View Full Version : Game 5 perspective from inside the arena

05-11-2016, 01:15 AM
Just want to summarize how this game felt to me from inside the arena.

-Duncan played well overall despite lack of offense( should be playing instead of West)
-every Danny Green 3 felt like a boost of energy that was badly needed
-There was an overall lack of intensity for a majority of the game by both players and fans.
-Every time any kind of momentum and energy began rising for the Spurs it was quickly halted by a whistle.
-the loudest the fans were was during the refs you suck chant.
-there was an odd air about this game from the get go. Even when we had the double digit lead, it never felt like the Spurs were in control.
-the back to back fouls on west sending Adams then kanter to the line was a turning point
- refs were atrocious
-every okc offensive rebound felt like the equivalent of a 3pt shot made against us. It just sucked the air out of the arena
-I know this sounds stupid but it felt like the Spurs didn't even really want to win. I believe that if they truly wanted it bad enough for the entirety of the game, they would've won. But I'm disappointed with the effort more than anything. Including Pops coaching. The people I will exclude are Duncan Green and Kawhi. For Duncan, sometimes it seemed he was outmatched, but you can just see his effort out on the court.

There were some good moments, but they seemed way too few and far in between. But my question is How badly does this team want to win Game 6?

Anybody else that that went to the game, feel free to add your own thoughts.

05-11-2016, 01:18 AM
Well....I didn't go to the game...but the Thunder were winning the .500 balls...that is effort...wanting it more....

Harry Callahan
05-11-2016, 01:31 AM
Wasn't there but....

There was no flow to the game due to the whistles. The Spurs needed some free throws to get something going. Only 4 the entire first half.

I wish someone would apply constructive violence to one of the opposing players. The OKC flopping, tripping and hacking by Kuntner and Adams was disgusting. Then OKC bitches when they get called for a foul every 3rd or 4th one committed.

05-11-2016, 01:53 AM
-I know this sounds stupid but it felt like the Spurs didn't even really want to win. I believe that if they truly wanted it bad enough for the entirety of the game, they would've won. But I'm disappointed with the effort more than anything. Including Pops coaching. The people I will exclude are Duncan Green and Kawhi. For Duncan, sometimes it seemed he was outmatched, but you can just see his effort out on the court.

LMA has been proven to be a mental midget who shrinks under pressure, he would be a great fit on the Raptors. No wonder the Blazers haven't missed a beat despite losing their "franchise" player.:rolleyes (Even Carmelo put up a fight when he lost)