View Full Version : Warriors: beat writer has blocked 6400 people on twitter

06-08-2016, 04:20 PM



From top to bottom-- added all their appendages from fans, journalists etc..-- the most bitch-made, arrogant sport team i have seen in my lifteime..

Fuck you OKC for letting'em off the hook..It would be been glorious to see them weep..

06-08-2016, 04:26 PM
That dumb fucking gook thought GS vs Portland G1 was a coinflip when GS closed as 10 point favorites

06-08-2016, 05:39 PM
He just recently interviewed Charles Barkley


06-08-2016, 06:08 PM
He is always wining about the Niners' ownership as well.

06-20-2016, 04:42 PM
dude getting roasted on twitter.


06-20-2016, 05:53 PM

They were selling your shit.

06-20-2016, 06:12 PM
He is always wining about the Niners' ownership as well.

Because getting rid of Harbaugh and having your front 7 quit on you is a hallmark of great management.

06-20-2016, 06:18 PM
He is always wining about the Niners' ownership as well.
Long time Bay Area / 9ers peeps I know verify current 9ers ownership is ruining team.

06-21-2016, 05:59 PM
Long time Bay Area / 9ers peeps I know verify current 9ers ownership is ruining team.
Our ownership has fucked things up, no doubt, but it's not all been their fault. The Kawakami guy complains about everything and as those tweets show he is full of shit himself.

06-21-2016, 06:07 PM
Because getting rid of Harbaugh and having your front 7 quit on you is a hallmark of great management.
Never said they were great managers or owners, but sometimes shit happens. Jed York is the reason we got Harbaugh in the first place, just there was a clash of egos after awhile, there is lots of blame to go around. Even Harbaugh admits that he burns people out, still a good coach. Shit some of those guys quit because of safety concerns, not because of some hatred for the Niners ownership.

06-21-2016, 06:09 PM
Everything about the top of the Niners' organization is ruining the team tbh.

:lmao hiring Shit Kelly
:lmao giving that albatross of a contract to Kraep
:lmao fighting over who was "most responsible" for the Niners' success when they just choked a SB

06-21-2016, 06:26 PM
Everything about the top of the Niners' organization is ruining the team tbh.

:lmao hiring Shit Kelly
:lmao giving that albatross of a contract to Kraep
:lmao fighting over who was "most responsible" for the Niners' success when they just choked a SB
Wasn't it Harbaugh who wanted Kap to start after Smith came back from his concussion? If so I never agreed with that one, I'm not even anti-Kap. Niners' org deserves criticism but Kawakami is annoying.

06-21-2016, 07:17 PM
Wasn't it Harbaugh who wanted Kap to start after Smith came back from his concussion? If so I never agreed with that one, I'm not even anti-Kap. Niners' org deserves criticism but Kawakami is annoying.

I don't care about who chose who to start since at the time no one had adjustments for Kraep, but giving him $100 mil+ after playing just 10 games was an absolutely awful decision.

06-21-2016, 07:45 PM
I don't care about who chose who to start since at the time no one had adjustments for Kraep, but giving him $100 mil+ after playing just 10 games was an absolutely awful decision.
It was a dumb decision but I still believe if they rolled with Smith, they would've rang, thus they could've avoided overpaying Kap like every qb at the time. Its all speculation at this point, water under the bridge, maybe Kap will get better with Chip. If not, oh well.