View Full Version : OT: Wiki leaks releases Clinton emails, proved primary was rigged.

07-22-2016, 07:16 PM

In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy (http://observer.com/2016/04/panama-papers-reveal-clintons-kremlin-connection/). Instead of treating Sanders (http://observer.com/2016/04/heres-the-thing-so-many-americans-cant-grasp-about-bernie-sanders/) as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC (http://observer.com/2016/05/corruption-is-catching-up-to-the-clintons-and-their-associates/) worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.


Most of the emails released come from seven prominent DNC staff members (https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/): senior adviser Andrew Wright, national finance director Jordon Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer, Northern California finance director Robert Stowe, finance director of data and strategic initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance director Allen Zachary and Miranda.


07-22-2016, 07:16 PM
Wow, can they disqualify Hillary at this point?

07-22-2016, 07:21 PM

07-22-2016, 07:28 PM
Hillary for Prison 2016

07-22-2016, 07:32 PM
Democrats jumping out of a sinking ship, Trump for POTUS is actually going to happen lmao

07-22-2016, 07:33 PM

Clipper Nation
07-22-2016, 07:34 PM
That's politics. The GOP worked even harder against Trump, but he still won. Bernie never answered the bell. Never.

offset formation
07-22-2016, 07:54 PM
That's politics. The GOP worked even harder against Trump, but he still won. Bernie never answered the bell. Never.

Was thinking the board were political novices until your post. Politics is serious business.

07-22-2016, 07:54 PM
I cannot wait to see how Bernie handles this in his speech at the DNC convention. Will he remain cucked or speak his mind like Teddy.

07-22-2016, 07:59 PM
That's politics. The GOP worked even harder against Trump, but he still won. Bernie never answered the bell. Never.

I am disgusted, but not surprised, that the DNC endeavored to deliver the party's nomination to Hillary Clinton by opposing Bernie Sanders.

It was clear to anyone who followed the primaries carefully that the DNC tipped the scales for Clinton. In so doing, the DNC violated the requirement that it remain neutral.

offset formation
07-22-2016, 08:06 PM
I cannot wait to see how Bernie handles this in his speech at the DNC convention. Will he remain cucked or speak his mind like Teddy.

He's not an amateur. He knows politics is serious shit. And you're being quite naive if you think he didn't have similar Intel operations.

Also, regardless of what these emails reveal as far as the goings-on inside the campaigns, ultimately, it was relatively tame between them for 98% of this primary season.

Clipper Nation
07-22-2016, 09:04 PM
Keep in mind that the Democrats have been making backroom deals with Bernie for decades to get him elected in Vermont, throwing the actual Democrats running for his seat under the bus in the process. He can't complain about the DNC playing favorites now when he's benefitted from it for most of his career without even being in their party :lol

07-22-2016, 09:05 PM
I am disgusted, but not surprised, that the DNC endeavored to deliver the party's nomination to Hillary Clinton by opposing Bernie Sanders.

It was clear to anyone who followed the primaries carefully that the DNC tipped the scales for Clinton. In so doing, the DNC violated the requirement that it remain neutral.

but they rigged the rules before he announced so it's really not a big deal. And ultimately the debates weren't even a big factor. What hurt hillary the most was the proportional allotment of delegates preventing ehr from running up the score in big states.

but lol that people discussed dirty shit that didn't even happen. It's one thing to discuss foul play, quite another to actually do that.

Also by posting this you are furthering the russian hackers who are state sponsored. Congrats on spreading russian propaganda

07-22-2016, 09:06 PM
What's really gonna piss OP off is when he finds out trump isn't really campaigning from President but just pimping his brand.

07-22-2016, 09:09 PM
Keep in mind that the Democrats have been making backroom deals with Bernie for decades to get him elected in Vermont, throwing the actual Democrats running for his seat under the bus in the process. He can't complain about the DNC playing favorites now when he's benefitted from it for most of his career without even being in their party :lol

:rollin :rollin :rollin

07-22-2016, 09:23 PM
but they rigged the rules before he announced so it's really not a big deal. And ultimately the debates weren't even a big factor. What hurt hillary the most was the proportional allotment of delegates preventing ehr from running up the score in big states.

but lol that people discussed dirty shit that didn't even happen. It's one thing to discuss foul play, quite another to actually do that.

