View Full Version : news4SA: Matt Bonner: 'I'm probably not going to be with the Spurs'

08-10-2016, 08:50 AM

Not only is the Duncan-era over, the Bonner-era may be over in San Antonio.
With the San Antonio Spurs roster pretty much at max, the odd man out heading into next season is free agent forward Matt Bonner.

Bonner, who spent 10 seasons with the Spurs, spoke withConcord News Radio on his future in the NBA and said he is still looking for a team next season and is hoping an opportunity will open up.

When it came to re-signing with the Spurs, Bonner said there hasn't been any movement on either side to re-upping with the team and admits he probably won't be with San Antonio next season.

"Currently they haven't signed me. Unless something changes going into the season, I'm probably not going to be with the Spurs."
Bonner was part of the Spurs' 2007, and 2014 championship runs. He averaged 5.5 points, 2.9 rebounds and shot 41 percent form the 3-point line during his run with San Antonio.

A fan-favorite for most of his time in San Antonio, Bonner kept fans entertained with his "Sandwich Hunter" blog, representing the Spurs at the 2013 NBA All-Star 3-point Shootout and hilarious "Coach B" series. But with the Spurs transitioning from the Tim Duncan-era and bringing in younger players, Bonner's fate in San Antonio was all but sealed.

Bonner said he still wants to play in the NBA and is hoping he and his agent will find a new team soon.
Good luck Matty! Thank for the memories. You will be missed. Especially your awesome dunks!

08-10-2016, 08:54 AM
Looks like Duncan is the reason why the team keeps matty :lol

08-10-2016, 09:00 AM

08-10-2016, 09:02 AM
Go join Dubs

08-10-2016, 09:20 AM
Parker didn't want him on the team and manipulated Pop.

08-10-2016, 09:20 AM
Go join Dubs

And become the next (and most embarrassing) Spurs Killer? Naw, good on that one.

08-10-2016, 09:21 AM
Too many young intriguing possibilities on this roster to justify Bonner at this point.

But for the Spurs, Bonner would have been out of the league years ago.

He should and (given his intelligence) probably will recognize that on the way out.

Good luck, Matt! :toast

08-10-2016, 09:27 AM
It's a cold world out there.

08-10-2016, 09:39 AM
Thank the Universe. Hoping this article is full of truth tbh

Darius Bieber
08-10-2016, 09:40 AM
Outside of the Big 3, Matt Bonner was the longest current running Spur, coming to the team in 2006 in a trade involving Rasho Nesterovic. Time flies.

08-10-2016, 09:44 AM
:pop: Don't count your chickens SpursFan.

08-10-2016, 09:50 AM
Consumate pro
Best of luck Sandwich Hunter, hope you find a team to finish your career with

As for the future.....
gotta say, his coaching skills did not look good to me in the Coach B videos. Re-visit the fundamentals Coach B and thanks for a decade of being a Spur!

08-10-2016, 10:12 AM

08-10-2016, 10:17 AM
Bonner is a good guy but it's his time to go out to the pasture.. Thanks for the laughs.

Ron Swanson
08-10-2016, 10:20 AM
Bonner is a good guy but it's his time to go out to the pasture.. Thanks for the laughs.

08-10-2016, 10:40 AM
Not one tear will be shed by any spurs fan on the planet except for maybe playbonner. This should have happened two years ago but better late than him wasting a roster spot again this year.

Keepin' it real
08-10-2016, 10:40 AM
Queue the Matt Bonner highlight reels!

08-10-2016, 10:42 AM
didn't timvp make a thread about how good bonner could be for us? :lol

08-10-2016, 10:42 AM
Queue the Matt Bonner highlight reels!

Lol at this. Especially around 3:20 or so.


baseline bum
08-10-2016, 10:54 AM
A fan-favorite for most of his time in San Antonio


08-10-2016, 10:57 AM
Good news.

But I think most fans would enjoy to still see him on the bench, as a coach or mentor of some kind. As long as he's not on the court we're okay.

He's never been one to complain or ballhog or bring anything negative to the team (outside of his play) and he seems to be a good teammate.

08-10-2016, 11:17 AM
There's something to the whole locker room chemistry and camaraderie in the locker room and on the bench. Despite the fact that Bonner didn't play a lot, he was great in terms of accepting his role, and being a great teammate. I'm sure many folks are happy he is leaving, but the overall chemistry and makeup is so different now with Timmy/Boris/Bonner gone who were all big parts in the brotherhood and makeup of the team. (just see all the photos of Manu/Patty/Bobo throughout the course of the last couple seasons)

So Bonner didn't have the biggest role on the court, but he's a vet who can be somewhat of a mentor to the younger players and even new guys who are vets (like David Lee, his former Florida team mate) to help guys understand Pop and the Spurs way. And, he always came in and did his job without complaining, and he worked his tail off to become a better defender (when he wasn't going up against guys like Z-Bo..) and added a little pump fake and nice little floater off the dribble. (seriously, why can't Danny Green learn to do that???)

08-10-2016, 11:27 AM
Good night sweet prince.................... :depressed

I now join you brothers Playblair & PlayNando :lol

08-10-2016, 11:36 AM
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lawd put your Greg Popovich penis hole

08-10-2016, 11:43 AM
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lawd put your Greg Popovich penis hole

Top 5 gay poster bro. :tu


LaMarcus Bryant
08-10-2016, 11:44 AM
Bonner should go down as an all time Spur no question. I used to hate his ass.
When it comes down to it, it is not his fault Pop over played him in his prime, RC kept re signing him.
He did the best he could when his number is called but you can't expect him to be something he was not.

He spread that fucking floor against OKC en route to a ring. He was a great team mate. He provided countless funny moments both unintentional and intentional.

