View Full Version : Pop a-hole act with media has worn thin..

02-09-2016, 11:25 PM

WTF??? these guys are trying to make a living...you can be a reticent dick once in a while but not go overboard with it, tbh...

02-09-2016, 11:26 PM
It's been played out for a while, tbh..not really Pop's fault, though, they clearly want that response from him..

02-09-2016, 11:27 PM
LOL "these guys are trying to make a living" :lol

02-09-2016, 11:27 PM
So classy :cry

02-09-2016, 11:27 PM
Was too excited about being in Orlando tomorrow tbh. Going to Disney World in the morning. Mind was elsewhere.

02-09-2016, 11:28 PM
Ask better questions.

02-09-2016, 11:30 PM
Holy shit those are some horrible questions. :lol

02-09-2016, 11:31 PM
I caught the Aldridge/West question. The reporter could have at least tried to explain what he was talking about. Sure Pop was being a dick (a little more than usual, it seemed), but come on. He was off camera but I could hear him curl up into the fetal position.

02-09-2016, 11:31 PM
Those are some awful questions tbh. Can't blame Pop there.

02-09-2016, 11:31 PM
If you are a quality reporter, you understand there are about 82+ games and you can take what is given and make your column. It isn't Pops job to write the story. Reporters need to get the story done and use his quote(s) and reactions as the cherry on top, not the apple filling to your pie.

T Park
02-09-2016, 11:36 PM
Im a Pop homer and I've started to grow tired of it.

Just answer the question try and smile and move on. Its not that f'ing hard.

02-09-2016, 11:38 PM
When what we or the press thinks matters to the outcome of games, I will give a shit.

02-09-2016, 11:39 PM
He did answer the questions.

02-10-2016, 12:06 AM
I don't see anything wrong with the answers. Is he suppose to answer in detailed paragraphs?

02-10-2016, 12:15 AM
Do people actually think ESPN/TNT want conventional answers from Pop, tbh?

02-10-2016, 12:18 AM
He's protesting the forced interviews required by the TV contacts. It's part of his job. I get why he'll never do it though, it's not basketball it's entertainment. Head coach shouldn't have to entertain, certainly not during a game.

02-10-2016, 12:18 AM
surprised nobody pulled the CIA Pop card yet, tbh

02-10-2016, 12:19 AM
Pop is not giving anything away. He is more of a dick to the SA writers than others. They are so off-balance and intimidated that they add to the awkwardness.
His interviews in Boston seem fun, friendly and in-depth for some reason when talking to their reporters.

It's a small, family-run business to Pop. He protects his players and the organization. Or so it seems to me.

02-10-2016, 12:21 AM
surprised nobody pulled the CIA Pop card yet, tbh

Nobody has pulled the CIA Pop card because CIA Pop doesn't want the board to expose him.

That is CIA Pop.

Backwards reverse psychology upside-down.

02-10-2016, 12:24 AM
Pop: ... <SMH at the political system>

02-10-2016, 12:26 AM
Nobody has pulled the CIA Pop card because CIA Pop doesn't want the board to expose him.

That is CIA Pop.

Backwards reverse psychology upside-down.

I'm just expecting him to be the Jason Bourne boss in the new movie. Or maybe he won't be... CIA Pop...

02-10-2016, 12:39 AM
surprised nobody pulled the CIA Pop card yet, tbh
What's your take on it? just think it's gotten too awkward lately when he isn't even throwing them a boilerplate bone to work with.. flat out too curt and dismissive..

02-10-2016, 12:47 AM
What's your take on it? just think it's gotten too awkward lately when he isn't even throwing them a boilerplate bone to work with.. flat out too curt and dismissive..

I think he doesn't give a shit

02-10-2016, 12:53 AM
I think he doesn't give a shit

Yep. Completely bulletproof.