Also by posting this you are furthering the russian hackers who are state sponsored. Congrats on spreading russian propaganda

I've seen a lot of pathetic spin but blaming the hackers for a rigged DNC system is about the lowest of the low. Deal with it, she wired the process with great assistance from a supposedly non-partisan organization.

Also, It's not just a propaganda:lolespecially when it appears to be verified. This just proves DNC is corrupt and it further implicated Hillary as someone who cannot and must not be trusted.

07-22-2016, 09:26 PM
There's 200,000more e-mails, this will be a good summer reading.

07-22-2016, 09:48 PM
i'm getting a ChumpDumper vibe from K...

07-22-2016, 10:48 PM
Sooooooooooooooooo you guys think someone on the DNC staff were sending emails with the words "my peeps" in it???? Lol.....oh God!:rollin Buuuuuuttttttttt it's on the internet so it must be true!

07-23-2016, 01:10 AM

Yup. WashingtonHitlerPost was pretty obvious about this tbqh. As I pointed it out.

Every single day for the past 6 months they would come out with a Bernie smear article

Only a retard would miss this rigged primary. Shillary is in bed with the MIC and Wall Street. Fucking whore

07-23-2016, 01:13 AM
Anyone who votes for this whore is basically betraying their country

07-23-2016, 01:16 AM
Same shit happened to dear Dr Paul tbh

I'll never forget dear Dr Paul. The greatest human in history :cry

07-23-2016, 02:20 AM
This is what happens when you let women get too far away from the kitchen, tbh

07-23-2016, 06:22 AM
Anyone who votes for this whore is basically betraying their country

They won't even think once.

07-23-2016, 07:58 AM
That's politics. The GOP worked even harder against Trump, but he still won. Bernie never answered the bell. Never.

This. Not a non issue but doesnt prove rigged ...only biased.

07-23-2016, 08:01 AM
Keep in mind that the Democrats have been making backroom deals with Bernie for decades to get him elected in Vermont, throwing the actual Democrats running for his seat under the bus in the process. He can't complain about the DNC playing favorites now when he's benefitted from it for most of his career without even being in their party :lol

Cn with the troof bomb. Crying now would make him a hypocrite. And wouldnt this indict dnc not Hillary? I do think Clinton is a shady shrew but at least get your facts straight

07-23-2016, 08:04 AM
i'm getting a ChumpDumper vibe from K...

He is my hero

07-23-2016, 08:05 AM
Anyone who votes for this whore is basically betraying their country

If you vote the buffoon you are betraying humanity ...see what I did there. Stop with the silly rhetoric.lets focus on facts. Hillary faces the same test next week Trump did this one ...flowery or fiery speeches wont sway me lets hear some real shit on how she hopes to make a difference ...and why she is not a shady shrew ...

07-23-2016, 08:07 AM
I've seen a lot of pathetic spin but blaming the hackers for a rigged DNC system is about the lowest of the low. Deal with it, she wired the process with great assistance from a supposedly non-partisan organization.

Also, It's not just a propaganda:lolespecially when it appears to be verified. This just proves DNC is corrupt and it further implicated Hillary as someone who cannot and must not be trusted.

that doesn';t change the fact that you are assisting Vladimir Putin by posting these things.

UNT Eagles 2016
07-23-2016, 09:08 AM
that doesn';t change the fact that you are assisting Vladimir Putin by posting these things.

Better the USSR than jihadists and others (drug dealers, BLM et al) that are wrecking the stabilization of the country.

UNT Eagles 2016
07-23-2016, 09:14 AM
If you vote the buffoon you are betraying humanity ...see what I did there. Stop with the silly rhetoric.lets focus on facts. Hillary faces the same test next week Trump did this one ...flowery or fiery speeches wont sway me lets hear some real shit on how she hopes to make a difference ...and why she is not a shady shrew ...

Trump is a buffoon in a lot of ways but smart and practical where it counts. Candid to a fault perhaps, but he knows what's going on (it's hard to argue that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are really our "allies" and Syria/Assad are even our "enemies" when they (and the Russians) are fighting jihadism/ISIS much more aggressively than we are. The US ambivalence towards jihadism is going to be the demise of us (yes, Reagan was at fault there, as was Clinton, the Bushes and especially Obama).

