View Full Version : What is the Spurs hunger level?

04-26-2016, 10:43 AM
2014 had to be one of the best Hunger Games series the Spurs have had. Culminating in a Championship.

How do you see this years level?

Memphis at times we looked great, at times sluggish. To Pops credit, in the timeout of (I think) Game 2 he really emphasized "Don't wait, just because we blew them out in the 2nd half last game, don't wait. Don't let them get their confidence going." Spurs responded.

All in all it was a sweep with good victory margin. Hunger level? Good but not great 2014 level.

Vs OKC I can see it being a matter of hunger level. Spurs are the better team. Do not mean we have to play overly hyper like Westbrook at times does, but we do need to exceed their hunger level. If ThundeRef appears, all the more so.

DWest wants a ring bad, loving his effort.
LMA wants a ring too, altho once in a while I don't see the fire.
Pattycake is always a spark plug whether he makes shots or not.
Kwa always brings it.
Slomo brings it, it is just his style that looks slow at times. The way he goes for boards tho, that is energetic.
I want to see Boban playing. He also brings an excellent hunger level.
Jonny Simmons brings a hunger level I like.

Questions for me are:
Parker. No I don't want to make this a Porker Parker thread. Just that at times he seems spent. Other times, he is flashing back to 80 maybe even 85% of his prime which at this point is all we can ask. It was good enough for Memphis. OKC? Key will be will Pop pull him when he is not energetic and/or ballhogging.

Diaw the other Frenchy. Seems to on schedule to flip the Horry switch and we could very well need it. Do not want to see him slip into croissant eating mode.

Timmy Duncs. Heart soul and mind of Spurs for 19 years. Not one iota of questioning effort. However at times he has shown age. For the most part, Pop doing a great job of knowing when to pull him. Keep it up Pop. If we get #6 with Duncan averaging *only* 20 minutes a game, so be it.

04-26-2016, 10:45 AM
Hunger vs. OKC could be a legit issue ... Spurs have to eat the glass tbh

04-26-2016, 10:46 AM
:lol what a terrible post

turkish spurs fan
04-26-2016, 10:47 AM

04-26-2016, 10:52 AM
the only guy where the "hunger" actually matters is nowhere OP's post

if Green is hungry and focuses and gets his shit together = Spurs win, if not...

04-26-2016, 10:56 AM
Bonbon eating sandwich
:lol can someone flatten his cars tires like one of the New York teams did to a baseball player back when....
Eh maybe he is okay on a suit behind the bench.

04-26-2016, 10:58 AM
the only guy where the "hunger" actually matters is nowhere OP's post

if Green is hungry and focuses and gets his shit together = Spurs win, if not...
I did not know what to say about Greens hunger level. Is it lack of effort or?
But yes, besides his shooting those f'd up drives where he gets caught in no mans land and then turns it over with some shitty air pass.
That needs to be corrected yesterday.

I. Hustle
04-26-2016, 11:33 AM
somewhere between parker and boris, imho

to succeed in the WCF we need to be at blair level though

I think they need more than that. I'm thinking somewhere between Tractor Traylor and Escalade

04-26-2016, 12:41 PM
I don't know that I agree with everything in the post, but the question of whether they are all hungry enough is a legit one, I think. Ultimately, that's a big part of winning it all.

You can't gauge much from watching them destroy Memphis, but OKC ought to test their resolve. If they have any doubt about beating Golden State, the easiest thing in the world will be to let themselves get bullied by the Thunder. It's not a matter of just making shots. It's matching (exceeding) OKC's energy and physicality, and keeping their composure on the road when things get rough.

DWest gave up 8 million dollars for a shot at a ring. I hope the team lets him be a leader in the hunger department, and feeds off of that. And I don't care what any Krew-types say, Manu will leave everything he has left on the court. Those two guys are key, IMO. If you see the other guys dial up their own intensity in response, the Spurs will be tough to beat.

NameLess Scrub
04-26-2016, 12:50 PM
They should be as hungry as a team with a retiring Duncan and Manu should be.

Add to that D West.

I'd be motivated only by looking at Westbrook's facial expressions, tbh. Would like to beat that guy ASAP.

They should have plenty of hunger.

04-26-2016, 12:56 PM
They should be as hungry as a team with a retiring Duncan and Manu should be.

Add to that D West.

I'd be motivated only by looking at Westbrook's facial expressions, tbh. Would like to beat that guy ASAP.

They should have plenty of hunger.

No offense, but for what they get paid, every player in the league SHOULD be that hungry. Should.

04-26-2016, 12:58 PM
Spurs were the most focused team in round one. The OKC series should give the Spurs confidence going into GS, too. The Spurs need to hold serve at home, though, and finish 'em in five.

04-26-2016, 01:01 PM

I think he was under 40 FG for the series. I always look at his FG to know how he's feeling. Pop may need to play Simmons more minutes to keep him fresher.

