View Full Version : Biggest Choke in NBA history? Enjoy it Spurs fan.

05-30-2016, 11:30 PM
I really wanted someone, any team (besides Lebrons) to end the Warriors arrogance. Then OKC coach Billy Donovan blamed the game 5 loss on the officiating. Really? After the Spurs had every reason to blame the refs and were too classy to make excuses. I'm gonna choose to take this as proof that minus several terrible calls at critical moments, the Spurs should of been the ones to advance. Karma....

05-30-2016, 11:31 PM

05-31-2016, 12:03 AM
Wasn't a choke....Warriors finally woke up and are clearly the better team....but I have a feeling there going to lose against the Cavs......Illuminati Lebron James is going to ring...

05-31-2016, 12:05 AM
Curse of the Spurs lives on! Any team that gets by us with the refs help are doomed! Lol!:toast

05-31-2016, 12:10 AM
Not the biggest choke in NBA history - that was us in 2013. There were many parallels between game 6 2013 and this game 6, actually.

05-31-2016, 01:08 AM
Wasn't a choke....Warriors finally woke up and are clearly the better team....but I have a feeling there going to lose against the Cavs......Illuminati Lebron James is going to ring...

NO they choked...


05-31-2016, 01:49 AM
No biggest chokejob in NBA history sadly was game 6 of the 2013 NBA finals Spurs vs Heat, the Spurs next season redeemed themselves by blowing Miami out of the gym, but this chokejob by the Thunder is right up there. That Warriors team has been so lucky imo, to have a team choke a 3-1 lead and least seasons watered down playoffs (Thunder, Spurs out, injured Cavs team). The Cavs are healthy now so they will face another obstacle, but I don't think Cleveland chokes this if they get up 3-1. All these insanse 3's that Warriors team makes in these games, it's skill and luck basically.

Sean Cagney
05-31-2016, 03:33 AM
No biggest chokejob in NBA history sadly was game 6 of the 2013 NBA finals Spurs vs Heat, the Spurs next season redeemed themselves by blowing Miami out of the gym, but this chokejob by the Thunder is right up there. That Warriors team has been so lucky imo, to have a team choke a 3-1 lead and least seasons watered down playoffs (Thunder, Spurs out, injured Cavs team). The Cavs are healthy now so they will face another obstacle, but I don't think Cleveland chokes this if they get up 3-1. All these insanse 3's that Warriors team makes in these games, it's skill and luck basically.
They have a rabbits foot up their ass it seems for sure.

05-31-2016, 03:46 AM
They have a rabbits foot up their ass it seems for sure.

Actually, they were just better than OKC. Not just Steph and Klay hitting 17 and 13 3s in games 6 and 7, but Iguodala stopping KD cold when it mattered in game 6, and their paint-collapsing D doing the same to Westy.

And when you have two players shooting 45% from 3, those scoring binges are more skill than luck.

These guys are just really fucking mentally tough, and really fucking good.

05-31-2016, 05:38 AM
Every team has a stretch where they don't play well. The Warriors happened to hit that stretch in the playoffs, and still managed to make it to the finals. Pretty fucking amazing team, tbh.

05-31-2016, 08:17 AM
Not the biggest choke in NBA history - that was us in 2013. There were many parallels between game 6 2013 and this game 6, actually.

In 2013 the Spurs were up 3-2 not 3-1. Big difference especially considering Game 6 and 7 were in Miami. Lebron did what LeBron does and bricked a 3 so bad the rebound bounced out of the paint and into Allens hands. No choke.

05-31-2016, 08:33 AM
How about what OKC did on offense during the 8:00 run in Game 6.
Turnovers, missed shots.
Certainly was not due to Golden States defense.

Choke absolutely.

05-31-2016, 10:00 AM
look at the final Mins of Game 6 and 7 OKC just gave up defensively....and shit the bed

05-31-2016, 10:17 AM
look at the final Mins of Game 6 and 7 OKC just gave up defensively....and shit the bed

Spurs style...

05-31-2016, 10:22 AM
Illuminati Lebron James is going to ring...

Why didn't he ring last year. This is the most ridiculous shit I've read. So that is the reason why he's going to ring? Why hasn't he rung every year.

