View Full Version : Tony Parker 2nd in the league in secondary assists per 36.

11-30-2015, 02:44 AM
Curry is 1st
Parker right behind him.

This is passes that lead to the pass that was the assist.

Not sure what this means. It's probably a good thing. On one hand it could mean he is setting up the offense making a play which gets the defense moving resulting in a couple passes and a score. Or on the other hand it could be bad if your point guard is starting the play and only two passes are made before a shot. It could mean the offense as a whole isn't moving the ball enough or it could mean Parker is holding the ball so long that there is only time to make 2 passes before a shot.

Overall though I am really happy that Parker is playing much better now than last year. It means nothing but good things going forward.

11-30-2015, 02:53 AM
Secondary assist :lmao

11-30-2015, 02:54 AM
Head of the snake

11-30-2015, 03:00 AM
Secondary assist :lmao

It's just as tangible a stat as any other.

11-30-2015, 03:20 AM
Secondary assist :lmao
If Curry leads then it can't be that bad. Truly shows that the offense thrives through TP. Solid stat imo.

11-30-2015, 03:22 AM
it is not a bad thing ... that's for sure

11-30-2015, 03:24 AM
If Curry leads then it can't be that bad. Truly shows that the offense thrives through TP. Solid stat imo.

He passes it to the guy that passes it to Kawhi. :lmao

11-30-2015, 03:28 AM
He passes it to the guy that passes it to Kawhi. :lmao
Maybe so, and if Leonard's shot is falling then I hope so. i don't care who's hand it falls in as long as it's a W. Keep doing your thing TP.

11-30-2015, 03:29 AM
Maybe so, and if Leonard's shot is falling then I hope so. i don't care who's hand it falls in as long as it's a W. Keep doing your thing TP.


11-30-2015, 03:35 AM
Called a "hockey" assist...and is the epitome of "Good to Great".

Very important in the Spurs system IMO. TP drives to the bucket and dumps it back to the wing....then the wing throws it to the corner for the wide open 3. We've all seen it a million times.

Thank You very much....Spurs Win.

Sean Cagney
11-30-2015, 04:18 AM
Hey he is passing so his haters cant say he is playing hero right???

11-30-2015, 04:19 AM
Hey he is passing so his haters cant say he is playing hero right???

Glad he accepted his role. :toast

11-30-2015, 04:56 AM
Glad he accepted his role. :toast

I think he accepted his role since last year already. This year he is more of putting into practice.

Plus Kawhi is playing like a MVP.

I think if you want to find a player to shit on.. pick on LMA

11-30-2015, 06:27 AM
That means that one of play the spurs use the most is :
- Tony on the side trying to give it to a post up player down low (LMA, Diaw, Kawhi, Duncan)
- Tony waiting the defender of the post up player to advance to try to deny the ball
- Tony passing at the other big at the free throw line
- The other big passing to the post up player inside
- The post up player scores and the big at the free throw line get the assist

11-30-2015, 07:28 AM
Called a "hockey" assist...and is the epitome of "Good to Great".

Very important in the Spurs system IMO. TP drives to the bucket and dumps it back to the wing....then the wing throws it to the corner for the wide open 3. We've all seen it a million times.

Thank You very much....Spurs Win.

Exactly, the two morons trying to downplay this statistic don't realize this has been a staple of the Spurs offense for nearly as long as Tony and Manu have been in San Antonio. It is also something that Golden State/Steve Kerr heavily emphasizes in their offense. It wouldn't shock me to find out that Tony and Manu have been ranked high on any statistic that measures this especially when they've always been the primary playmakers on the team.

11-30-2015, 07:40 AM
Maybe so, and if Leonard's shot is falling then I hope so. i don't care who's hand it falls in as long as it's a W. Keep doing your thing TP.


11-30-2015, 07:41 AM
Called a "hockey" assist...and is the epitome of "Good to Great".

