View Full Version : Obama: "The Republicans Will Cave On Supreme Court Nomination"

02-16-2016, 08:34 AM
Obama White House spokesman issuing the goods..laying down the gauntlet and challenge....:lol

White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz repeated Monday that the president intends to “fulfill his constitutional responsibility” by nominating a new justice and predicted that Senate Republicans, despite their current loud opposition, will ultimately hold a confirmation hearing and vote for the nominee.

This is not the first time the Republicans have come out with a lot of bluster only to have reality sink in,” Schultz said. “We need a fully staffed Supreme Court.”

02-16-2016, 08:43 AM
Why Obama thinks will they cave.....its a roll of the dice....that favors Dems...

If the Senate refuses to confirm Obama's pick and a Republican wins the White House, there is one way Obama can still get his nominee confirmed.
It could all come down to 17 crucial days in January.

If Democrats win back the Senate and lose the White House in November, they would control both branches of government for about two weeks before Obama leaves office. That overlap in the transition of power is set in stone. TheConstitution mandates the new Congress begins work on January 3 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxx), while President Obama stays in power until January 20.

So if Democrats take back the Senate, President Obama could send a Supreme Court nominee to that new Democratic majority, which would have 17 days to change the filibuster rules and ram in a vote before a new President takes power.

"If a Democratic Senate comes in on January third, President Obama could send in his Supreme Court nomination," explained a former Obama administration lawyer. "Then Democrats could apply the 'nuclear option' to Supreme Court nominations, and vote in Obama's nominee by a simple majority."

So in summary...either they compromise on a moderate pick now or risk a far left Liberal pick in Jan....it's still a roll of the dice on either side pending election results but the odds favor the Dems....it would be a bold and extremely risky move for Reps.....and would end their reign on Supreme court power for at least 2- 3 generations or at least 20- 30 yrs.....

In other words pick Loretta Lynch now or risk Eric Holder being rammed in during the Jan period...:lmao

02-16-2016, 09:19 AM
Barry gonna bitch-slap them. Bitch McConnell has played a losing hand.

02-16-2016, 09:39 AM
Innumerable repercussions for my life being decided by pissing contests of elites in a distant, tone-deaf capital. And people wonder some of us want the power of government limited.

02-16-2016, 09:43 AM
Innumerable repercussions for my life being decided by pissing contests of elites in a distant, tone-deaf capital. And people wonder some of us want the power of government limited.

You "some of us" are wrong, You People vote for Repugs who willfully fuck up govt, so they can convince You People to whine about reducing "overreaching" govt power.

The Repugs are paid by 1%/VRWC/BigCorp to LIE to you so 1%/VRWC/BigCorp can become more powerful and wealthy.

The correct solution is to vote out Repugs and let govt work correctly

02-16-2016, 10:20 AM
You "some of us" are wrong, You People vote for Repugs who willfully fuck up govt, so they can convince You People to whine about reducing "overreaching" govt power.

The Repugs are paid by 1%/VRWC/BigCorp to LIE to you so 1%/VRWC/BigCorp can become more powerful and wealthy.

The correct solution is to vote out Repugs and let govt work correctly

Once the power is shifted to Washington, it cannot be taken back. Your cadre of "virtuous" above board Democrats won't always be the norm. If the power isn't there, it can't be wielded. I didn't single out Obama in my post by the way, my condemnation was more encompassing. You are the partisan.

02-16-2016, 10:51 AM
Once the power is shifted to Washington, it cannot be taken back. Your cadre of "virtuous" above board Democrats won't always be the norm. If the power isn't there, it can't be wielded. I didn't single out Obama in my post by the way, my condemnation was more encompassing. You are the partisan.

I didn't say anything about Obama, you did. You have my partisanship all wrong.

The FFs built a strong Fed govt to keep the new country together, because the Art. of Confederation were too weak.

Devolving powers (which powers) to the states would result in effectively 50 different countries with different regulations, powers, rights. And we know the red and slave states would really fuck their citizens and the environment while enabling/empowering/enriching BigCorp.

02-16-2016, 11:43 AM
I find it baffling that the GOP would say to let his successor pick when he has over a year left. Three months, then maybe but they come of as silly.

02-16-2016, 12:14 PM
His smart play would be to nominate Loretta Lynch. They have already confirmed her once for AG. Hard to duck that one. Plus as the again historic "first" (black female justice) it wouldn't play well.

02-16-2016, 12:17 PM
Of course, he isn't very smart sometimes. He will probably pick a "spit in their eye" nominee so he can grandstand for the next year.

02-16-2016, 12:26 PM
I find it baffling that the GOP would say to let his successor pick when he has over a year left. Three months, then maybe but they come of as silly.

What exactly do you think today's date is?

02-16-2016, 12:34 PM
His smart play would be to nominate Loretta Lynch. They have already confirmed her once for AG. Hard to duck that one. Plus as the again historic "first" (black female justice) it wouldn't play well.

He should nominate her....and then Hillary should nominate him when its her turn.....either way Replicturds are fucked......Scalia dying had to be divine to be honest

02-16-2016, 12:35 PM
I find it baffling that the GOP would say to let his successor pick when he has over a year left. Three months, then maybe but they come of as silly.

Angry and salty....they lose every time they try to fuck OBAMA.. they're suckers for punishment :lol

02-16-2016, 01:23 PM
What exactly do you think today's date is?

338 days, my mistake.

02-16-2016, 01:31 PM
He should nominate her....and then Hillary should nominate him when its her turn.....either way Replicturds are fucked......Scalia dying had to be divine to be honest

Obama on SCOTUS is a joke. He isn't going from Air Force One to fifth wheel junior justice on the court where he actually has to work.

02-16-2016, 01:42 PM
Obama on SCOTUS is a joke. He isn't going from Air Force One to fifth wheel junior justice on the court where he actually has to work.

That cow face Clarence Thomas been there for years and ain't said shit...people wonder if he's a deaf and dumb mute and I'm reluctant but I think he is....:lmao

02-16-2016, 01:43 PM
Obama would be a good fit actually.

02-16-2016, 02:57 PM
he's THAT nigga...

Bamma Time!