View Full Version : Obama to propose $10 a barrel oil tax

02-04-2016, 06:45 PM
http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038 (http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038)

President Barack Obama is about to unveil an ambitious plan for a “21st century clean transportation system.” And he hopes to fund it with a tax on oil.
Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.
There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.
During Obama’s first year in office, he was so concerned about the politics of taxes that he scuttled a Democratic transportation bill just to avoid a debate over a gasoline-tax hike. Now in his last year in office, he seems to be actively courting a similar debate. A White House memo outlining his plan suggested that its $10-a-barrel fee would not only be necessary to pay for his sustainable transportation dreams, but would do some good on its own by increasing fossil-fuel prices and creating “a clear incentive for private-sector innovation to reduce our reliance on oil and invest in clean-energy technologies that will power our future.”
Two senior administration officials authorized to discuss the plan described it as a sharp departure from unsustainable asphalt-driven Washington policies (http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2015/07/transportation-infrastructure-scott-walker-highways-000153) that date back to President Eisenhower’s creation of the interstate highway system, as well as an aspirational next step for a climate-conscious president who has already ratcheted up fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks, doled out unprecedented green energy subsidies, cracked down on carbon pollution from power plants, and pushed through a global climate deal in Paris. They said that transportation accounts for 30 percent of U.S. emissions, and that Obama’s plan would boost spending on green transportation infrastructure by about 50 percent. They also argued that the U.S. transportation system, long the envy of the world, has become an economic drag that imposes $160 billion in hidden taxes on businesses and commuters while stranding Americans in traffic for 7 billion hours every year.
Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell, who was briefed about the plan in his role as co-chair of the pro-infrastructure group Building America’s Future, called it the boldest transportation blueprint since Eisenhower envisioned the interstates.
“Since then we’ve just been bumping along, doing short-term fixes, and I give them a lot of credit for laying out this kind of long-term investment,” said Rendell, a Democrat who has been a frequent Obama critic. “I also give them credit for having the guts to say how they would pay for it all. That’s very unusual in this area.”
The biggest chunk of Obama’s proposed new spending, about $20 billion a year—roughly equivalent to the EPA and Interior Department budgets combined—would go to “enhanced transportation options,” especially alternatives to driving and flying. That would include subways, buses, light rail, freight rail modernization projects, and a major expansion of the high-speed rail initiative that Obama launched in his 2009 stimulus bill. It would also include a 150 percent increase for a more popular stimulus program known as TIGER, which provides competitive grants for multi-modal transportation projects with measurable economic and environmental benefits.
Obama’s plan will also include about $10 billion a year to encourage local, regional and state governments to plan and build smarter infrastructure projects, including incentives to reduce carbon emissions through land-use planning, public transit, electric-vehicle charging, and other strategies. There would be a Climate Smart Fund to reward states that make greener choices with existing federal dollars, as well as competitive grant programs to promote region-wide planning, more livable cities, and infrastructure projects with greater resilience to climate impacts.
Finally, Obama will call for more than $2 billion in annual investments in clean transportation research and development, including efforts to deploy self-driving cars, charging stations for electric vehicles, greener airplanes, and other climate-friendly technologies. The thinking is that traditional transportation bills—including the five-year, $305 billion FAST Act that Obama signed in December after 36 consecutive short-term patches—basically pour federal dollars into band-aids for a decrepit system. The White House memo envisions a new approach that would develop a “more integrated, sophisticated and sustainable transportation sector,” financing forward-looking projects like rapid bus lines under development in Indianapolis and Richmond, or a massive transit expansion in Denver.

“We’re still living in a vision that was great for its time, but not for this time,” one senior administration official said. “This is a new vision. We’re realistic about the near-term prospects in Congress, but we think this can change the debate.”
Those near-term prospects are basically nil; Obama’s entire budget request is expected to be dead on arrival on GOP-controlled Capitol Hill. And Obama’s call for a barrel fee reminiscent of the gasoline taxes and carbon taxes that are anathema to so many Republicans would be especially dead on arrival, even though it would be phased in over five years, and would include relief for low-income families and Northeastern households that transition away from heating oil. Most politicians love infrastructure spending, but most politicians, especially Republican politicians, do not love raising taxes to pay for that spending. The FAST Act, for example, was mostly paid for with budgetary gimmicks, to the extent it was paid for at all. The Obama plan also floats the notion of using revenues from corporate tax reform to help pay the tab, but the headline proposal is the $10-a-barrel fee.
Even Rendell, a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton, declined to speculate whether she would embrace Obama’s plan. But he noted that Ronald Reagan—“a very wise man”—supported gas tax hikes. Eventually, he said, America will have to decide whether it wants to drag its transportation system into the 21st century.
“Obviously, it’s tough sledding this year,” he said. “But this is a great blueprint to hand the next administration, no matter whose administration it is.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038#ixzz3zFJDBxzN

02-04-2016, 07:43 PM
how are we suppose to pay taxes if he does that 25 cent a gallon more is bad

02-07-2016, 02:39 PM
http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038 (http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038)Are you against the tax, the purpose, or both?

