View Full Version : Seahawks players may expand national anthem protest Sunday vs Dolphins

09-08-2016, 05:14 PM

09-08-2016, 05:20 PM
I've long wondered why more professional athletes haven't taken this stance; the grievances that fuel these protests aren't imaginary or petty. Professional athletes are uniquely situated to protest in this way, even if they've managed to avoid first-hand exposure to the things that give rise to the protest in the first place.

Ironically, had nobody gotten all up in arms about Kaepernick, the story would have likely died there; Kaepernick's "bad" publicity has actually managed to fuel the issue and rally support.

09-08-2016, 05:23 PM
I've long wondered why more professional athletes haven't taken this stance; the grievances that fuel these protests aren't imaginary or petty. Professional athletes are uniquely situated to protest in this way, even if they've managed to avoid first-hand exposure to the things that give rise to the protest in the first place.

Ironically, had nobody gotten all up in arms about Kaepernick, the story would have likely died there; Kaepernick's "bad" publicity has actually managed to fuel the issue and rally support.


09-08-2016, 05:25 PM
I turn to sports to not worry about the problems
now football is a place that I have to hear about the problems
I really hope the in the new collective bargaining agreements in all sports they make the players not have a right to protest the flag.

09-08-2016, 05:27 PM
I've long wondered why more professional athletes haven't taken this stance; the grievances that fuel these protests aren't imaginary or petty. Professional athletes are uniquely situated to protest in this way, even if they've managed to avoid first-hand exposure to the things that give rise to the protest in the first place.

Ironically, had nobody gotten all up in arms about Kaepernick, the story would have likely died there; Kaepernick's "bad" publicity has actually managed to fuel the issue and rally support.
lets just see what this does to endorsements
Kaepernick had nothing to lose rumors were they were thinking of cutting him. Why did Kaepernick wait tell the third preseason game and not the first preseason game?

09-08-2016, 05:29 PM
I guess the nfl players think trump is right America is not great anymore

09-08-2016, 05:30 PM
I turn to sports to not worry about the problems

I bet you NEVER worry about blacks' problems.

09-08-2016, 05:32 PM
I could be black or white or hispanic

09-08-2016, 05:33 PM
I bet you NEVER worry about blacks' problems.

I worry about black problems. The illegals have taken alot of their jobs. Not all but alot of their families do not have a mom and a dad. That is part of the problem in the country.

09-08-2016, 07:43 PM
I really hope the in the new collective bargaining agreements in all sports they make the players not have a right to protest the flag.

Why do you hate free speech and free expression, ducks? Is the only acceptable expression one that you agree with?

Besides, new collective bargaining agreements in sports will only include that if the players agree to it; that seems really, really unlikely at this point.

09-08-2016, 07:54 PM
Free speech is fine I had no problem with what mj did

09-08-2016, 08:03 PM
Free speech is fine I had no problem with what mj did

So as long as their protests won't make any real difference or bring any real attention to the problems, black dudes can protest however they'd like, I guess.

09-08-2016, 08:25 PM
Good for them. Glad some of the few oppressed minorities are taking a stand.

09-08-2016, 08:38 PM
Did the country in 2 weeks turn to hell
Why no protest in week one?
Why after he got the media attention he says look I will give money.
It is all about him.
I think the team thing is better then what he did.
If it is so bad why do the Seahawks just forfeit the first game

09-08-2016, 08:45 PM
So, as long as the protest is acceptable to you, it's okay?

09-08-2016, 08:47 PM
lets just see what this does to endorsements
Kaepernick had nothing to lose rumors were they were thinking of cutting him. Why did Kaepernick wait tell the third preseason game and not the first preseason game?
You're wrong. He did it the first two games, just nobody noticed.

09-08-2016, 08:48 PM
in the new collective bargaining agreements in all sports they make the players not have a right to protest the flag.
Irony here. Conservatives hate PC culture. Very PC when it comes to protesting the flag.

09-08-2016, 10:02 PM
if you don't bow to the army, the police and the flag, you obviously hate America.

09-08-2016, 10:09 PM
it's not about freedom: it's about showing respect to power and its symbols. if you don't do that, you don't deserve freedom.

09-08-2016, 10:31 PM
why do more athletes protest the president visit when they win the title
and tell them why they are not going to see the president?

