View Full Version : AP: Garnett Ready to Go for Timberwolves

10-03-2005, 08:19 PM
The New York Times

October 3, 2005

Garnett Ready to Go for Timberwolves

Filed at 9:01 p.m. ET

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- When Kevin Garnett last left Target Center, the Minnesota Timberwolves had just wrapped up the most disappointing season in the franchise's 16-year history.

He departed the arena hastily and quietly, too, opting to withhold comment on a trying season that bordered on tumultuous -- with the firing of coach Flip Saunders, contract complaints by Sam Cassell and Latrell Sprewell and gripes by a few others about their roles on the court. For the first time since his rookie year, K.G. was headed home and not to the playoffs.

''Last year was last year,'' said Garnett, whose team went 44-38. ''We have a lot to prove. ... If you sense a little bit of a chip on my shoulder, it is. Because last year wasn't really pleasant. The finger-pointing. I felt like people didn't really look at themselves in the mirror. It's a new year. A new day. Happy to be back in the gym and get after it.''

Spending much of his summer at his home in California, Garnett went running in the sand to help soothe his sore knee and spent more time in the weight room to add some bulk to his wiry frame. Entering his 11th season at age 29, Garnett is hopeful he'll be able to better endure the beating of a long NBA season and thus continue to be the all-around, elite player the Timberwolves need.

He acknowledged that his knee was hurting last year, though denied that it hindered his play.

''I wasn't going to feed into what you guys wanted me to say,'' Garnett said. ''I'm not a puppet. My leg wasn't hurting, it wasn't hurting. If it was bothering me, it was bothering me. But what difference does it make, as long as I perform?

So far, new coach Dwane Casey seems to have his superstar's support.

''Kevin has never said, 'I don't like who we have, I don't like you as a coach, I don't want this coach,''' Casey said. ''I've known Kevin for a while. He and I hit it off right from the start. To say there's not going to be bumps in the road -- there's always going to be bumps in the road in any relationship. But it's always a matter of respect. Like I told him the first time I met him, if there's one player in this league that I would pay to watch play, it would be him. Because he brings it every night.''

Garnett appreciates the communication from Casey.

''I'm trying to know him as much as he's trying to know me,'' Garnett said.

As for the front office, it's apparent that the 2003-04 league MVP was not thrilled by the moves owner Glen Taylor and vice president Kevin McHale have made. Specifically, the trade that sent the veteran Cassell to the Los Angeles Clippers for guards Marko Jaric and Lionel Simmons.

''It was hard. Very hard,'' Garnett said. ''But, what's new around here? Other than these teammates. That's to be expected from Kevin.''

Garnett was also asked about whether he was able to relax during the offseason and have faith in Taylor and McHale to make the necessary personnel enhancements.

''Whether you want to put faith in them or not, they do what they do and they do what they want to do,'' Garnett said. ''It's not my team. Glen Taylor, he and Kevin McHale try to put together a plan and I guess for whatever reason try to enforce it. But I don't think I'm the person to ask.''

In addition to Jaric and Simmons, the Wolves added guard Richie Frahm, forward Nikoloz Tskitishvili as well as rookies Rashad McCants, Bracey Wright and Dwayne Jones. Sprewell and backup center Ervin Johnson weren't brought back, and guard Fred Hoiberg is out for the season following heart surgery.

''We've got a lot of new faces, a lot of variables,'' Garnett said. ''Can we win? Can we not win? What kind of team it's going to be. Our identity. How different things take shape. We'll find out pretty soon.''

* Copyright 2005 The Associated Press

10-03-2005, 08:33 PM
so who is his righthand man now?

10-04-2005, 01:40 AM
I'm losin'...


I'm losin'...


10-04-2005, 09:54 PM
I really don't think he's excited...

He'll start whining as soon as they start losing again... wanting a trade n shit.

Horry For 3!
10-04-2005, 10:29 PM
so who is his righthand man now?

10-05-2005, 12:45 AM

That's his left hand.