View Full Version : Manu's column for LaNacion (need translate from Spanish)

02-17-2016, 10:14 AM
Anyone? :/


02-17-2016, 10:29 AM

NameLess Scrub
02-17-2016, 10:41 AM
Manu Ginóbili's column after his testicular injury: "It was delicate and I didn't have a good time, but now I'm better and in good mood"

SAN ANTONIO.- Luckily, the most complicated part is over and I’m definitely much better. The first week is over, which everybody told me was going to be the most painful and hard to deal with. And it was really complicated, specially the first 3 days. They were of much pain, bothersome and all you can imagine. As hours went by all started loosening up and now I’m in better quality of life, I do things normally. I can walk well, drive, do almost everything. The first days it was in bed all the time, always horizontal and very uncomfortable. Now I’m recuperating. It’s a matter of time, see how the area gets better and all heals. It was and invasive and delicate surgery. That’s why it takes a while to heal. The doctors still don’t have much idea of how long it will take to rehab. Basically it will depend on how much pain I can take and how much it bothers me. There are not many cases of this; you can count of them with one hand. So they only know is that it’s 4 weeks minimum. If it’s more or less time, it will be seen according to the evolution. There’s no timetable.

To see everything going well makes one be more relaxed and in better mood. In that aspect I’m good. Since I’m in a different moment of my life, I take things more calmly and with less anxiety. Yes I was worried about my health. I’m aware this will take time and I can’t rush it. It’s probable that when there’s a week or 10 days left to come back I’ll become impacient. I’m also aware I’ll have to do physical conditioning, which is why I like the less, but well, I know I have to do it. That’ll be more complicated, but now I’m enjoying my health, being well and my family. To get well as soon as possible I have the best nurse in the world: Many, which puts everything on it. On top of it she has to do this in winter, when there’s always one of the 3 kids coughing and going through typical seasonal stuff. So she was on 8 hands and 6 legs. She did spectacular. Luckily I can do things by myself and can help more. But truth is for 7 days I was another baby in the house.

Anyway, and in spite of the uncomfortable things, I followed what happened with the team. As always, actually. And I feel we’re doing things as expected. We knew this part of the tournament had complicated challenges, like GS and CLE, 2 rivals to which we could lose, but that wasn’t a problem. It’s true we lost kind of awful vs the 2 and they beat us widely. That hurt a little. But actually it wasn’t dramatic. We didn’t have to rethink stuff or make adjustments. We just lost a couple of games and the team continued winning the ones they had to win. Some of them we didn’t play well, like the LAL one, but those are things that happened in a long season. We started the RRT winning B2B games, which weren’t the hardest, but also not guaranteed. We beat MIA and then we made it, without playing well, in the last play vs ORL. And this was without Tony and Tim coming after 7 or 8 games. So I think we’re good. We’re in good shape. Actually I didn’t like how we lost like we did vs the other contenders, but it could happen. The team is steady with a great record. I think it’s our best record and with that I don’t mean the best Spurs team ever, but something tells, we’re doing something well. And as much as we lost vs direct rivals, like OKC, GS, CLE, TOR and CHI, that doesn’t bother us. It does make us aware and is good if we’re not relaxed. We have to improve to beat the best. We have to be clear we can’t be sloppy vs the powerful ones, because if we lose focus, we’re cooked in 5 minutes. But our record is way over 80% and that’s tremendous.

I know everybody talks about GS and we suffer it. Some of them even ask how to stop them and the reality is it doesn't seem to be a way. First, Curry shouldn't have an inspired night, and neither the team, like it happened against us and like it happened in many other games. I don't know if there's a way to beat them, and the truth is I don't care right now. The way beat them could interest me a May 25th or a June 2nd. Beating them now adds a game, not more than that. It is truth they are in an incredible moment, playing incredible BB literally extraordinary and with an admirable level of confidence and comfort on the court. But we will work on knowing how to stop them when the defining moment comes.