I'll remember him fondly.

08-10-2016, 11:46 AM
People romanticizing Bonner. :lmao

08-10-2016, 11:48 AM
This article should of been written five years ago.. Minus the Duncan parts..

08-10-2016, 11:51 AM
If it is the end for Matty, as a Spurs fan, I wish him the best and thank him for the years of being on my favorite team. Sure, as some have said (too many times) he was not the most talented player, but he was part of locker room chemistry and well-liked by everyone. Those guys are important too. Just look at the video of the team when they met Obama. The President made that joke about the sandwich hunter and the whole team laughed, and looked for him. Unless you view the NBA as just a bunch of mercenaries (at best) and gladiators (at worst) then you got to root for a guy like Bonner. It's like not liking Patty. No matter how he plays, he's a total team guy.

LaMarcus Bryant
08-10-2016, 11:54 AM
People romanticizing Bonner. :lmao

I hated his ass more than people hate parker now.
But I realized my ire was misdirected.
It was RCs fault for signing him to the big bucks and Pops fault for playing him heavy minutes in the Dark Era.

Not Matt's.

08-10-2016, 11:54 AM
Someone need to create a slow mo Bonner highlight reel with "My Way" as the audio.


08-10-2016, 11:54 AM
This article should of been written nine years ago.. As soon as his plane arrived to San Antonio..
Fixed :tu

LaMarcus Bryant
08-10-2016, 11:54 AM
If it is the end for Matty, as a Spurs fan, I wish him the best and thank him for the years of being on my favorite team. Sure, as some have said (too many times) he was not the most talented player, but he was part of locker room chemistry and well-liked by everyone. Those guys are important too. Just look at the video of the team when they met Obama. The President made that joke about the sandwich hunter and the whole team laughed, and looked for him. Unless you view the NBA as just a bunch of mercenaries (at best) and gladiators (at worst) then you got to root for a guy like Bonner. It's like not liking Patty. No matter how he plays, he's a total team guy.


08-10-2016, 11:55 AM
Patty is fire in the playoffs though...

08-10-2016, 11:55 AM
Good night sweet prince.................... :depressed

I now join you brothers Playblair & PlayNando :lol
Send me the password before you leave, need to make threads again :)

08-10-2016, 11:56 AM

08-10-2016, 12:12 PM
Subway needs to get Bonner to be their spokesman now that Jared's serving time. :lol

Ha. No damn way. There are enough dumbasses in the world that would see the commercial and then see Bonner on the street and think he was Jarred.
That's probably going to be a hard spot to fill.

Unless on every commercial, they add a box on the screen saying, "this spokesman is not the pedophile from the earlier commercials".
But then that might not be great for sales.

08-10-2016, 12:14 PM
Another blow to unathletic white guys in the NBA...a sad day (speaking as one).

08-10-2016, 12:38 PM
Matt Bonner Basketball :depressed

offset formation
08-10-2016, 12:55 PM
Parker didn't want him on the team and manipulated Pop.

Underrated post.

08-10-2016, 01:04 PM

08-10-2016, 01:09 PM
Parker didn't want him on the team and manipulated Pop.
:lol this is funny

08-10-2016, 01:11 PM
Good night sweet prince.................... :depressed

I now join you brothers Playblair & PlayNando :lol


08-10-2016, 01:14 PM
Pop's inside guy finally got that blackmail material taken care of. Bonner has nothing now!

08-10-2016, 01:15 PM
Another blow to unathletic white guys in the NBA...a sad day (speaking as one).

What team do you play for fam?

Sean Cagney
08-10-2016, 02:10 PM
Good news.

But I think most fans would enjoy to still see him on the bench, as a coach or mentor of some kind. As long as he's not on the court we're okay.

He's never been one to complain or ballhog or bring anything negative to the team (outside of his play) and he seems to be a good teammate.

All true, as long as he is not on the court we are good. Coach or Mentor would suit him just fine at this point.

08-10-2016, 02:24 PM
Pop's inside guy finally got that blackmail material taken care of. Bonner has nothing now!

:pop: I told him, "Matty, you can leave walking or you can leave in a box".

08-10-2016, 02:29 PM

Spur Bank
08-10-2016, 02:32 PM
As for the future.....
gotta say, his coaching skills did not look good to me in the Coach B videos.

NameLess Scrub
08-10-2016, 02:35 PM
Bonner should go down as an all time Spur no question. I used to hate his ass.
When it comes down to it, it is not his fault Pop over played him in his prime, RC kept re signing him.
He did the best he could when his number is called but you can't expect him to be something he was not.

He spread that fucking floor against OKC en route to a ring. He was a great team mate. He provided countless funny moments both unintentional and intentional.

I'll remember him fondly.

I'll remember him as a symbol of how lucky tall guys could be.

Keepin' it real
08-10-2016, 02:37 PM

I don't condone that remark, but I don't condemn it either.

08-10-2016, 02:37 PM
Another TOSB bites the dust in the Spurs offseason youth movement :tu..

Hopefully LMA is only the oldest Spur around (33 yo) by summer 2018..

08-10-2016, 02:42 PM
Looks like Duncan is the reason why the team keeps matty :lol

Yeah he was actually really important to Duncan and the Spurs the last 3 or so years. He was someone that knew the system, could be an extra big to utilize during the regular season when Duncan was either sitting out games, or having his minutes managed, all while not having a problem taking a lesser role come playoff time. Plus he was liked in the locker room. I hated when he was starting back in the 2010ish time frame, but that isn't his fault. The team was just not as good or deep as it is now. I respect Bonner and am grateful for him giving his all and always being a team first guy. Hope he can come coach for the Spurs when his career is over.

08-10-2016, 02:43 PM
I'll remember him as a symbol of how lucky tall guys could be.