Very important in the Spurs system IMO. TP drives to the bucket and dumps it back to the wing....then the wing throws it to the corner for the wide open 3. We've all seen it a million times.

Thank You very much....Spurs Win.


Mr Bones
11-30-2015, 07:59 AM
The irrational hater clique will always have a pat response for anything Parker related. One day, it's the mythology of "Hero-ball," and the next day, it's saying the secondary assist doesn't matter. Ridiculous. The secondary assist is the foundation of the so-called beautiful game, of ball movement, of team sharing, so it won't jibe with the philosophy of always favoring one individual player over another. Mocking the secondary assist is the most fundamental sign of being a vanilla player fan there is. Ah, irony... ain't it grand?

11-30-2015, 08:13 AM
Secondary assist :lmao

:lol what an antiguated reaction of a main stream vanilla fan player tbh... Quite typical reaction tho of an old school fan who cannot understand new analytics and advanced metrics...

Time to get up to speed grand'pa

Mr Bones
11-30-2015, 08:13 AM
"The Spurs lead the league in passes per game despite playing at the 8th slowest pace, yet even that stat doesn’t seem to do the Spurs justice. What makes their high passing numbers more impressive is how well they move the ball back and forth from one side of the court to the other. It’s almost as if their goal is to quickly read a checklist of options on one side of the court and if nothing opens up, the ball gets swung around to the other side for that checklist to start over."


11-30-2015, 08:16 AM
No. Parker, especially the last 4-5 games has been passing early off his penetrations, throwing defenses off as they don't expect him to pass so early off his drives. Like I mentioned before, I notice Parker was having like 4-5+ hockey assist per game. Atlanta tried to shut him down by trapping him early on his drives on Sat. He only had like one turnover off those traps and the most part got his passes off to the open man. Hawks would rotate and then one more pass saw an open shooter for the Spurs.

One of note was in the 3rd quarter when the Hawks trapped Parker on the wing. He flung it to Duncan at the top of the key almost immediately. Duncan drove it to the hoop. At the last second he passed off to LMA for a wide open baseline jumper. This is just one example of many. Teams don't know how to defend the Spurs with Parker playing the way he has. They get lost in their rotations early in the shot clock instead of Parker dribbling until the Shot clock is almost expired and attempting some desperation shot or pass.

11-30-2015, 08:29 AM
While Tony hasn't exactly morphed into Steve Nash 2.0, he has certainly made obvious adjustments in his game. Not sure why so many here are desperate to deny that.

11-30-2015, 08:33 AM
Not sure what this means.Fucking serious bro? :wakeup

11-30-2015, 08:56 AM
Parker has always been a top player in secondary assists during most of his career... even though metrics has been followed more strictly since 4-5 years, some early analysis were showing what you could see watching the game.

The integration of this rather new metrics into agregate stat... will change the way people look at Parker's career for the better. New stuff will come that should also help recognize the benefits of opponent guards chasing Parker's around off the ball through 2 / 3 screens for instance, this particular area where Parker is great at is underrated and not properly measured.

11-30-2015, 09:05 AM
On a side note, NBA miner has some interesting stuff

Despite his old age, speed average (mph) of Parker is still great (top 9 of the league), better than Curry for instance. For a shooting first guard, he is top 10 of the league of passes per 36.

11-30-2015, 09:06 AM

See what the NBA has to do today to make the players look decent?

:lmao Secondary assist
:lmao hockey assist

:lmao Today's NBA

Mr Bones
11-30-2015, 09:28 AM
By the way, Kawhi is ranked as one of the best SFs in the secondary assist stat...


Oh no! Tony & Kawhi work well together!

Another stake in the heart of the Schtick.

11-30-2015, 09:37 AM

See what the NBA has to do today to make the players look decent?

