View Full Version : 1 Month Ago: Pop befuddled by Aldridge

12-23-2015, 02:20 PM
Make of this what you will: I learned today that about a month ago, Pop was overheard venting his frustration to another coach (unsure if it was a Spurs coach or a visiting coach, but it was someone short and foreign - possibly Eastern European or Russian) that Aldridge just "doesn't get it". The conversation happened at one of Pop's favorite post game dinner hangouts and got a little loud. It went beyond any positive spin of "It will just take time", "he's trying to find his spots", type of stuff. It was more, "I don't know what to do with him".

Not knowing Pop, I'm unsure if this is just par for the course when someone is having a hard time grasping the system, etc.. In the early months, it seemed as though LMA was doing better than expected on defense but was being too passive on offense. If Pop was really frustrated back then, I think he has to be pleased with where LMA is now. He looks more comfortable to me on offense although he seems to take his time coming up the court on change of possessions. I'm not sure what that's about but it doesn't seem helpful.

So where do you think we are with Aldridge? Is he making good progress and getting better acclimated or do you think he will be a question mark the rest of the way? In any case, he's much better than what we got from Splitter.

12-23-2015, 02:27 PM
:lol no-link "i learned" click-bait thread..how long it took you to dream it all up?

12-23-2015, 02:28 PM
To me it's clear LMA has made some progress on offense. He seems much more agressive and active and it looks like he now knows what to do to get his while playing within the rythm of the offense.

12-23-2015, 02:29 PM
Christ almighty, what a stupid, shitty thread

12-23-2015, 02:30 PM
Yeah, okay. Not sure if Chris Broussard or tmtcsc.

12-23-2015, 02:33 PM

12-23-2015, 02:35 PM
:lmao this thread would have at least a modicum credibility if the Spurs had started something like 10-8 with LMA playing no D while contributing nothing on offense..

12-23-2015, 02:35 PM
OP is more legit than tspence, tbh...

Plus it's not that it wasn't well known that LMA had a somewhat diva attitude towards "touches", etc coming in.

If one would have to hazard what's up, I think that wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities, and certainly something Pop would roll his eyes about.

12-23-2015, 02:35 PM
Guess I should go ahead and dust this thing off


I. Hustle
12-23-2015, 02:37 PM
So, here is the thing. I was at Morton's after a game once. I watched it at my hotel room and then walked over to Mortons for a late dinner. after about my second bottle of wine, Pop showed up with his entourage. They brought him a vintage bottle of strawberry Boones Farm and before he was even done, he was going off about how tough it was to coach LMA. He was sitting with DJ Khaled, who came over to the dark side after Lebron left. Pop got so trashed that he didn't even touch his hotdog.

12-23-2015, 02:39 PM
Pretty sure you made this up but LMAlpha has shown great strides offensively as of late as he is getting more comfortable within our system. Defensively he is already exceeding expectations .

12-23-2015, 02:40 PM
Just hard to imagine Pop flipping his shit over a 4x All-Star who's averaging 16 pts, 9 boards, and 1 block for us while playing great/better than expected defense. Granted he's playing a lot better now than he was month ago, but still.

Did he mention that he misses Tiago too? :cry

12-23-2015, 02:40 PM
Would be hilarious if pop showed up in this thread and shit all over op.

Mister Sinister
12-23-2015, 02:42 PM
[Citation needed]

12-23-2015, 02:58 PM
I wonder is any Spurs read this forum...... When I move back to Texas if I run into tj parker again at a poker game I'll ask him if it's ever been discussed in his presence .

12-23-2015, 03:03 PM
Watch this end up on ESPN. :toast

12-23-2015, 03:48 PM
Doesn't get what?

12-23-2015, 03:48 PM
Golly how funny... I just happened to be eating at Brigid in Southtown last month, when I overheard that bit of conversation as well. It actually happened during Brunch. Pop seemed at an impasse, almost at the edge of oblivion. As he and his compatriot settled into a dissatisfied silence, I realized that I was there for a reason.

At the moment inspiration struck and I raised my voice a little in the conversation I was having with my 7 year old niece and quoted the Dalai Lama.

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Pop stop mid swig and tilt his head just a bit, and I knew the arrow had found its way home.

Kaylee looked up with a scrunched up face and said thoughtfully, "So does that mean I can have desert even if you don't want any, Uncle Jeffy?"

I smiled and nodded... "Did I ever tell you, that you're the brightest seven year old in the whole entire universe...!"

Vic Petro
12-23-2015, 03:50 PM

12-23-2015, 04:18 PM
LMA has turned out to be just what we needed. We have the #1 defense in the NBA. Doubt if Pop is too upset with that.

12-23-2015, 04:39 PM
OP is more legit than tspence, tbh...

Plus it's not that it wasn't well known that LMA had a somewhat diva attitude towards "touches", etc coming in.

If one would have to hazard what's up, I think that wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities, and certainly something Pop would roll his eyes about.

Umm, if tspence reports it then it has to be true, ok? He said so himself.

12-23-2015, 04:47 PM
:lmao even if LMAlpha had taken a shit midcourt in one of the game I don't see Poop saying this.

Come on now rookies

12-23-2015, 05:00 PM
You bunch of retards, was there something so scandalous or sensational in what I shared about Pop's comments? Believe it or not, there are people out there who are privy to information that you and I aren't. Good Gawd, I earned a Broussard reference just for my post? Tough crowd.

I thought what I shared would be appreciated by those who have been wondering just how tough the transition for LMA has really been. Well, I'm convinced now that its been tougher than I thought and what has been reported by the local & national media.

