View Full Version : Spurs: It's official Tim retires

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07-11-2016, 09:35 AM

I know he will get some flack from some of my Laker brothers.
But sad to see the end of an era.
We lose Kobe and Duncan in the same year.

See you guys at Springfield in a few years ...:toast


07-11-2016, 09:37 AM
Losing Duncan and Kobe almost at the same time. End of an era indeed. :(

07-11-2016, 09:43 AM
I see CN lurking keep it classy. This is about Tim.
Only reason I bring up Kobe is because of the battles we had on here ...
This is about Tim.
Best big imho since Kareem.
Hakeem and Shaq may have had better peaks ...but I would take Tim's career over both.
And I love both guys.

Clipper Nation
07-11-2016, 09:44 AM
Third-greatest of all time, behind only LeBron and Kareem. Congrats on a great career, Timmy. :toast

07-11-2016, 09:46 AM
About time tbh

Clipper Nation
07-11-2016, 09:47 AM
I see CN lurking keep it classy. This is about Tim.
Only reason I bring up Kobe is because of the battles we had on here ...
:lol What battles? Duncan was battling Shaq, MVPau, and Stern. Kobe was just there being his usual cancerous role-player self. Kobefans were imagining a rivalry with Duncan that never existed.

07-11-2016, 09:47 AM
Third-greatest of all time, behind only LeBron and Kareem. Congrats on a great career, Timmy. :toast

There you go ... where is MJ?
But I agree great player

My all-time team

C - Kareem
PF Tim
SF Lebron
SG jordan
PG Magic

Couldnt ask for a better starting 5 tbh ...

07-11-2016, 10:10 AM
Thank Christ. He answered bell after bell after bell. Never again.

Last impression:::Standing in front of that Federal Courthouse out $26 million dressed in diarrhea colored stretch pants. What an asshole.

+ you kids put great stock in that HOF horseshit. Let him go in there with a rapist.

- Pappy

07-11-2016, 10:16 AM
Thank Christ. He answered bell after bell after bell. Never again.

Last impression:::Standing in front of that Federal Courthouse out $26 million dressed in diarrhea colored stretch pants. What an asshole.

+ you kids put great stock in that HOF horseshit. Let him go in there with a rapist.

- Pappy

Come on thread, it was his Fans not Tim you had issue with.
At least for today we can pay the man some respect.
The fact he had you nervous about duncan 6>Kobe5 ...shows he was a bad man.

It was the closest we had to a Magic vs. bird.
It's only fitting they tied at 5.

07-11-2016, 10:20 AM
The greatest since Jordan for sure. I hope his legacy would grow as the years go on, and people look back and wondered why a player that consistently put up amazing numbers year after year after year for more than 15 years would be largely ignored during his playing days.

He was a phenomenal leader, and one of the best teammates ever.

He was also one of the rare players who led teams that played totally different styles to rings over his career (1999, 2003, 2005/7, and arguably 2014). Players like Shaq won with one type of team, same with Jordan, same with Hakeem, same with Bird. Russell, and maybe Magic and Jabbar were the only other ones that can claim being the alpha of teams that had a totally different styles.

07-11-2016, 10:25 AM
The greatest since Jordan for sure. I hope his legacy would grow as the years go on, and people look back and wondered why a player that consistently put up amazing numbers year after year after year for more than 15 years would be largely ignored during his playing days.

He was a phenomenal leader, and one of the best teammates ever.

He was also one of the rare players who led teams that played totally different styles to rings over his career (1999, 2003, 2005/7, and arguably 2014). Players like Shaq won with one type of team, same with Jordan, same with Hakeem, same with Bird. Russell, and maybe Magic and Jabbar were the only other ones that can claim being the alpha of teams that had a totally different styles.

Wouldn't say "ignored".
Us true Hoopers knew he was legit.
He was understated because he wasnt flashy like Hakeem or a foce of nature like Shaq.
But his career surpasses both.

07-11-2016, 10:26 AM
Come on thread, it was his Fans not Tim you had issue with.
At least for today we can pay the man some respect.
The fact he had you nervous about duncan 6>Kobe5 ...shows he was a bad man.

It was the closest we had to a Magic vs. bird.
It's only fitting they tied at 5.

& I had no issue with (Duncan) until he displayed his true colors & self when he somehow found space beneath Dwight Howard's attitude. It wasn't enough to skunk us/Howard and let us crawl out of there, belly draggin'. No, that homosexual fuck had to lean back on the scorer's table skinnin' & grinnin'. To that point I'd defended him against Amy breaking their blood oath, I'd defended him by dressing down Noah for his foul line antics intimating that Duncan sucked cock.

You know what though? He'd been hiding all those years. A wise man woulda put team ahead of a woman he'd been in league with to live a lifetime of deceit. Bless her & let her go---then turn in the corner & square up the '13 Playoffs. Not Duncan. He put everything he had into repudiating her demand for divorce. And it cost the people who had not broke his heart & ass every single thing THEY had.

The honest Tim Duncan was revealed to us at Amy's demand for divorce & Dwight back sassing him down 0-4.

07-11-2016, 10:27 AM

I know he will get some flack from some of my Laker brothers.
But sad to see the end of an era.
We lose Kobe and Duncan in the same year.

See you guys at Springfield in a few years ...:toast


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

No replacing the legend.

Congrads TD on a Top 5 career. ..

07-11-2016, 10:35 AM
The biggest difference between Tim and Rapist, aside from the fact that Rapist was always a second-fiddle, coat tail rider is the fact that Tim left his team competitive and still relevant after he left. This is what the Lakers look like, and have looked like since 2012 thanks to Rapist:

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhIWFRMVFxUVEhcVERYVFRUVFxUWFhUVFR cYHiggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GBAQGisdFR0tLSsrLS0tLTgrLSstKy0tNy0tLS0tKy4tLS0tKy 04NisrKys3NzItLTcrOCsrNy4rK//AABEIAJABAAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQYAB//EAEcQAAECAgYECQgIBgIDAQAAAAEAAgMRBBIhMaLRQVFhkQUTI nGBkqHB4RQyUnKCsdLwBkJTYpOywuIVI1SU8fIzozRDRBb/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBP/EAB8RAQEAAgMBAQADAAAAAAAAAAABAhESITFRQRNhcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4KIUB/nFM0pst6cofAbniu54YDKrWEy4aTIXDavDHupSIeSvUMcqXStp/ADZAcfuhHvcr0bgFrTWMZx5oQHvctBbGSQmIFy1jwNDl50TczN XhcEQx9aJ1WZq451iuKisZFbh4FhfaRB7LM1LOBYPpRdzAmtK5 xzrb04y4Lb/AIJAF5iH2mJhvBcD0X/ityUcV83MxDaUOS6n+F0c/Vf+K3JSOCaP6D/xhkrkRa5NyvCC6l3A9H9F/wCM3JS3gaB6L/xW5LaG2EzzRzFLBlq6tvBUC6T/AMRi9/BoOjjBzOYiY1Vyjm6UeRuSRuvXYReAoLrJxddlVAP0ZhenFHsN KqYpuUcnJXYF0/8A+ZhfaRfwgoP0dhfaxPwlm256DeiuPKW2Po/DB/5ndMHxVH8Bsn/zjphnNRZ2rfTIgX71SkC1bMPgSRmI7DvCHH4FcTPjIfX8FtVuU 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07-11-2016, 10:35 AM
Lucky man, I'd a rode his gay ass hard-put him up soppin' wet had he come off that Spurs bench catchin' Gasol's farts.

Nobody woulda stopped me.

I'm a might nonplussed over the fact that he skips out on me---me holdin' that 9lb sledge.

I don't to rings of honors, halls of fame, statues out in front of the house, door stops, pretties,,,but, I'm gonna live long enough to do his HOF induction. I'll watch the rapist eclipse him.

I created that Bag. I set that Bag in Texas. And The Bag is there for eternity.

& Ray Allen backing into that coffin corner. tee, hee.

07-11-2016, 10:36 AM
The biggest difference between Tim and Rapist, aside from the fact that Rapist was always a second-fiddle, coat tail rider is the fact that Tim left his team competitive and still relevant after he left. This is what the Lakers look like, and have looked like since 2012 thanks to Rapist:

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhIWFRMVFxUVEhcVERYVFRUVFxUWFhUVFR cYHiggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GBAQGisdFR0tLSsrLS0tLTgrLSstKy0tNy0tLS0tKy4tLS0tKy 04NisrKys3NzItLTcrOCsrNy4rK//AABEIAJABAAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQYAB//EAEcQAAECAgYECQgIBgIDAQAAAAEAAgMRBBIhMaLRQVFhkQUTI nGBkqHB4RQyUnKCsdLwBkJTYpOywuIVI1SU8fIzozRDRBb/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBP/EAB8RAQEAAgMBAQADAAAAAAAAAAABAhESITFRQRNhcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4KIUB/nFM0pst6cofAbniu54YDKrWEy4aTIXDavDHupSIeSvUMcqXStp/ADZAcfuhHvcr0bgFrTWMZx5oQHvctBbGSQmIFy1jwNDl50TczN XhcEQx9aJ1WZq451iuKisZFbh4FhfaRB7LM1LOBYPpRdzAmtK5 xzrb04y4Lb/AIJAF5iH2mJhvBcD0X/ityUcV83MxDaUOS6n+F0c/Vf+K3JSOCaP6D/xhkrkRa5NyvCC6l3A9H9F/wCM3JS3gaB6L/xW5LaG2EzzRzFLBlq6tvBUC6T/AMRi9/BoOjjBzOYiY1Vyjm6UeRuSRuvXYReAoLrJxddlVAP0ZhenFHsN KqYpuUcnJXYF0/8A+ZhfaRfwgoP0dhfaxPwlm256DeiuPKW2Po/DB/5ndMHxVH8Bsn/zjphnNRZ2rfTIgX71SkC1bMPgSRmI7DvCHH4FcTPjIfX8FtVuU 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pKhvGn9KdddcNzM04+Nl6WI2YTmrwm7MJzQ3D5k3NRHiVRdbzD NTs6epJ+apzQKNEM5D3HNBpkSbQdewZoUAAaOzxU29rmPTV4w3 S/MiQnkXe92SRESy7D4ozIp1Hc5XMkXE1EcdJxHJDDwLvzeCgRjt xKlIiyEwe12Sbdp0jjduJuSDEpHN1mZIXGn0sRyVIkY68f7VO1 aPUaqROw9MPJMFo1DczNLUN/Jvxj4VeLFErxvYe5dMb052dvRKS0aMAzSlLeXSsw+KNRYTXNM5 GZ+4gcTJ0tA2NzRlbVYyRarMXYTmg8STYAT7JzR40KQnZtsbmo oYBN225uaNdnfSIdGddI9U5pkwyNB6rs1cMGzc3NCiNE9G5ma7 Y46csstocSNeMILoplbPpLu8K72D5A+JCLT8g9xVJLwR/MnsdqP1TqkufHcujo7pu61/qnWFzguCm9Ljb+jv/ADH1HJfh7hIMjQwbQ6+ThZcNQRfo++UVx1MddevU/g0UgtmTZb9Y9C54WaVl616OW2NMpSs5R+FOMkLjjPwpGJR3WEV pgWSro9FDwLZztN70ijF4Bvl7Z+FUpMcAedjOSXj1q0yDLR5+5 DdWFtQy53KLkuYhOeauyc/O8EMx7bfeMk+10xO3e7JKOFZ0u85LnXSUzQ3g/wCW5J+uNY3sSsA1RKeLwRS7TWxDJdMfHPL1Uyn/AKqkYNvMsK9Syas22n1hkk2UUnSJ84U3apEPe02SmPZsS0OFMm V3M3Naj4PJqiXWbkkgS2xw/LkpsVsQQNmFuauxktGE5pd9IHyGlVbFB0S9kZrbg1TTiflrs0F 7z8h68CPlvipdDnownNZgQ87ca9M7d78kQQjqPVdmhunt3PzWY xCikNImd78kWC0ETLpnVXIl0EJJhIINu5+aZdO8Eg87wqlTY0A 4C6XWb8Ko54neOs3JCh04Sv5+Ucku+lOd5pxHJdLlETGniWyvH 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thnvbeFxz4splKxnEitcbLr96iYOuWUfQpuBkWkDa039LVLi2s HTkdPm289i4HyqI2VSPGbzR4numtKi02lS/8yP1gfeFfCfXPlXRvdNzmybdNpJFs1MKkBrZPLZ7JLKjRqSBPy 2JdO2HCPcgQqXSzfTInsthjuRcJ9aZX42vKhMSIA02BG8tZOVY W/OgrF4yk/wBZG6Qw/pQ4tIpQ/wDsidSH8Kn+OfVc78dNCijQ7tKMYo14iuRNNpX27T61Ghk9kl5 tPpR/90P+1ZmnhPrcr8da6LZKdnrHJSI4+XeC5E06lfbQ/wC1ZmoHCVK+1hf2rc08J9HK/HYcftxHJX8pE78RyXHfxKlfbQv7VuasOEqV9u3+2hrcZP0brsh ShrxnJeNKGvF4Ljn06kynx46KPDVRTqTppBHNBhZJ6Hbq4tKbr 7Rkk30xugje3JYro1J/qonQyEPc1U8ppP8AVxd0P4VNxl/VS2fjWNLbrG9uSqaW3WMOSyTTKRppTzzwoJ/QpbTaR/UvHNDgj9CP459PK/GxCpbdYw5JxtKYdIw5LnYNMjk20qMeZzW+4K0akRQZeUx/ximTGC7rpPK26P09zV7ygm5rur+1czBfEcbaRH5uPePcUOkNMw OMinnjxD+pVyg411XGP9B/UPwqvGv9B/Vd8K48wBrced7j7yqmANvWdmtuDjXYVomhj+q/IKpbE9B/VfmuR4kbes7NMUejtIMxcdZ09K3KNxrpDDdpY7pbL3lCdSWtve xuyuJ7mAlc66jsH1G7kajslOUgLJAI5/p4HKc+LEhPiQoT3QYZcIr7JmoA5wDC6tVaHNJkDeFkU0xobmti NcxzmNiNDh50N/mvGwyTkXhGM2C6jNc0QnRHvicjlvbEZDY+GXzmGkQ7asjbeg/STh6LTHsfFbDa6HxoBhsLZse4ODDNxsaQZesVdmN8TOU9f//Z

