View Full Version : Will fake ebonics conversation style go away in our lifetime?

10-20-2015, 04:07 PM
We've seen the fads come and go.
Every generation has them.
Hollywood aids and abets the production and hypes them.

That having been said, will the ridiculous Ebonics style, practiced by ALL races and incomes ever wear out?

I'm not talking about some poor black families that really do speak that way due to being uneducated / having no motivation or mentorship to change.

10-20-2015, 04:10 PM

10-20-2015, 04:17 PM
Too much people speak ebonics for it to go away. Moreover, its evolved through into acronyms, styles of writing that project emotion, and most of all emoticons. Therefore, it will continue to evolve until the sayings become commonplace to be replaced by more evolved forms of ebonics.

I feel that there are various sayings of ebonics that have come to use by the higher class which have become commonplace among them, however, they're vastly unaware that these terms came from simple African American culture. I'm not referring to just brown people but just the culture of being around these people who grew who could be any skin pigment of human.

10-21-2015, 09:21 AM