CHUMP DUMPER: Sorry for the previous post with quotes. "Doesn't get it" and "I don't know what to do with him" were more of a gist and tone of the conversation...so, I'm not really certain and I didn't hear it first hand. Perhaps Pop was referring to LMA not getting the system or not understanding how important it is for him to be aggressive on offense. Maybe Pop was having a hard time connecting with him.

I remember a game this year where Aldridge was supposedly not feeling well and kept passing up really good shots. He reminded me of Kobe when he decided to only shoot 3 times in the second half of a playoff game against Phoenix. It just seemed strange.
(EDIT: Nov. 16 game at home against Portland. LMA scored 6 pts on 8 attempted shots in 34 minutes). That game was in San Antonio and was a little over a month ago. The timing is close and makes sense for Pop to have been upset with the performance.

LMA has looked more comfortable and has put up better numbers the last few weeks. Hopefully there has been a breakthrough and he continues to get better. The Spurs are doing great record-wise and can definitely improve.

12-23-2015, 05:04 PM
Pretty sure you made this up but LMAlpha has shown great strides offensively as of late as he is getting more comfortable within our system. Defensively he is already exceeding expectations .

12-23-2015, 05:17 PM
#1 defense in the NBA. I'm pretty sure Pop is okay with that!:flag:

12-23-2015, 05:37 PM
You bunch of retards, was there something so scandalous or sensational in what I shared about Pop's comments? Believe it or not, there are people out there who are privy to information that you and I aren't. Good Gawd, I earned a Broussard reference just for my post? Tough crowd.

I thought what I shared would be appreciated by those who have been wondering just how tough the transition for LMA has really been. Well, I'm convinced now that its been tougher than I thought and what has been reported by the local & national media.

CHUMP DUMPER: Sorry for the previous post with quotes. "Doesn't get it" and "I don't know what to do with him" were more of a gist and tone of the conversation...so, I'm not really certain and I didn't hear it first hand. Perhaps Pop was referring to LMA not getting the system or not understanding how important it is for him to be aggressive on offense. Maybe Pop was having a hard time connecting with him.

I remember a game this year where Aldridge was supposedly not feeling well and kept passing up really good shots. He reminded me of Kobe when he decided to only shoot 3 times in the second half of a playoff game against Phoenix. It just seemed strange.
(EDIT: Nov. 16 game at home against Portland. LMA scored 6 pts on 8 attempted shots in 34 minutes). That game was in San Antonio and was a little over a month ago. The timing is close and makes sense for Pop to have been upset with the performance.

LMA has looked more comfortable and has put up better numbers the last few weeks. Hopefully there has been a breakthrough and he continues to get better. The Spurs are doing great record-wise and can definitely improve.

You should visit the Star Wars thread. Bunch of Siskel and Eberts on this board.

And yes I remember that game. It was like he was purposely passing the ball away quickly out of frustration. The passes had alot of velocity on them, more than usual.

12-23-2015, 05:40 PM
I learned today that Pop was overheard venting to his coaches that op is "just a dumb ass". I didn't hear it first hand so I can't go into the details of what he meant but that was the gist of it.

12-23-2015, 05:43 PM
Like myth busters, I'll call this one "plausible".

12-23-2015, 06:05 PM
What does Wojtek say about it?

12-23-2015, 06:19 PM
Doubt this happened, but if LMA doesn't "get it," then what did Tiago "get?" :lol

12-23-2015, 06:32 PM
You bunch of retards, was there something so scandalous or sensational in what I shared about Pop's comments? Believe it or not, there are people out there who are privy to information that you and I aren't. Good Gawd, I earned a Broussard reference just for my post? Tough crowd.

I thought what I shared would be appreciated by those who have been wondering just how tough the transition for LMA has really been. Well, I'm convinced now that its been tougher than I thought and what has been reported by the local & national media.

CHUMP DUMPER: Sorry for the previous post with quotes. "Doesn't get it" and "I don't know what to do with him" were more of a gist and tone of the conversation...so, I'm not really certain and I didn't hear it first hand. Perhaps Pop was referring to LMA not getting the system or not understanding how important it is for him to be aggressive on offense. Maybe Pop was having a hard time connecting with him.

I remember a game this year where Aldridge was supposedly not feeling well and kept passing up really good shots. He reminded me of Kobe when he decided to only shoot 3 times in the second half of a playoff game against Phoenix. It just seemed strange.
(EDIT: Nov. 16 game at home against Portland. LMA scored 6 pts on 8 attempted shots in 34 minutes). That game was in San Antonio and was a little over a month ago. The timing is close and makes sense for Pop to have been upset with the performance.

LMA has looked more comfortable and has put up better numbers the last few weeks. Hopefully there has been a breakthrough and he continues to get better. The Spurs are doing great record-wise and can definitely improve.

I genuinely can't stand shit posting. I really can't. It's the most autistic, pointless thing a person could actually find "entertaining". The idea that you think it's hilarious wasting hours of your "life" trying to bait people into replying to your shitty half arsed posts speak numbers about how lonely and pathetic you must be to get entertained doing this

It probably seems counter productive for me to write this, because shit posting genuinely makes me angry. It seems like it's near impossible to have a genuine discussion on this board without some fuckwit chiming in to say something stupid like "freshcunt" or "newcunt fresh off the boat from facebook or reddit detected".

I know that this will probably get a bunch of you stupid cunts replying to me calling me the "autistic" one for actually speaking up, because I genuinely want to have a discussion about something instead of being barraged with retarded responses that will no doubt have me reply to you about your stupid pointless comments.

Moderation is largely pointless because you all seem to use dynamic ips anyway so no matter what you'll continue your shit posting like it's some normal part of your everyday life.

