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05-02-2016, 01:37 PM
If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.
And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/07/24/six-moments-where-the-media-has-wrongly-blamed-conservatives-for-violence/) about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism. You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel (http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/375362-3x2-340x227.jpg) across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech (http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/08/assassination-attempt-in-arizona/?_r=0) for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2011/01/when_opposition_to_health-care.html) things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.
When a single incoherent nutjob shoots up a Planned Parenthood, the National Rifle Association and every pro-life organization—nay, every pro-lifer in the country—is called to do some soul-searching about their positions. All of it an attempt to chill speech (http://national%20rifle%20association/).

But I don’t remember any riots during the heyday of the Tea Party. I do remember citizens making their case known in town hall meetings, often loudly. (When the Left is yelling, it’s activism. When the Right yells, we all are forced to ask ourselves, “What ever happened to civility?”) This week, the media (http://thefederalist.com/wp-admin/Scores%20of%20protesters%20took%20to%20the%20stree ts%20Thursday%20night%20outside%20a%20Donald%20Tru mp%20campaign%20event%20here,%20drawing%20out%20po lice%20officers%20in%20riot%20and%20tactical%20gea r%20and%20on%20horseback%20who%20sought%20to%20dis perse%20the%20crowd.) informs us that “protesters took to the streets” at a Donald Trump campaign event in California.

From the AP report (http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/protests-break-out-as-trump-speaks-in-southern-cal/):

One Trump supporter had his face bloodied in a scuffle as he tried to drive out of the arena. One man jumped on a police car, leaving its front and rear windows smashed and the top dented and other protesters sprayed graffiti on a police car and the Pacific Amphitheatre’s marquee.
Dozens of cars — including those of Trump supporters trying to leave — were stuck in the street as several hundred demonstrators blocked the road, waved Mexican flags and posed for selfies. Some protesters badgered Trump’s fans as they walked to their cars in the parking lot.

This is called a riot. And it isn’t the first time. In Chicago, anti-Trump protestors acted similarly violently (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/12/us/trump-rally-in-chicago-canceled-after-violent-scuffles.html) in an effort to shut down another speech—making them no better than ugly Trump fans who threaten protestors and the media (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/28/julia-ioffe-journalist-melania-trump-antisemitic-abuse). It makes them no better than the bikers, truckers, and other pro-Trump groups (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-convention-idUSKCN0XQ1YJ) who are going to descend on Cleveland to physically intimidate Republicans during the convention.

Of course people are angry about Donald Trump. Of course people are livid about “globalization.” Of course people are infuriated about all the money in politics. Trump’s rhetoric doesn’t excuse the liberal attacks on speech we saw in California and Chicago, or the illiberal “protests” we’ve seen on college campuses for decades now. A protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something. What campus lefties engage in are efforts to stop free expression. For that matter, it’s doesn’t excuse the Democratic Party’s constant (http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/09/the-democrats-escalate-their-war-on-free-speech.php) assaults (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/an-environmental-campaign-that-punishes-free-speech/2016/04/22/e2eafd88-07bc-11e6-b283-e79d81c63c1b_story.html) on (http://reason.com/archives/2013/05/30/this-is-what-happens-when-you-fear-free) the First Amendment (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/387434/well-take-free-speech-thank-you-editors). The Left has a free speech problem.

When are we going to treat ourselves to a national conversation about the Left’s propensity to undermine free speech? Why aren’t we talking about leftist violence? We treat these events as isolated incidents that have nothing to do with the politics of the contemporary liberalism. We afford no other political movement the same leeway.


05-02-2016, 01:43 PM
BURLINGAME, Calif. (AP) — Hundreds of rowdy protesters broke through barricades and threw eggs at police Friday outside a hotel where Donald Trump addressed the state’s Republican convention. Several Trump supporters said they were roughed up but no serious injuries were reported.

The protest just outside San Francisco occurred a day after anti-Trump protesters took to the streets in Southern California, blocking traffic and damaging five police cars in Costa Mesa following a speech by the leader in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

A man wearing a red hat bearing the Trump campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” was punched in the head from behind while being jostled by a group of shouting protesters. Another Trump supporter said he was punched and spit upon by demonstrators who also threw his phone to the ground.
“It went gangbusters. They attacked me,” said Chris Conway, a mortgage broker from San Mateo.


05-02-2016, 01:51 PM
.. because they aren't KKK racist gun fellators shooting up black churches?

federalist? :lol Those rightwing extremists say Scalia was a fantastic jurist.

05-02-2016, 04:41 PM
.. because they aren't KKK racist gun fellators shooting up black churches?

federalist? :lol Those rightwing extremists say Scalia was a fantastic jurist.

Are you okay shutting down free speech with violence yes or no?

05-02-2016, 05:12 PM
LOL leftist "violence":cry

05-02-2016, 05:15 PM
The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism


I saw that racism rather first hand at a Tea Party rally in Louisiana.

Didn't need any "media" to tell me about a bunch of white people whining over "welfare queens" and "fried chicken" to see that for my damn self.

"we're not racist but..."


05-02-2016, 05:22 PM
LOL leftist "violence":cry

What else would you call it?

05-02-2016, 05:23 PM
A man wearing a red hat bearing the Trump campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” was punched in the head from behind while being jostled by a group of shouting protesters. Another Trump supporter said he was punched and spit upon by demonstrators who also threw his phone to the ground.
“It went gangbusters. They attacked me,” said Chris Conway, a mortgage broker from San Mateo.


Dude shouldn't have been attacked. Easy peasy.

What the OP probably won't address is what responsibility that the demagogue Trump has in creating the less than civil tone that makes such things happen.

Sure the leftist idiots got worked up, but why did that happen? Was it just 'cause? This didn't happen at any other Republican candidate's rally.

Meh. I see a whole lot of fucktarded "wah lookit what happened" here, but none of the kind of balanced introspection and honest self-reflection that would make for an intellectually honest discussion.

Par for the course in right wing propaganda.

:cry "We're the victims here... look at how bad the left is... boo hoo..."

Again, GMAFB, until you can point to what is provoking this behavior in the first place.

05-02-2016, 05:28 PM
What else would you call it?

Violence. Unruly crowd does something stupid.

As opposed to what normally qualifies for right wing violence.


The OP is just another case to draw some moral equivalency between the types of things the political spectrum's are prone to as if they are equivalent.

They aren't.

Not by a long shot.

The right-wing in this country has lost their flipping mind, and all the kerfuffles at a Trump rally won't change that.

05-02-2016, 05:32 PM
Dude shouldn't have been attacked. Easy peasy.

What the OP probably won't address is what responsibility that the demagogue Trump has in creating the less than civil tone that makes such things happen.

Sure the leftist idiots got worked up, but why did that happen? Was it just 'cause? This didn't happen at any other Republican candidate's rally.

Meh. I see a whole lot of fucktarded "wah lookit what happened" here, but none of the kind of balanced introspection and honest self-reflection that would make for an intellectually honest discussion.

Par for the course in right wing propaganda.

:cry "We're the victims here... look at how bad the left is... boo hoo..."

Again, GMAFB, until you can point to what is provoking this behavior in the first place.

To OP's point..why the lack of media attention? The punch thrown by a Trump supporter was played on repeat for a week.

05-02-2016, 06:43 PM
Considering OP thinks child molestation is ok as long as you're a republican, I don't think a conversation on something called "leftist violence" is warranted.

05-02-2016, 07:42 PM
Considering OP thinks child molestation is ok as long as you're a republican, I don't think a conversation on something called "leftist violence" is warranted.
im sure there's a fallacy here somewhere

05-02-2016, 07:49 PM
To OP's point..why the lack of media attention? The punch thrown by a Trump supporter was played on repeat for a week.

Trump, running for President as an autocracy, ENCOURAGED his suckered, conned supporters to violence, and he got it.

05-02-2016, 08:26 PM
Trump, running for President as an autocracy, ENCOURAGED his suckered, conned supporters to violence, and he got it.

Are you okay shutting down free speech with violence yes or no?

05-03-2016, 01:01 AM
Don't blame this all on Trump - like that's any excuse for infringing on people's freedom of speech. There are other instances (which he has nothing to do with) that college students are interfering with free speech - blocking entrances, pulling fire alarm, pushing, shoving and verbally assaulting police and other students, staging a sit-in at president's office for allowing the lecture to happen.


05-03-2016, 01:34 AM
The 1st Amendment protects citizens from government infringement, not from other citizens.

For criminal and disorderly conduct we have the police.

05-03-2016, 02:02 AM
Donald Trump encourages his supporters to assault protesters at his events and dipshit wants to complain about the leftist violence.

It's like cheering on the Pinkertons.

Pointing to the rabble is fun but while Trump is saying he will cover people's legal fees for assault, the dem leadership has been using it as the bully pulpit to attack Trump. That is where Hillary and her unity message played off of.

Nevermind the Bundys and their armed insurrections. Nevermind the constant violence towards abortion clinics. Nevermind the OKC bombing. Nevermind the KKK.

05-03-2016, 02:03 AM
TSA sez go punch a hippie.

Maybe he pines for police riots like Kent State and Chicago 1968.

05-03-2016, 02:10 AM
Why would anyone protest a misogynist, race-baiting nativist who encourages violence against others exercising free speech at his events?

05-03-2016, 02:12 AM
leftist meanies ruin everything. :cry

05-03-2016, 06:30 AM
TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are


The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat


Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

by which leading Dems?

05-03-2016, 11:38 AM
Why would anyone protest a misogynist, race-baiting nativist who encourages violence against others exercising free speech at his events?

I've got no problem with either side protesting. Are you okay shutting down free speech with violence yes or no? And why the lack of media attention when the left's protests become violent as they have numerous times now?

05-03-2016, 11:49 AM
And why the lack of media attention when the left's protests become violent as they have numerous times now?

That's easy. Because neither of the Left's Presidential candidates are encouraging that violence.

05-03-2016, 11:54 AM
That's easy. Because neither of the Left's Presidential candidates are encouraging that violence.

Are they condoning it?

05-03-2016, 12:24 PM
I've searched and haven't found anything from Sanders or Clinton speaking out against the violence from their supporters. Staying silent does not look good.

05-03-2016, 12:58 PM
"There's a lot of this feeling about violence coming from Trump's campaign," he said. "And I very much hope that he understands that in a democracy, people should be allowed to go to anybody's rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up. So I really hope he tones it down. This is not good for the country."


Cause of course when Trump is making the accusations you are claiming, the press isn't going to ask about it. . . . .

Dipshit is as dipshit does.

05-03-2016, 01:32 PM
Are they condoning it?

I've searched and haven't found anything from Sanders or Clinton speaking out against the violence from their supporters. Staying silent does not look good.

That's neither the same nor as newsworthy as openly encouraging it.

05-03-2016, 01:44 PM
"There's a lot of this feeling about violence coming from Trump's campaign," he said. "And I very much hope that he understands that in a democracy, people should be allowed to go to anybody's rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up. So I really hope he tones it down. This is not good for the country."

Agreed Bernie, people should be allowed to go to anybody's rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up.






05-03-2016, 02:02 PM
everyone knows that if you are fearful of being beaten up, you carry!

05-03-2016, 04:40 PM
To OP's point..why the lack of media attention? The punch thrown by a Trump supporter was played on repeat for a week.

That is all in your head.

A rather classic case of confirmation bias. You remember the things that confirm your beliefs, "the 'media' is against my viewpoint", and forget the things that conflict with them "the coverage was appropriate, and based on importance/ratings".

:cry The media is against us.

People like you believe "the media" is horribly biased because "the media" has the gall to actually show you information you might not agree with, and don't endlessly parrot/confirm your pre-existing viewpoints, like the talking heads/radio hosts you tend to get most of your information from.

American conservatives live in a bubble of their own making, then cry when facts and reality intrude, and "the media" might show them something that makes them think.

05-03-2016, 04:58 PM
Nope, OP nailed it.
That is all in your head.

A rather classic case of confirmation bias. You remember the things that confirm your beliefs, "the 'media' is against my viewpoint", and forget the things that conflict with them "the coverage was appropriate, and based on importance/ratings".

People like you believe "the media" is horribly biased because "the media" has the gall to actually show you information you might not agree with, and don't endlessly parrot/confirm your pre-existing viewpoints, like the talking heads/radio hosts you tend to get most of your information from.

American conservatives live in a bubble of their own making, then cry when facts and reality intrude, and "the media" might show them something that makes them think.

:lol the media isn't biased

And please do tell, which radio show hosts do I listen to for the 5 minute drive home from work. I'll give you a hint, I'm on the road home at 3:30 pm and it's an AM station based out of Los Angeles.

