View Full Version : GOP: The Party of Lincoln?

03-03-2016, 06:17 PM
I keep hearing this talking point. The base of the GOP is the deep south, and Lincoln took the country (at least the union) to war against it. Some states still aren't over it. How is it really the party of Lincoln in anything other than name only?

baseline bum
03-03-2016, 06:26 PM
LOL party of Lincoln



03-03-2016, 08:02 PM
I keep hearing this talking point. The base of the GOP is the deep south, and Lincoln took the country (at least the union) to war against it. Some states still aren't over it. How is it really the party of Lincoln in anything other than name only?

Lincoln did found the GOP and it was the party of northern abolitionists. Then the civil rights act was passed and dixie couldn't keep minorities from voting. They voted as a bloc and started booting them out of democratic seats from the municipal level on up. That was 1965.

In the 1972 election, Nixon saw an opportunity and invited the Dixiecrats over to join the GOP and take over the southern apparatus on that level. It became known as the southern migration but the former Rebels joined the GOP. Using Lincoln in that context is ignorant of history.

03-03-2016, 09:32 PM
Nixon's Southern Strategy was run in his 1968 campaign, emphasizing law-and-order (code for policing the blacks) and "states rights", the code for letting the Southern states keep Jim Crowing.

03-04-2016, 01:16 AM
The party changed in 1964 where moderates like Rockefeller and George Romney from the northeast lost the party to Goldwater who represented conservatives everywhere else.

03-04-2016, 01:38 AM
The party changed in 1964 where moderates like Rockefeller and George Romney from the northeast lost the party to Goldwater who represented conservatives everywhere else.

Goldwater was the first Repug candidate to play the race card, after Brown v Board of Education, etc in the 1950s. Repugs have been more and more racist ever since, resulting in no-dog-whistling Trump and his blatant racism, xenophobia

03-04-2016, 01:54 AM
:lol Lincoln is rolling in his grave as we speak over what 'his party' has become...

03-06-2016, 02:51 PM
There is no way in hell Lincoln would be a member of this party today.

Up until a year ago, South Carolina was still flying the confederate flag.