View Full Version : Nagin defying FEMA and local doctors?

09-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Ok yea I know the Mayor is just trying to get things going again. But FEMA and local doctors are telling him not so fast.


Health warning over New Orleans

The admiral (l) and the mayor have contradicted each other
Doctors in the hurricane-hit US city of New Orleans have warned of a "second disaster" if residents begin returning to the city before it is ready.
Medics backed the view of Vice Admiral Thad Allen, head of the recovery effort, but contradicted advice issued by the Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.

Mr Nagin has urged residents of some areas to return home this week.

Doctors cautioned that major disease risks remain, and Vice Adm Allen said the city was vulnerable to a new storm.

"The second wave of disaster is when you welcome the people back and the infrastructure of the city is not in place," said Dr Peter Deblieux, a casualty specialist at a New Orleans hospital.

Vice Adm Allen said the mayor's plans to get 200,000 people back to their homes within the next 10 days were "extremely problematic".

The sooner we get this open, the sooner we will get back to normal life

Gallery owner R R Lyon

Getting back to business
Clinton: Katrina troubles US
LA shelter's new challenge
He said services such as water, sewage, electricity and health care were not yet capable of supporting a large influx of people.

"If you bring significant amounts of people into New Orleans, you need an evacuation plan on how you're going to do that," he told US TV networks on Sunday.

"The announcement to move the repopulation ahead of any of those completed tasks in our view puts the city at risk."

In a statement, Mr Nagin said: "We believe our re-entry plan properly balances safety concerns and the needs of our citizens to begin rebuilding their lives."

Reports said the pair plan to meet on Monday.

About 40% of the Louisiana city is still flooded.

'Ghost town'

The BBC's Claire Marshall in New Orleans says the displaced victims will be unsure which advice to follow.

Some of those who have started to trickle back have said there is no custom for their enterprises.

Some have returned to try to salvage homes and businesses
"Everyone is anxious to come back and see if their place is OK," Kevin Molony, who runs a company conducting tours of the city, told AFP news agency.

"It's a ghost town. Tourism has been slammed."

Armed police and troops are continuing to patrol the streets in an effort to maintain security and prevent looting. A night time curfew remains in force.

Bush bashing paragraphs removed (same old shit).

09-18-2005, 03:22 PM
In his weekly radio address on Saturday, President George Bush said the federal government would assume the bulk of the costs for "one of the largest reconstruction efforts the world has ever seen".

Congress has already approved $62bn for the recovery effort along the Gulf Coast, but costs are expected to total $200bn (£110bn).

Mr Bush has hinted at spending cuts elsewhere to funds the operation, but has ruled out raising taxes.

The president's approval ratings have slumped to 40%, the lowest of his time in office. That's bashing?

09-18-2005, 03:33 PM
Yea that's blue pill stuff.. (silent programming)

But seriously I thought it was not related to the point of the post. People coming back.

09-18-2005, 03:35 PM
Only the last sentence could be seen as negative, but it's not like it's an opinion.

09-18-2005, 03:39 PM
It's a good thing FEMA's in charge and has authority over the mayor...[/chumpnbadan]

09-18-2005, 03:40 PM
It's a good thing FEMA's in charge and has authority over the mayor...[/chumpnbadan]It's a good thing you don't understand anything ever. You're welcome for the DHS link.

09-18-2005, 03:46 PM
It's a good thing you don't understand anything ever. You're welcome for the DHS link.

You mean that one that never said anything about Federal authority over State and Local Governments, like every other one ya'll have posted? Yeah...thanks for that one. The Fedhead has control over Federal Resouces and and can co-ordinate...he cannot however over-rule the State and Local Authorities...he can't even command the Red Cross or some of the State and Local Emergency Response officials...he can't control any of the first reponders, the evac, or the Louisiana Guard...

09-18-2005, 03:51 PM
You mean that one that never said anything about Federal authority over State and Local Governments, like every other one ya'll have posted?No, the one that said FEMA had the power to control all the federal aid directly without having to be asked for every litle thing by locals.

Again, you're welcome.

