View Full Version : Too soon?

09-01-2016, 05:13 PM
http://s.quickmeme.com/img/6e/6e226e275d44769f16b681c7202950110bb45e0f5f131fcb59 7fce00adf5e1eb.jpg

Can we make fun of Scalia's legacy yet?

09-01-2016, 05:15 PM

09-01-2016, 05:31 PM


It was funny seeing/reading about Chinese regarding him with great regard, especially.

09-01-2016, 10:16 PM
http://s.quickmeme.com/img/6e/6e226e275d44769f16b681c7202950110bb45e0f5f131fcb59 7fce00adf5e1eb.jpg

Can we make fun of Scalia's legacy yet?

dude we have not replaced him yet

09-06-2016, 04:11 PM
dude we have not replaced him yet

No shit. Tell the dickhead running the senate to get off his ass and get that shit done.


09-06-2016, 04:11 PM
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/21/2190418f6c9d087c14de285ca9259aa84e6bc76e79ec6c512b a43da51f631b71.jpg

09-06-2016, 04:12 PM
while you are googling that...

09-06-2016, 04:13 PM

09-06-2016, 04:14 PM

09-06-2016, 04:16 PM

09-06-2016, 04:17 PM

09-06-2016, 04:19 PM

09-06-2016, 04:21 PM


Soooo tempting.

09-06-2016, 05:17 PM
The devolution of RandomGuy is accelerating. He'll be boutons by November.

09-06-2016, 05:19 PM

09-06-2016, 06:33 PM
The devolution of RandomGuy is accelerating. He'll be boutons by November.
Been amazing to watch the process.

09-06-2016, 06:34 PM
Been amazing to watch the process.

Dont worry, he won't catch you.

You're on a league of your own.

09-06-2016, 07:07 PM
Not sure what happened to RG but he has turned into a bitter sanctimonious prick.

09-06-2016, 07:33 PM
The devolution of RandomGuy is accelerating. He'll be boutons by November.

you dickless assholes can't handle be bitch-slapped day in and day out with often nothing more than the idiocy, insanity, sociopathy of the Repugs you elected and the judges they appointed.

09-06-2016, 07:46 PM
you seriously think your maddow/borowitz spamming is bitch slapping? :lol

09-06-2016, 08:04 PM
you seriously think your maddow/borowitz spamming is bitch slapping? :lol

sure, they both ridicule, mock, laugh at your heroes of bullshit.

09-07-2016, 12:33 PM
The devolution of RandomGuy is accelerating. He'll be boutons by November.


After years of preclearance and expansion of voting access,
by 2013 African American registration and turnout rates had
finally reached near-parity with white registration and turnout
rates. African Americans were poised to act as a major
electoral force. But, on the day after the Supreme Court issued
Shelby County v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. 2612 (2013), eliminating
preclearance obligations, a leader of the party that newly
dominated the legislature (and the party that rarely enjoyed
African American support) announced an intention to enact what
he characterized as an “omnibus” election law. Before enacting
that law, the legislature requested data on the use, by race, of
a number of voting practices. Upon receipt of the race data,
the General Assembly enacted legislation that restricted voting
and registration in five different ways, all of which
disproportionately affected African Americans.

09-07-2016, 12:35 PM
Not sure what happened to RG but he has turned into a bitter sanctimonious prick.

Um, sure.

I have gotten pretty fucking angry after the GOP's voter suppression efforts, and Trump's campaign having exposed the ugly warts on the butt of the GOP.

The steady stream of stilted, hysterical right-wing bullshit has taken its toll. One can only stomach so much bile, before getting sick.

You tell me:

What is the reasonable reaction to extremists who are willing to actively lie to get their way?

09-07-2016, 12:40 PM
Um, sure.

I have gotten pretty fucking angry after the GOP's voter suppression efforts, and Trump's campaign having exposed the ugly warts on the butt of the GOP.

The steady stream of stilted, hysterical right-wing bullshit has taken its toll. One can only stomach so much bile, before getting sick.

You tell me:

What is the reasonable reaction to extremists who are willing to actively lie to get their way?

you think hillary is any better?

09-07-2016, 12:53 PM
you think hillary is any better?

Yes, by an order of magnitude or two. Whatever her faults, she isn't a demagogue making racism acceptable by example.

Trumps ego has forced him into some real whoppers. There is no comparison. He makes Hillary look downright honest.

That says a lot.

09-07-2016, 01:23 PM
makes her look honest?

you don't smell the rat?

09-07-2016, 04:02 PM
makes her look honest?

you don't smell the rat?

Sure, some of it reeks of quid pro quo.

Now answer me this:

Who does Donald trump owe money to, and how much? (think heavy leverage on real estate, and billions net worth)

09-07-2016, 04:05 PM
For those of you who aren't accounting nerds:

Assets-liabilities= equity

If your equity is in the billions, and you have leverage, your assets have to be greater than your equity, and your debt is almost certainly on the same scale.

Trump has outlined his business model, i.e. to develop using others' money.

So, it is almost certain that his direct debt has a lot of zeros. Who does he owe it to?

