the admissions office reverses course,” said William Estrada, HSLDA director of federal relations. “Officials tell the applicant that the school cannot accept homeschoolers.”

The Christian legal advocacy group has handled numerous calls from homeschooled young adults who say they were turned away from trade schools or police departments because they had not passed a General Educational Development exam — which they say graduates of traditional high schools are not required to do.

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/christian-homeschoolers-cry-discrimination-after-trade-schools-ask-for-proof-they-learned-something/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

04-04-2016, 09:59 AM
I didn't even know that those schools required a high school diploma. Certain trades you should probably be able to learn without one.

04-04-2016, 01:25 PM
The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is.....

Lemme guess how they earned their law degrees

04-04-2016, 01:30 PM
Lemme guess how they earned their law degrees
probably law school

04-04-2016, 01:33 PM
probably law school

Oh right.

04-06-2016, 10:14 AM
Why did Tennessee lawmakers designate the Bible as state's official book

Both houses of Tennessee's legislature have passed a bill designating the Bible as the official book of the Volunteer State, over objections that the bill is unconstitutional.

If Republican Gov. Bill Haslam signs SB1108, the Bible will join the mockingbird, the tulip poplar, the channel catfish, the Barrett .50 caliber rifle, and the song "My Homeland, Tennessee" as one of the Volunteer State's many official symbols.

The bill's sponsor, Republican Sen. Steve Southerland, argued that the Bible plays a special role in history – both that of Tennessee and the Holy Land. :lol


Fuck these Christian Taliban.

04-06-2016, 10:32 AM
Alabama GOP governor to face impeachment push in state legislature

“We’ve never done this before. We’ve never tried to impeach a governor,” added Henry, who spoke alongside several state representatives who support impeachment.

He drafted articles of impeachment that accuse Bentley of



immoral behavior, :lol (dirty talk and feeling up a bitch, aka private sexual behavior, are illegal in AL? :lol )

and neglecting his duties as governor.

In response, Bentley issued a statement calling the effort a distraction from pending issues before the state legislature. :lol

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/alabama-gop-governor-to-face-impeachment-push-in-state-legislature/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

"distraction from pending issues"? That's the S.O.P. for all Repugs everywhere. :lol

04-06-2016, 01:22 PM
Repug sewer rat posing as Christian Taliban

Hero teacher schools GOP lawmaker for trying to censor Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novelA Virginia Republican who wanted to let parents opt their children out of assigned reading called the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved “moral sewage,”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/hero-teacher-schools-gop-lawmaker-for-trying-to-censor-toni-morrisons-pulitzer-prize-winning-novel/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

And Fox, Repugs WHINE about PC? :lol

... while LYING that the Civil War was not about slavery, that slaves were happy, etc, etc. :lol

04-08-2016, 09:26 AM
From slave state TN Constitution:

"No preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishment or mode of worship."

... and the Repugs slander Obama as lawless? :lol

04-09-2016, 11:26 PM
Fired Indiana trooper rants about preaching to pulled-over drivers: ‘I’m a soldier for Jesus Christ’

An Indiana state trooper who was fired (https://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/indiana-trooper-fired-for-preaching-at-traffic-stop-oh-well-im-just-following-what-the-lord-told-me-to-do/) for proselytizing people he pulled over during traffic stops spoke out an Saturday and said he accepts his firing because he is a “soldier for Jesus Christ.”Surrounded by praying supporters, Hamilton, who was fired on Thursday, said his responsibility as a Christian superseded those of his job, ABC6 reports (http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/trooper-fired-for-preaching-on-the-job-id-rather-follow-jesus).

“I always said after I got saved, I work for the state, but ultimately I’m a soldier for Jesus Christ,” Hamilton said, as supporter said “Amen” in the background. “And God has used that job for the last three years… and that was to spread the word and tell people when they’re hurting, the truth.”

He then said that while he believes the United States is a great country, “it’s on its way down.”

“We just came out here to street preach, and hopefully we’ll see souls saved today,” he said. “And I’ll be honored to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.”

utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29 (http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/fired-indiana-trooper-rants-about-preaching-to-pulled-over-drivers-im-a-soldier-for-jesus-christ/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29)

Just as brainwashed as any Scientologist or other fringe cult.

04-13-2016, 11:20 AM
Ted Cruz Knows Dildos Are Slippery Slope To Banging Your Sister

?Ted Cruz tried to be that dildo-yanker. When he was solicitor general in Texas, his team defended a Texas ban on the sale of dildos, how fucked up is that? And worse, they didn’t care whether you got them from one of those Amway-style dildo parties or from the dildo counter at Cracker Barrel, ALL DILDOS ARE BAD:

The filing noted, “The Texas Penal Code prohibits the advertisement and sale of dildos, artificial vaginas, and other obscene devices” but does not “forbid the private use of such devices.” The plaintiffs had argued that this case was similar to Lawrence v. Texas, the landmark 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down Texas’ law against sodomy.

But Cruz’s office countered that Lawrence “focused on interpersonal relationships and the privacy of the home” and that the law being challenged did not block the “private use of obscene devices.”

Cruz’s legal team asserted that “obscene devices do not implicate any liberty interest.”

And its brief added that “any alleged right associated with obscene devices” is not “deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.” In other words, Texans were free to use sex toys at home, but they did not have the right to buy them.

Ted Cruz: totally OK with you fiddle-faddling your shame button with dildos, as long as they were transported across state lines. Maybe you got it from your Aunt Marge who lives in Virginia, as a Christmas present. But don’t think you can just run down to your corner Texas Dildo Emporium to buy your own, because THAT’S A SIN.

It gets more fucked up:

The brief insisted that Texas in order to protect “public morals” had “police-power interests” in “discouraging prurient interests in sexual gratification, combating the commercial sale of sex, and protecting minors.”

There was a “government” interest, it maintained, in “discouraging … autonomous sex.” […] In perhaps the most noticeable line of the brief, Cruz’s office declared,

“There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship.”

Your G-spot is NOT in the Constitution, lady!

Surrender your love-stick to the Texas Rangers, unless you want to meet their night sticks!


04-13-2016, 11:29 AM
lol didnt sanders once say women fantasized about being raped :lol

04-13-2016, 12:05 PM
The colorful company Ted Cruz keeps


For months, the Texas senator has touted support from, and shared stages with, some pretty unhinged extremists, all in the hopes of securing campaign support from the religious right and members of the Republicans’ evangelical base. See, for example, Cruz’s alliances with the likes of Mike Bickle (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/week-god-12316) and Scott Roeder (http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/01/ted-cruz-anti-abortion-coalition-troy-newman).

The list just got a little longer. Right Wing Watch noted (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/ted-cruz-honored-have-support-colorados-demon-hunting-anti-gay-exorcist-state-legislator-gor)yesterday that Cruz last week announced (https://www.tedcruz.org/news/cruz-president-announces-colorado-leadership-team/) that Gordon Klingenschmitt would be part of his Colorado Leadership Team.

“I am honored to have the support of so many courageous conservatives in Colorado,” Cruz said in a press release celebrating the formation of “his Colorado Leadership Team with the endorsement of 25 current and former elected officials and key grassroots leaders,” including Klingenschmitt.

Some might recognize Klingenschmitt from a Daily Show segment (http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/daily-show-jessica-williams-trans-panic) just last week in which his ignorance and bigotry were on full display.

Klingenschmitt’s name may be familiar to longtime readers. As we discussed (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/meet-colorados-dr-chaps) back in November – shortly after he got elected to Colorado’s General Assembly for the first time – Klingenschmitt is not just another social conservative activist. Rather, the former Navy chaplain is a rather extraordinary figure in the religious right, best known for, among other things,

claiming to have rid a woman of the “foul spirit of lesbianism (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/navy-chaplain-klingenschmitt-performed-gay-exorcism-rape-victim)” through an exorcism.

He also wrote a book arguing, in all seriousness, that President Obama is possessed by demons (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/gordon-klingenschmitts-book-reveals-obama-ruled-gay-demons-worthy-death). (He didn’t mean that metaphorically.)

Last year, in a horrific crime, a pregnant woman in Colorado was attacked (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/klingenschmitt-brutal-attack-upon-pregnant-woman-curse-god-upon-america) by a stranger with a knife and who cut her baby out of her womb. Klingenschmitt described the brutality as evidence of ”the curse of God upon America” – prompting Republican leaders in the state legislature to strip (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/colorados-klingenschmitt-already-making-name-himself)Klingenschmitt of his seat (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/colorados-klingenschmitt-already-making-name-himself) on the health committee.

This is the guy Cruz welcomed onto his official Colorado Leadership Team.

I suppose the question I can’t quite shake is this: is there anyone too extreme for Ted Cruz?


04-13-2016, 10:56 PM
Ted Cruz’s campaign is fueled by a dominionist vision for America

Cruz likes to talk about “taking back” or “reclaiming” the United States. What does he mean by this?
Many Americans — Christian or otherwise — may find the answers to these questions disturbing.

Cruz resonates with the evangelical culture warriors. He mixes what New York Times columnist David Brooks describes as political “brutalism” with a belief that he is engaged in a fight with the devil for the soul of the nation. It is only a matter of time before Cruz assumes the role of the Old Testament prophet Elijah and tries to cast down fire from heaven to destroy the “prophets of Baal” who oppose his campaign.

When Cruz says he wants to “reclaim” or “restore” America, he does not only have the Obama administration in mind. This agenda takes him much deeper into the American past. Cruz wants to “restore” the United States to what he believes is its original identity: a Christian nation.

But before he can bring the country back to its Christian roots, Cruz needs to prove that Christian ideals were indeed important to the American founding. That is why he has David Barton on his side.

For several decades Barton has been a GOP activist with a political mission to make the United States a Christian nation again. He runs “Keep the Promise,” a multimillion-dollar Cruz super-PAC. He’s one of Cruz’s most trusted advisers.

Cruz wants Americans to believe the country has fallen away from its spiritual founding and he, with God’s help, is the man who can bring it back.

Anyone who has watched Cruz on the stump knows that he often references the important role that his father, traveling evangelist Rafael Cruz, has played in his life. During a 2012 sermon at New Beginnings Church in Bedford, Texas, Rafael Cruz described his son’s political campaign as a direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

The elder Cruz told the congregation that God would anoint Christian “kings” to preside over an “end-time transfer of wealth” from the wicked to the righteous. After this sermon, Larry Huch, the pastor of New Beginnings, claimed Cruz’s recent election to the U.S. Senate was a sign that he was one of these kings.

According to his father and Huch, Ted Cruz is anointed by God to help Christians in their effort to “go to the marketplace and occupy the land ... and take dominion” over it. This “end-time transfer of wealth” will relieve Christians of all financial woes, allowing true believers to ascend to a position of political and cultural power in which they can build a Christian civilization. When this Christian nation is in place (or back in place), Jesus will return.

Rafael Cruz and Larry Huch preach a brand of evangelical theology called Seven Mountains Dominionism. They believe Christians must take dominion over seven aspects of culture: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business and government. The name of the movement comes from Isaiah 2:2: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains.”

Barton’s Christian nationalism is a product of this theological approach to culture. Back in 2011, Barton said that if Christians were going to successfully “take the culture” they would need to control these seven areas. “If you can have those seven areas,” Barton told his listeners to his radio show, “you can shape and control whatever takes place in nations, continents and even the world.”

Seven Mountains Dominionism is the spiritual fuel that motors Cruz’s campaign for president.

Cruz wants to defund Planned Parenthood because it threatens the traditional Christian understanding of the family, one of the seven “mountains.”

When Cruz talks about the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, he almost always discusses it in the context of persecution against Christians, such as Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis.

He is not interested in crafting new models of American pluralism to respond to the country’s ever-growing religious diversity. Rather, religious liberty is a code word for defending the right of Christians to continue to hold cultural authority and privilege.

Cruz’s constant complaints about the liberal media also reflect this dominionist battle. The media are controlled by the forces of evil. The media must be taken over by Christians.

Cruz’s approach to politics is inseparable from this theology. His goal is to lead a Christian occupation of the culture and then wait for the Second Coming of Christ.

He’s also a good politician. He knows the theological affirmations of his father, Barton or Huch might be too much for some Americans to swallow. He does not use the terms “dominionism” or “seven mountains” when he is campaigning. But it is also worth noting that he has never publicly rejected these beliefs.

Cruz’s campaign may be less about the White House and more about the white horses that will usher in the God’s Kingdom in the New Testament book of Revelation, Chapter 19.


04-15-2016, 03:16 PM
Utah prosecutor slams BYU for holding up rape prosecution while they investigate victim’s partying

A Utah County attorney slammed Brigham Young University for delaying the prosecution of an alleged rapist while the school goes after the victim for breaking the school’s infamous “Honor Code” for partying, reports the Salt Lake Tribune (http://www.sltrib.com/news/3773615-155/prosecutor-says-rape-case-is-threatened).According to Deputy Utah County Attorney Craig Johnson, he has asked the Mormon church-affiliated to school to hold off their investigation of the victim until the conclusion of the trial — slated to begin next month — and that the school refused.

a Utah County sheriff’s deputy, who is a friend of the accused attacker, gave BYU a copy of the police case file in which the woman admitted to activities that are in violation of the school’s rules.

While the school conducts its own investigation, the woman has been banned from registering for future classes or attending school until she meets with them, making it difficult for her to stay in Utah.

“we have a victim that is going to be revictimized any time she talks about the rape

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/utah-prosecutor-slams-byu-for-holding-up-rape-prosecution-while-they-investigate-victims-partying/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

iow, "Breaking our bullshit "honor code" rules is more serious than, overrides breaking criminal laws".

04-19-2016, 01:58 PM
The Hypocrisy Behind Utah’s Move To Declare Porn A Public Health Hazard

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) is expected to sign (http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/18/health/utah-governor-porn-resolution-health-hazard/index.html)a piece of legislation on Tuesday that will formally declare pornography to be a “public health hazard” in his state.

This resolution, introduced in January by Senator Todd Weiler (R), rushed unopposed through the state Senate and House to make it to Herbert’s desk in a matter of months. Though it won’t impose a formal ban or criminal punishment, the legislation is a formal way for lawmakers to announce their disapproval of pornography.

Sen. Weiler’s resolution focuses heavily on how pornography warps children’s understanding of sex.

“Exposure to pornography often serves as children’s and youths’ sex education and shapes their sexual templates,” it reads (http://le.utah.gov/~2016/bills/static/SCR009.html). “It teaches girls they are to be used and teaches boys to be users. This early exposure [to pornography] is leading to…an increase in problematic sexual activity at younger ages.”

Weiler, one of the majority Mormon members of state legislature, has compared pornography addiction to tobacco addiction and has said marriages destroyed by pornography will burden the state government.

“Ultimately, if someone gets divorced, that affects the government because we end up with more children and spouses on welfare and other things,” Weiler told the Salt Lake Tribune (http://www.sltrib.com/home/3505458-155/after-emotional-debate-panel-oks-utah). :lol So, after all, it's All About The Benjamins :lol

Unlike hard drugs, he said that pornographic images could “haunt you for the rest of your life.” :lol

But the idea that pornography is a serious addiction has been rejected (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/06/26/your-porn-addiction-isn-t-real.html) by multiple psychology organizations and researchers (http://www.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2015/09/17/watching-porn-is-ok-believing-in-porn-addiction-is-not.html).

Plus, the risks of pornography are easily dwarfed when compared to the state’s

history of skyrocketing STD rates among teens (http://archive.sltrib.com/story.php?ref=/sltrib/news/50917596-78/utah-health-sex-teens.html.csp) and

a 36 percent rate of unintended pregnancies.

Viewing pornography is one of the few sexual behaviors that isn’t partnered with these outcomes.


04-23-2016, 07:31 AM
Noah's Ark

a controversial theme park that’s subsidized by taxpayers, but which is nevertheless openly discriminating in its hiring.

The Kentucky Associated Press reported (http://www.lex18.com/story/31736989/noahs-ark-theme-park-looking-for-christian-employees), “Want to serve food or operate rides at Kentucky’s new Noah’s Ark attraction? Then you must first pledge your Christianity.”

The theme park will be searching for 300 to 400 workers to fill food service, ticketing and other theme park-related positions at the 510-foot long Ark Encounter before it opens in July and Ken Ham, founder of the ministry Answers in Genesis, says employees will be required to sign a statement saying they’re Christian and “profess Christ as their savior.”

The religious group, which will run the ark’s operations, won a federal court ruling in January that clarified that it can make religious-based hires even as it seeks a Kentucky tourism tax incentive worth millions.

Ken Ham said last week that he’s “requiring” employees to be Christians, even if their specific jobs have nothing to do with religion.

A report (http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/taxpayer-subsidized-noahs-ark-theme-park-will-only-hire-job-seekers-who-believe-earth-is-6000-years-old/) from Raw Story added job seekers

must submit a “creation belief statement” and

“salvation testimony” before being hired,

in addition to endorsing the official Answers in Genesis “Statement of Faith,” which among other things,

dictates that the planet is roughly 6,000 years old.

On Twitter, Ken Ham wrote (https://twitter.com/aigkenham/status/720914428288503808?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw), “Secular media think it’s big news that a Christian organization with a specific Christian purpose @ArkEncounter will employ Christians -DUH!”

And while that may not seem controversial, this story is a little different. As longtime readers may recall (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/publicly-funded-discrimination-tough-sell), the Answers in Genesis ministry sought and received taxpayer support for the project, and state officials, in the name of boosting tourism, approved $18 million in tax subsidies to bolster the theme park’s finances.

