View Full Version : Argentina coast guard sinks Chinese trawler fishing illegally

03-17-2016, 08:59 AM
A kerfuffle that is symptomatic of a much larger problem: overfishing.

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina's coast guard has sunk a Chinese trawler that was fishing illegally within its territorial waters, the coast guard said on Tuesday, marking a first test for relations between President Mauricio Macri and Beijing.

A coast guard vessel pursued the fishing vessel Lu Yan Yuan Yu 010 toward international waters in a high-seas chase on Monday, firing warning shots across the Chinese boat's bow as it attempted to raise the crew by radio.

"On several occasions, the offending ship performed maneuvers designed to force a collision with the coast guard, putting at risk not only its own crew but coast guard personnel, who were then ordered to shoot parts of the vessel," the coast guard said in a statement.

China's rapid economic development has led them to a lot of unregulated harm, both to themselves and to others. In this case, we will likely see, in our lifetime, the collapse of some species of commercially important fish, if not entire marine ecosystems. We have already influenced evolution of some larger species of fish, making them smaller over time.

The ocean ecosystems are being stressed by increased warming, and CO2 buildup causing increases in acidification. Add in other forms of pollution, such as coastal runoff, plastics and so forth, and you have a recipe for some very serious problems, especially for countries that rely on wild fish for their primary protein source.

Bit of background reading on the issue, for those interested:


03-17-2016, 12:11 PM
Do you really think anyone cares about shit like that? Where is the critical thinking? You actualy thought that would interest anyone?

People want it light weight, ok guy? They wanna ..YOU'RE WRONG YIPPEEE!!!!!!!, and talk smack, run everyone down, that is why they come here, ok?

Sure sure NOW this topic will get a little play but only because of.....me.

So who do you listen to, favorite band/artist?

03-17-2016, 12:20 PM
fish is money and they'll finally love it to death.

03-17-2016, 12:57 PM
A kerfuffle that is symptomatic of a much larger problem: overfishing.

China's rapid economic development has led them to a lot of unregulated harm, both to themselves and to others. In this case, we will likely see, in our lifetime, the collapse of some species of commercially important fish, if not entire marine ecosystems. We have already influenced evolution of some larger species of fish, making them smaller over time.

The ocean ecosystems are being stressed by increased warming, and CO2 buildup causing increases in acidification. Add in other forms of pollution, such as coastal runoff, plastics and so forth, and you have a recipe for some very serious problems, especially for countries that rely on wild fish for their primary protein source.

Bit of background reading on the issue, for those interested:

http://overfishing.org/Will be interesting to see China's response.

03-17-2016, 01:22 PM
Do I know people or what, hahahaha!!!!!!!!

This little freak above never read any of that.

03-17-2016, 01:25 PM
Will be interesting to see China's response.

China would be hard pressed in this case to protest much, given the circumstances presented here. They will make noise to save face a bit, but that will probably be the extent of it. Just my guess.

03-17-2016, 01:26 PM
Only getting worse now. Last year was a godsend. They wouldn't breed because it was bad juju. Now it's a fucking spawning like salmon.

03-17-2016, 01:29 PM
fish is money and they'll finally love it to death.

That is the problem. There is now enough money in China for their demand for certain imports to dramatically affect world economies.

The scary thing is when that comes to all sorts of rare and endangered species, i.e. Rhinos, fish, etc.

03-17-2016, 01:36 PM

48 people drove right by this topic, the minute I show up....hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-17-2016, 01:37 PM
That is the problem. There is now enough money in China for their demand for certain imports to dramatically affect world economies.

The scary thing is when that comes to all sorts of rare and endangered species, i.e. Rhinos, fish, etc.

Ya know something guy, you're boring as fuck, ya know that?

03-17-2016, 01:42 PM
China would be hard pressed in this case to protest much, given the circumstances presented here. They will make noise to save face a bit, but that will probably be the extent of it. Just my guess.Guess long term they could try to extend their man made island chain further east.