05-31-2016, 10:31 AM
You want to know the reason why teams like the 2004 Lakers, 2006 Mavericks, 2008 Lakers, 2012 Thunder lost? It's because they weren't good enough to be there in the first place. The Spurs got screwed over in all those seasons and those teams got their asses beat cause they simply weren't good enough to be there in the first place. They all got what they deserved.

05-31-2016, 10:34 AM
I'm going to say OKC was bigger than the Spurs because they just gave up in these games when it mattered. The Spurs despite losing game 6 came out strong and game 7 was competitive for the whole entire 48 minutes. The thunder came out strong for this game but once the Warriors took the lead 59-58 they quit and gave up.

05-31-2016, 01:28 PM
Why didn't he ring last year. This is the most ridiculous shit I've read. So that is the reason why he's going to ring? Why hasn't he rung every year.

Because irvying played only one game and love played none?

Sean Cagney
05-31-2016, 02:04 PM
Actually, they were just better than OKC. Not just Steph and Klay hitting 17 and 13 3s in games 6 and 7, but Iguodala stopping KD cold when it mattered in game 6, and their paint-collapsing D doing the same to Westy.

And when you have two players shooting 45% from 3, those scoring binges are more skill than luck.

These guys are just really fucking mentally tough, and really fucking good.
Some of those threes were just video game type of threes though from Klay in game 6, damn. I know they make those often though so it's not a fluke as you said, but my GOD how do those shots fall at a high clip? They are hard shots. They are all you said and even lucky as well at times, but every title has some luck here and there.
I'm going to say OKC was bigger than the Spurs because they just gave up in these games when it mattered. The Spurs despite losing game 6 came out strong and game 7 was competitive for the whole entire 48 minutes. The thunder came out strong for this game but once the Warriors took the lead 59-58 they quit and gave up.

When that lead was gone that game was over and you could tell. When Curry hit that three to put them up I said that is it, game over.

05-31-2016, 03:01 PM
Actually, they were just better than OKC. Not just Steph and Klay hitting 17 and 13 3s in games 6 and 7, but Iguodala stopping KD cold when it mattered in game 6, and their paint-collapsing D doing the same to Westy.

And when you have two players shooting 45% from 3, those scoring binges are more skill than luck.

These guys are just really fucking mentally tough, and really fucking good.
They were only better than cOKC when durant and westbrook played scared. The end of the 4th q in game 6 had NOTHING to do with skill and EVERYTHING to do with composure. Thunder were done after that. Game 7 end of second q sealed the deal.

All goes back to making a play at a certain time are worth more to a team than just the stat of scoring, assisting, rebounding, stealing, etc. The psychology behind the timing of the play should be the REAL advanced stats.

05-31-2016, 03:38 PM
Just looking at all the teams that have blown 3-1 leads in NBA history there has only been 2 teams to bounce back and win titles with pretty much the same core. The '81 Sixers blew a 3-1 lead to the Celtics but 2 years later won a championship with the same core plus the addition of Moses Malone. The Lakers blew a 3-1 lead in '06 against the suns and won the title in '09 with the same core plus the addition of Gasol. In both case the Sixers and Lakers added major upgrades to their core that allowed them to bounce back. I don't think the Thunder will be able to do the same.

05-31-2016, 08:11 PM
The Spurs had their chances but they didn't take advantage of it. At the end of game 5, KL got his hands on some balls at the end but then the Spurs botched the offensive possessions. That wasn't the case for the Warriors in game 6. They took advantage of every late turnover they got. Playoff basketball is a game of mistakes and you can't blow opportunities to score. If the Spurs win game 5, then they probably at least have a chance to win game 7 at home.

Capt Bringdown
05-31-2016, 10:13 PM
GSW are a one-dimensional team. OKC's choke was massive, they played right into GSW strengths - inexplicably going away from got them up 3-1 in the first place.

I suppose in a very remote small way, OKC deserves credit for not being intimidated by GSW - at least for a few games. That's more than we can say for the Spurs. They would have gotten absolutely obliterated by GSW. It's as if the Spurs are fucking hypnotized against them.