I follow the team from home, and actually it is a strange sensation. It's a weird period, because I couldn't get out of home for 3 days, and only after 1 week I could drive. So now that I could see my teammates, they're on vacation. And when they come back they will be away 10 more days because of the RRT. So I won't see them until Feb 27. It's weird because it never happens that I'm not with the team. So we stay in contact through texts or jokes that come and go or comments. Joining the team will have to wait.

I know everybody was worried and specially Argentinians. I want to thank everybody for the messages in the social networks, where they showed their concern. At first everybody took it as a joke, like usual in these topics, but when the surgery was announced, I received a lot of affection and good wishes. It was delicate and I didn't have a good time, but now I'm better and in good mood, which is key. I'm enjoying the family until I can compete on the court. I know that's not the priority right now and it won't be until for a while. Now, paciently, Ill wait my moment..

02-17-2016, 10:43 AM
This was from the 12th. I'm pretty sure Nono's already taken care of it.

02-17-2016, 10:43 AM

Well, yeah, except instead of his shoe, it was his testicle.

NameLess Scrub
02-17-2016, 10:51 AM
This was from the 12th. I'm pretty sure Nono's already taken care of it.

You sure? I'm going through the 3rd paragraph now.. :downspin:

02-17-2016, 10:53 AM
You sure? I'm going through the 3rd paragraph now.. :downspin:


02-17-2016, 10:54 AM
Fortunately already past the more complicated and definitively I am much better. He spent the first week which all told me was going to be the more painful and difficult to conduct. And really has been a complicated and in particular the first three days. Have been a lot of suffering, a lot of discomfort and everything that can imagine. With the passage of the hours has been longest everything and I now have a better quality of life, I things in a normal manner. I can already walk well, I can manage, I can do almost everything. The first days were in bed by complete, still horizontally and with discomfort relatively important. Now I am recuperándome. It is a question of time, to see how to improve the area and bedazzle everything. It was an operation, invasive and delicate. That is why takes a time to recover. The doctors have little idea of how many days can claim the rebate in the state. For the essential is linked with the pain that I can withstand or when I do bothers me. There are many cases of this; are to be counted on the fingers of one hand. Therefore this that only known that are the minimum four weeks. If it is more or less time, will be by measuring in agreement with the evolution. There is a time limit.

That everything is quite aimed fact that one is more calm and feel better humor. By this side I am well. As I am at another time of my life, I take things more calm and less anxiety. Yes was concerned about my health. I clearly that it will conduct a time and I will not be able to jump. It is likely that when missing a week or 10 days to return put me a little more impatient. I also clear that I will make a physical conditioning, Who is this that less I love, but good, I know that I have to do so. This will be more complicated, but now I am to enjoy my health, be well and my family. For elnono as soon as possible I have to the best nurse in the world: many, bust everything. Above took him this in the winter when always one of the three boys is with a cough and with these things typical of the station of the year. As well that he has eight hands and six legs. Spectacular which has. Fortunately now I am autonomous and I can work a little more. But the truth is that for seven days I was a baby in the House.

Of all ways, and despite the inconvenience, I followed what has happened with the team. As always, in reality. And I believe that we are doing things in the context of the expectations that we had. We knew that this part of the competition had complex challenges, as were Golden State and Cleveland, two rivals against which we could lose, by this was not a problem. It is true that we have lost swag means against the two and we have largely exceeded. This dolió a little. But the truth is that it was dramatic. Do we have had to rethink things nor to change something in the game. Simply has been lost a pair of parties and the team has continued to earn the meetings that he had to win. Therefore to some do We play very well that before lakers, but these are the things that pass in a season long. We started "El Rodeo" win a back-to-back, parties in consecutive days, which were therefore of more complex, but there were guaranteed. You won well in Miami and after we decided, without play well, the party with Orlando in the last ball. And this last game was without Tony and with Tim returning after seven or eight parties. As well that I think we are well. We are in good shape. It is true that I am very loose as we have against the other powers, but could occur. The equipment remains firm and with a brand admirable. Even, it seems to me that it is our best Brand and this I would not like to say that it is the best equipment of the spurs, but somewhat indicates, a little we are doing well. And although we lost against direct competitors as the Oklahoma City, Golden State, Cleveland, Toronto and Chicago, this does not concern us. Puts us attentive and it is good that we are quiet. We must improve for Spurs the best. We have clearly that no tbh.

