View Full Version : Lakers: Lowe: Lakers prepared to offer DeRozan max this summer

01-12-2016, 12:41 PM
But other teams will make calls. Specifically, the Los Angeles Lakers, as reported by Zach Lowe of ESPN (and echoed by many around the league).

That starts with DeRozan, a lock to decline his option and hit free agency this summer. A bunch of teams, including DeRozan’s hometown Lakers, are prepared to offer him a max deal starting at $25 million per season, and the Raptors know they will have to spend big to keep him.

Take that and eat shit SpursFan :lmao

baseline bum
01-12-2016, 12:43 PM

01-12-2016, 12:45 PM
Please let this happen.:lol

Clipper Nation
01-12-2016, 12:50 PM
:lmao Fredo
:lmao Replacing Kirby with the next Kirby
:lmao Lakers

01-12-2016, 12:51 PM
But other teams will make calls. Specifically, the Los Angeles Lakers, as reported by Zach Lowe of ESPN (and echoed by many around the league).

That starts with DeRozan, a lock to decline his option and hit free agency this summer. A bunch of teams, including DeRozan’s hometown Lakers, are prepared to offer him a max deal starting at $25 million per season, and the Raptors know they will have to spend big to keep him.

Take that and eat shit SpursFan :lmao

Wait, you think that's a good deal? :lmao

01-12-2016, 12:51 PM
Horrible if true...

01-12-2016, 12:59 PM
i was really bummed when the lakers couldn't get Melo, but derozan should be decent compensation

01-12-2016, 01:03 PM
:lmao Fredo
:lmao Replacing Kirby with the next Kirby
:lmao Lakers

01-12-2016, 01:04 PM
Biggest ballhog "pseudo star" in the league :lmao..Do it Mitch..

01-12-2016, 01:08 PM

UNT Eagles 2016
01-12-2016, 01:11 PM

01-12-2016, 01:30 PM
:rollin too good to be true

01-12-2016, 01:40 PM
Lakers gonna be loaded in the backcourt... DeRozan, D-Bust, Clarkson, HUERTAS, SweetLou, Swaggy, Anthony Brown...

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

L:lolkers L:lolkers L:lolkers L:lolkers L:lolkers L:lolkers L:lolkers

01-12-2016, 01:45 PM
:lmao Lakers
:lmao Laker fans thinking this is a good idea

01-12-2016, 01:47 PM
Chaz making the big moves :tu

01-12-2016, 01:48 PM
Hey OP, do you think the L:lmaokers should re-sign Prime-Nash-Lite?

01-12-2016, 03:31 PM
Hey OP, do you think the L:lmaokers should re-sign Prime-Nash-Lite?

Naw man, it was an experiment that didn't work out. We gonna flip the script next year. You best believe that. :lol

01-12-2016, 03:32 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao


Clipper Nation
01-12-2016, 03:33 PM
Naw man, it was an experiment that didn't work out. We gonna flip the script next year. You best believe that. :lol

:lmao "LOL NBA - Lakers are back in the hunt"
:lmao "We won't be sneaking"
:lmao "We gonna flip the script next year"
:lmao Lakers

01-12-2016, 03:34 PM
Naw man, it was an experiment that didn't work out. We gonna flip the script next year. You best believe that. :lol

Oh yeah, because the past predicts the present. The L:lmaokers have had great success drafting and developing players.

Maybe you can swap Prime-Nash-Lite for KD at the trade deadline

:lol Knicks West ====== Fucked while Knicks East posting one of the best 1-year turnarounds of all time with the Porzingod pick

01-12-2016, 03:36 PM
The amount of butt hurt in Spurs fans brings nothing but unadulterated joy in my life.

Next stop is use the rest of cap on Whiteside, plus we get potentially Ben Simmons or Ingram :lol

Larry Nance Jr/
Ben Simmons or Ingram/ Randle
Derozan/ Clarkson
D'Angelo Russell/ Lou Williams

All we need is a top tier coach, I'm thinking Scott Brooks to run this dope unit.

Lakers 5 years plan>Spurs 5 year plan

That lineup is dat ether that will forever burn Spursfans soul:lmao

01-12-2016, 03:37 PM

How is Kiwi gonna stop this unit tbh? We got scorers on all corners of the floor and we got Whiteside defending our paint.