Until him, I didn't know they stacked shit that high, tbh.

08-10-2016, 02:57 PM
Bonner is a legend. needs his jersey in the rafters. Def X FACTOR for those championship years

08-10-2016, 03:00 PM
David Lee shall go criticism-free just for kicking Bonner off the team, tbh

08-10-2016, 03:14 PM
Top 5 gay poster bro. :tu

What do I need to do to be number 1? I'm down for anything, wink wink


08-10-2016, 03:15 PM
David Lee shall go criticism-free just for kicking Bonner off the team, tbh

08-10-2016, 03:26 PM
Bye Felicia

08-10-2016, 03:48 PM
fan favorite? fuck that... been hoping for this day for almost a decade! thank you lord!

T Park
08-10-2016, 04:32 PM

No idea whats supposed to be funny, hes extremely popular in SA. Only on this message board of troglodytes is he un popular.

T Park
08-10-2016, 04:35 PM
People on this board, have some thing against Bonner I've never understood.

Hes popular with the team because hes incredibly smart, was always a hard worker, and easily, the most loved and popular guy in the locker room with every single player that came through. The reason Bonner stayed last year as opposed to Butler, is because the team wouldve been PISSED had he been let go.

He was also extremely popular in SA.

facts are inconvenient here however.

08-10-2016, 04:48 PM
People on this board, have some thing against Bonner I've never understood.

Hes popular with the team because hes incredibly smart, was always a hard worker, and easily, the most loved and popular guy in the locker room with every single player that came through. The reason Bonner stayed last year as opposed to Butler, is because the team wouldve been PISSED had he been let go.

He was also extremely popular in SA.

facts are inconvenient here however.

Popularity doesnt equate to production. The changing of the guards has already started with duncan retiring, manu soon to be gone and a full on youth mivement occuring. At this juncture, with the evolution of the league into small ball, versatility and the potential to develop instead of popularity should dictate the filling of the end of the bench

T Park
08-10-2016, 04:51 PM
Popularity doesnt equate to production. The changing of the guards has already started with duncan retiring, manu soon to be gone and a full on youth mivement occuring. At this juncture, with the evolution of the league into small ball, versatility and the potential to develop instead of popularity should dictate the filling of the end of the bench

No one said it does.

However again, you can rip them for keeping him, thats fine, but you have to understand why they did and the reasons and not just scream "HE SUCKS"

08-10-2016, 04:55 PM
No idea whats supposed to be funny, hes extremely popular in SA. Only on this message board of troglodytes is he un popular.

No he isn't you stupid fuck. :lmao

08-10-2016, 04:57 PM
No one said it does.

However again, you can rip them for keeping him, thats fine, but you have to understand why they did and the reasons and not just scream "HE SUCKS"

I understand. I also think duncan weighed in and voiced his opinion to keep bonner.

I appreciate what he did in san antonio. Dude is a textbook professional and a joy to be around apparently. Every team needs a bonner presence in the locker room.

The spurs are fortunate enough to have those players in spades ( patty and manu for sure) so bonner's subtraction should be no problem at all from a big picture standpoint.

08-10-2016, 05:10 PM
Goodnight sweet prince. :cry

08-10-2016, 05:16 PM
Ha. No damn way. There are enough dumbasses in the world that would see the commercial and then see Bonner on the street and think he was Jarred.That's probably going to be a hard spot to fill. Unless on every commercial, they add a box on the screen saying, "this spokesman is not the pedophile from the earlier commercials".But then that might not be great for sales.True

08-10-2016, 06:01 PM
What a time to be a alive.

Bonner was overplayed for a chunk of his Spurs career and turned to horse shit in the playoffs, but I was ok with him once he was slotted into his correct role - situational bigman, at very very best the 2nd big off the bench. He had high value in that role and in today's NBA, that's a coveted role. You could probably argue that if Bonner started his career 10 years later, he would be getting some big $$$.

08-10-2016, 06:42 PM
hope bonner is correct. He sucks.

08-10-2016, 06:55 PM
I understand. I also think duncan weighed in and voiced his opinion to keep bonner.

I appreciate what he did in san antonio. Dude is a textbook professional and a joy to be around apparently. Every team needs a bonner presence in the locker room.

The spurs are fortunate enough to have those players in spades ( patty and manu for sure) so bonner's subtraction should be no problem at all from a big picture standpoint.

:toast Good comment.

I think the signing of Bertans made him redundant and Bertans is possibly a better floor spacer bc of quick shot and possibly still has some upside at soon to be 24 years old. On the other hand, Anderson is the more versatile forward of the 3 and can also play the same role. So with two forwards scheduled to eat up time at that spot, why have Bonner? To take time from these two? It didn't make sense.

08-10-2016, 07:20 PM

08-10-2016, 07:27 PM
Nice guy, but good riddance. No more sentimental contracts for you.

08-10-2016, 07:42 PM
Parker didn't want him on the team and manipulated Pop.

No, you didn't... TheGreatJazz is going to have a meltdown now

99 Problems
08-10-2016, 08:01 PM
Watching him play was like grooving to my fav mixtape #Poetry. RedMamba you a champion. :bking = Champion.

08-10-2016, 08:15 PM
Nice guy, but good riddance. No more sentimental contracts for you.

08-10-2016, 08:55 PM

08-10-2016, 10:25 PM

How does it feel, bruh?

Tbh the team will probably bring him back in March when Bertans inevitably gets benched.

08-10-2016, 10:30 PM
How does it feel, bruh?

Tbh the team will probably bring him back in March when Bertans inevitably gets benched.

Like Ring #6, tbh. But yeah, I'm not truly convinced the guy is gone for good.

08-11-2016, 12:56 AM
How does it feel, bruh?