Now, imagine a president with billions of dollars of direct debt owed to say... Deutsche Bank, who is violating some pretty serious US laws. Is that a serious enough conflict of interest for you?

09-07-2016, 04:06 PM
Or, for that matter, a president being sued directly for fraud. Is this person you want picking the attorney general?

09-07-2016, 04:08 PM
when is the book release?

09-07-2016, 04:08 PM
Or, for that matter, a president being sued directly for fraud. Is this person you want picking the attorney general?

It probably won't be a Mexican :lol

09-07-2016, 04:10 PM
It probably won't be a Mexican :lol


09-07-2016, 04:51 PM
Sure, some of it reeks of quid pro quo.

Now answer me this:

Who does Donald trump owe money to, and how much? (think heavy leverage on real estate, and billions net worth)

Jesus Christ, are you not paying attention to the $$$$ being raised by the Democrat/Clinton machine, and the $$$$ raked in by the Clinton Foundation, and the $$$$ "earned" by the Clintons for giving speaches, and making appearances? How many BILLIONS does that amount to. When there is recognizable quid pro quo, and there are that many dollars flying around, just how much quo is fucking due???

I'm on record as not supporting either candidate, but, on this count, to think Clinton is better than Trump? Take off the blue glasses. He's an rash, idiotic meglomaniac who might very well be beholden to outside interest. She's a maniacal, corrupt, power seeker who is beholden to financial and foreign interests, who bullied herself to the Democratic nomination. Voting against either of these candidates is legitimate, voting FOR either one is intellectually dishonest.

09-07-2016, 05:12 PM
Jesus Christ, are you not paying attention to the $$$$ being raised by the Democrat/Clinton machine, and the $$$$ raked in by the Clinton Foundation, and the $$$$ "earned" by the Clintons for giving speaches, and making appearances? How many BILLIONS does that amount to. When there is recognizable quid pro quo, and there are that many dollars flying around, just how much quo is fucking due???

I'm on record as not supporting either candidate, but, on this count, to think Clinton is better than Trump? Take off the blue glasses. He's an rash, idiotic meglomaniac who might very well be beholden to outside interest. She's a maniacal, corrupt, power seeker who is beholden to financial and foreign interests, who bullied herself to the Democratic nomination. Voting against either of these candidates is legitimate, voting FOR either one is intellectually dishonest.

(cocks eyebrow)

Hillary Clinton is "maniacal"?

Honestly, if the "quid" is donating millions to a charity that spends more than 80% of its funds on actual charity, I can probably live with that.

One doesn't have to have "blue glasses" to compare the corruption. Any candidate, including it seems, Trump has to raise funds, and lots of it. I would point out Trump has pretty much outlined his opinion on such things, which is that he himself expects quid pro quo when it comes to politicians. Easy enough to believe that he wouldn't have much objection to that flowing the other way. That makes that bit a wash, IMO.

All politicians are given money for speeches. Reagan earned millions, Bush Sr. earned millions, Clinton earned millions. This is where people tie the money for these things to access. Let's grant that. To what effect? How is that different than Trumps funds?

My point wasn't that one wasn't that much more corrupt, although the pay to play is a lot softer in terms of corruption that directly owing billions to large corporations. In my mind that is all a wash. I point it out to Trump fanboys, because it is their version of colored glasses.

What tips the scale is the stupid shit he says, and the demagoguery. Suggesting McCain is a loser for getting captured. Hinting that taking out your opponent with "2nd amendment" means is acceptable.

It is the steady drip drip drip of hate, and bile, and stupidity that comes out of the mans mind.

The fact that he advocates torture, and thinks that ordering our service members to commit war crimes pushes the scale for me. I am already opposed to the damage that drone strikes are doing, and he would go quite farther.

Add to that Trump seems to wallow in ignorance like a pig in shit, and I don't have to forgive Clinton one iota for corruption. Trump is just as corrupt.

The difference is that one can find her ass with both hands, and one... can't.

09-07-2016, 05:14 PM
Jesus Christ, are you not paying attention to the $$$$ being raised by the Democrat/Clinton machine, and the $$$$ raked in by the Clinton Foundation, and the $$$$ "earned" by the Clintons for giving speaches, and making appearances? How many BILLIONS does that amount to. When there is recognizable quid pro quo, and there are that many dollars flying around, just how much quo is fucking due???

I'm on record as not supporting either candidate, but, on this count, to think Clinton is better than Trump? Take off the blue glasses. He's an rash, idiotic meglomaniac who might very well be beholden to outside interest. She's a maniacal, corrupt, power seeker who is beholden to financial and foreign interests, who bullied herself to the Democratic nomination. Voting against either of these candidates is legitimate, voting FOR either one is intellectually dishonest.

thats the best thing you've ever written.

09-07-2016, 05:18 PM
Jesus Christ, are you not paying attention to the $$$$ being raised by the Democrat/Clinton machine, and the $$$$ raked in by the Clinton Foundation, and the $$$$ "earned" by the Clintons for giving speaches, and making appearances? How many BILLIONS does that amount to. When there is recognizable quid pro quo, and there are that many dollars flying around, just how much quo is fucking due???