Show some class, chucho.
Today is not about that.

07-11-2016, 10:36 AM
The biggest difference between Tim and Rapist, aside from the fact that Rapist was always a second-fiddle, coat tail rider is the fact that Tim left his team competitive and still relevant after he left. This is what the Lakers look like, and have looked like since 2012 thanks to Rapist:

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhIWFRMVFxUVEhcVERYVFRUVFxUWFhUVFR cYHiggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GBAQGisdFR0tLSsrLS0tLTgrLSstKy0tNy0tLS0tKy4tLS0tKy 04NisrKys3NzItLTcrOCsrNy4rK//AABEIAJABAAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQYAB//EAEcQAAECAgYECQgIBgIDAQAAAAEAAgMRBBIhMaLRQVFhkQUTI nGBkqHB4RQyUnKCsdLwBkJTYpOywuIVI1SU8fIzozRDRBb/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBP/EAB8RAQEAAgMBAQADAAAAAAAAAAABAhESITFRQRNhcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4KIUB/nFM0pst6cofAbniu54YDKrWEy4aTIXDavDHupSIeSvUMcqXStp/ADZAcfuhHvcr0bgFrTWMZx5oQHvctBbGSQmIFy1jwNDl50TczN XhcEQx9aJ1WZq451iuKisZFbh4FhfaRB7LM1LOBYPpRdzAmtK5 xzrb04y4Lb/AIJAF5iH2mJhvBcD0X/ityUcV83MxDaUOS6n+F0c/Vf+K3JSOCaP6D/xhkrkRa5NyvCC6l3A9H9F/wCM3JS3gaB6L/xW5LaG2EzzRzFLBlq6tvBUC6T/AMRi9/BoOjjBzOYiY1Vyjm6UeRuSRuvXYReAoLrJxddlVAP0ZhenFHsN KqYpuUcnJXYF0/8A+ZhfaRfwgoP0dhfaxPwlm256DeiuPKW2Po/DB/5ndMHxVH8Bsn/zjphnNRZ2rfTIgX71SkC1bMPgSRmI7DvCHH4FcTPjIfX8FtVuU 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thnvbeFxz4splKxnEitcbLr96iYOuWUfQpuBkWkDa039LVLi2s HTkdPm289i4HyqI2VSPGbzR4numtKi02lS/8yP1gfeFfCfXPlXRvdNzmybdNpJFs1MKkBrZPLZ7JLKjRqSBPy 2JdO2HCPcgQqXSzfTInsthjuRcJ9aZX42vKhMSIA02BG8tZOVY W/OgrF4yk/wBZG6Qw/pQ4tIpQ/wDsidSH8Kn+OfVc78dNCijQ7tKMYo14iuRNNpX27T61Ghk9kl5 tPpR/90P+1ZmnhPrcr8da6LZKdnrHJSI4+XeC5E06lfbQ/wC1ZmoHCVK+1hf2rc08J9HK/HYcftxHJX8pE78RyXHfxKlfbQv7VuasOEqV9u3+2hrcZP0brsh ShrxnJeNKGvF4Ljn06kynx46KPDVRTqTppBHNBhZJ6Hbq4tKbr 7Rkk30xugje3JYro1J/qonQyEPc1U8ppP8AVxd0P4VNxl/VS2fjWNLbrG9uSqaW3WMOSyTTKRppTzzwoJ/QpbTaR/UvHNDgj9CP459PK/GxCpbdYw5JxtKYdIw5LnYNMjk20qMeZzW+4K0akRQZeUx/ximTGC7rpPK26P09zV7ygm5rur+1czBfEcbaRH5uPePcUOkNMw OMinnjxD+pVyg411XGP9B/UPwqvGv9B/Vd8K48wBrced7j7yqmANvWdmtuDjXYVomhj+q/IKpbE9B/VfmuR4kbes7NMUejtIMxcdZ09K3KNxrpDDdpY7pbL3lCdSWtve xuyuJ7mAlc66jsH1G7kajslOUgLJAI5/p4HKc+LEhPiQoT3QYZcIr7JmoA5wDC6tVaHNJkDeFkU0xobmti NcxzmNiNDh50N/mvGwyTkXhGM2C6jNc0QnRHvicjlvbEZDY+GXzmGkQ7asjbeg/STh6LTHsfFbDa6HxoBhsLZse4ODDNxsaQZesVdmN8TOU9f//Z

Kobe: 5

the tired old shit bag Duncan: 2nd 5th

07-11-2016, 10:37 AM
Show some class, chucho.
Today is not about that.

No class, nor mercy today, Killa.

No fuckin' way.

Fuck that faggot.

07-11-2016, 10:41 AM
Man that Tim Duncan was awesome.

07-11-2016, 10:42 AM
Man that Tim Duncan was awesome.

& let a little semi-retired squirt like Battier take his 1st 5th.


07-11-2016, 10:43 AM
Wouldn't say "ignored".
Us true Hoopers knew he was legit.
He was understated because he wasnt flashy like Hakeem or a foce of nature like Shaq.
But his career surpasses both.

Sad day for a Spurs fan, but it's due. He just couldn't bring it anymore, and father time remains undefeated.

People always have this notion that Duncan's peak was inferior to the other greats like Shaq or Hakeem, and I used to thought that as well because of the raw numbers, but when you really look into the details, Duncan was eye to eye with them when measuring peaks.

It's sort of accepted truth that Jordan, Lebron, Hakeem, Shaq, Bird, Wilt and Jabbar have peaks that are untouchable by others, but Duncan, when you actually look at the numbers in details, actually measures up, he wasn't that far off. Jabbar, Jordan and Lebron kept those numbers over a longer period of time than anyone else did though.

07-11-2016, 10:47 AM
Kobe: 5

the tired old shit bag Duncan: 2nd 5th

Ready to answer the question whether the media is to be used as a standard yet? What is it? Duncan had the "1st 5th" because the media listed Spurs gear for sale, or is it that media is not to be trusted because they put undue scrutiny on the Lakers while letting the Spurs and Celtics slide? Which one is it?

No class, nor mercy today, Killa.

No fuckin' way.

Fuck that faggot.

Who needs your mercy? Who are you anyways?

& let a little semi-retired squirt like Battier take his 1st 5th.


Like how Kobe got taken to school by Austin Croschere, Tayshuan Prince, and a semi-retired Jason Kidd? Or how Shaq embarrassed himself in Phoenix and Cleveland? Or how Jordan in Washington? Or Bird with his back, or Magic with his backstabbing, or Hakeem in Toronto? You want to talk about the media being inconsistent, how about looking in the mirror you coward.

07-11-2016, 10:48 AM
& let a little semi-retired squirt like Battier take his 1st 5th.


Lol Thready you are having an epic meltdown today, save some face, that Tim Duncan knew his shit, nobody will remember Amy from now on.
Best power forward ever.

07-11-2016, 10:49 AM
Cub salty as fuck today.

Take your blood pressure medicine old man.

07-11-2016, 10:51 AM
I was thinkin' about diein' in the next year or two. Not now. I'm livin' still and I'll be livin' then when he enters your beloved Hall behind the rapist.

Goin' out like that,,,lettin' Oklahoma get the best of him. Beat his gay ass twice in Texas. Made him crawl out of there.

07-11-2016, 10:52 AM
Lol Thready you are having an epic meltdown today, save some face, that Tim Duncan knew his shit, nobody will remember Amy from now on.
Best power forward ever.

No, we're never gonna forget Amy. I'll personally see to that. That's my charge.

And you'll need a large lunch and the Texas Rangers to stop me.

It's revenge time. I do revenge good. I take baths in it.

07-11-2016, 10:53 AM
u know whats wrong with fans? when they aka kg fans try to bring duncan down to his level for comparison, when kg isnt even in the same level as td

you never hear td fans compare him with a scrub, besides shaq his competition and anyone who has a case for top6 goat, yet u never hear or see comparisons of kg with shaq let alone anyone top6

07-11-2016, 10:54 AM
Sad day for a Spurs fan, but it's due. He just couldn't bring it anymore, and father time remains undefeated.

People always have this notion that Duncan's peak was inferior to the other greats like Shaq or Hakeem, and I used to thought that as well because of the raw numbers, but when you really look into the details, Duncan was eye to eye with them when measuring peaks.

It's sort of accepted truth that Jordan, Lebron, Hakeem, Shaq, Bird, Wilt and Jabbar have peaks that are untouchable by others, but Duncan, when you actually look at the numbers in details, actually measures up, he wasn't that far off. Jabbar, Jordan and Lebron kept those numbers over a longer period of time than anyone else did though.

Isnt that far off is still less.
Look it's no knock he is my GOAT PF and I think career wise he was better than any big I SAW not named Jabbar.
But at the peak of their powers I would take Hakeem, shaq and of course Kareem.
He had a better overall career than those Hakeem and Shaq and you can throw Magic and Bird in their too who could not maintain their greatness as long as Tim but at their best, was a bit better than Tim.