The state of Kentucky pulled back, however, after it learned that Ark Encounter intended to discriminate in hiring. If the ministry wants taxpayer money, the state said, it can’t discriminate against the same taxpayers supporting the project.

Answers in Genesis took the matter to court, arguing that Kentucky was discriminating against the ministry because the group wants to discriminate. Inexplicably, a federal judge appointed by President George W. Bush ruled in the ministry’s favor (https://www.au.org/church-state/march-2016-church-state/editorial/the-ark-park-fiasco-authentic-faith-and-the-perils-of), ordering the state to subsidize employment discrimination.

Maybe this will be reversed on appeal? Actually, no – because new Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) likes the ruling and has no interest in challenging it.

And so, the theme park will discriminate against Kentucky residents, even as Kentucky residents help pay for the theme park.


04-25-2016, 03:46 PM
Church Militant claims God gave his mother cancer so that he would stop being gay


The Church Militant (http://www.churchmilitant.com/) has posted a new video in which he thanks God for giving his mother stomach cancer and dying so that he would be brought back to the Catholic Church.

Michael Voris, president and founder of St. Michael’s Media and producer of the website Church Militant, took to YouTube to reveal details of the sinful life he lived prior to his “reversion” to Catholicism.

He was posting the video now, he said, because there were forces seeking to “publicly discredit me, the apostolate, and my work here.”

He says that he had always publicly spoken of his life prior to his reversion as a time in which he was living in “mortal sin.”

He just hadn’t thought that “a full public confession of details was necessary.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/church-militant-claims-god-gave-his-mother-cancer-so-that-he-would-stop-being-gay/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

This Catholic Church doctrine: the child must be saved even God kills the mother.

05-09-2016, 06:37 PM
Evangelicals stunned that they’ve finally alienated everyone, including those in their own ‘party’ (http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/5/9/1524748/-Evangelicals-stunned-that-they-ve-finally-alienated-everyone-including-those-in-their-own-party)

After years of lecturing everyone about right and wrong and “family values” and attempting to statutorily impose their own beliefs on America, Christian fundamentalists are now shocked to find out that they’ve been abandoned by pretty much everyone, including the Republican party. Katie Zezima reports (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/theres-nobody-left-evangelicals-feel-abandoned-by-gop-after-trumps-ascent/2016/05/08/a133991e-130f-11e6-8967-7ac733c56f12_story.html) on fundie dysphoria in the wake of Donald Trump’s ascension to titular head of the Republican party.

“In a sense, we feel abandoned by our party,” [Pastor Gary] Fuller said. “There’s nobody left.”

Fuller and other conservatives whose voting decisions are guided by their Christian faith find themselves dismayed and adrift now that Trump has wrested control of the Republican Party.

It is a sentiment that reaches from the small, aluminum-sided church with a large white cross on its front that Fuller and his wife built on the Nebraska plains to the highest levels of American religious life.

Even progressive Christians — evangelicals and Catholics, among others — who don’t necessarily vote Republican are alarmed that Trump is attracting many voters who call themselves religious. […]

“This year the Republican Party has not just surrendered on the culture wars, they’ve joined the other side.

And that’s a unique situation,” said Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

“This year” may turn out to be a gross underestimation of the cultural change that’s taking place within the GOP and America, frankly.

Trump and his followers have mostly rejected the notion that they need to embrace the fundamentalist agenda in order to win and—perhaps more to the point—that winning on fundie terms is even worth it.
Ted Cruz’s failure to convert (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/5/3/1522818/-How-the-GOP-attack-on-the-toilet-backfired-in-Ted-Cruz-s-face) his demonization of transgender individuals into votes in Indiana wasn’t simply a local miscalculation, it was fundamental misunderstanding of where the nationwide electorate stands on LGBTQ issues. While the public is still learning about gay and transgender people, voters seem less vulnerable to “the sky is falling” messages that social conservatives employed with same-sex marriage, for instance.

As a poll found this week (http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/5/9/1524701/-Nearly-six-in-ten-Americans-oppose-laws-that-criminalize-bathroom-use-by-transgender-individuals), 57 percent of Americans oppose mandating which bathrooms transgender individuals should use and 75 percent support equal protection laws for transgender Americans in jobs, housing, and public accommodations.

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/05/09/1524748/-Evangelicals-stunned-that-they-ve-finally-alienated-everyone-including-those-in-their-own-party?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+dailykos%2Findex+%28Daily+Kos %29

Christian supremacist Taliban take it up the Family Values anus.

05-10-2016, 03:18 AM
Well, boutons, aren't you happy that repubs have shunned the conservative candidates and voted for some one like Trump who obviously isn't a conservative?

05-10-2016, 05:25 AM
Well, boutons, aren't you happy that repubs have shunned the conservative candidates and voted for some one like Trump who obviously isn't a conservative?

Their boy, Christian Taliban supremacist, dominionist Krazy Kruz never had a chance.

But the Christian Taliban and Repugs still have and will make lots of shitty mischief at the Congressional, state, and local levels. eg, TX is going to have Bruner on board of SBOE. red, slave states is where the Christian shit is strongest.

05-16-2016, 05:56 PM
Anti-government couple read Bible in court to show they’re ‘one person — but we have two brains’


A couple accused of squatting in a $900,000 Arizona home read a Bible in court to claim they must be able to speak to one another in prison because they are one person — but have separate brains.Randall and Jennifer Skates claim they are exempt from court jurisdiction after they were accused of moving into a bank-owned home in Prescott and claiming it as their own, reported The Daily Courier (http://dcourier.com/news/2016/may/14/court-unyielding-demand-sovereign-citizen-squatter/?templates=mobile).

They cite legal theories associated with the “sovereign citizen” movement to challenge their prosecution, although they deny actually being so-called sovereign citizens.

The 37-year-old Randall Skates and his 45-year-old wife argued during their arraignment (http://www.dcourier.com/news/2016/apr/26/home-occupiers-appear-court-deny-illegal-activity/) last month that the court had no jurisdiction because the U.S. and Arizona flags in the courtroom had gold fringe around them, which they claimed meant it was a maritime court.

They also disputed whether they were the same people identified in charging documents because those names were typed in all capital letters.

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/anti-government-couple-read-bible-in-court-to-show-theyre-one-person-but-we-have-two-brains/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

05-22-2016, 06:29 PM
Kentucky's Creation Museum Guy Just Spent Millions Building a Life-Sized Noah's Ark That Teaches One Basic Tenet—You Will Burn in Hell

The righteous who claim Jesus—who make it through the Ark's door before it shuts—will find salvation just like Noah’s family did. As for the rest, they are sure to find themselves burning in Hell for eternity.


Future phases of Ark Encounter promise the addition of such attractions as a Tower of Babel, a first-century Middle Eastern city, a journey through biblical history, a children’s area, an aviary, and a large petting zoo.

According to Ham, as of July 2015 the “Lord has blessed us in providing $70 million of the approximately $90 million needed to complete the life-size Ark project,” which is the first phase of the theme park.

What is the point of this massive project? Ken Ham and others at AiG have been explicit that the primary purpose of the Ark Encounter is evangelism,

"When you think about the message of salvation, the cross of course is the greatest reminder of the message of salvation. But other than the cross, I believe the Ark of Noah is the greatest message, the greatest reminder of the message of salvation.

Because you think about it: :lol

God at the time of Noah said he’s going to send a global flood because of the wickedness of man, and so he had Noah build this great big ship and that representatives of the land animal kinds were to go on board this particular ship, and then Noah and his family went on board. They had to go through a doorway to be saved. Actually, Noah’s Ark is a picture of salvation as Noah and his family had to go through a doorway to be saved. So, we need to go through a doorway. Jesus Christ said, 'I am the door. By me if any man enter in he will be saved.'"

For Ham, the door on Noah’s Ark served as a passageway to salvation. Salvation came to those who crossed its threshold; damnation to those who did not. More than this, and based on John 10:9—wherein Jesus says that he is a door—Ham reasons that the door of the Ark is like Jesus.


Above all, this Christian supremacist theme park is just another way to separate the faithful from their money, which is the supreme American god, worshipped above all else.

05-22-2016, 06:33 PM
Texas TV host to school board candidate: ‘Are you Christian enough to represent this district?’

The host of a Texas political show on Sunday asked Keven Ellis, a candidate for State Board of Education in District 9, if he was “Christian enough” for the job.During a Sunday face-off between Ellis and far-right opponent Mary Lou Bruner onWFAA’s Inside Texas Politics (http://www.wfaa.com/news/politics/newsmaker-state-board-of-education-candidates-in-studio/209449001), both candidates made their case to voters for the May 24th runoff for the GOP nomination.

Ellis argued that schools needed to be properly funded, but that the district had a responsibility to see that money was spent wisely.
Bruner, who has warned that pre-K programs indoctrinate children (http://www.slate.com/blogs/schooled/2016/04/25/mary_lou_bruner_believes_public_pre_k_indoctrinate s_children_with_pro_gay.html) into the “homosexual agenda,” called for slashing “special programs” and early childhood education.

“Ms. Bruner has said that she wants creationism taught in science class,” Inside Texas Politics host Bud Kennedy noted. “And that her views represent those of the district. Are you Christian enough to represent this district?”

“Yes, I am,” Ellis insisted. “I’ve taught Sunday school and Bible quiz in my church in 20 years. And I believe it’s my responsibility to teach my faith to my children. The catch of when you get religion in school is whose religion is going to be taught?”

Bruner disagreed: “When we only teach theory — it’s a theory, theories are unproven — but in the science class, if only one theory is taught then we’re teaching a religion. It is the religion of atheism.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/texas-tv-host-to-school-board-candidate-are-you-christian-enough-to-represent-this-district/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

05-22-2016, 09:58 PM
Two Tennessee ministers caught seeking underage girls for sex in sting operation


http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/two-tennessee-ministers-caught-seeking-underage-girls-for-sex-in-sting-operation/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

05-24-2016, 06:55 AM
A new level of homophobia in Kansas: Christian high school says it reserves right to expel students with gay family members

A private Christian high school in Kansas reserves the right to expel students for living with gay family members,

Before enrolling in Wichita’s Trinity Academy, students and their parents must sign a “Statement of Understanding (http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/files/2016/05/Statement-of-Understanding.pdf)” that affirms their support for the school’s “orthodox Christian beliefs and practices.”

http://www.salon.com/2016/05/23/a_new_level_of_homophobia_in_kansas_christian_high _school_says_it_reserves_right_to_expel_students_w ith_gay_family_members/

05-25-2016, 10:40 AM
Now Texas Schoolkids Will NEVER Learn What A Coked-Up Gay Whore Obama Is, Unfair!

Texas kiddies, you have missed the opportunity of a lifetime. In a Republican runoff election for the state school board, voters had a simple choice: Keven Ellis, whom we’ll call “some guy,” and Mary Lou Bruner, that AMAZING East Texas lady who knows (http://wonkette.com/598811/texas-school-board-candidate-cant-wait-to-teach-kids-about-obamas-gay-whoring-days) President Obama has a nasty coke habit that he pays for by sucking the D for cash money. She saw it on the internet!

But we guess the supposed grown-up voters of Texas don’t even care about their kids learning REAL KNOWLEDGE, because they voted for (https://www.texastribune.org/2016/05/24/state-board-education-runoffs/) Some Guy on Tuesday, instead of Mary Lou! What is this world coming to?

The East Texas Tea Party activist and former schoolteacher had been favored to succeed in the race after nearly winning the March 1 primary outright and accumulating heavy support from influential conservative groups that typically hold big sway in low-turnout runoff elections. But Ellis, a Lufkin chiropractor who presides over the local school board, maintained a double-digit lead over Bruner throughout Tuesday night, and that lead widened as vote returns rolled in. He ended the night about 18 points ahead of Bruner.


Deep South Lufkin TX? :lol Keven Ellis surely will bring intelligent, progressive ideas on education to SBOE.

05-27-2016, 05:35 PM

During a recent debate in the state House over an obviously unconstitutional anti-abortion proposal – which was later vetoed – state Rep. David Brumbaugh (R) told (http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/abortion-god-legal-battle) his colleagues,

“Everybody talks about [Oklahoma’s] $1.3 billion deficit. If we take care of the morality, God will take care of the economy.”


06-05-2016, 04:01 PM
this week is a faith-based argument from one of North Carolina’s top elected officials, in defense of the state’s deeply controversial anti-LGBT statute.

The discriminatory measure, generally known as HB 2, has generated considerable national discussion, though North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) has struggled at times (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/north-carolinas-pat-mccrory-i-might-be-trouble) to offer a compelling defense.

Right Wing Watch reported (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/north-carolina-lt-governor-lgbt-rights-proof-weve-turned-our-back-god) this week that his right-hand man, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (R), appeared on a far-right conspiracy theorist’s radio show on Wednesday, where the Republican official took the debate in a theocratic direction.

He said that [measures such as Charlotte’s anti-discrimination measure, which prompted HB 2] were approved because “we have a lack of moral compass in our country right now, we’ve taken our eyes off God in America, we have turned our back on God, we have forgotten God in a lot of ways, so the moral compass is broken here.”

Forest went on to say that anti-LGBT laws like North Carolina’s only “discriminate against behavior, not against people,” comparing them to traffic laws: “If I want to go out and drive 95 miles an hour down the interstate in North Carolina because I feel like doing that, I don’t have the right to do that. It doesn’t mean the law is discriminating against me, it’s discriminating against my behavior of wanting to drive 95.”

Arguments like these are problematic for all sorts of reasons. First, in a country that separates religion and government, it’s not up to state officials to decide whether or not people have “turned their backs on God.” Dan Forest is, after all, the lieutenant governor, not a minister.

And second, the “discriminate against behavior” line has been a common refrain used by opponents of civil rights for LGBT Americans for years. The reality, of course, is that choosing how fast to drive a car is in no way similar to a person’s sexual orientation or sexual identity.

In the same interview, Forest also blamed the media for the HB 2 controversy, rather than the policymakers who approved the measure.


These fucking Christian Taliban, legislating their narrow, hateful morals, are totally, willfully confused about where civil govt stops and Christian Sharia starts.

06-06-2016, 01:41 AM
Anti-government couple read Bible in court to show they’re ‘one person — but we have two brains’


A couple accused of squatting in a $900,000 Arizona home read a Bible in court to claim they must be able to speak to one another in prison because they are one person — but have separate brains.Randall and Jennifer Skates claim they are exempt from court jurisdiction after they were accused of moving into a bank-owned home in Prescott and claiming it as their own, reported The Daily Courier (http://dcourier.com/news/2016/may/14/court-unyielding-demand-sovereign-citizen-squatter/?templates=mobile).

They cite legal theories associated with the “sovereign citizen” movement to challenge their prosecution, although they deny actually being so-called sovereign citizens.

The 37-year-old Randall Skates and his 45-year-old wife argued during their arraignment (http://www.dcourier.com/news/2016/apr/26/home-occupiers-appear-court-deny-illegal-activity/) last month that the court had no jurisdiction because the U.S. and Arizona flags in the courtroom had gold fringe around them, which they claimed meant it was a maritime court.

They also disputed whether they were the same people identified in charging documents because those names were typed in all capital letters.

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/anti-government-couple-read-bible-in-court-to-show-theyre-one-person-but-we-have-two-brains/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29


06-06-2016, 03:57 AM
New York Jews own Cuomo

New York Governor Ends Public Funding for Sanctions Campaign Against Israel


Mr. Cuomo made his announcement in a speech at the Harvard Club in Manhattan to an audience including local Jewish leaders and lawmakers, describing the B.D.S. movement as an “economic attack” on Israel.

“We cannot allow that to happen,” the governor said, adding that, “If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you.”

Several states have moved to support Israel and prevent their governments and agencies from doing business with companies or individuals that endorse the boycotts. Similar bills have been introduced in both houses of the New York Legislature, and a Republican-sponsored bill passed the state Senate, which that party leads, in January.

But on Sunday, Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, flexed his executive power — a more familiar demonstration in the governor’s second term — joking that passing legislation can “often be a tedious affair,” and saying instead he wanted “immediate action” on B.D.S., while challenging other governors in other states to do the same.

http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/gov_cuomo_decrees_boycott_blacklist_to_silence_glo bal_20160605?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+Truthdig+Truthdig%253A+Dril ling+Beneath+the+Headlines

06-06-2016, 06:42 PM
The Fight Against BDS Just Took A Frightening Turn In New York

many critics are worried his effort will seriously threaten free speech.

The executive order (https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/EO_157_new.pdf) requires the New York State Office of General Services to create a blacklist of institutions and companies involved in the BDS movement “using credible information available to the public” and make that list available to everyone online. All state agencies will be required to divest from such companies, which will have to submit “written evidence” to be appeal to be removed from the list.

Regardless of one’s position on BDS, the order could be concerning because it ultimately requires the blacklisted institutions to prove their own innocence or else face repercussions, and it punishes companies on the basis of their political beliefs.

serious threat it poses to free speech and political activism.

one of the greatest threats to free speech (https://theintercept.com/2016/02/16/greatest-threat-to-free-speech-in-the-west-criminalizing-activism-against-israeli-occupation/) in the West has been the censorship of those critical of the Israeli occupation. In the United States, at least 20 states (http://forward.com/news/341980/bds-battle-shifts-from-campus-to-statehouse-will-pro-israel-strategy-work-b//) and two local governments have passed or are considering legislation targeting the BDS movement.


This is BLUE New York.

I'm sure plenty of red/slave states (Bible Humpers love, defend, protect Israel because that's where Christ is returning) are noting Cuomo's criminalization and punishment of free speech.

06-10-2016, 11:49 AM
North Carolina Christian Taliban sliming non-Christians as Philistines, implying non-Christians are incapable of being moral, ethical people.