09-18-2005, 03:54 PM
Who would you bet your life on..
Mayor Nagin... or a local N.O. Doctor and the head of the U.S. Coast Guard?

09-18-2005, 03:55 PM
Who would you bet your life on..
Mayor Nagin... or a local N.O. Doctor and the head of the U.S. Coast Guard?I'd make my own decision based on what I know. If my place wasn't underwater, I'd go back for a short time -- not to stay.

09-18-2005, 04:25 PM
No, the one that said FEMA had the power to control all the federal aid directly without having to be asked for every litle thing by locals.

Again, you're welcome.

Again...you're wrong...the only link you posted was one giving the DHS authority to coordinate the Federal Response...are you really so stupid you don't understand what that means? You are fucking tool if you conclude that a declaration ceding Federal Authority to the DHS(as opposed to any other Federal body and an even more clusterfucked bureaucracy) means it has the right to take a big huge shit on states rights and authority.

I want you to show me where it gives the Fed Authority to act without the perimission of the State Govt...because you see...according to the constitution...that authority does not exist unless it is specifically mentioned.

09-18-2005, 04:31 PM
wow the feds don't control the red cross?

great post

Well if you are relying on the Red Cross for aid...you can't make them go somewhere it is unsafe to go...and in many cases they won't go into an unsecured location...say like the shelters that the State and Local security forces bailed on, because of the cities shitty evac response and shelter preparations...the hospitals where the doctors and rescude workers were being shot at...ETC

The total security failure of the State and Local Sercurity Forces...and the delayed acceptance to allow Federal Troops into Louisiana, or share Guard authority with the Fed, was part of of the problem...

Oh yeah..and the Govenors refusal to let them go to the Superdome and Concvention Center...because she didn't want to attract more people :rolleyes.

But don't let the facts get in the way of you being a dumbass, no other liberals do these days...

09-18-2005, 05:07 PM
Amazingly...I am sitting here listening to Vice Admiral Thad Allen talk about how all he can do with Nagin is provide him the best council he can with regards to inviting citizens back...because it's Nagin's city and he has authority...Allen's words.

Anchor: Just to make this clear, the mayor has the authority over this right?

Head of FED Relief effort: it's his call to make.

Anything else dumbasses?

09-18-2005, 05:08 PM
Again...you're wrong...the only link you posted was one giving the DHS authority to coordinate the Federal Response...are you really so stupid you don't understand what that means? You are fucking tool if you conclude that a declaration ceding Federal Authority to the DHS(as opposed to any other Federal body and an even more clusterfucked bureaucracy) means it has the right to take a big huge shit on states rights and authority.I don't.

Your inability to understand English is not my problem.
I want you to show me where it gives the Fed Authority to act without the perimission of the State Govt...because you see...according to the constitution...that authority does not exist unless it is specifically mentioned.You have the link. If you can't understand it, again that's on you.

09-18-2005, 05:09 PM
Amazingly...I am sitting here listening to Vice Admiral Thad Allen talk about how all he can do with Nagin is provide him the best council he can with regards to inviting citizens back...because it's Nagin's city and he has authority...Allen's words.

Anchor: Just to make this clear, the mayor has the authority over this right?

Head of FED Relief effort: it's his call to make. The Federal government is only acting in an advisory role to the state and local governments.

Anything else dumbasses?

09-18-2005, 05:10 PM
Shit...talk about Chump repellent....

09-18-2005, 06:04 PM
Hey, I vote to let the Mayor allow them to go back if the following condition is met:

He takes financial responsibility PERSONALLY for any illness that is related to the people going back in. He must absolve the Local/State and Federal authorities in doing so.

Just a thought...

N.O. Mayor: Couldn't get them out and cannot wait to get them back in. Lacked judgment in both decision making processes. Amazing what you do for constituents.

09-18-2005, 09:02 PM
The NO mayor is right in that you have to move people back as soon as you can. I wonder what the difference is being the mayor's timetable and the feds. I would guess that the mayor was given some multi-month timetable and he's not going to accept it.

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-19-2005, 12:17 AM
I'm with hussker. Tell him "fine, but you're personally responsible for everyone you let back in, all 200,000. Don't call the feds for help, you're on your own."