09-08-2016, 10:36 PM
McCarthy, Packers donate to Green Bay Police Foundation
Total donations of $200,000 are matching grants to enhance community-police relationships

Read more: http://www.packers.com/news-and-events/article-community-outreach/article-1/McCarthy-Packers-donate-to-Green-Bay-Police-Foundation/11611ffe-3563-4158-be45-eb0c856f0f0a#ixzz4Jj5USNWq

oh they are not protesting the flag it will not work:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes: rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolle yes:rolleyes:rolleyes:rolleyes

09-08-2016, 10:46 PM
So, as long as the protest is acceptable to you, it's okay?
Why do you hate free speech and free expression, FWD?

09-08-2016, 10:50 PM
fwd do you think if I bring a 8 year old to see the 49ers play and I have to explain to him why the guy is not respecting the flag is a good thing or a bad thing?

09-08-2016, 11:14 PM
Why do you hate free speech and free expression, FWD?

FWD is not suggesting a collective bargaining agreement limiting free expression.

09-08-2016, 11:15 PM
fwd do you think if I bring a 8 year old to see the 49ers play and I have to explain to him why the guy is not respecting the flag is a good thing or a bad thing?


You don't have to do anything but watch the freakn game.
Should you explain why the cheerleaders are scantly dressed?
A 12 year old son might ask you, that should be fun.

09-08-2016, 11:21 PM
FWD is not suggesting a collective bargaining agreement limiting free expression.
He's free to express his displeasure in Kaepernik just the same.

09-08-2016, 11:24 PM
He's free to express his displeasure in Kaepernik just the same.

Sure he is, but suggesting a CBA that mandates players stand for the anthem (which he is also free to suggest) invites the accusation that he favors abridging free expression.

You tried to make a comparison between ducks suggesting a requirement to stand and FWD criticizing that suggestion. It wasn't a good comparison.

baseline bum
09-08-2016, 11:27 PM
fwd do you think if I bring a 8 year old to see the 49ers play and I have to explain to him why the guy is not respecting the flag is a good thing or a bad thing?

ducks = Avante?

09-08-2016, 11:29 PM
fwd do you think if I bring a 8 year old to see the 49ers play and I have to explain to him why the guy is not respecting the flag is a good thing or a bad thing?

You should first explain to him why whether or not someone stands for a flag carries so much emotional weight for so many people, and why not doing so is such a serious sign of disrespect that it requires weeks of anxiety.

09-08-2016, 11:34 PM

You don't have to do anything but watch the freakn game.
Should you explain why the cheerleaders are scantly dressed?
A 12 year old son might ask you, that should be fun.it is right before the game. I pay 200 or more for one ticket for a football game I will be there early and not miss the game! if your son ask you answer
a 12 year old son sees women scantly dressed all the time if you go to the mall or to the beach

09-09-2016, 12:28 AM
You should first explain to him why whether or not someone stands for a flag carries so much emotional weight for so many people, and why not doing so is such a serious sign of disrespect that it requires weeks of anxiety.

He might also want to explain why Kaepernick taking a knee is disrespectful to the flag and unpatriotic, while John Q. Public continuing to order a beer and peanuts (rushing to catch the kickoff) on the concourse within earshot of the anthem and with the flag flashed on all nearby televisions is completely respectful.

I'm sure Ducks stands up in his living room everytime the Star Spangled Banner plays during a sporting event he's watching on TV, and shames those around him who don't follow that example.

And for the record, I have no real quarrel with ducks disliking Kaepernick other than the insistence that Kaepernick and those who side with him shouldn't have the right to protest in the first place. Free expression as a concept doesn't mean that the actor will face no private consequences. Respecting the principle, though, means accepting that people are going to say things that some won't like.

09-09-2016, 06:46 AM
it is right before the game. I pay 200 or more for one ticket for a football game I will be there early and not miss the game! if your son ask you answer
a 12 year old son sees women scantly dressed all the time if you go to the mall or to the beach

I wanna go to the mall where they all have the same uniform doing dances together the entire game. Wow dad, they have the same colors as our team and we can easily compare breast sizes. Just focus on this so you don't have to answer such profound questions which apparently have you confused.

Dad, what are the function of cheerleaders? I am strangely aroused...