02-17-2016, 10:55 AM
I always like to get other perspectives on translations, though. My own understanding of Spanish is just above conversational, so I rarely get the sense of colloquialisms or even some syntactic permutations. So the more people add their insight the better it is from my perspective.

But yeah, I think Nono has an alert system for Manu articles. If it's been more than a couple of hours, there's probably a thread on here.

02-17-2016, 11:03 AM
For elnono as soon as possible
The equipment remains firm
This dolió a little


NameLess Scrub
02-17-2016, 11:05 AM


NameLess Scrub
02-17-2016, 11:06 AM
I always like to get other perspectives on translations, though. My own understanding of Spanish is just above conversational, so I rarely get the sense of colloquialisms or even some syntactic permutations. So the more people add their insight the better it is from my perspective.

But yeah, I think Nono has an alert system for Manu articles. If it's been more than a couple of hours, there's probably a thread on here.

Interesting stuff, I like translating for the exercise.

02-17-2016, 11:09 AM
Sorry then. I searched for it here, but didn't found. :/

02-17-2016, 11:21 AM
Es war eine heikle Situation, und ich hatte eine schreckliche Zeit, aber jetzt bin ich besser und in einer guten Stimmung

SAN Antonio.- Glücklicherweise sind die schwierigen Zeiten hinter mir, und ich bin auf jeden Fall viel besser. Die erste Woche, die alle sagten, es würde eine Menge zu verletzen und schwer sein, es ist vorbei. Und es war wirklich kompliziert, vor allem die ersten drei Tage. Es war eine Menge Schmerzen, sehr unbequem und alles, was man sich vorstellen kann. Während die Stunden alles entspannt und jetzt meine Lebensqualität Ging wird stark verbessert, kann ich Dinge normal. Ich kann in der Regel zu Fuß, fahren, fast alles. Die ersten paar Tage war ich den ganzen Tag im Bett, immer waagerecht und mit einem ziemlich Wichtige Menge von Beschwerden. Nun bin ich immer besser. Es ist eine Frage der Zeit, zu sehen, wie das Gebiet verbessert und heilt alles. Es war eine Operation, die invasive und zart war. Deshalb ist es eine Weile dauert, sich zu erholen. Die Ärzte wissen noch nicht, wie lange es geht zu nehmen, bis es vollständig rehabilitiert. Grundsätzlich Das wird über die Höhe der Schmerzen hängen ich verarbeiten kann oder wenn die Beschwerden in der Gegend verschwunden ist. Es gibt nicht viele Fälle davon; Mit ihnen kann man die Finger in einer Hand abzählen. Das einzige, was wir wissen, ist, dass sie vier Wochen Minimum ist. Wenn es mehr oder weniger Zeit ist, geht es durch diktieren zu lassen, wie die Verletzung entwickelt. Es gibt keinen Zeitplan.

