View Full Version : CPAPs

09-21-2016, 11:43 AM
Have you or yours used one?
Did it change your sleep life for the better?

I'm going to start toking on one in about a week.

I. Hustle
09-21-2016, 12:02 PM
How about just lose some weight?

Ask Judy (Avante's) about it. She likes to wear it while she gives out BJs. That way she doesn't have to stop and air keeps going through.

09-21-2016, 12:08 PM
How about just lose some weight?
Your ignorance shows.

I. Hustle
09-21-2016, 12:29 PM
Your ignorance shows.

So does your fat.
Do you have an abnormal uvula or soft palate? What is obstructing your airway at night? What did they tell you during your sleep study? How many times a night does your breathing stop?

09-21-2016, 12:32 PM
So does your fat.
Do you have an abnormal uvula or soft palate? What is obstructing your airway at night? What did they tell you during your sleep study? How many times a night does your breathing stop?
When I hit 199 pounds I will post a picture of my bare ass for you and the women of ST to rate.

09-21-2016, 01:55 PM
When I hit 199 pounds I will post a picture of my bare ass for you and the women of ST to rate.

While I may not be one of the women of ST, I would appreciate a photograph once you bring your weight down to 199 pounds. As a matter of fact, I have no qualms with you sending me photographs now in your larger state. As I am a male and the only member of my species, I find that pure animal instinct does not restrict me to mating with females.

I. Hustle
09-21-2016, 02:21 PM
When I hit 199 pounds I will post a picture of my bare ass for you and the women of ST to rate.

Why? I thought I was asking legit questions.

09-21-2016, 02:34 PM
While I may not be one of the women of ST, I would appreciate a photograph once you bring your weight down to 199 pounds. As a matter of fact, I have no qualms with you sending me photographs now in your larger state. As I am a male and the only member of my species, I find that pure animal instinct does not restrict me to mating with females.
Unless and until the completely unrighteous removal of my Fabbs profiles ability to start threads in the Spurs Forum is returned to proper status, I will not be entertaining any offers from you moderators. Even offers of physical favors from you.

The disintegration of this site needs to stop.

09-21-2016, 02:55 PM
^^ that having been said, we could talk about starting slowly.
Your sister could give me a b.j. and maybe you could see a film of her performing.

09-21-2016, 03:10 PM
Fabbs- I have used CPAP’s…They are covered by most insurance companies…They helped but I could only wear the mask for a few hours…The quiet rhythm of the CPAP unit helped me to fall asleep very quickly. Eventually I saw a Medical Ear Nose Throat MD…I gave him a list of my daily routine…Over the counter pain meds like Tylenol & Motrin…How often I lifted weights, supplements I was taking, protein shakes etc. He advised me to stop using all pain meds, all supplements, cut back on weight lifting & to start cycling & walking instead. The problem I put up with for years went away in a couple of months. I may not be the 135 lbs of twisted railroad steel that I used to be but I do not wake up gasping for air. Nobody had ever explained to me that pain meds & supplements could be such a problem.

09-21-2016, 03:25 PM
A fine answer CavsSuperFan, thank you.

My case is a bit different. I need to do more stretching, specifically Pilates and perhaps also some Yoga.
Less cardio some iron pumping. I was strictly swimming, which I thought was great for building as well as cardio. But I now now swimming is actually more cardio then building. So need to add at least some iron.

I take no pain meds. Sleep Dr. does wonder if the dental device will work better then the CPAP, however for now CPAP shows major progress so will begin with it. Humidifier built in as I have always had a dry nose plus our San Diego weather is very dry and a lot of particulates in the air from the idiotic practice of clearing parking lots and sidewalks with those squaky leaf blowers. All it does is blows shit around.

09-21-2016, 03:50 PM
Fabbs- Interesting that you are in San Diego, Res-Med is (or was) located there. Res-Med was considered the top CPAP unit when I used them. The humidity control is easy to adjust (no more dry mouth) & Res-Med will tweak the machine to your liking if you do not like the settings. They also gave me different style masks (for free) to see what I liked best. The full face gel mask was the most comfortable for me.

09-21-2016, 10:20 PM
ResMed is based out of Australia. You mean they have an office here? Yes.

The other machine that currently gets praised on the reg is Philips Respironics.
I'm told both are good and for my snout to just pick one and go with it.

Cracks me up how regulated this industry is. $$$$$

09-23-2016, 08:29 PM
When I hit 199 pounds I will post a picture of my bare ass for you and the women of ST to rate.