02-10-2016, 12:55 AM
Throwing the team under the bus on losses has worn thin

02-10-2016, 01:16 AM
Holy shit those are some horrible questions. :lol

:lmao "Shakes head"

02-10-2016, 01:23 AM
Do people actually think ESPN/TNT want conventional answers from Pop, tbh?

This. ESPN and TNT are clearly fishing for Pop's reaction and have been doing so for years. So much so, that it almost seems scripted now.

02-10-2016, 01:51 AM
Ask better questions.

This. Ask him about wine even.

02-10-2016, 01:58 AM
He's great.


02-10-2016, 02:08 AM
I think he doesn't give a shit

He's methodical in what questions he won't answer and what questions he really turns the negative conditioning on about. He says they're all stupid questions but he treats questions about strategy and tactics as if you had asked him if you could fuck his mother. OTOH, he will be happy to heap praise on an opponent if you ask intelligently.

Overall I think youre right in the sense that he doesn't really try and use the press like Carlisle and Jackson but to say he just doesn't care at all seems incorrect.

NameLess Scrub
02-10-2016, 02:17 AM
He should just give generic answers from time to time.. alternate the acts.

02-10-2016, 02:36 AM

02-10-2016, 02:41 AM
I think Pop tries a little too hard to be mean to the media and it makes him look worse. ESPN/TNT pay teams to gain access for interviews to coaches and players before, during and after games. After all these years, isn't Pop tired of this I'm mad at the media "act?" It's not David Aldridge's fault that he is bothering Pop in the middle of the game, it's his job. I was laughing when Israel Gutierrez took it so personal and said he didn't want to talk about his encounters with Pop on ESPN NBA lockdown before. He is always uncomfortable. Good for him because Izzy is an a-hole himself.
But other reporters, like Heather Cox and Kristen Ledlow don't look intimidated by Pop. Look what happened to Doris Burke in the finals, she cried after Pop said "turnovers" three times. All I know is that I would be scared to interview Pop.

02-10-2016, 06:56 AM
Kristen Ledlow what's her story ? Is she a former athlete ?

02-10-2016, 07:12 AM
I agree that some of his interviews are cringe worthy, but what's the alternative?
Smile and give generic answers just to make some idiot feel better on camera when all he had to do was prepare for the job he is being paid to perform?
Dumb down himself, the game and his job so that lazy "fans" on their couches are not shocked or even offended by the truth?
He's not here to entertain the masses he's here to train the best team in professional sport today - and that should be easy enough to understand.

It's bad enough that Sterling recently again said that the NBA is in the entertainment business when explaining that they are looking to penalize the hack a Shaq tactic. What's next? Everybody get a medal for participating?

02-10-2016, 07:42 AM
I agree that some of his interviews are cringe worthy, but what's the alternative?
Smile and give generic answers just to make some idiot feel better on camera when all he had to do was prepare for the job he is being paid to perform?
Dumb down himself, the game and his job so that lazy "fans" on their couches are not shocked or even offended by the truth?
He's not here to entertain the masses he's here to train the best team in professional sport today - and that should be easy enough to understand.

It's bad enough that Sterling recently again said that the NBA is in the entertainment business when explaining that they are looking to penalize the hack a Shaq tactic. What's next? Everybody get a medal for participating?
Can you remove Kool's thread starting privileges before you head out? I know downstairs is a shithole regardless, but it would at least polish the turd some.


02-10-2016, 08:09 AM
you kids don't get it.

Pop is trying to make a point. He does not want to discuss strategy to the entire nation while in game. Hell he even hardly discusses strategy between games.

He is in a clear feud with the league on this issue.

02-10-2016, 08:12 AM
Pop's reaction to the New Hampshire election results was not curt or dismissive, imo. He looked to me like he was trying very hard not to say something clearly one-sided. So upon hearing that the two most extreme candidates from each side had won the primary, you could just see his wheels turning. I think saying nothing then was absolutely the right thing to do. And the reporter obviously thought so too.

02-10-2016, 08:14 AM
He's great.