But today is about NONE of that ...
again best big since Kareem imho ...career wise.

07-11-2016, 10:57 AM
Lowkey announcement. Didn't expect any less.

No drama, no attention whoring. Classy to the end. :cry

07-11-2016, 10:58 AM
Isnt that far off is still less.
Look it's no knock he is my GOAT PF and I think career wise he was better than any big I SAW not named Jabbar.
But at the peak of their powers I would take Hakeem, shaq and of course Kareem.
He had a better overall career than those Hakeem and Shaq and you can throw Magic and Bird in their too who could not maintain their greatness as long as Tim but at their best, was a bit better than Tim.

But today is about NONE of that ...
again best big since Kareem imho ...career wise.

Brokered a deal with his wife & the devil then watched as that deal burned to the ground costing his teammates everything they had. Aside from losing that NBA Title that had already been won he was never held to account for it. Cept here. Here I held that faggot to that account and I will until I breath no more.

This, THIS, this, I vow.

- Scoop Robinson

07-11-2016, 10:59 AM
Lowkey announcement. Didn't expect any less.

No drama, no attention whoring. Classy to the end. :cry

He was afraid to make much of it after a month ago he let Oklahoma into Texas to sack it.

Big shot.

07-11-2016, 11:01 AM
Cully whats your purpose in life now that Duncan is retired? It seems like there is nothing left for you to look forward to.

07-11-2016, 11:02 AM
He was afraid to make much of it after a month ago he let Oklahoma into Texas to sack it.

Big shot.

Damn, Thread. :lol
Well even though we look at this differently I respect your fire.
Some of these same cawk suckers did laugh at Kobe's achilles so for those prix ...glad you refuse to capitulate.

07-11-2016, 11:03 AM
Cully whats your purpose in life now that Duncan is retired? It seems like there is nothing left for you to look forward to.

Marinating in hate for the Suns, D'Backs, Cardinals, Coyotes & the Spurs.

07-11-2016, 11:04 AM
after all kobe smack, you have forced him to be the coroner that performs mr. duncans autopsy.

07-11-2016, 11:04 AM
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrIzxnKyFD_TmNUysG1_LLk9U2p9gyz vBPf5XHvVI0ZqGviElbdw

07-11-2016, 11:04 AM
I'm absolutely depressed that I won''t be seeing one of the top 8 greatest NBA players Tim Duncan play in person live. :(:depressed:( I gotten into Basketball watching this great individual person play starting in 96.
He plays with integrity, grit, fearlessness, fundamentally sound, class and brought my NBA Franchise 5 championships. One of the most dominate players ever to lace them up.
Played until "The wheels fall off".
Here's to Mr. Fundamental, the best player of my generation!

07-11-2016, 11:04 AM
Damn, Thread. :lol
Well even though we look at this differently I respect your fire.
Some of these same cawk suckers did laugh at Kobe's achilles so for those prix ...glad you refuse to capitulate.

You damn rights, Killa. I asked nary quarter. They gave nary quarter. I'll grant nary quarter.

07-11-2016, 11:05 AM
Marinating in hate for the Suns, D'Backs, Cardinals, Coyotes & the Spurs.

pretty much says it all

07-11-2016, 11:05 AM
No, we're never gonna forget Amy. I'll personally see to that. That's my charge.

And you'll need a large lunch and the Texas Rangers to stop me.

It's revenge time. I do revenge good. I take baths in it.

Thats crazy, its like Ali getting kicked the shit out of him by Frazier after Ali was a complete retarded.
Kobs is Vanessa's bitch, nobody is perfect.

07-11-2016, 11:05 AM
I'm absolutely depressed that I won''t be seeing one of the top 8 greatest NBA players Tim Duncan play in person live. �������� I gotten into Basketball watching this great individual person play starting in 96.
He plays with integrity, grit, fearlessness, fundamentally sound, class and brought my NBA Franchise 5 championships. One of the most dominate players ever to lace them up.
Played until "The wheels fall off".
Here's to Mr. Fundamental, the best player of my generation! ����

He brought you 6 championships. You only have 5 though after Amy then Battier broke his hole.

07-11-2016, 11:06 AM
Marinating bulk weights of expired meats from the discount slaughterhouse. Now looking for three commercial ovens to cook a snack for my wife. I'm terribly unhappy and running out of money and food. I need an elephant gun to stop this madness.


07-11-2016, 11:07 AM
Thats crazy, its like Ali getting kicked the shit out of him by Frazier after Ali was a complete retarded.
Kobs is Vanessa's bitch, nobody is perfect.

The Bryants are still married. Their children are still in their house. Duncan's kids have a different daddy 2 or 3 times a week. Then the kids can lay in bed and listen as Mommy gets her brains fucked out by that new daddy.

07-11-2016, 11:07 AM
No class, nor mercy today, Killa.

No fuckin' way.

Fuck that faggot.

Hunger pangs making you so salty?? Must be hard when you need grappling hooks and bunjie cords to have a face to face convo with your wife. Faggot.

07-11-2016, 11:08 AM

C'mon, Chooch, come to Pappy.


- Pappy

07-11-2016, 11:11 AM
The Bryants are still married. Their children are still in their house. Duncan's kids have a different daddy 2 or 3 times a week. Then the kids can lay in bed and listen as Mommy gets her brains fucked out by that new daddy.

Wow! :lol

07-11-2016, 11:11 AM
G.O.A.T PF no doubt about it.

07-11-2016, 11:13 AM
The Bryants are still married. Their children are still in their house. Duncan's kids have a different daddy 2 or 3 times a week. Then the kids can lay in bed and listen as Mommy gets her brains fucked out by that new daddy.

Yeah but it still all fake, like Kobs mom trying to sell his shit, if I were Kobs I would be far away from those leeches, thats no alpha either, cut some slack to Tim.

07-11-2016, 11:15 AM
Isnt that far off is still less.
Look it's no knock he is my GOAT PF and I think career wise he was better than any big I SAW not named Jabbar.
But at the peak of their powers I would take Hakeem, shaq and of course Kareem.
He had a better overall career than those Hakeem and Shaq and you can throw Magic and Bird in their too who could not maintain their greatness as long as Tim but at their best, was a bit better than Tim.

But today is about NONE of that ...
again best big since Kareem imho ...career wise.

Duncan, again, is actually eye to eye with Shaq and Hakeem. The only area where he is "worse" is scoring, but he makes it up with rebounding and blocks, as well as advanced metrics like d-ratings and DWS. He is pretty much tied with those two in offensive categories, BPM, and VORP. I understand public notion is that Duncan is slightly worse than those two's peak, but it's really not true at all.

07-11-2016, 11:15 AM
Yeah but it still all fake, like Kobs mom trying to sell his shit, if I were Kobs I would be far away from those leeched, thats no alpha either, cut some slack to Tim.

Nothin' is fake when another man puts his hands on your child in kindness OR discipline. Me? That'd be a morgue job.

07-11-2016, 11:15 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBig

07-11-2016, 11:16 AM
^^^Kobe's legacy to the Lakers. TRUF.

The Gemini Method
07-11-2016, 11:16 AM
This marks the shift from the Laker v. Spurs battles that were so epic from the late 90's to the 00's. Enjoy retirement, Timmy D.

07-11-2016, 11:16 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBighttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmCXQFV1E7hRtdpQEx1cgUyyqbhwIy 9uHRbADSzVD0ZgxzBpBig

What's the matter, Chooch, don't it float?


07-11-2016, 11:18 AM
This sucks. Hard to comprehend Timmy hanging em up.

07-11-2016, 11:18 AM
This marks the shift from the Laker v. Spurs battles that were so epic from the late 90's to the 00's. Enjoy retirement, Timmy D.

While it lasted... It was an eternity.

07-11-2016, 11:19 AM
This sucks. Hard to comprehend Timmy hanging em up.

Like you, &, he was tardy.

07-11-2016, 11:20 AM

I know he will get some flack from some of my Laker brothers.
But sad to see the end of an era.
We lose Kobe and Duncan in the same year.

See you guys at Springfield in a few years ...:toast


Nahh no flack..nigga went out like a bitch....getting dominated getting his shit slapped all over the court....it was a horrible way to end his career..trying to coattail and dick ride and lost BIG.....what a sad way to go out....

Now I'm ready for the homosexual announcement:lol

07-11-2016, 11:22 AM
Come on thread, it was his Fans not Tim you had issue with.
At least for today we can pay the man some respect.
The fact he had you nervous about duncan 6>Kobe5 ...shows he was a bad man.

It was the closest we had to a Magic vs. bird.
It's only fitting they tied at 5.

There's a clear asterisk on the 99 ring just as Phil Jackson said

07-11-2016, 11:23 AM
Duncan, again, is actually eye to eye with Shaq and Hakeem. The only area where he is "worse" is scoring, but he makes it up with rebounding and blocks, as well as advanced metrics like d-ratings and DWS. He is pretty much tied with those two in offensive categories, BPM, and VORP. I understand public notion is that Duncan is slightly worse than those two's peak, but it's really not true at all.

I appreciate metrics but it's not about that ...
I also agree with a poster upstairs I also think duncan is more clutch than Hakeem or Shaq.
Im just saying if you asked me to pick one at their absolute peaks I take Hakeem 1st, then It's close but I probably take shaq.
If you are asking me who had the better career and who was he overall greater player than it's Tim, easy.

It's like Duncan is Jeter or brady vs. Alex Rodriguez or Peyton Manning
You can say at their best Arod and Manning were better than Brady or Jeter
But Jeter was the better winner and more reliable player.

07-11-2016, 11:23 AM
Like you, &, he was tardy.

It's hard to imagine though.

I mean it's not easy like you guys had with Kirby. You guys knew for 3 years that he was retired.

07-11-2016, 11:23 AM
Nahh no flack..nigga went out like a bitch....getting dominated getting his shit slapped all over the court....it was a horrible way to end his career..trying to coattail and dick ride and lost BIG.....what a sad way to go out....

Now I'm ready for the homosexual announcement:lol


07-11-2016, 11:23 AM
lol thread waiting till this day to come out under the rock to dish shit...4years exactly since the achilles...