Clipper Nation
01-12-2016, 03:39 PM
:lmao #StayD12
:lmao #StaySwaggyP
:lmao #LAtoLA
:lmao #TheFearIsReal
:lmao Lakers

01-12-2016, 03:39 PM

:lmao I agree

Clipper Nation
01-12-2016, 03:40 PM
All we need is a top tier coach, I'm thinking Scott Brooks


01-12-2016, 03:46 PM
Next stop is use the rest of cap on Whiteside

:lmao what if

plus we get potentially Ben Simmons or Ingram :lol

:lmao what if

Larry Nance Jr/
Ben Simmons or Ingram/ Randle
Derozan/ Clarkson
D'Angelo Russell/ Lou Williams

:lmao :lmao :lmao what ifs

All we need is a top tier coach, I'm thinking Scott Brooks to run this dope unit.

:lmao nice troll attempt

Lakers 5 years plan>Spurs 5 year plan

:lol uhh huh. We're locked and loaded post-Duncan, post-Manu thanks to 2 HoFers leaving the team in good hands.

You're a total shithouse suckage thanks to Kirby being the equivalent of George Bush leaving the team/country with the bleakest future in decades.

I. Hustle
01-12-2016, 03:49 PM

01-12-2016, 03:49 PM
 cYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGismHyUtKy4uLSstKy0tLS0tKy0tLS0rLS0rLS0tLS0tNy 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tKy0vKy4tLS0tLf/AABEIAOsA1wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABHEAACAQIDBAcFBQQHCAMBAAABAgMAEQQSIQUxQVEGEyJhcY GRBzKhscEUI0JScoKSotEVJDNDYuHwU2Nzk7Kz0vGDwuM1/8QAGwEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgf/xAAyEQACAQIEBAMGBgMAAAAAAAAAAQIDEQQSITEFE0FRcYGRBi IyYbHBFEKh0eHwFSNT/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDjeSjyUqhUxiclDJSqOgBGQUMgpVHQAnI KGQUqhQAnKKGQUqhSALLQyijo6YCcooZaVQoALLQy0dHQA2wro 3QWL+pqebuf4iPpXOnrqHQuO2Ch7859XY1VV+EaLOVAFPgapYs KvIfCr3FjsN4Gq2MVmuTGvsqflFIOFX8oqZamyKVxohnDL+UU2 8K8hUw004ouMgtEOQpmVByqawqLPTTEV0iDlQpclCp3EZOhR0V aisFChR0wBQoUKABQoUKADNCio6ABQoUKABQoUdABUYoUdIBt6 6z0VS2Dw/8AwlPrr9a5NJXY9hx5cNCOUSD+EVVW2HEXjvcPl86gRrU/aJ7PmKhRiszJh5aaepFQNo46OK2c2v3MfkKQxw01JVPtLpJGIz 1LBnOg0aw5nUVQ7O2xIkgaSRih98Eki1t4HDyqSpyeoZka5jUP EmmZNtxAhTnBO4FGB13GxFPTmhJrcCGwoUthQqQjI2oWo6FbCs TajtR0KQBULUdCmAVqFHQoAKhR0KABQoUdABUdCjpCCoUdqFAD 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SZVZjuVSx8gTb4VTdOOlOz59n4mOPFwPIYj1YDqXLAhgFG+9xV ni2zQOecTH1Q1v9osLHnUquvvOz8rfuZ8LJ5Guw77PsD9x9vlI M2KVZSeEURGaKFe4A3J4kmsttrpI880kyQzMYgyYSP7NOykn3p