02-10-2016, 08:23 AM
These reporters need to learn how to get on Pop's good side -- just have a serious illness.


02-10-2016, 08:34 AM
On Aldridge and West having issues playing together...

Im sure he will go into great detail about how their mothers hate each other.
Seriously stupid question unless you have a coach ready to use the press against hisown players, we all know this is Pop's MO.

02-10-2016, 08:37 AM

WTF??? these guys are trying to make a living...you can be a reticent dick once in a while but not go overboard with it, tbh...

Then they have to make better effort.

02-10-2016, 08:39 AM
IN fact I would like to see the last time Pop used any single player on any team as a subject of a negative narrative. The guy from Dallas that talked smack about him, what did he do?

NameLess Scrub
02-10-2016, 08:56 AM
you kids don't get it.

Pop is trying to make a point. He does not want to discuss strategy to the entire nation while in game. Hell he even hardly discusses strategy between games.

He is in a clear feud with the league on this issue.

I agree with him on that. I think it's dumb to just give away your strategy every time a reporter asks.

But also he needs to mix it up and throw them a bone from time to time, imo.

NameLess Scrub
02-10-2016, 09:11 AM
I agree that some of his interviews are cringe worthy, but what's the alternative?
Smile and give generic answers just to make some idiot feel better on camera when all he had to do was prepare for the job he is being paid to perform?
Dumb down himself, the game and his job so that lazy "fans" on their couches are not shocked or even offended by the truth?
He's not here to entertain the masses he's here to train the best team in professional sport today - and that should be easy enough to understand.

It's bad enough that Sterling recently again said that the NBA is in the entertainment business when explaining that they are looking to penalize the hack a Shaq tactic. What's next? Everybody get a medal for participating?

I think we all know BB is a game and by definition entertainment, it's just the thing about how to interpret it and how far to take the entertainment.
I'd like to know how many people actually change the channel just because a player is hacked.

I think BB is entertaining because of the exciting nature of the game and the unique skills it features, leading to a worthy competition between great athletes.
That develops an appreciation in the fans related to what's considered the purity of the game.

Making FTs is one of those skills. Changing the rules to hide that is not what many fans want because they rather see these players show they can execute making FTs and they appreciate strategy even if it slows down the game.

Which is why I never got bored of the '00 Spurs.

Regarding POP, I think it's great that he's sarcastic and doesn't give up strategy (I love SVG too). I like their attitude because it's entertaining. But it wouldn't hurt if he's polite from time to time.

02-10-2016, 09:14 AM
I agree with him on that. I think it's dumb to just give away your strategy every time a reporter asks.

But also he needs to mix it up and throw them a bone from time to time, imo.

Pop doesn't throw bones. Never has never will.

02-10-2016, 09:38 AM
I agree that some of his interviews are cringe worthy, but what's the alternative?
Smile and give generic answers just to make some idiot feel better on camera when all he had to do was prepare for the job he is being paid to perform?
Dumb down himself, the game and his job so that lazy "fans" on their couches are not shocked or even offended by the truth?
He's not here to entertain the masses he's here to train the best team in professional sport today - and that should be easy enough to understand.

It's bad enough that Sterling recently again said that the NBA is in the entertainment business when explaining that they are looking to penalize the hack a Shaq tactic. What's next? Everybody get a medal for participating?
:cry add Twitter button pls

02-10-2016, 09:42 AM
BB is entertainment now? so Olympic Basketball is entertainment yet Olympic track and field are not?

makes absolutely no sense.

Go tell the olympic teams that what they do is for entertainment.

then tell me, how is Olympic basketball different from NBA basketball?? one is entertainment and the other is not?

makes absolutely no sense when people say "its entertainment"

dumb dumb dumb

02-10-2016, 09:51 AM
I say good for Pop. Each year these networks get more and more intrusive. Cameras in the dugout, interviewing coaches during a game, interviewing coaches at halftime. Its bull crap

02-10-2016, 10:23 AM
Pop has long shown that when he's asked good questions about things that he wants to talk about (specifically, not himself and not about broader strategies that he understandably doesn't want to reveal), he'll answer them in detail and offer great insights.