05-31-2016, 10:32 PM
In 2013 the Spurs were up 3-2 not 3-1. Big difference especially considering Game 6 and 7 were in Miami. Lebron did what LeBron does and bricked a 3 so bad the rebound bounced out of the paint and into Allens hands. No choke.

Um, I'm well aware of what happened, and that's not it. You have conflated 2 different plays. The play where LBJ bricked it was the previous play starting with 28s to go. He bricked it so badly that it came off Kawhi's gigantic hands straight up into the air, then Kawhi, Boris and Manu (I think) spoiled each other going for the secondary rebound while Wade sneaked in to steal the ball from them. He dished it to LBJ who hit his second chance. Then Kawhi missed a FT (I don't blame him - the poor kid was so young), and then the Allen play.

In the final minute both Manu and Kawhi missed FTs, and we couldn't secure either of two rebounds that would have closed the series. And yes, maybe Pop was to blame for not having Timmy in the game for those rebounds. Up 5 with 28s to go we were 98% favourites.

Convince yourself of whatever you like, but it is a dangerous thing to explain away past errors as bad luck. 4 unusual plays all going badly (any one of them going our way wins the game and the series), but that's still a choke - a team choke, not an individual one.

Still, it worked out well, because I doubt we'd have won in 2014 if not for 2013, and in many parallel universes we won both! ;)

05-31-2016, 10:33 PM
No biggest chokejob in NBA history sadly was game 6 of the 2013 NBA finals Spurs vs Heat, the Spurs next season redeemed themselves by blowing Miami out of the gym, but this chokejob by the Thunder is right up there. That Warriors team has been so lucky imo, to have a team choke a 3-1 lead and least seasons watered down playoffs (Thunder, Spurs out, injured Cavs team). The Cavs are healthy now so they will face another obstacle, but I don't think Cleveland chokes this if they get up 3-1. All these insanse 3's that Warriors team makes in these games, it's skill and luck basically.Choking means you miss clutch shots. The Spurs were heroic in the loss. Pure heartbreak

05-31-2016, 10:33 PM
How about what OKC did on offense during the 8:00 run in Game 6.
Turnovers, missed shots.
Certainly was not due to Golden States defense.

Choke absolutely.

Watch the game again. It was absolutely due to the D. Iggy was particularly superb. Defence can cause a team to choke.

05-31-2016, 10:38 PM
Some of those threes were just video game type of threes though from Klay in game 6, damn. I know they make those often though so it's not a fluke as you said, but my GOD how do those shots fall at a high clip? They are hard shots. They are all you said and even lucky as well at times, but every title has some luck here and there.

When that lead was gone that game was over and you could tell. When Curry hit that three to put them up I said that is it, game over.

Yup, but they hit them, and over a large sample size we now know that somehow it's not luck. That's the crazy thing. They are two of the best shooters the world has ever seen.

Klay had 37 in a quarter this season. 37 in a quarter. :wow 11 3s in a game wasn't even the most amazing thing that guy did this season. Stunning, huh?!

They have single-handedly changed the game. They can make over 40% from 30ft and that is completely impossible to defend.

05-31-2016, 10:41 PM
They were only better than cOKC when durant and westbrook played scared. The end of the 4th q in game 6 had NOTHING to do with skill and EVERYTHING to do with composure. Thunder were done after that. Game 7 end of second q sealed the deal.

All goes back to making a play at a certain time are worth more to a team than just the stat of scoring, assisting, rebounding, stealing, etc. The psychology behind the timing of the play should be the REAL advanced stats.

Mostly agree, although you aren't giving any credit to the incredible defence Iggy, Klay and Steph played on KD and Westy in the 4th. Go back and watch what Iggy did in the final 8 mins.

05-31-2016, 10:44 PM
The Spurs had their chances but they didn't take advantage of it. At the end of game 5, KL got his hands on some balls at the end but then the Spurs botched the offensive possessions. That wasn't the case for the Warriors in game 6. They took advantage of every late turnover they got. Playoff basketball is a game of mistakes and you can't blow opportunities to score. If the Spurs win game 5, then they probably at least have a chance to win game 7 at home.

Totally. Game 5 was all down to botched offence and wide open misses (2 by LMA, 2 by TP). And it had nothing to do with Kawhi, who was superb and kept us in the game with 2 steals from nowhere, but didn't see the ball enough at the other end. Laughable that so many on this site blame him.

