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01-12-2016, 02:33 PM
Paul Ryan is delusional: His dream of a compassionate GOP that’s the party of “opportunity” is pure fantasy

Over the weekend, Ryan spoke with several GOP presidential hopefuls (excluding Trump and Cruz) at the Kemp Foundation poverty summit in Columbia, South Carolina. According to Politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/paul-ryan-gop-2016-house-republicans-217547), Ryan’s message was clear: “He wants the Republican Party to be an ‘agenda party, a solutions party, an ideas party, so that we can make our case, not based on personality, but based on ideas to the country. Because that’s the kind of election we want to win.’”

Ryan’s central theme is poverty and criminal justice reform. “I want our party to be the party of opportunity, upward mobility and the party with better ideas for fighting poverty,” he said. “I think criminal justice reform is probably the biggest [issue] we can make a difference on…There’s a real way forward on that.”

The speaker also talked up the need for education reform. We have to bust up the “poverty-industrial complex,” Ryan insisted, and that requires something beyond rank obstructionism. “If we don’t have a vibrant, inclusive, inspiring, exciting majority…the Republican Party, we will not be able to fix these problems…We are not just an opposition party, we are a proposition party.”

These are noble aspirations, but it’s hard to take them seriously. The Republican Party Ryan envisions doesn’t exist; it’s a phantasm. At least since Obama took office, the GOP has done nothing but obstruct. As I wrote (http://www.salon.com/2016/01/04/all_they_want_to_do_is_screw_over_the_president_ry an_mcconnell_confirm_they_have_no_real_agenda_in_1 6_besides_blocking_obama/) last week, Republicans have “pursued no real positive agenda, choosing instead to undermine the president and stage symbolic protests votes to appease a disillusioned base.”

It’s also strange to hear Ryan talk about a kinder, more substantive GOP when he appears to have caved to the most recalcitrant elements of the party. In a recentstatement (http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/263589-ryan-promises-vote-to-roll-back-obamacare-next-month), for instance, he announced his intention to “put an ObamaCare repeal bill on the floor and pass it and put it on the president’s desk…

We are going to keep working to give families relief from this law :lol while we work to dismantle and replace it altogether. " :lol

Like Ryan’s decision (http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/263667-deflated-conservatives-eye-new-strategy-in-planned-parenthood-fight) to resuscitate the failed attacks on Planned Parenthood in 2016, the goal here is to placate the base, not to achieve a tangible legislative outcome.

The GOP isn’t a “proposition party,” because that’s not what Republican voters want.

Getting things done in Congress is impossible without compromise, and that’s a heresy in today’s GOP.

It’s not surprising that neither Donald Trump nor Ted Cruz attended this event. These are the two frontrunners in the Republican race right now – they define the party.

Republicans have cultivated a sense of outrage and persecution mania in their base for years, and it’s resulted in a presidential race dominated by Trump, Cruz, and Carson, all of whom are unserious protest candidates.

A party that allows Donald Trump to exist cannot be an “ideas party.” Until Ryan and the Republican establishment deals with this reality, nothing else matters.

http://www.salon.com/2016/01/12/paul_ryan_is_delusional_his_dream_of_a_compassiona te_gop_thats_the_party_of_opportunity_is_pure_fant asy/

01-12-2016, 02:36 PM
Repugs have relentlessly cut funds for health care and education, refused to expand Medicaid.

How is that helping poor people?

01-12-2016, 03:47 PM
Paul Ryan’s State Of The Union Guests Undermine His Claim That Government Doesn’t Help Poverty

For his first State of the Union address in his new role as Speaker of the House, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has invited a group of guests aimed at demonstrating that developing local organizations, rather than relying on government, is the solution to the problem of poverty in America.

A ThinkProgress examination of the people Ryan has chosen to feature, however, shows that several have received significant government assistance for their nonprofits.

In a statement (http://www.speaker.gov/press-release/speaker-ryan-announces-guests-state-union) released Monday, Ryan announced that six “front line poverty fighters” would be among his guests for President Obama’s Tuesday address. “The answer to poverty isn’t the money in Washington,” he said. “The answer to poverty is entrepreneurs and innovators like these who are actually making a difference, community by community.”

But the people Ryan invited would seem to undermine his suggestion that government does not play an important role in reducing poverty.