When he's asked inane questions, he offers the terse responses.

Who can blame him for that? The alternative is to guess what the media is trying to ask (or to volunteer something); doing that -- rather than simply answering the questions as they're posed -- creates a substantially greater chance of a regrettable misstatement of the sort that gets coaches/players into trouble. While I think Pop is too smart for that to happen to him, his measured responses to dumb questions are indicative of his wisdom in dealing with the media.

I think a lot of the media (not all, but at least some) are inclined to believe that their interviewees should lead them to the story and not the other way around -- they seem to think that even if they ask garbage questions, the obligation is on the interviewee to come up with an answer that becomes the focal point of the story and makes the rest of the writer's job easy. Pop (and Duncan, too) don't really seem to be willing to do that, but have long histories of elaborating where they're asked truly insightful questions. When reporters actually do their jobs by asking meaningful questions, Pop gives them the meat of the story.

02-10-2016, 10:49 AM
But what's a good question? As FWD said, Pop won't talk real strategy, so instead he just wants questions the narrow band between too general and too specific, whereas most coaches don't have that extra barrier. The burden to get good interviews isn't just on the media here.

That being said, I think that Pop is probably more gracious off-camera than he seems on it. Just look at his relationship with Craig Sager.

02-10-2016, 10:53 AM
Disagree that pop wants good questions and wants smart interviews during games.

He clearly dislikes the entire mid game interview and his blood boils everytime ha has to do it.

Simple as that.

02-10-2016, 10:55 AM
Disagree that pop wants good questions and wants smart interviews during games.

He clearly dislikes the entire mid game interview and his blood boils everytime ha has to do it.

Simple as that.

This thread wasn't about the in-game interview -- obviously, Pop doesn't like those and he treats them accordingly (and is particularly harsh on bad questions in that context).

This thread was about the post-game interview last night, and Pop was asked some pretty dumb questions in that context.

Others can disagree with me, but I don't blame Pop for giving direct and short answers to bad questions.

02-10-2016, 11:02 AM
But what's a good question?

Here are a couple of examples from the presser after Game 7 of the Clippers series last year:

Q. Have you lost a series where it felt like your team did so many things to win a series?

GREGG POPOVICH: You know, that's a great question. I'm sure there's an exception, but usually in the past, if we've won a series, we've pretty much won it hands down, or if we got beat, we got beat pretty easily. This was a grind every‑‑ well, six of the seven games were a grind. It was a little different in that way, but it was a great series, a great series.

* * * *

Q. As a coach, is it harder to reconcile a series like this where a couple plays may have gone either way, maybe you advance, you said you played really well as opposed to a past series where guys didn't show up and underperformed to your expectations?

GREGG POPOVICH: Oh, sure, but if people play hard and they're both competing and executing and you lose, you know, that's life. You've got to be bigger than that loss. If guys didn't perform or weren't giving it or weren't running back on defense or blah blah blah, then you can get after that, probably even curse, which I rarely do.


Frank Dux
02-10-2016, 11:13 AM
lol @ "they're just trying to do their jobs. :( "

These are the same guys who will eviscerate you with their keyboards the moment players, coaches and team staff when trying to do their jobs.

02-10-2016, 11:45 AM
Pop's reaction to the election results wasn't a mean response. I think he checked himself and just shook his head so that he DIDN'T say something that would get him in trouble. He clearly responded to the question in his non-verbal, however, and that response was sufficiently meaningful to get the reporter laughing. I thought it was fine last night. Sometimes Pop is just in a pissy mood and it shows. Last night wasn't one of those times, though, I think.

02-10-2016, 11:49 AM
I would like to see Pop smile broadly as he delivers the same answers we have all come to expect.