:lmao Secondary assist
:lmao hockey assist

:lmao Today's NBA

:lmao antiquated fan
:lmao 80's
:lmao only advanced stat those old fans understand is FG%...
:lmao living in the past
:lmao assist per game

11-30-2015, 09:39 AM
:lmao antiquated fan
:lmao 80's
:lmao only advanced stat those old fans understand is FG%...
:lmao living in the past
:lmao assist per game
:lmao using desperate stats to defend Porker and today'S soft and less skilled NBA players

11-30-2015, 09:43 AM
Fucking serious bro? :wakeup

I meant I'm not sure what this means in the grand scheme not that I don't know what the stat is. If you read closer you would see that.

11-30-2015, 09:47 AM
:lmao using desperate stats to defend Porker and today'S soft and less skilled NBA players

:lmao PPG, APG, FG% to evaluate players
:lmao cherry picking stats to hate on a player of a team you root for

:lmao the krew never ending circle

1. shit parker is good at PPG let's use +/-
2. shit +/- sucks let's use DPM
3. shit it's an advanced stat and parker is good at some new stuff
4. let's :lmao on new metrics and back to old stuff like Apg
5. rinse and repeat

Mr Bones
11-30-2015, 09:47 AM
:lmao using desperate stats to defend Porker and today'S soft and less skilled NBA players

By the way, Kawhi is ranked as one of the best SFs in the secondary assist stat...


Oh no! Tony & Kawhi work well together!

Another stake in the heart of the Schtick.

11-30-2015, 10:23 AM
Not suprising. His dribble penetration breaks the defense down and then they have to start scrambling .

11-30-2015, 10:26 AM
Imagine a formula like:

uPER = (1 / MP) * [ 3P + (2/3) * AST + (2 - factor * (team_AST / team_FG)) * FG + (FT *0.5 * (1 + (1 - (team_AST / team_FG)) + (2/3) * (team_AST / team_FG))) - VOP * TOV - VOP * DRB% * (FGA - FG) - VOP * 0.44 * (0.44 + (0.56 * DRB%)) * (FTA - FT) + VOP * (1 - DRB%) * (TRB - ORB) + VOP * DRB% * ORB + VOP * STL + VOP * DRB% * BLK - PF * ((lg_FT / lg_PF) - 0.44 * (lg_FTA / lg_PF) * VOP) ]
to evaluate players.... that would be :lmao

.... wait.... :lmao

11-30-2015, 10:26 AM
Leonard is playing great
Parker is playing great
Manu is playing great in limited minutes (2nd highest PER on team)
Duncan is playing great (esp. on the defensive side)
Pop is coaching hardnosed ball this year (great)

Spurs' player fans still gripe and complain: :shootme :shootme :shootme :shootme :shootme

The act is getting old and tiring.

I'm a SPURS fan first and foremost.

11-30-2015, 11:03 AM
This isn't hockey. lol

11-30-2015, 11:18 AM
Head of the snake

How do you have time for anything when you're constantly slobbing on the head of the knob?

11-30-2015, 11:21 AM
This isn't hockey. lol

Every major sport where a ball gets passed around has started to record "hockey assists", and often it's that pass that creates the opportunity, much more than the assist itself which is often more or less automatic. It's true in soccer, basketball, etc.

11-30-2015, 11:33 AM
Every major sport where a ball gets passed around has started to record "hockey assists", and often it's that pass that creates the opportunity, much more than the assist itself which is often more or less automatic. It's true in soccer, basketball, etc.

well not in NFL neither MLB because there is only one pass tbh :lol Americans achieve to transform collective sports into individual ones tbh... QB is 2/3 of a team value except some historical great D teams like seahawks and MLB is basically a one man show

11-30-2015, 12:12 PM
well not in NFL neither MLB because there is only one pass tbh :lol

Hence the "where a ball gets passed around" :D

11-30-2015, 12:19 PM
Well there's a stat you don't see every day.