Da die Operation verlief gut und alles mehr oder weniger ist gesorgt, ich fühle mich mehr Ruhe und eine bessere Stimmung. Ich bin in dieser Hinsicht in Ordnung. Weil ich in einer anderen Phase im Leben bin ich nehme die Dinge ein wenig und einfacher mit weniger Angst. Sicher war ich mir Sorgen um meine Gesundheit. Ich bin mir bewusst, das einige Zeit dauern wird, und ich werde zu eilen zurück nicht in der Lage sein. Es ist möglich, dass, wenn ich 10 Tage bin oder eine Woche weg von immer wieder kommen werde ich ein bisschen mehr ungeduldig werden. Ich bin auch bewusst, dass ich will hat eine körperliche Training zu tun, um wieder in Form zu bringen Spiel, das ist etwas, ich nicht besonders genießen, aber gut, ich weiß, dass ich es zu tun. Das wird noch komplizierter zu sein, aber im Moment genieße ich die gute Nachricht über meine Gesundheit, dass ich gut und meine Familie. Zu heilen schneller Ich habe die beste Krankenschwester der Welt: Viele, die sich um alles kümmern. Dies geschieht während des Winters ist noch schlimmer, weil eines der Kinder immer mit einem Husten oder eines dieser Dinge, die Sie immer in dieser Zeit des Jahres erhalten. So ist sie hier und da und überall gewesen. Sie war spektakulär. Zum Glück, ich bin der Lage, Dinge zu tun, von mir jetzt, und ich kann ihr helfen. Aber ehrlich gesagt, für sieben Tage war ich gerade ein Baby im Haus.

Alles, was gesagt, und trotz der Beschwerden, folgte ich, was das Team tat. Wie immer, wirklich. Und ich fühle mich wir tun Dinge innerhalb der Erwartungen, die wir hatten. Wir wussten, dass dieser Teil der Saison einige schwierige Spiele hatten, wie die Golden State und Cleveland eine, gegen zwei Teams wussten, dass wir wir das Spiel, so dass es kein Problem verlieren. Es ist wahr, dass wir diese Art von hässlich verloren und sie waren gegen beide viel besser als wir. Das hat ein bisschen weh. Aber die Realität ist, dass es nicht dramatisch war. Wir mussten nicht zurück ans Reißbrett gehen oder drastisch die Art und Weise ändern, wie wir spielen. Wir verloren nur ein paar Spiele und das Team gehalten, die Spiele zu gewinnen Wir sollten zu gewinnen. Vielleicht in ein paar spielten wir nicht sehr gut, wie gegen die Lakers, aber das sind Dinge, die während einer langen Saison passieren. Wir begannen das "Rodeo" Road Trip zurück zu gewinnen zurück. Games That gewesen wäre nicht sehr kompliziert, aber sie waren auch nicht gewinnt garantiert. Wir schlagen Miami ziemlich gut, und wir schlagen Dann, ohne gut zu spielen Insbesondere Orlando im letzten Schuss des Spiels. Und dieses letzte Spiel war ohne Tony und mit Tim zurück nach fehlenden Sever oder acht Spielen kommen. Also ich denke, dass wir in Ordnung sind. Wir sind in guter Form. Es ist wahr, ich nicht Monster gegen diese anderen Teams zu verlieren mochte, aber es war im Rahmen des Zumutbaren Wir könnten diese Spiele verlieren. Das Team geht immer in einem gleichmäßigen Tempo und mit einer bewundernswerten Rekord. Eigentlich denke ich, das ist unsere beste Start überhaupt und damit meine ich nicht sagen, das ist die beste Spurs-Team überhaupt, aber es bedeutet, etwas, sind wir etwas richtig machen. Und wir verloren haben TROTZ gegen Top-Teams wie Oklahoma City, Golden State, Cleveland, Toronto und Chicago, wir sind nicht durch das ratterte. Es tut hält uns wach und das ist eine gute Sache. Wir müssen besser werden die besseren Mannschaften zu schlagen. Wir wissen, dass wir nicht den Fokus gegen diese Mannschaften verlieren kann, denn wenn wir das tun, in fünf Minuten werden sie dich töten. Aber unsere Bilanz ist deutlich über 80%, und es ist wirklich erstaunlich.