mKrvbcNdAO+r/od0uwEOAwiSYuFXXDxKylxmBCAEEDW96tJenWC/A8kn/Dhmf5LavVSoxUOW1aO3bRdPNaeBmi5qbla5QbT2fjYI0mlxaH7 6BTHHBkBEkqIwLO7Hcx3Wq1jaxyncd1V239tvjFSGHCYhV66GQ yyBI1VY5VkPZZs5JC8uNT8WugO4ivEcdjQjUhCio7O9rfrY34b M1aZk/apB/VY5RvinW/6ZEP1hX1qlweyXawbsAj8VgTfgATWp6d9vZuJPEJE/msyj5Ma57s/p2FCx4iAMosCy+8baC6tofUV6fh8edw6i3vG6/Ux1ZOE2i4xXRdUXNE+XnE7WBJ3lGtdT3fKq1WP9mY2zg6bz7xv fs6k6bjfyqbiOncSqOqiLaaZrIByGl6gdG+kGFRjJib5zJdje6 i9rPlsNPDMRv3VryyM6kTMTiWjC2zAa5gyEA/rFPRbVPvBWPIqj5eFiS2p7vKtiojnjzLqrAEXBU6jkwBHnzqp2 VJ1C9XJ/YMWAO/qjmIH7PyovYea5X4CLMjOkUhZiWYhSpJA1S7XBW+vDypzBRYgW HUdg7rlOOtiDfdzFabA4TJdfwtxHPnUaUNA4Vu1A5C34xOdF/ZJ07qMzC5VzbP2gjZ4cqgixyuBbXd+G3lQrZQC3ZvwB+n0oqlc jueXrUdFRVpIhiioUVIBV6O9IvR3oAWDR0ijFIBVbn2VoTi9DY CCRm7wGS3xIrCiun+yDDaYiXuihU+LNK49IlqFdxWHquW2Vk6d 86t3OlxjhanEcjTdTa7hT28V8qbsd3oJMYO9VPkDTi7rUkUYpO UnuxWCWADcqjwUD5UohvzfClXoqHVm92RCtzY0me+U63HOl3ox ypReuobHLPaPt6VGfApoCI+vbiSQJBEBwUXUk7yeQFc4mW9/G9bb2mx5doSN/tEik9YlU/xI1YthX15UadLD01SWlvscarJuV2H9obXW2Y3a2l7/AOj6mm00II3ggjxBuPlR2oVWVHWtlbZw2MVP64YWARWgdsqFVD BkU8QQ511OinS1X+yskgkQZSFdl0bON99Gtrv5Vwa1a3oV0vXA RvG0LOGbMCrBbaWIsRUJxugR1HZ6lWMDEi2sTf4fyHnb5eFQ+l 0zjCyqdGyGzDcba+VUQ9pWGYi+HxAI5CJvTtioW3PaKkqFEwjE HjI6r8FB+dVcuRO6NvsLaPXGN+D4eN/O7X+N6FZb2bbaDQMrrYwSECxvaKUEjyzC3lRUttGM49RGlWoWr WViaK1LtQtSGIoUrLRWoAFGKAWjy0gAK7P7KoAuzw3+0nlk/wCWqRD5v61xoCu4+z5QMBABwRif1NNKW+S1zeL1MmCqfOy9WX4 ZXqI1SbqUNKbVqXevnDO1YVelCkUAaVgaHL0AaKlBe+okGAU4N KC6Ukm9RI7nJ/axH/WojzhsfKR2H/cFYOZrHdXXPahsjPB16jtREE96OcjejdV6muRzKSdBX1zh1VVu F0pLokvTQ5NeNpsbz9wpJkP+hTy4ZyL5TQODc/hNSsUDPWGiEhqSuzpDwol2e3dTsIjtIedJvVkux2Ivfvpo4A5g vE07BchriHS+R2W+hysVvbUA2OtFVtHsa/rajoyjuVn2NuR+H86NsIRwPduq4J1tQfefC9BG5T/Yz3etD7LVna4vxqHOdaB3IhhpJjqQ1R5GNRAPIKPLTOY0sCgYs ACu2dBsE0ODiR7hiucg7x1n3ig94Dj41xNkFvKu+bEkLQRMxuT GhJ59ha4ntBK2Dt3kvozZglep5Fkp0pd6joacY14Ro7K1HM1KU 0wpp1Ki1YGh5WozLTRoqjYhlTHVa9OggUxSQaVricbh4/DLMpif3ZAYm/TICnwJVv2a4ZgcHleRJB2kbKeHaUsrfEV3LE/2bH/Cfka4t09naLaOLEZygzEnQcRc7+8n1r3nsrXbwlWk9k0/U5mMhZpkkBbWKijzKOFZ4Y2QxgljfMRy005eNSEXNa7NqyA9tu LEHjXezmLKW+ewNtNajNPGp1ZR5j61b4PYGGNy0ebRt7O261t5 76oummzoogjRoFJYg2vqMinduoz3DIG+04h+NfI3+VMHa8QPve ims5agFqWZhlRdvtxOAb0H86OqS1HRdhZH/9k=

Solid contribution

01-12-2016, 03:51 PM
Horrible if true...