The fact that anyone ever calls you out on your bullshit and you try and defend it, or continue replying in a shit posting fashion is childish as fuck considering most of you on here are at least 18-30 years old.

Fuck all your shit posting antics. Kill yourselves. You're not funny, or witty, or original, or entertaining. You're literally all rehashes of one another trying to be unique and funny, when you're all doing the same thing. Your pathetic "lives" while you sit here day in and day out shit posting are being wasted away because you find it hilarious to get people worked up 24/7. It's like you cunts are addicted to shit posting. Like you get a dopamine response from it or something.

Rant over cunts. Fuck off.

12-23-2015, 06:56 PM
Doesn't get what?

Oh, shit, here we go. Go ahead OP... bite. I dare you.

I have a VERY hard time that Pop, or any professional, would have that kind of discussion about a specific person in public. I can believe someone may have told you the story, but not so much that Pop is broadcasting specific personnel concerns in a restaurant. Not only that, but there was nothing about Aldridge's performance that would lead a knowledgeable person to make that comment. Throw in the fact that the Spurs (and Pop) didn't make the decision to sign him in a vacuum. Hell, Pop has coached against him for years. If there was any chance that he "doesn't get it", he wouldn't have gotten a max contract, and the team wouldn't have shipped off Tiago.

If the person who told you didn't totally make it up, it could be one of Pop's sarcastic remarks. Someone questioned him about Aldridge, and he's commenting about what an idiot question it was, not on LMA. Maybe that. Maybe.

12-23-2015, 07:37 PM
He threw in Eastern Europe and Russian so you know its true.

12-23-2015, 09:03 PM
I learned today that Pop was overheard venting to his coaches that op is "just a dumb ass". I didn't hear it first hand so I can't go into the details of what he meant but that was the gist of it.


12-23-2015, 09:07 PM
Oh, shit, here we go. Go ahead OP... bite. I dare you.

I have a VERY hard time that Pop, or any professional, would have that kind of discussion about a specific person in public. I can believe someone may have told you the story, but not so much that Pop is broadcasting specific personnel concerns in a restaurant. Not only that, but there was nothing about Aldridge's performance that would lead a knowledgeable person to make that comment. Throw in the fact that the Spurs (and Pop) didn't make the decision to sign him in a vacuum. Hell, Pop has coached against him for years. If there was any chance that he "doesn't get it", he wouldn't have gotten a max contract, and the team wouldn't have shipped off Tiago.

If the person who told you didn't totally make it up, it could be one of Pop's sarcastic remarks. Someone questioned him about Aldridge, and he's commenting about what an idiot question it was, not on LMA. Maybe that. Maybe.

Yeah. Pop's not evaluating player performance in public.

12-23-2015, 09:35 PM
Oh, shit, here we go. Go ahead OP... bite. I dare you.

I have a VERY hard time that Pop, or any professional, would have that kind of discussion about a specific person in public. I can believe someone may have told you the story, but not so much that Pop is broadcasting specific personnel concerns in a restaurant. Not only that, but there was nothing about Aldridge's performance that would lead a knowledgeable person to make that comment. Throw in the fact that the Spurs (and Pop) didn't make the decision to sign him in a vacuum. Hell, Pop has coached against him for years. If there was any chance that he "doesn't get it", he wouldn't have gotten a max contract, and the team wouldn't have shipped off Tiago.

If the person who told you didn't totally make it up, it could be one of Pop's sarcastic remarks. Someone questioned him about Aldridge, and he's commenting about what an idiot question it was, not on LMA. Maybe that. Maybe.

I appreciate you not menstruating on this post like some of the other people in this thread. I agree, Pop is not likely to say anything about personnel in a crowded restaurant where just anyone can over hear his conversation.

When Pop and Tony or any other Spur dines there (which they do often), they get private tables and no one bothers them - which is why they are repeat customers. It's a place to have a meal, have a drink and unwind AFTER games. What's funny is that I've been told much more tabloid-like stuff about Spurs players and coaches that have nothing to do with basketball, but I've never put it in this forum. None of that stuff is about wins and losses.

And yes - I'm well aware that I said their tables are private. But how did my friend hear those things? It's not rocket surgery folks, figure it out. Back in 2012, this same friend told me the real reason SJax was let go right before the playoffs began. That's the last time I ever shared anything remotely similar to this post.

12-23-2015, 09:41 PM
I appreciate you not menstruating on this post like some of the other people in this thread. I agree, Pop is not likely to say anything about personnel in a crowded restaurant where just anyone can over hear his conversation.

When Pop and Tony or any other Spur dines there (which they do often), they get private tables and no one bothers them - which is why they are repeat customers. It's a place to have a meal, have a drink and unwind AFTER games. What's funny is that I've been told much more tabloid-like stuff about Spurs players and coaches that have nothing to do with basketball, but I've never put it in this forum. None of that stuff is about wins and losses.

And yes - I'm well aware that I said their tables are private. But how did my friend hear those things? It's not rocket surgery folks, figure it out. Back in 2012, this same friend told me the real reason SJax was let go right before the playoffs began. That's the last time I ever shared anything remotely similar to this post.

pop wasn't there that day.

12-23-2015, 09:44 PM
I genuinely can't stand shit posting. I really can't. It's the most autistic, pointless thing a person could actually find "entertaining". The idea that you think it's hilarious wasting hours of your "life" trying to bait people into replying to your shitty half arsed posts speak numbers about how lonely and pathetic you must be to get entertained doing this

It probably seems counter productive for me to write this, because shit posting genuinely makes me angry. It seems like it's near impossible to have a genuine discussion on this board without some fuckwit chiming in to say something stupid like "freshcunt" or "newcunt fresh off the boat from facebook or reddit detected".