05-03-2016, 05:09 PM
Clocks ticking...almost 3:30 here and I'm about to get a dose of my radical right wing radio show :lol

05-04-2016, 10:14 AM
im sure there's a fallacy here somewhere

Yes, that's a legit ad homenim. An abusive one at that. You hear it cried out so much by pseudo-intellectuals that it becomes easy to forget what one looks like sometimes.

05-04-2016, 10:19 AM
im sure there's a fallacy here somewherelegit ad hominem: it really did seem like TSA was defending Hastert.

05-04-2016, 11:13 AM
Nope, OP nailed it.

:lol the media isn't biased

And please do tell, which radio show hosts do I listen to for the 5 minute drive home from work. I'll give you a hint, I'm on the road home at 3:30 pm and it's an AM station based out of Los Angeles.

Mah, I'm just being a rant-y jackass. Never mind the bile. Years of frustration boils over occasionally.

Honestly looked into the OP, it deserves a bit of actual honest discussion. Not sure when I have time, but it is worth getting some time to, IMO.

05-04-2016, 11:17 AM
Sorry I just don't trust the partisan musings of a person who said things like this in reference to underage boys who were sexually assaulted

Don't know about "obviously consented" but it sure reads like it was a couple of gay boys consenting to massages and happy endings.

The "went to get a massage to lose weight" had me chuckling.

The guy is still a molester and I'm glad he got caught, but I just don't buy a 17 year old going in for a weight loss massage was forced to get his dick sucked.

Can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

You are going in circles here. He is a molester, he did committ a sexual assault. I think they were both willing.

Now if anyone can find similar defense for liberal or avowed democrats who have ADMITTED molesting children, I'll change my position. Until then, I don't believe a word TSA has to say when it comes to partisan politics. My personal preference though :lol

05-04-2016, 12:14 PM
legit ad hominem: it really did seem like TSA was defending Hastert.

"Legit ad homenim" means that it's actually a fallacy, not just an insult that gets called one by psuedo-intellectuals. Shas is legitimately trying to argue that TSA's character discredits his argument, and it's completely absurd, because TSA's potential support pedophiles has nothing to do with the fact that Trump protesters may be more violent than they're believed to be.

This is an example of a fallacious argument, and people should take notes so they don't keep mixing it up. No amount of "evidence" to support the pedophile angle makes the argument more legitimate. In fact, I'm pretty sure the constructive in this thread isn't even being disputed anymore.

05-04-2016, 12:26 PM
I mean yeah, my main goal was to spread the word that TSA (and CosmicCowboy) are pedo-defenders. But it's not entirely absurd to use a person's bias as evidence that their beliefs and thoughts on other issues are also biased.

:lol Leftist violence epidemic

05-04-2016, 12:30 PM
TSA and CosmicCowboy, every Saturday morning they are...

THE PEDO-DEFENDER BRIGADE. Watch as they twist and turn to defend a man who sexually molested young boys. Marvel at their willingness to imagine boys enjoying sexual interactions with an adult male. Don't forget to DVR the adventures of the Pedo-Defender Brigade.

05-04-2016, 12:41 PM
I mean yeah, my main goal was to spread the word that TSA (and CosmicCowboy) are pedo-defenders. But it's not entirely absurd to use a person's bias as evidence that their beliefs and thoughts on other issues are also biased.

:lol Leftist violence epidemic
Exactly how what pedophilia cause bias in relation to this particular thread topic

05-04-2016, 12:46 PM
Exactly how what pedophilia cause bias in relation to this particular thread topic

They defended Hastert because he self identifies as a conservative. Hence me asking for evidence they've defended any liberals who were accused of, and then admitted to being child molesters. Why else would they defend a child molester unless they also think it's cool to molest young boys.

Get it?

05-04-2016, 12:57 PM
They defended Hastert because he self identifies as a conservative. Hence me asking for evidence they've defended any liberals who were accused of, and then admitted to being child molesters. Why else would they defend a child molester unless they also think it's cool to molest young boys.

Get it?
that didn't answer my question. the discussion here is about violence at rallies, and you're somehow trying to tie pedophilia into it

05-04-2016, 01:03 PM
that didn't answer my question. the discussion here is about violence at rallies, and you're somehow trying to tie pedophilia into it

I guess you don't get it.

Partisan bias. Need me to give examples or something?

05-04-2016, 01:55 PM
Sorry I just don't trust the partisan musings of a person who said things like this in reference to underage boys who were sexually assaulted

After going through this thread and taking the time to quote all of this I am amazed you still think I was defending him. Right there in your quotes I'm saying he is a molester, I'm glad he got caught, he did commit a sexual assault etc.

Answer this question, can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

05-04-2016, 02:01 PM
They defended Hastert because he self identifies as a conservative. Hence me asking for evidence they've defended any liberals who were accused of, and then admitted to being child molesters. Why else would they defend a child molester unless they also think it's cool to molest young boys.

Get it?
You thought I made my comments based on his political affiliation? :lol My comments were based strictly on the 17 year old being old enough to decide whether or not he wanted brains from another man.

05-04-2016, 02:03 PM
I guess you don't get it.

Partisan bias. Need me to give examples or something?

Bump that thread if you really want to discuss it, you are shitting up this one.

05-04-2016, 02:07 PM
Mah, I'm just being a rant-y jackass. Never mind the bile. Years of frustration boils over occasionally.

Honestly looked into the OP, it deserves a bit of actual honest discussion. Not sure when I have time, but it is worth getting some time to, IMO.

there is merit to the OP as he's not talking about terrorist attacks like some in this thread tried to equate the rally violence to.

05-05-2016, 01:37 AM
After going through this thread and taking the time to quote all of this I am amazed you still think I was defending him. Right there in your quotes I'm saying he is a molester, I'm glad he got caught, he did commit a sexual assault etc.

Answer this question, can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

You thought I made my comments based on his political affiliation? :lol My comments were based strictly on the 17 year old being old enough to decide whether or not he wanted brains from another man.:lol Summary: As long as we say we're not doing something (when we clearly are), it must be true. Also, Hastert lied when he admitted to molesting those boys.

Bump that thread if you really want to discuss it, you are shitting up this one.You fled pretty quick from the other thread so I thought it prudent to remind people who haven't seen it that you defend admitted child molesters.

05-05-2016, 12:02 PM
:lol Summary: As long as we say we're not doing something (when we clearly are), it must be true. Also, Hastert lied when he admitted to molesting those boys.

You fled pretty quick from the other thread so I thought it prudent to remind people who haven't seen it that you defend admitted child molesters.

:lol fled the thread. Sorry but I don't spend my weekends posting on Spurstalk.

Stop dodging my question. Can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

05-05-2016, 12:19 PM
"Legit ad homenim" means that it's actually a fallacy, not just an insult that gets called one by psuedo-intellectuals. Shas is legitimately trying to argue that TSA's character discredits his argument, and it's completely absurd, because TSA's potential support pedophiles has nothing to do with the fact that Trump protesters may be more violent than they're believed to be.

This is an example of a fallacious argument, and people should take notes so they don't keep mixing it up. No amount of "evidence" to support the pedophile angle makes the argument more legitimate. In fact, I'm pretty sure the constructive in this thread isn't even being disputed anymore.

There is no universal standard for credibility, pseudo-intellectual. Mindless partisanship does speak to a person's veracity on a political topic and has everything to do with the subject at hand.

Try supporting your assertions with more than just handwaving next time. All you do here is point out your lack of vision and imagination.

05-06-2016, 08:21 PM
Sorry but I don't spend my weekends posting on Spurstalk.:lol I find that hard to believe

Stop dodging my question. Can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?I'm not dodging your question. The answer is obvious. The meaning behind the question is the important part. But keep on defending child molesters. We know your MO.

05-07-2016, 12:22 AM
Stop dodging my question.

Hypocrisy at its finest :lol

05-07-2016, 12:45 AM
Hypocrisy at its finest :lol
well then from now on if you accuse him of dodging a question it would be hypocrisy, too

05-07-2016, 01:00 AM
:lol I find that hard to believe

I'm not dodging your question. The answer is obvious. The meaning behind the question is the important part. But keep on defending child molesters. We know your MO.
What's the answer, you've dodged it again. Can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

05-07-2016, 01:12 AM
What's the answer, you've dodged it again. Can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

if one is underage, it's STATUTORY rape, doesn't matter if both consent. If one is a coach and the other a student, it's crime.

You're defense of the pedophile is as bullshitty as your sicko gun fellatin.

05-07-2016, 01:42 AM
What's the answer, you've dodged it again. Can a sexual assault occur even if both participants are willing yes or no?

It's not an answer. It's the definition of the term. Even if I "dodge questions" I still don't defend child molesters like you do. So I'm fine with that.

05-07-2016, 01:45 AM
What's the definition of a commonly known term?

You fucking serious dude?

Stop dodging my thought-provoking question!

05-07-2016, 01:49 AM
"Legit ad homenim" means that it's actually a fallacy, not just an insult that gets called one by psuedo-intellectuals. Shas is legitimately trying to argue that TSA's character discredits his argument, and it's completely absurd, because TSA's potential support pedophiles has nothing to do with the fact that Trump protesters may be more violent than they're believed to be.

This is an example of a fallacious argument, and people should take notes so they don't keep mixing it up. No amount of "evidence" to support the pedophile angle makes the argument more legitimate. In fact, I'm pretty sure the constructive in this thread isn't even being disputed anymore.I never said the ad hominem replaces a topical argument, just that it seems to be accurate. Pedo-defenders weeping crocodile tears over street violence at Trump rallies are less persuasive than speakers not similarly biased.

05-07-2016, 01:50 AM
rhetorically, of course

05-07-2016, 01:52 AM
pointing that out isn't a rhetorical fallacy.

defending child molesters unbidden doesn't win people to your side.

05-07-2016, 01:57 AM
TSA seems to be confused on the age of consent issue.

legally, it's clear cut within jurisdictions.

for a lot people it's cut and dried morally too.

05-07-2016, 02:00 AM
TSA and CC seem to be a moral relativists on age of consent.

If the minor consents it becomes consensual, or something like that.

05-07-2016, 02:11 AM
pointing that out isn't a rhetorical fallacy.

Yes it is. That's the point. An argument is either good or bad, and it's independent of the person who's making it. That's why they call it ad homenim.

05-07-2016, 02:18 AM
not Romeo and Juliet, but the high school coach tackling his own wrestlers.

ok presumably because teenagers enjoy getting blown, or did not forcefully resist, or something like that.

05-07-2016, 02:22 AM
Yes it is. That's the point. An argument is either good or bad, and it's independent of the person who's making it. That's why they call it ad homenim.I think you missed my point. The conversation operates on many tracks. The logical track claims supremacy, yet cannot enforce it on bulletin boards.

Taboo, superstition and the law related to sexual contact with children count too.

05-07-2016, 02:28 AM
the question of who is speaking may not be relevant logically speaking, but rhetorically and socially the answer is pertinent.

one would be an idiot to ignore who's arguing for what.

05-07-2016, 02:32 AM
yet that is precisely what logic demands

05-07-2016, 02:53 AM
and bulletin boards will not abide

05-07-2016, 02:54 AM
good luck with the orderly debate

05-07-2016, 02:56 AM
is that really what you came here for?

05-07-2016, 03:34 AM
you realize that you can just edit the first post instead of adding 6 more right?

05-07-2016, 04:01 AM

05-07-2016, 04:02 AM
you bored?

05-07-2016, 04:41 AM
I used to write paragraphs. They begged me to stop.

05-07-2016, 05:24 AM
I did

05-07-2016, 06:38 AM

05-07-2016, 06:39 AM
well then from now on if you accuse him of dodging a question it would be hypocrisy, too


05-07-2016, 10:16 AM
TSA seems to be confused on the age of consent issue.

legally, it's clear cut within jurisdictions.

for a lot people it's cut and dried morally too.
Minors can't give consent, does not mean a minor can't be willing.

05-07-2016, 01:48 PM
Minors can't give consent, does not mean a minor can't be willing.
Quoted for posterity.

05-07-2016, 04:06 PM
Quoted for posterity.

I never said because I thought the 17 year old was willing that a crime was not committed by Hastert.

Here's another case of a willing under age male who couldn't give consent to his 9 hour threesome with two good looking teachers.

Most guys I know wished something like that happened to them in high school, who's to say the 17 year old didn't feel the same way about getting his knob polished by Hastert?

05-07-2016, 04:24 PM
Most guys I know wished something like that happened to them in high school, who's to say the 17 year old didn't feel the same way about getting his knob polished by Hastert?

You mean besides the minor who was molested and the adult who did the molesting? I suppose no one. How about the other children Hastert molested? You're very quiet about them. PEDO-DEFENDER BRIGADE.

