View Full Version : Clinton the Projected winner in NV Caucus

02-20-2016, 05:51 PM
All the major news stations have called it....


Clinton 52 percent
Sanders 48 percent


02-20-2016, 05:54 PM
Nailed it....

Our prediction is that Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic Nevada Caucus by 4 points, and Donald Trump will win the South Carolina Republican primary by 7 points over Marco Rubio.


baseline bum
02-20-2016, 05:58 PM
Of course


02-20-2016, 05:59 PM
Not so fast say Nate....

Nate Silver: While Clinton has won the first two caucuses in the Democratic race —

While Clinton has won the first two caucuses in the Democratic race — while losing New Hampshire, the only primary — it’s possible that Bernie Sanders will win every state caucus from here on out.

Here’s why I say that. The remaining Democratic states to hold caucuses are: Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, Washington and Wyoming. Other than Hawaii — where I’m not going to pretend we have any earthly idea what’s going to happen — those are a bunch of really white states that otherwise look favorable for Sanders and which he could win even if he slightly trails Clinton nationally.

Clinton is probably favored in the territorial caucuses in American Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Islands, however, as territorial caucuses tend to heavily favor “establishment” candidates.

02-20-2016, 06:25 PM
Democratic caucus

Republican caucus is on February 23.
Candidates Vote Pct. Delegates
Hillary Clinton 5,095 52.2% 18
Bernie Sanders 4,667 47.8 14


Will Hunting
02-20-2016, 06:30 PM
Liberals who make fun of the poor white trash in Kentucky/Mississippi/etc. for voting against their best interests because they vote Republican need to start including all the n!ggers who fawn over the Clinton family in the group that votes against its best interests.

02-20-2016, 06:33 PM
I really thought Bernie would pull it out in Nev.

02-20-2016, 06:34 PM
Hillary was supposed to crush, she hasn't, and won't.

Harry Reid pushed late and hard to get the hotel union to go Hillary, just enough, it worked.

Hillary won't do shit for unions or workers. Wall St knows why they paid her and she knows she must pay them back.

02-20-2016, 07:13 PM
Hillary was supposed to crush, she hasn't, and won't.

Harry Reid pushed late and hard to get the hotel union to go Hillary, just enough, it worked.

Hillary won't do shit for unions or workers. Wall St knows why they paid her and she knows she must pay them back.


I can't beleive of all people Bernie has you totally sucked in and bamboozled....this guy comes on the scene out of nowhere promising impossible shit and you got suckered in...badly....tell me what makes you think Bernie is capable of providing free education and tinkering with banks and Wall St. at this fragile time in our economy....how will he get this pie in the sky shit done that he's promised you?

You think reps are gonna work with an avowed Socialist? For as much as they hate Clinton she stands a better chance with her political roots and ties...if Bernie wins America ceases to function..Republicans won't give a dam about public perception even more than they don't now....Bernie will give them the green light to hell...and they will take it to the destruction of this great Nation...

No to Bernie and no to the Republicans....If you wanted a strong candidate you should have voted Omalley....he's full of integrity and would have done the right thing....I may not fully trust Hillary becsuse of Bill but I don't trust Bernie at all....I can't beleive he's managed to suck so many people in with this grand talk :lol

Brian Windhorst
02-20-2016, 11:26 PM
When the white millennial arbiters of social justice can't push their meme candidate through because he can't even get 1/5 of working class minorities:


02-20-2016, 11:39 PM
She belongs in jail

02-21-2016, 02:08 AM
She belongs in jail

So does Petrius....

baseline bum
02-21-2016, 02:11 AM
She could share a cell with Bush and Cheney

02-21-2016, 02:16 AM
I'm pulling. for bernie. Because if republicans don't wake up and trump get the nom, i could live with bernie becoming president. I fear what would happen in clinton or trump presidencies.

02-21-2016, 05:34 AM
Liberals who make fun of the poor white trash in Kentucky/Mississippi/etc. for voting against their best interests because they vote Republican need to start including all the n!ggers who fawn over the Clinton family in the group that votes against its best interests.

Sanders won whites by 2% and hispanics by 8%. Clinton won blacks by a staggering 54% margin. Did these people even compare their policy positions before deciding?

02-21-2016, 06:46 AM
Sanders won whites by 2% and hispanics by 8%. Clinton won blacks by a staggering 54% margin. Did these people even compare their policy positions before deciding?

obviously not. Must be some kind of totally stupid hangover from the Bill's terms, but blacks have suffered horribly under Slick Willy's Welfare Reform (Welfare ended as we know it). Bernie's economics program would help poor blacks tremendously, Hillary's less so, if she even tried to pass it.

Pres Hillary won't even propose to do shit for blacks, just like Repugs don't propose to do shit for their ignorant base of poor white rurals, bitterly clinging to the Bibles and guns.

02-21-2016, 09:17 AM
Bernie's economics program would help poor blacks tremendously, Hillary's less so, if she even tried to pass it.

How? Its one thing to keep saying this as if it's gospel its another thing to explain it....better yet why don't you just answer this question...(it's rhetorical by the way) historically what has Bernie done for black people....what is his record?

Memo to you:Never trust a man with no track record of helping but offering last min pie in the sky reforms....:lol I will not be hoodwinked by Bernie....

I like him though he's just delusional and singularly focused

02-21-2016, 09:36 AM
Lol Bernie is the Mitt Romney of the Democratic party. Flip flops positions all the time.

02-21-2016, 09:39 AM
Pres Hillary won't even propose to do shit for blacks, just like Repugs don't propose to do shit for their ignorant base of poor white rurals, bitterly clinging to the Bibles and guns.

