View Full Version : "El titulo, la unica opcion" by Manu

09-28-2005, 06:26 AM
El título, la única opción
Emanuel Ginóbili

Lo dije en la fiesta por el último campeonato en el Alamodome, en San Antonio: "No me voy a ir sin un anillo más". Este año la única opción es el título. Imagínense que fuimos campeones bastante merecidamente, que nos quedamos todos (sólo se fue Devin Brown) y sumamos tres jugadores tremendos (Fabri Oberto, Nick van Exel y Michael Finley). En la temporada pasada ya no nos conformábamos con llegar a la final, así que este año, menos.

La gran sorpresa para todos fueron los refuerzos. A Fabri Oberto nosotros ya lo conocemos muy bien. Pero ni la gente de San Antonio esperaba que llegaran Van Exel y Finley. Los buscaron, pero ni el más optimista creía que podían venir ambos. Lo de Van Exel era más previsible, pero yo pensaba que Finley iba a elegir a Phoenix o a Miami. Se quedó con nosotros y estamos muy contentos.

No hay que pensar que la llegada de ellos nos va a quitar minutos a los que ya estábamos. Creo que de esta manera me están dando descanso. Yo me siento muy bien cuidado por Pop y por RC Buford. Sé que buscan lo mejor para mí, como también para Tim Duncan y Tony Parker, que somos la columna vertebral del equipo. Finley no es un jugador que va a jugar 35 minutos, sino que va a dar minutos de calidad. Eso que siempre se necesita desde el banco: puntos rápidos y cambiar el juego. Los dos nos van a dar una gran mano, porque tienen experiencia para cerrar juegos y son buenos tiradores. Si bien en la última temporada estuvimos mejor que otras con el tiro, siempre es bueno sumar, más teniendo un jugador como Duncan, que genera mucho espacio. Yo también estoy creando lugares libres y me es útil tener tiradores al lado.

De todos modos no nos vamos a transformar en un equipo que dependa de eso. Popovich no es un amante de los tiros de tres. Todo dependerá de la inteligencia de cada uno, de cómo nos acoplemos y de que cada uno entienda su rol. Bruce Bowen y yo estamos cómodos teniendo jugadores así atrás.

Si se ponen a mirar el banco de suplentes de San Antonio, van a ver que puede competir con más de veinte equipos titulares de la NBA: Van Exel, Finley, Barry, Horry y Oberto. Es un equipazo como segunda alternativa, que nos va a permitir mantener la intensidad sin baches. Nos da una profundidad pocas veces vista en un equipo de la NBA.

Por muchos motivos hoy varios jugadores quieren venir a San Antonio. Porque en los últimos años se ha ganado un respeto impresionante. Es un equipo incomparable con cualquier otro. Jugadores como Finley resignan dinero y protagonismo para estar con nosotros. Saben que el trato es muy bueno y que siempre van a tener la posibilidad de ganar. Es un ejemplo para seguir. El resto de las franquicias lo mira, lo estudia y trata de copiarlo. Encima no gasta mucho, porque está en la mitad de la tabla con los salarios. Es notable.

Creo que por eso se está cambiando un poco la mentalidad de la competencia en general. Los equipos van a tratar de comenzar a jugar más responsablemente. Lo que más vende es ganar. Las franquicias, por más que jueguen lindo, ganan plata cuando salen campeones. Tal vez venderán alguna camiseta más, pero el dinero llega por la televisión, los premios y las finales.

Del resto de los equipos, Phoenix se armó muy bien. Cambió un poco el estilo: eran netamente ofensivos, vieron que necesitaban ser un poco más balanceados y buscaron un poco de juego del otro lado. Miami también tiene un equipazo, aunque es una incógnita, porque sumó jugadores nuevos que están acostumbrados a tener protagonismo (Jason Williams, Gary Payton y Antoine Walker). Indiana va a estar arriba porque es el mismo equipo al que le fue bien el año último perdiendo 30 partidos a Jermaine O´Neal, 40 a Stephen Jackson y todo el campeonato a Ron Artest. Este año van a jugar todos y se suma el lituano Sarunas Jasikevicius, un gran jugador. Detroit mantiene el equipo más Maurice Evans y va a estar ahí. Pero por lo que les dije antes, en cierto modo, todo dependerá de nosotros.