I know that this will probably get a bunch of you stupid cunts replying to me calling me the "autistic" one for actually speaking up, because I genuinely want to have a discussion about something instead of being barraged with retarded responses that will no doubt have me reply to you about your stupid pointless comments.

Moderation is largely pointless because you all seem to use dynamic ips anyway so no matter what you'll continue your shit posting like it's some normal part of your everyday life.

The fact that anyone ever calls you out on your bullshit and you try and defend it, or continue replying in a shit posting fashion is childish as fuck considering most of you on here are at least 18-30 years old.

Fuck all your shit posting antics. Kill yourselves. You're not funny, or witty, or original, or entertaining. You're literally all rehashes of one another trying to be unique and funny, when you're all doing the same thing. Your pathetic "lives" while you sit here day in and day out shit posting are being wasted away because you find it hilarious to get people worked up 24/7. It's like you cunts are addicted to shit posting. Like you get a dopamine response from it or something.

Rant over cunts. Fuck off.

Damn, life got you down? That was some sad, sad shit you wrote there. The fact that shitty posts (of which mine should not have been included) get you so worked up is a little troubling don't you think? 16,000+ posts? Maybe you should back away from the computer or phone and take a break from the forum. If you had taken just a minute to look at my previous posts, you'd know I don't waste anyone's time with click-bait threads. Nor do I reply to many of them.

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
12-23-2015, 09:48 PM
OP is actually a pretty credible poster... shame to see a bunch of dumbasses making themselves look like divas.

12-23-2015, 09:48 PM
Damn, life got you down? That was some sad, sad shit you wrote there. The fact that shitty posts (of which mine should not have been included) get you so worked up is a little troubling don't you think? 16,000+ posts? Maybe you should back away from the computer or phone and take a break from the forum. If you had taken just a minute to look at my previous posts, you'd know I don't waste anyone's time with click-bait threads. Nor do I reply to many of them.

:lol Chill bruh, I was gonna try to troll you a bit with copypasta but you didn't reply fast enough.

12-23-2015, 10:16 PM
tmtsc is a good poster, i remember his Jackson/Duncan thread. I suppose it's possible he's making this stuff it up but I'll give him benefit of the doubt. Both situations seem credible, especially since Pop hasn't dealt with a free agent like LMA before. He's sort of in Phil Jackson territory, but I don't think he'll need to rely on mind games shit, i'm sure Duncan and Manu will help make it work.

12-23-2015, 11:23 PM
Yeah. Pop's not evaluating player performance in public.

:lol /thread

Can't even believe this thread is on page 1 :lol

12-24-2015, 03:18 AM
tmtsc is a good poster, i remember his Jackson/Duncan thread. I suppose it's possible he's making this stuff it up but I'll give him benefit of the doubt. Both situations seem credible, especially since Pop hasn't dealt with a free agent like LMA before. He's sort of in Phil Jackson territory, but I don't think he'll need to rely on mind games shit, i'm sure Duncan and Manu will help make it work.

Can someone link me to this Jackson/Duncan thread? I've always wanted to know the reason we cut Sjax right before the playoffs. Can you give me the scoop OP?

12-25-2015, 10:38 AM
tmtsc is a good poster, i remember his Jackson/Duncan thread. I suppose it's possible he's making this stuff it up but I'll give him benefit of the doubt. Both situations seem credible, especially since Pop hasn't dealt with a free agent like LMA before. He's sort of in Phil Jackson territory, but I don't think he'll need to rely on mind games shit, i'm sure Duncan and Manu will help make it work.

Interesting.... El Nono seems to have backed up the OP also. There's likely some truth in this rumor.

Just watching LMA on the court and you just wonder if he's engaged.

I just get the feeling here that LMA is beginning to realize that he's not going to score much being a Spur and that may be bothering him.

I wonder if the Bulls announcement that they are willing to trade both Gasol and Noah has anything to do with this?

All the more interesting considering this poster from official NBA sources:


12-25-2015, 11:26 AM
Make of this what you will: I learned today that about a month ago, Pop was overheard venting his frustration to another coach (unsure if it was a Spurs coach or a visiting coach, but it was someone short and foreign - possibly Eastern European or Russian) that Aldridge just "doesn't get it". The conversation happened at one of Pop's favorite post game dinner hangouts and got a little loud. It went beyond any positive spin of "It will just take time", "he's trying to find his spots", type of stuff. It was more, "I don't know what to do with him".

Not knowing Pop, I'm unsure if this is just par for the course when someone is having a hard time grasping the system, etc.. In the early months, it seemed as though LMA was doing better than expected on defense but was being too passive on offense. If Pop was really frustrated back then, I think he has to be pleased with where LMA is now. He looks more comfortable to me on offense although he seems to take his time coming up the court on change of possessions. I'm not sure what that's about but it doesn't seem helpful.

So where do you think we are with Aldridge? Is he making good progress and getting better acclimated or do you think he will be a question mark the rest of the way? In any case, he's much better than what we got from Splitter.

I guess after that 6 point performance against the Blazers (that went into OT), any coach would be going ballistic given that he's getting paid 20 million a year.

I think if you compare him with the kind of improvements Leonard has made, you have to begin questioning his commitment to improving. Let's be perfectly honest, he came in overweight at the start of the season.

12-25-2015, 12:16 PM
lol Gossip Girls.

12-25-2015, 12:25 PM
lol Gossip Girls.