Ich kenne eine Menge Leute über Golden State sprechen und wir erlitten sie. Einige Leute auch fragen, wie Sie sie stoppen und die Wahrheit scheint zu sein, dass es keine klaren Weg ist. Zunächst Curry Kann nicht eine inspirierte Nacht haben, und dieselbe für den Rest des Teams, wie sie gegen uns passiert ist und in so vielen anderen ihrer Spiele. Ich weiß nicht, ob es einen Weg gibt, sie zu schlagen und ehrlich in diesem Moment ist mir egal. Wie können wir schlagen sie mir interessieren könnte am 25. Mai oder 2. Juni. Schlagen sie fügt jetzt einzige in der Spalte Sieg, und das ist es. Es ist wahr, dass sie durch eine unglaubliche Moment gehst, Basketball spielen und außergewöhnlich mit einer bewundernswerten Maß an Vertrauen. Aber wir werden befassen, wie sie zu stoppen, wenn wir auf eine Playoff-Serie zu bekommen.

Ich folge unseres Teams aus dem In- und ehrlich fühlt es sich seltsam. Und obendrein, da ich drei Tage lang nicht aus dem Haus bekommen konnte und Antriebs konnte erst nach einer Woche, das Jetzt kann ich meine Teamkollegen gehen besuchen, sind sie auf Urlaub. Und wenn sie zurückkommen werden sie für weitere 10 Tage auf der Straße aufgrund der Reise. Also werde ich sehen, wie sie erst im Februar 27. Weil es seltsam ist, weg von der Mannschaft nie passiert. Also durch einige SMS und Witze, die kommen und gehen, ich in Kontakt mit jeder bleiben. das ganze Team Meeting wird warten müssen.

Ich kenne eine Menge Leute um mich, vor allem in Argentinien besorgt waren. Ich möchte für die Nachrichten auf den sozialen Netzwerken bei allen bedanken. Am Anfang war es eine Menge von Scherz, wie es normalerweise mit dieser Art von Themen geschieht, wurde aber bekannt gegeben, wenn die Operation, habe ich viel Zuneigung und guten Wünsche übermittelt. Zum Glück das Schlimmste ist vorbei. Es war eine heikle Situation, und ich hatte eine schreckliche Zeit, aber jetzt bin ich besser und in einer guten Stimmung, die grundlegend ist. Ich werde mit der Familie genießen, bis ich wieder auf dem Platz bekommen können wieder zu konkurrieren. Ich weiß, das ist nicht eine Priorität im Moment und es wird einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Mit Geduld, ich werde für mein Moment warten.

02-17-2016, 11:29 AM
^ danke

02-17-2016, 12:28 PM
SAN ANTONIO. - Saiwaina koto ni, mottomo fukuzatsuna bubun ga owari, watashi wa machigainaku haruka ni yoidesu. Saisho no shū daremoga taisho suru no ga mottomo itami o tomonau to hādo ni naru yoteidatta watashi ni itte iru, ijōdesu. Soshite, soreha, tokubetsu ni saisho no 3-kakan wa hontōni fukuzatsudeshita. Karera wa, ōku no itami no mendō to anata ga sōzō dekiru subetedeshita. Jikan ga tatsu yō ni subete ga appu yurumi hajime, ima wa watashi wa futsū no koto o okonau, seikatsu no shitsu no kōjō ni imasu yo. Watashi wa, yoku aruku doraibu, hotondo subete o okonau koto ga dekimasu. Saisho no hi wa, soreha, beddo no naka de tsuneni suihei hōkō to hijō ni fukai subete no jikandeshita. Ima, watashi wa ryōyō shite imasu. Sore wa jikan no mondaida, menseki ga yori yoi to subete no chiyu o shutoku suru hōhō o sanshō shite kudasai. Kore wa, shinshū-tekide sensaina shujutsudeshita. Sore ga chiyu ni jikan ga kakaru riyūdesu. Ishi wa mada sore ga rihabiri ni jikan ga kakarimasu dono kurai no ōku no aidea o motte imasen. Kihontekini wa watashi wa sore ga watashi o ki ni dore dake kakaru to suru koto ga dekimasu dono kurai no itami ni izon shimasu. Kore no ōku no rei ga arimasen. Anata ga katate de sorera o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. Sokode, karera wa yuiitsu no shitte iru, sore ga 4-shūkan no saishōchidearu to iu kotodesu.