Si algo diferencia esta temporada respecto de mis anteriores años en la NBA es que por primera vez descansé e hice una buena preparación. Lo principal es que me entrené muy bien. Terminé las finales con cuatro kilos menos y ahora tengo uno más de mi peso habitual, así que recuperé casi cinco kilos. Mi intención es llegar a los 94 o 95 kilos, y estoy en 91 o 92. No era el objetivo lograrlo ya, es algo que lo voy a conseguir de a poco. Tengo tiempo, falta más de un mes para empezar, así que seguiré con las pesas. Después, en la temporada es muy difícil subir, ahí te tenés que mantener, nada más.

También tenía pensado hacer un trabajo especial de saltos, pero lo cancelamos por una leve tendinitis en la rodilla izquierda. No quería empezar la temporada con alguna secuela. Ahora vamos a hacer un trabajo de cuatro días muy duros de doble turno y otros cuatro más livianos en Saint Thomas, en Islas Vírgenes.

Algunos se preguntan para qué sirve subir de peso. Bueno, para estar más fuerte en los choques con los rivales o para ir mejor al rebote, para defender a un jugador más grande que yo que se postea o para postearme más yo. Cuando sumás kilos buenos (no grasas, sino músculos), siempre sirve, no se pierde agilidad. Estás más potente, más explosivo. Como siempre, la temporada será larga, así que es esencial estar bien preparado.

Sorry I don't have time to translate it now. I'll translate it later unless someone translate it before.

09-28-2005, 08:19 AM
Here's an automated translator version while we're waiting......

The title, the only option Emanuel Ginóbili
For the NATION

I said it in the celebration by the last championship in the Alamodome, in San Antonio: "I am not going away to go more without a ring". This year the only option is the title. Imagínense that we were champions rather deservedly, who we remained all (only went Devin Brown) and added three tremendous players (Fabri Oberto, Nick van Exel and Michael Finley). In the last season no longer we were satisfied to arriving at the end, so this year, less. The great surprise for all was the reinforcements. Fabri Oberto we already know it very well. But nor the people of San Antonio hoped that they arrived Go Exel and Finley. They looked for them, but nor most optimistic she thought that both could come. The one of Goes Exel was more foreseeable, but I thought that Finley was going to choose to Phoenix or Miami. It remained with us and we are very contentments. It is not necessary to think that the arrival of them is going to us to clear minutes to which already we were. I believe that this way they are giving rest me. I feel very well taken care of by Pop and RC Buford. I know that they look for the best thing for me, like also for Tim Duncan and Tony Parker, who we are the spine of the equipment. Finley is not a player who is going to play 35 minutes, but that are going to give minutes of quality. That that always is needed from the bank: fast points and to change the game. Both they are going to give a great hand to us, because they have experience to close games and they are good gunners. Although in the last season we were better than others with the shot, always is good for adding, more having a player like Duncan, that generates much space. I also am creating free places and he is to me useful to have gunners alongside. Anyway we are not going away to transform into an equipment that depends on that. Popovich is not a lover of the shots of three. Everything will depend on the intelligence of each one, of how we are reconciled and that each one understands its roll. Brush Bowen and I we are comfortable having players thus back. If they are put to watch the bank of substitutes of San Antonio, are going to see that it can compete with more than twenty titular equipment of the NBA: Exel, the Finleys, Barry, Horry and Oberto go. He is equipazo like second alternative, that is going to allow to maintain the intensity to us without pockets. It gives a depth us Vista in an equipment of the NBA not very often. By many reasons today several players want to come to San Antonio. Because in the last years an impressive respect has gained. It is an incomparable equipment with any other. Players as the Finleys resign money and protagonism to be with us. They know that the treatment is very good and that they are always going to have the possibility of winning. It is an example to follow. The rest of the tax exemptions watches it, it studies it and it tries to copy it. It raises does not spend much, because it is in half of the table with the wages. It is remarkable. I believe that for that reason the mentality of the competition in general is changing a little. The equipment is going to try to begin to play responsibly more. What it sells more is to win. The tax exemptions, no matter how hard they play pretty, gain silver when champions leave. Perhaps they will sell some t-shirt more, but the money arrives by the television, the prizes and the end. Of the rest of the equipment, Phoenix was armed very well. It changed a little the style: they were net offensive, they saw that they needed to be a little more balanced and looked for a little game across. Miami also has equipazo, although it is an incognito, because it added new players who are customary to have protagonism (Jason Williams, Gary Payton and Antoine Walker). Indiana is going to be above because it is the same equipment to which well it was to him the last year losing 30 parties to Jermaine O´Neal, 40 to Stephen Jackson and all the championship to Rum Artest. This year they are going to play all and the lituano Sarunas Jasikevicius, a great player is added. Detroit maintains the equipment more Maurice Evans and is going to be there. But reason why I said to them before, in certain way, everything will depend on us. If something differentiates this season respect to my previous years in the NBA it is that I rested and I made a good preparation for the first time. The main thing is that I trained very well. I finished the end with four kilos less and now I have one more of my habitual weight, so I recovered almost five kilos. My intention is to arrive at the 94 or 95 kilos, and I am in 91 or 92. It was not the objective for obtaining it already, is something that I am going it to obtain little by little. I have time, lack more of a month to begin, so I will follow with the weights. Later, in the season it is very difficult to raise, there you tenés that to maintain, nothing else. Also it had thought to make a work special of jumps, but we cancelled it by one slight tendinitis in the left knee. It did not want to begin the season with some sequel. Now we are going to make a work of four days very hard of double turn and other four lighter in Saint Thomas, in Virgin Islands. Some are wondered why it serves to raise of weight. Good, to be stronger in the shocks with the rivals or to go better to the bounce, to defend a player greater than postea I than or to postear I more to me. When sumás good kilos (nongreasy, but muscles), always serves, does not lose agility. You are more powerful, more explosive. Like always, the season she will be long, so he is essential to be prepared well.

