View Full Version : DNC National Convention

07-18-2016, 12:46 PM
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160716_Democrats__lineup_card__When_Obama__Sande rs__Clintons_will_speak_at_convention.html

They have no shame, Mike Brown's mother speaking :lol

07-18-2016, 12:55 PM
Already more packed than the RNC in Cleveland :lmao


07-18-2016, 01:04 PM
"Mothers of the Movement"

Maybe if they had been better mothers their kids wouldn't have gotten shot to start with, but heck, might as well cash in now.

Harry Callahan
07-18-2016, 10:27 PM
"Mothers of the Movement"

Maybe if they had been better mothers their kids wouldn't have gotten shot to start with, but heck, might as well cash in now.

Just remember, the "Fathers of the Movement" are much more difficult to locate - donkeys don't like to take the long, difficult route of trying to find "daddy".

07-18-2016, 10:38 PM
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160716_Democrats__lineup_card__When_Obama__Sande rs__Clintons_will_speak_at_convention.html

They have no shame, Mike Brown's mother speaking :lol

Holy shit...

She better stick with the fact her son layed in the street for 4 hours and not get into the actual court findings.
This will be very interesting. This better be a quick one and let the other moms talk.

07-18-2016, 11:18 PM
To quote Scott Adams, the election is going to be the cop killer vs the racist. Who will America choose?

07-18-2016, 11:24 PM
To quote Scott Adams, the election is going to be the cop killer vs the racist. Who will America choose?

This is really it, tbh... The entire platforms are basically "he/she is worse than me! vote me!"

07-18-2016, 11:38 PM
This is really it, tbh... The entire platforms are basically "he/she is worse than me! vote me!"
true. it woulda been more fun if it was rubiobot vs free shit guy

07-19-2016, 12:58 AM
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160716_Democrats__lineup_card__When_Obama__Sande rs__Clintons_will_speak_at_convention.html

They have no shame, Mike Brown's mother speaking :lol

No shame like bringing in a mother whose son was killed in Benghazi then put the blame squarely on Hillary? :lmao

07-19-2016, 01:03 AM
No shame like bringing in a mother whose son was killed in Benghazi then put the blame squarely on Hillary? :lmao

Actually, that's the GOP own damn fault. They ran Benghazi to the ground, and when they were done with the 182938290382 investigations, Shillary came away unscathed.

They stupidly destroyed that argument themselves.

07-19-2016, 01:12 AM
Actually, that's the GOP own damn fault. They ran Benghazi to the ground, and when they were done with the 182938290382 investigations, Shillary came away unscathed.

They stupidly destroyed that argument themselves.

That's true. And it speaks to what I'm saying about the no shame part.

Trump and the RNC tries to once again play the Benghazi card, only this time they used a mother in grieve to paint Hillary as a murderer. It was pathetic stuff.

07-19-2016, 01:18 AM
Actually, that's the GOP own damn fault. They ran Benghazi to the ground, and when they were done with the 182938290382 investigations, Shillary came away unscathed.

They stupidly destroyed that argument themselves.
but they don't even acknowledge that, they continue to double/triple down on it hoping that undecideds will buy into it... eventually

07-19-2016, 01:28 AM
but they don't even acknowledge that, they continue to double/triple down on it hoping that undecideds will buy into it... eventually

Other than gerrymandering, I don't understand what the GOP has been doing politically in years, at least when it comes to trying to interest centrists.

I mean, Shillary is probably the worst Dem candidate in years (I'll even say she's worse than Kerry, on the untrustworthy factor and being basically a Neocon pretending to be liberal).

If they don't win this election, what do they do? Blow it up?

07-19-2016, 02:14 AM
Other than gerrymandering, I don't understand what the GOP has been doing politically in years, at least when it comes to trying to interest centrists.

