View Full Version : OT: Ghazi...

03-30-2016, 08:56 PM
Damn....it's confirmed you're koolaid faggot. Why would a proud Persian do this and disgrace his family in the process...:lol

William Hung
03-30-2016, 09:17 PM
https://s16-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Fthenewgay.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F05%2Fthe_more_you_know. jpg&sp=4d872e6e9464d23d79820d03d46ce0eb

Mav fan posing as Laker fan to troll Spur fan :lol

03-30-2016, 09:27 PM
Damn....it's confirmed you're koolaid faggot. Why would a proud Persian do this and disgrace his family in the process...:lol

What you talking about

03-30-2016, 09:28 PM
Dude sees things wrong with his culture and decides he doesn't want to perpetuate wrongs. I find no fault with him in that regard.

03-31-2016, 05:24 AM
man I was born and raised in America. I pretty much have two cultures. and I am not fond of Arabian culture at all... :lol . A lot of Persians flat out hate Arabs , but I wouldn't go that far.