Well son, I am too distracted with players kneeling during the National Anthem to explain.

09-09-2016, 04:11 PM
Fans lash out at Jets' Brandon Marshall over 'other' Marshall's protest

09-09-2016, 04:40 PM
Broncos' Brandon Marshall loses endorsement with credit union


09-09-2016, 04:43 PM
He might also want to explain why Kaepernick taking a knee is disrespectful to the flag and unpatriotic, while John Q. Public continuing to order a beer and peanuts (rushing to catch the kickoff) on the concourse within earshot of the anthem and with the flag flashed on all nearby televisions is completely respectful.

I'm sure Ducks stands up in his living room everytime the Star Spangled Banner plays during a sporting event he's watching on TV, and shames those around him who don't follow that example.

And for the record, I have no real quarrel with ducks disliking Kaepernick other than the insistence that Kaepernick and those who side with him shouldn't have the right to protest in the first place. Free expression as a concept doesn't mean that the actor will face no private consequences. Respecting the principle, though, means accepting that people are going to say things that some won't like.

I stand up and put my hand over my heart at a game of course my dad was in the airforce and we were taught to respect our country even if we did not agree with everything.

09-09-2016, 05:30 PM
Anonymous •
Watching football is relaxing to me. Watching the players protest makes it political and non relaxing. Tried to watch but could not. I want to be done with it. I want my relaxation back.

09-09-2016, 05:31 PM
NFL blocks Cowboys from wearing the sticker to support the fallen officers yet defends others supporting a domestic terrorist group BLM who says cops should fry and protesting the flag/country.

Yea, I’m done with the NFL. My protest is simply not watching and not buying any merchandise.

09-09-2016, 05:32 PM
Thomas Noell
Maybe I’m -not the only one boycotting the NFL this season since it is okay to support cop-kiling Black Lives Matter (Beyonce Super Bowl halftime show) and “take a knee” to protest “racist America”, but it is NOT okay for the Dallas Cowboys to wear a small, barely-noticeable sticker to honor five Dallas police officers gunned down by a BLM sympathizer.

09-09-2016, 05:32 PM
These protests have turned me off to the game. Won’t purchase NFL Sunday Ticket this year.

09-09-2016, 05:33 PM
Political speech will be the death of the NFL. “Panem et Circenses” are supposed to pacify, not incite. Go Stupid Spoiled Millennials!

09-09-2016, 05:34 PM
Kap and the NFL r now dead to me. I’m a vet and a retired cop. I tune in to be entertained not support disrespect of our country. Keep the political statements out of sports or I will simply not support that sport.

09-09-2016, 05:35 PM
Gene German
As long as the NFL allows players to disrespect America, I will do something else with my time.

09-09-2016, 05:35 PM
My TV will stay off and I will not go to another game.if players do not want to stand for the national anthem and the NFL is ok with it…….will not get another dime from my family

09-09-2016, 05:36 PM
It might have something to do with man children disrespecting the flag and thus the nation that gives them the privilege to play this game.

09-09-2016, 05:37 PM
This trend will only continue. No one wants to watch overpaid athletes disrespect their country.

09-09-2016, 05:38 PM
Maybe vets are americans who care are ready to tell the multi millionaire football players who are ungrateful ________________ that its time to say adios.
The millenials are on their phones and tablets so they aren’t interested either.
Word of warning to NFL, NASCAR thought they were God and changed their formula and the fans bailed on them. Stadiums are half full and advertisers (the guys that really count) have left the building faster than Elvis.
They better get a handle on the flag thing or its going to get ugly. I for one do not need to be lectured by black guys who have an axe to grind.

09-09-2016, 05:39 PM
m a
Maybe folks don’t want everything politicized. I respect the players right to speak on issues, have opinions and try to leverage their position for what they see as a good cause. However, the paying customer just wants to watch a football game, enjoy the camradarie with fellow fans in a venue where the focus is on something other than politics which can be divisive.

09-09-2016, 05:41 PM
Jim Whitehead
Their bad karma will haunt them. My Republican friends say they won’t watch games opened by this stuff. A few spoiled, overpaid athletes may cost millions in lost ad revenue, as traditional viewers tune out and that may lower player salaries next year. Sounds like justice to me.