07-11-2016, 11:24 AM
The biggest difference between Tim and Rapist, aside from the fact that Rapist was always a second-fiddle, coat tail rider is the fact that Tim left his team competitive and still relevant after he left. This is what the Lakers look like, and have looked like since 2012 thanks to Rapist:

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhIWFRMVFxUVEhcVERYVFRUVFxUWFhUVFR cYHiggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GBAQGisdFR0tLSsrLS0tLTgrLSstKy0tNy0tLS0tKy4tLS0tKy 04NisrKys3NzItLTcrOCsrNy4rK//AABEIAJABAAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQYAB//EAEcQAAECAgYECQgIBgIDAQAAAAEAAgMRBBIhMaLRQVFhkQUTI nGBkqHB4RQyUnKCsdLwBkJTYpOywuIVI1SU8fIzozRDRBb/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBP/EAB8RAQEAAgMBAQADAAAAAAAAAAABAhESITFRQRNhcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4KIUB/nFM0pst6cofAbniu54YDKrWEy4aTIXDavDHupSIeSvUMcqXStp/ADZAcfuhHvcr0bgFrTWMZx5oQHvctBbGSQmIFy1jwNDl50TczN XhcEQx9aJ1WZq451iuKisZFbh4FhfaRB7LM1LOBYPpRdzAmtK5 xzrb04y4Lb/AIJAF5iH2mJhvBcD0X/ityUcV83MxDaUOS6n+F0c/Vf+K3JSOCaP6D/xhkrkRa5NyvCC6l3A9H9F/wCM3JS3gaB6L/xW5LaG2EzzRzFLBlq6tvBUC6T/AMRi9/BoOjjBzOYiY1Vyjm6UeRuSRuvXYReAoLrJxddlVAP0ZhenFHsN KqYpuUcnJXYF0/8A+ZhfaRfwgoP0dhfaxPwlm256DeiuPKW2Po/DB/5ndMHxVH8Bsn/zjphnNRZ2rfTIgX71SkC1bMPgSRmI7DvCHH4FcTPjIfX8FtVuU 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q8E6RcOi0LchvBE+9mSrQ2swjUP8ArRy/k2HR6bR2AIEOKJyniZkjEi22+/8AmAe4KomkYUAESEq4l6JPOCh8UZmtIewe4owaK5tOF3vV6VQJ kvbebhVbKfQUWGDwWGWm7U7NXLjL/dDosIhsi2R9Q9xUuEtGF2aK0CjvdVJbOejzlmikvla73rWhGej sdmg0uBNps7HLnlHTHIg2nEWWnVa5XbSH3z6OVks57S0gm72k1 DiHbjXPddLDsSln6p7TZ2KgpTmmZMxp5Vo23KjHAf5crPfMS73 ZJ3UmqXGIbYb9oyQYVKDWmse1uSFEpBIAOj73ggvcNeLwTcmkV jUlz7LAPWbNXgQ53aNrcleigON9gv5XgtFjgBIXet4LYzYyuiF UC8y6WZK4l8libL9uPwVYjhrxDJdNI2Vs2bmIUZgIkQNzM0V0T aOs3JQ6INY6zclJ2XghwsFXpq5otci8NPNU9yNBuvHWbkvRjIG RxD4VUl0N7CdSmSB1+orGKL7N7MkCiyvnb63gmy86z1nfCqxtq ctQFz5yM8Q+FBpEMuBF4PrH3BWj0gsEzWlYBKvpMtitGbr7Qf1 OVRN+FmtqwYuxglvXNBdM8DiowHobPSGpcxVWpx6b3Bba0OMJW 1oUsang+EIbZ1SCT5prAz2qeBbRHF1kI3DQ5w086cbR5zrXWSs 7RIqMfF5Tt4UYuMybAdbrexaUN9l+L9qQhNiDzXTBOkPs2BNRI jmtnKZ53hVfECtiWz/X+1Eo9LDxMHTLzz3BL0akTFYzFlvKdkph0po82Y5i/JG9K0uXAuvu+8DPeEauDq6QxKOprtFnO494VodKmPFp7kco3Gm quzC3NTU2YBmk20gEy7mIsSIGiZ/KzNGzoYQ5aMBzUuh7MJzSkGMHXflGaaHNhGa0u2s0zOFaNybBp 9E5rPa7ZhOa6KIwEXYRmselSJkB2DNc8o6YXYRHzJ2aNDJ241H 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thnvbeFxz4splKxnEitcbLr96iYOuWUfQpuBkWkDa039LVLi2s HTkdPm289i4HyqI2VSPGbzR4numtKi02lS/8yP1gfeFfCfXPlXRvdNzmybdNpJFs1MKkBrZPLZ7JLKjRqSBPy 2JdO2HCPcgQqXSzfTInsthjuRcJ9aZX42vKhMSIA02BG8tZOVY W/OgrF4yk/wBZG6Qw/pQ4tIpQ/wDsidSH8Kn+OfVc78dNCijQ7tKMYo14iuRNNpX27T61Ghk9kl5 tPpR/90P+1ZmnhPrcr8da6LZKdnrHJSI4+XeC5E06lfbQ/wC1ZmoHCVK+1hf2rc08J9HK/HYcftxHJX8pE78RyXHfxKlfbQv7VuasOEqV9u3+2hrcZP0brsh ShrxnJeNKGvF4Ljn06kynx46KPDVRTqTppBHNBhZJ6Hbq4tKbr 7Rkk30xugje3JYro1J/qonQyEPc1U8ppP8AVxd0P4VNxl/VS2fjWNLbrG9uSqaW3WMOSyTTKRppTzzwoJ/QpbTaR/UvHNDgj9CP459PK/GxCpbdYw5JxtKYdIw5LnYNMjk20qMeZzW+4K0akRQZeUx/ximTGC7rpPK26P09zV7ygm5rur+1czBfEcbaRH5uPePcUOkNMw OMinnjxD+pVyg411XGP9B/UPwqvGv9B/Vd8K48wBrced7j7yqmANvWdmtuDjXYVomhj+q/IKpbE9B/VfmuR4kbes7NMUejtIMxcdZ09K3KNxrpDDdpY7pbL3lCdSWtve xuyuJ7mAlc66jsH1G7kajslOUgLJAI5/p4HKc+LEhPiQoT3QYZcIr7JmoA5wDC6tVaHNJkDeFkU0xobmti NcxzmNiNDh50N/mvGwyTkXhGM2C6jNc0QnRHvicjlvbEZDY+GXzmGkQ7asjbeg/STh6LTHsfFbDa6HxoBhsLZse4ODDNxsaQZesVdmN8TOU9f//Z

Kobe went out scoring 60 and getting paid outta his ass...Duncan went out losing on a loaded team making fucking peanuts

07-11-2016, 11:25 AM
I'm sticking the rod in you fellas on this one

07-11-2016, 11:25 AM
Nahh no flack..nigga went out like a bitch....getting dominated getting his shit slapped all over the court....it was a horrible way to end his career..trying to coattail and dick ride and lost BIG.....what a sad way to go out....

Now I'm ready for the homosexual announcement:lol

Thats like saying the purple one was a faggot who couldnt have kids, cucked Maite and died alone talking pills like a depressed fag.

07-11-2016, 11:28 AM
The only fucking champ to let an 5 foot illegal Mexican steal your bitch and 1 million dollars as well...how in The fuck does a 7 foot black guy worth millions lose his white bitch to a 5 foot Mexican Dancer who just crossed the border....how does that illegal alien stripper get the wife of a 5 time champ to take his money and give it to him to start a profitable business :lmao

07-11-2016, 11:28 AM
Kobe went out scoring 60 and getting paid outta his ass...Duncan went out losing on a loaded team making fucking peanuts

I will say Kobe did give us that last moment even if it took 50 shots to get there.
I have it sitting on my DVR waiting to fire it up .
Wish I could have been there ..

But this is Tim's day, not Kobe's.

07-11-2016, 11:29 AM
Fucking tongue rings and nasty ass tramp stamps over his ass....just wholly Fucking gay

07-11-2016, 11:30 AM
I will say Kobe did give us that last moment even if it took 40 shots to get there.
I have it sitting on my DVR waiting to fire it up .
Wish I could have been there ..

But this is Tim's day, not Kobe's.

His Fucking day ?

:lol hahahahaba sure...I say its Amy's day

07-11-2016, 11:30 AM
Maybe he lost interest in that bitch and had so much money that gave 2 fucks about it.

07-11-2016, 11:31 AM
Kobe went out scoring 60 and getting paid outta his ass...Duncan went out losing on a loaded team making fucking peanuts

No....this is how Kirby went out:


Dead. Fucking. Last.

07-11-2016, 11:32 AM
Kevin Durant made the nigga retire....he saw his current roster and was like bye yall...I tired coat tailing and dick riding but the shit just didn't pan out...not even Paussay could make him change his mind...he retired forever living in the shadow of Kobe and his farewell season...I told yall he will be a foot note in history

07-11-2016, 11:33 AM
I'm not buying this until he announces it with a cheesy ass poem on players tribune tbh

07-11-2016, 11:35 AM
I'm not buying this until he announces it with a cheesy ass poem on players tribune tbh

:cry Dear Basketball :cry

07-11-2016, 11:36 AM
What's so cold is he played for peanuts while everyone was robbing him of his money,..he went losing 25million to bad wine and another 1 million on womens makeup....this shit is hilarious.....meanwhile Kobe and Derrek Jeter in business together with the Players Tribune magazine and Kobe doing all kinds of international business dealings and with Major US corporations such as Google and Apple while writing scripts and doing business with Hollywood execs....Duncan went out in real bad fashion

07-11-2016, 11:37 AM
I'm not buying this until he announces it with a cheesy ass poem on players tribune tbh


07-11-2016, 11:37 AM
LOLaker fans.


The Begging


Piss stained mattress as a franchise

LOL Hoodrat taking half his shit while she mind-pimped him

Coat tails. Coat tails. Coat tails.


Real alphas retire in relevance. Alphas do, don't say.

60 points on 50 shots. LOL, Adam Silver with ORDERS TO THE REFS. LOL

07-11-2016, 11:37 AM
Kobe went out scoring 60 and getting paid outta his ass...Duncan went out losing on a loaded team making fucking peanuts

TOSB getting his shit pushed in by white american stiffs :lmao


07-11-2016, 11:38 AM
What's so cold is he played for peanuts while everyone was robbing him of his money,..he went losing 25million to bad wine and another 1 million on womens makeup....this shit is hilarious.....meanwhile Kobe and Derrek Jeter in business together with the Players Tribune magazine and Kobe doing all kinds of international business dealings and with Major US corporations such as Google and Apple while writing scripts and doing business with Hollywood execs....Duncan went out in real bad fashion

LOL Butthurt.

07-11-2016, 11:40 AM
Tim went out how he wanted to and even then he probably doesn't care that you know it. Kobe probably would have liked to do that as well, partly, but the Lakers needed something to sell tickets. Its a business after all.

07-11-2016, 11:42 AM
I'm not buying this until he announces it with a cheesy ass poem on players tribune tbh
Dear sports world,

I Theodore Kentavious Malcom Xavier Duncan am retiring.

It's a sad day.

Not really, fuck all of you.


07-11-2016, 11:43 AM


07-11-2016, 11:44 AM

Tammy's last shot....hahaha got dayum....:lmao


07-11-2016, 11:45 AM
holy shit. sending smoke signals and banging war drums, stirring up the tribe and shaking the laker monkey tree.

dale is on the warpath.

07-11-2016, 11:45 AM
Kool and Thread losing what little they have to live for today.

07-11-2016, 11:46 AM
I love the soft piano playing at the end of that vid :lmao

07-11-2016, 11:48 AM
He went out like a bitch

07-11-2016, 11:48 AM
Always to live in Kobe's shadow :lol

07-11-2016, 11:49 AM
It's hard to imagine though.

I mean it's not easy like you guys had with Kirby. You guys knew for 3 years that he was retired.

They were selling your shit.

They never sold Kobe's shit.

07-11-2016, 11:50 AM
holy shit. sending smoke signals and banging war drums, stirring up the tribe and shaking the laker monkey tree.

dale is on the warpath.

With a 9lb sledge.

07-11-2016, 11:50 AM
He went out like a bitch

Kobe Bryant led his to a 67 LOSS season. :lol

07-11-2016, 11:51 AM
Kobe Bryant led his to a 67 LOSS season. :lol

& Oklahoma went down into Texas dragged your ass out in the streets & busted it.

07-11-2016, 11:52 AM
What's so cold is he played for peanuts while everyone was robbing him of his money,..he went losing 25million to bad wine and another 1 million on womens makeup....this shit is hilarious.....meanwhile Kobe and Derrek Jeter in business together with the Players Tribune magazine and Kobe doing all kinds of international business dealings and with Major US corporations such as Google and Apple while writing scripts and doing business with Hollywood execs....Duncan went out in real bad fashion

Kool Aid Man

07-11-2016, 11:53 AM
Kobe Bryant led his to a 67 LOSS season. :lol

But he didn't go out on his ass after getting his shit blocked at the rim....that would have haunted me forever...:lol Kobe went out like a champ..Tammy went out on his ass with his head down....pretty Fucking sad

07-11-2016, 11:53 AM
& Oklahoma went down into Texas dragged your ass out in the streets & busted it.

whoa. thats a clock cleaner.