11-30-2015, 12:24 PM
This just goes to further prove that Parker is getting his job done, despite not puttying up gaudy assist numbers. He's never been a guard like Nash or Paul who are gonna make slick passes or toss up lobs 10 times a game for immediate scores. But he still is able to get into the lane and make the pass that leads to the pass that leads to the score, which makes our offense go, despite not showing up on traditional stat sheets.

11-30-2015, 12:28 PM
Bbbbbbuuuttttt Tony's not part of the beautiful game. Lol.

11-30-2015, 12:48 PM
Well there's a stat you don't see every day.


11-30-2015, 12:54 PM
This just goes to further prove that Parker is getting his job done, despite not puttying up gaudy assist numbers. He's never been a guard like Nash or Paul who are gonna make slick passes or toss up lobs 10 times a game for immediate scores. But he still is able to get into the lane and make the pass that leads to the pass that leads to the score, which makes our offense go, despite not showing up on traditional stat sheets.

Yup, Parker has been playing very well this season. Even his defense has looked solid, despite his loss in speed. He gets blown by sometimes by the guards, but honestly there really aren't many at all defenders in the league that can guard the point guard position well these days with all the rule changes.

The way the Spurs are set up relied a lot on his drive and kick mentality. The younger oddball posters in this forum don't seem to realize that Parker's scoring capabilities were incredibly unique for a point guard, and completely blew up team defenses. The Spurs give him a few good targets for passes at all times, and when he drives, pulling the man with him, Parker would make the easy pass to an open teammate. When the opposition scrambled over to cover the open teammate, he would make the pass for a now even more wide-open teammate. There's pretty much the beginning of the Spurs offense any time Parker has the ball, and it's worked extremely well for the Spurs. Glad to see he can still score efficiently enough to where the defense can't give him an inch for fear of his jumper and inside scoring.

11-30-2015, 01:02 PM
Great news. That means Parker is doing his job in initiating the offense to where it gets opposing defenses out of position and scrambling to rotate.

Parker deserves no criticism this year. His haters need to wait when/if he regresses to "Enrique." And I hate Enrique, so I'll be right there dishing it out, but Tony Parker is playing right now.

11-30-2015, 02:43 PM
Are you trying to tell us that basketball is more than NBA Street Vol 2? I don't buy it.

Tony sucks, and we've never witnessed a player make necessary adjustments to their game after a year or two of struggle. TD and Manu never looked like they were done.

Cry Havoc
11-30-2015, 03:26 PM
Great news. That means Parker is doing his job in initiating the offense to where it gets opposing defenses out of position and scrambling to rotate.

Parker deserves no criticism this year. His haters need to wait when/if he regresses to "Enrique." And I hate Enrique, so I'll be right there dishing it out, but Tony Parker is playing right now.

And he's playing much better defense than last year. All super positive signs.

Just stay healthy and we are one of 3 teams with a chance to ring this year. Not bad odds.

Sean Cagney
11-30-2015, 03:29 PM
Are you trying to tell us that basketball is more than NBA Street Vol 2? I don't buy it.

Tony sucks, and we've never witnessed a player make necessary adjustments to their game after a year or two of struggle. TD and Manu never looked like they were done.

Tim did look pretty done in the 011 playoffs (Before that too, bad season) and Manu in 013, great point.

11-30-2015, 03:37 PM

sorry brah for that... :lol


11-30-2015, 03:49 PM
Are you trying to tell us that basketball is more than NBA Street Vol 2? I don't buy it.

Tony sucks, and we've never witnessed a player make necessary adjustments to their game after a year or two of struggle. TD and Manu never looked like they were done.

Obviously you don't remember Duncan while playing with Plantar Fasciitis. Even the expert were saying Duncan was done. Injuries can do that to a player. Shit just look at Kobe. Fortunately for Duncan he came back. Parker has been playing with the same hamstring injury for two years. He is finally adjusting his playing style so he doesn't re injure it.

Parker is never going to be Parker of '07 thru '03. But I am liking what I am seeing this year.

11-30-2015, 03:52 PM
Proxy should have used the blue font.