Intelligence 101, don't be so easy to dismiss rumors that sound outrageous when the source has prior track record.

12-25-2015, 01:20 PM
Intelligence 101, don't be so easy to dismiss rumors that sound outrageous when the source has prior track record.Track record of what?

12-25-2015, 01:34 PM
OP is more legit than tspence, tbh.....

Such is the problem when you set the bar really though.

I don't doubt that there are some questions regarding LMAs effort and grasp of the system. I do have a hard time believing that Pop is exasperated at this point though. OP suggests as much but we cannot forget that is December. Let's revisit this in March when it's more believable.

12-25-2015, 01:37 PM
Say instead of an NBA player, you had a typical job where you were guaranteed to get maximum pay for your type of work (equivalent of a max contract) as say a lawyer, consultant, banker, whatever.

Would you rather take the job that forced you to work 70 hours a week but where you were had the lead role on every assignment, but when it came down to it your company wasn't selected in the end for the proposal?

Or would you take the employer who pushed you 50 hours a week with some early Fridays, where you like your coworkers but not always front and center, and where your company had a chance at winning each time it pitched for business? Also, this company is located closer to your family / college town but away from where you spent the last seven years.

Not to mention your career at the first place would be cut short because of the stress, so less potential earning years.

12-25-2015, 02:19 PM
I didn't "back" anything up wrt the story... Just pointed out that the OP has generally posted non troll stuff, tbh...

That doesn't mean it's true or a even a big deal, etc...

12-25-2015, 02:31 PM
I didn't "back" anything up wrt the story... Just pointed out that the OP has generally posted non troll stuff, tbh...

That doesn't mean it's true or a even a big deal, etc...

Well, I'm going with it likely to be true. If true then all it means is that Pop was frustrated with LMA play at that time. If that happens to his play against the Blazers then that makes sense. What it means long term, well, nobody knows.

12-25-2015, 04:11 PM
I think Pop is going to be pissed at guys who don't execute what he wants. Youngsters he'll yank right out, Danny he will yank and chew up in a nationally televised game, Kawhi he will treat with silk gloves, but from time to time we will see Pop going at Whi too, whether it be to get more aggressive or to pass the ball more depending on the situation and what the other team is doing. The big 3 occasionally get an earful. I doubt Pop will make a spectacle in a public place, but I wouldn't be surprised if LMA got him really incensed bc we as fans were befuddled by LMA at the beginning, wondering what the heck was Pop doing him.

He seems to be figuring it out though. It was probably tough to not stand back and defer when the guys you are playing with have insane chemistry from years together and you don't yet know when to go and get yours, without feeling like you are stepping on toes, or if you should let them do their thing and get whatever is left.

They didn't get him to stand around like a roleplayer, but you had to wait for that chemistry to develop. It's a process and it is looking better lately.

12-25-2015, 04:32 PM
I think Pop is going to be pissed at guys who don't execute what he wants. Youngsters he'll yank right out, Danny he will yank and chew up in a nationally televised game, Kawhi he will treat with silk gloves, but from time to time we will see Pop going at Whi too, whether it be to get more aggressive or to pass the ball more depending on the situation and what the other team is doing. The big 3 occasionally get an earful. I doubt Pop will make a spectacle in a public place, but I wouldn't be surprised if LMA got him really incensed bc we as fans were befuddled by LMA at the beginning, wondering what the heck was Pop doing him.

He seems to be figuring it out though. It was probably tough to not stand back and defer when the guys you are playing with have insane chemistry from years together and you don't yet know when to go and get yours, without feeling like you are stepping on toes, or if you should let them do their thing and get whatever is left.

They didn't get him to stand around like a roleplayer, but you had to wait for that chemistry to develop. It's a process and it is looking better lately.

Is Aldridge coachable?

Has Aldridge "gotten over himself"?

Does Aldridge have the basketball IQ or the work ethic?

Lots of open question about Aldridge 1/3rd into the season.

12-25-2015, 04:56 PM
This happened a month ago. TBH, many fans in this forum were also frustrated with LMA. He looked hesitant, was too passive and seemed a bit lost on the floor. As fans, we are only left with what the media reports and what the players say publically. I remeber a reporter asked Pop about LMA and he sarcastically replied "He's been great and doing everything we've asked. But if he wasn't, do you really think I'd tell you guys the truth?"

Quick aside as Im watching OkC vs. Bulls: The Thunder suck out loud for an upper echelon team. Unless the 2 headed monster starts getting others involved, they arent going t get past the 1st or 2nd round. They are cmpletely selfish.

Although Aldridge's numbers havent been that much better in the last month, he looks more comfortable on the floor. I think he'll continue to get better as the season continues.

12-25-2015, 04:58 PM
Is Aldridge coachable?Looks like it.

Has Aldridge "gotten over himself"?Looks like it.

Does Aldridge have the basketball IQ or the work ethic?Looks like it.

Lots of open question about Aldridge 1/3rd into the season.#ceperez

12-25-2015, 05:06 PM
This happened a month ago. TBH, many fans in this forum were also frustrated with LMA. He looked hesitant, was too passive and seemed a bit lost on the floor. As fans, we are only left with what the media reports and what the players say publically. I remeber a reporter asked Pop about LMA and he sarcastically replied "He's been great and doing everything we've asked. But if he wasn't, do you really think I'd tell you guys the truth?"

Quick aside as Im watching OkC vs. Bulls: The Thunder suck out loud for an upper echelon team. Unless the 2 headed monster starts getting others involved, they arent going t get past the 1st or 2nd round. They are cmpletely selfish.

Although Aldridge's numbers havent been that much better in the last month, he looks more comfortable on the floor. I think he'll continue to get better as the season continues.

