View Full Version : Poverty in Dallas, Tx

06-28-2016, 12:02 AM
People think of Dallas an see all the glowing lights an new bridges. The beautiful night lights an fancy restaurants. But when all the club goers goes home. The homeless are allowed to come out downtown. But have to be gone by 6am when the working people comes downtown. St. Pual an fwy 30 an Harry Hines an Butler are the worse areas I've ever seen. The only places where whites an blacks are truly equal... Its just as many whites as there are blacks. Its humbling an a sad sight to see. I remember driving my bus route an it was pouring down outside like Jesus was tryna clean the earth. All i seen was people lying outside like they were at the beach an tryna tan. Saddest sight ever. Who's fault is all that an how do we fix it??? Seriously

Joseph Kony
06-28-2016, 12:08 AM
it's all part of god's plan imo

06-28-2016, 12:15 AM
it's all part of god's plan imo

I dont think so... He gives us choices. I think it starts as a kid. Most people fuck their lives up at a young age with felonies an school. Not knowing the serious affects it has on their future. Then with the cost of living so high, people just cant maintain. I see sooo so many homeless young people. I'm taking about high teens an low 20s.

06-28-2016, 12:28 AM

ex muslim says Isis is America......Repent forgive for your sins...turn to Jesus

06-28-2016, 12:36 AM
America left all its weapons over seas an knew isis was getting them. An did nothing about it.

06-28-2016, 12:47 AM
America left all its weapons over seas an knew isis was getting them. An did nothing about it.Think it was part of the plan thanks to Obama

06-28-2016, 12:49 AM
I dont think so... He gives us choices. I think it starts as a kid. Most people fuck their lives up at a young age with felonies an school. Not knowing the serious affects it has on their future. Then with the cost of living so high, people just cant maintain. I see sooo so many homeless young people. I'm taking about high teens an low 20s.
Its rough ....Got to pray for them as well as help them

06-28-2016, 01:10 AM
So when did it become a meme to not end the word "and" with a -d-? Where did that joke come from? Or are all of your -d- keys broken?

06-28-2016, 01:37 AM
Who's fault is all that an how do we fix it??? Seriously

It's their own fault and we can't fix it for them.

06-28-2016, 02:44 PM
But when all the club goers goes home. The homeless are allowed to come out downtown. But have to be gone by 6am when the working people comes downtown.

Not true. The homeless are everywhere, down here all the time. The city is trying to crack down on the panhandling but you are still on guard as they have become aggressive and more desperate of late. When a city caters to homelessness instead of finding ways to solve the problem, it enables it. The city has spent millions with the wrong focus, no betterment programs and very little community outreach. Allowing the homeless population to rise in recent years. This is poor leadership, nothing more.

06-28-2016, 08:44 PM
They only crackdown on panhandling when they want votes or citizens complaints get to high... Its just crazy the amount of people of all races an cultures homeless these days. I think as long as they can push the home5away from downtown an uptown, it's ok with them

Will Hunting
06-28-2016, 09:55 PM
They only crackdown on panhandling when they want votes or citizens complaints get to high... Its just crazy the amount of people of all races an cultures homeless these days. I think as long as they can push the home5away from downtown an uptown, it's ok with them

You think it's just Dallas that's like that? Pretty much every major US city with a noticeable homeless population is more concerned with shifting it away from the city's tax base than it is actually solving the problem.

If you think it's bad in Dallas, go to a place like Baltimore. You'll see entire homeless communities in the rough areas but none near the harbor where they get tourism revenue.

06-28-2016, 11:14 PM
Dallas is nothing. Go to Baltimore. Guards on every corner paid by Johns Hopkins to protect students and doctors. That's poverty, and they roam around the streets like fucking cattle.

Will Hunting
06-28-2016, 11:50 PM
If you think it's bad in Dallas, go to a place like Baltimore. You'll see entire homeless communities in the rough areas but none near the harbor where they get tourism revenue.

Dallas is nothing. Go to Baltimore. Guards on every corner paid by Johns Hopkins to protect students and doctors. That's poverty, and they roam around the streets like fucking cattle.

Oh hi

06-29-2016, 09:20 AM
People think of Dallas an see all the glowing lights an new bridges. The beautiful night lights an fancy restaurants. But when all the club goers goes home. The homeless are allowed to come out downtown. But have to be gone by 6am when the working people comes downtown. St. Pual an fwy 30 an Harry Hines an Butler are the worse areas I've ever seen. The only places where whites an blacks are truly equal... Its just as many whites as there are blacks. Its humbling an a sad sight to see. I remember driving my bus route an it was pouring down outside like Jesus was tryna clean the earth. All i seen was people lying outside like they were at the beach an tryna tan. Saddest sight ever. Who's fault is all that an how do we fix it??? Seriously

Dude...you should look at Baltimore. Crime is rampant. It's so bad that the gangs store dead bodies in the walls of vacant buildings.

06-29-2016, 09:48 AM
Oh hi
Well we are the same person so it makes sense.

06-29-2016, 04:00 PM
You think Dallas is bad????? Ever been to Baltimore? It's terrible there tbh. Police just let crime go wild in this area called Hamsterdam.