Voting for Trump is like camping in a jungle with a bear. You know what you're going to get, you better not piss him off, but he just may damn well protect your ass from external harm when it matters.

Voting for Hillary is like camping in a jungle with a snake. All will seem well until it creeps up to you from behind and bites and kills you in your sleep. You never saw its stealthy, sneaky, covert wrath coming.

I recommend voting for Trump not because he's perfect by any means, but because it's another vote against Hillary and one more step towards keeping that evil witch out of office.

07-23-2016, 09:35 AM
Trump is a buffoon in a lot of ways but smart and practical where it counts. Candid to a fault perhaps, but he knows what's going on (it's hard to argue that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are really our "allies" and Syria/Assad are even our "enemies" when they (and the Russians) are fighting jihadism/ISIS much more aggressively than we are. The US ambivalence towards jihadism is going to be the demise of us (yes, Reagan was at fault there, as was Clinton, the Bushes and especially Obama).

Voting for Trump is like camping in a jungle with a bear. You know what you're going to get, you better not piss him off, but he just may damn well protect your ass from external harm when it matters.

Voting for Hillary is like camping in a jungle with a snake. All will seem well until it creeps up to you from behind and bites and kills you in your sleep. You never saw its stealthy, sneaky, covert wrath coming.

I recommend voting for Trump not because he's perfect by any means, but because it's another vote against Hillary and one more step towards keeping that evil witch out of office. Well other than the fact Trump has never protected anyone for any kind of threat and has as much experience in national security as the 'bear.' Trump would be a good guy to invest your savings in- if you want to get rid of it immediately. You are aware that he has filed for bankruptcy a half dozen times? He will lose by a landslide.

UNT Eagles 2016
07-23-2016, 09:43 AM
Well other than the fact Trump has never protected anyone for any kind of threat and has as much experience in national security as the 'bear.' Trump would be a good guy to invest your savings in- if you want to get rid of it immediately. You are aware that he has filed for bankruptcy a half dozen times? He will lose by a landslide.

Lol... and the Spurs will beat OKC in 5 games right? Kawhi owns Durbeta, and Diaw and West are too much for Kanter and Adams off the bench... right right?

07-23-2016, 10:35 AM
Lol... and the Spurs will beat OKC in 5 games right? Kawhi owns Durbeta, and Diaw and West are too much for Kanter and Adams off the bench... right right? Yes basketball and the presidency of the USA are a perfect colleration.

07-23-2016, 10:58 AM
Trump is a buffoon in a lot of ways but smart and practical where it counts.

Voting for Trump is like camping in a jungle with a bear. You know what you're going to get, you better not piss him off, but he just may damn well protect your ass from external harm when it matters.

It's still the single most vexing question. How did a billionaire reality-television star from NY managed to elevate himself to the top of the Republican Party? His detractors screams "Fraud" but his rise can simply be explained as a successful marketing campaign. The man just knows how to win and he has the nation rapt. He has branded himself as the anti-politician politician. He says what some people want to say but can't due to the political correctness taking over this country. It's quite refreshing if you really want to be honest about it.

The electorate slurps this all up, they cannot get enough as a matter of fact and he basically conquered the media too :lol convincing cable and network news to deliver non stop coverage of his candidacy from Day 1.

To quote Ed Rollins

"Ed Rollins, the Republican campaign consultant and campaign director for the Ronald Reagan's 1984 campaign, says it would have cost "$100 million, easily, to get the attention Trump" has gotten since entering this year's race. "I've been around the business for 50 years," Rollins told MSNBC. "I haven't ever seen a candidate get this kind of attention over this sustained period of time."
That $100 million is money that Donald Trump hasn't had to raise or spend. And he planned it exactly that way"

07-23-2016, 11:09 AM
that doesn';t change the fact that you are assisting Vladimir Putin by posting these things.
You missed the point. The emails show thats Clinton clouded with the DNC to use Bernie's jewish heritage and alleged atheism against him. If "racist" Trump had done that, the media would be posting pictures of Donald with a hitler mustache drawn on his face.