09-09-2016, 05:42 PM
Henry Yang
With those Athletes that disrespect the flag during playing of our National Anthem; as a naturalized Asian or oriental American I also can exercise the same first amendment right to speak out and boycott by refuse to watch watching any team that has even one member that disrespect the flag during the playing of our National Anthem. Make no difference to me. #RESPECTMYADOPTEDCOUNTRY

09-09-2016, 05:42 PM
Chas Farmer
OF course the viewership is down. It was a game of QB’s, one of which shows contempt for sportsmanship, team play, and when defeated whines and the other was named Siemian.

Also, you have NFL leadership who allows players to show contempt for the flag, those who served under it, and all those who serve the communities who fight to have it on their cars and trucks. 4 game suspension for 2 lbs less air but only 2 games for battery and habitual drug abusers. They have lost the average fan and are going to feel it in the wallet.

I hope it gets back top the roots of honoring America for its potential but, if not, I will take my hard earned money elsewhere.

09-09-2016, 05:43 PM
So the NFL is down with insulting and disrespecting our national symbols.

And if you watch their product you’re pretty much saying you’re down with it too.

09-09-2016, 05:44 PM
It is no surprise to me the ratings are down. If one simply listens to the words of the National Anthem, or reads the lyrics, one would find the song is about fighting for liberty and observing the flag – a symbol of our nation of liberty and sacrifice – was still flying; that we were victorious in the struggle. It is sadly ironic that NFL players who benefit from that liberty, the sacrifices of all who have gone before them and added their blood to the red stripes; that these same players in siting a fight against injustice use that same anthem and the flag to which it refers as the object of their protest.
So here is my response to these players who are ignorant of their true heritage and misplace the thrust of their grievance: Good for you for standing up against injustice. Now educate yourselves on your heritage and how to go about this correctly, as well as the fact that I have a voice also. Dear NFL – I will not watch any more of your games. Sponsors take note.

09-09-2016, 05:44 PM
tony coza
The NFL has gone from being the truth to being another proud American tradition to being destroyed from within by another group of individuals who are unknowingly doing the bidding of a. Inch of elitists sissies. So many fans I have spoken with are tuning out, I did a long time ago. When will these people wake up and see that they are being used ??? I will be laughing the whole time.

09-09-2016, 05:45 PM
eddie too
maybe mocking the american flag is catching up with the nfl. if the seahawks mock the flag as an entire team, we may soon find out how the american public will respond to such bigotry.

09-09-2016, 05:46 PM
Alan Liss
I’m done watching the NFL until they stop their employees from disrespecting our flag and National Anthem.

09-09-2016, 05:47 PM
So many here have posted what I think is a sensible answer to these childish players. If they spit on our Nation, I won’t watch them, I don’t care what color they are. These idiots forget that over 1 million men have been killed, and many times that wounded, so that they can lead their life of luxury and decadence. Me, I support those who actually sacrificed something for our Nation, for my family, and for me. There is nothing cool about a lack of respect for our Nation. Certainly from those who have risen to lifestyles the rest of we citizens can only dream of.

09-09-2016, 06:03 PM
Steph Curry says he supports Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem protest posters response to him

"bettering the equal rights and treatment of African-Americans and people of color."

Why don't dark-skinned males from India or the Phillippines, who come from extreme poverty, have issues with police, gangs and drugs in this country?

It's a cultural thang, but that is never talked about.

09-09-2016, 06:10 PM
To Mr. Brandon Marshall: I fought for this great country for 27 years. I gave up my life for my country. Because of my 27 years of service I am 100% Service Disabled, Totally and Permanently (that's for life). I suffer from 2 autoimmune diseases, Anemia and Cancer.

The least you can do is respect those of us who fought for your right to play football and stand for our Flag and National Anthem. Show some respect for those who gave so you are free to do what you want, like play football. It is the least you could do Brandon.

I wont see to many more days in my life due to my disabilities, but as long as I am alive I will defend our Country, National Anthem and our Great Flag until my last breath.

If any more NFL players wish to sit or kneel any more during our National Anthem, I will exercise my right to NEVER support the NFL or its sponsors again as long as I live.

What you are doing is disrespectful and unacceptable for any real American to do.

The least you could do to honor all those who fought for our Great Country is to Stand for the National Anthem and to respect our Flag.......it is the least.


