View Full Version : Go Spurs GO!!!

Slo spurs fan
09-26-2005, 05:17 AM
It is only one day after EC finished and I am already hungry for basketball!!!
T-19 days untill preseason starts!!!

My prediction for preseason:
Spurs @ 76ers win
Spurs vs Wizz win
Spurs vs Rockets win (sweet revenge!)
Spurs @ Hornets win
Spurs vs Knicks win
Spurs vs Pacers win
Spurs vs 76ers win

7-0 to start writing the new history of NBA!!! :elephant :elephant :elephant

Jame Gumb
09-26-2005, 06:17 AM
I remember my first beer also. :lmao

Slo spurs fan
09-26-2005, 06:56 AM
I remember my first beer also. :lmao

No, no, no this was writen before first of four beers !!!

09-26-2005, 07:43 AM
It is only one day after EC finished and I am already hungry for basketball!!!
T-19 days untill preseason starts!!!

My prediction for preseason:
Spurs @ 76ers win
Spurs vs Wizz win
Spurs vs Rockets win (sweet revenge!)
Spurs @ Hornets win
Spurs vs Knicks win
Spurs vs Pacers win
Spurs vs 76ers win

7-0 to start writing the new history of NBA!!! :elephant :elephant :elephant

Revenge on the Rockets during a preseason game....uhh no.

Slo spurs fan
09-26-2005, 07:46 AM
Revenge on the Rockets during a preseason game....uhh no.

O.K. Than it could be prerevenge! :lol

09-26-2005, 08:01 AM
O.K. Than it could be prerevenge! :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

09-26-2005, 01:34 PM
Prerevenge for what?

09-26-2005, 02:05 PM
Prerevenge for what?

I'm wondering too.....

09-26-2005, 02:09 PM
Didn't we go like 3-4 last year in the preseason?

09-26-2005, 02:10 PM
That damn 1 minute comeback bullsh!t

Marklar MM
09-26-2005, 02:14 PM
Spurs Fans. I will give you each a dollar if you tell the Spurs to lose to Indiana. That way, they can blabble on about how they have the greatest team in the world. :)

Obi wan Ginobili
09-26-2005, 02:15 PM
I predict a 2-5 preseason.

Rick Von Braun
09-26-2005, 02:20 PM
The Spurs will finish the preseason 2-5 or 3-4. This is the time to experiment people!

The last 2 games is where you probably put your starters to get ready for the season.

09-26-2005, 02:26 PM
Spurs Fans. I will give you each a dollar if you tell the Spurs to lose to Indiana. That way, they can blabble on about how they have the greatest team in the world. :)

Dear Spurs:

Lose to Indiana in the preseason.

Marklar promised me a dollar for telling you to lose and I need the money.

Just lose (that one preseason game) baby!!


p.s. -- I honestly don't give one crap about what you do during the preseason as long as Tim, Manu, and Tony all make it through without any injuries. Go 0-7 for all I care. I'm juiced for 11/1/05.

09-26-2005, 04:35 PM
One thing is certain, the Spurs won't win all 8 games. Pop doesn't care that much about the preseason and he shouldn't. Preseason is for all the guys to get comfortable in a competitive game. Do they care if they'll win? Probably, but it's not that important. I couldn't care if they went 2-6 or 3-5. As long as every player comes out OK and with no injuries, I'm sure Pop will be pleased.

And the coaching staff also needs to find some filler/s. We have 13 guys under contract so there's a spot for 1 or 2 more.

09-26-2005, 04:41 PM
Let your expectations be moderate so that your disappointments dont seem so great.

09-26-2005, 04:47 PM
Let your expectations be moderate so that your disappointments dont seem so great.

Words to live by in Pacer land since 1976.

09-26-2005, 04:59 PM
Words to live by in Pacer land since 1976.

. . . . and Colts land, too.

In fact, I hear that romsey's statement is the phrase printed on the paper in every fortune cookie in Indiana.

09-26-2005, 05:20 PM
. . . . and Colts land, too.