Soreha yori ōku no matawa yori sukunai jikan no baai wa, sore ga shinka ni ōjite rikai sa remasu. Nani no jigokuhyō wa arimasen. Subete ga umaku itte hyōji suru ni wa 1 ga yori kanwa sa re, yoriyoi kibun ni narimasu. Sono tende wa watashi wa yoidesu yo. Watashi wa watashinojinsei no samazamana shunkan ni iru node, watashi wa motto reisei katsu sukunai fuan ni monogoto o torimasu. Hai, watashi wa watashi no kenkō o shinpai shite imashita. Watashi wa, koreha jikan ga kakarimasushi, watashi wa sore o isoide suru koto wa dekimasen shitte imasu. Kore wa, shū matawa 10-nichi ga modotte kuru tame ni soko ni nokotte iru toki ni watashi wa impacient ni narudarou kanōsei ga takaidesu. Mata, watashi wa, watashi wa amari sukina riyūdesu fijikarukondishoningu o okonau hitsuyō ga arudeshou shōchidakedo, mā, watashi wa sore o shinakereba naranai shitte imasu. Soreha yori fukuzatsu ni narudarouga, ima watashi wa, watashi no kenkō o tanoshinde i kōfuku to watashinokazoku. Ōku, sono-jō ni subete no mono o oku: Watashi wa sekai de saikō no kankoshi o motte iru kanōna kagiri hayaku kaifuku suru ni wa. Sono Ue, kanojo wa seki ya tenkei-tekina kisetsu no mono o tsūka suru 3 kodomo-tachi no 1 ga tsuneni sonzaida toki, fuyu ni kore o okonau hitsuyō ga arimasu. Sokode kanojo wa, 8-te to 6-pon ashideshita. Kanojo wa sōkandeshita. Saiwaina koto ni watashi wa jibun de monogoto o okonau koto ga deki, yori ōku no o tasukeru koto ga dekimasu. Shikashi, shinjitsu wa, watashi wa ie no naka de betsu no akanbōdatta 7-kakandesu. Tonikaku, fukaina mono nimokakawarazu, watashi wa chīmu ni nani ga okotta no ka tsudzukimasu. Itsumo no yō ni, jissai ni. Soshite, watashi wa yosō-dōri, wareware wa monogoto o yatte iru kanji. Watashitachi wa ushinau kanōsei ga aru ga, soreha mondaide wa nakatta 2 raibaru ni, GS to CLE no yō ni, tōnamento no kono bubun wa fukuzatsuna kadai o shitte imashita. Sore wa wareware ga 2 tai hidoi no shurui o ushinai, karera wa hiroku watashitachi o utsu hontōdesu. Sore wa sukoshi o kizutsukemasu. Shikashi, jissai ni wa gekitekide wa nakattadesu. Watashitachiha, mono o saikō ya chōsei o okonau hitsuyō wa arimasendeshita. Watashitachi wa chōdo gēmu no kappuru o ushinatta chīmu wa, karera ga katsu tame ni motte ita mono o jushō shi tsudzukemashita. Sonōchi no ikutsu ka wa, watashitachiha, LAL 1 no yō ni, umaku saisei sa remasendeshitaga, sorera wa nagai shīzun de okotta monodesu. Watashitachiha, mottomo muzukashi inakatta B 2 B no gēmu o, shōri RRT o hajimeta dakedenaku, hoshō no kagiride wa arimasen. Watashitachiha, MIA o yabuttashi, wareware wa ORL tai saigo no purē de, umaku saisei sezu ni, sore o tsukurimashita. Soshite, kore wa 7 matawa 8 shiai no nochi ni kuru tonī to Timu nashideshita. Dakara watashitachi wa yoida to omoimasu. Wareware wa yoi katachi ni shite imasu. Jissai ni watashitachiha, hoka no kōho tai okonatta yō ni, wareware wa ushinatta ga, sore ga okoru kanōsei ga dono yō ni sukide wa arimasendeshita. Chīmu wa idaina kiroku to antei shite imasu. Watashitachi wa yoku nanika o yatte iru, watashi wa sore ga watashitachi no saikō kirokuda to omoushi, soreni watashi ga imamade saikō no supāzu no chīmu o imi suru monode wa arimasenga, nanika ga tsutaemasu. Soshite, watashitachiha watashitachi o kinishinai OKC, GS, CLE, TOR to CHI-tō no chokusetsu no raibaru, tai ushinawa kagiri. Sore wa watashitachi ni ninshiki sa senai to watashitachiha rirakkusu shite inainara yoidesu. Watashitachiha saikō no bīto ni kaizen suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Wareware ga fōkasu o ushinatta baai, watashitachi wa 5-bu de chōri shite irunode, wareware wa, kyōryokuna mono tai zusan'na koto wa dekimasen meikaku ni suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Shikashi, watashitachi no rekōdo wa,-dō no ue ni 80-pāsentodeari, soreha tohōmonaidesu.