Solid D
09-28-2005, 08:39 AM
Manu is one of the best communicators on the team. He seems to tell it like it is. It appears he also wants to put to rest any criticism by his countrymen (minutes-sharing, NT participation, etc.).

09-28-2005, 08:53 AM
Manu is one of the best communicators on the team. He seems to tell it like it is. It appears he also wants to put to rest any criticism by his countrymen (minutes-sharing, NT participation, etc.).


09-28-2005, 09:02 AM
funny how my spanish level can rise when it is to read manu!

he is good. and give really valuable information. for him the second squad is NVE, finley, brent, horry and Oberto. meaning rasho and beno would be 11th and 12th as he sees it?

amazing stuff he said about weight. Now i understand why he was looking so tired and exhausted in the finals. 4kilos less than usual. this is a lot.

great read. manu and tony are great at giving the info and news POP and timmy dont. lol

09-28-2005, 09:10 AM
Awesome read...!!!!!

09-28-2005, 09:40 AM
and he is STILL a Time Warner customer.

are you? :lol

09-28-2005, 10:04 AM


09-28-2005, 10:26 AM
Great stuff, thanks kolko.

09-28-2005, 10:50 AM
I corrected the Google translation a little:

I said it in the Parade at the Alamodome, in San Antonio: "I'm not leaving without another ring". This year the only option we have is the title. Imagine that we won the championship deservedly, everyone remained (except Devin Brown) and we added three tremendous players (Fabri Oberto, Nick Van Exel and Michael Finley). Last season, we were not satisfied with only playing the finals, so this year, less.

Everyone's surprise were the new players. We know Fabri Oberto very well. But no one expected the arrival of Van Exel and Finley, not even the people of San Antonio. Van Exel's signing was more foreseeable but I thought Finley was going to choose Phoenix or Miami. He decided to join us and we are very happy.

We don't have to think that the arrival of them will clear minutes for us. I think that they are giving me rest. I feel that Pop and RC Buford take care of me very well. I know they look for the best for me, and for Tim Duncan and Tony Parker, as we are the main column of the team. Finley is not going to play 35 minutes, he is going to give us quality minutes. That we always need from the bench: quick points and the ability to change the game. Both will give us a hand, because they have experience in closing games and they are good shooters. Although last season we were better in shooting than before, always is good to add, as you have a player like Duncan who generates a lot of space. I am generating free space too and is helpful for me to play with shooters.

Anyway, we are not going to transform in a team who depends on that. Popovich doesn't like three pointers too much. Everything will depend on the inteligency of each one, how we connect and everyone understand his role. Bruce Bowen and me feel comfortable to know we have such players behind us.