In fact, I hear that romsey's statement is the phrase printed on the paper in every fortune cookie in Indiana.

I wouldnt know, I dont live in Indiana but all I got to say is Let your expectations be moderate so that your disappointments dont seem so great.You guys on this board are getting way ahead of yourselves.

09-26-2005, 05:24 PM
You guys on this board are getting way ahead of yourselves

One person posted one thing about this Spurs team being that best of all time and now that is everyone? If you read that thread....you would have seen that the other Spurs fans in that thread were saying the same thing....the thing you were also saying...that its way too early. This thread is about preseason and is tongue in cheek. How are "you guys" getting ahead of ourselves? You have posted that you think your Pacers will do well this year and Spurs fans are doing the same. Why is it when you do its legit but when we do it its "getting ahead of yourselves" Can't have it both ways.

09-26-2005, 05:27 PM
I wouldnt know, I dont live in Indiana but all I got to say is Let your expectations be moderate so that your disappointments dont seem so great.You guys on this board are getting way ahead of yourselves.
You should tell that to your comrades posting about the Pacers beating the Pistons. ;)

09-26-2005, 05:27 PM
One person posted one thing about this Spurs team being that best of all time and now that is everyone? If you read that thread....you would have seen that the other Spurs fans in that thread were saying the same thing....the thing you were also saying...that its way too early. This thread is about preseason and is tongue in cheek. How are "you guys" getting ahead of ourselves? You have posted that you think your Pacers will do well this year and Spurs fans are doing the same. Why is it when you do its legit but when we do it its "getting ahead of yourselves" Can't have it both ways.

I'll post what I posted in another thread

I'll respond to those who responded to me like mature adults (like FWDT & Spurschick)....all the others , two words- grow up, personal attacks just show immaturity.

All I'm saying is that alot of the posters on this are developing this Spurs are invincible attitude, and its really easy to tell all the bandwagon fans on here, the true fans dont post that kind of crap, the true fans are the ones on here who would say something like this ...

One thing is certain, the Spurs won't win all 8 games. Pop doesn't care that much about the preseason and he shouldn't. Preseason is for all the guys to get comfortable in a competitive game. Do they care if they'll win? Probably, but it's not that important. I couldn't care if they went 2-6 or 3-5. As long as every player comes out OK and with no injuries, I'm sure Pop will be pleased.
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09-26-2005, 05:33 PM
We're still in the off season and we got this bickering already?


let's play some games before we start talking sheyitt!

09-26-2005, 05:37 PM
You should tell that to your comrades posting about the Pacers beating the Pistons. ;)
I hear you....but you're not getting what I'm saying man. Ain nothing wrong with debating stuff like that, but its when you feel you're invincible is when you need a reality check. Some posters on here feel the Spurs are probably gonna sweep through the playoffs.

09-26-2005, 05:37 PM
All I'm saying is that alot of the posters on this are developing this Spurs are invincible attitude, and its really easy to tell all the bandwagon fans on here

Fair enough but you are lumping all Spurs fans in that category and its not the case.

So people are only true fans if they say what you tell them to?

I consider myself a true fan and aside from staying healthy, I could give a rat's ass about preseason. But I didn't say what I was supposed to according to you so I guess I am not. You also lumped all but two fans as attacking you personally....I know I didn't and others did not either so you are wrong there too.

You want to talk true fan? I have been loyal to this team as long as most here if not longer and possibly even longer than you have been to yours. You need to check your facts before you drop the bandwagon card over everyone.

And you still haven't answered my question..

Why is it when you do its legit but when we do it its "getting ahead of yourselves"?

09-26-2005, 06:01 PM
Dear Spurs:

Lose to Indiana in the preseason.

Marklar promised me a dollar for telling you to lose and I need the money.

Just lose (that one preseason game) baby!!


p.s. -- I honestly don't give one crap about what you do during the preseason as long as Tim, Manu, and Tony all make it through without any injuries. Go 0-7 for all I care. I'm juiced for 11/1/05.

Amen! :tu

09-26-2005, 06:02 PM
Fair enough but you are lumping all Spurs fans in that category and its not the case.