Clinton and the DNC are not the only the most corrupt, political machine today, they are also the most ruthless, racist and fascist.

UNT Eagles 2016
07-23-2016, 11:20 AM
You missed the point. The emails show thats Clinton clouded with the DNC to use Bernie's jewish heritage and alleged atheism against him. If "racist" Trump had done that, the media would be posting pictures of Donald with a hitler mustache drawn on his face.

Clinton and the DNC are not the only the most corrupt, political machine today, they are also the most ruthless, racist and fascist.
Yes. But the libs will play nicey nicey with the Jews when they want their money and endorsements.

Unfortunately, the majority of U.S. Jews today, including Adam Silver, are gullible and practically stupid as well. Lest they not forget that the Democratic Party has long defended and sympathized with radical Sunni Islam and Sunni Islam in general, or at minimum swept the radical Islam problem under the rug to the detriment of Israel and Jews around the world?

07-23-2016, 01:05 PM
Yes. But the libs will play nicey nicey with the Jews when they want their money and endorsements.

Unfortunately, the majority of U.S. Jews today, including Adam Silver, are gullible and practically stupid as well. Lest they not forget that the Democratic Party has long defended and sympathized with radical Sunni Islam and Sunni Islam in general, or at minimum swept the radical Islam problem under the rug to the detriment of Israel and Jews around the world?
The US has never 'sympathized' with any radical extremists that threaten our allies, one of which is Israel. Just be glad- back to subject- you and your family didn't get separated from their life's savings by enrolling in Trump University instead of NTSU. His indictments for racketeering under the Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act- RICO- are moving forward today after all the appeals have failed.

07-23-2016, 05:23 PM
Anybody who followed the primaries knows that corporations and most politicians wanted no part of the Bern. He was a legit threat to their crooked ways. It's too bad stupid southern negroes handed her the South because of name recognition.

CNN aka Clinton News Network: owned by Time Warner, a huge Shillary donor, had like 20 pro-Shillary persons on for every pro-Bernie person. They continued to count super delegates despite being told (weakly) by the DNC that it was innacurate to do so. Called races way too early for Shillary, when people were still in line. Including AZ where people were waiting to vote until past midnight. Didn't give Bernies speeches the proper coverage even though the attendance for his speeches raped the attendance of Shills speeches.

DNC: Made one weak statement about super delegates. Didn't follow up on it when networks refused to comply. The average viewer was led to believe that the race wasn't as close as it was. Super delegates would've had no choice but to flip if Bernie won the elected delegate count. Now this BS with the emails.

07-23-2016, 05:25 PM
I hope Shillary is assassinated or she will will drive this country to the ground tbh.

Mark Celibate
07-23-2016, 06:38 PM
Hillary is a proven politician, whether you like her or not, while Trump is just a Mark-Cuban type of businessman who looks like a jerk, and there would be massive uncertainty around this country if Trump got elected. If you're so bored of life and want something extreme no matter if it goes good or bad, you may choose Trump and if you wanna keep things the way they are under another democrat president who might be even shittier than Obama, cast your vote to Hillary. A choice between two evils, imho.

07-23-2016, 06:52 PM
Hillary is a proven politician, whether you like her or not, while Trump is just a Mark-Cuban type of businessman who looks like a jerk, and there would be massive uncertainty around this country if Trump got elected. If you're so bored of life and want something extreme no matter if it goes good or bad, you may choose Trump and if you wanna keep things the way they are under another democrat president who might be even shittier than Obama, cast your vote to Hillary. A choice between two evils, imho.

Proven means what exactly? That she can take brides and be in their pockets? What has she proven?

07-23-2016, 08:00 PM
:lol this thread

Questioning a person's faith as a tactic is the best example of malfeasance you can come up with? :rollin as if that hasn't been a mainstay in US politics since the founding.

This coming from the mouthbreathers that think with the same brain that the Obama is a Muslim and birther nonsense that their boy Trump has been stumping for months is valid. Oh and btw Trumps buddy Putin was a Stasi agent. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

07-23-2016, 08:45 PM
Ok, So some of you already knew it was happening even before the released emails yet you still voted the liar in as nominee :lol

Clipper Nation
07-23-2016, 08:47 PM
Ok, So some of you already knew it was happening even before the released emails yet you still voted the liar in as nominee :lol

The alternative was a geriatric Communist.