I'm on record as not supporting either candidate, but, on this count, to think Clinton is better than Trump? Take off the blue glasses. He's an rash, idiotic meglomaniac who might very well be beholden to outside interest. She's a maniacal, corrupt, power seeker who is beholden to financial and foreign interests, who bullied herself to the Democratic nomination. Voting against either of these candidates is legitimate, voting FOR either one is intellectually dishonest.


Jesus Christ!! Have you not been paying attention to the total grabasstic way the moron has been running his campaign?

How many campaign leads has the guy had so far? Three?

[/end well-meant rant]

Seriously though, this is another major indicator for me. To call Trumps campaign "disorganized" is an understatement.

You want to see how someone would run things in the spotlight, his campaign should be a very obvious example. Disorganized, demoralized, and with a lot of turnover.
Sure, Trump can run a tightly-held corporation where he can make all the calls. Running a presidency that way is impossible. The US government's executive branch is 10 orders of magnitude larger than anything trump has EVER done.

09-07-2016, 05:26 PM
Seriously, look at the steady drumbeat of stupid moves yourself:


09-07-2016, 05:28 PM
Trumps campaign offers the kind of actual data and insight we should be paying attention to.

Don't take my word for yourself. Look at it. Really, truly look at it. Blow past the partisan blathering of the liberal media, and take a cold, hard look at the actions of his campaign.

Answer this:

Does his campaign appear organized? What would an organized, well-run campaign look like? What would it do?

09-07-2016, 05:51 PM
Um, sure.

I have gotten pretty fucking angry after the GOP's voter suppression efforts, and Trump's campaign having exposed the ugly warts on the butt of the GOP.

The steady stream of stilted, hysterical right-wing bullshit has taken its toll. One can only stomach so much bile, before getting sick.

You tell me:

What is the reasonable reaction to extremists who are willing to actively lie to get their way?



09-07-2016, 06:50 PM
thats the best thing you've ever written.

Thanks. But it wasn't a very high bar.

09-07-2016, 06:52 PM
Trumps campaign offers the kind of actual data and insight we should be paying attention to.

Don't take my word for yourself. Look at it. Really, truly look at it. Blow past the partisan blathering of the liberal media, and take a cold, hard look at the actions of his campaign.

Answer this:

Does his campaign appear organized? What would an organized, well-run campaign look like? What would it do?

I think you've confused me with a Trump supporter.

09-08-2016, 01:21 PM
I think you've confused me with a Trump supporter.

Not really. The question was a general one to anybody. His campaign is a shambles, and he is having a hard time attracting talent, which is dangerous for the executive branch.

09-08-2016, 01:29 PM
what constitutes for talent these days?

09-08-2016, 01:33 PM
what constitutes for talent these days?


First row right looks like Trumps foreign policy advisor...

09-08-2016, 01:37 PM
i thought you were against "looks" when it comes to people.

09-08-2016, 01:44 PM
i thought you were against "looks" when it comes to people.
he's against it or for when when it makes partisan sense

09-09-2016, 11:38 AM

Good going, SA.

09-09-2016, 03:11 PM
Yes, by an order of magnitude or two. Whatever her faults, she isn't a demagogue making racism acceptable by example.

Trumps ego has forced him into some real whoppers. There is no comparison. He makes Hillary look downright honest.

That says a lot.

I think your getting a little carried away with this...lol "order of a magnitude". Please.

What Clinton lacks in having said things on record that may be seen as racist or at least insensitive toward x minority group (and she does have that shit on record, eg. "super predators" & the fact that it was only a decade or so ago where she finally started giving a shit about gay marriage & other LGBT issues), she makes up for in her support for policies that disproportionately affect minorities (eg. prison sentencing laws, NAFTA, illegal immigration).

She's a hypocrite.

She's running as a champion of women's rights, yet she's thrown water at/silenced all the women who in the past have made accusations against Bill Clinton.

I'm not buying the narrative she's any more decent a human than Trump. I think it's bullshit. I can't believe people actually buy that BS.

09-09-2016, 03:32 PM
She is a liar of the first order and she keeps doing it - Tuesday night - again she looks straight at the camera and says on TV that classified emails are marked in the header and on and on. I guess she's trying to catch voters who haven't been paying attention and specifically haven't heard Comey go on about classified emails.

09-09-2016, 04:12 PM
he's against it or for when when it makes partisan sense



09-15-2016, 09:09 AM
I think your getting a little carried away with this...lol "order of a magnitude". Please.

What Clinton lacks in having said things on record that may be seen as racist or at least insensitive toward x minority group (and she does have that shit on record, eg. "super predators" & the fact that it was only a decade or so ago where she finally started giving a shit about gay marriage & other LGBT issues), she makes up for in her support for policies that disproportionately affect minorities (eg. prison sentencing laws, NAFTA, illegal immigration).

She's a hypocrite.

She's running as a champion of women's rights, yet she's thrown water at/silenced all the women who in the past have made accusations against Bill Clinton.

I'm not buying the narrative she's any more decent a human than Trump. I think it's bullshit. I can't believe people actually buy that BS.

