View Full Version : Did Trump really mock reporter's disability? Videos could back him up

09-14-2016, 02:26 PM

Donald Trump, it turns out, is not very good at impressions -- but that could be his alibi against persistent accusations that he mocked a reporter's disability last fall.

Trump’s spastic arm waving at a rally last November while mimicking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski drew swift condemnation from opponents who claimed Trump was making light of a disability. It's followed him ever since. The Washington Post gave Trump four Pinocchio’s for his denials, and Hillary Clinton used a clip of the impression in a video released Tuesday slamming Trump.

But a pro-Trump, Catholic website has compiled footage appearing to show Trump has a very limited repertoire of impressions -- which the site points to as "evidence" he wasn't mocking the reporter's disability.

09-14-2016, 02:36 PM
Trash mocking a reporter's physical disability is an echo of Limbaugh mocking M J Fox's disease.

These neo-Nazis would certainly go along now with gassing Jews, blacks, Mexicans, gays, disabled, the 47% just like the original Nazis did, to PURIFY the USA for Euro-white supremacists.

baseline bum
09-14-2016, 02:46 PM
These neo-Nazis would certainly go along now with gassing Jews, blacks, Mexicans, gays, disabled, the 47% just like the original Nazis did, to PURIFY the USA for Euro-white supremacists.

Someone needs to use this line in their sig. :lmao

09-14-2016, 02:47 PM
He wasn't mocking anyone's physical disability. It was a normal way for Trump to express himself.

09-14-2016, 03:36 PM
He wasn't mocking anyone's physical disability. It was a normal way for Trump to express himself.

I'd like to see him mock this fat albino fuck

http://aw1nlnbob3rvynvja2v0lmnvbq00.g00.photobucket.com/g00/1_TU9SRVBIRVVTMyRodHRwOi8vaW1nLnBob3RvYnVja2V0LmNv bS9hbGJ1bXMvdjUxMy90bG9uZ0lJL3Rsb25nbG9ja2VyLmpwZz 9pMTBjLm1hcmsuaW1hZ2UudHlwZQ%3D%3D_$/$/$/$/$

09-14-2016, 03:44 PM
Trump has a strained relationship with objective truth and good taste. In a typical campaign, this sort of thing would simply be (further) evidence of horrifically bad judgment and a non-presidential demeanor.

But we're through the looking glass now, so I'm sure we can just chalk this up to a thin-skinned guy who isn't funny delving into his limited repertoire of imitations (including this one, which is at the very least offensive to those who do suffer from this sort of disability) at a moment when almost anyone (and certainly anyone with any sort of reasonable judgment) would have found a better way to communicate his point.

09-14-2016, 03:55 PM
I'd like to see him mock this fat albino fuck

http://aw1nlnbob3rvynvja2v0lmnvbq00.g00.photobucket.com/g00/1_TU9SRVBIRVVTMyRodHRwOi8vaW1nLnBob3RvYnVja2V0LmNv bS9hbGJ1bXMvdjUxMy90bG9uZ0lJL3Rsb25nbG9ja2VyLmpwZz 9pMTBjLm1hcmsuaW1hZ2UudHlwZQ%3D%3D_$/$/$/$/$

That's one hella good looing dude there!

09-14-2016, 04:04 PM
He wasn't mocking anyone's physical disability. It was a normal way for Trump to express himself.


09-14-2016, 04:35 PM
tlong doesn't rememmmbaa... awwwwduiodfuiodufdoifd... doesn't rememmmbaa.... awwwweuioewureiere

09-14-2016, 05:02 PM
So, he didn't mock a specific reporter's disabilities, he just uses mockery of people with disabilities as his go-to material for mocking anyone.

Yeah, this is a good story, you should definitely spend more time getting that message out there.