Rep. Virginia Foxx: 'I'm Not Willing' To Leave America 'To the Philistines

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., devoted her speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference today to telling activists not to lose faith in the political process and to remember that elected officials — or, more specifically, Republican elected officials — know that America needs a “moral and spiritual foundation in order to survive and thrive.”

She had a message (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbTkn6FYSAI&feature=youtu.be) for those who think that “politics is a dirty business”: “If people of faith are not involved in political life, then you’re leaving it to the Philistines. And I’m not willing to leave it to the Philistines.”


Here's a beautiful example of slave state Christianity:

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton Should Be Shamed Out of Office

The column tells the story of a woman named Cassandra Butts, who recently passed away from leukemia at the age of 50. In 2014, prior to her diagnosis, the president proposed to name Butts the U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas—which sounds to these ears anyway to be a pretty sweet gig. That was when the nonsense began.

First, Tailgunner Ted Cruz put a hold on all nominations because he was upset with the deal the president cut with Iran, and because the Tailgunner is an unlikable algae of a human being.

Later, our man Cotton jumped in and slapped a hold on Butts and a couple of other nominees for ambassadorships.

Let's let Bruni tell the tale from there. From the Times:

[Cotton] had a legitimate gripe with the Obama administration over a Secret Service leak of private information about a fellow member of Congress, and he was trying to pressure Obama to take punitive action.

But that issue was unrelated to Butts and the Bahamas.

Cotton eventually released the two other holds, but not the one on Butts.

She told me that she once went to see him about it, and he explained that

he knew that she was a close friend of Obama's

— the two first encountered each other on a line for financial-aid forms at Harvard Law School, where they were classmates—

and that blocking her was a way to inflict special pain on the president.

(By the way, according to Bruni, Cotton's office basically confirmed Butts's account of their meeting, but the coatholders also made sure Bruni knew that Cotton "had enormous respect for her and her career." Yeah, blow me, Gomer.)

Tom Cotton weaponized a dying woman's final days in order to "inflict special pain" on the president. Tom Cotton is a petty, sadistic swine who has the basic conscience of a cholera outbreak. He should be shamed from office, and he should be shunned by decent people.

God, I hope there's a hell, and that it's as advertised by Dante.


06-10-2016, 01:20 PM
goddam, these fucking Christian Taliban, esp the slave state fuckers, are sick fucks

GOP senator directs a provocative ‘prayer’ at Obama

“You know, I think we are called to pray. We are called to pray for our country, for our leaders, and yes, even our president,” Perdue said during the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to the Majority conference in Washington. “You know, in his role as president, I think we should pray for Barack Obama.”

But not just any prayer, he suggested, telling attendees that “we need to be very specific about how we pray.”

As the audience laughed and applauded, the Republican senator told attendees, “We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says, ‘Let his days be few, and let another have his office.’”

Bible Gateway has this version (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20109) online:

“May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

“May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.

“May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven[a] from their ruined homes.

“May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.

“May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children.

“May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation.

“May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord; may the sin of his mother never be blotted out.”


He was, y'all know it, just kiddin, pandering for playful, hateful laughs at the knitter's expense.

06-24-2016, 04:42 PM
Texas high court sides with family who let kids skip schoolwork in wait of 'rapture'

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a family who were homeschooling their children but not teaching them, since they believed they would soon be “raptured.”

The Lone Star State’s highest court voted 6-3 in favor of the family on a technicality. Laura and Michael McIntyre claimed their Fourteenth Amendment right had been violated when the El Paso school district attempted to discover whether their children were learning.

Texas has a nationally disproportionate number of homeschoolers: around 300,000, or roughly one-sixth of the national total, according to The Texas Home School Coalition.


06-29-2016, 09:50 AM
Far-right justices warn of ‘an ominous sign’

MSNBC’s Irin Carmon highlighted (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/conservative-justices-bemoan-court-s-future-n600741) yesterday’s “unusual” statement.

“This case is an ominous sign,” Alito wrote in an unusual, 15-page response to the court refusing to hear Stormans v. Wiesman…. “If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead,” Alito continued, sounding a lot like a man who foresees a bleak future for his side, “those who value religious freedom :lol :lol :lol have cause for great concern.”

No, actually, they almost certainly don’t.

As is always the case, especially in Supreme Court disputes, the details matter. In Washington, state law still allows individual pharmacists to raise religious objections to helping a customer, so long as some other employee can step in and provide the prescribed medication.

The plaintiffs in Stormans v. Wiesman, however, wanted to go much further – refusing to stock Plan B altogether, regardless of public needs.

The state’s policy is based on the entirely reasonable idea that consumers should have access to medications that are safe and legal, and pharmacies shouldn’t have the authority to simply turn people away.

The far-right trio on the high court obviously disagree, and Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern explained (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/the_breakfast_table/features/2016/supreme_court_breakfast_table_for_june_2016/conservative_justices_protest_businesses_having_to _sell_plan_b.html) the broader implications of their dissent.

…Alito, Thomas, and Roberts seem to believe that, under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, states are proscribed from requiring for-profit religious businesses to treat all customers equally.

If this unholy trinity ever managed to rewrite the First Amendment this way, they could effectively bar states from protecting women, gays, and other minorities from religious-based discrimination. […]

Neither [Alito], Roberts, nor Thomas thinks refusal of service is a big deal when patients can hop back in their cars (presuming they have them) and drive to the nearest pharmacy that will deign to provide them with the proper medication. (Live in rural Washington? Hope you can find another pharmacy before the Plan B window closes!)

This cavalier dismissal of women’s interest in nondiscrimination flies in the face of precedent.

The court used to say that when a religious accommodation burdens other people’s rights, the accommodation itself violates the separation of church and state.

Now Alito wants to push that rule through the looking glass, arguing that there’s a possibility states must give religious employers the right to burden others – a burden that will fall disproportionately on women and gays.


"religious freedom"! :lol

Same level of LIE as TX Repugs wanting to protect women by denying them abortions, contraception, perinatal care, STI/HIV testing! :lol

Damn, the Repugs have put some really nasty Christian Sharia judges on SCOTUS.

Actually, these 3 assholes, and Scalia, are Papists, so more precisely, they are the Papal Taliban

Scalia's death was a huge step forward for America.

07-12-2016, 10:28 PM
It's Hard Out There for a Patriarchy

Courtesy of TPM Reader MM we have this amazing tweet from a state rep doofus down in Florida named Dave Kerner ...



https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/722533737360179202/CK_rn2L9_bigger.jpgElizabeth Warren (https://twitter.com/elizabethforma)

(https://twitter.com/elizabethforma)✔@elizabethforma (https://twitter.com/elizabethforma)

Bruce & I got married 36 yrs ago today. I’m sure glad I asked — & sure glad he said yes. Happy anniversary, Sweetie!pic.twitter.com/0b1qNVMEgo (https://t.co/0b1qNVMEgo)


Follow (https://twitter.com/DavidMKerner)
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/622814233663660032/GxEX4uy4_bigger.jpgRep. Dave Kerner @DavidMKerner (https://twitter.com/DavidMKerner)

@elizabethforma (https://twitter.com/elizabethforma) the man is supposed to ask the woman. Stop trying to trample our religious beliefs. #tcot (https://twitter.com/hashtag/tcot?src=hash)
5:20 PM - 12 Jul 2016 (https://twitter.com/DavidMKerner/status/752990987627134976)

11 Retweet (https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=752990987627134976)
11 lik (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=752990987627134976)e



07-20-2016, 08:22 PM
Mega-rich Mormon wants to turn Vermont farmland into prophet’s ‘City of Zion’


Wealthy Mormon tycoon David Hall is buying up farmland all over Vermont in efforts to bring his dream of a sustainable high-density community of Mormons to life. It won’t be a cult, however.

all of the land around her being purchased by the same company owned by Hall. He isn’t just partial to Vermont, Hall hopes to build the same type of communities all over the world. When Antal found NewVistas (http://www.newvistasfoundation.org/index.php) with “architectural models with fake people walking around,” she wasn’t sure what to think.

His blueprints were crafted to emulate the so-called Plat of the City of Zion, which was part of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith’s vision from 1833. Hall confessed he had more than 150 engineers working on the project.

the money for NewVistas comes from Novatek, a fossil fuel drilling equipment company he had for over 40 years before selling it last year. Thus far he’s spent $100 million on this project and expects to drop in $150 million more.

“Joseph Smith was just the wildest guy out there,” he said in an interview. “Lots of things he did were stupid, but in my view, he was a sage or a seer and didn’t even understand what came to him.” :lol (but it comes to Hall! :lol )

“When this square is thus laid off and supplied, lay off another in the same way, and so fill up the world in these last days, and let every man live in the city, for this is the city of Zion,” the passage reads.

Each person will get 200-square feet of living space in pods :lol

The local government will be run by a board and hierarchies of leaders with strong Mormon family values.

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/07/mega-rich-mormon-wants-to-turn-vermont-farmland-into-prophets-city-of-zion/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

08-20-2016, 07:59 AM
Federal Court Says Trans Worker Can Be Fired Based on Owner’s Religious Beliefs

When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2014 in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (https://rewire.news/tag/birth-control-benefit/) that the owners of secular for-profit businesses could challenge laws they believed infringed on their religious liberties, civil rights advocates warned that the decision (https://rewire.news/article/2014/07/01/hobby-lobby-just-beginning-flood-corporate-religious-objections-coming/) was just the start of a new wave of litigation.

On Thursday, those predictions came true: A federal district judge in Michigan ruled that a funeral home owner could fire a transgender worker simply for being transgender.

The language of the opinion (https://reujq2sar5z38mfxc343rf51-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/076-Op-and-Order-on-Cross-Ms-for-SJ.pdf) is sweeping,

https://rewire.news/article/2016/08/19/federal-judge-guts-florida-gops-anti-choice-law/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

Extremist rightwingnut SCOTUS assholes fuck Americans yet again. Christian Sharia rules!

10-08-2016, 08:52 AM
White Christian Supremacist Taliban news ...

Newt Gingrich Says Pastors Have a Duty to Fight ‘Totalitarian Secularism’

"I think you have a duty...to have the courage to stand up and tell the truth; tell the truth about those who would
impose a totalitarian secularism on us"
to save America from “pagan culture”,

“You’re at a moment in history that is as defining as anything in the Old Testament. You’re at a point where some people have to have the courage to witness for Christ, some people have to have the courage to tell the truth to their flock, some people have to have the courage to get into the public arena themselves.”

As Thomas Jefferson said in his autobiography (http://libertyonline.hypermall.com/Jefferson/Autobiography.html)about the preamble to his Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/sacred/vaact.html), which is a forerunner, or precursor to the First Amendment,

Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting “Jesus Christ,” so that it would read “A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;” the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination.

http://www.politicususa.com/2016/10/04/newt-gingrich-pastors-duty-fight-totalitarian-secularism.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politi cus+USA+%29

10-30-2016, 06:26 PM
Employee Tossed Out of VA Medical Facility By Security for Complaining about Hallway Bible Giveaway

Jesse Gonzales called the incident a “slap in the face”‘ for himself and other veterans.

A dental assistant at a Veterans Administration medical facility in Arizona claims he was forcibly ejected from his workplace by security after he complained about evangelicals being given free rein to hand out Bibles in the hallways

According to Gonzales, as an employee he had a right to be there, while the evangelicals did not.

the group had been refused a solicitation permit by the Phoenix VA Employees Association on the grounds that they “did not act in good faith” when applying. ( they only answer to their version of God :lol )


10-31-2016, 04:46 PM
Congressional GOP Pursues Codified Discrimination Against Range of Identities

The Russell Amendment follows in the tradition of measures that purport to protect religious freedom at the expense of marginalized groups, while actually codifying the imposition of religious beliefs on others.

Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK) crafted broad language that covers recipients not only of every federal contract but also subcontracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and purchase orders—resulting in an amendment that could apply to many more workers than the initial 28 million estimate.

Progressive groups contend that the Russell Amendment would allow religiously affiliated hospitals and universities, for instance, to wield the same discrimination over thousands of additional employees.

The Russell Amendment follows in the tradition of measures that purport to protect religious freedom (https://rewire.news/legislative-tracker/law-topic/religious-freedom/) at the expense of marginalized groups, while actually codifying the imposition of religious beliefs on others and giving the courts potential justification to rule against legal challenges to discriminatory actions.

A federal court in August cited the genesis of such measures, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), in a ruling against a transgender worker (https://rewire.news/article/2016/08/19/federal-court-says-trans-worker-can-fired-based-owners-religious-beliefs/) fired at the behest of her employer’s religious beliefs.

“We see those effects very disproportionately impacting LGBTQ people and women but also want to point to the fact that under this provision, an employer could refuse to interview people who are Muslim or Jewish or who [otherwise] practice a faith that is different from that of the employer.”

https://rewire.news/article/2016/10/31/congressional-gop-pursues-codified-discrimination-against-range-identities/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

"religious freedom" a total lie, like everything else spewed by Christians and Repugs.

codified Christian Sharia, esp attacking, demeaning women, just like Muslim Sharia

UNT Eagles 2016
11-01-2016, 02:20 PM
I wish people like boutons_deux were aborted. And yes, I'm right leaning and pro-choice, so suck my ass.

11-01-2016, 06:30 PM
I wish people like boutons_deux were aborted. And yes, I'm right leaning and pro-choice, so suck my ass.

you don't take my bitch-slappings very well, do you?

Why would anybody want to perform analingus on you? you a gay porn star?

11-01-2016, 08:19 PM
you don't take my bitch-slappings very well, do you?

Why would anybody want to perform analingus on you? you a gay porn star?

Boukaki trolling to see if he is worth ass licking. Gay Porn Star??? Boukaki is in. :lmao

11-03-2016, 08:59 PM
Like Trash, the Chrisitan Taliban HATE a free press

Rick Wiles: Right Wing Watch ‘Will Be Brought Down’

On Tuesday (http://www.trunews.com/listen/trunews-11-01-16-sen-dick-black-fbi-uprising-threatens-clinton-syndicate), Rick Wiles of the End Times radio show “Trunews” speculated that Right Wing Watch will “go down” and urged Donald Trump to “crush the left” if he is elected president.

Wiles predicted that “the homosexual group” Right Wing Watch, a program of PFAW, “will be brought down.”

I have to say this; I am having so much fun. I know our dear friends over at Right Wing Watch, the homosexual group that exists for the purpose of smearing God-fearing, righteous Christian men and women who speak up for morality—that’s your purpose, you don’t have any other purpose other than to smear godly men and women—and I’m having so much fun watching Right Wing Watch as you guys get ready to go down because your daddy is Tony Podesta and the Podestas, the Podesta brothers were part of the founding, the early years of Right Wing Watch, and the money that comes from George Soros to smear Christians.

And so I am having so much fun watching the little Podesta smear operation be exposed, and hopefully the Podestas will end up in prison and Right Wing Watch will be brought down and the money will stop flowing to these socialist groups to smear Christians. But I just want the people of Right Wing Watch to know:

It’s our God, Jesus Christ, who has turned the tables on you. :lol
God’s people are praying and fasting and the rats are being exposed and the rats are running for cover right now. :lol

And we’re going to put rats in prison. :lol

I said it weeks ago, when Trump wins, we have to crush the left. It has to be crushed.:lol

He went on to describe liberal activists as “dangerous,” “wicked” and “mentally ill” people who should be put in prison, which Wiles plans to visit in order to preach to them.


Fucking Christian grifters are fucking crazy

11-15-2016, 11:49 AM
National Security Threatened By Religious Amendment In Defense Spending Bill

Beginning late last spring, religious Republicans decided to hijack the NDAA in order to coerce President Obama to sign an NDAA bill that enacts “sweeping discrimination” specifically targeting women, LGBTQ people, and the “wrong” faith in the workplace.

When the Koch Congress returns in a few days after yet another fully paid vacation, one of the first votes will be passing the NDAA replete with a veritable copy of North Carolina’s so-called “bathroom law;” as

an amendment protecting religious tyranny by evangelicals.

President Obama has already warned Republicans he would veto the bill with theRussell Amendment (http://docs.house.gov/meetings/AS/AS00/20160427/104832/BILLS-114-HR4909-R000604-Amdt-232r2.pdf) attached, but they dug in their religious heels, clutched their bible closer to their bosoms, and

swore to never back down or lose their religious liberty to persecute and discriminate against other Americans.

The Russell Amendment jeopardizes all existing non-discrimination policies that currently protect over one-fifth of the United States’ workforce.

As an added affront to civil society and the soon-to-vanish concept of equal rights for all, the amendment also authorizes any so-called “religiously-affiliated” organization that receive federal grants (faith-based initiative money) and contracts to discriminate against every aspect of society that offends their religious senses; even if their religion amounts to being a personal mental bias against anyone.

The Russell Amendment sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of the workforce and is a portent of what is on the horizon for religious Republicans’ “great America” in 2017.

“the amendment for its sweeping language that

makes every contract, subcontract, grant, cooperative agreement and purchase order awarded by every federal agency eligible for a religious exemption from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

the Russell Amendment, like North Carolina’s “temporarily” unconstitutional “bathroom law,”

grants full legal discriminatory authority

in direct opposition to the Civil Rights Act, Americans With Disabilities Act, and the Constitution’s 14th Amendment to any religious or racist bigot to discriminate

if they claim their religious sensibilities are offended.