05-07-2016, 04:38 PM
You mean besides the minor who was molested and the adult who did the molesting? I suppose no one. How about the other children Hastert molested? You're very quiet about them. PEDO-DEFENDER BRIGADE.
He molested all of them, I never once said he did not. What you are having time grasping is that a person under the age of consent can still be willing and enjoy their sexual assault.

like this kid for example:

"The threesome is what made national headlines, though. And why wouldn’t it? The epic event impressively lasted from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m. the next morning, according to local police.
St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s deputies say the threesome happened on a Friday night, after a high school football game (which Destrehan won easily, 41-7). It was a special night, too, because it was Dufresne’s birthday.
Dufresne “enticed and transported” the student to Respess’s apartment, explains the New York Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/la-teacher-jail-sex-student-case-article-1.2180450). Respess, the younger teacher, and the teen had sex. Meanwhile, Dufresne “began intimately kissing” the younger teacher “in an attempt to arouse all parties involved, all who were complete[ly] disrobed.”
Dufresne had been the student’s English teacher this year. Respress had the pleasure of teaching him in English class last year.
The sheriff’s office was tipped off after school officials reported that the unidentified student was bragging to friends about his exploits"

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/04/11/louisiana-teacher-accused-of-9-hour-threesome-with-teen-gets-no-jail-time-for-other-illicit-sex/#ixzz480Z5veWk

05-07-2016, 04:39 PM
What you are having time grasping is that a person under the age of consent can still be willing and enjoy their sexual assault.

Quoted for posterity.

05-07-2016, 05:14 PM
Quoted for posterity.

Assuming you are a guy and straight, as a 16 year old would you have been willing and enjoyed having sex with these two teachers yes or no?


05-08-2016, 12:30 AM
I dont understand the relevancy of the hypothetical "enjoyment". Doesn't really seem germane to the topic in any way.

05-08-2016, 01:05 AM
I dont understand the relevancy of the hypothetical "enjoyment". Doesn't really seem germane to the topic in any way.
The topic is actually about anti-Trump protesters using violence to quiet the opposition.

And the enjoyment isn't always hypothetical. "The sheriff’s office was tipped off after school officials reported that the unidentified student was bragging to friends about his exploits"

05-08-2016, 02:37 AM
did they do the same with Denny Hastert?

05-08-2016, 03:14 AM
Minors can't give consent, does not mean a minor can't be willing.seems a distinction without a difference. why does it matter if the victim is willing?

05-08-2016, 09:57 AM

05-08-2016, 12:51 PM
seems a distinction without a difference. why does it matter if the victim is willing?
Victimhood is based on an arbitrary age decided by the state, not by the person participating. Do you think the 16 year old who banged two of his teachers for 9 hours feels like a victim? Or his he just a victim because his state decided for him that he is not old enough to decide for himself whether or not a 9 hour threesome would be a good idea.

05-08-2016, 12:53 PM
Simple yes or no will do here Shasta.
Assuming you are a guy and straight, as a 16 year old would you have been willing and enjoyed having sex with these two teachers yes or no?


05-08-2016, 01:02 PM
"Victimhood is based on an arbitrary age decided by the state"

yep, laws is laws, except when you anarchists want to criminalize the victim, protect the predator.

Slut walked any ladies recently? you know they use birth control because they are sluts, nymphomaniacs, right?

05-08-2016, 01:34 PM
"Victimhood is based on an arbitrary age decided by the state"

yep, laws is laws, except when you anarchists want to criminalize the victim, protect the predator.

Slut walked any ladies recently? you know they use birth control because they are sluts, nymphomaniacs, right?

My fiancé uses birth control because her IUD was hitting the tip of my dick and causing me a lot of pain.

Is the predator still a predator if it's a high school girl who has been dating and having sexual relations with her boyfriend of 2 years and she just turned 18 and he's still only 17?

05-08-2016, 01:35 PM

Assuming you are a guy and straight, as a 16 year old would you have been willing and enjoyed having sex with these two teachers yes or no?


05-08-2016, 02:30 PM
My fiancé uses birth control because her IUD was hitting the tip of my dick and causing me a lot of pain.

Is the predator still a predator if it's a high school girl who has been dating and having sexual relations with her boyfriend of 2 years and she just turned 18 and he's still only 17?

under age sex is a state statutory felony. If you don't want to obey the law, elect legislators to repeal it.

There was one judge, a red state judge IIRC, that gave a convicted rapist only 30 days jail, because the underage victim was active sexually.

These bag of shit Christian Taliban judges refuse to acknowledge "legitimate rape", as the Repug Rape Caucus calls it, is different from consensual sex. iow, if you're girl who fucks, then anybody can have a go at you, sorta like Muslim and Hindu countries.

05-08-2016, 02:54 PM
under age sex is a state statutory felony. If you don't want to obey the law, elect legislators to repeal it.

There was one judge, a red state judge IIRC, that gave a convicted rapist only 30 days jail, because the underage victim was active sexually.

These bag of shit Christian Taliban judges refuse to acknowledge "legitimate rape", as the Repug Rape Caucus calls it, is different from consensual sex. iow, if you're girl who fucks, then anybody can have a go at you, sorta like Muslim and Hindu countries.
I didn't ask you about any of this other bullshit. Is the 18 year old girl a sexual predator yes or no?

05-08-2016, 03:01 PM
This thread is such bullshit. Just admit that leftist activists can be stupid, irrational and violent like everyone else. It's not hard, and it doesn't mean that you think Trump is any more right or justified. But this ad homenim tactic is so fucking idiotic.

05-08-2016, 03:03 PM
This thread is such bullshit. Just admit that leftist activists can be stupid, irrational and violent like everyone else. It's not hard, and it doesn't mean that you think Trump is any more right or justified. But this ad homenim tactic is so fucking idiotic.
During this election the leftist activist have actually been more violent.

05-08-2016, 03:05 PM
I think you missed my point. The conversation operates on many tracks. The logical track claims supremacy, yet cannot enforce it on bulletin boards.

No. Your point is stupid and fallacious. TSA could BE a child molester, like one who's convicted and proud, and it would still have nothing to do with this thread. You're just proving his point. There is legit violence by people who oppose Trump. No one's even argued against it. Instead, people are just ignoring it, and you guys in this thread who are going off on this ad homenim tangent are just reinforcing it. It's despicable.

05-08-2016, 04:42 PM
This thread is such bullshit. Just admit that leftist activists can be stupid, irrational and violent like everyone else. It's not hard, and it doesn't mean that you think Trump is any more right or justified. But this ad homenim tactic is so fucking idiotic.

Sorry but Trump encouraged violence by promising financial support for potential law breakers to extremely enthusiastic support multiple times. He is the GOP's presidential candidate. Since he said those things the violence has escalated in the environment he created. There is much more violence at GOP events. That isn't ad hominem.

Sorry that you identify by US political dualism but it is what it is.

05-08-2016, 05:11 PM
"There's a lot of this feeling about violence coming from Trump's campaign," he said. "And I very much hope that he understands that in a democracy, people should be allowed to go to anybody's rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up. So I really hope he tones it down. This is not good for the country."

Agreed Bernie, people should be allowed to go to anybody's rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up.






05-08-2016, 05:16 PM
There is much more violence at GOP events.At the hands of the Left.

05-08-2016, 05:52 PM
At the hands of the Left.

Bull fucking shit. anti-Trumps hold up signs, shout, then get beat up by your Trump rightwingnut fascist goons

05-08-2016, 05:53 PM
TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are


The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat


Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

Which Dems incite and promise to compensate violence, want to punch protesters?

05-08-2016, 06:05 PM
Bull fucking shit. anti-Trumps hold up signs, shout, then get beat up by your Trump rightwingnut fascist goons

those videos posted directly above prove you wrong. It's undeniable. During this campaign the left has been far more violent, it's not even a debate but it's fun watching you flail around and deny it.

05-08-2016, 06:11 PM
It will be impossible, over the long term, to maintain peace and even national unity if elite media and the Democratic party continue to condone and even encourage political violence and the systematic violation of individual rights by its radical progressive base. From Occupy to Ferguson to Baltimore to the unrest on campus, Americans have watched the liberal establishment trip over itself to express solidarity and sympathy with protesters who’ve burned, looted, shut down roads and parks, and violated the fundamental rights of American citizens. As Trump supporters are fond of pointing out on Twitter, this didn’t happen at a Trump event:

For the better part of two years, millions of Americans have watched as violence and disruption actually work. At college campuses, radical students and allied professors and administrators will shout down dissenters, intimidate fellow students, disrupt the educational process, and win.

In the streets of American cities, protesters will riot, vandalize, block traffic, and invade shops and restaurants, and they win. When the narratives (“Hands up, don’t shoot,” or “It’s open season” on black males) are debunked by facts, protesters still prevail. Police tactics change even as the national murder rate seems set for its largest spike in 25 years. In the nation’s 50 largest cities, 770 more people were murdered in 2015 than in the previous year. Yet with the exception of a few courageous progressives, the Left largely hails this unrest. Even riots are excused or minimized by leading figures in the liberal intelligentsia, and mob actions that violate the free-speech rights of fellow citizens — by shouting down or shutting down events the Left doesn’t like — are whitewashed as “peaceful protest.”

If the Left thinks that it can continue to use, with impunity, violence and disruption as the enforcement mechanism of its political and intellectual movement, it is sadly mistaken. Recent American history shows that tolerance for left-wing violence and disruption is limited, and that same history shows that the violence will meet with a response. Whether that response is constructive or destructive depends on the quality of American leadership. The political violence and unrest of 1968 helped usher in an era of Republican presidential dominance. Between 1968 and 1988, Republicans won five of six presidential contests — often running on law-and-order platforms designed to directly counter the sense that America was unraveling, that violence was spiraling out of control. Clinton was able to break the Republican winning streak only by directly confronting black radicals (remember his “Sister Souljah moment”?) and doing so with enormous rank-and-file black support. Now, sadly, he’s ashamed of the bipartisan crime bills that helped end America’s murder epidemic. Stepping back from the brink took leadership.

Where are our leaders now? As Molly Ball notes today in an insightful piece in The Atlantic, Trump is dominating the GOP primary in part because he is directly tapping into the anger over double standards. In response to an unruly protester, he asks, “Why are they allowed to do things that we’re not allowed to do, can you explain that to me?” Pondering American military restraint in the face of ISIS atrocities, he writes, “The enemy is cutting off the heads of Christians and drowning them in cages, and yet we are too politically correct to respond in kind.”

Trump’s message is simple — an eye for an eye. Witness this tweeted threat against Bernie Sanders: In the face of an unraveling, Trump is responding. Ball writes: This is why Trump won’t denounce the violence at his events: He is standing up for the people who are tired of being told the divisions in American society are all their fault. As far as they can tell, he is the only one who is. Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum, and when leaders are absent, the void will be filled. In this sense, Trump may be destructive and violent, but in the absence of a meaningful counter to left-wing bullying and elite double standards, he, or someone like him, was inevitable.

The productive, proper response to the Left’s double standard isn’t to mimic its tactics but rather to impose lawful consequences while forcefully defending core American values. In other words, the answer is a forceful call for respect and for law and order, properly understood — not the boot heel of oppression but the end of most-favored-criminal status for social-justice warriors.

Condemning Trump is not enough. Constructively countering an increasingly radical Left takes real leadership, men and women who can both articulate America’s constitutional values and enforce its constitutional protections. We either remember how to respect and protect the rights both of the majority and of dissenters or we will remember the high cost of political unrest and national division. The chaos of 1968 beckons. Trump and the Left embrace the madness. Who will stop it?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/432831/donald-trump-political-violence-the-left-double-standard

05-08-2016, 06:38 PM
"elite media and the Democratic party continue to condone and even encourage political violence"

:lol Holy Shit! Ministry of Truth. :lol

05-08-2016, 08:41 PM
"elite media and the Democratic party continue to condone and even encourage political violence"

:lol Holy Shit! Ministry of Truth. :lol

That's your rebuttal? Duly noted.

05-08-2016, 08:52 PM
That's your rebuttal? Duly noted.

NR and NRO are huge sources of LIES, like this one. They falsely accuse the Dems of doing EXACTLY their autocrat thug Trump is doing.

05-08-2016, 08:59 PM
what evidence does NR offer for Dems' violence? :lol

05-08-2016, 10:15 PM
NR and NRO are huge sources of LIES, like this one. They falsely accuse the Dems of doing EXACTLY their autocrat thug Trump is doing.

lol thinkprogress

05-08-2016, 11:01 PM
what evidence does NR offer for Dems' violence? :lol
They are just reporting on what is actually happening. See post#101 in this thread for actual evidence. You can't deny it without throwing out any shred of credibility you had left. Your the last left wing denying your sides violent tactics, best of luck :lol

05-08-2016, 11:26 PM
lol thinkprogress

national review isn't what it used to be either.