Watashi wa daremoga GS ni tsuite hanashi o shitte iruto wareware wa sore o kaburimasu. Sonōchi no ikutsu ka waatte mo, sorera o teishi suru hōhō o tazuneru to, genjitsu wa jama shite inai yōdesu. Mazu, sore ga tōsha ni taishite okotta yōna karē wa, insupirēshon no yoru, soshite dochira no chīmu o motsubekide wa arimasen, sore wa hoka no ōku no gēmu de okotta yō ni. Karera o taosu tame no hōhō ga aru ka dō ka watashi wa shiranai, to shinjitsu wa, watashi ga ima kinishinaidesu. Hōhō wa, karera ga watashi ni 5 tsuki 25-nichi matawa 6 tsuki 2-nichi ni kyōmi ga deki yaburimashita. Sorera o utsu koto wa, ima yori mo nai, gēmu ga tsuika sa remasu. Kore wa, mojidōri tokubetsu saibansho ni jishin to kaiteki-sa no migotona reberu de shinji rarenai hodo no BB o purei shi, karera wa shinjirarenai shunkandearu shinjitsudesu. Shikashi, wareware wa ketteitekina shunkan ga kuru toki sorera o teishi suru hōhō o shiru ue de dōsa shimasu. Watashi wa jitaku kara chīmu ni shitagatte kudasai, soshite jissai ni sore ga fushigina kankakudesu. Watashi wa 3-kakan-ka kara nukedasu koto ga dekinakattanode, soreha, kimyōna kikandashi, wazuka 1-shūkan-go ni watashi ga unten dekimasu. Dakara ima, watashi wa watashi no chīmumeito o miru koto ga dekiru koto o, karera wa kyūka ni shite imasu. Karera ga modotte kita toki, karera wanode, RRT no hanareta 10-nichi ijō ni narimasu. Watashi ga chīmu ni inai yo to iu koto ga okoru koto wa arimasen'node, sore wa kimyōda 2 tsuki 27 made,dakara watashi wa karera o miru koto wa dekimasen. Dakara wareware wa, tekisuto ya jōku ittarikitari ya komento o tsūjite sesshoku ni todomarimasu. Chīmu ni sanka suru taiki suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Watashi wa daremoga shinpai shi, tokubetsu Argentiniansdatta chi tte imasu. Watashi wa, karera ga karera no kenen o shimeshita sōsharunettowāku,-nai no messēji o min'na ni kansha shitai to omoimasu. Mazu mina de korera no wadai de itsumo no yō ni, jōdan to shite sore o tottaga, shujutsu ga happyō sa reta toki, watashi wa aijō to yoi negai o takusan ukemashita. Sore wa sensaidatta to watashi wa yoi jikan o motte inakattaga, ima watashi ga yori yoi to kī de yoi kibun, ni imasu yo. Watashi wa kōto-jō de kisou koto ga dekiru made, watashi wa kazoku o tanoshinde imasu. Watashi wa, ima yūsen jikōde wa nai to shitte, soreha shibarakunoaida madede wa arimasen. Sate, paciently, byōki wa watashi no shunkan o machimasu..