Tbh the team will probably bring him back in March when Bertans inevitably gets benched.
:lol You made me smile bc I know it will be in coach Pop's mind. Bonner wants to keep playing though. He wasn't ready to hang them up. Maybe he's picked up somewhere...

08-11-2016, 01:05 AM
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lawd put your Greg Popovich penis hole This is some sick shit! :lol

Sean Cagney
08-11-2016, 01:11 AM
Bonner is a legend. needs his jersey in the rafters. Def X FACTOR for those championship years

Yep, considering he played a lot less during the championship years (07 especially) you are right, when used correctly and glued to the bench a lot more the team was able to win a title! He was the real MVP by not even playing much.

08-11-2016, 01:12 AM
Tbh the team will probably bring him back in March when Bertans inevitably gets benched.

SpurPadre had the best orgasm of his life. Dont ruin it

08-11-2016, 01:21 AM

08-11-2016, 03:00 AM

His Jersey will hang in Pop's Office. All hail Matt Bonner.

What is dead may never die!

08-11-2016, 03:01 AM

99 Problems
08-11-2016, 07:28 AM
Yer remember that game where he dunked. :toast

08-11-2016, 07:29 AM
People on this board, have some thing against Bonner I've never understood.

Hes popular with the team because hes incredibly smart, was always a hard worker, and easily, the most loved and popular guy in the locker room with every single player that came through. The reason Bonner stayed last year as opposed to Butler, is because the team wouldve been PISSED had he been let go.

He was also extremely popular in SA.

facts are inconvenient here however.

Yup. This board has become so ignorant and overrun with immature tools.
No one said he's this highly productive player, but the guy was important to the overall chemistry and in the lockerroom. And people's hate goes so deep, they don't even realize the strides he made in his game and how he was actually effective in the minutes he got

08-11-2016, 08:10 AM
Parker didn't want him on the team and manipulated Pop.

NameLess Scrub
08-11-2016, 08:22 AM
Nice guy, but good riddance. No more sentimental contracts for you.

Basically this. Not a hater of the guy, but making millions out of being a nice pal to the roster, wearing suits and playing a little is a heck of a deal. So it's more like I'm not sorry for him nor will miss him. I understand it was hard to consider letting him go for Butler though.

NameLess Scrub
08-11-2016, 08:24 AM
:lol You made me smile bc I know it will be in coach Pop's mind. Bonner wants to keep playing though. He wasn't ready to hang them up. Maybe he's picked up somewhere...

Of course he wants to keep playing $$$

I'd do the same :lol

08-11-2016, 08:33 AM
I was kind of hoping he would make the roster simply because of all the wrist slitting it would have generated among some of the playerfanboys here.

08-11-2016, 01:55 PM
I was kind of hoping he would make the roster simply because of all the wrist slitting it would have generated among some of the playerfanboys here.

Are there really playerfans for bonner? this is ridiculous. Just like the poster above said.... bonner is more than likely a great dude but is that worth millions? are the spurs looking to soend millions on great dudes who dont contribute on the court or millions on actual rotational players?

08-11-2016, 01:57 PM
this has seriously been a long time coming. Dude shouldve been cut prior to his season where he was our starting center.

08-11-2016, 02:02 PM
The end of an era. It will feel weird, seeing the team without him beeing there. :(

08-11-2016, 08:49 PM
Are there really playerfans for bonner? this is ridiculous. Just like the poster above said.... bonner is more than likely a great dude but is that worth millions? are the spurs looking to soend millions on great dudes who dont contribute on the court or millions on actual rotational players?

No, I'm talking about people who freaked out because Bonner was on the roster, taking up that fifteenth spot.

08-11-2016, 09:33 PM
Good guy but we've all had enough.

08-11-2016, 11:32 PM
Bonner is responsible for a lot of the intangibles and locker room camaraderie y'all civilians will never understand. Def retired jersey contender. Sad day for the franchise. SALUTE TO THE RED ROCKET AKA RED MAMBA

DeRozan m8
08-11-2016, 11:44 PM
This c*nt gone yet?

T Park
08-11-2016, 11:45 PM
Yup. This board has become so ignorant and overrun with immature tools.
No one said he's this highly productive player, but the guy was important to the overall chemistry and in the lockerroom. And people's hate goes so deep, they don't even realize the strides he made in his game and how he was actually effective in the minutes he got

And despite what the scum sucking basement dwellers say, he was very popular in San Antonio. His jersey sales were higher than Danny Green's two years ago

DeRozan m8
08-12-2016, 03:14 AM
Cool, we get it, he's a good locker room guy....so employ him as a coach or something.

He can do that shit without taking up a spot

08-12-2016, 09:31 AM
Cool, we get it, he's a good locker room guy....so employ him as a coach or something.

He can do that shit without taking up a spot

Curious, do you think whoever gets that 15th roster spot will be a significant difference maker and be a guy who will make or break our chances of being a title contender?

08-12-2016, 09:38 AM
And despite what the scum sucking basement dwellers say, he was very popular in San Antonio. His jersey sales were higher than Danny Green's two years ago

Yes, we all know you're a huge faggot.

08-12-2016, 10:40 AM
I'm willing to bet the Toronto Raptors will bring him back.

08-12-2016, 11:34 AM
I never understood the misguided hate for Bonner. He was an 'end of the bench guy' that was a good teammate and could occasionally come in and play within the system. Obviously Pop/RC and the big 3 thought enough about Bonner to keep him on the team.

08-12-2016, 12:08 PM
And despite what the scum sucking basement dwellers say, he was very popular in San Antonio. His jersey sales were higher than Danny Green's two years ago

Had no idea.. I knew he was popular, but sheesh. :tu The love Boban got, was the same kind of love it seemed Bonner would get when he came in and scored and the crowd loved it.

