View Full Version : Many questions facing campers

Kori Ellis
10-03-2005, 07:54 PM
Many questions facing campers
Barbara Barker


The busier-than-average NBA offseason officially ends tomorrow with the opening of training camps. The preseason is a time of limitless opportunity, not to mention limitless questions. Some will be answered in a few weeks. Others won't be decided until June. Here's a look at a few of them.

Can San Antonio go 82-0? From the rich-get-richer department, we bring you the San Antonio Spurs. When they weren't polishing their Naismith Trophy, the world champion Spurs added Michael Finley, Nick Van Exel and Argentine big man Fabricio Oberto. With a cast like this, it shouldn't take them seven games to win the trophy.

Who is the most dangerous team in the East? Forget that Detroit was one win away from repeating as champion; the team to watch this season is the Indiana Pacers. With Jermaine O'Neal healthy and Ron Artest back from mega-suspension, the Pacers have something to prove this year.

Does anyone want Latrell Sprewell? When you're a great competitor at the peak of your career, people will put up with a lot. When you're not? Suffice it to say, after their dad's horrible season, the hungry Sprewell clan might have to make do on a league-minimum salary.

Is Phil Jackson nuts? Talk about wanting to torture yourself. Only the Zenmeister would be able to find the appeal of another tour of duty with Kobe Bryant, a player he not so long ago labeled as uncoachable in his book, "The Last Season." The weird thing is, Jackson is good enough that it probably will all work out. Don't be surprised if the Lakers slip back into the playoffs.

Does Stan Van Gundy have eyes in the back of his head? If not, he needs to get them and keep a good watch on his back for the rest of the season. Pat Riley may say he doesn't want to coach, but look out if the Heat starts slowly.

Which team is the most improved? Yes, Bucks general manager Larry Harris got a huge break when Milwaukee won the No. 1 pick. But he's followed that with a heck of an offseason to surround rookie Andrew Bogut with decent talent. Don't be surprised if the Bucks are back in the playoffs.

Can the Nets be a factor again? Had they landed Shareef Abdur-Rahim this summer, the Nets would have been among the league's elite. Instead, they're just a very good team. Though the Nets probably have more depth than when they went to the NBA Finals, the East is a lot tougher now. Team president Rod Thorn will have to pull another rabbit out of his hat for the team to go deep in the playoffs.

Will Eddy Curry play and for whom? The Curry saga continues as the Bulls now are asking him to submit to DNA testing before agreeing to a one-year contract. Curry was sidelined by a heart arrhythmia last March and does not want to be subjected to the test, which the Bulls believe could help determine if the condition is potentially fatal. Look for the whole matter to end up in arbitration.

When will the lovefest between Stephon Marbury and Larry Brown end? Popular opinion says they won't make it through training camp. It doesn't matter how many times Brown says he loves Marbury, the point guard had difficulty adjusting to Brown's demands during the eight games in the Olympics, so it's hard to imagine he will play for him over 82 games.

Will LeBron James finally make the playoffs? New York fans can only hope not. If Cleveland can't get it done this year, the wunderkind will be inclined to look elsewhere when his contract expires after the 2006-07 season.

10-03-2005, 08:36 PM
Kori, was Tony at the media day event?
I didnt see or hear anything from him on Spurs.com, and I know he was in town yesterday for the Saints game.

Kori Ellis
10-03-2005, 08:38 PM
Yes he was there, but he wasn't brought in the main interview room for interviews. I talked to him for a second in the hall.

He came in the interview room but Manu was still talking, so Tony left.

I think they were all in a hurry getting ready to leave for St Thomas.

10-03-2005, 08:39 PM
Yes he was there, but he wasn't brought in the main interview room for interviews. I talked to him for a second in the hall.

He came in the interview room but Manu was still talking, so Tony left.

I think they were all in a hurry getting ready to leave for St Thomas.Thanks, I am surprised that Tony wasnt too interested in getting media attention.