11-30-2015, 03:54 PM
And he's playing much better defense than last year. All super positive signs.

Just stay healthy and we are one of 3 teams with a chance to ring this year. Not bad odds.

Who are the other 2?

11-30-2015, 03:55 PM
sorry brah for that... :lol


Snitching on me per par. Getting shat on. :lmao

But but but Apol was picking on me. :lmao

Every time we argue you bring up Apo like no one's business. :lmao

11-30-2015, 04:02 PM
Let's look at it this way. #1 in the stat is the PG of the Warriors. #2 in the stat is the PG of the Spurs.

:wakeup Don't those two teams have the two best records in the NBA right now?

11-30-2015, 04:11 PM
Snitching on me per par. Getting shat on. :lmao

But but but Apol was picking on me. :lmao

Every time we argue you bring up Apo like no one's business. :lmao

:lol believing I snitch...

For the rest, I'm just calling out your own double standard. Dude I'm sorry for the beating tho... but make an effort and next time check stats before talking shit. You have potential but nowadays I'm one of the few who bother reading and answering your trolling game... your constant name calling and inaptitude of thinking 2 minutes before posting are marginalizing your game... Step up brah or you will end circle jerking with the same dudes and fishing nothing more than a couple of: "troof bombs" of Roberto, and some :lol here and there of the rest of the krew.

11-30-2015, 04:21 PM
:lol believing I snitch...

For the rest, I'm just calling out your own double standard. Dude I'm sorry for the beating tho... but make an effort and next time check stats before talking shit. You have potential but nowadays I'm one of the few who bother reading and answering your trolling game... your constant name calling and inaptitude of thinking 2 minutes before posting are marginalizing your game... Step up brah or you will end circle jerking with the same dudes and fishing nothing more than a couple of: "troof bombs" of Roberto, and some :lol here and there of the rest of the krew.

Non biased Spurs fan here. You are anything but honest or fair. Pot calling the kettle black per par. :bobo

11-30-2015, 04:23 PM
Non biased Spurs fan here.Is Tony Parker playing well this season?

Yes or no.

11-30-2015, 04:28 PM
Is Tony Parker playing well this season?

Yes or no.


11-30-2015, 04:29 PM
Is Tony Parker playing well this season?

Yes or no.

He is playing within his role. I would say yeah. I already said this in another thread. What is the point?

11-30-2015, 04:31 PM
He is playing within his role. I would say yeah. I already said this in another thread. What is the point?A simple yes or no will do.

11-30-2015, 04:33 PM
Non biased Spurs fan here. You are anything but honest or fair. Pot calling the kettle black per par. :bobo

:lol no there is not pot calling the kettle black...

show me were was I dishonest or unfair ?

11-30-2015, 04:37 PM
Proxy should have used the blue font.

haha, I "obviously don't remember when TD had plantar fasciitis." The 2005 championship run is very easy to forget

11-30-2015, 05:11 PM
He is playing within his role. I would say yeah. I already said this in another thread. What is the point?
The point is that you and all the retard crew are shitting all over Parker whereas he's playing well and has regained form, which is something you and the retard crew can't admit.
Beside the pure hate and stupidity, I don't see what can be a logic in this, especially when you call yourself a Spurs fan.
This is the point

11-30-2015, 05:14 PM
The point is that you and all the retard crew are shitting all over Parker whereas he's playing well and has regained form, which is something you and the retard crew can't admit.
Beside the pure hate and stupidity, I don't see what can be a logic in this, especially when you call yourself a Spurs fan.
This is the point

I just said porker is playing well, but your logic says I can't do that. That makes you an idiot. :lmao

and I just assumed you include me in this "crew". :lmao

11-30-2015, 05:19 PM
Holy shit you french parker fans are insecure as fuck. :lol

Cry Havoc
11-30-2015, 05:20 PM
Who are the other 2?

Golden State and Cleveland.