I get why people are glad he is not here, maybe they some how think another end of bench guy would boost our chances at a title. I just never got the hate the guy gets. It makes 0 sense

T Park
08-12-2016, 01:28 PM
Yes, we all know you're a huge faggot.

Keep with the homophobic slurs. It'll over come your inadequecies some how I'm sure.

T Park
08-12-2016, 01:29 PM
I never understood the misguided hate for Bonner. He was an 'end of the bench guy' that was a good teammate and could occasionally come in and play within the system. Obviously Pop/RC and the big 3 thought enough about Bonner to keep him on the team.

21 was a gigantic Bonner supporter. So all the message board gangsters can direct their impotent rage at him.

DeRozan m8
08-12-2016, 06:10 PM
Curious, do you think whoever gets that 15th roster spot will be a significant difference maker and be a guy who will make or break our chances of being a title contender?


But I'd rather someone who can at least get on the court occasionally and do anything.

Bonner should have f*cked off instead of getting rid of Butler.


08-12-2016, 06:32 PM

But I'd rather someone who can at least get on the court occasionally and do anything.

Bonner should have f*cked off instead of getting rid of Butler.


You mean like the 2014 WCF?

I guess that my thing, in the limited minutes he got, he was usually productive, just as Butler was in his limited minutes. Difference being the position they played and the fact that we had no consistent/strong backup to Kawhi

08-13-2016, 08:02 AM

08-13-2016, 10:46 AM
So nobody is starting a RIP Bonner thread to avoid a jinx?

08-13-2016, 03:05 PM
Good night sweet prince.................... :depressed

I now join you brothers Playblair & PlayNando :lol


2nd best front court in spurs history.............................


08-13-2016, 03:07 PM

2nd best front court in spurs history.............................

:lol the sig makes this shit funnier

08-13-2016, 03:08 PM
:lol the sig makes this shit funnier

Zach looks 7 foot tall there. :lol

08-13-2016, 03:09 PM
Zach looks 7 foot tall there. :lol

08-13-2016, 07:30 PM

2nd best front court in spurs history.............................

http://cdn1.sbnation.com/imported_assets/1019241/san-antonio-spurs-dejuan-blair-matt-bonner_medium.jpg.those guns though...........

08-13-2016, 11:44 PM
Matt Bonner: 'I'm probably not going to be with the Spurs'

:lol Matty trying the reverse-jinx.

08-14-2016, 06:53 PM
Matt Bonner made millions in the nba. Good for him. Sad people say this is where the best in the world play.

08-14-2016, 07:04 PM

2nd best front court in spurs history.............................



08-14-2016, 07:47 PM
Bonner is responsible for a lot of the intangibles and locker room camaraderie y'all civilians will never understand. Def retired jersey contender. Sad day for the franchise. SALUTE TO THE RED ROCKET AKA RED MAMBA

Retired jersey contender. I almost bit on that troll-bait.

Play Boban
08-14-2016, 07:57 PM
He probably wants to get out before Tony steals his significant other...

08-16-2016, 10:10 AM
Always liked Bonner but yeah his time is done. Much like RJ I think he gets a worse rep then deserved on this board...

Spur Bank
08-16-2016, 12:15 PM
Much like RJ I think he gets a worse rep then deserved on this board...
Despite their very different personalities and salaries, I'd say that's an excellent comparison.

The VAST difference in Bonner's popularity between this board and my real-life experience, I'm theorizing, is due to my existence of being in a mostly white-bred professional office setting. I think those of us who are from the WASPy, male, middle class and white background are going to identify with and appreciate the guy who came from a similar background and made the most of his height and talent to succeed in the NBA, whereas this board has more of the traditional south Texas Latino culture and, speaking very generally here, prefers their heroes to be more of the athletic, gunslinging, superhuman type.

Bonner's contributions (real or supposed) to the team are more subtle, as evidenced by the classic argument here of the positive-connotation references to his advanced plus/minus, win shares, etc, and the negative-connotation references to "he spaces the floor." There are arguments to be made both ways, so it largely comes down to, who do we identify with? Us office folk totally identify with him, and the non-office types don't.

08-16-2016, 12:34 PM
Despite their very different personalities and salaries, I'd say that's an excellent comparison.

The VAST difference in Bonner's popularity between this board and my real-life experience, I'm theorizing, is due to my existence of being in a mostly white-bred professional office setting. I think those of us who are from the WASPy, male, middle class and white background are going to identify with and appreciate the guy who came from a similar background and made the most of his height and talent to succeed in the NBA, whereas this board has more of the traditional south Texas Latino culture and, speaking very generally here, prefers their heroes to be more of the athletic, gunslinging, superhuman type.

Bonner's contributions (real or supposed) to the team are more subtle, as evidenced by the classic argument here of the positive-connotation references to his advanced plus/minus, win shares, etc, and the negative-connotation references to "he spaces the floor." There are arguments to be made both ways, so it largely comes down to, who do we identify with? Us office folk totally identify with him, and the non-office types don't.

Well said.

08-16-2016, 12:55 PM
It was just a matter of time, tbh..White American basketball players are obsolete, there's a reason the % of them has declined by nearly 30% in the past 25 years or so..PC aside, it just isn't their sport, and there are very few that are effective NBA players..

As for Bonner, I've always been a fan and defended him here, the hate has been excessive..he was asked to play a role that he shouldn't have been playing(#2 big), which is the fault of Pop and the front office..he was a great, high-impact regular season player that consistently failed in the playoffs, mostly due to his designated role..