02-10-2016, 11:57 AM
Here are a couple of examples from the presser after Game 7 of the Clippers series last year:

Q. Have you lost a series where it felt like your team did so many things to win a series?

GREGG POPOVICH: You know, that's a great question. I'm sure there's an exception, but usually in the past, if we've won a series, we've pretty much won it hands down, or if we got beat, we got beat pretty easily. This was a grind every‑‑ well, six of the seven games were a grind. It was a little different in that way, but it was a great series, a great series.

* * * *

Q. As a coach, is it harder to reconcile a series like this where a couple plays may have gone either way, maybe you advance, you said you played really well as opposed to a past series where guys didn't show up and underperformed to your expectations?

GREGG POPOVICH: Oh, sure, but if people play hard and they're both competing and executing and you lose, you know, that's life. You've got to be bigger than that loss. If guys didn't perform or weren't giving it or weren't running back on defense or blah blah blah, then you can get after that, probably even curse, which I rarely do.


That's what I mean. Those are feature-article questions. They aren't news-article questions. You can't cut up those answers and use them as the outline of a game summary. You need the basic, "We didn't rebound", or "X played really well" -- those kind of answers. You can also use strategy for parts. You can't use the philosophical answers unless that's the angle the article takes -- and they can't all take that angle.

So reporters have to elicit certain answers from Pop to do their jobs, and Pop should understand that. Maybe some of the reporters are completely inane, but those types of questions won't go away, so they have to keep asking them. I can understand Pop being terse when it comes to in-game interviews. But post-game interviews are different.

02-10-2016, 12:03 PM
That's what I mean. Those are feature-article questions. They aren't news-article questions. You can't cut up those answers and use them as the outline of a game summary. You need the basic, "We didn't rebound", or "X played really well" -- those kind of answers. You can also use strategy for parts. You can't use the philosophical answers unless that's the angle the article takes -- and they can't all take that angle.

So reporters have to elicit certain answers from Pop to do their jobs, and Pop should understand that. Maybe some of the reporters are completely inane, but those types of questions won't go away, so they have to keep asking them. I can understand Pop being terse when it comes to in-game interviews. But post-game interviews are different.

Okay, but these guys have to stop asking closed ended questions if they want more than a one word answer. There was a time in the not too distant past when most beat writers were journalism school graduates. Now, the post game media sessions are polluted with bloggers that have press credentials.

02-10-2016, 12:15 PM
Okay, but these guys have to stop asking closed ended questions if they want more than a one word answer. There was a time in the not too distant past when most beat writers were journalism school graduates. Now, the post game media sessions are polluted with bloggers that have press credentials.

And that can be cleaned up, but look the OP. Those weren't closed-ended questions. Pop just made them seem that way. I get that the blog and sound-bite era encourages people give give short, but somehow informative answers and that Pop is sort of protesting that by doing the least he can possibly do. But there isn't enough time anymore to do the slow-paced sit-down interviews that can provide the full range of content.

Pop wants to philosophize and not talk about basic stuff you can get from watching the game. Who knows what the reporters want, but they certainly need that latter stuff. There are stupid questions out there, but the general nature of the interviews isn't a bad as Pop's reactions would have one believe.

Joseph Kony
02-10-2016, 12:17 PM
I think it's more annoying seeing other coaches try to be like Pop. Kerr tried to be short and bland last night iirc, just made him seem dismissive imo

02-10-2016, 12:22 PM
And that can be cleaned up, but look the OP. Those weren't closed-ended questions. Pop just made them seem that way. I get that the blog and sound-bite era encourages people give give short, but somehow informative answers and that Pop is sort of protesting that by doing the least he can possibly do. But there isn't enough time anymore to do the slow-paced sit-down interviews that can provide the full range of content.