11-30-2015, 05:22 PM
I just said porker is playing well, but your logic says I can't do that. That makes you an idiot. :lmao

and I just assumed you include me in this "crew". :lmao

How many times did you shit on him for only one time you barely acknowledged it : "He is playing within his role. I would say yeah."

11-30-2015, 05:24 PM
Holy shit you french parker fans are insecure as fuck. :lol
I really don't get your point

11-30-2015, 05:26 PM
Secondary assists are imaginary assists, that's why Parker is ranked so high

11-30-2015, 05:34 PM
How many times did you shit on him for only one time you barely acknowledged it : "He is playing within his role. I would say yeah."

Maybe next time you can say something logical. :lol

11-30-2015, 05:41 PM
Maybe next time you can say something logical. :lol
Do you realize you are making no sense at all ?

11-30-2015, 05:46 PM
Do you realize you are making no sense at all ?

I said tony was playing well and you said I can't say that. Are you a fucking moron? :lmao

11-30-2015, 05:49 PM
If it means that tp is evolving in his new passing role, then that's a good thing.

11-30-2015, 05:57 PM
I said tony was playing well and you said I can't say that. Are you a fucking moron? :lmao
Come on you said it once vs zillions of times.
Whatever. I'm not so sure who the moron is though

11-30-2015, 08:33 PM
Every major sport where a ball gets passed around has started to record "hockey assists", and often it's that pass that creates the opportunity, much more than the assist itself which is often more or less automatic. It's true in soccer, basketball, etc.

Take your shit ass stat, head outside, and play hide and go fuck yourself. :lol

12-01-2015, 05:06 AM
Take your shit ass stat, head outside, and play hide and go fuck yourself. :lol

Such eloquence! You convinced me! :worthy:

Kidd K
12-01-2015, 06:23 AM
Tbh this stat isn't "advanced" at all and it's only "new" to basketball. Anyone laughing at it is dumb as fuck.

It's a legit stat, just not a very major one.

If someone pokes the ball away from a player and it bounces to a teammate, the guy who picked it up gets credit for the steal but the player who actually created that turnover by poking the ball away gets nothing. Sometimes extra stats to track stuff like that are a good thing.

12-01-2015, 07:57 AM
Tbh this stat isn't "advanced" at all and it's only "new" to basketball. Anyone laughing at it is dumb as fuck.

It's a legit stat, just not a very major one.

If someone pokes the ball away from a player and it bounces to a teammate, the guy who picked it up gets credit for the steal but the player who actually created that turnover by poking the ball away gets nothing. Sometimes extra stats to track stuff like that are a good thing.

That's not true. If you poke the ball away and a teammate gets it you get the steal.

12-01-2015, 10:35 AM
Golden State and Cleveland.

I know. That was my weak attempt at a positive joke. "oh...there are other contenders?"

12-01-2015, 12:32 PM
This stat is honestly just as relevant as regular assists when it comes to the spurs. How often do we see Tony get in the paint, kick out to someone, and have them kick to to the more open shooter after someone comes out to somewhat contest the first shot.

12-01-2015, 02:19 PM
He passes it to the guy that passes it to Kawhi. :lmao

Not quite. It's not a fluke stat - basically has to be a dish to a guy who dishes it immediately. Stop assuming things to troll:

Quantity of passes made by a player to a player who earned an assist on a made shot. Assister must make a pass within 2 seconds and 1 dribble for passer to earn a secondary assist.

That's not true. If you poke the ball away and a teammate gets it you get the steal.

Exactly. Though if the NBA wanted to become more like other sports, they could split steals and blocks just like they split sacks in football.

Kidd K
12-02-2015, 04:55 AM
That's not true. If you poke the ball away and a teammate gets it you get the steal.

Are you sue? I remember more than a few NBA broadcasts where the announcer credits the guy picking it up rather than the player deflecting the ball. Or are they describing that incorrectly?