US Marine Corps & US Navy Vietnam Era Veteran
100% Service Disabled (Totally & Permanently)
Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Asia and Operations Worldwide

09-09-2016, 06:10 PM
Kneeling does nothing to improve the situation, it just spurns more hatred. If you are not proud of your country, then by all means sit on the bench, take a knee, or sit in the locker room for all I care, but don't expect anyone to cheer for you, listen to your social injustice babble, or even pay to see you or your team play. You kneel to make a statement, I hope many fans follow my response and refuse attend games in which these players are in.

If the players want to help, start showing up in the neighborhoods and support the kids, be a big brother, lecture them about changing the culture of the black neighborhoods, staying away from the violence and drugs, get involved in a sport. Recruit other athletes/ role model friends, tell them to get out an do the same thing. The black folks want to make this all about racism, but their reputation as thugs, drug dealers, and murders begins in their own neighborhoods, black on black crime.

09-09-2016, 06:11 PM
Big Foss
This has gotten out of hand. Simply if you want to play in The NFL separate personal issues. I guarantee that no endorsements will go to players who society feels have disrespected the flag. NFL is business and it's a short career as many find out sooner than later. Brandon Marshall had mental problems but people and players stood by him.The 49er franchise is in enough problems without Colin Kapernick who number 1 wanted out. Number 2 was called a cheater with Alton Smiths girlfriend. If you want to project inadequacies which being real he does not have the juice. Do it on your own time and don't involve football. Bet you Pat Tillman is sick over the whole deal. There is a person who gave up a career with more promise than Kapernicks got killed by his own team and do you think taking a knee sits well with his family. I close with this. How many out there are going to pay Kaps salary when he is out of "FOOTBALL"

09-09-2016, 06:12 PM
So say, if in Chicago, for instance, if the police force was black in the more black areas -would that make a difference? If this is a REALLY a racial issue than it should make a big difference. I don't think it really is but sure willing to be wrong. Be happy to be wrong. But try it, let' s see if the crime rate goes down, less killings by police. We've all seen both sides to this issue; I can support both BLM & the police but we're obviously doing something wrong...so try something different.

09-09-2016, 06:12 PM
whats you take on this, ducks?

09-09-2016, 06:16 PM
My opinion is this, I could care less as a 20 year veteran what they do or don't do during the National Anthem. It doesn't change my stance on how I respect and love my country. What's going to change? Nothing. If you want change they first take responsibility for your actions . How about going out into your towns and visit the schools and teach these kids how important it is to stay in school, go to college and be a good model citizen in America and not break the law.

Quick look into the stats of NFL players by race who were arrested, a large percentage of black NFL players were arrested over the white NFL players. Every time you hear about an NFL player being arrested it was either because of drugs, spouse abuse, DUI, fighting etc.....

But as a fan I have to right to switch the channel or not route for you even though your a player on my team.

09-09-2016, 06:18 PM
whats you take on this, ducks?

I turn to sports to not worry about the problems
now football is a place that I have to hear about the problems
I really hope the in the new collective bargaining agreements in all sports they make the players not have a right to protest the flag.

09-09-2016, 06:19 PM

I sit during the National anthem to bring awareness, Okay....you got lots of attention? Now what? You sit until what? This is it? This is the plan? You sit for 2 min, collect millions of dollars,play football and that's the master plan?

This is your platform? The world is! Go do something positive, you have the means to actually help people in need, but you just sit for 2 min instead.

Take your money, start a college tuition plan for young black kids. Help young black people become police offers to protect your communities. Get rid of racist white cops that patrol your neighborhoods and replace them with strong prideful men and women for the community!! Why not?? Go to Chicago, Baltimore Detroit cities crippled by black on black violence. More black kids are shoot on a weekend there then white cops do in a year across the whole country!

I think its great to stand up for your beliefs, but you aren't doing anything then bringing attention to YOURSELF, not the movement. This is a straw many movement all show, no substance!!

How are you really going to change, because awareness is not ACTION!! Do something for real! Otherwise you are all a bunch of posers!

09-09-2016, 06:21 PM
Our national anthem stands for honor, sacrifice and respect. Something it seems that these elitist black football players don't understand. Marshall, your workplace is the football field and here's a news flash, you are paid to entertain. The workplace is not the correct forum for employee's personal issues and complaints. Your refusal to honor the national anthem is an insult to the many men and women who have made real sacrifices in behalf of all Americans. I suggest you go work in the depressed black communities and help improve the quality of life for those a lot less fortunate than yourself, instead kneeling on the sidelines.

