View Full Version : Anyone calling these claims sexual assault should be ashamed of themselves

02-19-2016, 09:08 PM
Not a fivehead fan tbh,

just hate the Feminazi movement and this is a classic example. All that has happened is in 1996 a trainer was looking at Peyton's foot and she claims as she bent over to check it Peyton pulled his pants down and placed his genitals on her face. Peyton Manning claims he was mooning a teammate who was making fun of him from a distant.

Ok this CLEARLY sounds like a case of a college kid making a bad decision. I dont for a moment believe he actually "placed his genitals" on her face as she was examining his foot. No dude is gonna risk putting his dick on a girls head and allow it to get hit. She doesnt claim he did anything more than that.

No matter what happened, can you guys stop pretending like Peyton held her down and sodomized her?

UNT Eagles 2016
02-20-2016, 01:11 AM
Agreed, 110%. :toast

02-20-2016, 03:20 PM
uh huh


Boston Pancake
02-20-2016, 05:23 PM
:lol the person who Peyton said he was mooning has refuted that lie from the start. Then Daddy Archie stepped in and got his scholarship revoked.

02-24-2016, 01:26 PM
Don't pay any atention at all to college age kids, none. NONE~~~~~~~~

As all of you shake your head in agreement.....we ALL did stupid ass shit at that age, anyone saying they didn't is a liar.

Fuck it!

02-26-2016, 03:39 PM
Don't pay any atention at all to college age kids, none. NONE~~~~~~~~

As all of you shake your head in agreement.....we ALL did stupid ass shit at that age, anyone saying they didn't is a liar.

Fuck it!

More justifying the rape eh?

"It doesn't count as rape because I was immature"!

02-29-2016, 11:35 AM
More justifying the rape eh?

"It doesn't count as rape because I was immature"!

Stupid, the age of consent is something like 12 years old over there, ok idiot? Rape?????

And, there were no kids in any bar I was ever in, ok moron?

03-01-2016, 12:00 PM
Stupid, the age of consent is something like 12 years old over there, ok idiot? Rape?????

And, there were no kids in any bar I was ever in, ok moron?

Whatever you have to tell yourself to get over the fact that you likely scarred a young girl for life, go ahead and do so....but don't get all angry at me about it.

03-01-2016, 12:02 PM
Stupid, the age of consent is something like 12 years old over there, ok idiot? Rape?????

And, there were no kids in any bar I was ever in, ok moron?

Also, as far as the "no kids in any bar...." What age do you think a kid becomes an adult? I mean you've pretty much told everyone you fucked a 15 year old....are they adults in your eyes? If so, that's pretty scary that your wife runs a day care with you running around the house in your PJ's thinking that this poor kids are all adults.

You give them drinks in the afternoon to relax them?

03-01-2016, 10:48 PM
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get over the fact that you likely scarred a young girl for life, go ahead and do so....but don't get all angry at me about it.

Stupid, THESE WERE PROFESSIONAL HOOKERS, I was just one of a 1000 ok ya dumb fuck?

03-01-2016, 10:49 PM
Also, as far as the "no kids in any bar...." What age do you think a kid becomes an adult? I mean you've pretty much told everyone you fucked a 15 year old....are they adults in your eyes? If so, that's pretty scary that your wife runs a day care with you running around the house in your PJ's thinking that this poor kids are all adults.

You give them drinks in the afternoon to relax them?

Stupid, I was never with anyone under 20, I was into the older women there, ok ya dummy?