Sean Cagney
05-31-2016, 10:45 PM
Yup, but they hit them, and over a large sample size we now know that somehow it's not luck. That's the crazy thing. They are two of the best shooters the world has ever seen.

Klay had 37 in a quarter this season. 37 in a quarter. :wow 11 3s in a game wasn't even the most amazing thing that guy did this season. Stunning, huh?!

They have single-handedly changed the game. They can make over 40% from 30ft and that is completely impossible to defend.

How the hell can you beat them then? It seems impossible in a series right now. OKC almost did, until they went into their normal god mode of shooting the ball and things became Warriors ball again. When they found their groove it was a wrap.
Totally. Game 5 was all down to botched offence and wide open misses (2 by LMA, 2 by TP). And it had nothing to do with Kawhi, who was superb and kept us in the game with 2 steals from nowhere, but didn't see the ball enough at the other end. Laughable that so many on this site blame him.

Kawhi is far from the one to blame IMO.

05-31-2016, 10:47 PM
Choking means you miss clutch shots. The Spurs were heroic in the loss. Pure heartbreak

Choking means a lot more than that. It also comes down to making poor decisions, losing composure and making off-ball/system mistakes, etc. It's not just about shooting.

And yes, the Spurs were heroic as ever in both games 6 and 7. I was astounded that they took game 7 to the final minute - so much respect.

05-31-2016, 10:50 PM
How the hell can you beat them then? It seems impossible in a series right now. OKC almost did, until they went into their normal god mode of shooting the ball and things became Warriors ball again. When they found their groove it was a wrap.

Kawhi is far from the one to blame IMO.

I have no idea how to beat them. I think they have to beat themselves, or you do what OKC did in games 1-4, out-muscle them (like they did to us).

Another thing many haven't mentioned is that Steph was clearly physically healthier by game 6. He had his side-steps and driving game back for games 6 and 7.

Yup, no Kawhi hate from me, only love and respect. He put everything out there as usual. In that series we were let down by our bigs and the bench.

05-31-2016, 10:53 PM
How the hell can you beat them then? It seems impossible in a series right now. OKC almost did, until they went into their normal god mode of shooting the ball and things became Warriors ball again. When they found their groove it was a wrap.

Kawhi is far from the one to blame IMO.

Offensively you need to run pick n roll and have shooters who can stretch the floor. Have guys who can rebound the ball and stretch possessions and get put backs for points.

Defensively you need length and athleticism to stay in front of their guards and if you plan on switching when they set those moving screens you need athletic bigs who can close out. You have to force someone else to beat you besides Klay and Curry.

Sean Cagney
05-31-2016, 10:56 PM
I have no idea how to beat them. I think they have to beat themselves, or you do what OKC did in games 1-4, out-muscle them (like they did to us).

Another thing many haven't mentioned is that Steph was clearly physically healthier by game 6. He had his side-steps and driving game back for games 6 and 7.

Yup, no Kawhi hate from me, only love and respect. He put everything out there as usual. In that series we were let down by our bigs and the bench.Steph getting to near 100% was a huge key in the series, when he got his legs again it was a wrap. You have to get them while they are down and take them out, otherwise you don't have a chance to beat that team. When their threes are falling like that as well it's impossible to stop. You just pray they miss.
Offensively you need to run pick n roll and have shooters who can stretch the floor. Have guys who can rebound the ball and stretch possessions and get put backs for points.

Defensively you need length and athleticism to stay in front of their guards and if you plan on switching when they set those moving screens you need athletic bigs who can close out. You have to force someone else to beat you besides Klay and Curry.
Spurs used to have that down pretty much as of last year and even one game this year, don't think they have the team assembled right NOW as is though who can do it without making changes. All of that can be done but it is tough.

05-31-2016, 11:12 PM
Spurs used to have that down pretty much as of last year and even one game this year, don't think they have the team assembled right NOW as is though who can do it without making changes. All of that can be done but it is tough.

Our biggest downfall is the lack of a bench that can amass a lead when they enter a game. The Spurs spent way too much time overpaying their starters and the bench became an afterthought. What used to be our greatest strength became a liability, we always dread that second unit coming in because they slow the tempo down, don't have any real scorers and leads that we would have would disappear or we'd go into a huge hole.