This means a single mother can be fired,

a woman who uses contraception, married or not, can be fired,

a person practicing the wrong or no religion can be fired, and of course

people of color, unmarried cohabitants, and LGBT people can be

summarily and legally terminated based on someone else’s religious grounds.

the amendment’s vague language “could be exploited as a license to discriminate against LGBT Americans by almost any federal contractor;”  not just defense contractors.

any idea of challenging the federally-legalized discrimination all the way to the new religious right’s Supreme Court will just end up

codifying for perpetuity that Constitutional equality, and who in America is entitled to its provisions and protections, is the sole purview of the religious right.

And, because they co-own all three branches of government, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them. Elections can have disastrous consequences.

http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/12/national-security-threatened-religious-amendment-defense-spending-bill.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politi cus+USA+%29


12-26-2016, 04:16 PM
Falwell: Trump Supreme Court picks helped him surpass Bush, Romney with white evangelicals


Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, said Mr. Trump made an enormous impact with the faith community in May by taking the unusual step of releasing his prospective U.S. Supreme Court nominees ahead of the election.

"He made it very clear who his Supreme Court picks would be if he was elected," Mr. Falwell told (http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2016/12/25/newt-gingrich-on-national-security-challenges-facing-trump-jerry-falwell-jr-on/) "Fox News Sunday." "I think that was a big factor."

Mr. Trump won 80 percent of the white evangelical vote, surpassing Mr. Romney, who took 78 percent in 2012, as well as Mr. Bush, who won 78 percent in 2004. Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain drew 74 percent in his 2008 bid.

"He told us what Supreme Court justices he would appoint. That's about all a president can do on the abortion issue is to appoint the right justices," said Mr. Falwell, an adviser to the Trump campaign.

Mr. Falwell also cited the president-elect's call for the repeal of the so-called Johnson Amendment, which prohibits nonprofit organizations, including churches, from supporting specific candidates for office.

The 1954 provision pushed by then-Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson "has been used by the government to silence conservatives and pastors," Mr. Falwell said.

Mr. Trump is expected to make an immediate impact on the high court by nominating a jurist to fill the vacancy left by the Feb. 13 death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/falwell-trump-supreme-court-picks-helped-him-surpass-bush-romney-with-white-evangelicals/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

12-26-2016, 05:40 PM
South Carolina Bill Could Block Porn on All New Computers

It would cost buyers $20 to remove the blocking software.


12-30-2016, 01:23 PM
Bill Could Make it Harder for Poor, Abused Spouses to Get a Divorce in Texas

http://media2.fdncms.com/sacurrent/imager/u/blog/2572417/screen_shot_2016-12-29_at_5.04.21_pm.png?cb=1483053858 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV1CdTpGvZA)

Texas State Rep. Matt Krause says he isn't trying to deter divorce.

He is, however, filing bills to make divorce more expensive, more time-consuming, and much more complicated to get in Texas.

The Fort Worth Republican has filed two bills for the looming 2017 Texas Legislature:

One that more than doubles the amount of time a couple must wait to finalize a divorce, and

another to repeal a person's right to divorce for non-criminal reasons.

Krause said he filled these bills in hopes of giving children a better future — and preserving the sanctity of marriage. :lol

But taking away Texans' freedom to divorce without cause may

actually worsen a child's wellbeing, lock abused spouses into violent relationships, and essentially make divorce a privilege of the wealthy.

"Marriage has been devalued over the past decades," Krause said. "It's time to admit we made a mistake."

Krause believes "no fault" divorces — ones that are simply rooted in a couple's unresolvable differences — are the culprit.


"Born in Tyler (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler,_Texas) in Smith County (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_County,_Texas) in East Texas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Texas), Krause is the son of a Baptist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baptist) pastor" :lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Krause

01-02-2017, 09:46 PM
Creationist Ken Ham Cannot Believe The Washington Post Would Lie About Dinosaurs


the Washington Post ran a dinky little article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/us/noahs-ark-creationism-ken-ham.html?_r=0) about Creationist Ken Ham and his “Ark Encounter” park — you know, the one that got $18 million in tax breaks (http://www.kentucky.com/news/state/article73971147.html) to build a full-on replica of Noah’s Ark, so geniuses can go there and see how the whole Great Flood thing in the Bible was for real and totally not a myth or anything. And that dinky little article got FACT CHECKED by Ken Ham, who — in this instance and this instance only — was actually the one who was right. Granted, it was about his own opinion on the subject, but still. A first is a first.

You see, the article’s headline was “Now there’s a theory that dinosaurs were wiped out in Noah’s flood.”
A theory which, oddly, was never even discussed in the article itself, which primarily focused on the Ark Encounter itself and some of the other weird things that young earth creationists believe.



Ken Ham believes (https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/humans/dinosaurs-on-the-ark/) that Noah took the dinosaurs on the Ark with him, and that they went extinct after that

He also believes that getting them on said ark was not actually that big a deal to begin with, because all of them weren’t that big anyway, and for those that were super big, he just brought baby or teenager dinosaurs.

Their extinction, he claims, was not Noah’s fault for being forgetful, but rather Eve’s fault for eating an apple (https://arkencounter.com/blog/2014/05/27/noah-and-the-animals-part-4-why-would-he-bring-dinosaurs/) and thus bringing death and extinction upon the world.


01-02-2017, 10:44 PM
Christian fundamentalist schools put kids ‘at risk’ with exorcisms and marriage grooming

LGBT students were being taught that homosexuality was unnatural and girls were being told that they had to obey men.

Other students reported other forms of “serious mistreatment,” including (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/christian-fundamentalist-schools-performed-exorcisms-on-children-and-beat-pupils-in-religious-a7312681.html) “corporal punishment, exorcisms being performed on children and schoolgirls being ‘groomed’ for marriage to much older men.”

The ACE program actually comes from one in the United States. While the Department of Education publishes a state-by-state breakdown (https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oii/nonpublic/regulation-map.html) of the rules outlined for private schools, each state is responsible for regulating the schools in their district and determining if there is abuse. This summer, it took an expose from The Boston Globe (https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/05/06/private-schools-painful-secrets/OaRI9PFpRnCTJxCzko5hkN/story.html) to spark an investigation into 67 New England private schools.

Many of these religious schools have a strict interpretation of Christianity and require students to teach themselves using only the textbook.

Students in some schools were put into desks facing the wall that prevented them from seeing any other students near them. It’s to inspire discipline. They look like a desk in a voting booth.

This kind of education comes from the religious belief that people have to learn themselves in order to achieve salvation. So, kids must teach themselves to learn and be closer to God.

Like many homeschool textbooks, the ACE program taught creationism instead of evolution as fact and called homosexuality an “unnatural” act and “another of man’s corruptions of God’s plan.” Manuels for teachers from the 1990s instruct educators how to administer corporal punishment to students, citing The Bible as a justification for why it is an acceptable form of punishment.

Other students report observing an actual exorcism during a school assembly because teachers explained students needed to
In an earlier report, one former student explained what it was like to be “groomed” by the school to marry an older man.

“You were told from a young age that your role is to support a man and God will lead you to him,” she told The Independent. The role of women in these religious groups is quite clear. You’re told God has chosen a husband for you and God will lead this man to you. But in reality, pastors and church leaders guide men to you. In my view, it’s grooming.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2017/01/christian-fundamentalist-schools-put-kids-at-risk-with-exorcisms-and-marriage-grooming-inspectors/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, so I can fuck them up"

Matthew 19:14

01-03-2017, 11:56 AM
Teaching them bullshit transgenderism, which has zero scientific backing beyond being a mental disease, is any better? Only to hardcore biased ignorance/Boots.

You're a terrible bigot.

01-03-2017, 12:04 PM
"Teaching them bullshit transgenderism"

who's doing that, wetback?

01-03-2017, 02:22 PM
Washington state teaches bullshit transgenderism to kindergarten kids. Absolutely disgusting and abhorrent. Kids can't make ANY life-altering decisions til adulthood, yet you and your disgusting Left wing nutjobs think it well to confuse the fuck out of these poor kids with lies and indoctrination? Makes sense as the Left is nothing but a bunch of ideologue control freaks trying to rip apart any shred of privacy and control people down to their very thoughts. Disgusting.

And you're a bigot. Not Mexican and I have longer longer ancestry in this country than all but the 5-7% that descend from the original colonists/settlers. But don't let that halt your bigotry.

01-03-2017, 04:18 PM
suckered, conned, ignorant as shit, chucho (you don't like political incorrectness? stick up your ass)


01-03-2017, 04:23 PM
Welcome to Baboon's shit repository museum.

01-03-2017, 09:57 PM
suckered, conned, ignorant as shit, chucho (you don't like political incorrectness? stick up your ass)


You can argue the semantics of how things are worded all you want if it makes you feel like you won. Gender identity, social and family dynamics that can affect gender identity and the redefinition of gender being taught is the fundamentals of transgenderism. Yes, districts have the final words on if it's in their curriculums, but to do an impression of Snopes:

I never said anything specific to the issues your little link addresses. I state they are teaching the fundamentals of transgenderism and it is abhorrent. It is abhorrent considering human behaviors and psychology should be learned naturally. State funded government entities should not influence the most impressionable minds with redefined terms above basic elementary common core. It's ideology being taught and it's mental conditioning. The government is impeding on natural, organic social learning and that isn't the defined role of the government per the United States Constitution.

And no, I'm not an ultra sensitive pussy Lib. I'm just saying for an unabashed, no-sphincter-having queermo Leftist, you sure are a surly little bigot. But then I remember, you are an unabashed, no-sphincter-having queermo Leftist and contradicting the tenants of morality you hold over others is just in your nature. You sociopathic loner, you.

Clipper Nation
01-03-2017, 10:00 PM
Boutards' life story:


01-03-2017, 11:13 PM
you little bitches really can't handle my bitch slapping, can you, ladies?

01-04-2017, 03:50 AM
:lol ken ham

01-06-2017, 11:46 AM
Here's the Christian Taliban tail wagging the Repug dog

Repugs' idea of "governing"

Texas and Virginia join other states competing for the most anti-trans legislation


01-11-2017, 04:45 PM
The Radical Education Of Betsy DeVos


DeVos, by contrast, is a professional lobbyist. She may be qualified, but when it comes to the battlefields of public education, she is plainly inexperienced.

The family belonged to the Reformed Church in America, which has its roots in a kind of Protestantism known as Calvinism, the predominant faith of the Dutch who settled western Michigan.

in 1975 she enrolled in Calvin College, ... bids its students to act as “Christ’s agents of renewal in the world.” The college is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church and takes its religious mission seriously: Faculty members, for example, are required to send their own children to a Christian secondary school.

The DeVoses have four children, whom they raised in Ada, a wealthy suburb of Grand Rapids, where the annual median household income today is almost $122,000, more than double Michigan’s average of about $49,000. The town, the seventh wealthiest in Michigan (http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/12/michigans_50_most_affluent_com.html#0), has unsurprisingly good public schools, but the DeVos children apparently did not attend them. Two daughters were at least partly home-schooled,

In 2013, she told Philanthropy magazine (http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/topic/excellence_in_philanthropy/interview_with_betsy_devos) that her desire to improve education began with a visit to the Potter’s House Christian School in Grand Rapids, a private religious academy. “At the time, we had children who were school-age themselves. Well, that touched home. Dick and I became increasingly committed to helping other parents—parents from low-income families in particular.

If we could choose the right school for our kids, it only seemed fair that they could do the same for theirs.”

The DeVoses began their prolonged assault on Michigan’s public education system in earnest in 1990,

DeVos scored another victory last summer, when she and her husband spent $1.45 million to stymie a legislative effort to provide more oversight to Michigan’s charter schools.

“If I wanted to start a school next year, all I’d need to do is get the money, draw up a plan and meet a few perfunctory requirements,”

“I’d then be allowed to operate that school, at a profit if I liked, without, practically speaking, any accountability for results. As long as I met the minimal state code and inspection requirements, I could run an awful school, no better than the public alternatives, almost indefinitely.”

It’s unclear how closely DeVos looked at the achievements of the charter schools that sprouted in Michigan because of her efforts. Did she know that many of them were failing? And if she knew, why did she do nothing?

Kids may suffer from a lack of choice, but they can also suffer from an excess of competition. Reporting on the state of charter schools in Detroit last summer, education reporter Kate Zernike of The New York Times described a system that was as at least as chaotic and unproductive as what it supplanted.

“While the idea was to foster academic competition,

the unchecked growth of charters has created a glut of schools competing for some of the nation’s poorest students,” Zernike wrote (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/29/us/for-detroits-children-more-school-choice-but-not-better-schools.html),

“enticing them to enroll with cash bonuses, laptops, raffle tickets for iPads and bicycles.

Leaders of charter and traditional schools alike say they are being cannibalized, fighting so hard over students and the limited public dollars that follow them that no one thrives.”

Douglas Harris, a professor of economics at Tulane University, considers himself a proponent of sensible reform, yet the kind of reform enacted by DeVos in Michigan, he has concluded, is a disaster.

It’s hardly a surprise that the system, which has almost no oversight, has failed. Schools there can do poorly and still continue to enroll students.”

“The DeVos nomination,” Harris wrote, “is a triumph of ideology over evidence.”

Much of the fault for the panoply of bad choices in Detroit can be placed on for-profit charters,

Whereas about 10 percent of charters nationwide are for-profit, about

80 percent of charters in Michigan mix profit-making with teaching.

"The fundamental problem with for-profit school management is that we don't have sufficient transparency for proper contract enforcement because the immediate consumer is a child,” Abrams tells me. “He or she is not sufficiently informed to know if a class is being properly taught.

“There is room for cutting corners in the name of profits,” Abrams says. “You don’t have that in public school."

for example, to a recording, obtained by Politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/betsy-devos-education-trump-religion-232150), in which

DeVos talks about “advancing God’s kingdom” through public education. That only stokes fears that DeVos is a Christian soldier disguised as a public servant.

“it’s a long-standing goal of the religious right to dismantle public education” and that religious conservatives like DeVos “don’t see public schools as religiously neutral.”

If an education is not Christian, then it is anti-Christian. This is a view, she suggests, DeVos shares with Mike Pence, the religiously conservative vice president-elect,

An Existential Threat

Teachers unions and their liberal allies are alarmed by the DeVos pick. Most charters and parochials aren’t unionized, meaning that school choice enervates public sector unions, another favorite Republican goal. “She is an existential threat to public education,”

The vast gap between the vaunted Massachusetts "education miracle" and the state of Detroit's schools suggests, at least to skeptics, that Romney's confidence in DeVos may be grievously misplaced.


01-11-2017, 10:36 PM
Kids may suffer from a lack of choice, but they can also suffer from an excess of competition. Reporting on the state of charter schools in Detroit last summer, education reporter Kate Zernike of The New York Times described a system that was as at least as chaotic and unproductive as what it supplanted.

“While the idea was to foster academic competition,

the unchecked growth of charters has created a glut of schools competing for some of the nation’s poorest students,” Zernike wrote (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/29/us/for-detroits-children-more-school-choice-but-not-better-schools.html),

“enticing them to enroll with cash bonuses, laptops, raffle tickets for iPads and bicycles.

Leaders of charter and traditional schools alike say they are being cannibalized, fighting so hard over students and the limited public dollars that follow them that no one thrives.”

LOL - funny how boutons would rather they be stuck in the public school with no options/choice. At least, this way, they might end up with a laptop, iPad, money - who knows what the kids will accomplish with those. Schools fighting over and competing for students is a GOOD thing.

01-11-2017, 11:33 PM
"boutons would rather they be stuck in the public school with no options/choice"

goddam, you're stupid

the widespread result of for-profit schools and colleges is total mediocrity, fraud. Even non-profit charters are a scam, because they subcontract everything to for-profit companies

public schools have been the basis of America's success for many decades, but the VRWC/capitalists MUST get their filthy hands every last dollar, and now that means privatizing public orgs, goods.

02-11-2017, 05:20 PM
DeVos Sees Public Education As A Biblical Battlefield

She is a doctrinaire right-winger (http://www.nationalmemo.com/trump-train-evangelicals/) who means to destroy public education, replacing it with a system of religious schools that serve the middle class and the wealthy. Implacably hostile to the public commons, she would rip apart a core asset of our democracy.

Her defenders insist that all DeVos wants is to ensure an excellent education for every child and to rescue those who are stuck in failing schools. They point to her advocacy for “school choice” as proof that she would give poor parents an opportunity to send their children to high-performing schools outside their neighborhoods.

But “school choice” is a deceptive term. It encompasses support for charters, public schools that, at their best, break away from the hidebound techniques of traditional public schools to boost the achievement of even students from modest backgrounds.

But DeVos’ advocacy for for-profit charter schools in Michigan (most of the nation’s charter schools are nonprofit) hasn’t helped students. It has only enriched charter school operators.

The term “school choice” also encompasses vouchers, which subvert tax dollars to support private schools.

In those states where vouchers have gained a toehold, the programs usually work by providing parents with a grant, funded by taxpayer dollars, to send their children to any school they choose.

As it turns out, though, most of them don’t serve the poorest households because the grants aren’t large enough. Vouchers average from $2,000 to $5,000.

Parochial school tuition averages around $7,000 a year, while nonreligious private schools tend to be much higher. Where would the poorest kids get the rest of the money?

She’s a member of an ultraconservative Calvinist sect that believes in “predestination” — God has already decided who is going to heaven before we are born — and worships private enterprise.

Speaking to The Gathering, an annual meeting of super-wealthy conservative Christians in 2001, DeVos compared “the system of education in the country” to a biblical battlefield where Israelites fought the Philistines,

she means to push vouchers, which would starve public schools of desperately needed funds, to advance her right-wing religious views. Nothing is more dangerous to liberal democratic values than that.


