View Full Version : Rockets: Wow.........Rockets are far worse that I thought

04-28-2016, 06:18 AM
Most teams would spank the opponent if they lost their superstar player. Not the Rockets. Apparently a team needs to lose their entire starting 5 before they can smell victory. How tha fuck do you lose by 30 pts to a team without their best player? :lmao

Blow that shit up already. Oh yeah.......... Iverson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harden. No way Iverson loses to a Curryless Warriors team. :claw

And dont bitch about the typo *than* in the title thread.......its mufawkin early niggras.

04-28-2016, 07:40 AM
Harden has no leadship skills....he's weak and has no voice on the court....he let Matt Barnes tell his mama to suck his dick and all he did was nicely ask Matt to apologize through the media...and the NBA front office....shows you what kinda weak hearted nigga he really is....

04-28-2016, 07:42 AM
You got that right Kool...........

I thought they had a chance to get this series back even before last night. Boy did Houston shit the bed.........shit the couch, shit the coffee table, shit the floor, shit the walls, shit the ceiling, shit basically the entire living space of a 3,000 sq ft. house.

What a damn train wreck. :hang

Capt Bringdown
04-28-2016, 07:45 AM
Easily one of the worst teams to make the playoffs - ever.
"Chemistry issues." A bunch of punks who get paid millions of dollars for playing kid's games.