12-02-2015, 08:34 AM
:lmao using desperate stats to defend Porker and today'S soft and less skilled NBA players

I know that you are nothing more than troll, Lefty. But God, your basketball takes are really, really stupid. Please waste some other people's time and follow another sport that doesn't need as much use of your minimal brain cells, buddy.

12-02-2015, 08:39 AM
Secondary assists are imaginary assists, that's why Parker is ranked so high

Again, you are proving to everyone how stupid you are. How can there be "imaginary assists?" They are obviously tabulating one pass that leads to another pass that leads to a score. You know, a direct function of "good to great" passing and something Popovich stresses.

12-02-2015, 08:42 AM
This isn't hockey. lol

You are an antiquated player hating fan. LOL

12-02-2015, 09:26 AM
Again, you are proving to everyone how stupid you are. How can there be "imaginary assists?" They are obviously tabulating one pass that leads to another pass that leads to a score. You know, a direct function of "good to great" passing and something Popovich stresses.
It is a pass

But it's not an assist

12-02-2015, 07:39 PM
You are an antiquated player hating fan. LOL

+/- >>> assist from a pass from a pass.

12-02-2015, 08:47 PM
I know that you are nothing more than troll, Lefty. But God, your basketball takes are really, really stupid. Please waste some other people's time and follow another sport that doesn't need as much use of your minimal brain cells, buddy.

He only watches soccer.. and ronaldhino..

12-02-2015, 10:00 PM
I know that you are nothing more than troll, Lefty. But God, your basketball takes are really, really stupid. Please waste some other people's time and follow another sport that doesn't need as much use of your minimal brain cells, buddy.

He does.....huge soccer fan tbqh.

12-03-2015, 09:54 PM

12-03-2015, 11:09 PM
spurraider21 & FkLA

Get your asses in here pronto....

12-03-2015, 11:15 PM
Dude looked done and then magically got his game back out of nowhere.

He's probably on some PEDs tbh.

Mr Bones
12-03-2015, 11:19 PM
Dude looked done and then magically got his game back out of nowhere.

He's probably on some PEDs tbh.

So first he looks fat and out of shape, but now he's on PEDs? It hard to admit you were wrong, isn't it?

Look at these horrible vanilla predictions: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252547&highlight=enrique%27s+fg%25+15-16

Good stuff.

Mr Bones
12-03-2015, 11:21 PM
I wonder how much of it is skewed by that one good month in March though? IIRC he shot in the high 50s during that month. Not sure if he has another month like that in him, especially with the way he's looking against the likes of Latvia...in which case we can expect under 40% imho.

:lol Pure vanilla

12-03-2015, 11:23 PM

Mr Bones
12-03-2015, 11:28 PM
Troll all you want, but there's the evidence: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252547&highlight=enrique%27s+fg%25+15-16

You were wrong. Just be a man and face it.

Mr Bones
12-03-2015, 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by spurraider21 (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8249792#post8249792)
wow... look at you jizzing up a storm over preseason stats.

and i'll make a $100 bet with you. o/u 45% for the season

Deal :tu


12-03-2015, 11:57 PM

literally easiest bet of my life :lol... he shot 49% last year.... in the worst year of his career

12-04-2015, 12:07 AM
Parked sucked ass last year but still was able to shoot 48.6%. With LMA coming to town and Kawhi's growth as an offensive player, I expect parkers volume to decrease. I would be legitimately shocked if he shot below 45%

12-04-2015, 12:09 AM
he carried us for stretches tonight... :tu

12-04-2015, 12:11 AM
he carried us for stretches tonight... :tu
he really had it going on in the first half when seemingly nobody else did. but kawhi starting making it rain in the 2nd

Mr Bones
12-04-2015, 02:20 AM
5th highest FG% in the entire league, and highest FG% of all PGs in the league...

:lol http://espn.go.com/nba/statistics/player/_/stat/field-goals/sort/fieldGoalPct/position/point-guards

Parker & Kawhi playing together perfectly...