07-11-2016, 11:53 AM
Always to live in Kobe's shadow :lol

One thing that is funny ...
Nono and others upstairs whining about Kobe and duncan being in the same HOF class.
Not sure why it matters so much?
Both will get plenty of praise and attention that day ...

Still insecure after all this time ...:lol

07-11-2016, 11:53 AM
But he didn't go out on his ass after getting his shit blocked at the rim....that would have haunted me forever...:lol Kobe went out like a champ..Tammy went out on his ass with his head down....pretty Fucking sad

Kool Aid Man

07-11-2016, 11:56 AM
Kool Aid Man

:lol thanks...but I'm not done c44'ing assholes just yet :lol

07-11-2016, 11:56 AM


07-11-2016, 11:57 AM
:lol thanks...but I'm not done c44'ing assholes just yet :lol

You damn rights, Kool.

07-11-2016, 11:59 AM
But he didn't go out on his ass after getting his shit blocked at the rim....that would have haunted me forever...:lol Kobe went out like a champ..Tammy went out on his ass with his head down....pretty Fucking sad

lmfao kobe went out like a favorite zoo animal on exhibit before it gets put down.

07-11-2016, 12:03 PM
lmfao kobe went out like a favorite zoo animal on exhibit before it gets put down.

Tim got beat in Texas by Oklahoma.


07-11-2016, 12:05 PM
I was thinkin' about diein' in the next year or two. Not now. I'm livin' still and I'll be livin' then when he enters your beloved Hall behind the rapist.

Goin' out like that,,,lettin' Oklahoma get the best of him. Beat his gay ass twice in Texas. Made him crawl out of there.

As opposed to what? Missing the playoffs three years in a row?

You are a total retard Dale, who, other than Robinson, went out on top as a great?

07-11-2016, 12:05 PM
lmfao kobe went out like a favorite zoo animal on exhibit before it gets put down.

This is how real niggas go out :lol


07-11-2016, 12:06 PM
Lowkey announcement. Didn't expect any less.

No drama, no attention whoring. Classy to the end. :cry

Tim Duncan is expected to hold his own news conference later in week, too.
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojVerticalNBA) July 11, 2016 (https://twitter.com/WojVerticalNBA/status/752511402976292864)

07-11-2016, 12:07 PM
Kobe beat Tammy to 5 rings...showed him how to be a champ....

07-11-2016, 12:07 PM
This is how real niggas go out :lol


Kool Aid Man

07-11-2016, 12:08 PM
Kobe beat Tammy to 5 rings...showed him how to be a champ....

& Tits never won a single back-to-back. Kobe has so many you have to tote 'em up for the old man.

07-11-2016, 12:10 PM
Kool Aid Man

I get goose bumps chills and a tingle up my leg when I watch that but I never bend ova...so save it Spurfsn :lol

07-11-2016, 12:11 PM
& Tits never won a single back-to-back. Kobe has so many you have to tote 'em up for the old man.

You know what your right...not even gays can do a back to back in bed...so he's literally never done a back to back :lol

07-11-2016, 12:12 PM
I'm going to get me a shrimp sandwich I will be back to explode asses later

07-11-2016, 12:13 PM
& Tits never won a single back-to-back. Kobe has so many you have to tote 'em up for the old man.
we don't do b2b. 5 is 5.

07-11-2016, 12:13 PM
I'm going to get me a shrimp sandwich I will be back to explode asses later

I'll stay right here and mind the store.

07-11-2016, 12:14 PM
we don't do b2b. 5 is 5.

In your case:::6 is 5.

07-11-2016, 12:16 PM
I'll stay right here and mind the store.
You're dead and buried. 5 and 5, Tim retiring on his own time, not ours... no hoopla and faggotry around it.

As I called it.

Now you and your ilk here can sulk and gas light each other until you all feel better. Enjoy the lottery again next year.

07-11-2016, 12:20 PM
Kobe had a great if not tumultuous career, highest of the high and lowest of the low. He came in the way he left, guns blazing. Thats what mattered to him more. His personal accolades rather than a strong team. More power to him. That was his prerogative.

Tim left as he played his career. Team 1st and quietly. He didn't ever want the attention, the lights, the glory, etc. He just wanted to win.

Both legends, both had a great long careers and did it in there own way.

Appreciate them both, but do know that Tim never had a losing season in his career. Aside from the 1st lock out shortened season, won 50 games every year. That season didn't have bu 55? games in the whole season and if memory serves me right, they won 38? of them. Guy was a winner at all times. A great leader and from what we've read, a great person and friend to know who knew him.

07-11-2016, 12:25 PM
I appreciate metrics but it's not about that ...
I also agree with a poster upstairs I also think duncan is more clutch than Hakeem or Shaq.
Im just saying if you asked me to pick one at their absolute peaks I take Hakeem 1st, then It's close but I probably take shaq.
If you are asking me who had the better career and who was he overall greater player than it's Tim, easy.

It's like Duncan is Jeter or brady vs. Alex Rodriguez or Peyton Manning
You can say at their best Arod and Manning were better than Brady or Jeter
But Jeter was the better winner and more reliable player.

Obviously I can't say who you should pick, but I am equally comfortable having peak Shaq, Duncan or Hakeem for a year. i'd go with Duncan because he's more versatile.

offset formation
07-11-2016, 12:34 PM
& Oklahoma went down into Texas dragged your ass out in the streets & busted it.

Last time that will happen, huh?

BTW, do you have fond memories of not only Oklahoma, but Utah, Texas, and other states raping that small market, rock bottom franchise you rep??

As I recall, the Mavs of Texas were the ones that officially put your franchise in the shitter about a decade ago. Kobe, being the huge ego he was, just thought of himself as a state when he fucked you.

07-11-2016, 12:34 PM
In your case:::6 is 5.


offset formation
07-11-2016, 12:38 PM



offset formation
07-11-2016, 12:43 PM
This is how real niggas go out :lol


How's that? Shooting 50 times to avoid a 68th loss on the season??

07-11-2016, 12:55 PM
dude retires without missing the playoffs in any of his 19 seasons, what an alpha, tbh... legendary stuff...

07-11-2016, 01:14 PM
dude retires without missing the playoffs in any of his 19 seasons, what an alpha, tbh... legendary stuff...


07-11-2016, 01:26 PM
Kobe goes out with a retirement tour and the usual attention whoring he does and Tim retires quietly. It truly reflects the difference in the two guys character throughout their legendary careers.

If Kobe only wasnt such a narcissist he wouldnt be one of the most despised athletes in history.

No matter what you think of either man, I guarantee you as they walk down the street anywhere they go throughout America they will always be viewed as legends of the NBA and rightfully so.

07-11-2016, 01:31 PM
dude retires without missing the playoffs in any of his 19 seasons, what an alpha, tbh... legendary stuff...

He failed miserably.....Kobe's 67 loss season was way more heroic....Kobe played with basically an all rookie Squad plus another 7 foot Kwame Brown..

Conversely Tammy Tits played with 5 all stars and with 4 likely being HOF players.... won an historic 67 games and flamed out historically...talk about legendary.... Give Kobe those same players and he wins another title easily....but the fact is Tammy gave about 40 million back to the Spurs on discounts played for the old cracker jack peanuts and still couldn't win the extra chip...:lol he loses twice in this case.....

The Spurs fleeced him way more than the Mexican stripper and the Wine salesman :lol

07-11-2016, 01:34 PM
No matter what you think of either man, I guarantee you as they walk down the street anywhere they go throughout America they will always be viewed as legends of the NBA and rightfully so.

Kobe won't be walking down that gay parade route with your Tammy boy...

07-11-2016, 01:35 PM
Kobe won't be walking down that gay parade route with your Tammy boy...

SMH ...


07-11-2016, 01:36 PM
dude retires without missing the playoffs in any of his 19 seasons, what an alpha, tbh... legendary stuff...

They were selling your shit.

07-11-2016, 01:37 PM
He failed miserably.....Kobe's 67 loss season was way more heroic....Kobe played with basically an all rookie Squad plus another 7 foot Kwame Brown..

Conversely Tammy Tits played with 5 all stars and with 4 likely being HOF players.... won an historic 67 games and flamed out historically...talk about legendary.... Give Kobe those same players and he wins another title easily....but the fact is Tammy gave about 40 million back to the Spurs on discounts played for the old cracker jack peanuts and still couldn't win the extra chip...:lol he loses twice in this case.....

The Spurs fleeced him way more than the Mexican stripper and the Wine salesman :lol

Kool Aid Man

07-11-2016, 01:38 PM
Last time that will happen, huh?

BTW, do you have fond memories of not only Oklahoma, but Utah, Texas, and other states raping that small market, rock bottom franchise you rep??

As I recall, the Mavs of Texas were the ones that officially put your franchise in the shitter about a decade ago. Kobe, being the huge ego he was, just thought of himself as a state when he fucked you.

They were selling your shit.

They were never sold our shit.

07-11-2016, 01:49 PM
They were selling your shit.

They were never sold our shit.


07-11-2016, 01:52 PM
If Kobe only wasnt such a narcissist he wouldnt be one of the most despised athletes in history.

If Kirbs wasn't such a narcissist him and Shaq would have at least 8 championships.......and the Boston Celtics would be in the rear view mirror.

07-11-2016, 01:56 PM
Damn, there will be big changes for SpursTalk, tbh..

Ambchang, my nigga Kool, Buddy and Thread all lost their sole content, this off-season:lol

07-11-2016, 02:07 PM
Damn, there will be big changes for SpursTalk, tbh..

Ambchang, my nigga Kool, Buddy and Thread all lost their sole content, this off-season:lol

they all holding on though ...

Not gonna debate today but tim has his decorated college career to add to his HOF resume ...
But Kobe has two gold medals while tim has none.

Both are HOf'ers of the highest order

07-11-2016, 02:13 PM
If Kirbs wasn't such a narcissist him and Shaq would have at least 8 championships.......and the Boston Celtics would be in the rear view mirror.

Kobe: 2

Daddy: 1

07-11-2016, 02:14 PM
Damn, there will be big changes for SpursTalk, tbh..

Ambchang, my nigga Kool, Buddy and Thread all lost their sole content, this off-season:lol

Quitting won't save that faggot Duncan from my wrath.

No fuckin' way, daddy-O. I'm gonna ride him till the wheels fall off.

07-11-2016, 02:21 PM
In your case:::6 is 5.
It's been a long drought for Lakers fans, not even seeing the playoffs. If you ever see the 1st round you'll shit yourself (again).

07-11-2016, 02:21 PM
dude retires without missing the playoffs in any of his 19 seasons, what an alpha, tbh... legendary stuff...

But he still lost to an 8th seed!

07-11-2016, 02:24 PM
But he still lost to an 8th seed!

07-11-2016, 02:27 PM
Tim Duncan (and every other player) is easy to sum up.

What would "the Tim Duncan of auto-racing" mean? The "Tim Duncan of futbol" mean?

I think most would agree it means a long, successful career by a player who had great fundamentals but was boring to watch. Alain Prost is a good comparison.

07-11-2016, 02:28 PM
I'm gonna ride him till the wheels fall off.

Or....till the Lakers start off 1-5 again. Then you'll quit.

07-11-2016, 02:31 PM
Tim Duncan (and every other player) is easy to sum up.

What would "the Tim Duncan of auto-racing" mean? The "Tim Duncan of futbol" mean?