At the time, he was a very unique player in the NBA, a stretch big with high impact that was only recognized by numbers-oriented fans..also, unlike guys like Ryan Anderson, Matty was never a defensive liability, which was another uncommon trait for a primarily shooting big man..he suffered from negative perception due to his appearance, tbh..stylistically, he'll go down as the 2nd or 3rd most influential Spurs player of this era, only behind Manu(and maybe Parker) IMO..

08-16-2016, 01:05 PM
Despite their very different personalities and salaries, I'd say that's an excellent comparison.

The VAST difference in Bonner's popularity between this board and my real-life experience, I'm theorizing, is due to my existence of being in a mostly white-bred professional office setting. I think those of us who are from the WASPy, male, middle class and white background are going to identify with and appreciate the guy who came from a similar background and made the most of his height and talent to succeed in the NBA, whereas this board has more of the traditional south Texas Latino culture and, speaking very generally here, prefers their heroes to be more of the athletic, gunslinging, superhuman type.

Bonner's contributions (real or supposed) to the team are more subtle, as evidenced by the classic argument here of the positive-connotation references to his advanced plus/minus, win shares, etc, and the negative-connotation references to "he spaces the floor." There are arguments to be made both ways, so it largely comes down to, who do we identify with? Us office folk totally identify with him, and the non-office types don't.

I guess you haven't been on this board long or not familiar with different cultures but most of the 'traditional south Texas Latino' population do not identify with the athletic, gunslinging, superhuman type. Rather we prefer the team-oriented, ball sharing, sum of the parts is greater than the whole mentality that the Spurs organization (and international basketball) offers. If Bonner is the type of player that the white-bred professional office setting idolizes then perhaps you need to higher aspirations. Bonners play was efficient. The type of effort that a coach could expect every night. Far from spectacular or an X Factor.
This comes from an highly-educated, intelligent, academia type.

08-16-2016, 01:26 PM
stylistically, he'll go down as the 2nd or 3rd most influential Spurs player of this era, only behind Manu(and maybe Parker) IMO..

I'd argue that he's easily the most influential player of the past 20 years. No joke. Only Spur who's close is Manu.

Spur Bank
08-16-2016, 01:34 PM
I guess you haven't been on this board long or not familiar with different cultures
Hard to say. I lived in San Antonio for a decade and live in Brooklyn now, in a heavily Spanish-speaking area. I feel like I have a lot of exposure to Latino cultures but who's to say.

Rather we prefer the team-oriented, ball sharing, sum of the parts is greater than the whole mentality that the Spurs organization (and international basketball) offers.
Your statement in a vacuum makes sense. But in the context of the thread, doesn't that preference describe Matt Bonner to a T? And if so, why the disparity between this board and my in-person San Antonio experience?

If Bonner is the type of player that the white-bred professional office setting idolizes then perhaps you need to higher aspirations.
Haha, nice try, but my text of "identifies with and appreciates" doesn't quite equate to "idolozies." Given your self-description of being a highly-educated, intelligent, academia type, I suspect you threw that shady logic-bender in on purpose.

UNT Eagles 2016
08-16-2016, 01:44 PM
Bonner's contributions (real or supposed) to the team are more subtle, as evidenced by the classic argument here of the positive-connotation references to his advanced plus/minus, win shares, etc, and the negative-connotation references to "he spaces the floor." There are arguments to be made both ways, so it largely comes down to, who do we identify with? Us office folk totally identify with him, and the non-office types don't.
So Bonner is our Jason Witten?

08-17-2016, 01:36 AM
I think Spurs version of Diaw 2.0 is the most aesthetically pleasing stretch forward type Spurs had when I started watching Spurs. He was my favorite. It's no surprise the pupil Anderson captured my heart. :toastLol

Compared to that: meh. Bon bon had no flair, he's not fluid at all in anything. One of the most awkward looking athletes save Austin Daye. I am not a fan of the high flying superman types myself. Not a huge fan of Simmons fir example bc I don't care for the dunks unless he shows me something else like Kawhi who shows me different stuff all the time.

Anyways, I like intelligent crafty players and Bonner just stands in the wing ready to wind up for two seconds and shoot. He was ok in a very limited role but he's not pleasant to the eye.

He's a nice and funny quirky guy though. Bonner the person can't be disliked I think.

Sean Cagney
08-17-2016, 02:08 AM
I think Spurs version of Diaw 2.0 is the most aesthetically pleasing stretch forward type Spurs had when I started watching Spurs. He was my favorite. It's no surprise the pupil Anderson captured my heart. :toastLol

Compared to that: meh. Bon bon had no flair, he's not fluid at all in anything. One of the most awkward looking athletes save Austin Daye. I am not a fan of the high flying superman types myself. Not a huge fan of Simmons fir example bc I don't care for the dunks unless he shows me something else like Kawhi who shows me different stuff all the time.

Anyways, I like intelligent crafty players and Bonner just stands in the wing ready to wind up for two seconds and shoot. He was ok in a very limited role but he's not pleasant to the eye.

He's a nice and funny quirky guy though. Bonner the person can't be disliked I think.

This and this..... Good post.

08-17-2016, 05:59 AM
Despite their very different personalities and salaries, I'd say that's an excellent comparison.

The VAST difference in Bonner's popularity between this board and my real-life experience, I'm theorizing, is due to my existence of being in a mostly white-bred professional office setting. I think those of us who are from the WASPy, male, middle class and white background are going to identify with and appreciate the guy who came from a similar background and made the most of his height and talent to succeed in the NBA, whereas this board has more of the traditional south Texas Latino culture and, speaking very generally here, prefers their heroes to be more of the athletic, gunslinging, superhuman type.

Bonner's contributions (real or supposed) to the team are more subtle, as evidenced by the classic argument here of the positive-connotation references to his advanced plus/minus, win shares, etc, and the negative-connotation references to "he spaces the floor." There are arguments to be made both ways, so it largely comes down to, who do we identify with? Us office folk totally identify with him, and the non-office types don't.