Pop wants to philosophize and not talk about basic stuff you can get from watching the game. Who knows what the reporters want, but they certainly need that latter stuff. There are stupid questions out there, but the general nature of the interviews isn't a bad as Pop's reactions would have one believe.

Maybe it's because I'm just a cranky old guy like Pop, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree about the quality of modern day sports journalism. When I was your age I was a voracious consumer of printed sports journalism, the decline in quality has been precipitous.

02-10-2016, 12:34 PM
This thread wasn't about the in-game interview -- obviously, Pop doesn't like those and he treats them accordingly (and is particularly harsh on bad questions in that context).

This thread was about the post-game interview last night, and Pop was asked some pretty dumb questions in that context.

Others can disagree with me, but I don't blame Pop for giving direct and short answers to bad questions.

wasn't the interview done on-court? that's a in game interview

02-10-2016, 12:35 PM
Maybe it's because I'm just a cranky old guy like Pop, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree about the quality of modern day sports journalism. When I was your age I was a voracious consumer of printed sports journalism, the decline in quality has been precipitous.

Chinook is as NASF as it gets. Not that I'm "old" or anything, but yeah.

02-10-2016, 12:40 PM
Maybe it's because I'm just a cranky old guy like Pop, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree about the quality of modern day sports journalism. When I was your age I was a voracious consumer of printed sports journalism, the decline in quality has been precipitous.


02-10-2016, 12:40 PM
wasn't the interview done on-court? that's a in game interview

No. The page with quotes from Pop posted earlier in this thread is from his post-game meeting with the media. His in-game interview with David Aldridge was short, too, but involved different questions.

02-10-2016, 12:43 PM


02-10-2016, 12:51 PM
Maybe it's because I'm just a cranky old guy like Pop, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree about the quality of modern day sports journalism. When I was your age I was a voracious consumer of printed sports journalism, the decline in quality has been precipitous.

Anyway, I'm not disagreeing with you on the decline of journalism. But I think that the questions that Pop doesn't like answer will be asked anyway, because those ARE what make up basis of print journalism (which was a field of employment for me -- albeit brief). You're never going to be passed those basic "Is this what happened" questions. They don't let you print articles without getting quotes which pretty much say what the reporter can paraphrase in a more concise manner.

For example:

During Wednesday's shootaround, coach Doc Rivers said the team is ready to move on from the incident.
"It's just nice to have it over with, and now we can kind of move on," Rivers said. From: http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/14747917/blake-griffin-suspended-four-games-los-angeles-clippers


At his victory party, Mr. Sanders, flashing a wide, toothy grin, pointed to the large voter turnout as evidence that only he could energize the Democratic electorate to defeat the Republicans in November.
“Together we have sent a message that will echo from Wall Street to Washington, from Maine to California,” Mr. Sanders said. “And that is that the government of our great country belongs to all of the people, and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors and their ‘super PACs (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/c/campaign_finance/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier).’ ” From:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/10/us/politics/new-hampshire-primary.html?_r=0


Erdogan suggested he's not sure after U.S. President Barack Obama's envoy on ISIS, Brett McGurk, met with PYD leaders in Kobani, Syria.

"How will we ever be able trust you?" the Turkish leader said Wednesday about the U.S. government, according to state broadcaster TRT. "Am I your regional partner or are the terrorists in Kobani?" From:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/10/middleeast/turkey-erdogan-criticizes-us/index.html

Like what are the quotes adding to the story other than showing that someone actually said something? I'm sure that if I were to look through old papers, I'd see the same thing. I'm not disagreeing about there being more hack journalism now than there was back then. But there is a structure to news stories that doesn't really allow for creative questions very often.

02-10-2016, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the detailed response.

Yeah, those questions always have been, and always will be asked. I'm just not mad at Pop for treating them with disdain.

02-10-2016, 01:02 PM
Maybe it's because I'm just a cranky old guy like Pop, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree about the quality of modern day sports journalism. When I was your age I was a voracious consumer of printed sports journalism, the decline in quality has been precipitous.