I think most would agree it means a long, successful career by a player who had great fundamentals but was boring to watch. Alain Prost is a good comparison.

What would the "Phoenix Suns or of auto-racing" be? Dan Wheldon?

Wheldon won the indy before, bad example tbh. Maybe Greg Moore.

07-11-2016, 02:33 PM
They were selling your shit.

They never sold Kobe's shit.

07-11-2016, 02:36 PM
The evidence is damning.

Kobe's shit was sold. You've nary room.

07-11-2016, 02:49 PM
This is how real niggas go out :lol



07-11-2016, 02:52 PM
It's been a long drought for Lakers fans, not even seeing the playoffs. If you ever see the 1st round you'll shit yourself (again).

True. But, they never sold our shit.

They were selling your shit.

07-11-2016, 02:53 PM
Or....till the Lakers start off 1-5 again. Then you'll quit.

You ain't Champ.

You had no chains on me.

07-11-2016, 03:00 PM
Brokered a deal with his wife & the devil then watched as that deal burned to the ground costing his teammates everything they had. Aside from losing that NBA Title that had already been won he was never held to account for it. Cept here. Here I held that faggot to that account and I will until I breath no more.

This, THIS, this, I vow.

- Scoop Robinson

jesus dude- you have a boner for amy? or are you a raging homophobe? not a basketball fan anyway- get out of here with your garbage and see a therapist for what are some obvious psychitaric issues you are projecting into a damn internet forum

07-11-2016, 03:00 PM
You ain't Champ.

You had no chains on me.

The media does though ... oh wait, only when they start selling merchandise are they the authority, never mind the other times they :cry criticize the Lakers :cry

07-11-2016, 03:02 PM
True. But, they never sold our shit.

They were selling your shit.


how many of your 36k posts are these exact lines?

07-11-2016, 03:02 PM
jesus dude- you have a boner for amy? or are you a raging homophobe? not a basketball fan anyway- get out of here with your garbage and see a therapist for what are some obvious psychitaric issues you are projecting into a damn internet forum

Sure, I'd like to see her nude. I can't accomplish a boner, but, my mind still works.

& I ain't goin' anywhere. & I want to see someone try and make me. Go ahead.

07-11-2016, 03:03 PM
class of the league- sad day for basketball indeed

07-11-2016, 03:03 PM

how many of your 36k posts are these exact lines?

A shitload.

07-11-2016, 03:04 PM
Sure, I'd like to see her nude. I can't accomplish a boner, but, my mind still works.

& I ain't goin' anywhere. & I want to see someone try and make me. Go ahead.

So many people made you Dale. You even have a "reading room" because you can't take it. And you have been ignoring me for months because you are a coward. I certainly can't make you leave, and certainly can't make you respond to me, but I certainly expose you as a scared little chickenshit.

07-11-2016, 03:05 PM
class of the league- sad day for basketball indeed

Bunch of propagated horseshit. He can't be fairly judged. All of his shit cannot be laid out. No, absolutely not. Only the swell can be put down in print.

Not here, by God. No fuckin' way. I'm nailin' the RR shut (me on the outside of the door) and I'm gonna spend the Summer stackin' bricks with any of you pussies who want to stack with me.

Let us proceed...

07-11-2016, 03:05 PM
Sure, I'd like to see her nude. I can't accomplish a boner, but, my mind still works.

& I ain't goin' anywhere. & I want to see someone try and make me. Go ahead.

:rollin I don't give a fuck if you spend the rest of your days playing up this story line (and your stale "they were selling your shit"/"2nd 5th" takes) on this forum- the therapist suggestion was for your own good to obsess less over a man you've never met and doesn't give two flying fucks about your existence.

07-11-2016, 03:06 PM
A shitload.

then you understand the point about you sounding like a braying donkey

07-11-2016, 03:07 PM
:rollin I don't give a fuck if you spend the rest of your days playing up this story line (and your stale "they were selling your shit"/"2nd 5th" takes) on this forum- the therapist suggestion was for your own good to obsess less over a man you've never met and doesn't give two flying fucks about your existence.

I'll just bet you don't.

07-11-2016, 03:07 PM
then you understand the point about you sounding like a braying donkey

I exist.

07-11-2016, 03:08 PM
Bunch of propagated horseshit. He can't be fairly judged. All of his shit cannot be laid out. No, absolutely not. Only the swell can be put down in print.

Not here, by God. No fuckin' way. I'm nailin' the RR shut (me on the outside of the door) and I'm gonna spend the Summer stackin' bricks with any of you pussies who want to stack with me.

Let us proceed...

proceed with what? you don't present arguements, just repetitions. have a good one, hope you find some solace in spending however much time you do on here copy/pasting the same two lines

07-11-2016, 03:17 PM
proceed with what? you don't present arguements, just repetitions. have a good one, hope you find some solace in spending however much time you do on here copy/pasting the same two lines

Get out of my fucking way.

07-11-2016, 03:22 PM
Sure, I'd like to see her nude. I can't accomplish a boner, but, my mind still works.

& I ain't goin' anywhere. & I want to see someone try and make me. Go ahead.


07-11-2016, 03:34 PM
Bunch of propagated horseshit. He can't be fairly judged. All of his shit cannot be laid out. No, absolutely not. Only the swell can be put down in print.

Not here, by God. No fuckin' way. I'm nailin' the RR shut (me on the outside of the door) and I'm gonna spend the Summer stackin' bricks with any of you pussies who want to stack with me.

Let us proceed...

You want to stack bricks? Really? Bring it on you coward.

07-11-2016, 03:54 PM
Get out of my fucking way.

:rollin trying to be intimidating over the web? cute- take care buddy

07-11-2016, 03:59 PM
trying to be intimidating over the web? cute- take care buddy


07-11-2016, 04:03 PM
The saltiness from Thread is unreal. :lol Calm down, I'm actually starting to feel a little bad for you. Take care bud.

07-11-2016, 04:10 PM
True. But, they never sold our shit.

They were selling your shit.
Bullshit. They've been selling your shit since the old man died.

07-11-2016, 04:14 PM
The saltiness from Thread (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19320) is unreal. :lol Calm down, I'm actually starting to feel a little bad for you. Take care bud.

I don't mince words, nor hide my shit. Call it "salty" - call it incensed. I'm outraged. Duncan retires and we're gonna mark the spot with accolades & tears. No. Not on my watch. Absolutely not. He's a big boy, he can handle the truth of his life. His marriage to Amy was a sham and ended up in bitter truth as she rebuked the agreement and sold him out as the gay man he has always been. That threat & demand for dissolution + divorce was met with hard scaled Tim Duncan. Yeah, hard to imagine, but, backed into a corner he came out a house of fire and double dared her to make good on her threats. She did exactly that and he crawled into the Finals, belly draggin'---wounded he could not finish it and left one, Spur's 1st 5th forever in the winds.

I've held him to accounts here. I want him held to accounts in Media.

And I won't rest until it is so.

07-11-2016, 04:14 PM
Bullshit. They've been selling your shit since the old man died.

No. They never sold our shit.

They were selling your shit.

07-11-2016, 04:53 PM
I don't mince words, nor hide my shit. Call it "salty" - call it incensed. I'm outraged. Duncan retires and we're gonna mark the spot with accolades & tears. No. Not on my watch. Absolutely not. He's a big boy, he can handle the truth of his life. His marriage to Amy was a sham and ended up in bitter truth as she rebuked the agreement and sold him out as the gay man he has always been. That threat & demand for dissolution + divorce was met with hard scaled Tim Duncan. Yeah, hard to imagine, but, backed into a corner he came out a house of fire and double dared her to make good on her threats. She did exactly that and he crawled into the Finals, belly draggin'---wounded he could not finish it and left one, Spur's 1st 5th forever in the winds.

I've held him to accounts here. I want him held to accounts in Media.

And I won't rest until it is so.

07-11-2016, 04:54 PM
:rollin I don't give a fuck if you spend the rest of your days playing up this story line (and your stale "they were selling your shit"/"2nd 5th" takes) on this forum- the therapist suggestion was for your own good to obsess less over a man you've never met and doesn't give two flying fucks about your existence.

Ohhhh the irony. :lol

07-11-2016, 04:57 PM
5 = 5 Unless you count defending your title in which case 5.3 > 5.0

18 > 12 any way you look at it.

Regardless of all the debating and mud slinging, congrats on an astonishing career TD!! :toast

07-11-2016, 04:57 PM
sup hobbler

07-11-2016, 05:11 PM
sup hobbler

The man served his country you are just a fucking security guard ....don't forget it...

baseline bum
07-11-2016, 05:38 PM
Get out of my fucking way.

Bend over. I'll show you a fucking way.

07-11-2016, 05:51 PM
The man served his country you are just a fucking security guard ....don't forget it...
You have no room...you aren't even from here Ndukwe.

07-11-2016, 05:54 PM
As usual the chickenshits only come out when they can dish it, but not take it.

07-11-2016, 06:04 PM
If Kirbs wasn't such a narcissist him and Shaq would have at least 8 championships.......and the Boston Celtics would be in the rear view mirror.

I honestly disagree...Shaq was really disgruntled with the Lakers. I feel like Shaq needs a new jersey and motivation every 5-6 years. He seemed disinterested in the LA scene after being here for several years.

07-11-2016, 06:07 PM
What would the "Phoenix Suns or of auto-racing" be? Dan Wheldon?

Wheldon won the indy before, bad example tbh. Maybe Greg Moore.

I really like him. Had signed with Penske and could have been really great before he died.

07-11-2016, 06:13 PM
I honestly disagree...Shaq was really disgruntled with the Lakers. I feel like Shaq needs a new jersey and motivation every 5-6 years. He seemed disinterested in the LA scene after being here for several years.

Yep, it's bullshit.
Besides Shaq left every city "disgruntled"
Even if they worked it out Lakers may get 1 or 2 more if that ...

Clipper Nation
07-11-2016, 06:56 PM
Tim Duncan (and every other player) is easy to sum up.

What would "the Tim Duncan of auto-racing" mean? The "Tim Duncan of futbol" mean?
It means "one of the greatest to ever do it."

Clipper Nation
07-11-2016, 06:58 PM
Get out of my fucking way.
Dale, nailing WF to the tree of woe.


07-11-2016, 07:14 PM
Come on thread, it was his Fans not Tim you had issue with.
At least for today we can pay the man some respect.
The fact he had you nervous about duncan 6>Kobe5 ...shows he was a bad man.

It was the closest we had to a Magic vs. bird.
It's only fitting they tied at 5.

Been depressed, avoiding ESPN all day. The end of an era indeed.

Here's to you, Kk, always a class act amongst

much noise and stupidity. Cheers to you, dog...

07-11-2016, 07:39 PM
Dale, nailing WF to the tree of woe.


It's always a blast acting tough over an Internet connection.

07-11-2016, 07:45 PM
Bowen just called Duncan a trendsetter on NBA TV :lol

07-11-2016, 08:02 PM

07-11-2016, 08:05 PM
^ how Duncan retires without DPOY is the biggest joke in the annals of NBA awards histoy :lol

07-11-2016, 08:28 PM
^ how Duncan retires without DPOY is the biggest joke in the annals of NBA awards histoy :lol

Duncan playing had worst TV ratings than a segment on CSPAN:lol

07-11-2016, 08:37 PM
But he didn't go out on his ass after getting his shit blocked at the rim....that would have haunted me forever...:lol Kobe went out like a champ..Tammy went out on his ass with his head down....pretty Fucking sad

Win #15 of the season is going out on top. BLAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Exposed as what he would have been without Shaq & MVPau.