The thing that kept OKC afloat was the fact that their bench and their role players played well above their talent level. Roberson looked solid for quite some time, Waiters wasn't chucking and missing. Once they fell back to their averages they were toast.

05-31-2016, 11:50 PM
Our biggest downfall is the lack of a bench that can amass a lead when they enter a game. The Spurs spent way too much time overpaying their starters and the bench became an afterthought. What used to be our greatest strength became a liability, we always dread that second unit coming in because they slow the tempo down, don't have any real scorers and leads that we would have would disappear or we'd go into a huge hole.

The thing that kept OKC afloat was the fact that their bench and their role players played well above their talent level. Roberson looked solid for quite some time, Waiters wasn't chucking and missing. Once they fell back to their averages they were toast.

Strangely, this wasn't the case for the first half of the season - in fact it was the other way around! The bench was playing the beautiful game and covering for the starters (who took a while to learn how to play with LMA) a lot of the time. Later in the season their play degraded (this started about the time Manu went out) as they went away from the passing and motion, and then in the playoffs they were hopeless. Complacency? Poor coaching?

Meanwhile, Adams, Roberson and Waiters went from afterthoughts to valuable contributors in the space of two months. Stunning, really.

05-31-2016, 11:58 PM
Strangely, this wasn't the case for the first half of the season - in fact it was the other way around! The bench was playing the beautiful game and covering for the starters (who took a while to learn how to play with LMA) a lot of the time. Later in the season their play degraded (this started about the time Manu went out) as they went away from the passing and motion, and then in the playoffs they were hopeless. Complacency? Poor coaching?

Meanwhile, Adams, Roberson and Waiters went from afterthoughts to valuable contributors in the space of two months. Stunning, really.

I think the second unit ran out of gas and didn't have a real identity when Manu went out so nobody could pick up the slack.. Poor coaching killed it by adding guys at the end of the year that didn't do jack shit or contribute at all.. Mills confidence just exploded and he may never be the same player ever again.

Roberson began playing with confidence and it spilled over because they kept leaving him wide open. Waiters ended up catching a streak in his shooting and Adams is just brilliant for his age and size. Roberson could be a dangerous player if he learns to consistently hit that corner 3.

06-01-2016, 01:00 AM
In 2013 the Spurs were up 3-2 not 3-1. Big difference especially considering Game 6 and 7 were in Miami. Lebron did what LeBron does and bricked a 3 so bad the rebound bounced out of the paint and into Allens hands. No choke. It's really true- he bricked the shot so bad we couldn't rebound it. Twice in a row.

06-01-2016, 08:10 AM
Um, I'm well aware of what happened, and that's not it. You have conflated 2 different plays. The play where LBJ bricked it was the previous play starting with 28s to go. He bricked it so badly that it came off Kawhi's gigantic hands straight up into the air, then Kawhi, Boris and Manu (I think) spoiled each other going for the secondary rebound while Wade sneaked in to steal the ball from them. He dished it to LBJ who hit his second chance. Then Kawhi missed a FT (I don't blame him - the poor kid was so young), and then the Allen play.

In the final minute both Manu and Kawhi missed FTs, and we couldn't secure either of two rebounds that would have closed the series. And yes, maybe Pop was to blame for not having Timmy in the game for those rebounds. Up 5 with 28s to go we were 98% favourites.

Convince yourself of whatever you like, but it is a dangerous thing to explain away past errors as bad luck. 4 unusual plays all going badly (any one of them going our way wins the game and the series), but that's still a choke - a team choke, not an individual one.

Still, it worked out well, because I doubt we'd have won in 2014 if not for 2013, and in many parallel universes we won both! ;)

It's really true- he bricked the shot so bad we couldn't rebound it. Twice in a row.

See above.

NameLess Scrub
06-01-2016, 05:20 PM
Um, I'm well aware of what happened, and that's not it. You have conflated 2 different plays. The play where LBJ bricked it was the previous play starting with 28s to go. He bricked it so badly that it came off Kawhi's gigantic hands straight up into the air, then Kawhi, Boris and Manu (I think) spoiled each other going for the secondary rebound while Wade sneaked in to steal the ball from them. He dished it to LBJ who hit his second chance. Then Kawhi missed a FT (I don't blame him - the poor kid was so young), and then the Allen play.

