View Full Version : The Supreme Court just dropped a powder keg on the 2016 election

06-23-2016, 02:29 PM

06-23-2016, 03:30 PM

The UT-wannabe girl was blocked by her grades, not her skin. Just another huge LIE by racist Repugs to pander to their racist supporters.

Big win for the SCOTUS rightwingnuts and their xenophobes. Repugs were going to lose the Hispanic vote anyway. This probably added a couple more points to Hillary's landslide.

06-23-2016, 04:14 PM
like Hillary is going to create more jobs for the Hispanics then trump!
blacks are not better off then 50 years ago but they keep voting for the democrats!

06-23-2016, 04:23 PM
like Hillary is going to create more jobs for the Hispanics then trump!
blacks are not better off then 50 years ago but they keep voting for the democrats!

Democrats could and should do more for "blacks", IMO. The reason they vote for Dems despite this short fall, is that they are very obviously not served well by failed Republican policies.

One other small reason that "blacks" tend not to vote Republican is that Republicans, not infrequently turn out to be racists.

Not Republican, but the guy says that Trumps candidacy was a signal to him that the time is right for his message:
(end edit)

06-23-2016, 04:30 PM
The dog whistle... is now at a frequency where we can all hear it, loud and clear.

The GOP is going to lose non-whites for the next 20 years with this election.

06-23-2016, 04:38 PM
Claim: Republicans are racist

Exhibit 1: billboard of non-republican who supports a candidate that is despised by the Republican party


06-23-2016, 05:13 PM
:pop: it's why I keep Bonner around

06-25-2016, 08:40 PM
Democrats could and should do more for "blacks", IMO. The reason they vote for Dems despite this short fall, is that they are very obviously not served well by failed Republican policies.

IMO, Republicans' school choice would go a long way toward helping improving education which (imo) is the key to lifting oneself out of poverty. Democrats support of strong teachers' unions (and the inability of schools to get rid of bad teachers) is what has failed our students. Rick Scott has signed a bill to allow any Florida student to attend any (not magnet/charter) public school even across county lines. We shall see if it helps students get out of bad schools and improves the quality of education.

06-25-2016, 09:30 PM
how many times do you have to be shit on for being fucking stupid that you quit? You just abandoned the inner cities in this country even further.

You blaming teachers unions for failing scores when your fucking brain that thinks for you teaches the fucking bible and creationism in a general science course is like you pretending you remotely thinking of any person of color as a friend not an employee.

Bilber thumpers now dictate inner city curriculum and are at fault for their failing test scores?

06-25-2016, 10:51 PM
Nope. Just an example of stupidity and hypocrosy of you "people."

the reality is we have abandoned our inner cities, and the effects have been catastrophic for the citizens who live there. It's like everything else though, the wealthy depend on the gullibility and inherent biases of the unwashed masses to pay attention to the fear of anything different, to keep eyes off what's really happening.

it is interesting the schticks you all have. You think you're a clever debater, you're not. Cocksucker is the faux "intellectual" disguising his pedophilia. Retardmt is just useless. If there is a pub talking point, you can be god damned sure it's her opinion.

There used to be a conservative movement in this country that could at least provide enough justification for why they think the way they do. These days the "right" on this country are intellectually bankrupt devoid of ideas, relying only on emotion because of the rejection of reason. You, and the rest of the mouth breathing mongoloids are living proof of that.

Who abandoned inner city schools? Have they disappeared? Don't they have any teachers? Or do you mean the giant school districts that support them aren't sending them enough money? Are you saying they aren't funded enough? That more money equals better grades? Or that white people left the inner city. Because white people have the magical power to make a poor black or latino student get better grades just by sitting next to them. Or are you saying that white teachers abandoned inner city schools. Because white teachers are better than the black and latino teachers?

You're a racist.

06-25-2016, 11:06 PM
If the problem is not the kids, then whose is it? You don't think that if a teacher is judged on results, on how she performs - that's better for kids than have an powerful union behind them - knowing that they can't be fired/or that it's very difficult to be fired? That's what's wrong with this whole idea of sameness/oneness - instead of being judged on individual merit/teaching, they are protected from being fired - one for all and all for one. Who suffers - the kids.