03-17-2016, 01:48 PM
"On several occasions, the offending ship performed maneuvers designed to force a collision with the coast guard, putting at risk not only its own crew but coast guard personnel, who were then ordered to shoot parts of the vessel," the coast guard said in a statement."

It was trying to ram the Coast Guard ship?

03-17-2016, 01:56 PM
I looked at this thread and saw 48 views and no replies. I thought.....watch this.


A master at work:king

03-17-2016, 02:49 PM
Guess long term they could try to extend their man made island chain further east.

Heh, to Argentina?

China is shooting itself in the foot with those islands, but they don't seem to be quite aware of that yet.

China, although one of the most ancient of civilizations, is behaving as boorish as its tourists. Occasionally they strike some well-made diplomacy, but their hardliners push them to do stupid shit, just like any country.

03-17-2016, 02:50 PM
"On several occasions, the offending ship performed maneuvers designed to force a collision with the coast guard, putting at risk not only its own crew but coast guard personnel, who were then ordered to shoot parts of the vessel," the coast guard said in a statement."

It was trying to ram the Coast Guard ship?

Looks like. Not a good idea to try ramming an armed ship in the dark.

03-17-2016, 04:54 PM
Looks like. Not a good idea to try ramming an armed ship in the dark.

Dude, ya really didn't get it did ya?

03-17-2016, 06:34 PM
That is the problem. There is now enough money in China for their demand for certain imports to dramatically affect world economies.

The scary thing is when that comes to all sorts of rare and endangered species, i.e. Rhinos, fish, etc.

I suppose the hope is that the new money will lead to more education or more....shit....I don't know. More humanity? But I don't know that the Chinese as a whole are inhumane. What's my point...maybe just evolving enough o understand that shark fins aren't going to make your penis work better. But maybe they do. In any event, the documentaries portray them ...the Chinese as pretty barbaric in that they cut the fin off and leave the shark in the water to die. But I suppose that there are plenty of whites that do that also. So...but....it does seem like their government gives less of a fuck about their people than ours does. But then again, Japan seems to not care enough about the reactor thing. Which is a modern country. But the Japanese seem like they've gone off the rails as far as weird shit. But there we probably plenty of Americans doing the same weird shit in hiding. It's really all about where you get your news. I'm not sure idpf anyone ever gets a fully unbiased story. It reminds me of 1984and the Ministry of Truth.

03-17-2016, 06:35 PM
Come to think of it...I think it was a Japanese boa that was going that to the sharks.

03-17-2016, 06:45 PM

03-17-2016, 11:27 PM
Dude, ya really didn't get it did ya?

Stfu perv...

Sounds like a very desperate crew to try all those tactics.

03-17-2016, 11:31 PM
Stfu perv...

Sounds like a very desperate crew to try all those tactics.

Am I all you do here ya faggot?

The Reckoning
03-17-2016, 11:31 PM
interesting turn of events....chinese fishermen are notorious for fishing on international buoys in international waters...

03-17-2016, 11:37 PM
Am I all you do here ya faggot?

Stfu perv...

I guess Argentina is calling the Chinese intransigence on this problem.
Maybe they had a big haul that was gonna make their year.
Now they got a dead ship. It might have made sense if they thought they had protection nearby.

03-17-2016, 11:40 PM
Stfu perv...

I guess Argentina is calling the Chinese intransigence on this problem.
Maybe they had a big haul that was gonna make their year.
Now they got a dead ship. It might have made sense if they thought they had protection nearby.

Ok, let's play that, that'll work.

03-17-2016, 11:55 PM
That is the problem. There is now enough money in China for their demand for certain imports to dramatically affect world economies.

The scary thing is when that comes to all sorts of rare and endangered species, i.e. Rhinos, fish, etc.

you notice those asian clowns who deal ivory...live in mansions, while the african hunter still lives like 2000years ago still in a hut....african needs to cut the middle man and go direct whole sale

03-18-2016, 11:10 AM
Irrelevant country trying to be relevant tbqh

03-18-2016, 11:25 AM
Falklands all over again, I hope