Robert Woodson, founder and president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise in Washington, D.C., is, according to Ryan, “[w]idely considered to be the ‘godfather’ of the movement to empower neighborhood-based organizations.” His organization’s most recent IRS disclosure filing (http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2014/521/217/2014-521217891-0beb00c6-9.pdf) indicates that of the $3,670,017 the tax-exempt group received in revenue in 2014, about three-quarters ($2,734,612) came from government grants. At least $1 million of those grants came from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Violence Free Zone Multi-State Mentoring Initiative. Theyear before (http://www.cneonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/2013-Federal-Form-990.pdf), $2,745,528 of the group’s $3,480,823 in revenue (more than 78 percent) came from taxpayer dollars.

Pastor Omar Jahwar, founder of Vision Regeneration in Dallas, is identified by Ryan as leading an organization that “provides gang prevention, counseling, and mentoring services to 17 Dallas public schools.” His about.me biography (https://about.me/omarjahwar) describes him also as a “grant recipient from the City of Dallas for youth crime initiatives.” His group’s last IRS filing (http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2009/752/673/2009-752673875-06924f18-9.pdf) in 2009 showed that more than 10 percent ($78,754 of the $733,446) of the group’s funding came from government grants. In 2002, the City of Dallas authorized (http://citysecretary.dallascityhall.com/pdf/CC2002/ag032702.pdf) a $20,000 economic development grant for the group.

A 2010 Associated Press story (http://www.dailybreeze.com/20100903/broke-youth-anti-crime-groups-want-federal-cash) about Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA)’s proposed Youth PROMISE Act (https://bobbyscott.house.gov/sites/bobbyscott.house.gov/files/The%20Youth%20PROMISE%20Act%20White%20Paper_114th% 20Congress.pdf)quoted Jahwar describing the bill and its $1.6 billion in anti-gang grants as a potential “lifeline for us and a lifeline for many other organizations.”

Bishop Shirley Holloway’s D.C.-based House of Help City of Hope is described by Ryan as having “helped more than 40,000 people dealing with addiction and homelessness.” While the group’s most recent filings (http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2010/522/318/2010-522318324-07c96c8f-9.pdf) do not show any government grants in its six-figure annual revenue, a 2005 press release (http://opgs.dc.gov/release/strengthening-partners-initiative-participants-selected-0) from the D.C. Mayor’s Office of Partnerships and Grants Development notes the group was selected to participate in its 2004-2005 Strengthening Partners Initiative, a capacity building program for “for emerging nonprofit and faith-based organizations.”

A fourth guest, recording studio founder Antong Lucky, was program director (https://www.linkedin.com/in/antong-lucky-6002882b) of Vision Regeneration from 2000 to 2005.

Ryan has frequently (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/05/06/paul-ryans-slick-use-of-poverty-rates-to-declare-the-war-on-poverty-a-failure/) attempted (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/paul-ryans-claim-that-15-trillion-has-been-spent-on-the-war-on-poverty/2013/08/01/b2599058-faf9-11e2-a369-d1954abcb7e3_blog.html) to push the claim that the War on Poverty has been a failure, arguing, “after a 50-year war on poverty and trillions of dollars spent, we still have the same poverty rates — 45 million people in poverty.” But that misleading stat has been widely (http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2014/09/16/us-poverty-rate-is-still-14-5-but-yes-the-war-on-poverty-worked/) debunked (http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/how-the-war-on-poverty-succeeded-in-four-charts), noting that the way we calculate poverty has changed and the number of people living in poverty, by 1960s standards, has dropped significantly thanks to programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit, Medicaid, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

While developing local nonprofits and entrepreneurs who know their community best is an important part of the puzzle, their success requires funding. Even for many of Ryan’s model groups, “the money in Washington” and state and local government grants has been vital to making their efforts possible.


perfectly typical: Repugs are perfect frauds, liars, hucksters.

Ryan wants to cut the Federal safety net, to be replaced by churches, private donations, etc


Repugs will continue to cut taxes on the 1% and BigCorp.

Screw the poor, including the Repugs' base, and protect/enable/enrich the 1% and BigCorp

01-12-2016, 03:48 PM
Uneducated whitey is Trumps top draw.