OKC pretty much done if Durant can't dominate against Butler. Imagine what will happen against Leonard.

Ibaka was marginalized in defense with Gasol playing outside and making a lot of plays.

Fortunately, I don't think the new coach has figured out to improve execution of OKC.

12-25-2015, 06:45 PM
OKC pretty much done if Durant can't dominate against Butler. Imagine what will happen against Leonard.

Ibaka was marginalized in defense with Gasol playing outside and making a lot of plays.

Fortunately, I don't think the new coach has figured out to improve execution of OKC.

Durbeta and Westchuck both went to their new coach to ask for more ISOs. Thanks, guys!

12-26-2015, 06:18 AM
Based on performance on the last game against the Rockets. I say LMA doesn't *want* to play defense. He's like an overpaid Tiago Splitter that doesn't know how to screen or dive into the basket. He doesn't *want* to screen. He doesn't *want* to battle in the paint. He can't even make open shots with a high level of accuracy. Total BS player.

10-18-2016, 03:32 PM
LMA has been an issue with the coaching staff for a while. If this has reached nonsense levels with jealousy or not being option #1, then I hope the Spurs ship his ass out for something good in return. Do it sooner than later.

10-18-2016, 03:34 PM
LMA has been an issue with the coaching staff for a while. If this has reached nonsense levels with jealousy or not being option #1, then I hope the Spurs ship his ass out for something good in return. Do it sooner than later.

10-18-2016, 03:41 PM
Based on performance on the last game against the Rockets. I say LMA doesn't *want* to play defense. He's like an overpaid Tiago Splitter that doesn't know how to screen or dive into the basket. He doesn't *want* to screen. He doesn't *want* to battle in the paint. He can't even make open shots with a high level of accuracy. Total BS player.

I thought that he had improved since I made this statement in 12/26/2015.

I guess not!!

10-18-2016, 03:54 PM
LMA has been an issue with the coaching staff for a while. If this has reached nonsense levels with jealousy or not being option #1, then I hope the Spurs ship his ass out for something good in return. Do it sooner than later.
You have absolutely nothing to back up your first sentence lmfao

10-18-2016, 04:05 PM
You have absolutely nothing to back up your first sentence lmfao

Did you not read the very first post or do you think I just made it all up. If you think its all made-up bullshit then carry on and have a nice day. I'm a liar. Have fun with this one: The same person who told me about Pop being frustrated with LA told me about Pop's wife having a double mastectomy this summer. That news hasn't hit the mainstream yet as far as I know.

10-18-2016, 06:02 PM
Trade Aldrdige!!

10-18-2016, 06:06 PM
Trade Aldrdige!!
might have to reintroduce that crossed avy :lol

10-18-2016, 06:16 PM
You know, if Pop just "didn't know what to do" with Aldridge, it says more about Pop than it does about Aldridge.

And if the Spurs were really that surprised about some player's character after just a month or two? It sort of shoots the shit out of the idea that the Spurs scout and evaluate players better than all the other teams.

Just saying.

10-18-2016, 06:29 PM
You know, if Pop just "didn't know what to do" with Aldridge, it says more about Pop than it does about Aldridge.

And if the Spurs were really that surprised about some player's character after just a month or two? It sort of shoots the shit out of the idea that the Spurs scout and evaluate players better than all the other teams.

Just saying.

I didn't say anything about the coaches questioning LA's character one month in to being a Spur. I said that Pop was frustrated with him. My guess is that he wasn't grasping the system or was playing too unsure of himself.

10-18-2016, 06:58 PM
I didn't say anything about the coaches questioning LA's character one month in to being a Spur. I said that Pop was frustrated with him. My guess is that he wasn't grasping the system or was playing too unsure of himself.

Yeah, I guess I was combining that with the "reports" that he was looking to be traded before the deadline last season. That's the picture that some people are trying to paint here.

But even your report that Pop didn't know what to do with LMA. It's hard to believe that there wouldn't be some adjustment period once he got here, and that the adjustment would be biggest from the new guy, and not the ones who had been playing together for years. There was plenty of discussion here about how they were all going to play together, would there be enough touches for everyone, etc. I thought the team progressed pretty much as expected, all things considered. (Especially since Tim couldn't seem to finish around the basket.)

I don't doubt you one bit that someone told you that. It's just hard to believe that Pop was that surprised or frustrated by what he saw, considering the team was .800 in November. Easier for me to believe that Pop was being sarcastic (or ironic, or whatever the hell) about all the bitching about LMA and the team in general. But I wasn't there.

10-18-2016, 08:04 PM
OP is legit. Damn if this is really the case. Take that soft cancerous loser off the team

Ed Helicopter Jones
10-19-2016, 01:26 AM
LMA probably should be the team's first option on offense.

10-19-2016, 05:44 AM
LMA probably should be the team's first option on offense.

It's hard to get success having a big man as 1st option on this NBA perimeter-oriented.

The Spurs have to work with Kawhi and LMA both involved as 1st option.
Since LMA is a volumen shooter/scorer he needs the touches to get hot, Kawhi needs to stay aggressive all game like Pop has said before, there is no hope for the Spurs if Kawhi becomes tentative and doesn't take shots.

The Spurs won't play 4-down with LMA like they did with TD, they won't post-up Kawhi most game, both have to coexist on the court offensively.

All those LMA's rumors right now make only a litte bit of sense if he tought he would get all the touches being the total focus of the offense, but he won't get it. Like Kawhi won't play the Iso-Kobe 30 minutes a game, the league has changed.

Who's 1a-1b depends on games, matchups, shooting nights.