07-11-2016, 08:45 PM
Without Pau 3 rings without Shaq 2 rings ok dick lips :lol

07-11-2016, 08:51 PM
Win #15 of the season is going out on top. BLAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Exposed as what he would have been without Shaq & MVPau.

Kobe: 5

the tired old shit bag Duncan: 2nd 5th

Daddy: 4

James: 3

Gasol: couldn't win a single playoff game till Kobe held his hand.

07-11-2016, 08:52 PM
Without Pau 3 rings without Shaq 2 rings ok dick lips :lol

Hold him for me, Kool!!!

offset formation
07-11-2016, 09:23 PM
The evidence is damning.

Kobe's shit was sold. You've nary room.

07-11-2016, 10:11 PM
^They never Kobe's shit.

They were selling your shit.

07-11-2016, 11:28 PM
Bunch of propagated horseshit. He can't be fairly judged. All of his shit cannot be laid out. No, absolutely not. Only the swell can be put down in print.

Not here, by God. No fuckin' way. I'm nailin' the RR shut (me on the outside of the door) and I'm gonna spend the Summer stackin' bricks with any of you pussies who want to stack with me.

Let us proceed...
I'm sure Kobe can help if you run out of bricks. He made a career out of stacking bricks.

07-11-2016, 11:53 PM
Sad to see Tim go, but it was time. Awesome career.

07-12-2016, 05:25 AM
I'm sure Kobe can help if you run out of bricks. He made a career out of stacking bricks.

You'll do fine, Moose.

07-12-2016, 05:27 AM
Sad to see Tim go, but it was time. Awesome career.

Had 6. Ended up with 5.

07-12-2016, 06:47 AM
Dale on ignore.

Hoops heaven!

07-12-2016, 07:07 AM
Dale on ignore.

Hoops heaven!


07-12-2016, 07:42 AM

Top 4 player of all-time :toast

07-12-2016, 08:43 AM
& I had no issue with (Duncan) until he displayed his true colors & self when he somehow found space beneath Dwight Howard's attitude. It wasn't enough to skunk us/Howard and let us crawl out of there, belly draggin'. No, that homosexual fuck had to lean back on the scorer's table skinnin' & grinnin'. To that point I'd defended him against Amy breaking their blood oath, I'd defended him by dressing down Noah for his foul line antics intimating that Duncan sucked cock.

You know what though? He'd been hiding all those years. A wise man woulda put team ahead of a woman he'd been in league with to live a lifetime of deceit. Bless her & let her go---then turn in the corner & square up the '13 Playoffs. Not Duncan. He put everything he had into repudiating her demand for divorce. And it cost the people who had not broke his heart & ass every single thing THEY had.

The honest Tim Duncan was revealed to us at Amy's demand for divorce & Dwight back sassing him down 0-4.

You're one miserable fuck

07-12-2016, 08:48 AM
Top 4 player of all-time :toast

Props to duncan ...but LOL at that list.
KG at 2 and Malone at #3

Over MJ, Kareem and Lebron?
I do think those 3 are a bit overrated on defense.
all 3 were good when they "locked in"
But any list with MJ 12th and Malone 3rd is bullshit tbh.

Props to timmy though he is in my top ...

07-12-2016, 10:46 AM
Props to duncan ...but LOL at that list.
KG at 2 and Malone at #3

Over MJ, Kareem and Lebron?
I do think those 3 are a bit overrated on defense.
all 3 were good when they "locked in"
But any list with MJ 12th and Malone 3rd is bullshit tbh.

Props to timmy though he is in my top ...

Regular season stats, bro.

And Karl Malone was a top 5 regular season player of all-time. KG could also be ranked in the top 10 of best regular season players.

Scary thing about Tim is he was an even more dominant two-way player in the playoffs :wow

07-12-2016, 10:49 AM
You're one miserable fuck

You just want to dish it. You don't want to take it.


07-12-2016, 10:50 AM
Regular season stats, bro.

And Karl Malone was a top 5 regular season player of all-time. KG could also be ranked in the top 10 of best regular season players.

Scary thing about Tim is he was an even more dominant two-way player in the playoffs :wow

Not disagreeing.
However are you agreeing that Mj is the 12th best regular season two way player?

07-12-2016, 11:00 AM
Not disagreeing.
However are you agreeing that Mj is the 12th best regular season two way player?

Jordan didn't become consistently lockdown until '91.


See there. Jordan was an average defender (aside from '88) until '91, after which he never had a defensive rating higher than 103 (unless you count his time with the Wizards).

So career wise, there's an argument. Duncan still remains massively underrated, and isn't really all that far behind Jordan in overall team impact.

Clipper Nation
07-12-2016, 11:29 AM
DK was already a great defender before '91, tbh. He won DPOY in '88 and had several First Team All-Defense appearances. He was a monster in the passing lanes and on the ball. By '93, though, he started to slip on that end. More players started exposing DK in the post (Penny and Clyde did it all the time), and Phil started having Pippen or Harper defend their opponents' best guards instead of DK. Of course, none of this stopped DK from coasting on reputation and hype en route to more defensive awards that he no longer deserved.

07-12-2016, 11:39 AM
You just want to dish it. You don't want to take it.


Bend over and I'll show you where to take it:lmao

07-12-2016, 12:00 PM
DK was already a great defender before '91, tbh. He won DPOY in '88 and had several First Team All-Defense appearances. He was a monster in the passing lanes and on the ball. By '93, though, he started to slip on that end. More players started exposing DK in the post (Penny and Clyde did it all the time), and Phil started having Pippen or Harper defend their opponents' best guards instead of DK. Of course, none of this stopped DK from coasting on reputation and hype en route to more defensive awards that he no longer deserved.

dont disagree that is another thing Kobe and Jordan had in common they slipped and or chose their spots on defense.
Lebron does it sometimes too but when he turns it on like in the finals ...wow.

07-12-2016, 12:02 PM
The Spurs WAIVED Tim Duncan.

07-12-2016, 12:39 PM
You just want to dish it. You don't want to take it.


I'll choose the time, place and inquisitor when I decide to take an exam.
You're a hypocritical piece of shit. Between this and running off to the reading room when the fire gets too hot you have no place telling anyone that they can't take it. Your constitution is every bit as weak, Dale.

07-12-2016, 12:42 PM
You're a hypocritical piece of shit. Between this and running off to the reading room when the fire gets too hot you have no place telling anyone that they can't take it. Your constitution is every bit as weak, Dale.

You ain't Champ.

You have no chains on me.

07-12-2016, 12:44 PM
You ain't Champ.

You have no chains on me.
I don't have to have any chains on you. You make your own, you crusty old shitstain.

07-12-2016, 12:58 PM
Look at you Dale...you used to have such great execution in your trolling...now you just wander around here in a soggy diaper pushing your offensive piss smell on every person you get close to. Soon the mobs will again surround you and you'll quit like you always do...and then show back up like you never ran off in the first place.

Throw up in the floor and go back to your vomit, Dale. It's what you do best now.

07-12-2016, 01:04 PM
I don't have to have any chains on you. You make your own, you crusty old shitstain.

You ain't Champ.

You have no chains on me.

07-12-2016, 01:06 PM
Look at you Dale...you used to have such great execution in your trolling...now you just wander around here in a soggy diaper pushing your offensive piss smell on every person you get close to. Soon the mobs will again surround you and you'll quit like you always do...and then show back up like you never ran off in the first place.

Throw up in the floor and go back to your vomit, Dale. It's what you do best now.

Because you have to take it.

Your Duncan quit.
Your Duncan got waived.
Your Duncan took the $5.6 million.
Your Duncan got stretched.
Your Pop promised to quit when Duncan quit.
Your Pop didn't quit when Duncan quit.

Your gd rights I'm comin' out.

& nobody is stopping me.


Now, get out of my fucking way.

07-12-2016, 02:30 PM
Look at you Dale...you used to have such great execution in your trolling...now you just wander around here in a soggy diaper pushing your offensive piss smell on every person you get close to. Soon the mobs will again surround you and you'll quit like you always do...and then show back up like you never ran off in the first place.

Throw up in the floor and go back to your vomit, Dale. It's what you do best now.

He quit week fucking one last year. I won't let him forget it either.


07-12-2016, 02:39 PM
He quit week fucking one last year. I won't let him forget it either.


You ain't Champ.

You have no chains on me.

07-12-2016, 02:59 PM
Dale is one miserable old man and contradicts himself all the time. He does not even follow his so called "rules" he supposedly goes by.
He only says things or responds when it goes in his favor.

When someone outclasses him in conversation, he just uses words like "lmcontrollinao, I never defend my fandom, :rolleyes,etc" b/c he knows he is defeated and wrong.

Just retire your old ass to reading room! lol

07-12-2016, 03:01 PM
Just retire your old ass to reading room! lol

He doesn't have a reading room anymore. I have a reading room in Arizona now.


07-12-2016, 03:36 PM
Dale is one miserable old man and contradicts himself all the time. He does not even follow his so called "rules" he supposedly goes by.
He only says things or responds when it goes in his favor.

When someone outclasses him in conversation, he just uses words like "lmcontrollinao, I never defend my fandom, :rolleyes,etc" b/c he knows he is defeated and wrong.

Just retire your old ass to reading room! lol

You have to take it now, Bor. And I'm gonna dish it till they drag me off. And they'll play hell gettin' it done.

You've had this coming for quite a spell. And now I'm gonna apply it. And you ain't stoppin' me. No way. I'm hunkered down behind this fortification and I'm heeled to the teeth. I thrash my own soup and Kool is holding it right as we speak.

07-12-2016, 03:37 PM
He doesn't have a reading room anymore. I have a reading room in Arizona now.


Like hell you do.

It's my Reading Room. You were tardy.

07-12-2016, 03:41 PM
Holy sh*t Thread aka troll Guiseppe aka troll whatever other accounts he trolled with is dumb.

He doesn't understand the rules so he makes up his own. Citing things like Duncan being waived as a knock shows how truly ignorant of the game he really is.

You've been warned, Trollread

07-12-2016, 03:48 PM
Holy sh*t Thread aka troll Guiseppe aka troll whatever other accounts he trolled with is dumb.

He doesn't understand the rules so he makes up his own. Citing things like Duncan being waived as a knock shows how truly ignorant of the game he really is.

You've been warned, Trollread

Of course being waived is a "good thing" now. Sure.

Duncan needed the fucking money obviously after years of taking it up the ass for the home team. Dumbass sells his soul and now has to hang around till after dark and steal the money. And of course Media turns a blind eye to this antic. Well, Deeps, this old fuck ain't turnin' a blind eye. I'm gettin' out my 125 Readers and I'm goin' to wo*k. And you and your whole fuckin' family, near & extended ain't stoppin' me. Aunts, uncles, ying, yang are going to sit the fuck down and take this barrage.

And if you don't I'll go into the Reading Room and I won't come out and answer one fucking bell. Ever.

07-12-2016, 03:59 PM
Good GTFO - you are really ignorant. Most of the time, it's ok, but man, I legit feel bad how much you are showing you're a** here.

But just like you claim SA fans are tying to "spin this into a good thing" you don't really know the CBA/Rules and it's you trying to spin this into a "bad thing".

You are ignorant and no one is taking anything from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

07-12-2016, 04:04 PM
You're a hypocritical piece of shit. Between this and running off to the reading room when the fire gets too hot you have no place telling anyone that they can't take it. Your constitution is every bit as weak, Dale.

:tu Bene. In before "chickenshit from upstairs" claimed by the biggest chickenshit on here.

07-12-2016, 04:07 PM
Holy sh*t Thread aka troll Guiseppe aka troll whatever other accounts he trolled with is dumb.