05-08-2016, 11:58 PM
national review isn't what it used to be either.
Try actually reading the article before you dismiss it, if I'm off ignore of course. Speaks to both the problems of Trump and the violent left,

05-09-2016, 12:40 AM
This thread is such bullshit. Just admit that leftist activists can be stupid, irrational and violent like everyone else. It's not hard, and it doesn't mean that you think Trump is any more right or justified. But this ad homenim tactic is so fucking idiotic.no side has a monopoly on stupidity or violent conduct. let's stipulate that to begin with.

05-09-2016, 12:41 AM
They are just reporting on what is actually happening. See post#101 in this thread for actual evidence. You can't deny it without throwing out any shred of credibility you had left. Your the last left wing denying your sides violent tactics, best of luck :lol

I lean democrat and even I know those fuckers are violent. The PC culture breeds a mob mentality, when republicans are violent it's just about guns pretty much.

05-09-2016, 12:46 AM
No. Your point is stupid and fallacious. TSA could BE a child molester, like one who's convicted and proud, and it would still have nothing to do with this thread. You're just proving his point. I did not call TSA a child molester, only a child molester-apologist. There's a subtle difference.

I didn't prove his point or your point, and you did not prove it either, even though you did the touchdown dance.

05-09-2016, 01:12 AM
Victimhood is based on an arbitrary age decided by the state, not by the person participating. Do you think the 16 year old who banged two of his teachers for 9 hours feels like a victim? Or his he just a victim because his state decided for him that he is not old enough to decide for himself whether or not a 9 hour threesome would be a good idea.I have no idea. Why don't you continue to explain it?

You seem to have a granular knowledge of the sexual contact. Where did you get it?

05-09-2016, 07:31 AM
national review isn't what it used to be either.

05-10-2016, 05:00 PM
This thread is such bullshit. Just admit that leftist activists can be stupid, irrational and violent like everyone else. It's not hard, and it doesn't mean that you think Trump is any more right or justified. But this ad homenim tactic is so fucking idiotic.


Real talk though I'm pretty happy with how this thread turned out.

05-17-2016, 11:04 AM
Nevada Democrats: Sanders campaign has violent streak

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday.
The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.
Sanders' backers had been protesting convention rules that ultimately led to Hillary Clinton winning more pledged delegates. Clinton won the state's caucuses in February, 53-47, but Sanders backers hoped to pick up extra delegates by packing county and state party gatherings.
Sanders had released a statement Friday night asking supporters to work "together respectfully and constructively" at the convention. But the state party alleged in its letter to the co-chairs of the DNC Rules and By-laws committee, "The explosive situation arose in large part because a portion of the community of Sanders delegates arrived at the Nevada Democratic State Convention believing itself to be a vanguard intent upon sparking a street-fight rather than attending an orderly political party process."
Michael Briggs, a Sanders campaign spokesman, said, "We do not condone violence or encourage violence or even threats of violence." He added that the campaign "had no role in encouraging the activity that the party is complaining about. We have a First Amendment and respect the rights of the people to make their voices heard."
On Saturday, Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton's favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings. The letter by the state party's general counsel, Bradley S. Schrager, warns that similarly chaotic scenes could unfold in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Committee's July convention.
"We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention," Schrager wrote. "We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders campaign's penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior — indeed, actual violence — in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats."
Several Sanders backers have condemned some of the threats against Lange and other actions Saturday. Former state assemblywoman Lucy Flores, a current congressional candidate, said in a statement: "There were actions over the weekend and at the Democratic convention that very clearly crossed the line. Progressives need to speak out against those: Making threats against someone's life, defacing private property, and hurling vulgar language at our female leaders."
State party offices remained closed Monday for security reasons after Sanders supporters posted Lange's home and business addresses, email and cell phone number online. Copies of angry and threatening texts to Lange were included with the letter.
Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.
"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."
Associated Press Congressional Correspondent Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report.


05-17-2016, 07:13 PM
Lib crickets

05-17-2016, 09:55 PM
Nevada Democrats: Sanders campaign has violent streak

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday.
The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.
Sanders' backers had been protesting convention rules that ultimately led to Hillary Clinton winning more pledged delegates. Clinton won the state's caucuses in February, 53-47, but Sanders backers hoped to pick up extra delegates by packing county and state party gatherings.
Sanders had released a statement Friday night asking supporters to work "together respectfully and constructively" at the convention. But the state party alleged in its letter to the co-chairs of the DNC Rules and By-laws committee, "The explosive situation arose in large part because a portion of the community of Sanders delegates arrived at the Nevada Democratic State Convention believing itself to be a vanguard intent upon sparking a street-fight rather than attending an orderly political party process."
Michael Briggs, a Sanders campaign spokesman, said, "We do not condone violence or encourage violence or even threats of violence." He added that the campaign "had no role in encouraging the activity that the party is complaining about. We have a First Amendment and respect the rights of the people to make their voices heard."
On Saturday, Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton's favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings. The letter by the state party's general counsel, Bradley S. Schrager, warns that similarly chaotic scenes could unfold in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Committee's July convention.
"We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention," Schrager wrote. "We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders campaign's penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior — indeed, actual violence — in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats."
Several Sanders backers have condemned some of the threats against Lange and other actions Saturday. Former state assemblywoman Lucy Flores, a current congressional candidate, said in a statement: "There were actions over the weekend and at the Democratic convention that very clearly crossed the line. Progressives need to speak out against those: Making threats against someone's life, defacing private property, and hurling vulgar language at our female leaders."
State party offices remained closed Monday for security reasons after Sanders supporters posted Lange's home and business addresses, email and cell phone number online. Copies of angry and threatening texts to Lange were included with the letter.
Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.
"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."
Associated Press Congressional Correspondent Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report.


I just saw your girl Wasserman-Shultz denouncing this on cnn and calling on Sanders to do the same. Harsh words. Will she receive your praise TSA for trying to start the conversation?

05-17-2016, 10:00 PM
I just saw your girl Wasserman-Shultz denouncing this on cnn and calling on Sanders to do the same. Harsh words. Will she receive your praise TSA for trying to start the conversation?
My full praise, despite being even more unfuckable than Hillary.

05-17-2016, 10:12 PM
full praise and the back of your hand. I wonder how you treat women who disagree with you.

05-17-2016, 10:20 PM
full praise and the back of your hand. I wonder how you treat women who disagree with you.
If you find her more fuckable than Hillary agree to disagree.

05-17-2016, 10:22 PM
That's how you treat a woman disagreeing with you.

05-18-2016, 09:13 AM
Well look at that, we're having a conversation about leftist violence. They even had a segment on NPR this morning.

05-18-2016, 09:50 AM
LAS VEGAS (AP) — state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.
State party offices remained closed Monday for security reasons after Sanders supporters posted Lange's home and business addresses, email and cell phone number online. Copies of angry and threatening texts to Lange were included with the letter.
Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.
"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."

Nicely done.
Beautiful activism.

Keep going til she steps down and/or fesses up.

05-18-2016, 06:12 PM
Bernie backers ‘reality check’ Nevada violence: Video proves we only ‘lifted a chair in frustration’

Supporters of Bernie Sanders fired back at media reports this week that the campaign had a “penchant for violence” by posting a video that they said proved a chair was not thrown during Saturday’s Nevada convention, it was only “lifted in frustration.”

The Associated Press reported (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/131ea921d2a74a60ada40307b79c735c/nevada-democrats-sanders-campaign-has-violent-streak) on Monday that Democratic officials in Nevada had warned that Sanders supporters may try and disrupt the party’s national convention in Philadelphia based on behavior of the rowdy crowd over the weekend.

“The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange,” the AP noted.

“Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton’s favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings.”

But on Tuesday, supporters posted what they said was video proof (https://mobile.twitter.com/Bernie4People/status/732619789424832512) that no chair was thrown.

The video shows a man at the convention lifting a chair over his head. After several other people step in to talk him down, another Sanders supporter is seen embracing the man with a hug.


05-19-2016, 08:20 AM
so, no chairs thrown

05-19-2016, 08:38 AM
TSA thinks we need to have a national conversation about leftist violence over one crank call.

05-19-2016, 08:51 AM
Why didn't Obama call out the National Guard?

05-19-2016, 09:59 AM
Minors can't give consent, does not mean a minor can't be willing.

Lol wow

05-19-2016, 10:09 AM
Lol wow

If you were 16 years old and hot teacher wanted to bang you, more than likely you would be a willing sumbitch, legal or not.

05-19-2016, 10:35 AM
If you were 16 years old and hot teacher wanted to bang you, more than likely you would be a willing sumbitch, legal or not.

CC doubling down

05-19-2016, 10:36 AM
CC doubling down

Just a fact if you are 16 years old with testosterone.

Of course, you might be different.

Not going to debate this ad nauseum.

You either have common sense or you don't.

05-19-2016, 10:58 AM
TSA thinks we need to have a national conversation about leftist violence over one crank call.






05-19-2016, 11:00 AM
Lol wow You wouldn't have threesome with these two teachers when you were in highschool? Lol wow


05-19-2016, 11:06 AM
You wouldn't have threesome with these two teachers when you were in highschool? Lol wow


Apparently some of these guys have gender ambiguity and didn't like women in high school.

05-20-2016, 09:20 AM
a handful of minor incidents perpetrated by wackos at political rallies, breathlessly hyped, blown out of proportion and used to paint one side of the political spectrum with the broadest possible brush.

propaganda is TSA's metier.

05-20-2016, 10:01 AM
shitting on posters you don't like helps the conversation how? you don't have to treat this board like your own personal bathroom stall.

05-20-2016, 10:39 AM
These fucking mouth breathing inbreds like cocksucker and bicurious tsa are too stupid to think for themselves. This attack shit is page 2 of the mongoloid playbook. Even though you have seen all of racist violent activity that is prevalent at trump and right wing gatherings, that it's common knowledge among the thinking. These faggots march to the orders of the brain that thinks for them.

The big play has always been false equivalence. Find any example of the other side doing anything wrong and attack.

There is a reason that when elections are decided by issues, pubs rarely win. It's hate and fear to drive emotions to get people to vote against their own best interests.

That toad piece of shit Frank lunz wrote a whole memo about this to operatives during the healthcare debates. Stupid cocksucking pieces of shit like cocksuckertsa retardmt etc are the target audience. Ineffectual scared little fucking people that won't take responsibility for their own thinking.

Dude? You went full boutons there. Never go full boutons.

05-20-2016, 09:48 PM
This isn't a place where people go to have conversations.you're wrong about that. conversations can and do happen.

you're not helping.

05-20-2016, 10:36 PM
you're wrong about that. conversations can and do happen.

you're not helping.

neither are you. you judge and shit on others yourself for that matter.

05-25-2016, 02:21 PM
bump for New Mexico.

These dipshit protesters are only pushing people who would otherwise not vote for Trump to get off their asses and vote for Trump.

05-25-2016, 03:58 PM
What's the count of murders by left wingnuts compared to the murders committed by rightwingnuts?

05-25-2016, 03:59 PM
What's the count of murders by left wingnuts compared to the murders committed by rightwingnuts?

50% higher

05-25-2016, 04:25 PM
What's the count of murders by left wingnuts compared to the murders committed by rightwingnuts?

How far back do you want to go?

And I can play the off topic question game too...

What's the 2015 count of murders by people who identify as democrats compared to the murders committed by those who identify as republican?

05-25-2016, 04:34 PM
How far back do you want to go?

And I can play the off topic question game too...

What's the 2015 count of murders by people who identify as democrats compared to the murders committed by those who identify as republican?

how about 5 years? 10 years?

05-25-2016, 04:36 PM
how about 5 years? 10 years?

That is fine. And I will answer honestly, I'll even use the chart you've posted several times. Now after I do this will you answer my question honestly or will you run off as expected?

05-25-2016, 04:39 PM
That is fine. And I will answer honestly, I'll even use the chart you've posted several times. Now after I do this will you answer my question honestly or will you run off as expected?

When blacks showed up with long guns at polling place (nobody murdered), it was all over the right-wing media, which REFUSES to propagandize you rightwingnutjobs' violent behaviour as much as they TRUMPET incessantly ANY leftwingnut misbehaviour.

05-25-2016, 05:01 PM
When blacks showed up with long guns at polling place (nobody murdered), it was all over the right-wing media, which REFUSES to propagandize you rightwingnutjobs' violent behaviour as much as they TRUMPET incessantly ANY leftwingnut misbehaviour.