03-29-2017, 11:05 AM
Alabama joins anti-web-smut crusade with mandatory opt-out filters

Republican politico has something of an obsession with onanism

Yet another American state has seen legislation introduced to include mandatory anti-pornography filters on any internet-capable device – or else.

Alabama state rep Jack Williams (R-Montgomery) has proposed House Bill 428 (https://legiscan.com/AL/text/HB428/2017) that is virtually identical to red-tape put forward in North Dakota (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/01/11/north_dakota_pornographic_vending_machine/) and South Carolina (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/12/19/south_carolina_calls_for_smutfree_pcs/). If enacted, from January 1, 2018, all internet-capable devices must, by default, block "obscene" websites, child abuse images, revenge porn havens, and webpages that offer the services of sex workers.

Selling a device without one of these filters to an adult would become a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in prison and a $6,000 fine.

Selling one to a minor would be a Class C felony, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in the clink and fines of up to $30,000 per offense.


04-06-2017, 12:18 PM
Gov. Abbott and AG Paxton Ask Congress to Pass Bill Allowing Political Endorsements in Church

The two Republican state officials have asked Congress to pass the Free Speech Fairness Act, a measure that would override the Johnson Amendment — the 60-year-old rule baring tax-exempt organizations, like churches and non-profits, from endorsing political campaigns.

Or, in the words of (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/02/us/politics/johnson-amendment-trump.html)New York Times political reporter Jeremy Peters, "one of the brightest lines in the legal separation between religion and politics."

Abbott and Paxton argue that the Fairness Act — or House Bill 172 — would allow pastors to speak without the threat of censorship, and even help improve political dialogue. They use an arguably bizarre example to prove this point.

"Churches ...played less well-known, but certainly significant, roles in political discussions, including legislation in the early 1800s to criminalize dueling."

Paxton and Abbott also didn't mention the major self-serving benefit of this bill's passage.

Overturning the Johnson Amendment, named after Texas' own Lyndon B. Johnson, would allow tax-free donations to a church or charity organization to directly fund a political campaign.


conservative Christian organizations (like the notoriously anti-LGBT (https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/family-research-council) Family Research Council), who fill the pockets of far-right Republicans like Paxton and Abbott, wholeheartedly support this reversal.


04-14-2017, 10:12 AM
Christ, in His slave state incarnation, LOVES a police state

Alabama senate votes to let church create its own police force

It would be the first time an individual Alabama church would be granted its own law enforcement.


Of course, the church's police force would be as well trained, would be the very best people, just like sheriff deputies staffed with fired cops. :lol

04-14-2017, 10:52 AM

How cool are you with your Liberal news sources NOT reporting 1 iota of the Christian genocide going on at the hands of Sharia Law followers?

Just trying to fathom your unfathomable bias and bigotry against the Christian faith...and also, when are you just going to admit you're a hateful bigot as well? Not that noone knows you're not, but just for the record's sake...

04-21-2017, 02:28 PM
Betsy DeVos wants more character development in schools. That’s a big problem.

Buckle up, kids.

An eighth grader was locked up for throwing skittles on a schoolbus.

A 6-year-old girl was handcuffed for taking candy from a teacher’s desk.

An officer slammed and dragged a high school girl, because she wouldn’t put her phone down. A Texas cop choked a 14-year-old boy over a shoving match in school.

A middle school student was suspended and charged for allegedly stealing a carton of milk from a cafeteria?—?even though he didn’t do it.
Across the country, teachers rely on law enforcement and draconian punishments to correct students’ behavior in the classroom. In the Era of Trump, extreme discipline is poised to get worse.

Betsy DeVos said that character development and values are lacking in schools, which contributes to poor achievement. But education advocates and legal experts say poor achievement stems from racist and punitive policies disguised as character development, and worry about the future of the school-to-prison pipeline under DeVos’ leadership.

DeVos said she would change course and “defer to the judgment of state and local officials” on the subject of biased discipline in school. “I do not think the nation’s governors want me to come to their states and tell them what to do,” she said.
As Secretary of Education, DeVos has been quiet about the school-to-prison pipeline. But her comments about character development and her general desire to privatize public schools are setting off alarm bells. Advocates fear that biased discipline will become even more harsh in schools and further jeopardize marginalized students.

“The language around values and character development isn’t necessarily negative in and of itself,”

“But the problem is it could invite further bias against minority students and students with disabilities.”


Nothing good, for students, is gonna come from this ignorant, ideological Christian Taliban rich bitch. For-profit charter schools will continue to transfer $100Bs of taxpayer money into BigCorp pockets.,

05-03-2017, 11:40 AM
White House aims for Thursday signing of religious liberty executive order

The signing would represent a major triumph for Vice President Mike Pence—whose push for religious-freedom legislation backfired mightily when he served as governor of Indiana—and his allies in the conservative movement.

The original draft order, which would have established broad exemptions for people and groups to claim religious objections under virtually any circumstance, was leaked to The Nation (https://www.thenation.com/article/leaked-draft-of-trumps-religious-freedom-order-reveals-sweeping-plans-to-legalize-discrimination/) on Feb. 1

text said it hasn’t been dialed back much—if at all—since the February leak. “The language is very, very strong,”


iow, Biblical hate from Bible-humping Christian Taliban trumps the Constitution.

05-03-2017, 04:14 PM
White House aims for Thursday signing of religious liberty executive order

The signing would represent a major triumph for Vice President Mike Pence—whose push for religious-freedom legislation backfired mightily when he served as governor of Indiana—and his allies in the conservative movement.

The original draft order, which would have established broad exemptions for people and groups to claim religious objections under virtually any circumstance, was leaked to The Nation (https://www.thenation.com/article/leaked-draft-of-trumps-religious-freedom-order-reveals-sweeping-plans-to-legalize-discrimination/) on Feb. 1

text said it hasn’t been dialed back much—if at all—since the February leak. “The language is very, very strong,”


iow, Biblical hate from Bible-humping Christian Taliban trumps the Constitution.

If Christians weren't the most openly attacked and persecuted group in the country, and the world overall, this wouldn't be necessary. Spare the hatred, bigotry and stereotypes you and the like will spew to justify why someone should be told to do something by one group against your will and beliefs and the ridiculousness of "it gives them the freedom to openly discriminate rabblerabblebiasedbigotedcommentrabble" bullshit.

Private-owned businesses should always be able to decide to whom they serve/sell/cater to. As a general public, we all have the choice to whom we patronize and give our business to, the businesses should have the same power. The inverse is that people can choose NOT to visit an undesirable business.

There's no right and wrong when objectively looking at it. Religious people shouldn't have their beliefs impeded and can CHOOSE not to serve anyone the same way people can decide not to be patrons of their business. It comes down to belief vs belief and keeping each group of believers defined and separated.

Anti-religious bigots can make insults and statements about religion as "thoughts and beliefs" the same way anti-LGBT bigots can prove there is no natural or scientific basis to conclude that transgerderism and homosexuality is natural, it's every bit a choice as religion is.

Keep the nuts away from each other and don't empower one more than the other. LGBTs are more than free to open their businesses and refuse to serve religious believers as well.

05-08-2017, 09:11 AM
Oh so you're cool if a business denies service based on skin color.


05-08-2017, 03:30 PM
Oh so you're cool if a business denies service based on skin color.

Neat.depends which skin color. as we know in booboos world, there's no such thing as being racist against whitey

05-09-2017, 01:20 PM
Oh so you're cool if a business denies service based on skin color.


Selective twisting of words. Nice.

I'm cool with people being able to spread the word and actually having some recourse if a business rejects a group for whatever reason. I was talking about religion vs. LGBT, but to humor you, what religious beliefs would prevent a religious group from serving a different skin color? When does a specific skin color try and force their beliefs onto a religious group to the point where it's persecution?

Explaining that would be neat.

05-09-2017, 02:18 PM
If Christians weren't the most openly attacked and persecuted group in the country, and the world overall, this wouldn't be necessary.what rights, specifically, are christians lacking? have christians lost the right to enter into heterosexual marriages, have children, raise families, attend church, take their children to church, say prayers every morning, night, and before meals?

have christians lost the right to not use contraceptives? are christians being forced into abortions that contradict their religion? have christians lost the right to vote? have christians lost the ability to send their children to private christian schools?

or are you just mad because of starbucks cups and shit

if you can point out examples of christians that were forced by the government to stop attending church, were forced into a homosexual marriage, were forced to raise their kids as muslim, and were forced into getting an abortion when they didnt want one, i'll be glad to share your concerns.

having to see a gay man on TV isn't a war against your religion :lol

05-09-2017, 04:08 PM
"If Christians weren't the most openly attacked and persecuted group in the country"

:lol goddam, you're FUCKING STUPID

05-09-2017, 05:04 PM
"If Christians weren't the most openly attacked and persecuted group in the country"

:lol goddam, you're FUCKING STUPID

Says the guy who avoids backing up his words, even when he cuts the quote to benefit him. That "why is that?" line is probably the second scariest things to people like Booty.

Go back to posting your 5,000 LOLiberal garbage articles no one reads and then ponder on who is fucking stupid, Lonely Facist Soldier Boy.

05-09-2017, 05:20 PM
what rights, specifically, are christians lacking? have christians lost the right to enter into heterosexual marriages, have children, raise families, attend church, take their children to church, say prayers every morning, night, and before meals?

have christians lost the right to not use contraceptives? are christians being forced into abortions that contradict their religion? have christians lost the right to vote? have christians lost the ability to send their children to private christian schools?

or are you just mad because of starbucks cups and shit

if you can point out examples of christians that were forced by the government to stop attending church, were forced into a homosexual marriage, were forced to raise their kids as muslim, and were forced into getting an abortion when they didnt want one, i'll be glad to share your concerns.

having to see a gay man on TV isn't a war against your religion :lol

Denial. You deny the persecution, as a Fascist would deny the Holucaust. The Liberal Media flat out denies Westerners information on the largest genocide in the world by refusing to report it. That is just disgusting. To deny that is to be LOLiberal.

Selective Ignorance. See above about the LOLiberal media blocking such a crime against humanity.

Hypocrisy. The Left is as intolerant of Christians as Neocons are of Muslims. One belief just happens to be more grounded to reality with actual instances to justify those (wrong) feelings. The Left has an issue with Christianity because it's opposition to the Leftist perverse sense of morality. The Left has an issue with ALL opposition because, well, that's how Fascism works.

LOLiberal rhetoric that the "Christians don't want us doing anything. They are persecuting US! We are trying to tell them what to do, but they keep arguing back! Archaic loons not wanting to cater to modern day nut-cases thinking they are of another gender they can't be are the fucking problem!"

Minimalizing and trivalizing their grievances and concerns and then justify the hatred and bigotry with dumbfuckery like "well, the Christians did this the last XXXXX years, so we are justified in our actions".

05-09-2017, 06:01 PM
Private-owned businesses should always be able to decide to whom they serve/sell/cater to.

No blacks allowed

05-09-2017, 06:10 PM
Denial. You deny the persecution, as a Fascist would deny the Holucaust.

Poor American Christians. Concentration camps are next.

05-09-2017, 06:11 PM
No blacks allowed

no shoes, no shirts, no white skin, no service.

05-11-2017, 01:41 PM
If Christians weren't the most openly attacked and persecuted group in the country, and the world overall, this wouldn't be necessary.

what rights, specifically, are christians lacking? have christians lost the right to enter into heterosexual marriages, have children, raise families, attend church, take their children to church, say prayers every morning, night, and before meals?

have christians lost the right to not use contraceptives? are christians being forced into abortions that contradict their religion? have christians lost the right to vote? have christians lost the ability to send their children to private christian schools?

or are you just mad because of starbucks cups and shit

if you can point out examples of christians that were forced by the government to stop attending church, were forced into a homosexual marriage, were forced to raise their kids as muslim, and were forced into getting an abortion when they didnt want one, i'll be glad to share your concerns.

having to see a gay man on TV isn't a war against your religion :lol Chucho

05-11-2017, 02:01 PM
Texas bill allows religious discrimination for adoption

The Texas House of Representatives has passed a bill that allows adoption agencies and foster carers to reject applicants based on their religious beliefs and lifestyle choices.

The bill (http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/Text.aspx?LegSess=85R&Bill=HB3859) will let state-funded and private organizations make decisions about prospective parents based on their religious beliefs, meaning that

couples who are gay, Jewish (http://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Texas-House-OKs-adoption-agencies-barring-LGBT-families-non-Christians-490380), Muslim or interfaith could be rejected when seeking to take care of a child.

The bill could also affect people who have been divorced and remarried, or those who are single.

Additionally, the bill provides a legal cover for agencies who use "religious freedom" as the basis for making their decision.

While five other states have passed similar laws, Texas’ is one of the few that extends to state-funded agencies.

http://www.rawstory.com/2017/05/texas-bill-allows-religious-discrimination-for-adoption/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

05-11-2017, 02:07 PM
But it's the Christians that are persecuted tho

05-11-2017, 04:37 PM
Chucho (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=20531) still no response, and you've been active today. what's wrong?

05-11-2017, 06:26 PM
this good christian man finally rebelled against persecution


05-11-2017, 11:35 PM
But it's the Christians that are persecuted tho

They are.

05-11-2017, 11:39 PM
No blacks allowed

Per your preference.

05-12-2017, 10:24 AM
They are.

You've been asked for an example of it.

05-12-2017, 10:29 AM
Per your preference.

No. Rubber/glue method won't work here.

05-12-2017, 11:54 AM

How cool are you with your Liberal news sources NOT reporting 1 iota of the Christian genocide going on at the hands of Sharia Law followers?

Just trying to fathom your unfathomable bias and bigotry against the Christian faith...and also, when are you just going to admit you're a hateful bigot as well? Not that noone knows you're not, but just for the record's sake...


05-13-2017, 11:59 AM
They are.

what rights, specifically, are christians lacking? have christians lost the right to enter into heterosexual marriages, have children, raise families, attend church, take their children to church, say prayers every morning, night, and before meals?

have christians lost the right to not use contraceptives? are christians being forced into abortions that contradict their religion? have christians lost the right to vote? have christians lost the ability to send their children to private christian schools?

or are you just mad because of starbucks cups and shit

if you can point out examples of christians that were forced by the government to stop attending church, were forced into a homosexual marriage, were forced to raise their kids as muslim, and were forced into getting an abortion when they didnt want one, i'll be glad to share your concerns.

having to see a gay man on TV isn't a war against your religion :lol

05-16-2017, 10:29 AM
AUSTIN — One bill would make it legal to decline adoption services to gay couples. Another could deny them marriage licenses. Others would bar transgender Texans from using the public bathroom of their choice......

Texas Rep. James Frank, R-Wichita Falls, said the Texas bills are about allowing citizens and agencies to exercise their religious beliefs, not impeding LGBT rights. His initiative, House Bill 3859, would allow faith-based agencies to deny adoption and fostering services to couples if it goes against their “sincerely held religious beliefs.” Agencies that deny a couple would have to offer a referral to that couple, according to the bill.
Frank said he hopes the bill encourages more faith-based agencies to expand their services. The bill passed the House last week and is headed to the Senate, where it is expected to pass. “Just because you want to serve children doesn’t mean you have to leave your beliefs at the door,” he said........

05-16-2017, 10:32 AM

05-16-2017, 10:33 AM
But Christians are getting persecuted!

05-16-2017, 10:44 AM
But Christians are getting persecuted!i mean, have you seen those starbucks cups?

05-16-2017, 11:45 AM
Yeah. And chick fil a is suffering terribly for expressing their corporate beliefs.

05-19-2017, 05:48 AM
A Creationist Sues the Grand Canyon for Religious Discrimination

The national park wouldn’t let him collect rocks for research.


05-22-2017, 09:10 AM
Senate passes religious protections for child welfare agencies

Texas state senators voted to allow child welfare providers to be protected from legal retaliation if they assert their “sincerely held religious beliefs.

House Bill 3859 (http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/85R/billtext/pdf/HB03859H.pdf#navpanes=0) would

allow faith-based organizations to place a child in a religion-based school;

deny referrals for abortion-related contraceptives, drugs or devices; and

refuse to contract with other organizations that don't share their religious beliefs.

Opponents have decried the legislation, saying it discriminates against LGBT people seeking to be foster or adoptive parents and against people who may have different religious views. Opponents have also argued that “sincerely held religious beliefs” is

too ambiguous and leaves the door open for those views to be applied to physical discipline, diets, medical care, blood transfusions, vaccinations and how boys and girls are treated.

Sen. Charles Perry (https://www.texastribune.org/directory/charles-perry/), R-Lubbock, the bill's sponsor, told members that the legislation is

"not meant to discriminate" against anyone :lol :lol

and the "best interest of the child" would always be top priority. :lol :lol


Repugs and Christian Taliban ALWAYS hide behind lies.

05-22-2017, 12:26 PM
Jesus crust

05-25-2017, 12:14 PM
‘She Was Immoral’: Christian School Stands by Choice Not To Let Pregnant Student Walk at Graduation

This is a big year for viral stories of girls not being allowed by their high schools to walk at graduation.

First, we had the honors student (http://www.mediaite.com/online/news-story-about-honors-teen-who-may-not-graduate-because-of-off-the-shoulder-top-goes-viral/) whose off-the-shoulder top got her in enough trouble that she might not get to attend graduation and may lose out on her future schooling opportunities.

Now, we have a girl with a 4.0 who can’t walk graduation at Maryland’s Heritage Academy because of her pregnancy.

Wait. No. According to the school, it’s not because of her pregnancy.

It’s because of her lack of morality because she had sex before she was married.

Totally different.