04-26-2016, 01:03 PM
None of them are as hungry as Fabbs' girlfriend, tbh:lol..

04-26-2016, 01:04 PM
they need to be as hungry as Avante at an Oriental teen buffet

04-26-2016, 01:18 PM
I think he was under 40 FG for the series. I always look at his FG to know how he's feeling. Pop may need to play Simmons more minutes to keep him fresher.
Under 40 true, but still far too many Porker type shots and dribble dribble (allows defense to rest) possessions. I counted 3 forced shots in one game. One play was on a transition drive where Kwa was standing at the side arc planted and ready for the pass with no one within 15 feet. Porker kept the ball and tried one of his super stretch out layups that rolled off. We got away with that chit vs Memphis. OKC or Golden it could be the dif between W or L. He should go balls out, facilitate and only take the shot attempt when it is legit. If that is only 20 minutes per game, so be it. He and Popped need to get off the sentimentality chit. Porker thinks the torch was passed from Duncan to him then Kwa. Bullcrap. Duncan directly to Kwa.

04-26-2016, 01:20 PM
they need to be as hungry as Avante at an Oriental teen buffet

04-26-2016, 01:21 PM
Under 40 true, but still far too many Porker type shots and dribble dribble (allows defense to rest) possessions. I counted 3 forced shots in one game. One play was on a transition drive where Kwa was standing at the side arc planted and ready for the pass with no one within 15 feet. Porker kept the ball and tried one of his super stretch out layups that rolled off. We got away with that chit vs Memphis. OKC or Golden it could be the dif between W or L. He should go balls out, facilitate and only take the shot attempt when it is legit. If that is only 20 minutes per game, so be it. He and Popped need to get off the sentimentality chit. Porker thinks the torch was passed from Duncan to him then Kwa. Bullcrap. Duncan directly to Kwa.

He needs to be pass first and not play hero ball vs. GS. We'll see if he can do that or not. Mainly, he needs to commit at the defensive end, too. Clearly, this is an achilles heel for us.

NameLess Scrub
04-26-2016, 01:31 PM
No offense, but for what they get paid, every player in the league SHOULD be that hungry. Should.



Perry Mason
04-26-2016, 02:13 PM
He needs to be pass first and not play hero ball vs. GS. We'll see if he can do that or not. Mainly, he needs to commit at the defensive end, too. Clearly, this is an achilles heel for us.

I don't get this. It's clear he has given a ton of effort on the defensive end. I'm less concerned about effort there; it's more about ability, both for him and Mills.

And on offense he did ok overall against Memphis, hot and cold. Pop wanted them to drive to the rim, and not settle for just outside shots.

04-26-2016, 02:18 PM
They are on a mission, I see them more focused than hungry.

04-26-2016, 02:46 PM
What's the ratio of Stanley nickels to Schrute bucks?

04-26-2016, 05:57 PM
OKC is one of the few teams this team has "appropriate fear" of.

I think it is a shame that for the second year in a row GS is getting away not playing complete teams, but OKC should be one of the best preparations/motivational rivals we could have to then try to dethrone GS.

While 2012 has been avenged it still stays on the memories of a lot of the members of the team, and it could also revive the 2014 flame.

I hope so...

And i also hope Portland beats the Clipps.

04-27-2016, 12:35 PM
Same as unicorns and leprechauns.

04-27-2016, 12:49 PM
Expected more Porker mentions

05-07-2016, 01:34 PM
Hunger level of everyone except Diaw is good so far vs OKC.

Snaq O'Meal
05-07-2016, 01:47 PM

That hunger is one way of dealing with Anus Cancer.

05-07-2016, 01:54 PM
Hunger level of everyone except Diaw is good so far vs OKC.
He looks full, tbh

05-16-2016, 08:54 AM
the only guy where the "hunger" actually matters is nowhere OP's post

if Green is hungry and focuses and gets his shit together = Spurs win, if not...
Green got it together.

05-16-2016, 08:55 AM
Pop between playoff games

05-16-2016, 08:57 AM
...and Pop showing that hunger, working strategy vs Billy Donovan during playoff games.
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Me1ecd176f402099ca8f65271b9aeadafo0&w=325&h=175&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=greg+popovich+hungover+deadspin&view=detailv2&&id=33DB2A6B011C72DD61188189D6FF7D4BE2EBEAD2&selectedIndex=2&ccid=4ezRdvQC&simid=608043206911461365&thid=OIP.Me1ecd176f402099ca8f65271b9aeadafo0)

05-16-2016, 09:15 AM
Green got it together.

yep, and Spurs were basically 2 Patty Mills open 3s from 4-1, despite Pop's senility, despite half the team disappearing, despite the thunder playing far above their norm...

05-16-2016, 09:29 AM
Pop between playoff games

Wine tasting is such a fucking rip-off. I dropped 5k on a trip to Nappa with wife and friends and didnt even buy any wine to bring home.