View Full Version : Army Lowers 'Higher' Standard For Recruits

10-04-2005, 01:09 PM
The Army's top official says the service will revise its recruitment qualifications to allow enlistment of more high school drop-outs and those who scored lower on mental qualification tests, but denied the move was a lowering of standards.

Army Secretary Noel Harvey, along with Gen. Richard Cody, vice chief of staff, told a gathering of the annual Association of the U.S. Army the service would revert to lower Department of Defense entrance requirements. The Army had been using higher recruiting standards, but has faced chronic enlistment shortfalls - the worst since 1979, the early years following the Vietnam War.

DoD "standards on qualification tests call for at least 60 percent Category 1 to 3 and 4 percent Category 4," the lowest end, Harvey said. "The other services follow that standard and the Army National Guard always followed it as well. But the active Army chose a standard of 67 percent in Categories 1-3, and 2 percent Category 4."

Now, however, the Army will adopt the lower Pentagon standards.

Voices Magazine (http://www.voicesmag.com/Archives/News/oct2005/army_denies_lowering_standards_100405.htm)

See, there is hope for Bush apologists like Vashner to get into the Army after all.

Just what this country needs, a bunch of Whott's with M-16s guarding people with the flu.


10-04-2005, 01:20 PM
"Bush apologist"... that's a load of crap.

I served my country in civil service. Both the military and Judiciary.

I am a strong Bush supporter. I don't apologize for shit..

I served under Clinton too.. on projects like Combat Edge (G-Force protection), F16 ejection seats (ACES),
Spatial Disorientation Simulation, Laser crew protection systems. (here in San Antonio at Brooks).

10-04-2005, 02:01 PM
There's something like 60 million US people within the age limits of active military service.

Let's assume they are as essentially divided, even polarized, at 50-50 Repub/Dem, like in the last two pres elections.

That's 30 million active-duty-age people who support dubya and his fucking bogus war, but refuse to "take a bullet for dubya", as MB claims.

ie, they "support the troops" with car stickers and cheap-talk-show call-ins, but let other people do the dying. Even when the military is in a dire recruiting crunch, and the lack of manpower puts the Repub war at risk.

Lowering recruiting prequisites increases the pool of suckers a little bit, but won't solve the basic problem: not enough people believe in dubya and his fucking bogus war, and those hyprocrits who support the war with their macho-man, cheap-talking mouths, won't support it with their bodies.

10-04-2005, 02:01 PM
sounds good i guess