I mean, Shillary is probably the worst Dem candidate in years (I'll even say she's worse than Kerry, on the untrustworthy factor and being basically a Neocon pretending to be liberal).

which makes it hilarious that republicans keep calling her a "radical leftist" :lol

If they don't win this election, what do they do? Blow it up?

doubt it. since trump was such a wildcard, they'll just say "we need to go back to conservative roots" and trot out cruz or scott walker or some shit. this is why earlier in the cycle i was saying i wanted cruz to get the nomination and proceed to get crushed in the generals, so the gop can get a reality check and move towards the center. a guy like kasich could have given shillary a much better run for her money

07-19-2016, 02:38 AM
which makes it hilarious that republicans keep calling her a "radical leftist" :lol

doubt it. since trump was such a wildcard, they'll just say "we need to go back to conservative roots" and trot out cruz or scott walker or some shit. this is why earlier in the cycle i was saying i wanted cruz to get the nomination and proceed to get crushed in the generals, so the gop can get a reality check and move towards the center. a guy like kasich could have given shillary a much better run for her money

They've been saying that for years. They'll probably pick Scott Walker, and then he'll pick another ultra religious conservatard (ie: Cruz) as running mate (for no reason whatsoever, since the base will always vote red anyways).

They came out of the last election, that by pretty much any measure was a landslide, with the 'we gotta stop being the party of stupid', and then you look 4 years later, see the list of candidates, and except for Kasich, is like, are you kidding me? :lol

Hopefully they get their shit together in 4 years or less, hard to envision 8 years of Shillary.

07-19-2016, 02:55 AM
imaginary land here, but if you took the warhawk out of lindsey graham he'd be a reasonable candidate

07-19-2016, 06:17 AM
Other than gerrymandering, I don't understand what the GOP has been doing politically in years, at least when it comes to trying to interest centrists.

I mean, Shillary is probably the worst Dem candidate in years (I'll even say she's worse than Kerry, on the untrustworthy factor and being basically a Neocon pretending to be liberal).

If they don't win this election, what do they do? Blow it up?

They need to blow it up, but they won't because they get too much money from their constituents/lobbyists to make changes on their platform. The party is so exclusive to a certain demographic that they don't have the ability to expand their message. I said earlier that Hillary is the worst Democratic candidate since Dukakis and may be even worse than him since he was a successful 3-term governor in Massachusetts yet the Republicans nominated such a wild card in Trump that they could easily choke this election away.

07-19-2016, 06:20 AM
They've been saying that for years. They'll probably pick Scott Walker, and then he'll pick another ultra religious conservatard (ie: Cruz) as running mate (for no reason whatsoever, since the base will always vote red anyways).

They came out of the last election, that by pretty much any measure was a landslide, with the 'we gotta stop being the party of stupid', and then you look 4 years later, see the list of candidates, and except for Kasich, is like, are you kidding me? :lol

Hopefully they get their shit together in 4 years or less, hard to envision 8 years of Shillary.

Their best bet would have been to have Jeb Bush/Rubio ticket, but Trump basically destroyed them during the campaign making their chances impotent. But Bush had a good enough record as governor and enough support from the party to be major challenger, yet he let Trump abuse him on the campaign and didn't know how to fight back. Bush would have gotten a ton of Hispanic voters compared to what Trump will get.

07-19-2016, 06:23 AM
Paul Manafort got on the wrong foot denying the plaglarism. Jesus, for once, just admit you made a mistake and put this thing to bed.


07-19-2016, 11:40 AM

07-19-2016, 11:49 AM
imaginary land here, but if you took the warhawk out of lindsey graham he'd be a reasonable candidate

And if you take the murdering asshole out of Hitler, he'd be a great human being.

07-19-2016, 12:01 PM
Holy shit...

She better stick with the fact her son layed in the street for 4 hours and not get into the actual court findings.
This will be very interesting. This better be a quick one and let the other moms talk.
Not like any of the othere moms would be any better since most of the outrage on all of them is built on lies.

07-19-2016, 12:03 PM
Other than gerrymandering, I don't understand what the GOP has been doing politically in years, at least when it comes to trying to interest centrists.

I mean, Shillary is probably the worst Dem candidate in years (I'll even say she's worse than Kerry, on the untrustworthy factor and being basically a Neocon pretending to be liberal).

If they don't win this election, what do they do? Blow it up?

She is anything but conservative.

07-19-2016, 12:39 PM
They've been saying that for years. They'll probably pick Scott Walker, and then he'll pick another ultra religious conservatard (ie: Cruz) as running mate (for no reason whatsoever, since the base will always vote red anyways).