So people are only true fans if they say what you tell them to?

Where did I say that? Man you guys really take everything at face value? I just showed an example of what was a great way of analyzing things not how I want everyone on here to talk

I consider myself a true fan and aside from staying healthy, I could give a rat's ass about preseason. But I didn't say what I was supposed to according to you so I guess I am not. You also lumped all but two fans as attacking you personally....I know I didn't and others did not either so you are wrong there too.

You didnt then fine...do you want me to point out everyone who did and didnt? I pointed out the posters I was responding to.....

You want to talk true fan? I have been loyal to this team as long as most here if not longer and possibly even longer than you have been to yours. You need to check your facts before you drop the bandwagon card over everyone.

And again, did I say everyone was a bandwagon fan?...man your conscience must be bothering you, I didnt call you're name, I said you can tell the difference, but hey, if the cap fits.............

And you still haven't answered my question..

Son....there's nothing wrong with debating who you think is gonna win the title man, the problem is thinking no one else is gonna even 'challenge" the Spurs.......

Why is it when you do its legit but when we do it its "getting ahead of yourselves"?

I've done enough typing man....

09-26-2005, 06:05 PM
I messed up the last post. Everything in bold and underlined is my reply.

09-26-2005, 06:05 PM
Son....there's nothing wrong with debating who you think is gonna win the title man, the problem is thinking no one else is gonna even 'challenge" the Spurs.......
I've done enough typing man....

If people want to think that, they have that right. I don't think that, and I don't think its too solid of a position, but I can't tell someone that they can't believe that. You seem to think that all Spurs fans think that way. ("you guys are getting way ahead of yourselves.") when in fact in that thread all but two Spurs fans were agreeing with you that it was way too early.

09-26-2005, 08:59 PM
I'm in..........

mssg to spurs: you're not preseason worthy!!!!!!! all hail RON Psychotest :fro

09-26-2005, 09:44 PM
Can't wait to lift that Preseason Trophy!

09-27-2005, 10:09 AM
If people want to think that, they have that right. I don't think that, and I don't think its too solid of a position, but I can't tell someone that they can't believe that. You seem to think that all Spurs fans think that way. ("you guys are getting way ahead of yourselves.") when in fact in that thread all but two Spurs fans were agreeing with you that it was way too early.

Man you must be a little kid or something, when does "you guys' mean the entire freaking Spurs board. Jesus Christ, do you want me to call names or something? Shit, if you know you didnt keep going, why are you bitching if you're not involved?

09-27-2005, 10:59 AM
Man you must be a little kid or something, when does "you guys' mean the entire freaking Spurs board. Jesus Christ, do you want me to call names or something? Shit, if you know you didnt keep going, why are you bitching if you're not involved?

I think mikey's point, romsey, is that you have, by and large, generalized about the views of Spurs fans who post here.

You originally said that Spurs fans (as a large group) are overconfident and due for a fall. You've tried to back away from that by recasting your position to include only bandwagoners, and I think we all see that. But the point is that you've painted with a pretty broad brush at points and for good and knowledgable fans -- and particularly fans like mikey -- casting the posters here as "bandwagoners" is a pretty cheap shot.

I think, in general, the knowledgable posters around here appreciate the give-and-take of a debate with fans of other teams about the game and the merits of teams. But when you start casting everyone here as having the same belief based on what some of the true bandwagoners say, you're going to make those knowledgable fans think that you have no interest in really discussing the game.

I'm not trying to put words in anyone's mouth, but I think mikey's wondering why it's okay for some Pacer fans to come in and spout all kinds of noise about how the Pacers should be the favorites to win the title in 2006 and at the same time disparage Spurs fans who feel the same way. I'm not saying that you're guilty of that, but I can certainly appreciate mikey's concern about that type of inconsistency.

If you don't want to read the thoughts of a bunch of Spurs fans who have great confidence that their team has an excellent chance of winning the title, then don't stop by here. We'd rather you stayed, though.

09-27-2005, 11:29 AM
Thanks FWD. You got what I was saying.

