View Full Version : W.H. Seeks To Amend Posse Comitatus Act

09-27-2005, 02:18 PM
Bush seeks to federalize emergencies
By Bill Sammon
Published September 27, 2005

President Bush yesterday sought to federalize hurricane-relief efforts, removing governors from the decision-making process. "It wouldn't be necessary to get a request from the governor or take other action," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said yesterday. "This would be," he added, "more of an automatic trigger." Mr. McClellan was referring to a new, direct line of authority that would allow the president to place the Pentagon in charge of responding to natural disasters, terrorist attacks and outbreaks of disease. "It may require change of law," Mr. Bush said yesterday. "It's very important for us as we look at the lessons of Katrina to think about other scenarios that might require a well-planned, significant federal response -- right off the bat -- to provide stability."

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) accused Mr. Bush of attempting a power grab in the wake of fierce criticism that he responded too slowly to Hurricane Katrina a month ago. "Using the military in domestic law enforcement is generally a very bad idea," said Timothy Edgar, national security policy counsel for the ACLU. "I'm afraid that it will have unforeseen consequences for civil liberties."

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour declined the president's offer to federalize the state's National Guard troops in the aftermath of Katrina. So Mr. Bush wants Congress to consider empowering the Pentagon with automatic control. Currently, the lead federal agency responsible for disaster relief is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which has just 2,500 employees and is a division of the Homeland Security Department. Mr. Bush has suggested that a more appropriate agency is the Department of Defense (DoD), which has 1.4 million active-duty troops. "I was speculating about was a scenario which would require federal assets to stabilize the situation -- primarily DoD assets -- and then hand back over to Department of Homeland Security," the president said.

But stabilizing a crisis might require federal troops to arrest looters and perform other law-enforcement duties, which would violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. The law was passed in the wake of the Civil War and Reconstruction to prevent the use of federal troops from policing elections in former Confederate states. The White House wants Congress to consider amending Posse Comitatus in order to grant the Pentagon greater powers. "There are two committees that are moving forward on hearings to look at what went wrong and what went right with Hurricane Katrina and to apply lessons learned," Mr. McClellan said. "And this is an issue that they should look at as they're discussing these issues. "We are also doing a comprehensive review within the federal government," he added.

Washington Post (http://www.washingtontimes.com/)

So, since the Department of HS and FEMA failed to throughly preform their duties under both the National Response plan and the Stafford Act in NO, mostly because the administration hired Shills for these positions instead of real disaster experts, we all get to pay with a loss of more civil liberties and a more powerful Federal Government. Do you see how it works now?

Republicans don't care about "Posse Comitatus". They just like to repeat it because it sounds dirty.


Hook Dem
09-27-2005, 02:21 PM
Bush seeks to federalize emergencies
By Bill Sammon
Published September 27, 2005

Washington Post (http://www.washingtontimes.com/)

So, since the Department of HS and FEMA failed to throughly preform their duties under both the National Response plan and the Stafford Act in NO, mostly because the administration hired Shills for these positions instead of real disaster experts, we all get to pay with a loss of more civil liberties and a more powerful Federal Government. Do you see how it works now?

Republicans don't care about "Posse Comitatus". They just like to repeat it because it sounds dirty.

Gee Dan...thanks for pointing that out to us. You are the most clever person on earth. How could we have doubted you? :lol

09-27-2005, 02:35 PM
Republicans don't care about "Posse Comitatus". They just like to repeat it because it sounds dirty.

Then I guess I don't have to repeat the first thing that popped into my head then, huh? :lol :lol

I'd imagine, Dan, that if he's expected to hold the local government's hands and in turn get blamed for their fuck-ups, he should at least have the legal authority to actually act.

They've done this before when state governments have failed and it tanked miserably. The Governors don't want to lose even the slightest bit of authority. Imagine that. :fro

09-27-2005, 03:33 PM
Bush seeks to federalize emergencies
By Bill Sammon
Published September 27, 2005

Washington Post (http://www.washingtontimes.com/)

So, since the Department of HS and FEMA failed to throughly preform their duties under both the National Response plan and the Stafford Act in NO, mostly because the administration hired Shills for these positions instead of real disaster experts, we all get to pay with a loss of more civil liberties and a more powerful Federal Government. Do you see how it works now?

Republicans don't care about "Posse Comitatus". They just like to repeat it because it sounds dirty.


Wait a cotton pickin minuet. First you say the Feds didn't take over and now you are bitchin because they want to take over. Make up you pea pickin mind. You really are stuck on stupid.

09-27-2005, 03:54 PM
Wait a cotton pickin minuet. First you say the Feds didn't take over and now you are bitchin because they want to take over. Make up you pea pickin mind. You really are stuck on stupid.

No, I'm bitching because if the FEDS had done there job properly in the first place, there would be no need for the military, under the guise of security, to trample all over states-rights.

09-27-2005, 03:57 PM
I haven't got a fucking clue how about how Federal VS State authority works, and haven't from day 1. So rather than come correct about my being wrong in the first place, I'll just get even stupider by refusing to admit I was wrong, and hopefully someone will buy this huge lump of shit I just posted

09-27-2005, 03:59 PM
:lol :lol :lol

09-27-2005, 04:16 PM
I haven't got a fucking clue how about how Federal VS State authority works, and haven't from day 1. So rather than come correct about my being wrong in the first place, I'll just get even stupider by refusing to admit I was wrong, and hopefully someone will buy this huge lump of shit I just posted
Exactly why I put him on ignore...all his posts read just like this one.

09-27-2005, 04:21 PM
Nbadan & boutons (you figure out which is which. But, be careful, the guy with his head up his ass may also have a foil hat on.)

09-27-2005, 04:33 PM
This could be abused by democrat presidents later .. well in 2016 when they get back in office...

09-27-2005, 05:12 PM
Yeah, this is about the level of conversation we should expect from Bush apologists.



09-27-2005, 05:50 PM
At least we can converse and not just put quotes and links to liberal biased articles.

He is looking at it... that's all.. Congress will have to look into it.

I think it's a good idea.. then again I worked for the Air Force so I am biased.

09-27-2005, 09:14 PM
I don't think revoking POsse is a good idea

09-28-2005, 02:15 AM
Republicans don't care about "Posse Comitatus". They just like to repeat it because it sounds dirty.


Hey Dan

Did Gen Clarke know anything about this act when he lent the FBI & J Reno the TANKS they used at WACO against the Branch Davidians???????

Oh that's right it was OK because they were Democrats :lol

09-28-2005, 02:55 AM
I never thought I'd see the day that the Democrats are bitching about the Federal Government increasing it's asswiping responsiblities, I thought that was the Democrat wet dream...And it still was during hurricane Katrina based on all the whining, bitching, and blaming the Democrats did about the Fed.

That's been the dream of the Democratic Party since it was founded...it's always been the Republicans that wanted limited Federal authority over the States....and it's always been the Democrats that wanted to shit on States Rights.

But hey...as long as it's an excuse to bitch about W right? I mean that's the important thing right? Fuck the traditions of the Democratic Party...Blaming Bush is all that matters...because he might get re-elected in 2008 right? More important than terrorism...more important than burying the dead...more important than troop morale, more important than your country...more important than common sense and openmindedness...

09-28-2005, 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Nbadan
I haven't got a fucking clue how about how Federal VS State authority works, and haven't from day 1. So rather than come correct about my being wrong in the first place, I'll just get even stupider by refusing to admit I was wrong, and hopefully someone will buy this huge lump of shit I just posted

Dan, I couldn't find this in your original post so I'm assuming you edited it out. I just wanted to tell you that your honesty is refreshing.