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
10-19-2016, 01:14 PM
This guy always has legit sources.

05-17-2017, 09:13 AM
Lol, bumping this thread. Lots of good stuff in here about L's character, lack of "getting it", playing passive. You know, after having him here for 2 full seasons its obvious the dude is what he is. He's a pouty, prima-donna player who is NOT an Alpha.

05-17-2017, 01:13 PM
To me it's clear LMA has made some progress on offense. He seems much more agressive and active and it looks like he now knows what to do to get his while playing within the rythm of the offense.

Whatever happened to this? Do you remember when LA would sprint to beat his man and get great position down low and, as a result, quick easy baskets?

05-17-2017, 01:17 PM
Whatever happened to this? Do you remember when LA would sprint to beat his man and get great position down low and, as a result, quick easy baskets?

He plays well at a time of his choosing. When he decides to assert himself, he shoots the ball without hesitation and moves a lot better than we've seen. He doesn't bring it every night and seems to feel he doesn't have to. Why is that?

05-17-2017, 01:30 PM
RJ part deux

06-25-2017, 12:24 AM
Make of this what you will: I learned today that about a month ago, Pop was overheard venting his frustration to another coach (unsure if it was a Spurs coach or a visiting coach, but it was someone short and foreign - possibly Eastern European or Russian) that Aldridge just "doesn't get it". The conversation happened at one of Pop's favorite post game dinner hangouts and got a little loud. It went beyond any positive spin of "It will just take time", "he's trying to find his spots", type of stuff. It was more, "I don't know what to do with him".

Not knowing Pop, I'm unsure if this is just par for the course when someone is having a hard time grasping the system, etc.. In the early months, it seemed as though LMA was doing better than expected on defense but was being too passive on offense. If Pop was really frustrated back then, I think he has to be pleased with where LMA is now. He looks more comfortable to me on offense although he seems to take his time coming up the court on change of possessions. I'm not sure what that's about but it doesn't seem helpful.

So where do you think we are with Aldridge? Is he making good progress and getting better acclimated or do you think he will be a question mark the rest of the way? In any case, he's much better than what we got from Splitter.

:lmao this thread would have at least a modicum credibility if the Spurs had started something like 10-8 with LMA playing no D while contributing nothing on offense..

You bunch of retards, was there something so scandalous or sensational in what I shared about Pop's comments? Believe it or not, there are people out there who are privy to information that you and I aren't. Good Gawd, I earned a Broussard reference just for my post? Tough crowd.

I thought what I shared would be appreciated by those who have been wondering just how tough the transition for LMA has really been. Well, I'm convinced now that its been tougher than I thought and what has been reported by the local & national media.

I remember a game this year where Aldridge was supposedly not feeling well and kept passing up really good shots. He reminded me of Kobe when he decided to only shoot 3 times in the second half of a playoff game against Phoenix. It just seemed strange.
(EDIT: Nov. 16 game at home against Portland. LMA scored 6 pts on 8 attempted shots in 34 minutes). That game was in San Antonio and was a little over a month ago. The timing is close and makes sense for Pop to have been upset with the performance.

LMA has looked more comfortable and has put up better numbers the last few weeks. Hopefully there has been a breakthrough and he continues to get better. The Spurs are doing great record-wise and can definitely improve.


This was from December of 2015, two months in to Aldridge's tenure here. Lol, I took so much shit for sharing some inside info in this thread.

06-25-2017, 12:27 AM

Lol, I took so much shit for sharing some inside info in this thread.
I hope you are right on your take on Tony... if he's really not coming back from that injury right he needs to retire.

06-25-2017, 12:29 AM
I hope you are right on your take on Tony... if he's really not coming back from that injury right he needs to retire.

I hope I'm right about Parker too, but him getting salary dumped is more of my opinion than anything else. I can tell you for certain that the coaching staff and front office were not amused with TP stating he wanted one last contract.

06-25-2017, 12:39 AM
People doubting the OP but I always believed the stories. LMDiva has always been a thing

Darius Bieber
06-25-2017, 12:41 AM
Me and my nigga RobDiaz told you homies for ever that LMA is and always was trash.

06-25-2017, 12:55 AM
But even your report that Pop didn't know what to do with LMA. It's hard to believe that there wouldn't be some adjustment period once he got here, and that the adjustment would be biggest from the new guy, and not the ones who had been playing together for years. There was plenty of discussion here about how they were all going to play together, would there be enough touches for everyone, etc. I thought the team progressed pretty much as expected, all things considered. (Especially since Tim couldn't seem to finish around the basket.)

I don't doubt you one bit that someone told you that. It's just hard to believe that Pop was that surprised or frustrated by what he saw, considering the team was .800 in November. Easier for me to believe that Pop was being sarcastic (or ironic, or whatever the hell) about all the bitching about LMA and the team in general. But I wasn't there.

Looking back on this, I only conveyed what I heard from someone else and like everyone else, ca only try and guess as to what "I don't know what to do with him" meant. Did Pop mean "I don't know what to do with him" on the court or was it more of "I don't know what to do with him" because he's frustrating the shit out of me by not getting on board with the system or plan? Meh, who knows. Anyhoo, I'm thinking the short European coach was probably Ettore Messina.

06-25-2017, 12:58 AM
Me and my nigga RobDiaz told you homies for ever that LMA is and always was trash.