In the final minute both Manu and Kawhi missed FTs, and we couldn't secure either of two rebounds that would have closed the series. And yes, maybe Pop was to blame for not having Timmy in the game for those rebounds. Up 5 with 28s to go we were 98% favourites.

Convince yourself of whatever you like, but it is a dangerous thing to explain away past errors as bad luck. 4 unusual plays all going badly (any one of them going our way wins the game and the series), but that's still a choke - a team choke, not an individual one.

Still, it worked out well, because I doubt we'd have won in 2014 if not for 2013, and in many parallel universes we won both! ;)

Besides the motivation factor, I don't see why the Spurs would have not repeated had they won '13.

They lost in 7, and it was pretty evident they had figure out the Heat by game 6 and lost out of that sequence of horrible events. The rosters didn't change a lot. Spurs would have played one less game, so no more wear. I wonder if anybody actually thought the Spurs weren't real due to the result of that series. I think repeating would have been good motivation.

06-01-2016, 11:44 PM
Besides the motivation factor, I don't see why the Spurs would have not repeated had they won '13.

They lost in 7, and it was pretty evident they had figure out the Heat by game 6 and lost out of that sequence of horrible events. The rosters didn't change a lot. Spurs would have played one less game, so no more wear. I wonder if anybody actually thought the Spurs weren't real due to the result of that series. I think repeating would have been good motivation.

The Spurs never repeat. Pop doesn't believe you can win it every year.

Sean Cagney
06-02-2016, 01:07 AM
Besides the motivation factor, I don't see why the Spurs would have not repeated had they won '13.

That hunger honestly gave them that drive they needed to get back there and win it, without that do they pass that OKC team? They were on a flat out mission, don't know if they make it back to the finals without losing in 13 and putting a spark under them for revenge.

06-02-2016, 01:23 AM
The Spurs never repeat. Pop doesn't believe you can win it every year.

Tim getting injured and missing the playoffs, Fisher .4, Manu fouling Dirk, Memphis reloading the Lakers with Gasol. Ray Allen. The simple fact that the Spurs reign has and is currently in the stacked west. Not like Lebrons ridiculous 6 straight appearances which should come with an asterisk. The Spurs have never choked away a series like OKC Just did, the closest is when we were up 2-0 against ironically, OKC. I remember Harden killing us in game 5 then folding like a deck of cards against LeBron.

Also, in 2013, LeBron missed, the ball finds Allen who ties the game. What did I miss? Were talking about the Spurs choking away single games. The Thunder choked away 3 straight games.

As far as the warriors playing great defense, take a look Thompson's threes,
Most of those are hard shots with a hand in the face. When Durant and Westbrook did pass out of double teams the supporting cast was passive. Its easier to stop people from Dunking then it is to stop 3 point shots. Which is exactly why Andre Robinson and Dion Waiters pestered Kawhi, but were ultimately nuetralized against Thompson and Curry. Heck, Look how Danny Green thrived.

No doubt this was a choke OKC should of won. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Sean Cagney
06-02-2016, 01:50 AM
Tim getting injured and missing the playoffs, Fisher .4, Manu fouling Dirk, Memphis reloading the Lakers with Gasol. Ray Allen. The simple fact that the Spurs reign has and is currently in the stacked west. Not like Lebrons ridiculous 6 straight appearances which should come with an asterisk. The Spurs have never choked away a series like OKC Just did, the closest is when we were up 2-0 against ironically, OKC. I remember Harden killing us in game 5 then folding like a deck of cards against LeBron.

Also, in 2013, LeBron missed, the ball finds Allen who ties the game. What did I miss? Were talking about the Spurs choking away single games. The Thunder choked away 3 straight games.

As far as the warriors playing great defense, take a look Thompson's threes,
Most of those are hard shots with a hand in the face. When Durant and Westbrook did pass out of double teams the supporting cast was passive. Its easier to stop people from Dunking then it is to stop 3 point shots. Which is exactly why Andre Robinson and Dion Waiters pestered Kawhi, but were ultimately nuetralized against Thompson and Curry. Heck, Look how Danny Green thrived.