Meh. Decent, not decent. I don't even have to make that argument.

Hillary is vastly more intelligent and able to grasp complex ideas, with a good deal of experience with foreign policy. Trump is a doofus.

That said:

You sidestepped my point about trump being a demogogue.

Do you think that is acceptable in a president?

09-15-2016, 09:12 AM
She is a liar of the first order and she keeps doing it - Tuesday night - again she looks straight at the camera and says on TV that classified emails are marked in the header and on and on. I guess she's trying to catch voters who haven't been paying attention and specifically haven't heard Comey go on about classified emails.


09-15-2016, 09:12 AM
Almost all politicians are demagogues.

09-15-2016, 09:13 AM
She is a liar of the first order and she keeps doing it - Tuesday night - again she looks straight at the camera and says on TV that classified emails are marked in the header and on and on. I guess she's trying to catch voters who haven't been paying attention and specifically haven't heard Comey go on about classified emails.


09-15-2016, 09:15 AM
Almost all politicians are demagogues.

To some degree. Trump takes it farther, and crosses the line into making what should be unacceptable, acceptable.

09-15-2016, 09:16 AM
Almost all politicians are demagogues.

or alternately:

Should we elect the biggest demagogue out of all the politicians to be president? Is this a qualification in your mind, or a bad thing?

09-15-2016, 09:53 AM
or alternately:

Should we elect the biggest demagogue out of all the politicians to be president? Is this a qualification in your mind, or a bad thing?

Definitely not a qualification. I still see him as a better alternative than Hillary though. I prefer leaders to be more transparent and I believe he is more transparent than Hillary.

09-15-2016, 11:30 AM
I believe he is more transparent than Hillary.

:lol non-stop lying, demagoguing, conning, suckering, hiding his medical, tax records, Trump Foundation fraud, Trump U fraud, and constantly changing positions (eg, immigration)

:lol Trash transparent? :lol

09-15-2016, 01:07 PM
holy fuck you're giving the fucking brother and sister act retard and dumb fuck ducks a real run for being the stupidest motherfucker alive.

You are normally a slobbering mouth breathing mongoloid as it is. But, man, stepping up your game to their level should make you see the need to kill yourself

I'm sorry. I thought school was back in session?!

09-15-2016, 01:29 PM
Meh. Decent, not decent. I don't even have to make that argument.

Hillary is vastly more intelligent and able to grasp complex ideas, with a good deal of experience with foreign policy. Trump is a doofus.

That said:

You sidestepped my point about trump being a demogogue.

Do you think that is acceptable in a president?

I don't think any of these pieces of shit are acceptable.

But, w/ all due respect, I didn't sidestep it so much as I ignored it for redundancy's sake, since iirc we've had this discussion before & couldn't agree on the demagoguery stuff (can't recall the thread but it probably wasn't more than 4,5 months ago). I think both parties & candidates are demagogues. Obviously, you disagree.

09-15-2016, 02:31 PM
I thought you could not be any stupider than you already were too. Just put the gun in your mouth and pull trigger already. Do the right thing.

There is a village somewhere that may or may not miss you.

09-15-2016, 03:42 PM
Most Demons are racist. Definitely 100% of the top brass. DNC colleagues shouldn't be sending racial manipulation instructions to each other.

09-15-2016, 04:59 PM
I thought you could not be any stupider than you already were too. Just put the gun in your mouth and pull trigger already. Do the right thing.

Jane, you ignorant slut. My personality profile is not at issue here, any more than is your inability to achieve orgasm. The issue is Taiwan. How can we expect to have the confidence of any free nation when we stab one of our most faithful allies in the back. I suppose you'd like to conduct our foreign policy the way you conduct your private life, hopping from bed to bed with anyone that can do you some good. Then what do you have? An old, dried-out scuzz that no decent man would be seen with. Is that what you want for America? It's too late for you, Jane, but our country still has some dignity left, you hosebag!

09-15-2016, 05:14 PM
I'm pretty sure you are wasting the references on this crowd, TLong. They aren't gonna get it.

09-15-2016, 05:24 PM
yeah, haven't thought about those skits in ages.

09-16-2016, 08:33 AM
I don't think any of these pieces of shit are acceptable.

But, w/ all due respect, I didn't sidestep it so much as I ignored it for redundancy's sake, since iirc we've had this discussion before & couldn't agree on the demagoguery stuff (can't recall the thread but it probably wasn't more than 4,5 months ago). I think both parties & candidates are demagogues. Obviously, you disagree.

Not at all what I am saying. I am saying there are varying degrees of demagogue. Some are worse than others.

So I can assume that you think it is bad, which I agree with.

Now, we just need to get at a degree. Which is worse?

09-16-2016, 08:45 AM
I'm pretty sure you are wasting the references on this crowd, TLong. They aren't gonna get it.

That never stopped me.
Just clear the throat, readjust the tie, and call it a tough crowd.

And really, if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?


09-16-2016, 08:48 AM
I'm pretty sure you are wasting the references on this crowd, TLong. They aren't gonna get it.

SNL classics? Nah. I'm pretty old.

09-16-2016, 08:55 AM
SNL classics? Nah. I'm pretty old.