Again, I said I would discuss this honestly as long as you are willing to do the same. Now will you answer my question honestly or will you run off? I don't feel like wasting my time if you won't participate after I've done my part you requested.

05-25-2016, 08:24 PM
Bump for the peaceful Anaheim protesters :lol

05-25-2016, 08:26 PM
And off he ran again.

05-27-2016, 06:08 PM
Colorado prison chief’s killing was gang hit

DENVER (AP) — Newly released documents show authorities believe the killing of Colorado’s prisons chief was ordered by members of a white supremacist prison gang.

The Denver Post (http://dpo.st/27VDRpy ) obtained a 77-page investigative report alleging 211 Crew gang members ordered the March 2013 killing of Tom Clements.

It says they helped gunman Evan Ebel flee to Texas, where he died in a shootout with authorities.

Ebel shot Clements when he answered his front door. The documents, obtained through a records request, say a gang member told investigators Clements’ killing was ordered after Ebel had a falling out with the founder of the Colorado prison gang.

They also say Ebel had contact with gang members in the days before the shooting.


Dirk Oneanddoneski
05-27-2016, 07:43 PM
Beans Beanin' out in San Diego right now



05-27-2016, 08:47 PM
I've seen them in Anaheim, fucking degenerates. Not one single American flag.

05-27-2016, 09:21 PM
I've seen them in Anaheim, fucking degenerates. Not one single American flag.
Reminds me of the old prop 187 days :lol

05-27-2016, 10:40 PM
Reminds me of the old prop 187 days :lol

:lol that shit would never get passed these days, way too many of LkrFan's cousins. It wasn't even enforced

06-03-2016, 07:02 PM
I think this thread needs a bump, been looking at some of the San Jose violence. Rumors spreading that the mayor called off the police protection and diverted rally attendees towards the violent mob.

06-03-2016, 07:48 PM
Solid bump for San Jose, most violence from the left so far. I'm surprised the Trump supporters are not fighting back and are instead being the tolerant ones. Only a matter of time before one of them stops putting up with the attacks and responds. I'm thinking the protesters will surround the wrong car and start breaking windows and then get run over.

06-05-2016, 06:00 PM
I think this thread needs a bump, been looking at some of the San Jose violence. Rumors spreading that the mayor called off the police protection and diverted rally attendees towards the violent mob.
While several physical assaults did occur, the police personnel on scene had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight [sic] the crowd and produce more violent behavior,”

06-05-2016, 06:24 PM
While several physical assaults did occur, the police personnel on scene had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight [sic] the crowd and produce more violent behavior,”

Those pieces of shit should take notes from the SoCal police who are used to dealing with thugs, tbh. Let the riot squad do their job and everything is fine


06-05-2016, 06:28 PM
Oh but here is some of the violent trump rally goers clashing with the police...

06-05-2016, 06:46 PM
While several physical assaults did occur, the police personnel on scene had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight [sic] the crowd and produce more violent behavior,”

That mayor should be ashamed of himself - ordering the police to stand down and not do their jobs. That's so ridiculous - so they are just gonna stand there and watch while they egg/throw stuff/punch people so as not to incite more violence.

Dirk Oneanddoneski
06-05-2016, 07:31 PM
The San Jose PD chief is a La Raza member


compilation of the hits so far


06-05-2016, 07:35 PM
Those pieces of shit should take notes from the SoCal police who are used to dealing with thugs, tbh. Let the riot squad do their job and everything is fine


My cities wonderful "dreamers" lol.

Wonder what that crowd size would have been had prop 187 stuck.

06-05-2016, 07:51 PM
Cleveland is going to be awesome.

06-05-2016, 08:01 PM
Cleveland is going to be awesome.

Cleveland will be boring, business as usual.

Philadelphia will be the entertainment, might need to call in the national guard for that :tu

06-05-2016, 08:34 PM
Cleveland will be boring, business as usual.

Philadelphia will be the entertainment, might need to call in the national guard for that :tu

Bernard keeps talking about a contested convention but every hour that talking point is looking less and less likely.

Your grandma won the Virgin Island last night. Bernie didn't even meet the 15% threshold and tonight is looking like he'll lose Puerto Rico which has 60 delegates up for grabs.

They're saying that she's now within 25 delegates of reaching 2383. With superdelegates that is.

Bernie's arguement is full of holes. He says he will flip all of your grandma's superdelegates and make them his. Therefore ignoring the popular vote and pledge delegates. :lol

06-05-2016, 08:40 PM
Bernard keeps talking about a contested convention but every hour that talking point is looking less and less likely.

Your grandma won the Virgin Island last night. Bernie didn't even meet the 15% threshold and tonight is looking like he'll lose Puerto Rico which has 60 delegates up for grabs.

They're saying that she's now within 25 delegates of reaching 2383. With superdelegates that is.

Bernie's arguement is full of holes. He says he will flip all of your grandma's superdelegates and make them his. Therefore ignoring the popular vote and pledge delegates. :lol

Technically, it is going to be a contested convention unless Hillary gets the pledged delegates she needs from California. If you need to give her superdelegates it will be contested, but if she wins on the first ballot they avoid a brokered convention. A little bit of semantics, but it is what it is - Bernie isn't wrong that it will be contested, but he is wrong if it means he has a chance.

06-05-2016, 08:45 PM
Technically, it is going to be a contested convention unless Hillary gets the pledged delegates she needs from California. If you need to give her superdelegates it will be contested, but if she wins on the first ballot they avoid a brokered convention. A little bit of semantics, but it is what it is - Bernie isn't wrong that it will be contested, but he is wrong if it means he has a chance.

None will have the the necessary pledge delegates. I think she'll be somewhere like 150-200 pledge delegates short.

Obama needed the help of superdelegates to get to the number. I dont remember the last time a democratic candidate got the whole amount of pledge delegates without the super. Maybe you can fill me in on that.

You cant constest something if you dont have the number. I'm confused by that logic. Specially when your only hope is to win over 70% of the vote plus flipping 400+ superdelegates.

I dont know, man.

06-05-2016, 08:59 PM
None will have the the necessary pledge delegates. I think she'll be somewhere like 150-200 pledge delegates short.

Obama needed the help of superdelegates to get to the number. I dont remember the last time a democratic candidate got the whole amount of pledge delegates without the super. Maybe you can fill me in on that.

You cant constest something if you dont have the number. I'm confused by that logic. Specially when your only hope is to win over 70% of the vote plus flipping 400+ superdelegates.

I dont know, man.

Probably John Kerry in 2004, he won almost every state. It's just semantics, Reck, the term contested convention means you don't have a de-facto winner like Trump will be. It's not really a big deal, I don't know why Bernie thinks he will somehow get almost all the unbounds. I think he's just using the term to keep his base hopeful, I guess. It will not be brokered, though.

Dirk Oneanddoneski
06-05-2016, 09:23 PM
This one is 16 minutes with a lot of new footage


06-06-2016, 01:37 AM
This one is 16 minutes with a lot of new footage


:lolYou niggaz see how Jacob ran down Esau at 4:30 with that superior burst of takedown speed? :lol

2 Esdras 6:9

“For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.”


06-06-2016, 04:11 AM
TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are

http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/...ic-terrorists/ (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/10/16/3713318/doj-creates-new-post-to-focus-on-threats-from-rightwing-radicals-and-other-domestic-terrorists/)

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/op...or-threat.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/opinion/the-other-terror-threat.html)

Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

by which leading Dems?

06-06-2016, 11:00 AM
Good thing this stuff wasn't going on when I went to the Trump rally here. I went alone while hubby took kids to church.

06-06-2016, 11:34 AM
TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are

http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/...ic-terrorists/ (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/10/16/3713318/doj-creates-new-post-to-focus-on-threats-from-rightwing-radicals-and-other-domestic-terrorists/)

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/op...or-threat.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/opinion/the-other-terror-threat.html)

Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

by which leading Dems?

Do you label gang killings left wing since the overwhelming majority of them are Democrats?

06-06-2016, 11:47 AM
TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are

http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/...ic-terrorists/ (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/10/16/3713318/doj-creates-new-post-to-focus-on-threats-from-rightwing-radicals-and-other-domestic-terrorists/)

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/op...or-threat.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/opinion/the-other-terror-threat.html)

Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

by which leading Dems?

You reply with this boots?

Just denounce the punks trying to make trouble taking cheap shots at people from behind.
Then go on about the subject above in another section.
You saw the video, denounce the punks as cowards. You think these cowards are going to vote for Bernie?

I can't stand Trump, but no excuses or misdirect necessary for this behavior.
You are as chicken shit as they are with your misdirect.

06-06-2016, 12:21 PM
Do you label gang killings left wing since the overwhelming majority of them are Democrats?

gang killings aren't are political terrorism, dumbfuck. violent gang members vote? :lol

06-06-2016, 12:23 PM
You reply with this boots?

Just denounce the punks trying to make trouble taking cheap shots at people from behind.
Then go on about the subject above in another section.
You saw the video, denounce the punks as cowards. You think these cowards are going to vote for Bernie?

I can't stand Trump, but no excuses or misdirect necessary for this behavior.
You are as chicken shit as they are with your misdirect.

That's total of people KILLED by rightwingnuts.

How many dead people from lefties over the same period?

your game and your shit is pitifully weak.

06-06-2016, 12:27 PM
That's total of people KILLED by rightwingnuts.

How many dead people from lefties over the same period?

your game and your shit is pitifully weak.

How many humans has Kim Jong Un murdered?

06-06-2016, 12:45 PM
How many humans has Kim Jong Un murdered?

:lol Is he American? :lol Is he a lefty? :lol

goddam, you rightwingnuts got some really weak shit

06-06-2016, 01:01 PM
:lol Is he American? :lol Is he a lefty? :lol

goddam, you rightwingnuts got some really weak shit

How many? I'm waiting.

06-06-2016, 01:09 PM
TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are

http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/...ic-terrorists/ (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/10/16/3713318/doj-creates-new-post-to-focus-on-threats-from-rightwing-radicals-and-other-domestic-terrorists/)

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/op...or-threat.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/opinion/the-other-terror-threat.html)

Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

by which leading Dems?

Your list needs some revisions

Neo-nazi James von Brunn (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Holocaust_Memorial_Museum_shooting), the US Holocaust Museum shooter, June 2009, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist, and no doubt many vaguely think of him as a "Christian" terrorist.

In fact, he could just as easily be called a "left-wing" terrorist: He hated Israel, opposed the Iraq War, thought 9/11 was an inside job, hated Fox News, hated neo-cons, hated Bush and McCain, and finally he hated Christianity, and said he was a socialist (http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=35192) (the Nazis were collectivists).
He referred to "the insane teachings of Jesus", and said the gospels are: "stuffed with lies, miracles, guilt trips, betrayal, virgin birth, eternal damnation, salvation - a scenario appealing to the superstitious, vulnerable, ignorant yearning sheep - he named his hoax "Christianity." ... "Christianity" destroyed Roman Civilization." So he is not a Christian terrorist.

Andrew Joseph Stack, the perpetrator of the Austin tax office suicide attack (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Austin_plane_crash) in Feb 2010, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist.

But he is a strange sort of "right-winger" (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2010/0218102stack1.html), one who hates George W. Bush, capitalism, the Catholic church, and drug and insurance companies.
"left-wing bogeymen all" as James Taranto (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703787304575075610490995030.html) notes.

John Patrick Bedell, the perpetrator of the Pentagon shooting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Pentagon_shooting) in Mar 2010, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist.

But he was a strange sort of "right-winger" (http://hotair.com/archives/2010/03/05/csm-was-the-truther-democrat-who-shot-those-cops-at-the-pentagon-a-right-wing-extremist/), one who was a registered Democrat, strongly opposed the Gulf War, hated Bush, believed Bush carried out 9/11, and called the Iraq War "Satanic" (http://pajamasmedia.com/zombie/2010/03/05/anti-bush-truther-shoots-up-pentagon-should-we-play-the-political-blame-game/?singlepage=true).

Roger Stockham (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&num=100&safe=off&q=Roger+Stockham) arrested in Jan 2011 for threatening a Detroit mosque.