This. He has some strengths but prefer we keep clarkson and Russell tbh as the backcourt need frontcourt help

01-12-2016, 03:53 PM

Scotts>>DOC RIVERS by a long mile

And y'all need to GTFO staples, your lease is up :lmao

01-12-2016, 03:53 PM
Wait, you think that's a good deal? :lmao


01-12-2016, 03:55 PM
:lmao: let it flow

01-12-2016, 03:57 PM
man, best news ever. all we need is 1 star and the rest will follow. I was worried Jim's plan was just to re-sign hibbert and Clarkson, whew.

answered prayers:lol

Clipper Nation
01-12-2016, 03:58 PM
And y'all need to GTFO staples, your lease is up :lmao
That's fine, Ballmer will just buy Staples and evict Fredo. :downspin:

01-12-2016, 04:05 PM
and why is djohn2oo8 here,



01-12-2016, 04:07 PM
This. He has some strengths but prefer we keep clarkson and Russell tbh as the backcourt need frontcourt help

Why? We paid Kobe 48 millions, why cant we pay one of the leagues best guard that much? he's avg 23 pts, 4 rebs, 4 assts and is leading the raps to playoffs.

you trippin sometimes killa

I. Hustle
01-12-2016, 04:24 PM
Solid contribution

Thanks! :bobo

01-12-2016, 06:07 PM
Why? We paid Kobe 48 millions, why cant we pay one of the leagues best guard that much? he's avg 23 pts, 4 rebs, 4 assts and is leading the raps to playoffs.

you trippin sometimes killa

He's right. There is no short cut anymore, the Lakers would have to go through a proper rebuild just like any other team. DeRozan should be the last player to pursue. He's an ISO player who thrives in playing for a winning system. The Lakers have Clarkson which appears to be a very nice prospect at half the price.

I mean Nick Young, Lou Williams, Clarkson, Russell and Derozan? Seriously, that team is going to get blown out every game.

01-12-2016, 06:25 PM
Why? We paid Kobe 48 millions, why cant we pay one of the leagues best guard that much? he's avg 23 pts, 4 rebs, 4 assts and is leading the raps to playoffs.

you trippin sometimes killa

Clarkson probaly cant get you 23 but he could get you 18,19 for half the money

01-12-2016, 06:30 PM
Clarkson probaly cant get you 23 but he could get you 18,19 for half the money

What do you think of Randle, Killa?

01-12-2016, 07:45 PM
10/10 pare :lol

01-12-2016, 08:03 PM
We need to see if we land Simmons but I like this idea of putting this out there just in case we don't land Simmons in the draft we've already got feelers out there for Derozan..nice Chess play tbh..

Derozan > Kiwi

01-12-2016, 08:03 PM
We need to see if we land Simmons but I like this idea of putting this out there just in case we don't land Simmons in the draft we've already got feelers out there for Derozan..nice Chess play tbh..

Derozan > Kiwi


01-12-2016, 08:05 PM
Real talk nigga

01-12-2016, 08:06 PM
Derozan is just on the east coast and in Canada so out of site out of mind but det nigga be giving it to Kiwi and the Spurs

01-12-2016, 08:16 PM
This. He has some strengths but prefer we keep clarkson and Russell tbh as the backcourt need frontcourt help
This. Derozan is good, but not worth $25 million. I'd rather Clarkson at about $10-$12 million/per.

Kidd K
01-12-2016, 08:25 PM
OP can't seriously think that's a good move.

Signing him to that much dooms your team to being mediocre for the duration of his contract. You can't build around someone slightly above average getting max money. Especially when he plays a position that has dime a dozen replaceable talent at it.

01-12-2016, 08:41 PM
Is Pimp being ironic? This would be an absolutely terrible move.

01-12-2016, 08:46 PM
Looks like the Lakers will be tanking again next year...

01-12-2016, 08:47 PM
This is obviously a troll attempt. The Scott Brooks comment made it very obvious.
Thread, get this yellow bastard under control.

01-12-2016, 08:51 PM
the problem with the lakers atm, even with that cripple kent retiring, he will be sitting on the side line or ranting to the media where it be about himself then lakers talk about developing young talent on the roster, he will make sure it be about he himself...

Ball Buster
01-12-2016, 08:52 PM
Bleh... I'd rather the Lakers offer that money to Batum

Lowe has no connection to the Lakers front office btw... That's basically an opinion piece

01-12-2016, 09:04 PM
This. Derozan is good, but not worth $25 million. I'd rather Clarkson at about $10-$12 million/per.

son, you're overrating clarkson. he's a good piece off the bench but he's not a starter. everytime I see this dude against A level competition, dude chokes :lol

01-12-2016, 09:06 PM
Bleh... I'd rather the Lakers offer that money to Batum

Lowe has no connection to the Lakers front office btw... That's basically an opinion piece
the beauty of it all is we have OPTIONS and CAP SPACE

below are some of the key free agents or players available for us to choose this off season

al horford
Harrison barnes
joakim noah
ryan anderson

pick 2 or even 3 (if one gives us a discount) and we're ready to roll.