I've seen a wide range of education - from homeschooling, to private school, to charter school, to public school (working for the school board). And the ones with consequences/rewards almost always get better results than union-backed seniority. Where is the motivation for excellence when one will get paid the same for mediocrity (and even under performance) and can just pass time waiting for her pension. And would the teachers' unions in these Democrat-run inner cities ever allow school choice so that the kids can go to better schools - do they want to foster competition among schools - across county lines - well, you know the answer to that.

Why don't you suggest your solutions?

06-25-2016, 11:46 PM
Nope. Just an example of stupidity and hypocrosy of you "people."

the reality is we have abandoned our inner cities, and the effects have been catastrophic for the citizens who live there. It's like everything else though, the wealthy depend on the gullibility and inherent biases of the unwashed masses to pay attention to the fear of anything different, to keep eyes off what's really happening.

it is interesting the schticks you all have. You think you're a clever debater, you're not. Cocksucker is the faux "intellectual" disguising his pedophilia. Retardmt is just useless. If there is a pub talking point, you can be god damned sure it's her opinion.

There used to be a conservative movement in this country that could at least provide enough justification for why they think the way they do. These days the "right" on this country are intellectually bankrupt devoid of ideas, relying only on emotion because of the rejection of reason. You, and the rest of the mouth breathing mongoloids are living proof of that.
What side do inner cities lean and who runs the majority of them...from top down?

06-26-2016, 10:05 AM
Nevermind - covered.

Will Hunting
06-26-2016, 10:11 AM
Given how much more prosperous this country was in the 1950s when it was 90% white, why do people view a predominantly white country as such a bad thing?

06-26-2016, 11:05 AM
Given how much more prosperous this country was in the 1950s when it was 90% white, why do people view a predominantly white country as such a bad thing?

China was in diapers and the cold war was beginning. US imperialism was just getting started. To compare today's geopolitical situation to the 50s is borderline full blown retard

06-26-2016, 12:46 PM
The problem is the left and right spend so much time on trying to beat each other that no one really cares about creating solutions that work, anymore.

06-26-2016, 02:11 PM
Like I said retard, you bastardize the teacher when your thinkers created the very environment you claim to be against. You have no idea what teachers go through.

And if it's unions that are the sole problem, then why are scores in red states lower?

I didn't say that unions were the sole problem. Probably the tax base (property values) and therefore tax revenues are lower in red states. Obviously, more money always helps. Please - I don't know what teachers go through? I've taught 3 kids all the way up to high school and observed classes as part of working for the school board. And motivation/skill on the teacher's part plays a big role in kids' education. When there's the attitude that it doesn't matter what quality job I do, there's no motivation to excel, is there? Why knock yourself out - you're getting paid the same regardless of whether you underperform, are mediocre or excel.

Unless you're of the opinion that it's the kids? Then that would be a racist opinion.

Name-calling serves no purpose but make you seem childish. Where are your solutions?

06-26-2016, 02:18 PM
Given how much more prosperous this country was in the 1950s when it was 90% white, why do people view a predominantly white country as such a bad thing?

I don't see it as a white/race problem. To me, it's more a lack of assimilation/integration/wanting to be American - that's a problem. When large swaths of people don't learn the language, kids aren't taught to respect the American flag, pledge of allegiance, etc - there's no patriotism. Why bother come here in the first place - if they don't want to share in the culture, values, the American way. If they just want to set up pockets of wherever they came from, just stay where they were.

06-26-2016, 02:49 PM
Given how much more prosperous this country was in the 1950s when it was 90% white, why do people view a predominantly white country as such a bad thing?

you've been conned, suckered, by the VRWC lying to you that your problem, your loser-hood is caused by non-Euro-Americans, rather then VRWC itself.

06-26-2016, 02:54 PM
I don't see it as a white/race problem. To me, it's more a lack of assimilation/integration/wanting to be American - that's a problem. When large swaths of people don't learn the language, kids aren't taught to respect the American flag, pledge of allegiance, etc - there's no patriotism. Why bother come here in the first place - if they don't want to share in the culture, values, the American way. If they just want to set up pockets of wherever they came from, just stay where they were.

:lol you have to be kidding me.

06-26-2016, 03:24 PM
The problem is the left and right spend so much time on trying to beat each other that no one really cares about creating solutions that work, anymore.It's more about stoking fear and resentment in your base and sticking it to the people they hate, than finding what works.National interest, the common good of the citizenry and the bargaining of pluralistic interests are all set aside in favor maximizing the electoral advantage of political tribes.

