View Full Version : SuperDome Anarchy More Fiction Than Fact

09-26-2005, 03:52 AM
Newhouse News Service

NEW ORLEANS -- ... That the nation's frontline emergency-management officials believed the body count would resemble that of a bloody battle in a war is but one of scores of examples of myths about the Dome and the Convention Center treated as fact by evacuees, the news media and even some of the city's top officials, including the mayor and police superintendent.

The vast majority of reported atrocities committed by evacuees — mass murders, rapes and beatings — have turned out to be false, or at least unsupported by any evidence, according to key military, law-enforcement, medical and civilian officials in positions to know.

"I think 99 percent of it is (expletive)," said Sgt. 1st Class Jason Lachney, who played a key role in security and humanitarian work inside the Dome. "Don't get me wrong — bad things happened. But I didn't see any killing and raping and cutting of throats or anything ... 99 percent of the people in the Dome were very well-behaved."

Orleans Parish District Attorney Eddie Jordan said authorities have only confirmed four murders in the entire city in the aftermath of Katrina — making it a typical week in a city that anticipated more than 200 homicides this year.

"I had the impression that at least 40 or 50 murders had occurred at the two sites," he said. "It's unfortunate we saw these kinds of stories saying crime had taken place on a massive scale when that wasn't the case. And they (national media outlets) have done nothing to follow up on any of these cases; they just accepted what people (on the street) told them. ... It's not consistent with the highest standards of journalism."

more:Seattle Times (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002520986_katmyth26.html)

Imagine that, first hand reports from people who were actually there reporting what actually happened.

Another important point further down in the article:

... Inside the Superdome, where National Guardsmen performed rigorous security checks before allowing anyone inside, only one shooting has been verified — and even that shooting, injuring Louisiana Guardsman Chris Watt of the 527th Engineer Battalion, has been widely misreported, said Maj. David Baldwin, who led the team of soldiers who arrested the alleged assailant.

Watt had indeed been attacked inside one of the Dome's locker rooms, where he entered with another soldier. In the darkness, as they walked through about six inches of water, Watt's attacker hit him with a metal rod, a piece of a cot. But the bullet that penetrated Watt's leg came from his own gun — he accidentally shot himself during the commotion. The attacker was sent to jail, Baldwin said.

What are the chances that FAUX News and the other Corporate media outlets that reported this misleading story will issue a retraction?

09-26-2005, 06:18 AM
ALL of the media outlets--papers included--ran the same damn stories, Dan, give it up. It wasn't just Fox by a long shot.

I figured they were all full of shit when I saw Geraldo and his drama queen self going on and on and on about how violent and chaotic the convention center was...and the camera man would pan around and everyone was just standing around or sleeping. WTF?

09-26-2005, 08:18 AM
I thought this was big news for you Dan? You could have blamed any anarchy on Bush and the feds for not being better prepared at the Superdome. Now your blaming Fox News for supposedly being the only news outlet reporting such stories? What load.

09-26-2005, 08:57 AM
these stories were propagated by the evacuees themselves. We all heard them on TV didn't we? Describing "babies being raped" etc. I'm sure it did get violent there. There are witnesses to various violent acts and at least a couple of photos. But, yes, there were many liars and idiots in the dome that just spread a bunch of exaggerated nonsense and the local police helped spread more nonsense. A police captain on Oprah Winfrey broke down as he was relaying the likely false "babies being raped" story. He told it as fact. She accepted it as fact and repeated it. I think the only credible reports came from some of the military personnel who inspected the dome afterwards.

But Dan, how does this promote your anti-republican hatred? It is not even related. In the end, it is the lying, deceitful people in the Superdome that is to blame.

09-26-2005, 09:13 AM
these stories were propagated by the evacuees themselves. We all heard them on TV didn't we? Describing "babies being raped" etc. I'm sure it did get violent there. There are witnesses to various violent acts and at least a couple of photos. But, yes, there were many liars and idiots in the dome that just spread a bunch of exaggerated nonsense and the local police helped spread more nonsense. A police captain on Oprah Winfrey broke down as he was relaying the likely false "babies being raped" story. He told it as fact. She accepted it as fact and repeated it. I think the only credible reports came from some of the military personnel who inspected the dome afterwards.

But Dan, how does this promote your anti-republican hatred? It is not even related. In the end, it is the lying, deceitful people in the Superdome that is to blame.

If Bush isn't raping the babies, he's lying about babies being raped.

09-26-2005, 12:02 PM
ALL of the media outlets--papers included--ran the same damn stories, Dan, give it up. It wasn't just Fox by a long shot.

I figured they were all full of shit when I saw Geraldo and his drama queen self going on and on and on about how violent and chaotic the convention center was...and the camera man would pan around and everyone was just standing around or sleeping. WTF?

I said the other news agencies, CNN and MSNBC were just as guilty of the same thing. (There feel betteer SW)

I think that communication in the dome was so bad that the only thing many people had to go on was speculation and rumor, and of course, some urban legends spread.

09-26-2005, 12:55 PM
Then why single Fox out, other than the fact that you don't like them?

What are the chances that media outlets that reported this misleading story will issue a retraction?

Much better. :)

This wasn't a partisan issue at all, but sensationalism to sell newspapers and up ratings.

Well, I guess it is if you're blaming the federal government for not sending more troops in to protect people from acts of violence that weren't really happening. :)

09-26-2005, 02:48 PM
Wow! Nbadan started a thread on how the media hyped the coverage of Katrina?

09-26-2005, 05:05 PM
Nagin is satan.