View Full Version : More Than 1 Million in Obamacare to Lose Plans as Insurers Quit

10-14-2016, 03:58 PM

thanks democrats!

10-14-2016, 04:03 PM

thanks democrats!

You stupid fuck. The insurers quit, not Obamacare.

10-14-2016, 04:04 PM
You stupid fuck. The insurers quit, not Obamacare.


Good one

10-14-2016, 04:07 PM
You stupid fuck. The insurers quit, not Obamacare.

if it worked the insurers would not quit DUH

10-14-2016, 04:18 PM
if it worked the insurers would not quit DUH
Beachfront property for sale to you in Yuma, Arizona.
Contact Trump, Inc.

10-14-2016, 06:42 PM
You stupid fuck. The insurers quit, not Obamacare.

The insurers are losing money - that's why they're quitting. Face it - the 10 mandated benefits hike the premiums, young/healthy drop and remaining sick raise the cost and around and around it goes.

10-19-2016, 05:45 PM
Word is getting around, you can get health care from ACA

As Health Markets Struggle, 9% Average Rise in Enrollment Is Predicted


10-19-2016, 06:27 PM
HRC will fix it. She will repeal Obamacare (can't have that name tied to a health plan with her in office) then she'll propose a Canadian style heath care system.

10-20-2016, 08:26 AM
Word is getting around, you can get health care from ACA

As Health Markets Struggle, 9% Average Rise in Enrollment Is Predicted


AVERAGE monthly enrollment - LOL - how about emphasizing instead that only 10.5 million are enrolled by June of the 12.7 million who enrolled in January (a drop of 17%) but anything to make it sound good:

Many people who sign up never activate their insurance or drop it during the year because they fail to pay premiums or just terminate the coverage, in some cases after getting expensive medical treatment.

“We are not moving the goal posts,” said Kathryn E. Martin, an acting assistant secretary of Health and Human Services who helped develop the estimates. “We are just using what we believe is a more meaningful metric.”

10-20-2016, 08:41 AM
"more meaningful metric."

aka, OUR PROFITS, we keep increasing prices because we can, to pay our mgmt and stockholders.

ACA needs work, but Repugs want to screw America and Americans, so they will block any fixes to ACA.

America is fucked and fuckable, THANKS REPUGS!

10-20-2016, 08:48 AM
"more meaningful metric."

aka, OUR PROFITS, we keep increasing prices because we can, to pay our mgmt and stockholders.

ACA needs work, but Repugs want to screw America and Americans, so they will block any fixes to ACA.

America is fucked and fuckable, THANKS REPUGS!

boutons, that's the HHS asst secretary saying that - not anyone connected to insurance companies. She is using a metric to try to make Obamacare look good.

10-25-2016, 01:29 PM
boutons, that's the HHS asst secretary saying that - not anyone connected to insurance companies. She is using a metric to try to make Obamacare look good.

I repeat. Obamacare doesn't RAISE INSURANCE PRICES. Insurance companies do, and have for decades before Obamacare was passed.

Insurance companies raising prices for 2017 is simply their standard practice, and it's unstoppable.

BigInsurance and BigProvider exist solely to fleece Americans.

baseline bum
10-25-2016, 02:07 PM
HRC will fix it. She will repeal Obamacare (can't have that name tied to a health plan with her in office) then she'll propose a Canadian style heath care system.

That's extremely doubtful. ACA is the most Obama could get done with both houses of congress and a senate supermajority.

10-25-2016, 02:16 PM
Jesus fucking Christ, you racist pieces of shit fell for all the death panels that allowed the insurance industry and big pharm to write the essence of the initial bill that became the ACA. Then they spent billions lobbying against the bill so they got it both ways ensuring it's failure.

This bill was never meant to be a permanent solution you moron. It was designed to strengthen the racists, like you, in their protest to the black guy winning. It worked and you pieces of shit who can't form a thought without having it done for them, just fell in line. You've condoned children being murdered in classrooms, a congress that refuses to do any semblance of their job titles.

You should be ashamed of what you've done to the children in this country you phoned Christian. You are truly truly reprehensible
holy shit the delusion is off the charts

10-25-2016, 05:02 PM
Right-Wing Media Ignore Role Of Subsidies, Claim Insurance Premium Increases Are A “Death Spiral” For Obamacare
NY Times: “Customers Will Be Insulated From The Full Increases” And “Larger Premium Increases For 2017 Are Not A Surprise.”

The New York Times' Margot Sanger-Katz explained the effect of 2017 premium hikes, noting that “most current customers will be insulated from the full increases” because “the law offers sliding-scale subsidies to people earning less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level.”

She also emphasized that “the larger premium increases for 2017 are not a surprise” because “insurers with low premiums in the past have found that their prices weren’t high enough to cover their costs.”

She quoted Cynthia Cox, associate director at the Kaiser Family Foundation, who said that “the factors that are driving premiums to increase in 2017 are one-time factors.”

http://mediamatters.org/research/2016/10/25/right-wing-media-ignore-role-subsidies-claim-insurance-premium-increases-are-death-spiral-obamacare/214098?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mediamatters%2Fresearch+%28Me dia+Matters+for+America+-+Research%29

you rightwingnuts would LOVE to see 20M+ Americans lose their health care, all y'all being good sociopathic rightwingnuts and as dictated by the Repug/Fox/VRWC hate media machine.