It's understandable that government is held in low esteem, what's insupportable is defining it as the devil.

Institutions are not inherently good or bad, they can be better or worse. The devil in the mirror is us.

06-26-2016, 03:30 PM
Treating political adversaries and government as if they were the devil is bad for society and bad for government.

Will Hunting
06-26-2016, 04:28 PM
I don't see it as a white/race problem. To me, it's more a lack of assimilation/integration/wanting to be American - that's a problem. When large swaths of people don't learn the language, kids aren't taught to respect the American flag, pledge of allegiance, etc - there's no patriotism. Why bother come here in the first place - if they don't want to share in the culture, values, the American way. If they just want to set up pockets of wherever they came from, just stay where they were.
Yeah no, I don't think that's the problem.

you've been conned, suckered, by the VRWC lying to you that your problem, your loser-hood is caused by non-Euro-Americans, rather then VRWC itself.
I never said non-whites were the problem, all I was asking is why do people view a predominantly white country as such a bad thing?

It's particularly ironic when liberals demonize the notion of a predominantly white country but then worship social democratic countries like France, Germany, Sweden and Australia that are all, you guessed it, predominantly white.

06-26-2016, 04:44 PM
Given how much more prosperous this country was in the 1950s when it was 90% white, why do people view a predominantly white country as such a bad thing?

It was even more white in the 1930's.

06-27-2016, 01:09 AM

Just stop, dude. I grew up in Memphis, TN and still live here. I cannot be fooled.

Whitey didn't up and take the entire metropolitan infrastructure with him when he moved to the suburbs. Many of the neighborhoods in this city experiencing 3rd world living conditions were indistinguishable from today's suburbs 20 years ago. The school I went to was the only "good" public school in the entire city (read: mostly white) and we were sharing books in class. Most of the tax money went to the "bad" schools in North and South Memphis. One of them even had a moon landing simulator in a physics classroom. Still one of the worst schools in the entire country.

It's not the neighborhoods, it's not the magic dirt or lack of it... it's the people, stupid.

06-27-2016, 10:56 AM
Boner clearly blames his school for him being a loser.

06-27-2016, 03:18 PM
And you blame high school for being so grotesque your pedo coaches wouldn't touch you.

Elementary schools are not singles bars you piece of shit

Boners poor education illustrated.

06-27-2016, 03:20 PM
Boner, you really should go back to the club with the other illiterate juveniles.

06-27-2016, 05:04 PM
Congrats for growing up in a dirt poor conservative state. Hard to believe there were examples of kids that overcame all of your racism and succeeded. Wonder if any others could have made it, given an even remotely fair chance, which no longer exists. I'll let you in on a great truth, there were kids much fucking smarter than you, which means they were at least Forrest Gump level, that didn't make it because of barriers in place.

But its funny to listen to racist piece of shit mongoloids who are frightened of anything different try to explain the problems of inner city schools to anyone.

I grew up in one of the richest neighborhoods in the city, attended college here and graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering. Worked for the MCS system for 5 years, mostly in Southeast Memphis. Still a racist twat.

The biggest myth about racism is that it is based out of ignorance or stupidity. It is, in fact, familiarity that breeds contempt.

I voted for Obama in 2008. Didn't vote in 2012, and even then you would never see me saying the things I am saying now. With age comes experience.

Cognitive dissonance is a motherfucker.

06-27-2016, 05:20 PM
People my age living in cities like Detroit, Baltimore, and New Orleans aren't old enough to remember when their cities weren't complete crime ridden shit holes. I remember Memphis before the great anti-poverty Section 8 programs of the late 90's. It was a much nicer place to live.

*glitches in the Matrix*

06-27-2016, 09:06 PM
The reality is that black people worship the violence and dysfunction and systemic corruption that whites as a whole abhor and force them to find new places to live. Julian Castro is hard at work Section 8ing the rest of the country - primarily middle America. Red states are being targeted for social engineering under the guise of "fighting systemic racism in the housing system". The results are always the same. Property values (along with whitey's life savings) will tank. Doors will be broken down. People will die in their homes; raped, beaten, tortured, skulls bashed in with claw hammers. White women and children will die, and the news stories will be relegated to the local media market or simply memory holed altogether. No apologies will be made, no concessions will be given. It is their culture. It is who they are. They worship the violence.

"Kill the farmer, kill the Boer!"

"Get whitey!"

"Polar bear hunting"

Africans in America.