If you look at the bench of San Antonio, you will see that it can compete with more than twenty starting lineups from the NBA: Van Exel, Finley, Barry, Horry and Oberto. It's a great team for a second alternative. It will allow us to keep the intensity without errors. It give us a depth that it's not seen in a team very often.

There are many reasons why a lot of players want to come to San Antonio. Because in the last years it has gained an impressive reputation. It's a team incomparable to any others. Players like Finley resign money and protagonism to be with us. They know the treatment here is very good and they always will have the possibilty to win. It's an example to follow. The rest of the franchises look, studies and try to copy it. Also they don't spend too much money, as they are in the middle of the salaries table.

I believe that for that reason the mentality of the competition in general is changing a little. The teams are trying to begin playing more responsibly. What it sells more is to win. The franchises, no matter how pretty they play, gain money when they are champions. Perhaps they will sell some more t-shirts, but the money arrives from the television, the prizes and the finals.

About the rest of the teams, Phoenix was built very well. They changed a little their style: they were all offensive, they saw that they needed to be a little more balanced and looked for a little game on the other end. Miami also has a great team, although it is unknown, because they added new players who are used to have protagonism (Jason Williams, Gary Payton and Antoine Walker). Indiana is going to be above because it is the same team which played well last year losing Jermain O'Neal to 30 games, Stephen Jackson for 40 and Ron Artest for all the season. This year they are going to play all together and they added lithuanian Sarunas Jasikevicius, a great player. Detroit maintains the same team and added Maurice Evans and is going to be there. But, as I said before, in certain way, everything will depend on us.

If something differentiates this season respect to my previous years in the NBA is that for the first time I rested and made a good preparation. The main thing is that I trained very well. I finished the finals with four kilos (9 lbs.) less and now I have one more kilo of my habitual weight, so I recovered almost five kilos. My intention is to arrive at the 94 or 95 kilos, and I am in 91 or 92. It was not the objective obtaining it already, it is something that I am going to obtain little by little. I have time, we have more than a month until the start, so I will follow with the weights. Later, in the season is very difficult to raise, there you have to maintain, nothing else.

I also had thought to make a special work of jumping, but we cancelled it because one slight tendinitis in my left knee. I didn't want to begin the season with some sequel. Now we are going to make a work of four days very hard of double turn and other four lighter in Saint Thomas, in Virgin Islands.

Some are wondering why it is important to raise weight. Well, to be stronger in the shocks with the rivals or to go better to the rebound, to defend a player bigger than me who plays in the post or to gain the ability to play there. When you add good kilos (non fat, but muscles), always works, you don't lose agility. You are more powerful, more explosive. Like always, the season is going to be long, so it is essential to be prepared well.

09-28-2005, 12:19 PM
Awesome article. It's great to hear Manu talking about the importance of rest and training. I sure hope Tony reads it!

09-28-2005, 12:41 PM
Great stuff, thanks kolko.

Ditto! :spin

09-28-2005, 03:08 PM
yeah manu talks about rest and training
something manu did not do last year and it caught up with him

09-28-2005, 04:14 PM
basically its DO or DIE for Manu. He is putting more pressure on himself to go b2b.

09-28-2005, 05:57 PM
I'm not worried about any pressure on Manu, el hombre mit das testiculos de acero.

09-28-2005, 06:14 PM
The only thing about his comments that worries me is if we do repeat (and that IF depends on a million things)... Will he take his services elsewhere... I mean why say, "I will not leave San Antonio without another one of these [Larry O'Brien Trophy]" when he could have just said "I want another championship!!!"

09-28-2005, 06:20 PM
The only thing about his comments that worries me is if we do repeat (and that IF depends on a million things)... Will he take his services elsewhere... I mean why say, "I will not leave San Antonio without another one of these [Larry O'Brien Trophy]" when he could have just said "I want another championship!!!"
he's got a 6 year contract, he's not going anywhere. I think he meant that he intends to win at least one more championship before his contract is over. That would make more sense.

09-28-2005, 08:34 PM
yeah manu talks about rest and training
something manu did not do last year and it caught up with him
Sure. But that did not stop him from excelling when it mattered: The Playoffs.

09-29-2005, 08:39 AM
Manu talks a lot about the important things to repeating this year...unlike other players, he is not vague.