View Full Version : NOPD Chief Eddie Compass resigns

09-27-2005, 04:26 PM
NOPD Chief Eddie Compass resigned today. After earlier saying up to 250 officers have abandoned there posts and or not checked in..

Ok.. If an officer went to quote "protect his family" that's fine....

As long as they Never work as a police officer, soldier or govt employee of any kind ever again. There FBI clearances should be shreaded..

Those that just left for saving there family and didn't return to help the rescue efforts quickly. They should do about 10-20 years in Jail.

None of these 250 should be rehired.... if you can't do your sworn duty under an emergency situation you have no business being in law enforcement or other government emergency or military services.

Now if an officer left for 24-36 hours to get family out and came back.. they are NOT on that list. .that list was about another 200 or so officers that came back. If they get a letter of repremand that's good enough for me.. and no raise for the year.

But the ones that left em cold for weeks.... 10-20 is almost too good..

They should just about be shot for it..

As far as the Chief I think he's a great guy and hope he joins another department. It was not his fault...

The officers that stayed should be given medals and good raises.

09-27-2005, 04:34 PM
the NOPD is no NYPD..

do you think the firefighters and cops running into a burning building on 911 were thinking about getting their family to safety or concerned for the safety of complete strangers?

09-27-2005, 04:45 PM
"getting their family to safety"

Unfair question, but no surprises from the right-wing.

The NYPD/FD guys didn't have their families in mortal danger up in those towers. Their families were safe at home, school, elsewhere.

BUT, the the NOPD/FD DID have their families in/near NO in mortal danger from the hurricane/flood.

I am NOT excusing the NOPD for deserting their stations.

The real question is: "Would the NYPD/FD have acted like the NOPD/FD if they had been in the same NO situation?"

09-27-2005, 04:52 PM
I said the ones that got the family out then came back.

The 250 is the number that are AWOL or did not check in for 2 weeks.

Another 200-300 have checked back in during the rescue stage.. they are not on the list.

And yes they took and oath to serve the people... that includes the darkest hours.. not just when you punch a time clock..

And most of that anger is in the NOPD itself...