But, far from being a Tea Party member, he's leftist / Islamic / mentally ill (http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/206088.php).
He is a convert to Islam, and said in the threats that he was: "a local Muslim terrorist on a roll." A witness says (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/02/dearborn-convert-to-islam-in-attempted-mosque-bombing-called-himself-a-mujahid.html) that he: "called himself a mujahedeen".
In fact, this seems to be a case of a Sunni threatening a Shia mosque (http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/206157.php). And more (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/02/dearborn-would-be-mosque-bomber-is-a-convert-to-sunni-islam-was-targeting-shiites.html). Not quite the Tea Party narrative, then.
Acts 17 Apologetics (http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2011/02/dearborn-terror-case-update-sunni.html) point out that some people rushed to call him a "Christian" terrorist, and the local Police Chief even said: "He picked Dearborn as a stop because of the huge Arab and Muslim population." When in fact he picked a Shia Muslim mosque because he was a Sunni Muslim.
In a similar phenomenon to the Tucson blood libel against Sarah Palin (http://markhumphrys.com/tucson.html), people even accused Acts 17 Apologetics (http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2011/02/dearborn-terror-case-update-sunni.html) of inciting the attack! They have a lovely response: "It seems that our hate speech (i.e. drawing attention to disturbing facts about Islam, while maintaining our love for Muslims) somehow caused the Sunni-Shia split. Perhaps Jem believes that Nabeel and I constructed an Acts 17 time machine, travelled back to 632 and caused division in the Muslim community right after Muhammad died. Perhaps I went to Abu Bakr and said, "Hey! You should be leader!" Then Nabeel went to Ali and said, "You're better than Abu Bakr!" Fourteen centuries later, the division we caused led a Sunni convert to attack a mosque. Acts 17 must be even craftier than we thought!"

The Washington Navy Yard shooting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Navy_Yard_shooting) of Sept 2013 was not blamed on the right, but it was fascinating that the shooter turned out to be an Obama supporter (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/09/17/Navy-Yard-Shooter-friend-Describes%20Alexis-as-liberal-Obama-fan).

A friend said about him: "He was more of a liberal type; he wasn't happy with the former [Bush] administration. He was more happy with this [the Obama] administration -- as far as presidential administrations."
Of course, primarily he was mentally ill.
But don't you think that if he was a Tea Party supporter, all hell would have broken loose?
It also emerged that the shooter created a webpage with the name "Mohammed Salem" (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/09/navy-yard-murderer-aaron-alexis-created-webpage-with-name-mohammed-salem.html), though there is no evidence he was Muslim.

The Las Vegas shooters (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Las_Vegas_shootings) in June 2014 were labelled as "right-wing".

However, it turned out they were supporters of the left-wing "Occupy" movement (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/06/14/busted-media-fails-mention-vegas-shooters-involvement-occupy-movement/).

Max Fisher (http://www.vox.com/2015/3/7/8165583/ahmed-al-jumaili-killed-texas) gives an account of a horrific anti-Muslim crime in Dec 2014: "In December, a man in Kansas City wrote on his SUV that the Koran was a "disease worse than Ebola," then drove it into a 15-year-old Muslim boy in front of a local mosque, severing his legs and killing him."

However, he omits the fact that the killer was a black African Somali Christian immigrant (http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article4299890.html).
Certainly not "right-wing" terrorism in any traditional sense.

The Chapel Hill shooting (http://markhumphrys.com/anti.counterjihad.html#chapel.hill) in Feb 2015 was called a right-wing anti-Muslim hate crime.

However, it emerged that the shooter was a left-wing atheist who hated the GOP and was a fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Max Fisher (http://www.vox.com/2015/3/7/8165583/ahmed-al-jumaili-killed-texas) portrays the murder of Ahmed Al-Jumaili in Texas in Mar 2015 as an anti-Muslim hate crime.

However, it seems the killer was a gangsta black teenager (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2993401/Police-arrest-suspect-murder-Iraqi-newlywed-Ahmed-Al-Jumaili-36-shot-dead-Dallas-just-three-weeks-arriving-U-S.html).

06-06-2016, 01:18 PM
No one should justify violence. But to try to call out one side without stating the obvious facts of violence at trump rallies committed by scared little white people who are only brave in crowds like fellow inbreds (see op, cocksucker, retard and the rest) has not only been far more prevalent but actually encouraged by the assumed new leader of the repub party is cowardly.Congratulations on finally actually trying to contribute to the topic. Please back your claim that the violence has been far more prevalent by Trump supporters...best of luck!

06-06-2016, 01:34 PM
False equivalence, typical rightwingnut bullshit of "can't defend our right wing assholes, so let's pull down the non-rightwingers"

The irony :lol

TSA's sicko gun fellating, racist, xenophobic, LGBTQ hatin' fellow-travellers.

Right-Wing Terrorists Are Killing More Americans Than Jihadists Are

http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/...ic-terrorists/ (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/10/16/3713318/doj-creates-new-post-to-focus-on-threats-from-rightwing-radicals-and-other-domestic-terrorists/)

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/op...or-threat.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/opinion/the-other-terror-threat.html)

Homegrown Extremists Far Right Wing Attacks

Total number of people killed:48

Plot name
Persons killed

2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678448521)

2015 Charleston Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=560848931)

2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1713)

2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1681)

2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1792)

2012 Tri-State Killing Spree (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1679)

2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1678)

2012 Sikh Temple Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1680)

2011 FEAR Militia (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1682)

2010 Carlisle, PA Murder (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1676)

2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1677)

2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1675)

2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1670)

2009 George Tiller Assassination (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1671)

2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1672)

2009 Brockton, MA Murders (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1674)

2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1669)

2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/terror-plot.html?id=1668)

... TSA freaks out about, ridiculous lefty political dissent and/or violence, which is promoted, congratulated by which non-Repug presidential wannabe?

by which leading Dems?

06-06-2016, 02:27 PM
Botox Deuce, being a moron like usual.

06-06-2016, 04:38 PM
Lol. You are dedicated. Clinging to the brain that does your thinking.

I have no need to get drug into the mud where you exist out of fear. Incendiary rhetoric by your masters has contributed to all of these recorded incididents. But you choose to try to blur the argument about what pieces of shit you cocksucker retard etc are for being so dependent on others to think.

It's like you're running the standard "right" playbook, willfully ignore, distract, and deflect real life so the stupidest of the stupid lap it up like retarded hogs at the inbred trough. Seriously kill yourselves.

In other words, you can't back it up and are too big of a pussy to admit it.

We get it.

Tired ass Shtick.

06-06-2016, 04:43 PM
Lol. You are dedicated. Clinging to the brain that does your thinking.

I have no need to get drug into the mud where you exist out of fear. Incendiary rhetoric by your masters has contributed to all of these recorded incididents. But you choose to try to blur the argument about what pieces of shit you cocksucker retard etc are for being so dependent on others to think.

It's like you're running the standard "right" playbook, willfully ignore, distract, and deflect real life so the stupidest of the stupid lap it up like retarded hogs at the inbred trough. Seriously kill yourselves.

All your tough talk and you are going to scamper away like a little bitch? You claimed that violence at Trump rallies, by Trump supporters was far more prevalent. Back your claim big guy.

"But to try to call out one side without stating the obvious facts of violence at trump rallies committed by scared little white people who are only brave in crowds like fellow inbreds (see op, cocksucker, retard and the rest) has not only been far more prevalent but actually encouraged by the assumed new leader of the repub party is cowardly."

06-06-2016, 05:03 PM
As long as the racist portion of honkeys keep swillin' n' pillin' its good all aroun for humanity tbqfh

06-06-2016, 05:18 PM
As long as the racist portion of honkeys keep swillin' n' pillin' its good all aroun for humanity tbqfh

A lot of non-white people getting sucker punched in that video, tbqfh

06-06-2016, 07:46 PM
That's total of people KILLED by rightwingnuts.

How many dead people from lefties over the same period?

your game and your shit is pitifully weak.

Read the title of the thread.
You deny it by misdirection.

06-06-2016, 08:06 PM
Read the title of the thread.
You deny it by misdirection.

I don't deny anything. Lefties haven't murdered nearly as many, any?, in political violence as you rightwingnut jobs, Oath Keepers, sovereign citizens, gun fellators, etc have.

TSA trying to trash the left as violent? G M A F B and G F Y

06-06-2016, 10:24 PM
[QUOTE=pgardn;8615290]You reply with this boots?

Just denounce the punks trying to make trouble taking cheap shots at people from behind.
Then go on about the subject above in another section.
You saw the video, denounce the punks as cowards. You think these cowards are going to vote for Bernie?

I can't stand Trump, but no excuses or misdirect necessary for this behavior.
You are as chicken shit as they are with your misdirect.[/QUOTE

So what is the difference in bouton running his false equivalence with dozens of real and verifiable examples, and faggot piece of shit op trying to deflect and rationalize all of the behaviors from the "right" by using far smaller and isolated incidence.

No one should justify violence. But to try to call out one side without stating the obvious facts of violence at trump rallies committed by scared little white people who are only brave in crowds like fellow inbreds (see op, cocksucker, retard and the rest) has not only been far more prevalent but actually encouraged by the assumed new leader of the repub party is cowardly.

Because these Fckn punk ass kids are doing exactly what they profess to be above, and so does Boots.

You read the thread title. Own the behavior MENTIONED. Don't screw it up. Fck the hands up don't shoot crap. That's not what happened. Yes, a clear case of outrageous Police behavior was exposed. But don't dare make use of a disingenuous statement to further a just cause. Just don't Fckn link them.

You got it?

This is exactly the kind of behavior that gets the orange faced nut elected.

06-06-2016, 10:30 PM
I don't deny anything. Lefties haven't murdered nearly as many, any?, in political violence as you rightwingnut jobs, Oath Keepers, sovereign citizens, gun fellators, etc have.

TSA trying to trash the left as violent? G M A F B and G F Y

You referring to me as a right wing nut furthers the notion that you have completely fallen off the left side of the universe. Of course TSA is going to hunt down what might be less frequent examples. OWN IT, and then move on with your own thread.

06-06-2016, 10:43 PM

whose defending the actions of these people? I don't see anyone telling them to go ahead because they will pay their bail.

The protesters who are committing violent acts deserve all the punishment they get. But to disassociate this from the root cause of the behavior is disingenuous at best, and faggot op desperate to blur any reality or ability to discuss issues at worst.

It's one party that this has happened to. One party embracing racism, sexism, xenophobia. That is what has created this. It is what needs to be called on.


Who said this?

I said OWN IT. And then say exactly what I said.
This behavior will get hair elected.

And the root cause for some of these punks is the thrill of the sucker punch. Just own it...

06-06-2016, 11:24 PM

did you miss the part where I said the people committing the violent acts deserve to be punished? I don't need to come up with some bullshit false equivalence examples because I can say these protesters are wrong in committing acts of violence.

but none of the candidates on the dem side are telling these fools that they will pay their bail, or the people being assaulted deserve it. That's only on one side. And that is what has created the environment where this nonsense is occurring.

TSA finds this stuff all the time.

How hard is it to say these people are idiots without going into root causes?
The root cause is most likely punks taking advantage of angry crowd situations. So don't yell and throw shit to begin with. No excuses. Tired of Fckn excuses. There are idiots right and left.

06-08-2016, 12:53 PM

Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any


06-08-2016, 01:04 PM
no you pedo fucking mongoloid. The point has been there have been all kinds of examples of the people that think for you inciting violence. You don't even have to look hard to find it.

The game motherfucking pieces of shit like you and the faggot op play is tired and old. You get shown up over and over by the rare truth that the media will allow the stupidest to see, and you immediately dodge and deflect by blaming the "liberal" media.

The faggot op cites brietbart as legitimate media, and you lap it up like it is a 6 year old boy's balls. There is no sense in reasoning with witless inbred cocksuckers who are only brave in groups and anonymous internet pages.

You claimed that violence at Trump rallies, by Trump supporters was far more prevalent. Back your claim big guy.

06-08-2016, 02:06 PM
Just a little roughousing and horse-play imo

06-08-2016, 04:00 PM
TSA finds this stuff all the time.

How hard is it to say these people are idiots without going into root causes?
The root cause is most likely punks taking advantage of angry crowd situations. So don't yell and throw shit to begin with. No excuses. Tired of Fckn excuses. There are idiots right and left.

Why are you blithefully trying to ignore TSA's methods and motives in all this? Angry people are violent and Trump has given them a scapegoat with his comments inciting violence. You build it and they will come. . . .

Boutox has a point about the level of violence the different groups are willing to go to and it speaks to our local Breitbart piece of shit's actual argument. Conflating the fringes of the two is horseshit. If the Bolsheviks start setting up compounds in the NW to overthrow the government and blow up a Great Plains federal building in reprisal for acts of the US government then great.

Else your 'there are idiots on both sides' while technically correct, misses the fucking point in regards to both relity and the perception that TSA is trying to present. Please point out the violent marxist militias in the last 100 years.

06-08-2016, 04:23 PM

Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any



He has a point about his rhetoric and the Civil Right era violence.

