View Full Version : Docu: Shaken Baby Syndrome may often be junk science / wrongful conviction.

04-13-2016, 10:24 AM

New Shaken Baby Syndrome Documentary – “The Syndrome”

A new, compelling documentary on the junk science of shaken baby syndrome, titled The Syndrome (http://www.kansasfilm.com/film/syndrome-the), will premiere at the Kansas Film Festival in October, 2014.
Synopsis: The Syndrome tells the story of a group of doctors who say that shaken baby syndrome, the basis of hundreds of criminal cases every year, is not scientifically valid. The film focuses on three key doctors: A Georgetown University neurosurgeon, a former Minnesota state medical examiner, and the head of Stanford University’s Pediatric Neuroradiology Department. These doctors are part of a growing scientific movement coming to the defense of the some thousand people in prison for shaken baby. In an unprecedented criminal justice crisis, promoters of shaken baby syndrome are not backing down.

Watch the trailer in link