I'm not white an I've always loved Bonner! I have his jersey an everything..... Like I've always said "He's my white brotha from anotha motha motha "

08-17-2016, 09:41 AM
It was just a matter of time, tbh..White American basketball players are obsolete, there's a reason the % of them has declined by nearly 30% in the past 25 years or so..PC aside, it just isn't their sport, and there are very few that are effective NBA players..

As for Bonner, I've always been a fan and defended him here, the hate has been excessive..he was asked to play a role that he shouldn't have been playing(#2 big), which is the fault of Pop and the front office..he was a great, high-impact regular season player that consistently failed in the playoffs, mostly due to his designated role..

At the time, he was a very unique player in the NBA, a stretch big with high impact that was only recognized by numbers-oriented fans..also, unlike guys like Ryan Anderson, Matty was never a defensive liability, which was another uncommon trait for a primarily shooting big man..he suffered from negative perception due to his appearance, tbh..stylistically, he'll go down as the 2nd or 3rd most influential Spurs player of this era, only behind Manu(and maybe Parker) IMO..

The problem with all that is that the ONLY role that Bonner fit was "energy guy off the bench". He could come in and battle for a few boards, drop a couple of 3-pointers, and help change the momentum of a sagging game. He clearly wasn't starter caliber. He was VERY awkward when he put the ball on the floor. He wasn't very good at posting up other players, even when he had what should have been a mis-match. He wasn't an exceptional passer like Diaw. (He wasn't awful, he just didn't create offense with his passing like Bobo.) He was an adequate defender against other bench players, but no more than adequate. You can't even think about arguing that he was a force on the defensive end, and he didn't have great foot speed for staying in front of smaller, quick players.

You're absolutely right that casting him as the #2 big was a king-sized fuckup by PATFO. But before that, he had been that "energy guy off the bench", who averaged about 12 minutes and 5 points per game. That role was perfect for him. But it's hard to make a case for a guy like that being the 2nd or 3rd most influential player - unless you're counting the fact that the years that Bonner played the biggest role were also the worst years of the Duncan era. If the Spurs had a better player in that role, they would have been a better team - but Bonner would also been a 12 minute per game extra. Any way you slice it, Bonner was NOT a major contributor to Spurs success. Contributor? At times. But not major. It would be a lot easier to make the case that when Bonner played the biggest role, the Spurs were the least successful. It's kind of hard to read that as positive.

08-17-2016, 06:58 PM
Bonner was seriously the worst playoff choker this team had in the Tim Duncan era. His only saving grace was he showed up for a few games during the 2014 run. Outside of that the guy has been fool's gold for much of his run in SA.

08-17-2016, 08:54 PM

Not only is the Duncan-era over, the Bonner-era may be over in San Antonio.
With the San Antonio Spurs roster pretty much at max, the odd man out heading into next season is free agent forward Matt Bonner.

Bonner, who spent 10 seasons with the Spurs, spoke withConcord News Radio on his future in the NBA and said he is still looking for a team next season and is hoping an opportunity will open up.

When it came to re-signing with the Spurs, Bonner said there hasn't been any movement on either side to re-upping with the team and admits he probably won't be with San Antonio next season.

"Currently they haven't signed me. Unless something changes going into the season, I'm probably not going to be with the Spurs."
Bonner was part of the Spurs' 2007, and 2014 championship runs. He averaged 5.5 points, 2.9 rebounds and shot 41 percent form the 3-point line during his run with San Antonio.

A fan-favorite for most of his time in San Antonio, Bonner kept fans entertained with his "Sandwich Hunter" blog, representing the Spurs at the 2013 NBA All-Star 3-point Shootout and hilarious "Coach B" series. But with the Spurs transitioning from the Tim Duncan-era and bringing in younger players, Bonner's fate in San Antonio was all but sealed.

Bonner said he still wants to play in the NBA and is hoping he and his agent will find a new team soon.
Good luck Matty! Thank for the memories. You will be missed. Especially your awesome dunks!

Finally, Pop, you moron.

And Bonner ain't no fucking fan favourite...

09-16-2016, 04:34 PM
did he sign with a team yet?

UNT Eagles 2016
09-16-2016, 05:13 PM
Bonbon :(

09-16-2016, 08:51 PM
It would be nice if he settled for a job on the Spurs' staff... having someone around with his personality is a good thing...

09-16-2016, 08:52 PM
Mtfkr wanted a contract with the Celtics. :lmao

09-17-2016, 01:48 PM

09-17-2016, 01:49 PM
Mtfkr wanted a contract with the Celtics. :lmao

How is that funny?

09-17-2016, 01:51 PM

09-17-2016, 03:39 PM
Finally, Pop, you moron.

And Bonner ain't no fucking fan favourite...

Bonner is most definitely a fan favorite. The small population here that consistently hates on the guy doesn't represent the entire fanbase

09-17-2016, 03:59 PM
I live in SA. No one gives a shit about Matt Bonner.

T Park
09-17-2016, 08:17 PM
I live in SA. No one gives a shit about Matt Bonner.

Uh false. His jersey is sold in the gift shop, regularly worn by fans, and gets A very loud ovation when he comes in.

Obi Juan Kenobi
09-17-2016, 09:27 PM
Bonner is the blue collar everyday man that people can relate to...the weekend warrior non freakish athlete...

09-19-2016, 05:56 PM
I always thought it was a tangible honor that Bonner's teammates and coaches all gave him praise for his skills and his attitude as a teammate. Willing to do the job/minutes he was given without bitching or whining and doing it to the best of his ability. There were years when his ability to make the 3pt shot meant a lot to the team, even beyond the points. I have a lot of respect for the man because he was a hard working competitor and good teammate.