“It’s because I’m pregnant and you can see the results of my mistake,” 18-year-old Maddi Runkles told (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/a-christian-school-rejects-calls-to-let-pregnant-senior-attend-graduation/2017/05/24/5b798cbc-4090-11e7-9869-bac8b446820a_story.html?utm_term=.c1022cf5f0b7) the Washington Post.


and of course, the impregnator, perhaps also at the school, goes unnamed, unpunished.

05-25-2017, 12:32 PM
Did they let the baby daddy walk graduation?

05-25-2017, 04:39 PM
what rights, specifically, are christians lacking? have christians lost the right to enter into heterosexual marriages, have children, raise families, attend church, take their children to church, say prayers every morning, night, and before meals?

have christians lost the right to not use contraceptives? are christians being forced into abortions that contradict their religion? have christians lost the right to vote? have christians lost the ability to send their children to private christian schools?

or are you just mad because of starbucks cups and shit

if you can point out examples of christians that were forced by the government to stop attending church, were forced into a homosexual marriage, were forced to raise their kids as muslim, and were forced into getting an abortion when they didnt want one, i'll be glad to share your concerns.

having to see a gay man on TV isn't a war against your religion :lol Chucho

06-03-2017, 06:52 PM
Just like Christ would do

Woman Admits She Led 30 Members of a North Carolina Church In Beating a Gay Man to 'Expel His Demons'

The woman called the victim "unclean and sinful."

beat a gay member of the church in an effort to “expel his demons,”


06-06-2017, 01:17 PM
Of course it's North Carolina

06-06-2017, 01:55 PM
ya'll qaeda

06-06-2017, 02:11 PM
NC Repugs resolutely, blindly supporting Trash, saying Russiagate is nothing

06-15-2017, 10:12 PM
Texas governor approves adoption bill that critics contend discriminates

The Texas governor signed a law on Thursday to protect the religious rights of faith-based groups in state child welfare programs, but critics said it could be used to discriminate against LGBT and non-Christian families in adoptions.

Republican Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 3859 which allows faith-based groups working with the Texas child welfare system to deny services "under circumstances that conflict with the provider's sincerely held religious beliefs." It was supported by several Christian groups.

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-texas-adoption-lgbt-idUSKBN19631H?feedType=RSS&feedName=politicsNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FPoliticsNews+%28Reu ters+Politics+News%29

Religious Freedom? A HUGE LIE covering Christian hate

06-16-2017, 02:08 PM
Misogynists Repugs and Christian Taliban War on Women (aka sluts )

What You Need to Know About Trump’s Plan to Restrict Birth Control Access

What is the contraceptive mandate?

The contraceptive mandate, aka the “birth control benefit,” was a part of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Essential Health Benefits (https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/essential-health-benefits/), which included the list of ten services that the non-partisan Institute of Medicine determined all insurance providers must cover because, well, they are essential. The rule’s preventive care guidelines meant that women could access the form of contraception they need at no cost.

It’s been great for women’s health, and their wallets.

Thanks to the contraceptive mandate, more than 48 million women no longer face cost barriers to accessing birth control. The National Women’s Law Center reported (https://www.nwlc.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/stateofbirthcontrol2015final.pdf) that in 2013, women saved more than $483 million in out-of-pocket birth control costs, for an average of $270 per woman. The number of women who filled their birth control prescriptions without copays grew from 1.3 million to 5.1 million, and in one year the share of women who had access to birth control with no out-of-pocket costs grew from 14 percent to 56 percent.

As described in a recent report (http://rooseveltinstitute.org/justice-doesnt-trickle-down/) released by the Roosevelt Institute (http://rooseveltinstitute.org/) and the Ms. Foundation for Women, these benefits have an outsized impact on women with low incomes and women of color, whose ability to access health care, including contraception, is compromised by stark disparities in wages, employment benefits, and proximity to providers, among many other factors. Historic racial and gendered inequities continue to shape economic opportunities and outcomes for those women and their families.

What would this leaked rule do?

The rule would vastly expand an employer’s ability to deny birth control coverage.

It would allow any employer—not just faith-based organizations—to deny coverage based on moral objections and exempt those workplaces from the accommodation.

Because the leaked rule modifies existing regulations and not law,

it can go into effect as soon as it is published in the Federal Register.

This is just one way the administration can undermine women’s health without having to actually repeal the ACA.

What would this mean for women?
Tens of thousands of cisgender women, transgender individuals, and people who are gender non-binary are at risk of losing access to affordable family planning of their choice.


Just a rule, so Price can do anything he wants with rules, without anybody stopping him from screwing up this rule or any rule.

06-16-2017, 02:09 PM
Y'all Qaeda > Christian Taliban

you need to update your nicknames

06-16-2017, 02:25 PM
Y'all Qaeda > Christian Taliban

you need to update your nicknames

that would confuse the ignorant fucks here that already can't follow me, or even understand what's going on.

06-16-2017, 02:47 PM
that would confuse the ignorant fucks here that already can't follow me, or even understand what's going on.
nobody can understand what the fuck you say anyway. at least make it funny

06-16-2017, 03:42 PM
that would confuse the ignorant fucks here that already can't follow me, or even understand what's going on.

Mang, you have an undeserved sense of superiority for a mentally deficient, narrow-viewed Fascist.

I'd say you're Fuzzy in the sense you're nowhere near as intelligent as you want to think you are, but the general consensus, even amongst your fellow Fascists is that you're a fucking whack job that sleeps on a pee-stained mattress in Mom's garage.

06-24-2017, 08:12 PM
Along with Christian supremacist, Pence is equally scary for Christian bullshit.

Mike Pence assures evangelicals Trump is their "unwavering ally"

The vice president donated an ultrasound in his own name to a crisis pregnancy center at a Focus on the Family event. And that's just the beginning.

Vice President Mike Pence popped into the 40th anniversary celebration of the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family to remind members he’s a devout Christian politician who has his back. And, he says, so is President Donald Trump.

He repeatedly referred to the president himself as both an “unwavering ally" of Christian evangelicals and a believer himself — calling him “a leader, a believer, a timeless defender of the values that will make America great again.” He described Trump as someone who “advocated in the public square for values our public needs to hear, now more than ever.”

Pence’s comments are hardly surprising: after all, his evangelical faith and religiously-motivated stances on abortion and LGBTQ rights are well-known. But the intensity in expressing them on Friday was striking. Pence announced that he would donate an ultrasound machine in his own name to a faith-based crisis pregnancy center

Pence’s remarks seemed to subtly reassure evangelicals of his influence in the White House to bolster religiously-motivated policy.


Pence as unelected Pres would be as shitty as Trash.

06-27-2017, 10:25 PM
Goodbye, Establishment Clause

The Supreme Court’s ruling in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer threatens to obliterate the divide between church and state.

The facts of the case are simple. Trinity Lutheran Church owns a

“Learning Center” that is used “to teach the Gospel to children.”

The learning center’s facilities include a playground that is, in the church’s words, part of “an education program structured to allow a child to grow spiritually, physically, socially, and cognitively.”

To limit his holding, Roberts drew a distinction between religious status and religious use:

Missouri, he explained, had discriminated against Trinity Lutheran “simply because of what it is—a church,” not because it feared the grant money would fund religious exercise itself.

He also noted in a footnote that the case “involves express discrimination based on religious identity with respect to playground resurfacing.

We do not address religious uses of funding or other forms of discrimination.”

This stipulation is meant to strike a tone of compromise.

But it doesn’t change the fact that,

at a minimum, Trinity Lutheran opens the public funding floodgates for houses of worship and religious schools.

Gorsuch explained: “The general principles here do not permit discrimination against religious exercise—whether on the playground or anywhere else.”

Put simply, Gorsuch and Thomas see Trinity Lutheran as an opportunity

to expand the place of religion in public life by creating a one-way ratchet that allows churches ever-increasing access to public funds while giving religious exercise primacy (http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2017/06/26/supreme_court_to_hear_constitutional_challenge_to_ lgbtq_nondiscrimination.html) over laws of general applicability.

“Properly understood,” Sotomayor wrote,

“this is a case about whether Missouri can decline to fund improvements to the facilities the Church uses to practice and spread its religious views.”

In fact, Sotomayor explained, Missouri must decline to fund these improvements under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which forbids states from using public funds to underwrite religious exercise.

http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2017/06/trinity_lutheran_threatens_to_obliterate_the_divid e_between_church_and_state.html

Gorsuch is rapidly proving to the extreme right-asshole the oligarchy hired him to be.

06-27-2017, 11:40 PM
"Following years of heated debate,*a monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments*was installed Tuesday morning*on the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol building.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas and other opponents have vowed to sue over the controversial display. They believe the privately funded monument is an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.

"If they put it up, they're going to signal to people who don't*subscribe to that particular version of the commandments and non-believers they are second-class citizens and we will file suit," Holly Dickson, the ACLU's legal director, told*U.S. News and World Report*when the monument was approved in May.

Supporters of the monument, like Republican state Senator Jason Rapert, say the display honors the roll the Ten Commandments have played in the history of the nation’s law.



06-28-2017, 12:01 AM
Stupid hillbillies

06-28-2017, 12:03 AM
why cant you just keep religion to your home? why the incessant need to brand everything?

06-28-2017, 06:24 AM
"the roll the Ten Commandments have played in the history of the nation’s law."

which is of course bullshit lie, which is all Christian supremacists and conservatives have.

06-28-2017, 10:47 AM
Will These Studies Finally Make Betsy DeVos Admit School Vouchers Are a Total Scam?

"This latest study of vouchers should be yet another red flag to DeVos that she is going down the wrong path and it will hurt all students in the end."

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gear up to dump hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/trumps-first-full-education-budget-deep-cuts-to-public-school-programs-in-pursuit-of-school-choice/2017/05/17/2a25a2cc-3a41-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) into vouchers and other private education initiatives denounced by critics as ineffective and immoral (https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/05/23/trumps-manifestly-cruel-education-budget-would-crush-kids-dreams), two new studies (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/school-voucher-recipients-first-lose-academic-ground-later-catch-up-to-peers-studies-find/2017/06/26/d99f94b8-5a0f-11e7-a9f6-7c3296387341_story.html) released on Monday reveal that, in many cases, voucher programs result in significantly worse academic performance than public schools.

Both analyses produced similar findings:

Students who participated in voucher programs performed significantly worse in their first two years attending a private school

, only to see their results return to baseline by the third and fourth years. Overall, as the Washington Postreported (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/school-voucher-recipients-first-lose-academic-ground-later-catch-up-to-peers-studies-find/2017/06/26/d99f94b8-5a0f-11e7-a9f6-7c3296387341_story.html), the studies

"do not show that vouchers led to significantly stronger math and reading performance"—a fact that appears to undermine the crucial argument in favor of further privatizing American education.

"[T]he experience in Louisiana has to give pause to anyone pushing broad federal or statewide programs,"

"voucher students fell statistically significantly behind their public school peers" in various subjects before rebounding after several years,

the improvements in performance students begin to see after several years in the voucher program amount to

simply "making up ground that they initially lost."

"It's like they're getting back to where they started,"

DeVos has come under constant fire (https://www.commondreams.org/more/1155) for

her long-time commitment to a right-wing education agenda that has so consistently produced "dismal" results.

the Trump administration, which has proposed a new $20 billion voucher program. Secretary DeVos's enthusiasm for vouchers, which have been the primary focus of her philanthropic spending and advocacy, appears to be undiminished."

DeVos is more concerned with gutting public education (https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/05/18/trump-administration-raid-public-ed-fund-school-choice-programs)—and rewarding private interests—than with promoting "school choice."

"Indiana diverted millions of dollars for years from public schools to private school vouchers, resulting in negative or negligible results for student outcomes,"

Weingarten said.

"That funding could have been invested in public education programs that actually are helping students improve and succeed."



Devos is yet another billionaire Christian supremacist warrior for her perverted idea of God

Betsy DeVos and God’s Plan for Schools

At a 2001 gathering of conservative Christian philanthropists, she singled out

education reform as a way to “advance God’s kingdom.”

In an interview (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/betsy-devos-education-trump-religion-232150), she and her husband, Richard DeVos Jr., said that

school choice would lead to “greater kingdom gain.”


06-28-2017, 12:02 PM
No, DeVos is all in on school vouchers. She'll disregard the facts like her big boss does

06-28-2017, 12:08 PM
CNN)The newly unveiled Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Arkansas state Capitol was knocked over early Wednesday, less than 24 hours after it was erected, a state government official told CNN.

Michael Tate Reed, 32, was arrested after Capitol police saw him drive onto the Capitol grounds in Little Rock and intentionally ram his car into the monument, according to Chris Powell, a spokesman for the Arkansas secretary of state.


06-28-2017, 12:08 PM
Vouchers are a work-around to the establishment clause and gets federal tax dollars into private religious schools. You can bet your ass devos will abuse it.

06-28-2017, 12:09 PM
CNN)The newly unveiled Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Arkansas state Capitol was knocked over early Wednesday, less than 24 hours after it was erected, a state government official told CNN.

Michael Tate Reed, 32, was arrested after Capitol police saw him drive onto the Capitol grounds in Little Rock and intentionally ram his car into the monument, according to Chris Powell, a spokesman for the Arkansas secretary of state.

Terrorist tbh

06-28-2017, 12:13 PM

Muslim hillbilly

06-29-2017, 04:21 AM
Keeping KY Shitty Again

Kentucky’s evangelical Gov. Matt Bevin signs bill allowing public schools to teach from the Bible

The so-called Bible literacy law is set to go into effect on Friday


Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed into law a bill that will allow courses on the Bible to be taught in public schools beginning on Friday. Overwhelmingly passed by Kentucky’s Republican-controlled state legislature, HB 128 gives Kentucky school boards the option to add elective courses on Bible literacy to their social studies curriculum.

“The idea that we would not want this to be an option for people in school, that would be crazy. I don’t know why every state would not embrace this, why we as a nation would not embrace this,” Bevin said during a public bill signing ceremony.

According to the bill (http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/17RS/HB128.htm), the courses must discuss all aspects of the Bible — such as characters, poetry, and narratives — because they are “prerequisites to understanding contemporary society and culture.”

In June, Bevin announced his solution (http://www.salon.com/2017/06/02/kentucky-governor-matt-bevin-proposes-praying-as-a-solution-to-gun-violence/) to devastating gun violence: prayer-groups. His proposal involved the groups patrolling areas of the West End of Kentucky to “pray away” the violence as part of his anti-violence initiative.

“You don’t need permission from me how to do it,” Bevin said (http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2017/06/02/can-prayer-solve-violence-what-know-gov-matt-bevins-plan-anti-violence-plan/362927001/) during a meeting at Western Middle School.

“You know, you walk to a corner, pray for the people, talk to people along the way.”


KY has the highest percentage of USA states of people without their teeth.

Any reports of Bevin walking through black, low-income neighborhoods and praying?

06-29-2017, 10:29 AM
That's completely fair for Muslim, Jewish and atheist kids

06-29-2017, 12:52 PM
Teaching "about" the Bible and religious history has also been a classic work-around the establishment clause. Conservatives were throwing a fit when some school districts had a class about Islam in the same way.

I actually agree with the outrage, but for both instances, not just the one.

06-30-2017, 10:39 AM
Gorsuch is already pushing the Supreme Court right on religion, guns and gay rights

But in just his first few weeks on the high court, Justice Gorsuch has shown himself to be a confident conservative activist, arguing for moving the law to the right on religion, gun rights, gay rights and campaign funding.

Most new justices are cautious upon arrival, but Gorsuch wasted no time in staking out a strong position to the right of his colleagues, including Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. (http://www.latimes.com/topic/crime-law-justice/justice-system/john-roberts-PEPLT00008040-topic.html)and his former boss and mentor, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (http://www.latimes.com/topic/crime-law-justice/justice-system/anthony-kennedy-PEPLT00008042-topic.html).

He dissented along with Justice Clarence Thomas (http://www.latimes.com/topic/crime-law-justice/justice-system/clarence-thomas-PEHST001980-topic.html) when the court rejected a gun-rights challenge to California’s law that strictly regulates who may carry a concealed weapon. “The 2nd Amendment’s core purpose,” they said, shows “the right to bear arms extends to public carry.”

He filed his own dissent on Monday when the court ruled for two lesbian couples and said they had a right to have both of their names on their child's birth certificate. Without hearing arguments, the justices struck down part of an Arkansas law that gave this right to opposite-sex couples, but not same-sex couples.

Gorsuch said he did not see “any constitutional problem with a biology based birth registration system.”

The justices, including Kennedy, said they had clearly ruled in 2015 that married same-sex couples deserve fully equal rights. Thomas and Justice Samuel A. Alito (http://www.latimes.com/topic/crime-law-justice/justice-system/samuel-a.-alito-PEPLT00008041-topic.html), both of whom dissented two years ago, joined Gorsuch's dissent.

But until recently, most conservative justices have been inclined to uphold the laws on the books and stick with the court’s precedents.

Gorsuch, however, has shown himself eager to change the laws, particularly in the area of religious liberty and church-state separation.

Throughout American history, the U.S. Constitution and most state constitutions have prohibited the government from giving tax money to churches. But in this week’s ruling involving a church-run preschool center in Missouri, the justices described those traditional funding restrictions as an unconstitutional “discrimination” against the “free exercise” of religion.

Gorsuch wrote a short separate opinion to disavow the footnote and to argue for a much broader view of what is protected by the 1st Amendment’s ban on laws “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion.

“That clause guarantees the free exercise of religion, not just the right to inward belief,” he wrote. “The general principles here do not permit religious discrimination — whether on the playground or anywhere else.”

the Supreme Court’s “order sends a strong signal” that states and localities may not “exclude religious options from school choice programs.”

