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05-10-2016, 08:00 AM
Study Calls On Obama to Withdraw Legal Memo That Allows Faith-based Charities to Discriminate

The Obama administration has roundly criticized (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/04/22/obama-north-carolina-mississippi-laws-limiting-lgbt-protections-are-wrong-and-should-be-overturned/) states such as North Carolina and Mississippi for passing laws that allow discrimination in the name of religious freedom. But at the same time, the administration has left in place a 2007 memo from the Bush White House that allows religious charities with federal contracts to discriminate in hiring for federally funded programs.

Now, as Obama prepares to leave office, a group of prominent constitutional lawyers is calling on the Obama White House to revoke the legal memo, which they argue has been used by religious groups to refuse to provide services, including emergency contraception for human trafficking victims, that conflict with their beliefs.

Their arguments are detailed in a legal analysis published this morning by Columbia Law School’s Public Rights/Private Conscience Project, which includes contributions of scholars from George Washington, Emory and Brigham Young universities, among others.

The 16-page paper is, in part, an effort to put pressure on Obama to rescind the memo, an action that does not require Congress to act. As a presidential candidate in 2008, Obama criticized (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/02/us/politics/02obama.html?_r=3) the Bush Justice Department for drafting it, but as president failed to follow through.


Take Federal money and then discriminate in violation of Federal law? Thanks, Repugs!

05-10-2016, 08:38 AM
Study Calls On Obama to Withdraw Legal Memo That Allows Faith-based Charities to Discriminate

religious groups to refuse to provide services, including emergency contraception for human trafficking victims, that conflict with their beliefs.
What if the pregnancy results in a birth of one whom when grown up would became a tranny? You are trying to prevent that. You are discriminating.