I'm in my 30s but I can see the dynamic you are talking about. Newspapers got desperate starting in the 90s as they have been marginalized by blogs and the like. The SA Light, NO Times Picayune and a whole slew of papers went under. Sports journalists have always had questionable ethics but now they are deseperate for an audience so they are more shrill and sensational jumping the shark.

The only thing that disturbs me is how the unnamed and unassociated source is becoming a mainstay in their writing. The DMN in particular is bad about this.

02-10-2016, 01:08 PM
The only thing that disturbs me is how the unnamed and unassociated source is becoming a mainstay in their writing. The DMN in particular is bad about this.

Yep. Especially when it's obvious that the source was just something that popped up in their Twitter feed.

02-10-2016, 01:12 PM

WTF??? these guys are trying to make a living...you can be a reticent dick once in a while but not go overboard with it, tbh...
On if the Spurs put an emphasis on O rebounding tonight.
(Shakes head).

What is such a negative about asking about O rebounding?
It's like Pops response has turned into some stupid Mean Girls schtick where acting dismissive is seen as some power trip.

02-10-2016, 01:15 PM
Yep. Especially when it's obvious that the source was just something that popped up in their Twitter feed.

The case I am talking about was the DMN was taking information from David Wells who was serving as Dez Bryant's 'mentor' and not citing his relation to Bryant. Wells fed them his rehab schedule and tried to leak a video etc. It finally came out what Wells was doing but not after 2 years of him manipulating his client against his wishes in the media and not disclosing it.

At the very least its unethical. Twitter shit at least is verifiable to a certain extent. What they did there was insidious.

02-10-2016, 01:18 PM
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." - Drucker

02-10-2016, 01:22 PM
The case I am talking about was the DMN was taking information from David Wells who was serving as Dez Bryant's 'mentor' and not citing his relation to Bryant. Wells fed them his rehab schedule and tried to leak a video etc. It finally came out what Wells was doing but not after 2 years of him manipulating his client against his wishes in the media and not disclosing it.

At the very least its unethical. Twitter shit at least is verifiable to a certain extent. What they did there was insidious.

I was not aware of that history, but it's certainly the sort of thing that would not gotten past a major newspaper editor in the relatively recent past.

02-10-2016, 02:33 PM
He's methodical in what questions he won't answer and what questions he really turns the negative conditioning on about. He says they're all stupid questions but he treats questions about strategy and tactics as if you had asked him if you could fuck his mother. OTOH, he will be happy to heap praise on an opponent if you ask intelligently.

Overall I think youre right in the sense that he doesn't really try and use the press like Carlisle and Jackson but to say he just doesn't care at all seems incorrect.

Frankly, I think he feels it's not part of his job description, and so he doesn't really give a crap. I mean sure, he'll sing praises of X,Y or Z if given the opportunity because he's classy like that in that aspect.

Obviously the fact that he has much more latitude to do this stuff than your average coach helps.

IMO anyways

03-13-2016, 01:02 AM

Seems like reporters are genuinely getting scared shitless.. Like I've said, Pop should really tone it down..need a new material..

baseline bum
03-13-2016, 01:08 AM
Pop hates the ingame interviews between quarters when he wants to be talking to his players, and he doesn't try to hide it.

03-13-2016, 01:12 AM

Seems like reporters are genuinely getting scared shitless.. Like I've said, Pop should really tone it down..need a new material..

Why? Sounds like he's getting exactly the reaction he wants :lol

03-13-2016, 01:37 AM
Why? Sounds like he's getting exactly the reaction he wants :lol

Honestly, the NBA should love his antics. Less viewers stepping away during commercial breaks before his pre-quarter interviews. It's not like anyone else gives great interviews.

03-13-2016, 07:09 AM
Pop hates the ingame interviews between quarters when he wants to be talking to his players, and he doesn't try to hide it.

He stated that numerous times and he's right.