They came out of the last election, that by pretty much any measure was a landslide, with the 'we gotta stop being the party of stupid', and then you look 4 years later, see the list of candidates, and except for Kasich, is like, are you kidding me? :lol

Hopefully they get their shit together in 4 years or less, hard to envision 8 years of Shillary.

I dunno.

One has to wonder how lasting the damage will be to the GOP.

I have seen some commentary that asserts that the GOP is being remade in Trump's image, as if he has pretty much hijacked the party to serve his own ego. Sadly plausible to me.

If the GOP primary voters are willing to pick Trump, what makes anyone think that they will do better in 2020? Like something is going to really change?

Four more years of GOP self-torpedoing...

07-19-2016, 12:41 PM
They need to blow it up, but they won't because they get too much money from their constituents/lobbyists to make changes on their platform. The party is so exclusive to a certain demographic that they don't have the ability to expand their message. I said earlier that Hillary is the worst Democratic candidate since Dukakis and may be even worse than him since he was a successful 3-term governor in Massachusetts yet the Republicans nominated such a wild card in Trump that they could easily choke this election away.

I can't entirely disagree. Hillary though, ran a tough campaign against Obama in 08.

07-19-2016, 12:51 PM
The GOP ain't going nowhere, "redmap", voter suppression, VRA gutted, has given them at least obstructionist control of Congress and total control of dozens of states.

They will continue, as paid by the VRWC/BigCorp, to destroy govt, to privatize everything, fuckover the 99% while protecting/enriching the 1%.

The Repug base is still obsessed with god/guns/gays/abortion/hate/paranoia/Muslims/conspiracies/white Christian supremacy, and will never vote Dem in any significant numbers, and so will continued to be fucked over the Repug establishment.

Trash will be trashed by Hillary.

Repug establishment will have a post-mortem, as in 2008, 2012, and continue the above exactly as before the election.

Trash is a symptom of the Repug well-paid, diseased dysfunctionality, not the cause.

07-19-2016, 07:04 PM
Sanders supporters plan fart protest of Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech. Really


07-19-2016, 07:32 PM
I dunno.

One has to wonder how lasting the damage will be to the GOP.

I have seen some commentary that asserts that the GOP is being remade in Trump's image, as if he has pretty much hijacked the party to serve his own ego. Sadly plausible to me.

If the GOP primary voters are willing to pick Trump, what makes anyone think that they will do better in 2020? Like something is going to really change?

Four more years of GOP self-torpedoing...

If he loses this election, they're kicking his ass out. I have zero doubts about that. Priebus is going with him.

07-19-2016, 07:36 PM
She is anything but conservative.

She's a neocon warhawk... she might be "centrist" on social/economic issues, but when it comes to foreign policy, she's female McCain, tbh

baseline bum
07-19-2016, 08:34 PM
She's a neocon warhawk... she might be "centrist" on social/economic issues, but when it comes to foreign policy, she's female McCain, tbh

Bill was pretty conservative economically, I imagine she will be too. For me it's a coin flip between her and Gore for Democrat nominee I hate most.

07-19-2016, 08:36 PM
Bill was pretty conservative economically, I imagine she will be too. For me it's a coin flip between her and Gore for Democrat nominee I hate most.

Yeah, there's nothing really liberal about her... the whole Black Lives Matter thing is a campaign schtick to her, you can see right through it. She probably gets nervous if somebody brings up legalizing pot

baseline bum
07-19-2016, 08:46 PM
Yeah, there's nothing really liberal about her... the whole Black Lives Matter thing is a campaign schtick to her, you can see right through it. She probably gets nervous if somebody brings up legalizing pot

You could call her push for a national healthcare in the 90s liberal but mostly she's just somewhat liberal on social issues.

07-19-2016, 09:00 PM
You could call her push for a national healthcare in the 90s liberal but mostly she's just somewhat liberal on social issues.

yeah, that's why I said she's more of a "centrist" on social/economic issues.

07-19-2016, 09:51 PM
Yeah, there's nothing really liberal about her... the whole Black Lives Matter thing is a campaign schtick to her, you can see right through it. She probably gets nervous if somebody brings up legalizing pot
:lol tbh