When your teammates and coaches are behind you, you can pretty much ignore the asshole wannabe critics. So thanks for all your efforts, Red Mamba. Like a lot of Spur warriors you will leave the floor but not be forgotten.

DeRozan m8
09-19-2016, 06:52 PM
As stoked as I am Bonner looks like going, its somewhat hampered by the new overstaying dud, Mr Anderson.

09-19-2016, 06:59 PM
Uh false. His jersey is sold in the gift shop, regularly worn by fans, and gets A very loud ovation when he comes in.

I mean someone is going to guy those shirts. In comparison to the other jerseys, he doesn't. No one in the fucking Spurs media even gave a shit about Matt.

09-19-2016, 07:02 PM
As stoked as I am Bonner looks like going, its somewhat hampered by the new overstaying dud, Mr Anderson.


Anderson has only been in the league 2 years, and is still on his rookie contract. This will be the first year we will legitimately know if he is worth committing to or not.

That's a far cry from a guy who has managed to stick around the team for a decade based on being a "cool dude".

09-19-2016, 10:42 PM
Bonner is most definitely a fan favorite. The small population here that consistently hates on the guy doesn't represent the entire fanbase

Bonner sucks Pop's dick for a mil in NBA

foodstammps a year.

Bonner ain't no one's fucking favorite.

Except for fags.

DeRozan m8
09-19-2016, 11:18 PM

Anderson has only been in the league 2 years, and is still on his rookie contract. This will be the first year we will legitimately know if he is worth committing to or not.

That's a far cry from a guy who has managed to stick around the team for a decade based on being a "cool dude".

Seen enough of Anderson, he brings nothing on an average day.

Does a cool pass once in a while, who cares?

09-20-2016, 08:56 AM
Bonner sucks Pop's dick for a mil in NBA

foodstammps a year.

Bonner ain't no one's fucking favorite.

Except for fags.

lolz... this is what many of the spurstalks discussions have turned in to... :shootme

most people who pay attention and are aware know

UNT Eagles 2016
09-20-2016, 10:13 AM
i like a good bonner as the 14th/15th guy

kyle anderson on the other hand .... pass

It's crazy how the ugliest guy on the team attracts the only female poster on this message board.

Spur Bank
09-20-2016, 08:08 PM
There's actually an ESPN blurb today about his non-signing. Not much of interest in the article though.


09-20-2016, 10:26 PM
There's actually an ESPN blurb today about his non-signing. Not much of interest in the article though.


He can't con his way onto another team, tbh.

Sean Cagney
09-20-2016, 11:16 PM
He can't con his way onto another team, tbh.

Your right, only the Spurs were dumb enough to hold on to him well past his days, they even released Butler over him when he was not getting any mins at all lol. Most teams would have ditched him a few years back :lol.

Ed Helicopter Jones
09-21-2016, 12:00 PM
He might be a better option than Lee/Dedmon.

09-21-2016, 12:24 PM
I remember I was sitting behind someone at ATT center who was wearing a Bonner jersey, and I was like "WTF".

09-22-2016, 04:23 AM
He might be a better option than Lee/Dedmon.

Forgot the blue font?

09-22-2016, 08:23 AM
Your right, only the Spurs were dumb enough to hold on to him well past his days, they even released Butler over him when he was not getting any mins at all lol. Most teams would have ditched him a decade back :lol.
Fixed :lol

UNT Eagles 2016
09-22-2016, 09:34 AM
He might be a better option than Lee/Dedmon.

Dedmon is a defensive stopper at the rim, so no.

Sean Cagney
09-22-2016, 08:01 PM
Fixed :lol

T Park
09-24-2016, 10:35 PM
I mean someone is going to guy those shirts. In comparison to the other jerseys, he doesn't. No one in the fucking Spurs media even gave a shit about Matt.

He was one of the more interviewed players wtf are you babbling about?

09-24-2016, 10:44 PM
He was one of the more interviewed players wtf are you babbling about?

Making sandwiches brah. :lmao

And no, actual basketball media relations didn't give a shit about sandwich guy. :lmao

09-25-2016, 10:24 AM
I had a nightmare that he was starting for us in our home opener vs. NEW ORLEANS. :lol

09-26-2016, 02:43 PM
Every time I see this thread show up on the front page, I'm terrified it's news that he's re-signed with us.

09-29-2016, 09:07 PM
Seen enough of Anderson, he brings nothing on an average day.

Does a cool pass once in a while, who cares?

09-29-2016, 09:13 PM
Every time I see this thread show up on the front page, I'm terrified it's news that he's re-signed with us.
Okay, I laughed my ass off at that because that's exactly my thought process also.

It's that inhale while thinking "fucking hell!".

09-29-2016, 09:32 PM
Every time I see this thread show up on the front page, I'm terrified it's news that he's re-signed with us.

:lol after every cut this thread should be bumped just for shock value.

09-29-2016, 10:00 PM
I'm just waiting for Matt Bonner basketball to sign elsewhere. Would be cool if it were Boston, just for the comedic relief. I love dat nigga mang.

09-29-2016, 10:02 PM
:lol after every cut this thread should be bumped just for shock value.

09-30-2016, 02:26 AM
RC plz :depressed

09-30-2016, 06:51 PM

09-30-2016, 07:35 PM


09-30-2016, 08:17 PM
I won't believe it until I see the wooden stake.

12-05-2016, 02:58 PM

Dude still begging..smh..

William Hung
12-05-2016, 03:00 PM
Today's Matt Bonner :lol

12-05-2016, 03:15 PM

12-05-2016, 07:41 PM
I miss Bonner, tbh..this team isn't as entertaining without him on the bench..