01-12-2016, 09:07 PM
10/10 pare :lol

musta na tsong? miss ko na pinas. smh...nababaliw na ako ditto, obviously :lmao

01-12-2016, 09:09 PM
This is obviously a troll attempt. The Scott Brooks comment made it very obvious.
Thread, get this yellow bastard under control.

sir, not a troll thread.

scotts may not be a championship contender coach but if there's one thing he showed its that he can develop prospects to Superstars (Harden, Jackson, Durant and Wesbrook)

We have plenty of stars right now but unfortunately under a horrible antiquated coach :lol

derozan, Russell, randle, nancy and Clarkson are ready to level up. we just need a coach that will properly develop them and allow them to make mistakes

01-12-2016, 09:11 PM
sir, not a troll thread.

scotts may not be a championship contender coach but if there's one thing he showed its that he can develop prospects to Superstars (Harden, Jackson, Durant and Wesbrook)

We have plenty of stars right now but unfortunately under a horrible antiquated coach :lol

derozan, Russell, randle, nancy and Clarkson are ready to level up. we just need a coach that will properly develop them and allow them to make mistakes

Damn it Thread, get in here and get your yellow man under control.

01-12-2016, 09:29 PM
Is Pimp being ironic? This would be an absolutely terrible move.
I think he is the real Jim Buss.

Buddy Mignon
01-12-2016, 09:35 PM
This. He has some strengths but prefer we keep clarkson and Russell tbh as the backcourt need frontcourt help

Clarkson is no starter in this league. He shouldn't even be starting our shitty team.

Buddy Mignon
01-12-2016, 09:37 PM
He just dropped 30 on all-world-super-defender-god Kiwi. I like Derozen's game. Would prefer Beal, though.


01-12-2016, 09:42 PM
son, you're overrating clarkson. he's a good piece off the bench but he's not a starter. everytime I see this dude against A level competition, dude chokes :lol
I'm not saying he's a star but he is far from a finished product. The kid is only 23.

01-12-2016, 09:52 PM
Clarkson is no starter in this league. He shouldn't even be starting our shitty team.

01-12-2016, 09:52 PM
He just dropped 30 on all-world-super-defender-god Kiwi. I like Derozen's game. Would prefer Beal, though.

is what im talkin about :wow

01-12-2016, 09:53 PM
I think he is the real Jim Buss.

I think you da real pf chang homie

01-12-2016, 09:55 PM
son, you're overrating clarkson. he's a good piece off the bench but he's not a starter. everytime I see this dude against A level competition, dude chokes :lol

Take DeRozan. Let Clarkson go home and sign with the Spurs. He could be a solid Manu replacement tbh.

Clipper Nation
01-12-2016, 09:58 PM
musta na tsong? miss ko na pinas. smh...nababaliw na ako ditto, obviously :lmao

Are you having a seizure?

Buddy Mignon
01-12-2016, 09:58 PM
Take DeRozan. Let Clarkson go home and sign with the Spurs. He could be a solid Manu replacement tbh.

Clarkson will eventually back up Spur Killer, D'Russ.

01-12-2016, 10:23 PM
Don't the Lakers know we're in the analytics age now?

Pursing him just illustrates how stuck in the stone age they are, going after "names" with "good" per game stats.

01-12-2016, 11:00 PM
Don't the Lakers know we're in the analytics age now?

Pursing him just illustrates how stuck in the stone age they are, going after "names" with "good" per game stats.

analytics hasn't done squat to Philadelphia 76ers nor the Houston rockets bro :lol

01-12-2016, 11:06 PM
analytics hasn't done squat to Philadelphia 76ers nor the Houston rockets bro :lol

Sixers drafted Oak while you drafted D'Bust. They're also purposely tanking harder than you guys.

Morey does retardedly apply the methods (his obsession with the "efficient" 3 point shot), but they did reach the WCF last season.

What's pursuing "names" gotten Mitch and Co. in the past 5 seasons?

You guys were ready to max out Melo and then LMA. Both horrible fits.

01-13-2016, 05:37 AM
We have plenty of stars right now

derozan, Russell, randle, nancy and Clarkson


01-13-2016, 05:55 AM
Lakerfan going full retard, IMO TBH.

01-13-2016, 06:02 AM
He just dropped 30 on all-world-super-defender-god Kiwi.


I'm not saying he's a star but he is far from a finished product. The kid is only 23.

Leonard won a FMVP and a championship at 22. And improving while still not hitting his prime yet. :lol

And yet the faggot above you thinks he's a better player than Kawhi. :lmao

This is why you lakerfans get laughed out of places. lol