No doubt this was a choke OKC should of won. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
True. I don't know about .4 being a title year though, the Spurs had Rasho starting as Center and Hedo starting as well, no Barry and Nazr yet and the Pistons were on another level in those finals and looked to be on a mission playing some great team ball at the right time. The Dirk foul though for sure, that was our three peat had they won that series because they wont he next year as well :( That one stung.

06-02-2016, 06:46 AM
The Spurs never repeat. Pop doesn't believe you can win it every year.

Spurs did make back to back NBA finals (2013,2014). Blew it in 2013, had it in their grasp and let go, won it all in 2014 in epic fashion, Not a repeat, but still will shut up all the clowns who say Spurs are not a dynasty because of no repeat with the Duncan, Parker, Ginobili big 3.

06-02-2016, 08:44 AM
http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by MultiTroll (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8609686#post8609686) How about what OKC did on offense during the 8:00 run in Game 6.
Turnovers, missed shots.
Certainly was not due to Golden States defense.

Choke absolutely.

Watch the game again. It was absolutely due to the D. Iggy was particularly superb. Defence can cause a team to choke.
Just rewatched end of 5 and 6. No way should that be characterized as superb D by Iggy causing Pizza Durants and WestChucks choke. Completely unforced turnovers, stupid shot selection.
No calls of obvious fouls by Gaymond Green.

NameLess Scrub
06-02-2016, 08:57 AM
True. I don't know about .4 being a title year though, the Spurs had Rasho starting as Center and Hedo starting as well, no Barry and Nazr yet and the Pistons were on another level in those finals and looked to be on a mission playing some great team ball at the right time. The Dirk foul though for sure, that was our three peat had they won that series because they wont he next year as well :( That one stung.

But.. do they win '07 without the spark provided by the Dirk foul? :p::p:

06-02-2016, 10:13 AM
No biggest chokejob in NBA history sadly was game 6 of the 2013 NBA finals Spurs vs Heat, the Spurs next season redeemed themselves by blowing Miami out of the gym, but this chokejob by the Thunder is right up there. That Warriors team has been so lucky imo, to have a team choke a 3-1 lead and least seasons watered down playoffs (Thunder, Spurs out, injured Cavs team). The Cavs are healthy now so they will face another obstacle, but I don't think Cleveland chokes this if they get up 3-1. All these insanse 3's that Warriors team makes in these games, it's skill and luck basically.
It's all skill. That's how they get back to the Finals. You don't take 30 teams and have one shoot 600+ 3s between two guys where luck gets them to the Finals. It cannot happen. They are the two best 3pt shooters in the league and it's a long gap to number 3. Not only that, but both players have the ability to get their own shot, and their release is in tenths of a second. You simply cannot defend it. It's not like Bonner who takes half an hour to get a shot off. You start closing out on Matt from the restricted area and he might not get the shot off before you get there. Curry and Klay can shoot accurately with you one step from them and a hand up. It's uncanny but it's not luck. It's the future of the league. That kind of shit renders poor play moot since they can drop 30pts on you in just a few minutes and cover large deficits.

Keepin' it real
06-02-2016, 10:41 AM
Besides the motivation factor, I don't see why the Spurs would have not repeated had they won '13.

This is one chink in Tim Duncan's armor. Even though he's had 2 decades of sustained excellence, he could never turn that excellence into a B2B.

Most of the greats in the GOAT conversation (MJ, Magic, Kareem, Shaq, Bill Russell, even Hakeem and LBJ) repeated. The only top 10-ish player who didn't repeat besides Duncan was Bird.

I don't know what it is about Timmy, but when you're splitting hairs about the best ever, or in this case, wondering if the Spurs could have repeated if they'd won in 2013, two decades of Spurs history indicates they would not have done so.

06-02-2016, 12:11 PM
This is one chink in Tim Duncan's armor. Even though he's had 2 decades of sustained excellence, he could never turn that excellence into a B2B.

Most of the greats in the GOAT conversation (MJ, Magic, Kareem, Shaq, Bill Russell, even Hakeem and LBJ) repeated. The only top 10-ish player who didn't repeat besides Duncan was Bird.