:lol Today's Democratic Party

07-23-2016, 09:00 PM
The alternative was a geriatric Communist.

:lol Today's Democratic Party

UNT Eagles 2016
07-23-2016, 09:05 PM
The US has never 'sympathized' with any radical extremists that threaten our allies, one of which is Israel. Just be glad- back to subject- you and your family didn't get separated from their life's savings by enrolling in Trump University instead of NTSU. His indictments for racketeering under the Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act- RICO- are moving forward today after all the appeals have failed.
Private universities in general suck for job prospects, with a few exceptions and the Ivies

Big corporations have their large college recruitment career fairs at UT, A&M, UNT (NTSU), TTU, maybe U of H... that's pretty much it. Texas State is a laughing stock party school, most of the satellites (eg UTSA) aren't really on the map yet, and private schools (that cost $50k a year in tuition alone!) like TCU and Baylor are considered good for football but not really considered by the big corporations for a wide variety of reasons.

Another thing I hate about the Democratic Party: I make $69.9k ($33.60 an hour), but I only get about $24 an hour/$51k after taxes. Fucking IRS.

07-23-2016, 09:16 PM
With my peeps. lol

07-25-2016, 01:02 PM

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Thousands of demonstrators took to Philadelphia's sweltering streets Sunday, cheering, chanting and beating drums in the first major protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention, as the city wilted during a heat wave.
Throngs of Bernie Sanders supporters marched down a main thoroughfare to show their support of him and disdain for Hillary Clinton ahead of the convention.
Chanting "Hell No, DNC, we won't vote for Hillary" and "This is what democracy looks like," the marchers headed from City Hall down Broad Street, the main north-south artery that leads from the city center to the convention site about 4 miles away.


Clinton is f*ucked lol

07-25-2016, 01:12 PM

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Thousands of demonstrators took to Philadelphia's sweltering streets Sunday, cheering, chanting and beating drums in the first major protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention, as the city wilted during a heat wave.
Throngs of Bernie Sanders supporters marched down a main thoroughfare to show their support of him and disdain for Hillary Clinton ahead of the convention.
Chanting "Hell No, DNC, we won't vote for Hillary" and "This is what democracy looks like," the marchers headed from City Hall down Broad Street, the main north-south artery that leads from the city center to the convention site about 4 miles away.


Clinton is f*ucked lol

Yes because democracy always grants the loudest and craziest people more votes.

07-25-2016, 01:14 PM
Private universities in general suck for job prospects, with a few exceptions and the Ivies

Big corporations have their large college recruitment career fairs at UT, A&M, UNT (NTSU), TTU, maybe U of H... that's pretty much it. Texas State is a laughing stock party school, most of the satellites (eg UTSA) aren't really on the map yet, and private schools (that cost $50k a year in tuition alone!) like TCU and Baylor are considered good for football but not really considered by the big corporations for a wide variety of reasons.

Another thing I hate about the Democratic Party: I make $69.9k ($33.60 an hour), but I only get about $24 an hour/$51k after taxes. Fucking IRS.

You do realIze that money goes to pay for necessary services?

That's the thing. Everyone is cool with cutting spending they don't personally benefit from. That's hypocrisy.

07-25-2016, 01:17 PM
This is what happens when you let women get too far away from the kitchen, tbh


UNT Eagles 2016
07-25-2016, 03:51 PM
You do realIze that money goes to pay for necessary services?

That's the thing. Everyone is cool with cutting spending they don't personally benefit from. That's hypocrisy.
How is it hypocrisy to demand that I shouldn't be paying for unskilled, undocumented and otherwise "economically distraught" persons to live?

I shouldn't be forced to take care of a damn soul except my own dependents, i.e. when I have a wife and children, or if I had a dog, etc. That's it.

07-25-2016, 08:29 PM

07-25-2016, 08:37 PM
Sanders. I like that dude.

07-25-2016, 10:11 PM
What an embarrassment, Sanders is just your typical limp wristed liberal, he does what the Clinton's tell him to do.