We are talking about the chronological aspect of references.

I was merely referring to making juvenile references or references that only the author can piece together. I have turned this into an art form that only I can appreciate.

09-16-2016, 09:13 AM
SNL classics? Nah. I'm pretty old.

Yeah, you are a cranky old bastard...:lol

09-16-2016, 11:40 AM
The problem, you ignorant fuck, is that you aren't smart enough to realize what a worthless piece of shit you truly are. You're not alone as your sibs retard and ducks have the same problem.

The he fact that none of you can formulate even a simple thought without having it fed to you is exactly why this country has fallen so far.

Just kill yourselves, it will make the world a much better place.

Don't hold back...

09-16-2016, 11:41 AM
There is a village somewhere that may or may not miss you.

Intellectual dishonesty

Some intellectual dishonesty can be subtle. For example, relevant facts and information may be purposefully omitted when such things contradict one's hypothesis, or facts may be presented in a biased manner or twisted to give misleading impressions. Broadly speaking, any of the following behaviors would fall under intellectual dishonesty.
Arguing for a viewpoint you yourself disbelieve.
Exception: The role of devil's advocate, when consciously acted out, is not intellectually dishonest. A good devil's advocate will express the opposition's strongest arguments, and draw attention to the weaknesses of the arguments of co-thinkers. This is a valuable tool for intellectual rigour and honesty, and also helps to ward off the dangers of echo chambers and the resulting groupthink.
Deliberately ignoring facts and arguments that would undermine your position. (willful ignorance)
Knowingly using a logical fallacy.
Common forms of intellectual dishonesty include plagiarism, applying double standards, using false analogies, exaggeration and overgeneralization, presenting straw man arguments, and poisoning the well (not literally).[1]

09-16-2016, 11:46 AM
The problem, you ignorant fuck, is that you aren't smart enough to realize what a worthless piece of shit you truly are. You're not alone as your sibs retard and ducks have the same problem.

The he fact that none of you can formulate even a simple thought without having it fed to you is exactly why this country has fallen so far.

Just kill yourselves, it will make the world a much better place.You have mastered the art of expressing the simple thought :bobo

09-16-2016, 02:18 PM

It's also called trolling.

09-16-2016, 07:44 PM
Not at all what I am saying. I am saying there are varying degrees of demagogue. Some are worse than others.

So I can assume that you think it is bad, which I agree with.

Now, we just need to get at a degree. Which is worse?

It's a point we couldn't agree on in the thread I mentioned. How do you quantify it? The fact that it's even up for debate makes an effort to do so pretty hard. They're both turds of pretty equal proportions IMO in terms of demagoguery.

But beyond that, the demagoguery standard that you're putting forth is just that: a single, limited standard. I think the more you add on to it, the more even it becomes in terms which one is less shitty. Like, for instance integrity. They both suck at that. Months back, I thought Hillary had Trump on that. When the whole DNC rigging thing got exposed, I basically threw my hands up.

The system just doesn't work when there's no honesty/transparency & name-calling that clouds virtually any semblance of an exchange of ideas. Its been going on for a while now in Washington but it has truly tipped the scales at this point. It's an utter embarrassment.

09-19-2016, 10:32 AM
It's a point we couldn't agree on in the thread I mentioned. How do you quantify it? The fact that it's even up for debate makes an effort to do so pretty hard. They're both turds of pretty equal proportions IMO in terms of demagoguery.

But beyond that, the demagoguery standard that you're putting forth is just that: a single, limited standard. I think the more you add on to it, the more even it becomes in terms which one is less shitty. Like, for instance integrity. They both suck at that. Months back, I thought Hillary had Trump on that. When the whole DNC rigging thing got exposed, I basically threw my hands up.

The system just doesn't work when there's no honesty/transparency & name-calling that clouds virtually any semblance of an exchange of ideas. Its been going on for a while now in Washington but it has truly tipped the scales at this point. It's an utter embarrassment.

You seriously think that Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton would score equally by any measure on demogoguery? Their harm is somehow equal?

Really? Are you that stupid/lazy?

That is a bit like two people looking at a jar of pennies, one saying "there are a billion pennies in there", the other saying "there are a thousand pennies in there", and you saying "they are equally valid guesses"

We don't have to know how many pennies are in the jar to know that a billion pennies is a stupid guess.

If you can't tell the difference between the two, I can't help you.

wow. just wow.

09-19-2016, 10:38 AM
It's also called trolling.

(sighs heavily)

I got that. Carry on, by all means.

09-19-2016, 12:42 PM

No, he was often wrong.

baseline bum
09-19-2016, 12:53 PM
You seriously think that Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton would score equally by any measure on demogoguery? Their harm is somehow equal?

I like Nate Silver's metric.







09-19-2016, 01:07 PM
Nate is just plain sour grapes now because he pronounced Trump dead so many times during the primaries and got proven wrong over and over.

09-19-2016, 01:09 PM
I like Nate Silver's metric.







Pretty much.

I forget who said it (Samantha Bee maybe?), but someone noted our system is set up well to deal with two qualified candidates. It just isn't capable of dealing with the bullshit overload of Trumps candidacy.

