View Full Version : HBO's 'Confirmation' film rattles some Washington power players

04-03-2016, 09:57 AM
http://static2.politico.com/dims4/default/fb11a6f/2147483647/resize/1160x%3E/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2Fee%2F84%2F 2152e94947cb90a6a01406cee0c6%2Fwashingtonconfirmat ionshow-1160-frank-masi-courtesy-of-hbo.jpg

A group of former politicians and their aides are bracing themselves for a new HBO movie that dramatizes the 1991 confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and claims of sexual harassment made by Anita Hill, with some suggesting the possibility of legal action.

The film, titled “Confirmation”, is set to debut in April, but former Sens. Al Simpson and Jack Danforth, as well as at least one former lawyer on Thomas' team, now are going public with their dismay at early versions of the film script they were given for their input, saying it is a biased portrayal.

"Obviously, they were going to go forward with [the film], and obviously there are going to be some repercussions because they’ve opened a hornet's nest,” said Simpson, who called the script he saw a "seriously distorted" version of the actual confirmation hearings.

Simpson and Danforth both brought up the possibility of legal action if the script they saw is the same one used in the movie when it airs in April, though Simpson acknowledged that as a public figure, it would be a hard case to win. And Mark Paoletta, the former White House lawyer who worked on Thomas’ confirmation, wrote a letter to HBO threatening legal action if certain parts of the script he had seen remained in the film.

"I don't know what I'll do but it won’t be fun and games,” Simpson said. "I won’t just sit still. I’ll have a response, I always have. An attack unanswered is an attack believed."

“I do know she chopped up pretty much everyone. I don’t know anyone who came out very good,” Simpson, who described the hearings as one of the toughest “sons of a bitch” he’s ever been through.

"Based on the script I reviewed, it’s a dishonest film,”

"It’s unfair to everyone but Anita Hill, including Joe Biden who did a hell of a good job (during the hearings), the best he could," Simpson said.

Amato said the movie will speak for itself and that they had no need to make anything up.

"What we found is no, we don’t have to make it up. All we have to do is just put it out there,” he said.

"That’s what’s kind of crazy about these movies. They are all different in their own ways, they all have the kind of built-in eccentricities and absurdism about the process that you don’t really think about unless you see it in a story."



Repugs have been for a long time nasty racist, misogynistic assholes.

Wild Cobra
04-03-2016, 10:22 AM
Aren't the confirmation hearings transcripts all public record?

It would seem to me that any deviation from the actual word would be damaging enough to the producers of the film. The film airs, then it is a news cycle of film inaccuracies. Granted, it's likely only Fox News would report the truth on this matter, but information leaks to the left also.

This will likely do more damage to the lefts cause than good.

Let the games begin!

04-03-2016, 02:32 PM
Aren't the confirmation hearings transcripts all public record?

It would seem to me that any deviation from the actual word would be damaging enough to the producers of the film. The film airs, then it is a news cycle of film inaccuracies. Granted, it's likely only Fox News would report the truth on this matter, but information leaks to the left also.

This will likely do more damage to the lefts cause than good.

Let the games begin!

Dumbass wishful thinking will never end.

All Mighty Janitor
04-04-2016, 12:43 PM
Nothing in that article said anything misogynistic as far as I could tell. Seems like the people critical of the film didn't like the perceived historical inaccuracies put in the film.

04-04-2016, 01:36 PM
Aren't the confirmation hearings transcripts all public record?

It would seem to me that any deviation from the actual word would be damaging enough to the producers of the film. The film airs, then it is a news cycle of film inaccuracies. Granted, it's likely only Fox News would report the truth on this matter, but information leaks to the left also.

This will likely do more damage to the lefts cause than good.

Let the games begin!

Yep, a lot of people I know on the Left are really anxious about it because we all know how frequently a party's success is linked to made-for-TV movies.