On campaign financing, Gorsuch last month dissented with Thomas when the court affirmed earlier rulings that upheld federal limits on big-money gifts to political parties.


06-30-2017, 01:12 PM
Fucking TX, Christian hater supremacists their elected judges for hire

Top Texas court sides against same-sex couple marriage benefits

The Texas Supreme Court ruled on Friday that same-sex couples are not necessarily entitled to government-dispensed spousal benefits, dealing a blow to backers of marriage equality, who have vowed to fight the decision.

The Republican-dominated court said the landmark 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same-sex marriage legal nationwide, did not resolve issues such as payments of municipal employees' spousal benefits.

"The Supreme Court held in Obergefell that the Constitution requires states to license and recognize same-sex marriages to the same extent that they license and recognize opposite-sex marriages," the Texas court wrote, "but it did not hold that states must provide the same publicly funded benefits to all married persons."

The Texas Supreme Court sent the case back to a lower court, adding that it could not reach a decision on whether to grant the plaintiff's request to claw back previously paid benefits.

Texas Values, an activist group for social conservatives, and Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton, who supported the challenge on the benefits, applauded the decision.


and Paxton will probably run and win for governor

06-30-2017, 01:15 PM
That's completely fair for Muslim, Jewish and atheist kids

If they don liek it they ken git out!

06-30-2017, 07:48 PM
GOP bill would let churches endorse political candidates (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/house-gop-bill-would-let-churches-endorse-politicians/2017/06/30/9a63d750-5dbb-11e7-aa69-3964a7d55207_story.html?utm_term=.247e85ca9a64)

06-30-2017, 10:53 PM
GOP bill would let churches endorse political candidates (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/house-gop-bill-would-let-churches-endorse-politicians/2017/06/30/9a63d750-5dbb-11e7-aa69-3964a7d55207_story.html?utm_term=.247e85ca9a64)

there's House bill to allow churches to make political contributions, overtirning the LBJ rule

08-06-2017, 02:17 PM
AS CONGRESS TRIES TO CRIMINALIZE BDS, THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA ENDORSE IT (https://theintercept.com/2017/08/06/dsa-democratic-socialists-bds-israel-palestine/)

SOME MEMBERS OF CONGRESS are trying to criminalize support (https://theintercept.com/2017/07/19/u-s-lawmakers-seek-to-criminally-outlaw-support-for-boycott-campaign-against-israel/) for the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel for its occupation of Palestinian territories.

The U.S.’s new premiere left-wing organization, however, is moving the other way, undaunted by the threat of legislation against the BDS movement, as it is known.

support for BDS in the U.S. is growing rapidly (https://uscpr.org/campaign/bds/bdswins/#1499802126174-a08b4419-ceaf), particularly on college campuses and among faith organizations.


U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel (https://theintercept.com/2017/07/19/u-s-lawmakers-seek-to-criminally-outlaw-support-for-boycott-campaign-against-israel/)

THE CRIMINALIZATION OF political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech (https://theintercept.com/2016/02/16/greatest-threat-to-free-speech-in-the-west-criminalizing-activism-against-israeli-occupation/) in the West.

In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted (http://www.france24.com/en/20160120-france-boycott-israel-bds-law-free-speech-antisemitism) for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott (https://theintercept.com/2015/10/27/criminalization-of-anti-israel-activism-escalates-this-time-in-the-land-of-the-charlie-hebdo-free-speech-march/) of Israel.

The U.K. has enacted a series of measures (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/israel-boycott-local-councils-public-bodies-and-student-unions-to-be-banned-from-shunning-israeli-a6874006.html) designed to outlaw such activism.

In the U.S., governors compete with one another (https://theintercept.com/2016/06/06/andrew-cuomo-and-other-democrats-launch-severe-attack-on-free-speech-to-protect-israel/) over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal (https://www.un.org/press/en/2016/sc12657.doc.htm).

On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace (https://theintercept.com/2015/09/25/dianne-feinstein-husband-threaten-univ-calif-demanding-ban-excessive-israel-criticism/) that the Center for Constitutional Rights refers to it (https://ccrjustice.org/the-palestine-exception) as “the Palestine Exception” to free speech.

But now, a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — wants to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel,


"Money is protected speech" but the "speech" of boycotting Israel will be Federal felony. :lol

So many Congress people are WHORES for AIPAC

09-12-2017, 06:48 PM
Trash Appellate Nominee Says Her Religion Supersedes the Constitution (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/9/11/1697560/-Trump-Appellate-Nominee-Says-Her-Religion-Supersedes-the-Constitution)


09-12-2017, 06:53 PM
It's all hunky dory until a Muslim judge says that :lol

09-14-2017, 10:57 PM
CIA Director Mike Pompeo Cancels Speech at Harvard After They Hired ‘Traitor’ Chelsea Manning

“Ms. Manning betrayed her country and was found guilty of 17 serious crimes for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks,” Pompeo wrote.

“Leaders from both political parties denounced Ms. Manning’s actions as traitorous and many intelligence and military officials believe those leaks put the lives of the patriotic men and women at the CIA in danger.”


Pompeo is an extreme Christian Taliban

09-14-2017, 11:01 PM
‘Straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale’: Insiders claim CIA director Pompeo is turning agency into a Christian hotbed

According to an investigation by Foreign Policy (http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/09/08/more-white-more-male-more-jesus-cia-employees-fear-pompeo-is-quietly-killing-the-agencys-diversity-mandate/) into changes in the intelligence community under President Donald Trump, the CIA has set aside plans to diversify and has become more white and more Christian under new director Mike Pompeo.

Noting the Pompeo, a former Republican congressman from Kansas, is a self-professed evangelical, the report states that the new director once claimed,

Islamist terrorists will “continue to press against us until we make sure that we pray and stand and fight and make sure that we know that Jesus Christ is our savior is truly the only solution for our world.”

Insiders — many of whom are afraid to come forward — say Pompeo’s religious beliefs are becoming part of CIA dogma to the dismay of longtime employees.

“According to four sources familiar with the matter, Pompeo, who attends weekly Bible studies held in government buildings, referenced God and Christianity repeatedly in his first all-hands speech and in a recent trip report while traveling overseas,”

Michael Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, he is being flooded with complaints about the creeping evangelical Christianity that is beginning to pervade the intelligence agency.

Weinstein notes that insiders are afraid to speak up, stating,

“They don’t typically file formal complaints within the government. But certain things are making them especially uncomfortable, such as officials signing off with the phrase ‘have a blessed day.’

“In the intelligence community, we see supervisors wanting to hold Bible studies during duty hours [and] inviting lower-ranking individuals to their homes for Bible studies,” Weinstein continued.

“Our clients at CIA feel extremely isolated in a way they have not felt before.”

http://www.rawstory.com/2017/09/straight-out-of-the-handmaids-tale-insiders-claim-cia-director-pompeo-is-turning-agency-into-a-christian-hotbed/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Maybe Pompeo can order CIA to find Satan.

09-16-2017, 11:43 AM
Christian Taliban grifter news

‘It’s a bogus story sold to adults’: Watch atheists narrate hilarious tour of Kentucky’s Ark Encounter


“It’s a bogus story sold to adults and a lie told to children,” the narrator of the video claims.

“It’s a church masquerading as a Kentucky tourist attraction and it’s a tragic waste of resources.”


Lack of attendance has been one of the major criticisms of the controversial theme park, especially after the town was blamed (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/creationist-blames-dreadful-attendance-at-ark-theme-park-on-tax-starved-city-not-supplying-tourist-services/) for lack of visitors.
Grant County Judge Executive Steve Wood said (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/creationist-ken-ham-blames-atheists-and-fake-news-for-failing-ark-encounter-theme-park/)

the Ark has “not done us good at all.”
The city of Williamstown and state of

Kentucky provided tens of millions in subsidies the for-profit replica ship, :lol

which was then

sold to its nonprofit arm for $10 (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/creationists-sell-christian-theme-park-to-themselves-to-avoid-paying-700000-in-taxes/) to avoid paying $700,000 in taxes. :lol

Ken Ham’s shenanigans to avoid paying Williamstown $700,000 in taxes resulted in

Ark Encounter losing $18 million (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/kentucky-noahs-ark-theme-park-loses-18-million-after-violations-of-tax-law-for-refusing-to-pay-a-safety-fee/) in state of Kentucky subsidies.

Watching “The Thinking Atheist” host Seth Andrews and Matt Dillahunty tour Ken Ham’s Noah’s Ark theme park:

http://www.rawstory.com/2017/09/watch-atheists-narrate-hilarious-tour-of-kentuckys-ark-encounter/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

09-16-2017, 12:24 PM
Christian Taliban grifter news

‘It’s a bogus story sold to adults’: Watch atheists narrate hilarious tour of Kentucky’s Ark Encounter


“It’s a bogus story sold to adults and a lie told to children,” the narrator of the video claims.

“It’s a church masquerading as a Kentucky tourist attraction and it’s a tragic waste of resources.”


Lack of attendance has been one of the major criticisms of the controversial theme park, especially after the town was blamed (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/creationist-blames-dreadful-attendance-at-ark-theme-park-on-tax-starved-city-not-supplying-tourist-services/) for lack of visitors.
Grant County Judge Executive Steve Wood said (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/creationist-ken-ham-blames-atheists-and-fake-news-for-failing-ark-encounter-theme-park/)

the Ark has “not done us good at all.”
The city of Williamstown and state of

Kentucky provided tens of millions in subsidies the for-profit replica ship, :lol

which was then

sold to its nonprofit arm for $10 (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/creationists-sell-christian-theme-park-to-themselves-to-avoid-paying-700000-in-taxes/) to avoid paying $700,000 in taxes. :lol

Ken Ham’s shenanigans to avoid paying Williamstown $700,000 in taxes resulted in

Ark Encounter losing $18 million (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/kentucky-noahs-ark-theme-park-loses-18-million-after-violations-of-tax-law-for-refusing-to-pay-a-safety-fee/) in state of Kentucky subsidies.

Watching “The Thinking Atheist” host Seth Andrews and Matt Dillahunty tour Ken Ham’s Noah’s Ark theme park:

http://www.rawstory.com/2017/09/watch-atheists-narrate-hilarious-tour-of-kentuckys-ark-encounter/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29


09-16-2017, 01:08 PM
Air Force Chaplain Denounces Religious Tolerance

A U.S. Air Force chaplain who ministers to thousands of men and women at an Ohio base is asserting that

Christians in the U.S. Armed Forces “serve Satan” and are

“grossly in error” if they support service members' right to practice other faiths.

Captain Sonny Hernandez, an Air Force Reserve chaplain for the 445th Airlift Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, criticized Christian service members who rely on the Constitution “and not Christ.”

He wrote:

“Counterfeit Christians in the Armed forces will appeal to the Constitution, and not Christ,

and they have no local church home—which means they have no accountability for their souls (Heb. 13:17). This is why so many professing Christian service members will say: 'We ‘support everyone’s right’ to practice their faith regardless if they worship a god different from ours because the Constitution protects this right.”

Hernandez continued:

“Christian service members who openly profess and support the rights of Muslims, Buddhists, and all other anti-Christian worldviews to practice their religions—because the language in the Constitution permits—are grossly in error, and deceived.”


AFA sounds like a 100% pure Christian Sharia shithole.

Jew Mikey Weinstein, and his sons, were abused as Jews at AFA, leading him to found Military Freedom from Religion Foundation



and former AFA chaplain and infamous Christian mullah:

Gordon James (“Chaps”) Klingenschmitt, :lol

09-16-2017, 07:32 PM
So why is it that some here admire Canadian and European health systems but don't subscribe to their (Canada and Finland) policy that the money follows the student? Isn't that the ultimate - letting the student/parent decide where they want to go? Whether public or private, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, etc? That way, the schools compete for your money and if your neighborhood school is bad, just go to another one. I don't see any of my Canadian relatives making a fuss about it - some send their kids to the public school and some to Catholic schools - they have choice and do what suits them.

09-17-2017, 03:46 AM
boutons_deux (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=16047)

This a thread or your own personal blog, faggot?

Seven of the first eight / twenty-one of the first thirty posts are you passing gas :lmao

09-18-2017, 06:06 AM
Florida allows any resident to challenge textbooks

HB 989 (http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=58685&SessionId=83) allows any Florida resident to “challenge the use or adoption of instructional materials,” and its supporters say the law gives Floridians a greater say in what students are taught. But some in the scientific community worry the

new law will be used to target evolution and climate change

once a resident files a complaint about school materials, the school board must hold a hearing that is overseen by a review officer who is not employed by the district. “Then that hearing officer makes a recommendation to the school board,”

“Some of the supporters of the bill made very clear that the teaching of evolution or of climate change was really their big concern and why they thought this legislation needed to be enacted,”

a Martin County resident objected in her affidavit to an Advanced Placement textbook’s presentation of evolution as fact.

“The vast majority of Americans believe that the world and the beings living on it were created by God as revealed in the Bible,”

:lol FUCKING LIAR! :lol


As slave state "Christian" FL gets destroyed by more violent, more frequent hurricanes and becomes submerged by AGW rising seas, the Christian Sharia cult Bible-humping cult say their Bible of fairy tales TRUMP all science.

09-18-2017, 08:01 AM
boutons_deux (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=16047)

This a thread or your own personal blog, faggot?

Seven of the first eight / twenty-one of the first thirty posts are you passing gas :lmao


09-20-2017, 04:39 PM
California Bill Says Church Employer Can’t Fire Workers if They Use Birth Control

"While Trump and his cronies seek to grant broad licenses to discriminate, California is showing that we stand for reproductive freedom and economic justice for all."

For some California workers, abiding by a religious code of conduct can spell the difference between gainful employment and a pink slip.

Many California churches, religious groups, and anti-choice organizations require workers to sign statements of faith or codes of conduct as a condition of employment,

as the California Family Council, a policy arm (http://www.frc.org/state-policy-organizations) of the Family Research Council,

But legislation (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB569) heading to Gov. Jerry Brown’s (D) desk would render these types of agreements invalid, and

bar employers from retaliating against a worker for reproductive health decisions.

“Women in this country have been fired for getting pregnant while unmarried, for using in-vitro fertilization and for other personal reasons related to their own reproductive health,”

“No woman should ever lose a job for exercising her right to decide when, how, or whether to have a family.”

“While Trump and his cronies seek to grant broad licenses to discriminate, California is showing that we stand for reproductive freedom and economic justice for all,”

https://rewire.news/article/2017/09/18/california-bill-says-church-employer-cant-fire-workers-use-birth-control/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

09-21-2017, 08:18 AM
Obergefell Is Already Under Attack

Trump is laying the groundwork to overturn marriage equality.

new Trump district court nominee, Jeff Mateer, recently condemned LGBTQ people in dehumanizing terms.

In 2015, Mateer called

transgender schoolchildren part of “satan’s plan” and described same-sex marriage as “disgusting” “debauchery,” comparing it to “people marrying their pets.”

He also endorsed conversion therapy, a discredited practice (https://www.hrc.org/resources/policy-and-position-statements-on-conversion-therapy) that attempts to turn gay people straight, often using gruesome psychosexual torture (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2015/02/new_jersey_gay_conversion_therapy_case_blocked_exp ert_testimony_could_be.html).

the president also nominated Matthew J. Kacsmaryk to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Mateer and Kacsmaryk are colleagues at First Liberty Institute, a conservative legal advocacy group that opposes LGBTQ rights (https://www.texasobserver.org/anti-gay-groups-mount-texas-response-religious-freedom/), including nondiscrimination measures that protect gay and trans people.

Although Kacsmaryk’s public statements are not flamboyantly bigoted, his choice of employment suggests that he shares Mateer’s beliefs about LGBTQ rights.

A third nominee, Stephen S. Schwartz, has devoted much of his career to defending (https://www.lambdalegal.org/sites/default/files/legal-docs/downloads/letter_from_lgbt_groups_opposing_stephen_schwartz. pdf) anti-trans measures in court. Trump wants to place him on the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.

In July, Senate Republicans pushed through (http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2017/07/20/senate_confirms_john_k_bush_anti_gay_blogger_to_th e_6th_circuit.html)

John K. Bush, an anti-gay blogger and conspiracy theorist who used the word faggot in a speech.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have also approved Damien M. Schiff, a lawyer who declared in 2009 (https://www.lambdalegal.org/sites/default/files/legal-docs/downloads/20170612_national-lgbt-groups-judges-bush-schiff-opposition-letter.pdf) that

a California law prohibiting bullying falsely taught “that the homosexual lifestyle is a good, and that homosexual families are the moral equivalent of traditional heterosexual families.”

If these nominees are not too extreme for Senate Republicans, it isn’t clear who would be.

Trump has farmed out the job of judicial selection

to the Federalist Society, as well as

to the Heritage Foundation, a conservative, anti-LGBTQ Washington think tank.

http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2017/09/trump_is_laying_the_groundwork_to_overturn_marriag e_equality.html

Christian Sharia's hate installed in the US judicial system. America is fucked and unfuckable.

09-26-2017, 10:56 AM
this religious freak extremist is likely the winner in, of course, fucking Alabama

Alabama Senate GOP frontrunner: Constitution was written to "foster Christianity"


Beating Strange would be a kick in the balls to Trash and Repug establishment.

09-27-2017, 10:54 AM
Roy Moore beliefs: Things the Republican has said

1. Homosexuality should be illegal

He has likened it to bestiality, and "abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature and of nature's God upon which this nation and our laws are predicated". His refusal to issue marriage certificates to gay couples cost him his place on the bench for a second time.