That so many lazy people like mingus are out there that think the two are roughly equivalent in any way, is a testament to how lazy and cynical (cynically lazy?) we are.

09-19-2016, 01:10 PM
Nate is just plain sour grapes now because he pronounced Trump dead so many times during the primaries and got proven wrong over and over.

Doesn't make him wrong this time.

09-19-2016, 02:18 PM
Pretty much.

I forget who said it (Samantha Bee maybe?), but someone noted our system is set up well to deal with two qualified candidates. It just isn't capable of dealing with the bullshit overload of Trumps candidacy.

That so many lazy people like mingus are out there that think the two are roughly equivalent in any way, is a testament to how lazy and cynical (cynically lazy?) we are.

I think the issue is that the media is so concerned with not being perceived as bias that it's become overly cautious in its criticism of Trump. Also, it's being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of lies and deplorable comments. In a 24-hour news cycle, the media wants to cover the latest thing said but it hasn't been able to fully digest the last crazy thing that was said.

09-19-2016, 02:33 PM
Pretty much.

I forget who said it (Samantha Bee maybe?), but someone noted our system is set up well to deal with two qualified candidates. It just isn't capable of dealing with the bullshit overload of Trumps candidacy.

That so many lazy people like mingus are out there that think the two are roughly equivalent in any way, is a testament to how lazy and cynical (cynically lazy?) we are.

I think there are plenty who are fully aware of how full of shit he is. They know EVERYTHING that he is accused of/is; and are not comfortable with it. They don't like him. They don't want him. BUT they are going to vote for him anyway.


1. They absolutely despise Hillary Clinton.
2. (and I quote the most apropos bumper sticker I've seen, "Trump, because....Fuck it."

People are simply sick and tired of knowing that there are powerful people in politics/wal-street/both controlling their lives. They are pretty sure that, because of the reaction of those same people, that those puppet masters DON'T like Trump. They are going to get a box of popcorn, vote Trump, and see what the hell happens.

We all know what happens with Cinton; four more years of the same decision makers making decisions. A scandal a week. Taxes basically stay where there at; regulation trends, as does everything else. Stay the course. Problem is, most think the course sucks! Trump may not be a course correction, but he damn sure is a course change.

As you can tell, I am intrigued by it. I cannot, however, condone, endorse, or actively choose that imbecile to be my president. I also can't vote for Hillary Clinton.

09-19-2016, 02:42 PM
I think there are plenty who are fully aware of how full of shit he is. They know EVERYTHING that he is accused of/is; and are not comfortable with it. They don't like him. They don't want him. BUT they are going to vote for him anyway.


1. They absolutely despise Hillary Clinton.
2. (and I quote the most apropos bumper sticker I've seen, "Trump, because....Fuck it."

People are simply sick and tired of knowing that there are powerful people in politics/wal-street/both controlling their lives. They are pretty sure that, because of the reaction of those same people, that those puppet masters DON'T like Trump. They are going to get a box of popcorn, vote Trump, and see what the hell happens.

We all know what happens with Cinton; four more years of the same decision makers making decisions. A scandal a week. Taxes basically stay where there at; regulation trends, as does everything else. Stay the course. Problem is, most think the course sucks! Trump may not be a course correction, but he damn sure is a course change.

As you can tell, I am intrigued by it. I cannot, however, condone, endorse, or actively choose that imbecile to be my president. I also can't vote for Hillary Clinton.


and I think there are a lot of people that are going to vote for Trump in the privacy of the polling booth that won't admit it in public.

09-19-2016, 02:42 PM
killer bumper sticker!

baseline bum
09-19-2016, 02:47 PM
We all know what happens with Cinton; four more years of the same decision makers making decisions. A scandal a week. Taxes basically stay where there at; regulation trends, as does everything else. Stay the course. Problem is, most think the course sucks! Trump may not be a course correction, but he damn sure is a course change.

What do you think happens with Trump? What exactly is going to change with Trump?

09-19-2016, 03:31 PM
What do you think happens with Trump? What exactly is going to change with Trump?

baseline bum
09-19-2016, 03:40 PM

I expect a redux of Bush's first term. Pence is already talking like he wants to be another Cheney. Trump has already shown he'd be a lazy ass president just like Bush when he offered Kasich control of foreign and domestic policy for the VP job. A Trump win surely guarantees a Republican control of all three branches of government, which means the same tired ass trickle down horseshit of big tax cuts for the job creators and demonization of the lower classes that has put us in such a great position the past 35 years since Reagan. Goodbye Obamacare, as the 194th repeal finally gets signed by the president. Then we go back to the old system where we keep the sky high prices and get the pre-existing conditions denials and medical bankruptcies back as a bonus. Sounds like fun. Maybe he can get us in another war too since he's so tough on ISIS.

09-19-2016, 04:48 PM
I think the issue is that the media is so concerned with not being perceived as bias that it's become overly cautious in its criticism of Trump. Also, it's being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of lies and deplorable comments. In a 24-hour news cycle, the media wants to cover the latest thing said but it hasn't been able to fully digest the last crazy thing that was said.