He doesn't understand the rules so he makes up his own. Citing things like Duncan being waived as a knock shows how truly ignorant of the game he really is.

You've been warned, Trollread

07-12-2016, 04:09 PM
Good GTFO - you are really ignorant. Most of the time, it's ok, but man, I legit feel bad how much you are showing you're a** here.

But just like you claim SA fans are tying to "spin this into a good thing" you don't really know the CBA/Rules and it's you trying to spin this into a "bad thing".

You are ignorant and no one is taking anything from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

I ain't leavin' till I've had my fill.

It was a "bad thing" till your horse had it happen to him. Now, NOW, now it's a "good thing." My ass. You ain't pullin' that shit in here, not with me in the guard tower. No fuckin' way. I'll stay here 24/7 and battle you if that's what it takes. I don't wo*k, so I can do it. No problem.

Let us proceed...

07-12-2016, 04:10 PM
:tu Bene. In before "chickenshit from upstairs" claimed by the biggest chickenshit on here.

Ass smootcher.

07-12-2016, 04:24 PM
You have to take it now, Bor. And I'm gonna dish it till they drag me off. And they'll play hell gettin' it done.

You've had this coming for quite a spell. And now I'm gonna apply it. And you ain't stoppin' me. No way. I'm hunkered down behind this fortification and I'm heeled to the teeth. I thrash my own soup and Kool is holding it right as we speak.
You're a coward, it's well known on this forum. You leave when the going gets tough and just repeat nonsense trying to make it sound like it makes sense.

You're a hypocritical piece of shit. Between this and running off to the reading room when the fire gets too hot you have no place telling anyone that they can't take it. Your constitution is every bit as weak, Dale.

07-12-2016, 04:26 PM
You're a coward, it's well known on this forum. You leave when the going gets tough and just repeat nonsense trying to make it sound like it makes sense.

Duncan got waived. Duncan got stretched. Duncan stole that money.

Now eat that, you side show lookin' SOB, you.

07-12-2016, 04:33 PM
Dale is one miserable old man and contradicts himself all the time. He does not even follow his so called "rules" he supposedly goes by.
He only says things or responds when it goes in his favor.

When someone outclasses him in conversation, he just uses words like "lmcontrollinao, I never defend my fandom, :rolleyes,etc" b/c he knows he is defeated and wrong.

Just retire your old ass to reading room! lol

Or he just ignores them like he does to me.

Talking about not being able to take it.

07-12-2016, 05:53 PM
Good GTFO - you are really ignorant. Most of the time, it's ok, but man, I legit feel bad how much you are showing you're a** here.

But just like you claim SA fans are tying to "spin this into a good thing" you don't really know the CBA/Rules and it's you trying to spin this into a "bad thing".

You are ignorant and no one is taking anything from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

Yet he is obviously trolling all you guys and regardless of topic or repetitive trolling comments you always seem to REPLY. Talk about ignorance, you are living proof!

07-12-2016, 05:54 PM
Yet he is obviously trolling all you guys and regardless of topic or repetitive trolling comments you always seem to REPLY. Talk about ignorance, you are living proof!

More sh*t posting from Laker fans. Great :tu

07-12-2016, 05:58 PM
More sh*t posting from Laker fans. Great :tu

Just calling it as I see it DPG. You bitch about the trolling and yet you feed em at every opportunity. Not too bright in my opinion but hey, it's you!

07-12-2016, 05:59 PM
More sh*t posting from Laker fans. Great :tu

- "He may not look like much now, but, there was a time when he was something very special."

- Richard Crenna - "First Blood"

07-12-2016, 06:05 PM
So career wise, there's an argument. Duncan still remains massively underrated, and isn't really all that far behind Jordan in overall team impact.

He's lightyears behind in defending championships though.

07-12-2016, 06:11 PM
He's lightyears behind in defending championships though.

More sh*t posting from Laker fans. Great :tu

07-12-2016, 06:24 PM
You are a tad sensitive today DPG but thanks for the insightful reply. My post simply states the truth. There is weight and merit that comes with defending a championship. It's extremely difficult to do. I could explain it in detail for you but I really don't think it would sink in so I choose not to waste my time. Simply put Jordan was a master at defending the throne. Timmy, not so much.

And I for one am a TD fan. Great and astonishing career! For me thought, not defending a single title is a blemish. If that's a sh*t opinion, then so be it.

07-12-2016, 06:25 PM

This would be the perfect ending tbh. I hope he just disappears like the wind.. the polar opposite of Kobe's end

07-12-2016, 06:29 PM
You are a tad sensitive today DPG but thanks for the insightful reply. My post simply states the truth. There is weight and merit that comes with defending a championship. It's extremely difficult to do. I could explain it in detail for you but I really don't think it would sink in so I choose not to waste my time. Simply put Jordan was a master at defending the throne. Timmy, not so much.

And I for one am a TD fan. Great and astonishing career! For me thought, not defending a single title is a blemish. If that's a sh*t opinion, then so be it.

07-12-2016, 06:39 PM
You are a tad sensitive today DPG but thanks for the insightful reply. My post simply states the truth. There is weight and merit that comes with defending a championship. It's extremely difficult to do. I could explain it in detail for you but I really don't think it would sink in so I choose not to waste my time. Simply put Jordan was a master at defending the throne. Timmy, not so much.

And I for one am a TD fan. Great and astonishing career! For me thought, not defending a single title is a blemish. If that's a sh*t opinion, then so be it.

I can see why Laker fans would use this argument - it's one of the only things they have left and they are used to the Phil Jackson trolling mode of arguing.

You can call it a blemish - I'm fine with that. But there is no context to what calling it a blemish means. Are you saying that because Kobe did it and Tim did not and trying to say that's why Kobe is better than Tim?

What is the point of saying it is what I'm getting at. It can be a blemish but just calling it a blemish with no context makes is a sh*t post. It's really a sh*t post if you said for the reason I said because that blemish or not, there is no argument that Kobe is better than Tim.

If you are want to say that blemish is the reason you have someone like Jordan or the other 4-5 players that might be ahead of Tim all time; ok. But you didn't say that at all. You just cherry picked one very Laker fan thing to cherry pick while telling Spurs fans how to act on a Spurs board as a non-contributing Laker fan that lessens the quality of the board with your posting.

07-12-2016, 07:15 PM
I can see why Laker fans would use this argument - it's one of the only things they have left and they are used to the Phil Jackson trolling mode of arguing.

No trolling intended. It was a simple retort to a post by the Midget who was comping TD and MJ.

You can call it a blemish - I'm fine with that. But there is no context to what calling it a blemish means. Are you saying that because Kobe did it and Tim did not and trying to say that's why Kobe is better than Tim?

What is the point of saying it is what I'm getting at. It can be a blemish but just calling it a blemish with no context makes is a sh*t post. It's really a sh*t post if you said for the reason I said because that blemish or not, there is no argument that Kobe is better than Tim.

I said no such thing. You guys are the ones that obsess about the individual player. The obsession with Kobe by some around here is almost pathetic. I never once mentioned Kobe. My post was referencing Midgets post and was about MJ and TD. Why does it always have to be about Kobe with you guys? Get over it. I am a Laker fan. Kobe was a great player that helped add 5 titles to the quiver. He's not even one my top 5 lakers.

I'm a team guy DPG. I am all about the 16 titles and getting to 17 and then hopefully one more than the damn Celtics have before I leave the earth. And in team play, defending your title is a year long task that is extremely tough to do and I put a lot of value in it. You guys can hash out all the Kobe vs Tim debates. It's meaningless, completely subjective, and a waste of time.

If you are want to say that blemish is the reason you have someone like Jordan or the other 4-5 players that might be ahead of Tim all time; ok. But you didn't say that at all. You just cherry picked one very Laker fan thing to cherry pick while telling Spurs fans how to act on a Spurs board as a non-contributing Laker fan that lessens the quality of the board with your posting.

We could discuss our opinions of how players are ranked all time until the cows come home. We will never agree. I don't have Timmy in the top 10. How's that? I don't have MJ in the top 5! OMG, forums all over then net will now go on tilt. :) I cherry picked nothing DPG. You can go back years and find posts where I have expressed my "defending your title" comments. It's something that goes back in me to my little league days. It was big thing to repeat!

I'm sorry you feel that because my opinion differs from yours that my posts lessen the quality of the board. You really are a sensitive little guy aren't ya...

07-12-2016, 08:43 PM
You are a tad sensitive today DPG but thanks for the insightful reply. My post simply states the truth. There is weight and merit that comes with defending a championship. It's extremely difficult to do. I could explain it in detail for you but I really don't think it would sink in so I choose not to waste my time. Simply put Jordan was a master at defending the throne. Timmy, not so much.

And I for one am a TD fan. Great and astonishing career! For me thought, not defending a single title is a blemish. If that's a sh*t opinion, then so be it.

Really, I would like to hear it. Why is repeating an individual accomplishment?

07-12-2016, 08:59 PM
Really, I would like to hear it. Why is repeating an individual accomplishment?

Really? Well, it's first and foremost a team accomplishment. It's a team sport duh. As individuals you comprise the team therefore it also becomes an individual accomplishment. That's what being a team is about. Individuals accomplishing team goals. Being the team captain/leader brings more responsibility and with it, as always, more individual accolades/criticisms depending on the outcome. It's not rocket science.

07-13-2016, 04:43 AM
Really? Well, it's first and foremost a team accomplishment. It's a team sport duh. As individuals you comprise the team therefore it also becomes an individual accomplishment. That's what being a team is about. Individuals accomplishing team goals. Being the team captain/leader brings more responsibility and with it, as always, more individual accolades/criticisms depending on the outcome. It's not rocket science.
Never knew Derek fisher is so high on your all time list.

07-13-2016, 06:49 AM
You are a tad sensitive today DPG but thanks for the insightful reply. My post simply states the truth. There is weight and merit that comes with defending a championship. It's extremely difficult to do. I could explain it in detail for you but I really don't think it would sink in so I choose not to waste my time. Simply put Jordan was a master at defending the throne. Timmy, not so much.

And I for one am a TD fan. Great and astonishing career! For me thought, not defending a single title is a blemish. If that's a sh*t opinion, then so be it.

Well spoken. Td is an all time great ...
Goat pf arguably best career since Jordan.
Not sure he is the greatest player since Mj and thats different
Hakeem, Shaq, Lebron definitely and even Kobe could make a case as the better individual player, but career wise its Duncan.however i do think magic and Jordan for leading a repeat do have an edge on Duncan and Kareem had the better career period.
Spur fan be overly sensitive on that count but its my honest and biased opinion.

07-13-2016, 07:07 AM
Killa I need some advice about this chic...I think I'm losing it at times...so Heres the situation....I follow her on Instagram and Snap chat and she's always posting pictures of her and her man kissing, partying, and all hugged up....why should I care when I've been Fucking her non stop behind his back...and can get it anytime I want....but still the shit pissss me off to see....I don't like it because he thinks he's a bad ass white boy and all that shit...but she knows I'm a baller and so I hit that shit at least 1-2 times per week.. But still it pisses me off to see her with that clown and everyone always congratulating them and liking their pics on Instagram....man I be wanting to say something to that clown so bad but I keep quiet....I will say though these hoes out here are fucking scandalous like its no ones business... This is just a weird feeling for me....seems like my heart is kind of changing and I don't like it...I've always prided myself on being devoid of emotion when it comes to bitches..I've always been very diabolical so I'm getting scared for myself....I need to step back and remember these hoes aint loyal...if she will cheat with you she will cheat on you...use your fucking OG brain Kool....you already know this shit....it sucks being human at times....:bang

Time to get my Kobe on...:lol