He always seemed to put up big regular season numbers against the Spurs and had a fantastic playoff series against Houston one year. I think there was a lot of hope that he would flourish here and benefit from being a Spur. I don't recall what you said but if it was along the lines of him being a "me first", selfish prima donna, then yeah - :toast

06-25-2017, 01:32 AM
I hope I'm right about Parker too, but him getting salary dumped is more of my opinion than anything else. I can tell you for certain that the coaching staff and front office were not amused with TP stating he wanted one last contract.
What did you say about TP and where did you say it?

06-25-2017, 08:58 AM
What did you say about TP and where did you say it?

06-25-2017, 09:44 AM
I said the Spurs will salary dump TP if there is a taker for his contract. There are people in this forum that are adamant the organization would NEVER do it out of loyalty to him. In my opinion, TP is done as an NBA player.

06-25-2017, 09:57 AM
I can tell you for certain that the coaching staff and front office were not amused with TP stating he wanted one last contract.

How so, if you dont mind me asking?

06-25-2017, 10:16 AM
How so, if you dont mind me asking?


06-25-2017, 10:29 AM
Year one he had a solid season. Year 2 was mostly subpar. I'm guessing TD kept him in line, but once TD retired, LMA stopped putting in the work. He came into camp out of shape and then couldn't make a jump shot, which was his bread and butter. Better take this season seriously or he is going to lose some money. You screw up your relationship here and it scares teams away.

06-25-2017, 10:32 AM
I don't understand all this "teams will be scared away" about LMA. LMA, despite any flaws, is no where near the level of diva that teams deal with all the time.

If teams don't want him it will solely be because they don't think he's that good anymore. If you have talent, teams don't care about your attitude (see Cousins being moved, etc.)

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
06-25-2017, 10:33 AM
This guy has always been credible. Funny how the idiots on page one are now eating their words.

06-25-2017, 10:42 AM
I don't understand all this "teams will be scared away" about LMA. LMA, despite any flaws, is no where near the level of diva that teams deal with all the time.

If teams don't want him it will solely be because they don't think he's that good anymore. If you have talent, teams don't care about your attitude (see Cousins being moved, etc.)

LA will be dumped for nothing or at best a late 1st. Spurs have to get commitment from another quality big first tho ( Ibaka, Blake) or I even think SA trades him for nothing if they get a mid tier big to commit ( Pat Patterson, Terrence Jones).

LA wont be a Spur next year, no way.

Mr. Body
06-25-2017, 10:43 AM
I don't understand all this "teams will be scared away" about LMA. LMA, despite any flaws, is no where near the level of diva that teams deal with all the time.

If teams don't want him it will solely be because they don't think he's that good anymore. If you have talent, teams don't care about your attitude (see Cousins being moved, etc.)

He's been a malcontent at two good franchises so far. and is on the last year of his contract. A team would have to be assured he won't be a University of Texas prima donna and that he'll want to stick around for another contract.

If he's going to be a baby and sourpuss, then the Spurs will have to use assets to unload him to a team with cap space. Otherwise, what teams would he want to play for long term? Phoenix? Los Angeles?

06-25-2017, 11:40 AM
He's been a malcontent at two good franchises so far. and is on the last year of his contract. A team would have to be assured he won't be a University of Texas prima donna and that he'll want to stick around for another contract.

If he's going to be a baby and sourpuss, then the Spurs will have to use assets to unload him to a team with cap space. Otherwise, what teams would he want to play for long term? Phoenix? Los Angeles?

I NEVER imagined Aldridge as a salary dump candidate this year but I think its in play. Unfortunately, it might mean that Parker stays on the roster. I'd love to see Parker and Aldridge's salary cleared off. Perhaps they package a serviceable Danny Green with Tony's lame contract in a salary dump.

My hope would be that DG stays and comes off the bench. He is a solid role player but not worthy of starting in today's NBA. He can't score enough and is too limited. KL needs help or he's going to turn out like Lebron. Tired as hell because he has to do everything.

06-25-2017, 11:51 AM
Anyone seen the movie Little Big League? There is a great scene where a disgruntled vet is half assing his play because he wants to be traded. The kid manager (you have to see the movie) calls him out basically saying "you'll play, and you'll play hard, because if you don't, you're only lowering your own value and nobody will want you.

I looked for the clip on YouTube to post it but can't find it. Its a decent movie too with some great baseball scenes.

06-26-2017, 04:42 AM
Anyone seen the movie Little Big League? There is a great scene where a disgruntled vet is half assing his play because he wants to be traded. The kid manager (you have to see the movie) calls him out basically saying "you'll play, and you'll play hard, because if you don't, you're only lowering your own value and nobody will want you.

I looked for the clip on YouTube to post it but can't find it. Its a decent movie too with some great baseball scenes.

I've seen this movie, well most of it as I wasn't able to catch all of it. Also (from the movie), if a 12 year old kid can cut his favourite player for not being able to perform anymore, why can't the Spurs trade Parker? That's another valuable lesson the Spurs need to learn.

06-26-2017, 04:56 AM

06-26-2017, 05:16 AM
For the record, I don't even want Parker back for a minimum deal as a bench player. If he wants to keep playing, he needs to go somewhere else.

06-26-2017, 07:29 AM
I've seen this movie, well most of it as I wasn't able to catch all of it. Also (from the movie), if a 12 year old kid can cut his favourite player for not being able to perform anymore, why can't the Spurs trade Parker? That's another valuable lesson the Spurs need to learn.

Yes. Forgot about that scene too! Very true.

After the aging star hits a single the kid gets all excited.

"Kid, don't you think there's a problem when you get that excited over a seeing-eye single?"

Then when the kid cuts him in the office, the player goes off on the him about how is he supposed to tell his wife. Great scene.

06-26-2017, 10:48 AM
This guy has always been credible. Funny how the idiots on page one are now eating their words.