Trump has been treated far too seriously. I think a lot of reporters have pretty much had it with his bullshit too.

He seems to have crossed some hitherto unknown line of hubris and dishonesty.

09-19-2016, 04:49 PM

Harris makes one of the clearer cases.


Executive summary:
Trump is dangerously uninformed, and likely not intelligent enough to be able to fully grasp the complexities of the office.

Hillary is far more qualified to hit the ground running.

09-19-2016, 04:52 PM
I expect a redux of Bush's first term. Pence is already talking like he wants to be another Cheney. Trump has already shown he'd be a lazy ass president just like Bush when he offered Kasich control of foreign and domestic policy for the VP job. A Trump win surely guarantees a Republican control of all three branches of government, which means the same tired ass trickle down horseshit of big tax cuts for the job creators and demonization of the lower classes that has put us in such a great position the past 35 years since Reagan. Goodbye Obamacare, as the 194th repeal finally gets signed by the president. Then we go back to the old system where we keep the sky high prices and get the pre-existing conditions denials and medical bankruptcies back as a bonus. Sounds like fun. Maybe he can get us in another war too since he's so tough on ISIS.

Pretty much. I have seen it argued that Trump is pulling his party to the left.

That may be the case, but his administration will be staffed by the kinds of radicals that will push through more failed GOP "trickle-down" policies.

09-19-2016, 05:56 PM

Trump has been treated far too seriously. I think a lot of reporters have pretty much had it with his bullshit too.

He seems to have crossed some hitherto unknown line of hubris and dishonesty.

Yeah, the NY Times basically called him a liar on the birther stuff. They usually shy away from calling anything a lie outside of their editorial pages.

09-19-2016, 06:08 PM
:lol "shillary is more qualified to hit the ground" :lmao

09-19-2016, 06:24 PM
I expect a redux of Bush's first term. Pence is already talking like he wants to be another Cheney. Trump has already shown he'd be a lazy ass president just like Bush when he offered Kasich control of foreign and domestic policy for the VP job. A Trump win surely guarantees a Republican control of all three branches of government, which means the same tired ass trickle down horseshit of big tax cuts for the job creators and demonization of the lower classes that has put us in such a great position the past 35 years since Reagan. Goodbye Obamacare, as the 194th repeal finally gets signed by the president. Then we go back to the old system where we keep the sky high prices and get the pre-existing conditions denials and medical bankruptcies back as a bonus. Sounds like fun. Maybe he can get us in another war too since he's so tough on ISIS.

I don't think for an instant that Trump will be Bush redux. IMO, a Hillary administration will be more similar to Bush that Trump 1.0. He's going to try to build a wall. He's going to start trade wars. Markets will tumble. He's going to piss off allies and adversaries alike around the globe. Tax cuts; probably, but he has not been a fan of Wall Street, and has specifically mentioned the "bankers" would have it tougher. I think the makeup of the congress is largely irrelevant. Trump is not running a Republican campaign. He's mocked Iraq over an over, I doubt he's going to put boots on the ground. He may, however, allow Putin to occupy large chunks of property in the ME without complaint.

I don't think it will feel like any other administration pretty much ever.

09-19-2016, 06:27 PM
Pretty much. I have seen it argued that Trump is pulling his party to the left.

That may be the case, but his administration will be staffed by the kinds of radicals that will push through more failed GOP "trickle-down" policies.

He's mentioned taxes, certainly, but it hasn't been a pillar of his candidacy, has it? Reducing the number of brackets, top bracket of 25%? Won't happen. Senate will stop it. Hell the Bush tax cuts are still in effect for vast majority of the country after 8 years of Obama. What is so different about those administrations, again? The difference between the far left and the crazy right? 4 points on the top bracket? Damn the gulf is staggering!!!!

09-19-2016, 07:05 PM
I expect a redux of Bush's first term. Pence is already talking like he wants to be another Cheney. Trump has already shown he'd be a lazy ass president just like Bush when he offered Kasich control of foreign and domestic policy for the VP job. A Trump win surely guarantees a Republican control of all three branches of government, which means the same tired ass trickle down horseshit of big tax cuts for the job creators and demonization of the lower classes that has put us in such a great position the past 35 years since Reagan. Goodbye Obamacare, as the 194th repeal finally gets signed by the president. Then we go back to the old system where we keep the sky high prices and get the pre-existing conditions denials and medical bankruptcies back as a bonus. Sounds like fun. Maybe he can get us in another war too since he's so tough on ISIS.
Kasich was talked about if trump did not get enough delegates to become the republican nominee. He had to offer him something to get him to think about it.

baseline bum
09-19-2016, 07:40 PM
I don't think for an instant that Trump will be Bush redux. IMO, a Hillary administration will be more similar to Bush that Trump 1.0. He's going to try to build a wall. He's going to start trade wars. Markets will tumble. He's going to piss off allies and adversaries alike around the globe. Tax cuts; probably, but he has not been a fan of Wall Street, and has specifically mentioned the "bankers" would have it tougher. I think the makeup of the congress is largely irrelevant. Trump is not running a Republican campaign. He's mocked Iraq over an over, I doubt he's going to put boots on the ground. He may, however, allow Putin to occupy large chunks of property in the ME without complaint.