Last I checked Hilary should she win and Obama are not the president of Blacks but rather of all Ameicans....its insanity to expect Obama or any one to pander soley to one race....you just don't get it dude...just like so many others out there....Blacks issues are systemic and long standing...not something a band-aid would fix.....its gonna require a generational shift in the cultural mindset of Blacks....along with that...if Republicans are in lockstep obstructionists and blocking all attempts of Obama to stimulate the economy then naturally the group that has endured this long standing systemic socio-economic disadvantage will of course be affected even more....more so than those in the majority class..in other words shit rolls down hill...

So what do you propose Obama do for blacks?

Write an executive order forcing the the government to hire only blacks?

Send out reparation checks so that 95% of us can blow it on bullshit doing nothing with it to improve our situation due to lack of education...

Force private companies to hire blacks ?

I'm sure you're not ignorant enough to not know how the legislative process in Congress works right...what programs will exist and how they're funded....

You do realize who controls the House and Senate right ?

You do understand the concept of picking and choosing your battles right?

I stead of focusing on just blacks Obama did the right thing and focused on America....you fix the root problems and all people benefit including blacks.....Healthcare reform being top priority.....industry bailouts (banks, wallstreet, auto industry) in his first term to prevent a further global recession....I personally don't get whats so hard for you people to understand.....may its just a basic lack of knowledge about economics but yet people thinking their political experts..

While we voted overwhelmingly for Obama its whites who actually got him in office..once we saw whites ( the majority) were behind him then it signaled for us it was ok to vote for him because he had a chance....but it's a classic ecample of my point...blacks and whites helped him get elected....so his mandate was to help blacks and whites with his American jobs act....and we all know how Republicans stonewalled his efforts on that.....

So save your complaining and try to learn about what's really going on out here :toast

02-21-2016, 10:18 AM
Harry Reid pushed late and hard to get the hotel union to go Hillary, just enough, it worked.

Hillary won't do shit for unions or workers. Wall St knows why they paid her and she knows she must pay them back.
What exact spin did Reid - Shillary give to the casino workers union that got them to vote for her?

Will Hunting
02-21-2016, 11:29 AM
Sanders won whites by 2% and hispanics by 8%. Clinton won blacks by a staggering 54% margin. Did these people even compare their policy positions before deciding?

No, they're fucking retarded chimpanzees who see the name Clinton and think "Muh dick muh dick I like muh Clintons cuz Bill likes muh thick white girls.....muh dick muh dick"

02-21-2016, 11:33 AM
What exact spin did Reid - Shillary give to the casino workers union that got them to vote for her?


02-21-2016, 11:38 AM
Thank you bouts.
But it still does not say why hotel-casino voters would cast vote for Shillary instead of Bernie.
Where the ones promised 3 hours off paid given the prod that 'you better vote for Hillary'?

Will Hunting
02-21-2016, 11:48 AM
Her own fucking campaign slogan "I'm ready for Hilary" is an indirect admission that the only reason you'd ever vote for Hilary is due to a lack of better options and that she'd never be a candidate who's impressive on her own.

"Oh fuck it, these other candidates are so shitty that I've accepted it. I'm ready for Hilary."

02-21-2016, 11:58 AM
Thank you bouts.
But it still does not say why hotel-casino voters would cast vote for Shillary instead of Bernie.
Where the ones promised 3 hours off paid given the prod that 'you better vote for Hillary'?

I guess the Reid and his union chiefs convinced the union members that they'd get a better deal from Hillary, but Bernie is promising a 25% higher Fed min wage (eg, to union families' workers) than Hillz' min

02-21-2016, 08:12 PM
Her own fucking campaign slogan "I'm ready for Hilary" is an indirect admission that the only reason you'd ever vote for Hilary is due to a lack of better options and that she'd never be a candidate who's impressive on her own.

"Oh fuck it, these other candidates are so shitty that I've accepted it. I'm ready for Hilary."

That was the problem for Hillary, she thought people would want to vote for her because she'd be the first woman president. I think she's realizing that isn't the case and started to adjust her message. I cringed every time she would say she wasn't part of the establishment because she's a woman.

Still turnout is lower than 08 while the GOP is setting records so that's gotta be a concern for the Dems.

02-22-2016, 12:06 AM
Sanders plan might help the poor young blacks but what about the whites and the ones paying the tax bill

02-22-2016, 06:44 AM
Sanders plan might help the poor young blacks but what about the whites and the ones paying the tax bill

Sanders policies aren't race specific, and the most poor on public assistance in the USA are white, not non-white.

02-22-2016, 01:17 PM
I guess the Reid and his union chiefs convinced the union members that they'd get a better deal from Hillary, but Bernie is promising a 25% higher Fed min wage (eg, to union families' workers) than Hillz' min
Appears no one in the media is going to pursue it? Wow.
Bern got the Hispanic vote. Makes it all the more interesting how on earth Shillary got the casino workers vote. Surely just giving them 3 hours off work was not all it took? Please, tell me the bribe was far more substantial.

02-22-2016, 01:35 PM
Sanders plan might help the poor young blacks but what about the whites and the ones paying the tax bill

Fuck them

02-22-2016, 03:10 PM
When the white millennial arbiters of social justice can't push their meme candidate through because he can't even get 1/5 of working class minorities:


This coming from the guy who uses multiple account to push his racist agenda cause he cannot even speak his mind in public.

02-22-2016, 05:35 PM
This coming from the guy who uses multiple account to push his racist agenda cause he cannot even speak his mind in public.
what is his racist agenda, specifically?

03-09-2021, 09:20 AM
Five years later, a DSA slate replaces the Democratic Party leadership in Nevada. Out organized em.

The Reid machine saw the writing on the wall and transferred all the money out of state party accounts.