10-26-2016, 09:56 AM
Bill Clinton explains the whole Obamacare story you're not getting from the traditional media (http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/10/25/1586761/-Bill-Clinton-explains-the-whole-Obamacare-story-you-re-not-getting-from-the-traditional-media)

here's what Clinton said:

All the headlines are full of the stories that average premiums are going up 22 percent.

But the subheadline is, if you're in the healthcare program, your subsidies are going up too so the increase won't be as much.

And guess what (http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/10/24/499190020/rates-rise-again-for-obamacare-health-plans-but-so-do-subsidies)? The government also says that about

70 percent of people buying Obamacare plans will be able to get one for less than $75 a month.


10-26-2016, 11:57 AM
Ducks this is what is wrong with America…We have lost the ability to have a civil discussion…I am from Cali….If a 65 year old man wants to shave his legs & wear a dress I don’t care…Be the sexiest cross dresser on the planet! But if I don’t want that same man in the bathroom with 10 year old girls I am a homo-phobe. If I think slowing down the drugs pouring in the USA from the South would be a good thing I am anti-Hispanic and anti immigration…I know a 7 year old boy who is helped by advanced stem cell therapy. But it is not available in the USA so his Grandfather flies him to 3rd world countries for treatment. When it comes to health insurance Republicans say we want nothing…Demos say you get a sht sandwich. Where is the compromise? Perhaps my fave is assault rifles…I know more about Browning & Colt inventions than most Texans. I own a lot of them…But I think working Moms have a right to take their children to a Burger joint without red-necks parading around with their AK’s & AR’s…We can’t even ban weapons from folks who are not US citizens and just flew into our country! Celebrities get death threats for suggesting that we need to re think our gun laws…

10-26-2016, 07:19 PM
The insurers are losing money - that's why they're quitting. Face it - the 10 mandated benefits hike the premiums, young/healthy drop and remaining sick raise the cost and around and around it goes.

Eyup. death spiral.

Time to up the subsidies for the health insurance.

10-26-2016, 07:22 PM
Ducks this is what is wrong with America…We have lost the ability to have a civil discussion…I am from Cali….If a 65 year old man wants to shave his legs & wear a dress I don’t care…Be the sexiest cross dresser on the planet! But if I don’t want that same man in the bathroom with 10 year old girls I am a homo-phobe. If I think slowing down the drugs pouring in the USA from the South would be a good thing I am anti-Hispanic and anti immigration…I know a 7 year old boy who is helped by advanced stem cell therapy. But it is not available in the USA so his Grandfather flies him to 3rd world countries for treatment. When it comes to health insurance Republicans say we want nothing…Demos say you get a sht sandwich. Where is the compromise? Perhaps my fave is assault rifles…I know more about Browning & Colt inventions than most Texans. I own a lot of them…But I think working Moms have a right to take their children to a Burger joint without red-necks parading around with their AK’s & AR’s…We can’t even ban weapons from folks who are not US citizens and just flew into our country! Celebrities get death threats for suggesting that we need to re think our gun laws…


John Oliver outlined the 2nd amendment thing pretty well. It is a single issue thing that is easy to understand.


10-26-2016, 07:26 PM
I repeat. Obamacare doesn't RAISE INSURANCE PRICES. Insurance companies do, and have for decades before Obamacare was passed.

Insurance companies raising prices for 2017 is simply their standard practice, and it's unstoppable.

BigInsurance and BigProvider exist solely to fleece Americans.

Not quite accurate.

Obamacare forces insurers to accept the pre-existing conditions that force companies to raise rates due to adverse selection.

You would do better to point out the cost-shifting that happens when the uninsured have to go into hospitals for $100,000 worth of care because Republicans are too fucktarded to realize that paying for $1000 worth of medications for a year is cheaper.

10-26-2016, 09:08 PM
Yes, it's the Republicans fault that the plan that not a single Republican voted for is failing spectacularly.....even in states like Minnesota that embraced it 100%.

10-26-2016, 09:28 PM
Ducks this is what is wrong with America…We have lost the ability to have a civil discussion…I am from Cali….If a 65 year old man wants to shave his legs & wear a dress I don’t care…Be the sexiest cross dresser on the planet! But if I don’t want that same man in the bathroom with 10 year old girls I am a homo-phobe. If I think slowing down the drugs pouring in the USA from the South would be a good thing I am anti-Hispanic and anti immigration…I know a 7 year old boy who is helped by advanced stem cell therapy. But it is not available in the USA so his Grandfather flies him to 3rd world countries for treatment. When it comes to health insurance Republicans say we want nothing…Demos say you get a sht sandwich. Where is the compromise? Perhaps my fave is assault rifles…I know more about Browning & Colt inventions than most Texans. I own a lot of them…But I think working Moms have a right to take their children to a Burger joint without red-necks parading around with their AK’s & AR’s…We can’t even ban weapons from folks who are not US citizens and just flew into our country! Celebrities get death threats for suggesting that we need to re think our gun laws…

Great post.

Somewhere in between the SJW far left and the alt-right, reasonable people exist.

10-26-2016, 09:30 PM
The SJW far left and alt-right are ideologically identical, except for who they hate.

10-26-2016, 09:40 PM
Are you sure that's what you want to say?

10-26-2016, 10:50 PM
The SJW far left and alt-right are ideologically identical, except for who they hate.

Moral equivalence from a resident dunce. No surprise.

11-09-2016, 01:39 PM
this is one reason why trump won