09-09-2016, 06:22 PM
I was sorry to hear that another football player decided to take a knee during the National Anthem. I think it is a terrible thing that so many athlete's have done this. We are suppose to be proud of our Country despite all the terrible thing's that have gone on. If you stop and think about thing's we were all born here in America. If you feel the need to disrespect the flag then go to another country. I'm sure you will have a different feeling about your so called life in America. I am or was a die hard 49er's fan. Now I could careless if they win a game or not. That might sound childish too some people but not to me. And it is a good possibility that I will not be watching too much football in my house. I don't condone all of the thing's that have gone wrong with law enforcement. But it take's two to make a statement. Not all officer's are bad. The Native Americans were here first. And that is not fiction it is Fact. I am proud to be an American and I am a halfbreed and proud of it

09-09-2016, 06:23 PM
It's the hypocrisy that is most disturbing. 500 murders so far this year in Chicago alone. Most of those killed African Americans, and most of the murderers also African Americans. Why do thugs like Michael Brown get the headlines yet you never hear a peep about victims of black on black crime. Jesse Jackson was recently confronted about the murder rate in Chicago, a city that has been controlled by Democrats for 40 years and he blamed Republicans. I wish protesters like Brandon Marshal would use their fame to speak out about the real problem, not a problem manufactured by liberals to mask their failed social programs.

09-09-2016, 06:24 PM
all these people seem to be saying the same stuff.

09-09-2016, 06:24 PM
I too am against social injustice. That's why I don't believe in giving government or state run contracts to company owners because of race or nationality. I also do not believe in giving jobs to people with lower scores. Lets even the playing field for everyone, black, white, red, etc. As far as the protests, what other corporation would let you protest during working hours? What exactly are you protesting? Should the police let criminals run free? Kap and his teammates statements are too broad to understand. Are you supporting only the innocent people being mistakenly pursued by the police or do you think all offenses should be ignored?

09-09-2016, 06:26 PM
Carol A
In the meantime, their antics are doing zilch to help out their brothers. Guess they don't care about the hundreds of black on black deaths that occur senselessly every year. Why aren't they putting their money and fame to better use by going into those troubled communities and find out what they can do to change the circumstances and mind sets of the people in those neighborhood? It is not just the wealthy athletes who are making these useless gestures and comments. It's celebrities and music megastars too. Until they start putting their money where their mouths are, they are just enhancing the problems. How many times have you seen any of these moguls actually going into these neighborhoods and trying to do something to make a difference. Don't be fooled by a meaningless gesture or comment that costs someone nothing. They don't care about you.

09-09-2016, 06:27 PM
The First Amendment gives the players the right to sit, kneel, turn their back on the flag or whatever their method of peaceful protest may be. It does not win any support from me, however. I find it disrespectful of the anthem, the flag and our country. Accordingly, I will exercise my own First Amendment Rights and not support any player, team or league which engages in, enables or supports such action. Professional athletes and other celebrities and pseudo-celebrities seem to forget that they do not perform an essential service to society. They are a form of entertainment and can be easily replaced.

09-09-2016, 06:45 PM
all these people seem to be saying the same stuff.

yes some are done with the nfl

baseline bum
09-09-2016, 07:22 PM
but what would you say if it was lbrn not standing for the anthem?

09-09-2016, 11:39 PM
Are these protesters helping the problems own their own time or just the nfls time

09-10-2016, 09:22 AM
I've long wondered why more professional athletes haven't taken this stance; the grievances that fuel these protests aren't imaginary or petty. Professional athletes are uniquely situated to protest in this way, even if they've managed to avoid first-hand exposure to the things that give rise to the protest in the first place.

Ironically, had nobody gotten all up in arms about Kaepernick, the story would have likely died there; Kaepernick's "bad" publicity has actually managed to fuel the issue and rally support.

Like most things, I think it's about how it looks and whom it's coming from. It's coming from a rich athlete that is the picture of what people of color can accomplish: earning obscene money, being adored by fans, having people adopt your culture. All of the things that happen now in a mostly-post racial country (that does not mean there aren't racists - there are many).

