View Full Version : Barry kickin Repug ass, and it's driving them FUBAR

09-20-2016, 07:06 PM
Obama Drops The Veto Hammer On A GOP Bill That Would Endanger Every American

President Obama has threatened to veto a House Republican bill that would have made it easy for health and safety regulations to be delayed.

In other words, the President is promising to veto a bill that could endanger every person in America.

Like the vast majority of House Republican legislation, this bill puts corporate profits ahead of the American people.

The bill would allow anyone who wants to delay the implementation of any health or safety regulation to do so by requesting a judicial review.

Regulations for safe food, medication, clean air, and water could all be delayed by a simple judicial review request.

The Republican Party is trying to take the United States back to the early 20th Century.Obama’s veto message is a reminder of why elections matter.

If elected president, Donald Trump has vowed to get rid of health and safety regulations.

No matter who wins the election, the House is likely to be still controlled by Republicans.

As Obama has demonstrated time and again, a Democratic president is the last line of defense against the dangerous Republican agenda.

Vote like your life depends on it in November, because judging from the legislation coming out of the Republican-run House, it just might.

http://www.politicususa.com/2016/09/20/obama-drops-veto-hammer-gop-endanger-american.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politi cus+USA+%29

09-20-2016, 07:12 PM
Obama’s Success Has Driven Republicans Out Of Their Minds

the president’s approval hit 54 percent in the Gallup daily tracking poll.

For some perspective, Ronald Reagan was at 53 percent (http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/data/popularity.php?pres=40) in early September 1988, according to Gallup.

And in early September of 2008, George W. Bush was at 31 percent — a number that would only be impressive if it were first two digits of a shortstop’s batting average.

this measure of Obama’s popularity, which is at heights not seen since the years following his two electoral college landslides, gives us a nation’s sense of the president’s effectiveness after nearly eight years. And it suggests he benefits from some perspective provided by the candidates who may replace him.

It isn’t just Obama’s approval ratings to prove the lie in that delusion.

A U.S. Census report found that middle class incomes rose at the fastest rate ever recorded (http://www.epi.org/blog/superb-income-growth-in-2015-nearly-single-handedly-restored-incomes-lost-in-the-great-recession/?mc_cid=8b95767143&mc_eid=1149ef52c5) in 2015 as poverty fell — one year after Obamacare went into full effect and two years after we raised taxes on the rich, two Obama policies Republicans assured us would destroy the economy.

The last seven years haven’t been perfect, the gains of 2015 are still digging us out of the mess the last Republican president left us with, just as our foreign policy is an endless attempt to deal with the hell Bush and Cheney unleashed in the Middle East.

But when it comes to

steering us from a depression,

launching a green energy revolution,

expanding LGBTQ rights,

insuring 20 million and uniting the world in an effort to fight climate change,

President Obama’s legacy must be ranked with the most consequential presidents of the last century, especially if the gains he inspired are not reversed.

But Republicans seem intent on doing just that —

deregulating Wall Street,

un-insuring millions,

bending the tax code back toward the rich,

empowering those who’d discriminate against same-sex couples or the sick and unleashing carbon polluters.

And Obama’s success only seems to make them more determined to do all of this as soon as possible.

Hatred of Obama is so strong that Republicans are joining in Trump’s sick assertion that Vladimir Putin — who has gutted democracy and the economy in Russia — had been a better leader for his people than President Obama.

When conservative anti-Obama/Clinton agitproper Dinesh D’Souza expressed his admiration for Putin’s love for his country, several Twitter users noted that if Obama loved America enough to deal with critics the way Putin does, D’Souza would be dead. :lol


09-21-2016, 12:04 PM
:wow bump