Why or why not?

02-07-2016, 02:50 PM
shouldn't be a flat fee, but a percentage, both for gas taxes and oil barrel taxes.

02-07-2016, 03:09 PM
http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038 (http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038)

President Barack Obama is about to unveil an ambitious plan for a “21st century clean transportation system.” And he hopes to fund it with a tax on oil.
Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.
There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2016/02/obama-oil-tax-budget-000038#ixzz3zFJDBxzN


Refineries in the United States produced an average of about 12 gallons of diesel fuel and 19 gallons of gasoline from one barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil in 2014.

$10.00/19 gallons = 52.63 cents per gallon. Where are they getting their 25 cents a gallon? What is wrong with math in this country? Maybe they think everybody will fall for "only 25 cents a gallon"? What happens when/if the price of gas goes back up to near $4? And isn't this going to affect poor people disproportionately?

My bad - I apologize. It's my reading comprehension that's rotten. There is also the 12 gallons of diesel fuel from one barrel of crude. So probably 43.75 cents added to a gallon of diesel and 25 cents added to a gallon of gasoline.

Wild Cobra
02-07-2016, 06:32 PM
How about making it a $10/barrel tax, but on foreign oil only. No tax on domestic oil.

02-07-2016, 09:01 PM
How about making it a $10/barrel tax, but on foreign oil only. No tax on domestic oil.

nope on all oil, since Amerians aren't getting enough $Bs in royalties from resource extractors. and there's going to be a lot NG and oil exported.

02-07-2016, 10:58 PM
That's a bad idea. The price of gas is already so low that some oil wells are just sitting idle. Throw 10 on top of the price that neither the well owner nor the seller gets any part of and all it will do is cause people to buy less of it. That hurts businesses even more. The goal should be to stimulate economy, not shear more money from the public.

Wild Cobra
02-07-2016, 11:03 PM
That's a bad idea. The price of gas is already so low that some oil wells are just sitting idle. Throw 10 on top of the price that neither the well owner nor the seller gets any part of and all it will do is cause people to buy less of it. That hurts businesses even more. The goal should be to stimulate economy, not shear more money from the public.

That's why I say put the tax on imported oil only.

02-07-2016, 11:06 PM
That's why I say put the tax on imported oil only.
At 30 a barrel for domestic, no one is going to buy 40 dollar a barrel oil. What would happen is domestic would raise their prices to match the import's after tax price and pocket the difference. The end user still gets fucked at the pump, and it won't cost importers shit since they'll be playing on a level field. No one is gong to pay us 10 dollars a barrel to take their oil.

Wild Cobra
02-07-2016, 11:22 PM
At 30 a barrel for domestic, no one is going to buy 40 dollar a barrel oil. What would happen is domestic would raise their prices to match the import's after tax price and pocket the difference. The end user still gets fucked at the pump, and it won't cost importers shit since they'll be playing on a level field. No one is gong to pay us 10 dollars a barrel to take their oil.

You are limiting your perspective of what it does. It will keep the oil industry jobs from drying up here.

02-08-2016, 12:03 AM
I'm not thrilled about the purpose but I am glad to see Obama first, proposing how to pay for something and second, targeting the middle class instead of just the "evil rich".

02-08-2016, 07:06 AM
I'm not thrilled about the purpose but I am glad to see Obama first, proposing how to pay for something and second, targeting the middle class instead of just the "evil rich".

the evil rich are truly evil, and why we all aren't making $10Ks more per year on average, and why there are 40M Americans on public assistance, even with unemployment at under 4%, because capital has destroyed labor's ability to make living wage.

Wild Cobra
02-08-2016, 07:57 AM
the evil rich are truly evil, and why we all aren't making $10Ks more per year on average, and why there are 40M Americans on public assistance, even with unemployment at under 4%, because capital has destroyed labor's ability to make living wage.

Yet people like you don't want to stop illegal immigration, or tariff imports, which changes the supply and demand equation between available jobs and available workers.

02-08-2016, 09:08 AM
Yet people like you don't want to stop illegal immigration, or tariff imports, which changes the supply and demand equation between available jobs and available workers.

I want to stop illegal immigration, but I don't want to cattle-car the non-criminals ones here back across the border.

Better than tariff imports, I'm against globalization, TPP, TTIP, NAFTA, CAFTA, which are all nothing but scams written by evil BigCorp/1%.

btw, TPP says nothing about currency manips, which is "supposed" to be addressed separately (and probably won't be, for years, if ever). China, etc holding the currency down hurts American mfrng, exports and encourges BigCorp to move mfg to countries that manip their currency down.

People Like You are blindly, stupidly, simplistically ideological