02-17-2016, 12:34 PM
Manu getting a sneak peak of retirement

02-17-2016, 01:02 PM

02-17-2016, 01:05 PM
I always like to get other perspectives on translations, though. My own understanding of Spanish is just above conversational, so I rarely get the sense of colloquialisms or even some syntactic permutations. So the more people add their insight the better it is from my perspective.

But yeah, I think Nono has an alert system for Manu articles. If it's been more than a couple of hours, there's probably a thread on here.

I normally check that sports site daily... sometimes, a poster here alerts me to it... I think people generally enjoy the translations, tbh

02-17-2016, 01:14 PM
I normally check that sports site daily... sometimes, a poster here alerts me to it... I think people generally enjoy the translations, tbh

Sure. I read your translations right after I read the article myself so I can see how you interpreted certain passages. All I'm saying is that I want more of that. Like how SAG translated part of one of the Manu articles as meaning that Ginobili was enraptured by the experience of playing with Kyle while I just took it as him thinking Kyle was a good guy.

02-17-2016, 01:23 PM
...Ginobili was ruptured by that guy's knee.

Yup, poor Manu.

02-17-2016, 01:34 PM
http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Manu-Ginobili-Pass-Through-Kobe-Bryants-Legs.gif Nutmeg!!

02-17-2016, 01:42 PM
I normally check that sports site daily... sometimes, a poster here alerts me to it... I think people generally enjoy the translations, tbh It's probably my favorite thing to read, so muchisimas gracias! :bobo

02-17-2016, 04:10 PM
Sure. I read your translations right after I read the article myself so I can see how you interpreted certain passages. All I'm saying is that I want more of that. Like how SAG translated part of one of the Manu articles as meaning that Ginobili was enraptured by the experience of playing with Kyle while I just took it as him thinking Kyle was a good guy.

I try to not to sugarcoat anything, tbh... even tough I know some stuff (especially dealing with the NT) can release a bomb of estrogen in here...

NameLess Scrub
02-17-2016, 04:25 PM
I tried to translate "literal", but just go a bit away from it some times :lol

I suspect a good amount of people here speaks Spanish.

02-17-2016, 09:10 PM
Sure. I read your translations right after I read the article myself so I can see how you interpreted certain passages. All I'm saying is that I want more of that. Like how SAG translated part of one of the Manu articles as meaning that Ginobili was enraptured by the experience of playing with Kyle while I just took it as him thinking Kyle was a good guy.
I got the nudge!
Already got myself in trouble for blabbing about a simple quote.... which by the way, my comments were not outrageous..

But right, in the context of this article, I personally got a different vibe from Manu. First he's concerned with his recovery and his family, then the welfare of the team, and as he's always insisted they are concerned with getting better themselves and in general not worrying about other teams. Having said that the losses hurt bc they didn't play well.
Ultimately though the statement concerning GSW stands. They look invincible and right now the outlook against them is not good. It also seemed to me he said they weren't going to change their style of playing bc of that loss.

However, I have noticed the younger veterans a lot more aggressive though. Kawhi has been aggressive all season, but Lamarcus has stepped up big time and put the deferential state behind and so has Danny, who has already closed out a couple of close games... with success. All this without Tim, Manu and with Tony playing poorly or missing in that stretch. That is as it should be. The guys who have the answers and hold the keys are the younger guys. While everyone holds me to my fandom, I am not delusional, KA was not who I meant when I insisted the team could not continue to rely so much on Manu. It really was LMA and Danny who both were underperforming.

02-17-2016, 09:52 PM
First of all, I'll be glad when tomorrow gets here! Lord knows the break was good for the team, especially for eating up time when Manu can't play. I just appreciate the translations being as they are and appreciate them not being 'sugar-coated.' Manu is speaking conversationally- it's not prose with complex sentence structures. Again, I always appreciate these translations because of his transparency.