NYT piece was also cited in the article:


How about Trump and the GOP take responsibility for the rhetoric as opposed to the narrative we are being fed here.

06-08-2016, 04:47 PM
Fuzzy and Boutons refuse to admit any wrong by the anti-Trump protesters. The people deserve to be attacked by the mobs for having the audacity to go to a political rally of someone Fuzzy and Boutons disagree with.

06-08-2016, 05:16 PM
Why are you blithefully trying to ignore TSA's methods and motives in all this? Angry people are violent and Trump has given them a scapegoat with his comments inciting violence. You build it and they will come. . . .

Boutox has a point about the level of violence the different groups are willing to go to and it speaks to our local Breitbart piece of shit's actual argument. Conflating the fringes of the two is horseshit. If the Bolsheviks start setting up compounds in the NW to overthrow the government and blow up a Great Plains federal building in reprisal for acts of the US government then great.

Else your 'there are idiots on both sides' while technically correct, misses the fucking point in regards to both relity and the perception that TSA is trying to present. Please point out the violent marxist militias in the last 100 years.

Blithefully ignoring?

I Fckn pointed them out!

Sometimes one takes the upper hand by admitting the stupidity on your side and completely own it without citing " well you guys are worse, nah, nah nah".

Read the fckn article put up by Darrin in H. Post. Tell me what MLK would say about this? Yeah we gotta be violent...BS The author is very different events with the Trump phenomena. You did not comment. Shame.

06-08-2016, 05:48 PM
You claimed that violence at Trump rallies, by Trump supporters was far more prevalent. Back your claim big guy.

If you look at it people protesting Trump seem to be committing more of the violence. That should stop.

By the same token, so should Trumpenstein's race baiting.

06-08-2016, 09:38 PM
Blithefully ignoring?

I Fckn pointed them out!

Sometimes one takes the upper hand by admitting the stupidity on your side and completely own it without citing " well you guys are worse, nah, nah nah".

Read the fckn article put up by Darrin in H. Post. Tell me what MLK would say about this? Yeah we gotta be violent...BS The author is very different events with the Trump phenomena. You did not comment. Shame.

MLK is not the only way. WHile I agree that an eye for an eye reprisal should be rejected, I do believe that turning the other cheek is a slave's morality. Further, I reject your binary paradigm that our political system pigeonholes us into. I have no 'side.' My point is that people in glass houses should not throw stones. It is what it is and completely germane to the argument at hand.

Trump set up an expectation of violence for protestors that go to his events. Why is he not being questioned for his role in all of this? Why is his political opponents supposed to identify with them? Because they're minorities? Phrenology is so irritating in this country.

He is the candidate. Instead I am supposed to conflate myself with people I have no idea what their motivations or allegiance is beyond being anti-Trump? Despite not identifying as a Democrat or part of your political oversimplification?

06-08-2016, 09:42 PM
Fuzzy and Boutons refuse to admit any wrong by the anti-Trump protesters. The people deserve to be attacked by the mobs for having the audacity to go to a political rally of someone Fuzzy and Boutons disagree with.

Speak for yourself, fattie. Whether or not they are right or wrong is minutiae. I haven't made a position either way. I don't see you condemning Trump's precipitation of the behavior. I refuse to apologize for rabble.

Fact is that Trump invited it. Now that it's here I'm supposed to go along with this sideshow of irrelevance?

I'm interested in cause and to me it is very simple what caused this. He's running for president.

06-08-2016, 09:44 PM
lack of accountability everywhere

trump refuses to acknowledge his role in violence, leftists point the finger at trump every time they've been called out for acts of violence... :cry but but, he did it too! :cry

06-08-2016, 10:00 PM
lack of accountability everywhere

trump refuses to acknowledge his role in violence, leftists point the finger at trump every time they've been called out for acts of violence... :cry but but, he did it too! :cry

Who initiated the call for violence? Was it any 'leftist' group? I'm not going to be accountable for random people. Sorry just not going to do it. Rule of law is fine by me.

I'm talking about the person running for president. You are talking about everyone that identifies as 'liberal.' You can try and conflate the two but one is actually based on fact the other is just guilt by association nonsense.

06-08-2016, 10:05 PM
From what I can tell the violent protesters are being indicted like normal. I'm missing the calls for their exoneration anywhere.

06-09-2016, 09:17 AM
MLK is not the only way. WHile I agree that an eye for an eye reprisal should be rejected, I do believe that turning the other cheek is a slave's morality. Further, I reject your binary paradigm that our political system pigeonholes us into. I have no 'side.' My point is that people in glass houses should not throw stones. It is what it is and completely germane to the argument at hand.

Trump set up an expectation of violence for protestors that go to his events. Why is he not being questioned for his role in all of this? Why is his political opponents supposed to identify with them? Because they're minorities? Phrenology is so irritating in this country.

He is the candidate. Instead I am supposed to conflate myself with people I have no idea what their motivations or allegiance is beyond being anti-Trump? Despite not identifying as a Democrat or part of your political oversimplification?

Trump IS being questioned for his role. Who said anything about turning the other cheek? Slave morality? Slave morality? You are justifying THIS behavior by considering the behavior similar some sort of slave backlash?

Jesus... And you dare mention oversimplification in the same diatribe.

06-09-2016, 10:23 AM
Who initiated the call for violence? Was it any 'leftist' group? I'm not going to be accountable for random people. Sorry just not going to do it. Rule of law is fine by me.

I'm talking about the person running for president. You are talking about everyone that identifies as 'liberal.' You can try and conflate the two but one is actually based on fact the other is just guilt by association nonsense.

The call for violence occurs when groups surround Trump supporters, but instead of holding up signs and chanting or even silent protest with signs, they start cursing and throwing stuff. Then the punks, maybe not even associated with the original group, start cheap shotting people in the back of the head and such. When the violence starts the cameras roll.

This is exactly what can make Trump more popular. Wanking all the behavior off on Trump is a horrible excuse. In fact it reinforces prejudices about people of color having to resort to violence. Read the article put up by Darrin again. That's Fckn Bs. This is not the French Revolution. " They won't listen unless we are violent"????

This is a GD presidential election.
This is not slaves reacting to massa striking them.

06-09-2016, 11:10 AM
the faggot piece of shit op can't actually have any meaningful debate because he needs whatever brain that runs the "right" to give him his thoughts, opinions, and outrages.

what the filth that thinks for him try to do is give singular examples of "the other side doing it" to rationalize what this campaign has truly brought about. It's a pretty common play that ailes started getting traction with in the Bush Dukakis election.

when you can't win on ideas principles and policies, you attack. suppress, intimidate, and divert attention from yourself.

the faggot op, while a complete piece of shit, at least doesn't molest little boys, and hope their daughter only gets "finger raped" so I guess he's ahead there.

Hard to have a debate when your bitch ass tucks tail and runs away from your claims.

But to try to call out one side without stating the obvious facts of violence at trump rallies committed by scared little white people who are only brave in crowds like fellow inbreds (see op, cocksucker, retard and the rest) has not only been far more prevalent but actually encouraged by the assumed new leader of the repub party is cowardly.

You claimed that violence at Trump rallies, by Trump supporters was far more prevalent. Don't be a pussy this time, back your claim up.

06-09-2016, 02:27 PM
Why are you incapable of googling the info yourself. There is plenty out there.

I already know what you will say anyways. Just because par whatever the fuck excuses you being a mindless non thinking piece of shit doesn't mean it's ok to be a mindless nonthinking piece of shit.

In other words, this junior high school internet wanna be bully can't back his shit up.

06-09-2016, 02:53 PM
:lmao Boner with the Pedo fantasies again.

Grow the fuck up.

06-09-2016, 02:56 PM
Why are you incapable of googling the info yourself. There is plenty out there.

I already know what you will say anyways. Just because par whatever the fuck excuses you being a mindless non thinking piece of shit doesn't mean it's ok to be a mindless nonthinking piece of shit.
You made the claim not me, stop being a pussy and back it up. If there is plenty of info out there to support your claim it should be easy for you.

06-09-2016, 03:11 PM
Projecting fantasies again, huh cocksucker? You need to quit molesting young boys, fantasizing about it too.

You sound even stupider than you really are by constantly repeating the pedo fantasy shit that you know isn't true.

You really are a despicable piece of shit.

06-09-2016, 03:40 PM
The call for violence occurs when groups surround Trump supporters, but instead of holding up signs and chanting or even silent protest with signs, they start cursing and throwing stuff. Then the punks, maybe not even associated with the original group, start cheap shotting people in the back of the head and such. When the violence starts the cameras roll.

This is exactly what can make Trump more popular. Wanking all the behavior off on Trump is a horrible excuse. In fact it reinforces prejudices about people of color having to resort to violence. Read the article put up by Darrin again. That's Fckn Bs. This is not the French Revolution. " They won't listen unless we are violent"????

This is a GD presidential election.
This is not slaves reacting to massa striking them.

The calls for violence happen several different ways and don't all fit your narrative. If you want to feel bad for those particular instances vicariously then go ahead. I will pass. Fact is Trump invited and encouraged it financially and otherwise. I'm not going to feel bad because he got what he asked for.

I did read the article so will you please shut up as if I had not. It doesn't say that violence is the only way. What it says is that violence is a way and that it can be effective. I agree with the premise that violence can be a viable option. What it doesn't say is that it should be a last resort but that is my personal ethic. Doesn't mitigate the articles point though for all of your blanket dismissals.

I am still waiting for an explanation for why I am supposed to accept the association with rock throwers or why anyone else should particularly an entire political ideology. Like I said before, phrenology is stupid and I reject it out of hand.

And my slave morality quote came from Nietzsche who was not commenting on the plight of people identified as black. It was much more generalized. Turn the other cheek and claims that the meek will inherit the Earth are a slaves morality because it allows the oppression to continue.

You are so tied up into phrenology that you cannot see past it. That you put it in terms of either being fully franchised or southern 19th century slave makes that loud and clear. Not all of the violent protesters are black anyway.

06-09-2016, 03:42 PM
You sound even stupider than you really are by constantly repeating the pedo fantasy shit that you know isn't true.

You really are a despicable piece of shit.

Your excuse making for adults because of consenting children every time an argument about a pedo comes up gives a different impression, fattie. I admit that I wonder what you are capable of and would not allow my children around you. I would recommend much the same to anyone else.

06-09-2016, 03:46 PM
Trump IS being questioned for his role. Who said anything about turning the other cheek? Slave morality? Slave morality? You are justifying THIS behavior by considering the behavior similar some sort of slave backlash?

Jesus... And you dare mention oversimplification in the same diatribe.

Not here it's not. Instead we have the troll cabal spinning us around in this stupidity. Try and keep up.

Nice strawman on your phrenology.

06-09-2016, 04:02 PM
Your excuse making for adults because of consenting children every time an argument about a pedo comes up gives a different impression, fattie. I admit that I wonder what you are capable of and would not allow my children around you. I would recommend much the same to anyone else.

Not to beat a dead horse but I played sports from Junior High through College and can't freaking imagine as a teenage athlete letting a coach suck my dick. That was my only point and I never defended Hastert. I'm glad the cocksucker is going to jail. The fact that you can imagine letting a coach suck your cock says more about you than me. You just lie and make shit up to be offensive and run your lame shtick.

06-09-2016, 04:10 PM
Not to beat a dead horse but I played sports from Junior High through College and can't freaking imagine as a teenage athlete letting a coach suck my dick. That was my only point and I never defend Hastert. I'm glad the cocksucker is going to jail. The fact that you can imagine letting a coach suck your cock says more about you than me. You just lie and make shit up to be offensive and run your lame shtick.

That is not all that you have said although that is what you have tried to distill it down to. Youre so wrapped up in yourself but if you couldn't imagine it then what you are imagining is that they did consent. That is the whole point, fattie.

You think those kids consented and were gay so . . . mitigating circumstance. It's despicable on multiple levels frankly.

Here is a new avatar for you: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d5/Pedobear.png

06-09-2016, 04:15 PM
That is not all that you have said although that is what you have tried to distill it down to. Youre so wrapped up in yourself but if you couldn't imagine it then what you are imagining is that they did consent. That is the whole point, fattie.

You think those kids consented and were gay so . . . mitigating circumstance. It's despicable on multiple levels frankly.

Here is a new avatar for you: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d5/Pedobear.png

Didn't claim any mitigating circumstances. Hastert is guilty as hell and I'm glad he is going to jail.. Quit twisting my words. Call it what you want but those teenage athletes let a guy suck their cock. I wouldn't have under any circumstances, but maybe you are different. It's OK.

I have no intention of fighting these stupid accusations again just for saying as an athlete I would have never let a coach suck my dick under any circumstances.