I don't know what it is about Timmy, but when you're splitting hairs about the best ever, or in this case, wondering if the Spurs could have repeated if they'd won in 2013, two decades of Spurs history indicates they would not have done so.
I guess Wilt doesn't count as a top 10 all time. Today's NBA fan.

Keepin' it real
06-02-2016, 12:26 PM
I guess Wilt doesn't count as a top 10 all time.

Nope. Not on most lists that I see and read from experts and former players on TV and online.

Today's NBA fan.

That includes you, by the way.

Sean Cagney
06-02-2016, 01:01 PM
But.. do they win '07 without the spark provided by the Dirk foul? :p::p:

Who knows? Maybe not? Either or it's a repeat in 05 and 06.

NameLess Scrub
06-02-2016, 04:26 PM
Who knows? Maybe not? Either or it's a repeat in 05 and 06.

This is one chink in Tim Duncan's armor. Even though he's had 2 decades of sustained excellence, he could never turn that excellence into a B2B.

Most of the greats in the GOAT conversation (MJ, Magic, Kareem, Shaq, Bill Russell, even Hakeem and LBJ) repeated. The only top 10-ish player who didn't repeat besides Duncan was Bird.

I don't know what it is about Timmy, but when you're splitting hairs about the best ever, or in this case, wondering if the Spurs could have repeated if they'd won in 2013, two decades of Spurs history indicates they would not have done so.

It just seems like they've been very unlucky to repeat, injuries, too close, some mental mistake, who the heck makes a turnaround jumper in 0.4 seconds, etc.

You have to wonder if he had been treated better due to being a media/NBA darling/star, he had won one or two more titles.

Sean Cagney
06-02-2016, 04:36 PM
It just seems like they've been very unlucky to repeat, injuries, too close, some mental mistake, who the heck makes a turnaround jumper in 0.4 seconds, etc.

I swear man that would only happen against the Spurs, no joke.

06-02-2016, 04:51 PM
Biggest choke? There are other 9 teams that lost in game 7 after 3-1 series lead, should talk about them.

NameLess Scrub
06-02-2016, 06:37 PM
I swear man that would only happen against the Spurs, no joke.

It seems :depressed

06-02-2016, 07:19 PM
Wasn't a choke....Warriors finally woke up and are clearly the better team....but I have a feeling there going to lose against the Cavs......Illuminati Lebron James is going to ring...

They weren't the better team. The Thunder couldn't hit their outside shots the last two games. Even being outshout from 3 massively, they were right there because they were beating the warriors in so many other areas. Btw, Warriors scored 63 points from 3, compared to Thunder's 9 in game 6.

06-04-2016, 03:53 PM
NO they choked...


Big time choking.

06-04-2016, 09:22 PM
okc were heavily outclassed. It felt in last 2 games every shot in the second half was a desperation chuck by okc. Whereas GSW just doing bau, regardless of who was in the lead

06-06-2016, 02:24 PM
The Dubs are just on a level above everyone else right now. It would be like the average person stepping into the ring with Ali or Tyson in his prime. Zero percent chance of victory.

The Cavs WILL get swept. It has basically already happened, and we just have to catch up to it in the timeline. Book. It.

UNT Eagles 2016
06-07-2016, 08:54 AM
You want to know the reason why teams like the 2004 Lakers, 2006 Mavericks, 2008 Lakers, 2012 Thunder lost? It's because they weren't good enough to be there in the first place. The Spurs got screwed over in all those seasons and those teams got their asses beat cause they simply weren't good enough to be there in the first place. They all got what they deserved.

You can say that about a lot of Spurs teams this century as well. 2001, 2011 and 2016 Spurs were fool's gold, 2002, 2008 and 2015 just not that good and shivering at the sight of the Staples Center, 2004 no offense, 2006 had too many misfitting pieces, 2000, 2009 and 2010 too injured and no bench.

06-07-2016, 08:56 AM
You can relax, all top 10 of chokes are still belong to the Spurs!!!

06-07-2016, 11:54 AM
Cleveland vs Dallas. Sorry that was the bigger choke. Sorry about the truth. Lebust Shames continues to prove that just because you get there doesn't mean you can do it yourself. He's the anti Jordan.