View Full Version : When it comes to Middle East, USA politicians only lie

01-18-2016, 04:10 PM
Hillary Clinton talks about Irans "bad behavior" in the Me without elaboratiny... What about Israel Saudi and USA "bad behavior"? What does bad behavior even mean? Clinton goes on to blame Iran for Yemen. What about the USA backed Saudi coalition thats bombarded Yemen and killed over 6000 people? Clinton is a classic liar. Sanders says ISIS is a battle for the "soul of Islam"!when that is hardly the case. He says Muslim troops need to fight IsIs even though USA allies Saudi Qatar and Turkey are supporting IsIS. clinton boasts that sanctions brought Iran to the negotiating table. obama flaunts that Iran can no longer obtain a nuclear weapon, even though Iran was never pursuing a nuke to begin with. Also, both Clinton and Sanders present the false narrative that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, even though evidence suggests DAESH is the ones using chemical weapons in Iraq. There is not one atom of honesty and integrity in American politicians when it comes to commenting on the Middle East, from both sides.

01-18-2016, 04:12 PM
"Bad behavior" means "Not what the Israeli government wants" and every US politician is bought and/or intimidated on that issue.

01-20-2016, 10:47 PM
"Bad behavior" means "Not what the Israeli government wants" and every US politician is bought and/or intimidated on that issue.

You have to be careful when you talk in absolutes...not 'every' US politician is bought or intimated but enough are to sway the majority...