View Full Version : Amateur: LMAO: Flake McBiffin making excuses for his stupidity

02-18-2016, 10:58 PM
Trying to make excuses for his spazz that led to a broken hand, Flake excused, "I had a lot on my plate."

02-19-2016, 12:16 AM
Trying to make excuses for his spazz that led to a broken hand, Flake excused, "I had a lot on my plate."
"They said mistakes happen"

He hasn't accepted any responsibility. You do that graciously and you don't caveat it with "but mistakes happen, I'm only human".

02-19-2016, 12:28 AM
"They said mistakes happen"

He hasn't accepted any responsibility. You do that graciously and you don't caveat it with "but mistakes happen, I'm only human".

Exactly. Dude has the emotional maturity of a nine year old.