I also think that people really question the sincerity especially because you don't see athletes protest their "own" even with really, really big social issues. Perfect example: All of the many cases of domestic abuse. Where is Kap and other players taking their very public stand against their brothers, in plain view of them, doing these terrible things?

I love that athletes are becoming more socially engaged and using their platforms in a peaceful way to generate conversations. I also understand they can't protest everything.

But I think a lot of the reactions are because of the two things above.

09-10-2016, 09:26 AM
it's not about freedom: it's about showing respect to power and its symbols. if you don't do that, you don't deserve freedom.

Well, while I agree with what Kap did (or at least I am perfectly fine with it), doing things like wearing "Pig Cop" socks is a bit too much.

There are many good cops and doing things like that don't help. There should be a respect for symbols; there is a reason so many people love their national anthems. The same anthem that symbolizes the freedom Kap has to protest and while making millions.

I don't just dismiss pride and those that value it; I do understand that ultimately people's lives are what matters more.

09-10-2016, 09:28 AM
Oh btw fuck the flag. I use mine to clean my toilets.

This though that you supposed to love and respect a piece of cloth is fucking retarded.

09-10-2016, 11:35 AM
"showing respect to power and its symbols"

the protests can stop when power is no longer abused with impunity, and the symbols (lies, myths that we tell ourselves) have real meaning.

WTF is the anthem, the pledge of allegiance, and the military pervading every fucking CIVILIAN function?

The military has marketed, propagandized, aggrandized, sacralized itself way out of proportion appropriate to a true democracy (which the USA isn't, hasn't been for a long time)

btw, the "sacred" Marines this week harassed to suicide a Muslim recruit. Semper Sadisticus

09-10-2016, 12:00 PM
Why give a fuck what these jocks do?

09-10-2016, 12:07 PM
One company who endorsed one of them does
They cancelled his endorsement

09-10-2016, 11:38 PM
Fans not going to games buy jerseys

09-11-2016, 12:01 AM
NFL Says Players Wearing 9/11 Tribute Will Be Fined. Police Union Offers to Pay All Fines.

09-11-2016, 12:04 AM
they now have changed their mind and decided not to fine players gee the people boycotting them is already effecting their thinking

baseline bum
09-11-2016, 08:29 AM
I haven't seen ducks this butthurt since LeBron got drafted ahead of Darko and Carmelo.

05-11-2018, 07:41 PM
To Mr. Brandon Marshall: I fought for this great country for 27 years. I gave up my life for my country. Because of my 27 years of service I am 100% Service Disabled, Totally and Permanently (that's for life). I suffer from 2 autoimmune diseases, Anemia and Cancer.

The least you can do is respect those of us who fought for your right to play football and stand for our Flag and National Anthem. Show some respect for those who gave so you are free to do what you want, like play football. It is the least you could do Brandon.

I wont see to many more days in my life due to my disabilities, but as long as I am alive I will defend our Country, National Anthem and our Great Flag until my last breath.

If any more NFL players wish to sit or kneel any more during our National Anthem, I will exercise my right to NEVER support the NFL or its sponsors again as long as I live.

What you are doing is disrespectful and unacceptable for any real American to do.

The least you could do to honor all those who fought for our Great Country is to Stand for the National Anthem and to respect our Flag.......it is the least.


US Marine Corps & US Navy Vietnam Era Veteran
100% Service Disabled (Totally & Permanently)
Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Asia and Operations Worldwide

according to ducks we shouldn't respect this guy because he got disabled. probably should have fought better. we'd be better off if he never served!

05-11-2018, 07:43 PM
did he break the rules?

05-11-2018, 07:43 PM
according to ducks we shouldn't respect this guy because he got disabled. probably should have fought better. we'd be better off if he never served!

I never said anything about someone being disabled
McCain is not disabled!

05-11-2018, 07:44 PM
I never said anything about someone being disabled
McCain is not disabled!
better soldier would have avoided disability


also, :lol "mccain is not disabled" :lol

05-11-2018, 07:47 PM
he is not has cancer like millions of other people

05-11-2018, 07:48 PM
if he was breaking rules when he got hurt I would have no respect for him just like mccain

05-11-2018, 07:58 PM
he's been disabled long before his cancer, ducks