I don't think it will feel like any other administration pretty much ever.

I don't buy it. Trump will be a lazy bastard and he'll hand over everything to Pence just like Bush did when he didn't want to do shit the first term either. With all three branches of government on Team Koch it'll be a teabagger field day for Pence and the house if Trump wins.

09-19-2016, 09:09 PM
I don't buy it. Trump will be a lazy bastard and he'll hand over everything to Pence just like Bush did when he didn't want to do shit the first term either. With all three branches of government on Team Koch it'll be a teabagger field day for Pence and the house if Trump wins.

That's like, best case scenario. Not sure why everyone dismisses full-on fascist America so quickly.

09-19-2016, 09:17 PM
That's like, best case scenario. Not sure why everyone dismisses full-on fascist America so quickly.

I don't dismiss it at all. 10Ms of American assholes support Trash, and plenty of Repug politicians love his "leadership". Dangerous times. Repug SCOTUS is already full of corrupt, extreme right wing fucktards.

09-19-2016, 09:19 PM
I don't dismiss it at all. 10Ms of American assholes support Trash, and plenty of Repug politicians love his "leadership". Dangerous times. Repug SCOTUS is already full of corrupt, extreme right wing fucktards.

Supreme Court decisions would be "suggestions" in Trump's America.

09-19-2016, 10:35 PM

and I think there are a lot of people that are going to vote for Trump in the privacy of the polling booth that won't admit it in public.

That's you.

09-20-2016, 01:21 AM
You seriously think that Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton would score equally by any measure on demogoguery? Their harm is somehow equal?

Really? Are you that stupid/lazy?

That is a bit like two people looking at a jar of pennies, one saying "there are a billion pennies in there", the other saying "there are a thousand pennies in there", and you saying "they are equally valid guesses"

We don't have to know how many pennies are in the jar to know that a billion pennies is a stupid guess.

If you can't tell the difference between the two, I can't help you.

wow. just wow.

Didn't even bother reading after the stupid/lazy insult. I made the error before of giving you any more of my time again when you did that before, and made the mistake of even reacting at you with an insult. I'm done with that shit from you. Go have a discussion with some other miserable person.

09-20-2016, 06:39 AM
That's you.

Possibly. I despise Hillary Clinton and don't want her picking 3-4 supreme court justices.

09-20-2016, 07:11 AM
Possibly. I despise Hillary Clinton and don't want her picking 3-4 supreme court justices.

so you'd rather have Trash giving us more Scalia's and Thomas'? I'm Trash's SCOTUS midgets would do a lot worse than the abomination of C-U, gutting the VRA, killing class actions.

09-20-2016, 07:12 AM
so you'd rather have Trash giving us more Scalia's and Thomas'?.

As opposed to Setemayors and Kagans? Hell yes.

09-20-2016, 07:30 AM
As opposed to Setemayors and Kagans? Hell yes.

some examples of the Sotomayors and Kagans bad jurisprudence, dissents, opinions?

09-20-2016, 09:22 AM
Didn't even bother reading after the stupid/lazy insult. I made the error before of giving you any more of my time again when you did that before, and made the mistake of even reacting at you with an insult. I'm done with that shit from you. Go have a discussion with some other miserable person.

Fair cop. I was an ass.

That said, if the pattern of your thought processes false equivalences based on lazy cynicism, that doesn't lose me much, IMO.

smh "someone on the internet was mean to me, :cry"

God forbid we don't cater to millenials' egos. :rolleyes

09-20-2016, 09:41 AM
He's mentioned taxes, certainly, but it hasn't been a pillar of his candidacy, has it? Reducing the number of brackets, top bracket of 25%? Won't happen. Senate will stop it. Hell the Bush tax cuts are still in effect for vast majority of the country after 8 years of Obama. What is so different about those administrations, again? The difference between the far left and the crazy right? 4 points on the top bracket? Damn the gulf is staggering!!!!

Take off your red glasses for a moment, and look at the proposals. ;)

Vast gulf in fiscal responsibility. One is tax and spend, the other is borrow massively and spend.

Which is more responsible?

09-20-2016, 01:18 PM
Fair cop. I was an ass.

That said, if the pattern of your thought processes false equivalences based on lazy cynicism, that doesn't lose me much, IMO.

smh "someone on the internet was mean to me, :cry"

God forbid we don't cater to millenials' egos. :rolleyes

Hell it's not even about me. That's what you don't get. You think I'm, personally, bothered by your attack?

You think you know more than you actually do. That's your problem. And you allow yourself to go on thinking you do because you insult everyone who doesn't agree with you to the point where they dgaf about saying shit to you & you've either left either talking to a bunch of people who agree with you only, talking to a bunch of people who insult you too (distracting from the actual argument), or talking to nobody at all, but so infatuated with your own voice you do it anyway.

So, nah, people like you don't bother me dude. Don't think so highly of yourself.

And, good to know you know your an ass. Yet, you then proceed to be an ass.

Have a good one.