2. God's wrath is felt on Earth

Moore has suggested that the 11 September 2001 attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were a sign of God's divine anger. "Sounds a little bit like the Pentagon" he remarked after reading a Bible passage about "the great slaughter when the towers will fall". He has also said that violent crimes in the US (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41391333)such as murder and rape are "happening because we have forgotten God".

3. 'Red and yellows' don't get along

He appeared to use pejorative racial terms for Asians and Native Americans at a rally this month."We have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting. What's going to unite us? What's going to bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No. It's going to be God."

4. Darwin was wrong

"There's no such thing as evolution," he said less than a week before the election. "That we came from a snake? No I don't believe that."

5. Islam is a 'false religion'

It is also a threat to US laws, Moore claims. Over the summer he falsely alleged that Sharia law was already being enforced in parts of the states of Illinois and Indiana, offering no evidence.

6. The law comes from God

"God is the only source of our law, liberty and government."

7. He thinks he's like Putin

In August he directly praised the Russian president Vladimir Putin for his gay rights stance, saying "maybe he's more akin to me than I know". The comment came after he described the US as "the focus of evil in the world" because "we promote a lot of bad things".

8. Obama might not be US-born

Trump's predecessor was disqualified to be president, Moore claimed as far back as 2008. The so-called "birther" theory, alleging that Obama was born in Kenya, was heavily promoted by Donald Trump until very late in his campaign.

9. He writes poetry

And he has occasionally been known to give live renditions. One said:

"Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand
Oh Sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand."

10. A Ten Commandments sculpture is worth fighting for

He was dismissed from the Alabama Supreme Court after he refused a federal order to remove a massive stone statue of the Ten Commandments from inside his courthouse.


Slave-state, Christian Sharia Alabama Confederates still fighting the Union.

SCOTUS slapped down this asshole twice, so now he's a Senator.

10-23-2017, 05:48 PM
yet another piece of grifter shit from The Great State of Texas

Trump Promotes Book By Anti-Catholic, Anti-Mormon, Anti-Gay Pastor Pal Robert Jeffress


We started following Jeffress back in 2007 when he was trying to prevent (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/trump-promotes-book-by-anti-catholic-anti-mormon-anti-gay-pastor-pal-robert-jeffress/Mormonism%20is%20not%20Christianity.%20Mormonism%2 0is%20a%20cult.%E2%80%9D) Mitt Romney from becoming the Republican presidential nominee because Romney is a Mormon.

Jeffress argued then, and again when Romney ran in 2012, that Mormonism is a non-Christian cult and since Christians should always prefer a Christian candidate they shouldn’t support Romney.

On Inauguration Day, Jeffress led a private prayer service (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/trump-taps-anti-gay-anti-catholic-anti-mormon-pastor-robert-jeffress-for-prayer-service/) for Trump and his family, where he found biblical parallels (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/robert-jeffress-shares-the-gospel-of-donald-trump/) for Trump’s war against the mainstream media and obsession over building a southern border wall.

Since Trump has taken office, Jeffress has been there to defend Trump (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/robert-jeffress-defends-trump-there-is-not-a-racist-bone-in-his-body/)against charges of racism (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/sandy-rios-the-term-alt-right-was-constructed-to-denigrate-christians-like-me/), downplay (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/as-scandal-unfolds-trump-invites-friendly-religious-right-audience-to-oval-office/)questions (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/trumps-evangelical-team-defends-kushner-against-russian-nonsense/) about the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia, give the president advice on judicial nominees (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/robert-jeffress-says-he-met-with-trump-last-week-to-discuss-judicial-appointments/), and grant him God’s permission (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/robert-jeffress-gives-trump-gods-permission-to-launch-war-against-north-korea/)to launch a war against North Korea.

The pastor who Trump calls a “wonderful man” has said:

Catholicism is a “counterfeit religion” that comes from Satan (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-says-satan-is-behind-roman-catholicism/).
God would judge the nation for electing Mitt Romney because “Mormonism is a cult (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/pastor-vote-for-a-christian-not-romney/)” and “God always judges a nation that has a ruler who introduces false gods into that national life (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-god-will-judge-america-for-electing-a-mormon-president/).”
An Air Force Academy accommodation for pagans “is an open invitation for God to send His harshest judgments against our nation (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/pagan-prayer-circle-daring-god-to-unleash-haiti-like-destruction-upon-our-nation/).”
“Islam is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-jews-mormons-muslims-and-gays-are-going-to-hell/); Mormonism is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell; Judaism, you can’t be saved being a Jew.”
“Have you noticed how the television airwaves are being flooded right now by programs that celebrate homosexuality? Homosexuality is being crammed down our throats (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-denounces-gays-as-promiscuous-manipulative-and-abnormal/) and being presented as a normal, alternative lifestyle.”
Homosexuality is “a miserable lifestyle (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/trump-promotes-book-by-anti-catholic-anti-mormon-anti-gay-pastor-pal-robert-jeffress/a%20miserable%20lifestyle).”
Gay people are prone to child abuse because “homosexuality is perverse, it represents a degradation of a person’s mind and if a person will sink that low and there are no restraints from God’s law (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-warns-that-homosexuality-leads-to-pedophilia/), then there is no telling to whatever sins he will commit as well.”
“Why is there such a high incidence of disease among homosexuals? Because ladies and gentlemen, what they are doing is more than holding hands and kissing, OK? They are engaged in the most detestable, unclean, abominable acts you can imagine. Because what they are doing is unnatural, it goes against nature, because of that filthy practice; there is a natural result to it. There is natural, physical consequences to homosexual behavior (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-gay-rights-will-lead-to-the-inevitable-implosion-of-our-country/). That’s why God says don’t engage in it, you are going to harm your bodies in doing so.”
President Obama was “paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-obama-is-paving-the-way-for-the-future-reign-of-the-antichrist/).”
Gay marriage is “the greatest sign of the End Times (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-gay-marriage-is-the-greatest-sign-of-the-end-times-that-we-see-in-our-country-right-now/) that we see in our country right now.”
“[N]o nation can survive that condones what God has condemned. And God has condemned homosexuality, just like he does adultery or per-marital sex, as being wrong and, as a nation, we cannot be blessed by God if we’re rejecting God (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-on-texas-marriage-ruling-no-nation-can-survive-that-condones-what-god-has-condemned/).”
Christian terrorism is “almost nonexistent in the world today (https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2015/12/09/right-wing-media-ignore-fbi-warning-minimize-in/207390)” because “only eight” people have died in abortion clinic bombings.
9/11 was God’s punishment for legal abortion (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-911-was-gods-judgment-on-america-for-abortion/).
“Fifty Shades of Grey” is a sign of the End Times (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/jeffress-gays-ushering-in-the-antichrist-fifty-shades-of-grey-a-sign-of-the-end-times/).


Has Trash read the book? :lol

12-05-2017, 08:08 AM
Supreme Court rejects Texas case on gay-marriage benefits

The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to overturn a Texas ruling that raised questions about the rights of couples in same-sex marriages.

The controversy arose in June when the Texas Supreme Court revived a lawsuit that sought to eliminate benefits offered to the same-sex spouses of city of Houston employees, ruling that the right to a marriage license did not automatically entitle (http://www.mystatesman.com/news/state--regional/texas-supreme-court-finds-right-marriage-benefits-for-gays/Qvk2NDPDGF38AeRHyUTTfO/) same-sex couples to spousal insurance benefits.

Houston appealed, arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court needed to step in to protect the integrity of its 2015 ruling establishing a right to same-sex marriage.

The high court, however, rejected the appeal without comment (https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/120417zor_pm02.pdf), allowing the Texas ruling to stand.


12-05-2017, 11:24 PM

12-11-2017, 08:19 PM
Merger Could Make Catholic Health Giant ‘Too Big to Fail,’ Threatening Reproductive Health

“These systems will have even greater financial and political clout and it will become more and more difficult for people to suggest that denying women reproductive health care is not appropriate."

the merger of Ascension and Providence St. Joseph Health would create “an entity of unprecedented reach, with 191 hospitals in 27 states and annual revenue of $44.8 billion.”

reproductive health advocates expressed grave concerns about the consolidation of power by an entity that restricts access to such care on religious grounds.

https://rewire.news/article/2017/12/11/merger-make-catholic-health-giant-big-fail-threatening-reproductive-health/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

12-18-2017, 08:17 PM
Evangelical Leader Who Criticized Trump Is Swamped with Death Threats from the 'Christian Machine'

They turned on her when she went public with her views.

A popular evangelical speaker with a string of best-selling books and a home renovation show on HGTV revealed that she has been flooded with death threats because she has been critical of President Donald Trump and supported same-sex marriage.

Jen Hatmaker

said the “Christian Machine” has turned on her since she went public with her views, with retailing giant LifeWay Christian Stores pulling her books from the shelves and former fans burning them

she was part of the “never Trump” faction of conservatives who were appalled by the rise of Trump during the 2016 campaign, telling her followers he made her “sad and horrified and despondent.”

Following the release of the notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, she went after male Evangelical leaders who defended Trump’s actions, tweeting:

“We will not forget. Nor will we forget the Christian leaders that betrayed their sisters in Christ for power.”

Adding to her problems was an interview with Religion News Service where she came out and stated that she supports same-sex marriage.

That was the final straw for what she called the “Christian Machine,” saying her children were accosted in the tiny Texas town where she lives, the death threats started pouring in and her fans turned on her.

“The way people spoke about us, it was as if I had never loved Jesus a day in my life,” she said in a recent speech.


Sounds like the Christian Taliban orthodoxy police force has been punishing apostates.

01-19-2018, 12:30 PM
Christian Taliban being enabled to impose their Sharia on anybody, esp non-Christians

U.S. health agency to issue religious objection regulation

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials also said the department is issuing a new regulation aimed at protecting healthcare workers’ civil rights based on religious and conscience objections.

The regulation protects the rights of healthcare workers from providing abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization,

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-healthcare-religion/u-s-health-agency-to-issue-religious-objection-regulation-idUSKBN1F820T?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F +US+%2F+Top+News%29

So Christian assholes, or just anybody with a "conscience", can impose their shit on anybody,

then it's on the victims to hire lawyers to seek redress.

America is fucked and unfuckable.

03-01-2018, 04:13 PM
Lawmaker who wants to put God in schools is thankful for slavery and believes ‘Jews own everything’


https://www.rawstory.com/2018/03/lawmaker-wants-put-god-schools-thankful-slavery-believes-jews-everything/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

03-08-2018, 05:19 PM
Arizona State’s Ban On Israel Boycotters Tests DOJ’s Free Speech Commitment

So far, the Justice Department has focused its efforts on free speech cases involving conservatives and Christians.

he Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) filed a lawsuit in federal court last week against Arizona State University, accusing the school of violating Muslim students’ right to free speech and rights to equal protection by enforcing a ban on speakers who call for boycotting Israel.

The suit was filed on behalf of American Muslims for Palestine (https://www.ampalestine.org/about-amp) and its founder, Hatem Bazian, shortly after Arizona State’s Muslim Students Association invited him to speak at what is billed as an “educational event regarding Palestinian perspectives on Middle East conflict” on April 3.

Bazian, a senior lecturer at University of California in Berkeley, said he could not agree to the school’s

speaker’s contract because of a “no boycott of Israel” clause

that essentially bars him and others from participating “solely because they engage in and advocate for economic boycotts of Israel as a means to promote Palestinians’ human rights,” according to the lawsuit.

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/doj-free-speech-bds-israel-boycott-arizona_us_5a9d5a09e4b0479c02555920?deq&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=__TheMorningEmail__030618&utm_content=__TheMorningEmail__030618+CID_efeea6e5 610f8c1938cd0352516e8488&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=HuffPost&ncid=newsltushpmgnews__TheMorningEmail__030618

So the Jews and other Muslim haters have convinced ASU to ban BDS speakers

05-16-2018, 12:09 PM
Ralph Drollinger Is Looking For A Few Good (Self-Funded) Men To ‘Disciple’ State Legislators

Ralph Drollinger (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/people/ralph-drollinger/), who leads weekly Bible studies for members of the House, Senate, and President Trump’s Cabinet, has

ambitious plans to set up similar ministries targeting public officials in every state capitol and every local government

in parallel with a global expansion in capital cities (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/group-that-runs-fundamentalist-bible-studies-for-cabinet-congress-growing-beyond-our-wildest-imaginings-globally/).

Drollinger’s Capitol Ministries announced (https://capmin.org/resources/ministry-updates/men-to-take-the-word-of-god-to-state-political-leaders/) on Saturday,

“Ministry Leader positions are open in several states, and Capitol Ministries is looking to fill them with men who are enthusiastic about creating discipleship ministries to political leaders.”

“We are seeking proven, intentional, deliberate, biblically reliant disciple makers who are passionate about evangelism and about teaching the Word of God,”

said Ralph Drollinger, President and Founder of Capitol Ministries.

“Our leaders seek to be audacious and intrepid as the ministers in kings’ palaces (Proverbs 30:28).”

Drollinger’s weekly gatherings are supplemented with

his written Bible studies, which

teach thatthe government’s job is

to “quell evil” and

punish sin (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/trump-bible-study-leader-governments-job-is-to-quell-evil-and-punish-sin/), and

argue that a variety of right-wing economic and social policies are mandated by the Bible.


Fuck all the deplorable Christian supremacist theocrat assholes, all traitors to the Constitution.

05-16-2018, 07:35 PM
Trump, McConnell appoint anti-LGBTQ hate group leaders to 'Religious Freedom' commission (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/5/16/1764816/-Trump-McConnell-appoint-anti-LGBT-hate-group-leaders-to-Religious-Freedom-commission)

Under Republican leadership, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (HATE!) may soon itself

qualify as a hate group (https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/family-research-council).

It was announced Tuesday that President Donald Trump nominated Gary Bauer to be the latest member of the Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Bauer once led the Family Research Council, the anti-LGBT organization that advocates that homosexuals are harmful to society.

The group has even been labeled a hate group (https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/family-research-council) by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The appointment of Bauer, an anti-LGBTQ activist for decades, is of a pattern. Senate Majority Leader Mitch

McConnell announced his own pick on Tuesday; it is the current head of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins.

Perkins is not just himself (https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/05/15/10-things-you-need-know-about-tony-perkins-and-family-research-council) on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of anti-LGBTQ extremists, but earned the position for decades of bile against LGBTQ persons worldwide (https://www.advocate.com/religion/2018/5/15/hate-group-leader-tony-perkins-joins-religious-freedom-commission).

“Tony Perkins is the most recognizable anti-LGBTQ activist in America.

He has espoused the most extreme views of LGBTQ people and other vulnerable communities including vocally supporting foreign laws that punish LGBTQ identity with death,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD.

“The idea that Perkins would be making policy recommendations to an administration that is already anti-LGBTQ is dangerous and puts LGBTQ people directly in harm’s way.”


Republican leadership appears to be coordinated in their attempts to stack the commission with hate group leaders

is notable;

both McConnell and Trump have spent considerable time peddling the notion that they are moderates within the party; :lol

appointing defenders of laws that result in the execution of LGBTQ people abroad is anything but.

for the next two years, going to focus on stripping "freedom" from LGBTQ citizens the world over. If we are very lucky, it will only discredit our nation. If we are not, McConnell, Trump and Pence will have succeeded in stoking further violence.


05-16-2018, 07:37 PM

06-14-2018, 08:59 AM
Trump’s Own Budget Office Puts the Brakes on Proposed Religious Imposition Rule

"OMB’s delayed approval recognizes that the Department sacrificed the administrative processes designed to promote good government in order to satisfy the ideological zealousness of a handful of Trump appointees."

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) delayed the rollout of a proposed U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) religious imposition rule that seeks

broad authority to implement so-called conscience protections

that give an out to

health-care providers who don’t want to treat LGBTQ patients or provide reproductive health care,

including contraception, miscarriage management, and abortion care.

HHS is required to read and take into account public comments for proposed rules.

OMB’s latest action means that, in order to be in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995—which in part ensures that the general public and interested entities have a say in proposed department rules and regulations—

HHS must now release and respond to industry comments before finalizing and fully implementing the rule.

Trump’s HHS has flouted federal law regarding disclosure of public comments before,

withholding more than 10,000 comments (https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/18/hhs-faith-based-rule-withholding-comments-236759) in response to a previous proposal to roll back access to reproductive and transgender care.


07-02-2018, 10:45 AM
Franklin Graham wants Christians to take over school boards in new assault on LGBT kids


Franklin Graham (https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/?s=Franklin+Graham) is calling for Christians to run for their local school boards

to prevent what he says is LGBT indoctrination (https://www.facebook.com/FranklinGraham/photos/a.133380553384801.23489.131201286936061/1952060454850126/?type=3&theater).

The 65-year old Christian evangelical activist made his stunning remarks in response to a

Fox News story that claims a Pennsylvania school board showed what parents are calling bullying “LGBT advocacy” videos.
But educators and officials explained that the videos are not “bullying,” they are anti-bullying.

“Parents in the East Penn School District are up in arms—and rightly so—about being told they can’t see videos that their children were shown without their permission,” Graham wrote on Facebook.

“We need Christian men and women running for school boards,”

he said.

“If the majority of the school board were Christians, this wouldn’t be an issue.”

Graham went on to claim the videos were “about homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and ‘gender fluidity’,” and “parents weren’t even notified!”

https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/franklin-graham-wants-christians-take-school-boards-new-assault-lgbt-kids/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Graham is pro-bullying and PERSECUTION of LBGT students, which is what Christ would do.