06-09-2016, 04:28 PM
Didn't claim any mitigating circumstances. Hastert is guilty as hell and I'm glad he is going to jail.. Quit twisting my words. Call it what you want but those teenage athletes let a guy suck their cock. I wouldn't have under any circumstances, but maybe you are different. It's OK.

I have no intention of fighting these stupid accusations again just for saying as an athlete I would have never let a coach suck my dick under any circumstances.

You said that you couldn't imagine any 14 year old boy just sitting there and allowing Hastert to jerk them off too, fattie. You do this with everything: set your expectations for others based on your expectations for yourself. You also tell us what you would do in the various violent episodes and the like. It's quite revealing.

I understand you wanting to distance yourself with this dissembling shit. You sure do look like a fucking creeper between the above and posting articles every time a pedo teacher comes up in the news.

When you don't even try and argue my points directly it tells me I've scored a hit. I cannot say for sure you are a pedo but you do show warning signs

06-09-2016, 04:55 PM
You said that you couldn't imagine any 14 year old boy just sitting there and allowing Hastert to jerk them off too, fattie. You do this with everything: set your expectations for others based on your expectations for yourself. You also tell us what you would do in the various violent episodes and the like. It's quite revealing.

I understand you wanting to distance yourself with this dissembling shit. You sure do look like a fucking creeper between the above and posting articles every time a pedo teacher comes up in the news.

When you don't even try and argue my points directly it tells me I've scored a hit. I cannot say for sure you are a pedo but you do show warning signs

What point am I supposed to argue directly? I don't approve of male creepers. Period.

I'm tired of repeating it.

And yeah, I relate my expectations of others by my expectations for myself. Who doesn't, really?

If you think it's OK to let a coach suck your cock I'm OK with that too. I'm not gay phobic. I just wouldn't do it myself.

06-09-2016, 05:13 PM
What point am I supposed to argue directly? I don't approve of male creepers. Period.

I'm tired of repeating it.

And yeah, I relate my expectations of others by my expectations for myself. Who doesn't, really?

If you think it's OK to let a coach suck your cock I'm OK with that too. I'm not gay phobic. I just wouldn't do it myself.

I set expectations for others on their own merits independent of myself. You sure are a narcissist, fattie.

And of course you wouldn't out approve because that would make you a pariah and you sure are cognizant of how other's view and treat you. That doesn't preclude you from supporting them with your rhetoric in the least. You think pedos admit it publicly? To the contrary and in the end actions, what you are doing, is much more important than what you claim.

What you haven't adequately answered is why you brought up how you couldn't imagine those kids doing anything other than consenting. I don't believe that it was just to point out how you wouldn't have let it happen. Either way you are denigrating the kids relative to your all important self which serves to support the convicted pedophile.

You haven't adequately explained how why you now try to couch your response in this most recent canned answer where you leave out the part of how you think 'any 14 year old' would behave in those circumstance. Pedos do hide and deceive.

You also haven't adequately explained why over the years you post every article relating to a pedo teacher that you find. There is yet another one in the club as we speak. You defend the pedo teachers there too.

Like I said, I cannot be sure that you are a pedo through this medium but you have shown more than enough warning signs for people to be wary for all your throwaway dismissals that you don't act according to. Hypocrisy seems to come naturally to you.

06-09-2016, 05:29 PM

It's really simple. If you are a teenage athlete confronted by a Pedophile coach you have three basic options.


If there are any other viable options please feel free to post them.

06-09-2016, 05:40 PM
As far as the "hot teacher" articles, as a teenager I would have loved to have found one. A three way with two of them would be even better.

Again, if you wouldn't have banged a hot female teacher when you were in high school given the opportunity I don't judge you. You might have been saving yourself for the right coach. Whatever floats your boat.

06-09-2016, 05:43 PM

It's really simple. If you are a teenage athlete confronted by a Pedophile coach you have three basic options.


If there are any other viable options please feel free to post them.

And now he tries the bait and switch. Your dissembling serves to make you look more culpable and not less. I'm here to talk about why people might be worried that you are a pedophile.

What your deduction was is obvious. It's how I got to the conclusion that I did after all. It's also only an ancillary point to the overall point I was making which stemmed from the fact that you think they acquiesced. Thanks for underscoring the logic I was using though.

06-09-2016, 05:47 PM

Fuck. If they didn't acquiesce, what do you call it?

The facts are the facts.

Give me a better word if you disagree with that one.

06-09-2016, 05:50 PM

Fuck. If they didn't acquiesce, what do you call it?

The facts are the facts.

Give me a better word if you disagree with that one.

I'm not going to argue your dumbed down interpretation of psychology. The truth of the matter is that he is a convicted pedophile and you continue to try to paint the scenario in a mitigating light defending him.

He's going to jail in utter disgrace likely until he dies no matter what we argue here so I don't care about that minutiae. What concerns me is why you keep defending pedophiles, fattie.

06-09-2016, 06:15 PM
You are such a fucking lier. I'm not defending Hastert.

You can't answer a simple question and just bluster again.

06-09-2016, 06:30 PM
You are such a fucking lier. I'm not defending Hastert.

You can't answer a simple question and just bluster again.

Saying that the victim acquiesced is a mitigating circumstance. Giving mitigating circumstances is what defense attorneys do. You can make mindless assertions all you like and wave your hands at meaningless questions if if makes you feel better.

That you think they acquiesced is central to the point that I am making. Your questions premise is meaningless to the point I am making. I agree that you think that way. You are right to think that I think differently but again dullard, that is besides the point. It's what you think that is key.

06-09-2016, 06:36 PM
I set expectations for others on their own merits independent of myself. You sure are a narcissist, fattie.

And of course you wouldn't out approve because that would make you a pariah and you sure are cognizant of how other's view and treat you. That doesn't preclude you from supporting them with your rhetoric in the least. You think pedos admit it publicly? To the contrary and in the end actions, what you are doing, is much more important than what you claim.

What you haven't adequately answered is why you brought up how you couldn't imagine those kids doing anything other than consenting. I don't believe that it was just to point out how you wouldn't have let it happen. Either way you are denigrating the kids relative to your all important self which serves to support the convicted pedophile.

You haven't adequately explained how why you now try to couch your response in this most recent canned answer where you leave out the part of how you think 'any 14 year old' would behave in those circumstance. Pedos do hide and deceive.

You also haven't adequately explained why over the years you post every article relating to a pedo teacher that you find. There is yet another one in the club as we speak. You defend the pedo teachers there too.

Like I said, I cannot be sure that you are a pedo through this medium but you have shown more than enough warning signs for people to be wary for all your throwaway dismissals that you don't act according to. Hypocrisy seems to come naturally to you.

06-09-2016, 06:36 PM
:lol mitigating circumstance


You are just making shit up now.

If acquiesce doesn't describe the situation pick a better word.

06-09-2016, 06:39 PM
:lol mitigating circumstance


You are just making shit up now.

If acquiesce doesn't describe the situation pick a better word.

Legally, a 14 cannot consent. There are very good reasons for this which you apparently don't understand. This only serves to underscore the overall point about you showing pedo proclivities.

Good job. Acting the obtuse dimwit isn't helping you in this instance, pedobear.

06-09-2016, 06:45 PM
Fuzzy run run running away. Refuses to answer the question and just throws more unsubstantiated insults. Typical.

06-09-2016, 06:49 PM
Fuzzy run run running away. Refuses to answer the question and just throws more unsubstantiated insults. Typical.

This goes back to your narcissism. Just because I didn't answer your question how you wanted doesn't mean I didn't answer it. Do you need me to quote where I answer your question? You do seem to struggle with simple concepts.

As for unsubstantiated:

I set expectations for others on their own merits independent of myself. You sure are a narcissist, fattie.

And of course you wouldn't out approve because that would make you a pariah and you sure are cognizant of how other's view and treat you. That doesn't preclude you from supporting them with your rhetoric in the least. You think pedos admit it publicly? To the contrary and in the end actions, what you are doing, is much more important than what you claim.

What you haven't adequately answered is why you brought up how you couldn't imagine those kids doing anything other than consenting. I don't believe that it was just to point out how you wouldn't have let it happen. Either way you are denigrating the kids relative to your all important self which serves to support the convicted pedophile.

You haven't adequately explained how why you now try to couch your response in this most recent canned answer where you leave out the part of how you think 'any 14 year old' would behave in those circumstance. Pedos do hide and deceive.

You also haven't adequately explained why over the years you post every article relating to a pedo teacher that you find. There is yet another one in the club as we speak. You defend the pedo teachers there too.

Like I said, I cannot be sure that you are a pedo through this medium but you have shown more than enough warning signs for people to be wary for all your throwaway dismissals that you don't act according to. Hypocrisy seems to come naturally to you.

Answer indeed.

06-09-2016, 07:06 PM
I really don't put much stock into the whole notion of 'running away' or that not answering questions is all that revealing yet CC clearly puts major import into such things. He has left and I indicated inadequate answers to several questions that he has dodged from the start. What can I make of that?

06-09-2016, 07:10 PM
Talk about a narcissist.

Quoting yourself.


06-09-2016, 07:15 PM
Talk about a narcissist.

Quoting yourself.


When you dodge questions I'm going to go on repeat to save time. You can make up whatever stories to make you feel better, pedobear. You still have not adequately addressed those questions and people have very good reason to believe that you might abuse children as you clearly support those that do again and again.

Tell me more about how I dodge questions please.

06-09-2016, 07:23 PM

Pick a better word

*fuzzy ducks and runs*

*fuzzy counters by making ridiculous, insulting, totally unsubstantiated claims*

Get a job, loser.

06-09-2016, 07:42 PM

Pick a better word

*fuzzy ducks and runs*

*fuzzy counters by making ridiculous, insulting, totally unsubstantiated claims*

Get a job, loser.

:lol Now comes the guesses about my profession in a desperate attempt to deflect.

Let's pretend that I didn't answer your question by rejecting it's premise as besides the point and let's say I cannot come up with a better word than 'acquiesce,' then what, pedobear?

Can you actually make an argument to explain why you defend pedophiles? Let's see cause I don't think you can.

06-09-2016, 09:47 PM
It's really easy dumbass. I don't defend pedophiles.

Asshole. You just make shit up to argue.

06-09-2016, 10:21 PM

Here it took me longer to copy and paste than it did to find. I'm incredulous that there are people in this world so willfully ignorant. Then add a new mongoloid to the list today.

A bullet in your head will make the world a much better place.

You fell short. You claimed that violence at Trump rallies, by Trump supporters was far more prevalent. You're going to need to provide much more than this. I haven't even posted the left is San Diego or San Jose. Admit you're a dipshit and move on. There is no arguing which side has used violence more during this election cycle.

06-09-2016, 10:23 PM
Not here it's not. Instead we have the troll cabal spinning us around in this stupidity. Try and keep up.

Nice strawman on your phrenology.

You throw the term slave in knowing exactly what it implies.
Stop with your gibberish and need to one up.
You know exactly what I stated and exactly what I mean.

Stop with the juvenile distortions. I know exactly where the OP and others are coming from.
You are implying violence IN THIS CASE is a way. It's not. It's counterproductive and you know this.

"Turn the other cheek " just where the fck did I state this? This is a GD presidential election, not a revolution. Now I'm going to pull your shit: Is this how you make America better since it's so Fd up Mr. FuzzyTrump revolution? That article is shit. This is a presidential election. You are at the OPs level.

06-09-2016, 10:34 PM
It's really easy dumbass. I don't defend pedophiles.

Asshole. You just make shit up to argue.

You already admitted in this thread that you wanted to participate in pedophilia with your teachers when you were a kid as reason why you post all the articles about teacher pedophilia. That you vicariously relive that still is extremely telling as to your disposition toward recent events: you don't see anything wrong with it.

In the most recent post when people criticized the teacher you defended her stating that they were just the statements of the sexually frustrated. That is defending a pedophile in and of itself, dimwit.

You also told us that you set expectations on others based on what you expected of yourself.

What then are we supposed to make of you saying that Hastert's victims were willing after you revel in other teachers having sex with willing teens? You obviously think consent exonerates the behavior. You can call it acquiesce or whatever but its there just the same.

Are you a registered sex offender?

06-09-2016, 10:37 PM
As I said before you would never be honest anyway. I already knew you would do this. His own words don't matter to you. Deflect duck dodge bitch.

But it above all, still, you need to kill yourself.

No, I actually knew you'd do this, as you are now doing....Deflect duck dodge bitch.... :lol like what you're doing right now? Cmon babe. You made a claim that you yourself said only takes a quick Google search to prove.

Kill your alt asap, you had a shitty run. Or back your claim and stop being a pussy.