Man you must be a little kid or something

nice assumption...condescend much?

Slo spurs fan
09-27-2005, 12:32 PM
If you don't want to read the thoughts of a bunch of Spurs fans who have great confidence that their team has an excellent chance of winning the title, then don't stop by here. We'd rather you stayed, though.
:tu That's me, it was just my opinion about what Spurs will do in preseason and I didn't meant to bash any other teams or/and fans. If you think that Spurs will not win all preseason games, just state your opinion about wins/loses and all will be O.K.

09-27-2005, 12:45 PM
:tu That's me, it was just my opinion about what Spurs will do in preseason and I didn't meant to bash any other teams or/and fans. If you think that Spurs will not win all preseason games, just state your opinion about wins/loses and all will be O.K.

I like your enthusiasm, Slo and I know where it's coming from. Don't feel afraid to post with that kind of enthusiasm because some might get on you for it. Fans should be enthusiastic, particularly Spurs fans about this year's team. If you can't get enthused about this, then I'm not sure that you're really a fan.

09-27-2005, 12:50 PM
Amen. Part of the fun of being a fan and coming to sites like this is that you can be with other fans who share your enthusiasm. And massive props to all of our international fans. They do not get nearly as much access to the Spurs as we do here in the states but they are just as fervent, sometimes more so, then a lot of Spurs fans. Keep bringing it, Slovenian (and Argentinian, French, Austrailian, Kiwi, German, Indian, Virgin Island, Canadian, Chinese, Phillipine and any other country I may have forgotten) style! :tu :tu

Slo spurs fan
09-27-2005, 01:53 PM
Thanks FWDT and Mickey. And about bandwagoning: maybe I am really bandwagoner since I joined Spurs fan base when Beno joined Spurs, but since then I really enjoy in games when Manu, Tony, Tim and others (and my fellow Slovenians offcourse) play and perform basketball at it's best.
If language barrier would not exist I would bring more to the table, but until I learn English more I will stay at two liners and entusiastic posts.

09-27-2005, 02:14 PM
Thanks FWDT and Mickey. And about bandwagoning: maybe I am really bandwagoner since I joined Spurs fan base when Beno joined Spurs, but since then I really enjoy in games when Manu, Tony, Tim and others (and my fellow Slovenians offcourse) play and perform basketball at it's best.
If language barrier would not exist I would bring more to the table, but until I learn English more I will stay at two liners and entusiastic posts.

Your English is much, much better than my Slovenian!

I want to be clear about this: I don't have any problem with anyone choosing to follow the Spurs, for whatever reason. Whether a fan since the first day the team was leased to San Antonio or since yesterday, you have every right to express your feelings about the team. That's what this is all about and I don't think anyone should be discouraged from posting his or her thoughts, however well you write in English.

If it took Beno Udrih, Manu Ginobili, or Tony Parker coming to the Spurs for you to know about this team, there's nothing wrong with that.

I hope that for some who don't study the game and its players, that the discussions around here will make you want to learn more. To understand not just that the Spurs are good, but to understand why they are good and to identify things about the team that could be better, too. Through the posts that I have read over the years in this forum, I'd like to think that I've become a better educated fan who can enjoy the games and (hopefully) intelligently discuss what's going on. It's there for you if you want it.

Keep up the enthusiam, Slo, and post your thoughts -- we'll be happy to help with the English!

Slo spurs fan
09-27-2005, 02:20 PM

Slo spurs fan
09-27-2005, 02:24 PM
why they are good

This (why they are good) is the reason why I will remain Spurs fan even than, when Spurs rooster wont contain Slovenian player.

09-27-2005, 02:37 PM
I think following a team because there are players from your country on the roster is pretty cool. Bandwagoning would be going from team to team for the sole reason of winning. I bet you Slo that you would be a Spurs fan even if they didn't win much because of the presence of your countrymen. I think that is great.

09-27-2005, 05:17 PM
Spurs always blow in preseason.

It's like Pop messes around with lineups and schemes and writes things down in his head not caring who wins.

Seems to work.